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Aug 27, 2014

Max Igan interview: Ancient Cultures and Geopolitics

Here is my second Max Igan embed of the day to Stars Over Washington. Max begins by discussing how the ancient history we've been taught is a massive cover-up--that there was and is a global conspiracy to veil the truth from our awareness. The interview runs over an hour but may be well worth your time. And since I love little better than studying History through the ancient lens of Astrology, such information fascinates me. Perhaps because my natal Sun's Sabian Symbol is: '14 Capricorn': "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite Remains a Witness to a Long-Forgotten Culture"..."Keynote: The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of non-essentials." This Symbol speaks of "insight based on a valid HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE" and it "applies to the past of an individual's life as well as to the history of a nation or group." (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.) #MaxIgan #SurvivingtheMatrix #CapricornRadio

Interview with Max Igan: Truth Activism & Humanitarianism

Here is Max Igan speaking recently in London on Capricorn Radio. Max is one of my favorite (if not very favorite) 'splainers-in-chief.

Aug 22, 2014

Aug 25, 2014 Virgo New Moon: At the White House

Chart Image: Monday August 25, 2014 New Moon 2Vir18 at 10:12:45 am edt White House Washington DC; Hour of Mars in Scorpio approaching Saturn in 2nd house of the National Treasury: a New Cycle of Activity Begins

The new cycle represented by a New Moon is here tamped down somewhat by the approaching Mars-Saturn conjunction @17Virgo (at 3:30 pm edt), a critical degree where rioting, protesting Uranus-Pluto met in Great Conjunction/s in the mid-1960s, denoting delays of a stop-and-go nature. Serious conditions abound and even the New Moon is in a serious sign (Mercury-ruled Virgo) in the 11th house of Group Associations/Hopes and Wishes. There are 2nd house indications of financial hindrances in evidence while chart-ruler Venus (ASC 16Lib03) applies in aspect twice--first to warrior Mars (0A13), then to austere and delaying Saturn (1A22). Caution is exercised in financial matters and my suspicion is that this all relates to a new cycle in America's warring interventions in the Middle East--Iraq in particular. Shady or secretive events may transpire over the weekend during the Dark of the Moon, the three days prior to a New Moon.

Perhaps US attempts to sign up allies in the struggle are being shut down or at least hindered by financial and/or political concerns domestically and abroad plus, there's the common view of our 2003 misadventure in Iraq as being a 'bottomless pit in the money department' which was this astrologer's opinion of the Iraq War in March 2003 due to Jupiter the General's retrograde condition at its start--never go to war with Jupiter Rx, even fools know that! But neocon fools had to rush in, didn't they? Then there are the so-called Christian military types who demand a rush toward Armageddon, remember. And now it seems that the Islamic State, (aka, IS, ISIS or ISIL), a band of assassins infecting Iraq, agree.

In Astrology there are two bodies, one a hypothetical, called 'Isis' and on August 25, 2014 they are both located in Tropical Cancer, one @25Can21 (conjunct US natal Mercury Rx--"ISIS" in the Mercurial news) and the hypothetical Isis @18Can21--conjunct the Midheaven of this New Moon chart! The MC is, of course, the Aspiration/Goal Point of any chart--the Why? Point. In this post I won't go into the Isis archetype of the feminine goddess which is worship in veiled form in America from our founding and can be seen in the Venusian Statue of Liberty, dovish Columbia statues and titles (District of Columbia), and other symbols of feminine idols across the nation, usually seen via statuary and in official mottoes.

However, our peaceful 'dove' archetype has been morphed into " Eagle" if we look to the Sabian Symbol for '26Libra.' One watershed moment when this occurred was the Bush-Cheney switch of the military to preemptive war which America was never supposed to wage against other nations. At least, America's founders didn't plan our nation that way and this to my dissenting mind is the same thing as a coup d'etat of the US government.

The transiting midpoint picture of Saturn-Neptune = Pluto continues to affect society in negative fashion as many folks are feeling downtrodden while others in charge are busy denying their guilt. Added in the New Moon chart thanks to the Mars-Saturn conjunction are the potentials of this picture--Mars-Neptune = Pluto: dreams of violence (Ebertin.) And this picture hints at America's problematic Mars-Neptune square from July 4, 1776 with its deceptive or misguided actions quality and 'fog of war' implications. I would say, Here we go again--but we never left.

Well, there are several other important factors in the horoscope as you can see (planetary patterns, etc) and I hope you may investigate them for yourself. As usual these days my blogging time is limited and so I'll simply add a few notes concerning chart-ruler Venus in Leo (10th house) squaring Mars and Saturn which hints at how things will proceed from the New Moon of August 25, 2014 in Washington DC, plus, a bit about US Secondary Progression set for that particular date:

Venus squaring Mars indicates a competitive atmosphere in force where our government and others are engaged in battle. Enough energy is on hand to accomplish the task as long as over-reaction to insults and and taking revenge are avoided--maturity is needed which hopefully a cautious #POTUS may provide to override our usual hotheads.

Venus squaring Saturn denotes rejection yet this may actually work to our advantage in the end as money shortages delay efforts and even if we (US government/the Pentagon) gain the needed funds and cooperation from others, the responsibilities this brings can turn out to be much more burdensome than expected--something of equal value may be required in exchange. (This sounds like to entire Iraq enterprise to me with recent questions about 'is the US still responsible for what happens in Iraq after we leave?' But we never really left, did we?)

One word about current US Progressions when the chart is set for our natal location of Philadelphia, PA: our SP Ascendant is @2Vir08 with the August 25, 2014 conjoining it, a condition which for me personalizes the New Moon for current conditions in the United States of America. Our SP Mars Rx (militarized police forces at home--US Mars turned retrograde by Progression in 2006, the year that the Pentagon began supplying local police departments with military equipment and weapons) is being opposed by our SP Chiron @17Ari26 (in SP 8th house) denotes a full flowering of the sacred warrior archetype in the US psyche. As you see, this opposition is yet to perfect with SP Mar symbolically moving toward lower degrees of Aries and SP Chiron (the Quest) moving toward the upper degrees of Mars-ruled Aries.

And of course the Aries-Libra axis is one of war and contention though diplomacy must be fitted in there somewhere. Another factor of great importance in the SP Mars-Chiron opposition is that this is a 'fight injustice' aspect with enormous compassion shown for the oppressed--we hear of such issues each day in the news and experience them in our lives for it's oppressive Plutocracy v The People! The killing of unarmed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri comes to mind along with our worsening income inequality.

A Standing Army and Foreign Wars Our Nation's Waterloo?

Yet the point really is that resolution can only be found on the spiritual level (Chiron) for our Mars-Chiron opposition actually signifies a deeply spiritual condition and on that plane is where true resolution is to be found. Yes, lack of money to fight wars may be our saving grace after all! For casting aside the dreams and visions of Armageddon promoters, We the People must come to a spiritual resolution for ourselves for who can imagine spiritual improvements or benefits coming from the direction of corrupted Washington DC and the political tricksters and financial fraudsters who have overtaken and infest our capital and have hijacked the very destiny of the United States of America?

US Progressed chart issues from US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; SP chart remains set for natal location.

Aug 19, 2014

Critical Degrees and the Progressed Moon

Beginning with its natal position in the Zodiac, the progressed Moon symbolically advances approximately one degree per month. Therefore, the Secondary Progressed (SP) Moon makes a handy timer for the natal and progressed horoscopes with the SP Moon reflecting influences of about one month's duration. If important transits or other progressions conjoin the SP Moon's position at any given time, a fuller picture is created especially when clues are considered such as the natal house through which the SP Moon advances, the SP Moon's sign, the condition of the natal Moon, the pertinent houses ruled by the Moon, and the houses ruled by the planet/s being aspected.

Is your SP Moon in Cancer? Then home and domestic scene are areas of focus for the two-and-a-half years SP Moon is in that sign along with possible mother/daughter/family concerns, nurturing issues, and real estate matters such as moving residence, renovation of environment, a family member entering or leaving the home, etc. SP Moon in Leo may involve solar issues of creativity, entertainment, children, romance, ego, the hero's journey in life, and other Leonine matters while SP Moon in Virgo hints at Virgoan issues such as health, work, service, criticism, teaching, purification, dedication, and/or discrimination. Naturally, in Astrology the opposite sign and house polarity must be considered as well. (Ex: 4th house matters tie in with or affect 10th house career matters.)

A example from December 24, 2008 in Political Astrology is America's SP Full Moon @4Vir10 (We the People at critical degree--Sun (leadership), too, @4Pis10; the SP horoscope may be viewed at Jude's Threshold if you wish. This culmination phase in progressions timed the Financial Crash of 2008 and on an evolutionary scale marked the limit of America's thrust into the wider world as our National Treasury was raided. With the public's Moon in Virgo, we were critical and suspicious (with good reason) of US leaders who were murky and deliberately confusing on all issues even to the point of deception.

As you know, Pisces folk have that swim-up-or-down vibe which can express either positively (compassion, spirituality, creativity) or negatively such as theft and fraud--which is what we got from leadership--and have now with SP Sun still in Pisces.

Another Luna-related post is Using the Moon in Electional Astrology which concerns using the transiting Moon as a timer for starting or debuting projects or events--and not necessarily in the area of #politics.)

In case you need it, here is a list of critical degrees (degr) of each sign:

Cardinal signs (Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn) 0 degr, 13 degr, 26 degr; Fixed signs (Taurus-Scorpio, Leo-AQ) 8-9 degr, 21-22 degr; Mutable signs (Gemini-Sagittarius, Virgo-Pisces) 4 degr, 17 degr. Plus, 0 degrees of any sign may act as a critical degree along with the impatient 29th degree. Other degrees are sometimes considered critical due to important events occurring there such as Eclipses, Great Conjunctions, etc.

Basically a critical degree has been sensitized and indicates emphasis or stress on the planet/s or point/s and the issues involved. There may be a deal-with-this-Now crisis occurring as matters come to a head as timed by the SP Moon. (Mars is a traditional timer as well but here we're discussing the Moon--and much of the sensitivity of the degrees may be due to the degrees of Mansions of the Moon which are not discussed here.)

Now critical degrees may not 'work' all the time and their expression is certainly affected by whether there's a transit to that point or another progressed planet joining in by conjunction or opposition. In such cases, the crisis may last longer with other planetary involvement but as stated, if it's the SP Moon conjoining a critical degree, approximately one month will be the duration of the influence.

Another consideration is the Modality of the affected sign: Cardinal signs tend to work faster and more directly, Fixed signs denote a lagging or delayed affect, and Mutable signs indicate more of a mental or internal influence.

Using the SP Moon in chart interpretation and synthesis is an important tool in the astrologer's kit particularly as the SP Moon triggers a critical degree so I do hope this post will be of some use to you.

Aug 18, 2014

Ten Facts About Police Violence in Ferguson Sunday Night

Ten Facts About Police Violence in Ferguson Sunday Night

"A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Globalists"

Jude Cowell has shared a video with you on YouTube
A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Globalists
Welcome back to Truthstream's "Letters to the New World Order". Letter #3 goes out to the pig-faced world-rapping globalist monsters of the NWO who are busy clapping their hooves together with glee as they ramp up for World War III, complete with more created chaos than propaganda coming out of the State Dept.

Three down, only 8,740 left to go.


P.S. Got an idea for a good letter? Send your NWO noun to and we'll consider it for an upcoming vid!

(All footage included is in the public domain.)

Letter 1: Dear NSA
Letter 2: Dear Bill Gates

Twitter: @TruthstreamNews

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Aug 13, 2014

Oppressive Uranus-Pluto updates itself as US Mars Rx tear-gases the American People

Aware of the US Police State? Mid-1960s and the New Millennium

by Jude Cowell

Issues of Love v Fear abound as the sixth exact Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square nears on December 15, 2014 (plus, the 7th and last conjunction occurs on March 17, 2015), a square which cyclically issues from the Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s of the mid-1960s (@17Virgo, a critical degree) with all the social upheavals the world experienced, we find ourselves in a hot mess across the globe. With protests, unprovoked shootings of teens in the US, sadistic tear gas and pepper spray use, military tanks showing up in neighborhoods for no good reason, 'shoot-first' police officers in camouflage gear or soldier's armor, drone strikes, and more, we find America's warring Mars now retrograde by progression (since Summer 2006) making its inverted, crabbed, frustrated energies known on a wide scale on many levels of society as the violence of astrological Mars seeks expression on the physical plane both here and abroad.

Plus, Mars in Libra, as our national progressed Mars is, presents an often difficult picture of frustration all by itself!

Now as you know, the same astrological condition of Mars occurred in Germany's progressions decades ago and a similar period of 80 years now faces the American people (2006 + 80 = year 2086 = relief?) That our military can be successful abroad (whatever "successful" means within the realms of war and draconian policing) is doubtful or spotty and if History Repeats in similar fashion, we have real-world lessons to endure in America during the New Millennium which echo Germany under psychopath Hitler, the arsonist (Mars!)

Ex: Berlin's Reichstag Building (Germany's Parliament) burning down to make way for Adolf is roughly equivalent to the WTC destruction of 9/11/01 to make way for the US Patriot Act, creation of the massive Department of Homeland Security, financial heists culminating in 2008, the increase and deepening of the Surveillance State, and other controls we find upon us in 2014 and beyond.

Yet all government 'laws' are simply words written on paper--or on a computer screen and will go pouf! as soon as enough of We the People consciously stop believing in the inventions of "the powers that think they be" as Max Igan describes the plutocrats and oligarchs now making their move toward totalitarian control of the entire planet.

But Not so fast, Pilgrim!, we may rightfully say. You create chaos in order to ramp up 'consent of the governed' concerning your manufactured crises. Wonder if any of the know-it-all 'power elite' class, isolated from society as they are, know or care how transparent their motives--another Mars concept--actually are to the rest of us?

Capricorn Radio: Max Igan on "The Situation in Gaza" Aug 13, 2014

Capricorn Radio presents: Max Igan - "The Situation in Gaza" August 13, 2014:

If the above 29-minute+ video does not embed or play for you on SO'W please visit YouTube's The Crowhouse channel or search for the video's title on YouTube. Typically, Western media spins the situation in Gaza and the horoscope of September 22, 2014's Autumn Equinox (Libra Ingress) set for the White House denotes much propaganda concerning dire circumstances abroad (which includes US military action in Iraq and elsewhere, of course.) As along as the *Interweb works, we must ferret out the truth when and where we can.

*I believe Craig Ferguson coined the term, Interweb/s. Mucho descriptive.