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Feb 2, 2018

Astro-Notes on Devin Nunes (R-CA)

As you may have noticed, Wikipedia provides details on the life and career of Devin Nunes (R-CA), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, memo-writer, former Trump transition team member, and seeming lapdog of kingpin-in-chief Donald Trump. Devin Gerald Nunes was born in Tulare, California on October 1, 1973 so let's have a brief peek at his natal planets (no birth hour known, 'noon' is used though the Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours) and any current transits affecting them.

First, a Sun Libra-Moon Sag (Air-Fire) personality combo of the 'live wire' suggests one who is idealistic, intelligent, enthusiastic, and has a sense of 'missionary zeal'. He may see himself as a 'mouthpiece for the grand vision' but may over estimate his capacities. This blend has a 'flair for persuasion and publicity'. Personal problems may be hidden by workaholism and a lack of introspection is supported by what may be a fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune conjunction and a problematic Mercury-Jupiter square of grandiose ideas, aspect of The Exaggerator (A. Oken). Blindness to his own deeper motives can affect the obsessive, single-minded pursuit of his goals--and he's highly susceptible to sales pitches from unreliable types such as Donald Trump.

Natal Sun Libra-Moon Sag is shared by humorist-journalist-writer Art Buchwald and one of his most famous quotes may apply to our subject, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me."

His Mars-Jupiter square (Mars Rx in Taurus) denotes unreliability in group obligations which sounds much like the behavior the semi-recused Nunes has exhibited as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. 'Fighting holy crusades' (Sakoian) are part of his Mars-Jupiter tendencies along with wasting other people's money, extremism, and glorifying war. Fanatical social or religious beliefs and involvement in controversial political issues are indicated as is hypocrisy.

Sun-Pluto, an Unaspected Venus, and Mercury-Uranus

Another important feature of Devin Nunes's chart is that natal Venus in Scorpio is unaspected (and in mutual reception with Pluto in Libra which conjoins his natal Libran Sun adding to his tendency toward obsession with power and certain personal compulsions). Unaspected Venus denotes a social 'wallflower' whose sociable instincts and perspectives are under-developed. Sporadic or compulsive actions may be noticed for he is less driven to reflect or deliberate before taking such action. Typically, little moderation or restraint are shown and a one-pointed focus is supported by an unaspected Venus in Scorpio, a sign obsessive and brooding enough all by itself. Additionally, a jealous or vindictive nature may also be a problem with Venus in Scorpio.

Also notable is a wide conjunction between Mercury and Uranus denoting an inventive and opinionated mind which may border on genius of some kind, or simple contrariness. Plus, in support of his unaspected 'wallflower' Venus, Jupiter in Aquarius means he relates to other people in a detached or aloof way although societal concerns (AQ) are evident as well. Broad interests are denoted (supported by Jupiter in AQ) and may include Technology, occult topics, and/or Astrology. Perhaps like many politicians, Devin Nunes may be a Freemason!

As for current transits to his natals, there are at least three major ones:

1. Transit Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter 2AQ18 (stimulating his Mercury-Jupiter square); 2. transit Mars conjunct natal Neptune 5Sag13; and 3. transit Jupiter conjunct natal Venus 21Sco22:

1. ideas and activities involve politics, writing (of memos?), and publishing. Legal decisions may be prominent and international communications may play a role. 2. a period of unwise decisions and actions, confusion, misunderstandings, and secret motives that may come to light; who did what and why is difficult to ascertain. 3. benefits are possible via alliances and associations, but overindulgence or extravagance may occur. Overestimation of relationships causes them to seem more promising than they really are (beware Trump!) and the compromising of principles is a potential to avoid; prudence and moderation are needed (though they must be gleaned from natal planets other than his unaspected Venus).

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Devin Nunes--and Donald Trump

Prior to his birth, on June 30, 1973, a Solar Eclipse manifested in the 11 South Saros Series @8Can31 a degree which precisely conjoins the natal Mercury of Donald Trump! Trump, born on June 14, 1946, would have experienced this eclipse of his natal Mercury and if one had the time one could look back at Trump in June 1973 and see what he was up to at age 27 (if one cared!) Mr. Trump's Solar Return horoscope of 1973 should include the 11 South eclipse but also the one before, the 11 North @14Capricorn (and of course, at age 27, the Mercurial Uranian Trump's Saturn Return around that time would provide a fuller cosmic picture; you've noticed Trump's trouble with taking responsibility for his actions and with being authentic and reliable--his Saturn in Cancer = discontent and hypersensitivity--Ebertin; neurosis and emotional scars--Sakoian).

11 South themes: old ideas or methods fail, new systems and sudden reforms are needed to deal with events under an 11 South eclipse; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed. (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady). The last 11 South was on July 22. 2009 @29Cancer26; the next 11 South will be on August 2, 2027 @10Leo (conjunct Trump's natal Pluto). Hmm-m-m...has Trump got Nunes under his intimidating thumb? Or is it pay-offs and bribes?

The initial 11 South eclipse occurred on June 14, 1360 @00Can48 (OS), one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation so the PE of Devin Nunes should be viewed through a double Cancerian lens of Fame, Recognition, Fortune--and the shrewd sideways scuttling of Cancer the Crab...scuttling toward secret contacts at the White House in the middle of the night!

Well, there's my quick peek at Devin Nunes, agree or disagree. Plenty more chart factors are worth noting so I encourage you to take a look at his chart yourself. And why not watch expert astrologer Maxine Taylor as she compares the solar natal chart of Devin Nunes with those of Donald Trump and Sally Yates. Maxine's video was posted on March 29, 2017.

For more personality blend info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Above image is the official portrait of Congressman Devin Nunes.

Feb 1, 2018

US Constitution Teeters w/ Trump as a New Moon Rises

Under the norm-defying, disruptive, unpredictable influence of kingpin Donald Trump, the US Constitution and a "constitutional crisis" are in the news and within reach these days as the attacks against our checks'n'balances system continue, the US government is hollowed out, and an evil authoritarianism rises here and across the globe.

As you know, the quirky Uranian Mr. Trump aligns himself with Nationalism and implies that he's against Globalism which must include global government, yet he'd be fine with a form of Globalism as long as it mimics Hitler's or Mussolini's old fascist regimes (who thought they could rule the world, too) or regimes of other world class pea-brained dictators who stifle/d the press of their day and work/ed to undermine the laws and morals of their societies. In our day, we have a Regulus-rising kingpin attempting to impose his capricious will upon us now.

So in honor of one of the Enlightened documents my ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for, here is a link to both the Natal and Secondary Progressed New Moon (SP Moon) horoscopes of the US Constitution, posted here for either one of you curious readers.

Please share if you care!

And if you dare, check out Chris Hedges addressing The Fall of America.

Jan 31, 2018

2018 Trump SOTU aftermath

During last evening's Trump SOTU Address, the PolitiFact server crashed as Americans fact checked Mr. Trump's remarks. His SOTU wasn't as depressing a speech as his Inaugural Address of January 20, 2017 but a 69% 'mostly false or pants-on-fire' rating in the truth department gives a majority of us little to crow over concerning last night's SOTU, the policies Trump touted, or the credit he erroneously assumed as his own (better economic and jobs numbers belong to Barack Obama).

Of course in Astrology, falsehoods (aka, lies) are the province of nebulous Neptune and with America's natal Neptune @23Virgo rising last evening at 9:00 pm est, a 69% rating for lack of accuracy can be no surprise. Even the US natal Mars, which problematically squares US Neptune, at Midheaven is in the dual and duplicity sign of Gemini and is conjoined by Donald Trump's natal Sun, also at SOTU Midheaven as he began his address. This put Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction at the IC of the SOTU chart along with starry Ras Alhague as you can see here. Note that the 29-degree chart-and-speech ruler Mercury applies to no other planets so Trump's 2018 SOTU address is likely to have little if any substantial impact. Perhaps the Neptune rising effect has something to do with it for the nebulous speech had no details, only wishful touting and, of course, the usual Trump boasting (propaganda).

All in all, last evening's SOTU with US Neptune rising square US Mars at MC served to place on the world stage Washington's warmongering and our national tendencies toward self-delusion, unreliability, and misdirected action. Am I crowing yet?

Nope I am not. And in retrospect, it seems that America's natal Neptune square Trump's Sun-Moon opposition was always going to be an unstable, illusory connection full of deception and unreliability. In Mundane Astrology, the Sun-Moon duo can represent such concepts as: pessimism flowing through the population, reading the attitude of the people while making public policy, national will forcefully imposed by leadership, and/or a loss of face in international politics. Well, Mr. Trump has not been shy about achieving that last one for it seems to be one of his primary goals.

So let's close by turning to Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for information on this planetary picture of America + Trump:

Trump natal Sun-Moon = US natal Neptune: delusions about what you can do or how hard you will work to do it. To which Noel Tyl adds: deception and discontent--and Ebertin's potentials: misunderstandings, illusions, deceptions, becoming easily upset, shared suffering, self-torment, the undermining of associations, and mistakes.

Jan 26, 2018

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2018 w Neptune at MC

Spring Equinox 2018: Kassandra Rising, Sun conjunct Nemesis, and Neptune at Midheaven

by Jude Cowell

March 14, 2018 Update: additional astro-notes are now posted regarding the Sun-Moon cosmic weather of Spring EQ 2018 if you're curious! Original post begins here:

In a December 10, 2017 post I published a dual image of the Spring Equinox 2017 and Spring Equinox 2018 horoscopes for the sake of comparison and I labeled planet Neptune the "star of the show" for its angular prominence in both charts. As you know, the 164-year-old Republican Party is in process of a Neptune Return and this can be related to their current nebulous control of the three branches of government, plus, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. Neptunian back room meetings are prominent on Capitol Hill as always but perhaps more so these days, thanks to Mr. Trump and the GOP.

And we should note that Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces indicates potentials for pathological leanings and inclinations, mysticism, cravings, and pessimism (Ebertin); to this I would add such things as paranoia, fear, propaganda, instability, secretiveness, contagion, and shady activities. You may disagree, but there it is.

Below is a stand-alone horoscope of Spring Equinox 2018 (aka, the Aries Ingress) set for Washington DC. You see the 10th house Neptune @14Pis32 conjunct Midheaven (the Goal-Public Status-World Stage angle) and most visible spot in any horoscope. Neptune here suggests people on a spiritual mission--or public disgrace and since we're talking Politics (and considering all that's going on in DC), I must expect the latter, plus, some form or forms of dissolution as more congressmen step down or vow not to run again). Hidden motivations are also suggested by Neptune-MC, and written above the MC is "GOP natal Neptune 14Pis01" so they are the party most heavily affected as the GOP's Neptune Return trundles on through 2018 with disappointment, disillusion, delusion, dishonesty, instability, and perhaps inspiration in tow. As for a spiritual mission, the furthering of America's Secret (Neptune) Destiny may be referenced here. In the chart, the 2nd house North Node of future destiny is in Leo, sign of leadership, so America's next Nodal Return occurs this summer.

And if We The People play our cards right, perhaps karmic progress can be made especially since the Equinox's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) @27AQ07 on February 15, 2018 (here in 9th house) conjoined (or eclipsed) the US natal Moon of July 4, 1776 in the 1 South Saros Series with its themes of: flooded with ideas and options (Brady). Actually, Solar Eclipses in Aquarius, sign of humanitarianism, suggest just that--karmic progress is made when the past is used as a guide to future development rather than being seen as a burden (Rose Lineman). Open-mindedness is a must so obviously, Trump-style bigotry, misogyny, and zealotry must be overcome--and now is our opportunity to do so once and for all--if a majority of us take it advantage of it.

Now as you see, rising is 4Can54 which brings up asteroid Kassandra (the prophetess who tells the truth no one believes), plus, US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (POTUS) and hints that US currency evaluation issues are rising (as they are) along with budgets and funding (as usual). The chart-ruler Moon @8Tau035 is in the 11th house of Groups and Organizations with Taurus a money sign further indicating financial concerns of the public (Moon) and suggesting the lunar tendency toward publicity. However, as chart-ruler, the Moon makes no major applying aspects to other planets though there are waning trines to both Mars and Saturn snugged 'round the Descendant angle of Partnerships. (See the above link for additional Solar-Lunar info.) Plus, austere, conservative Saturn conjoins fixed star Facies (key phrase: ruthlessness or the victim).

All this bodes ill for partnerships and alliances with Washington (Trump), and also points toward the ill will between Mr. Trump and his many opponents. Note that Trump's first natal planet/s to rise in this chart are his 11th house Venus and Saturn in Cancer (partnership break-up/s?); his natal Ascendant is in 3rd house so no doubt we'll hear and read much about and from the put-upon Mr. Trump. Meanwhile, we must attempt to keep up as best we can with what the government is doing behind our backs while the distracting turmoil is going on for the Trump Distraction is very useful for saboteurs, foreign agents, and the current crop of coup-mongers in our government. Yet the Moon is apex of a midpoint picture with ASC-MC denoting feelings and intuition in the lead, plus, attitudes toward the feminine sex in general. This picture is emphasized along with the Moon's sign and house position. Plus, there's Luna's ruler-ship of both the 1st house (Spring season) and 2nd house (National Treasury; Values, Earning Ability; Issues of Self-Worth).

In addition, Sun reaches Aries Point during a Moon Hour so fluctuations and changes are in store within various realms, financial included (US natal Pluto is in the corporate 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Death, and Transformation). Note also that unmarked on the chart is the Moon conjoining two fixed stars: Hamal, the alpha star of Aries (to follow one's own path) and Schedir, the Queen. News of change for Elizabeth II? Perhaps. She will turn 92 years young on April 21st this year and the transiting North Node will very soon point toward her natal Leo Moon.

Now on the evening of March 20th, Luna does go on to sextile Neptune at 10:42 pm EST which denotes a need to guard against delusion, deception, fraud, and falsehood. But since we're talking Politics here, I know you're continually aware of such a need! For after all, astrological Neptune is planet of the masses, and also of the media whose mission of spouting propaganda at We The People on behalf of the power elite seems never-ending. This may be part of the Neptune-at-MC picture, I suspect, along with the dissolution of various government agencies now ongoing.

And although I neglected to enter it on the chart, 'dog star' Sirius @14Cancer (The Scorcher) rises in 1st house and can represent many concepts: the goddess, goddess worship, renown, dog bites, and, according to Nicholas Devore, denotes great dignity when rising. But whose dignity I cannot say! Can you? Special Counsel Robert Mueller's dignity perhaps?

Also in the public 10th house are wounded-wounding Chiron @28Pis24, Sun @00Ari00:00 conjunct transiting asteroid of divine retribution, Nemesis (POTUS vs The Establishment, the 'unbeatable foe'?), and Mercury @16Ari32 conjunct Venus @16Ari59, the Kabbalistic Shekinah pair with its 'divine presence' and 'sacred feminine' vibes. So considering the currently touted 'rise of the feminine' in America, perhaps Sabian Symbols for '16Aries' (the 'karmic confrontation' degree) and '17Aries' will be revealing:

"16Aries": "Brownies Dancing in the Setting Sun" = INVIGORATION: positive: simple good fortune together with unlimited opportunity as the direct fruitage of effort; negative (unconscious/shadow side): delusions of adequacy with a complete inability to act in real self-interest.

"17Aries": "Two Prim Spinsters" = DIVORCEMENT: positive: utter fidelity to self and all its special idealizations of its own capacities; negative: an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

Well, that's all I have to say for today about Spring Equinox 2018 in Washington DC. You may certainly find more chart factors worth noting in your own opinion and I hope you will!

Evaluating Venus-related News: Trump vs Mnuchin: Strong vs Weak Dollar.

Related Posts include: GOP's March 6, 2018 Neptune Return (#3 of 5) chart if you're curious; other Return dates are listed in the post. Also see Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms, aka, 'The (structure-collapsing) Tower Eclipse'.

Now here are some 'Kassandra Blessings" for us all:

Jan 25, 2018

Stars Over Washington Tops 2 Million Page Views!

January 25, 2018: during the wee hours of this morning Stars Over Washington reached and topped 2 million page views. Of course, it only took 12 years to do so but I'm chuffed and sending out Warm Thanks to every reader who ever wandered in for a spell but especially to regular readers, followers, and FB friends!

And although it's an oldie but moldy, here's a link to SO'W's All Time Most Viewed Post for you:

Horoscope: March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Pisces--Sneaks, Leaks, and Veils concerning the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse @29Pis27 in the 17 South Saros Series which conjoined the Aries Point and activated the difficult star of misfortune, Scheat. This was, of course, the Prenatal Eclipse of Mr. Trump's 2015 presidential bid announcement timed that morning with a New Moon @25Gemini...

'25Gemini' = "A Man Trimming Palms" which sounds like the rented audience members Trump paid $50 a head to so that someone would show up for his announcement at Trump Tower (you remember the escalator gliding slowly down with Donald and Melania--down from his gilded penthouse).

Rounded up we have '30 Pisces' for which I attempted a pencil illustration a few years back inspired by its Sabian Symbol. Here's the drawing, Temple of the Great Stone Face and, below, an excerpt from the post:

Here I quote from Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Symbols for '30 Pisces' which ends the full cycle/circle of the zodiac and butts against the Aries Point of Prominence (00Aries00):

'The Great Stone Face'...a symbol of human responsibility as an immortality of the soul, and of a way of living which has become a continual manifestation of its ideal and so a constant dramatization of its self-discovery to others as an encouragement to them in their own alignment to eternal reality.

Each individual selects the image within himself to which he would shape himself outwardly, and this he comes to resemble as in Nathaniel Hawthorne's tale. Destiny is character as it most persistently constitutes itself.


positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events;

negative (unconscious/shadow side): wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

In addition, here's a curious detail from my notes concerning the Spring EQ 2015 Eclipse 17 South is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of some weighty characters and entities: Iran, the German Empire, Rachel Carson, Newt Gingrich, Princess Diana, Ayn Rand, and Adolf Hitler. And the 2015 prez bid announcement of Donald J. Trump which links to Scheat via activation by the Spring EQ 2015 Solar Eclipse.

Now it's on to 3 million!

Breaking Through the Matrix Control System Paradigm with Max Igan

A Message from Max Igan recorded December 20, 2017:

Check out more from Max Igan at The Crowhouse and share and support his independent work if you can.

Jan 24, 2018

Lunar Tracking Donald Trump at Davos 2018

Trump to Speak at Davos 2018: Moon as Timer and Describer of the Public Mood

by Jude Cowell

On Friday January 26, 2018 at 1:00 pm GMT, Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver a speech of some sort at the annual Davos Conference in Davos, Switzerland, said to be the last world leader to speak this year. His theme: "America is open for business" apparently. Briefly, let's look at the positions of the Moon in relation to the Aquarian Sun for a bit of behind-the-scenes information. As you've probably heard, some attendees are said to be planning a walk-out during Trump's speech even though his White House tenure has been 'good for business,' as some say.

Now since we hear in the US that Mr. Trump takes a while to get going in the mornings (and jet lag may be a factor for the 71-year-old), a 10:00 am curtain call would have been too stressful for his nibs yet this is the moment on Friday that the Moon @24Tau52 precisely conjoins his natal Midheaven, the Goals-and-Aspirations Point of any chart--and he adores publicity (signified by the Moon). However, as she floats through the rest of Taurus, Luna will meet with the difficult stars of the Pleiades constellation, stars of rage and fury, plus, Moon opposes Mars in Scorpio which is hardly the most welcoming or delightful picture of acceptance for the controversial US representative.

In fact, a Moon-Mars opposition suggests angry conflicts and complaints but we don't need Astrology to tell us that Mr. Trump's nationalistic "America First" agenda (and bigotry) will cause trouble, even turmoil abroad as it does domestically. Certainly turmoil has already occurred via anti-Trump protesters at Davos (and across the globe!) and the Taurean intolerance for him seems very likely to continue through most of Friday. Yes, the Moon will be in Venus-ruled Taurus, a money and luxury-loving sign, as Trump speaks at 1:00 pm GMT, assuming that the schedule goes as planned. A Taurus Moon? Then someone had better take royal care of the precious Donald the way he thinks he merits!

Then at 6:39:30 pm GMT, the Moon enters Gemini and immediately reaches fixed star Alcyone @00Gemini00 with its keywords, "something to cry about" -- even though double-air Sun AQ-Moon Gemini is a lighter combo of energies than the Air-Earth combo of Sun AQ-Moon Taurus earlier in the day. So with any mundane Moon sign signifying the public mood, we may expect the population to show obstinacy and perhaps possessiveness under a Taurus Moon, but a more flippant attitude once Luna is in light-hearted Gemini. One reason for this could be that Mr. Trump may have cleared out of Davos by or before the Moon reaches Mercurial Gemini which is what yours truly would suggest!

For as one of my mother's favorite sayings goes, Never go where you're not invited, never stay where you're merely tolerated. Good advice for Donald Trump, no?

And, on a similar note, remember the olden days back in 2011 when Dubya Bush cancelled a Swiss visit in order to avoid protests--and arrest?!.

2018 Signs in the Sky: Prophecy and Israel as Fig Tree

Previously we have discussed the Solar Return 2018 of the State of Israel which involves the 70-year Biblical prophecy of the fig tree symbolism for Israel. This is my reason for posting the 2018 Return chart since the chart times 70 years since the creation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948...1948 + 70 = 2018 and that's a mathematical fact.

Now I realize that few SO'W readers (if any!) believe in Biblical prophecy these days yet I feel a responsibility to caution such readers on that score. Although it is not an Astrology book per se, Adrian Gilbert's intriguing book Signs in the Sky: Astrological and Archaeological Evidence for the Birth of a New Age #ad provides certain information concerning Sun-Regulus, constellation Orion's importance in the final scheme as it rises over Jerusalem, and other 'signs' of the Tribulation and the last days.

One puzzling factor is Donald Trump's role in all of this with his Mars rising in Leo, but most significantly, Regulus rising with 'sun god' asteroid Apollo in his chart (Ascendant 29Leo). Curiously, Trump's progressed Sun is now @00Virgo, the current precessed position of royal Regulus. Unless his birth data is incorrect, Trump's chart factors seem part of the Prophecy yet I have much trouble with this due to his extreme lewdness and bigotry. Not that our Creator can't 'use' an imperfect human being for His ultimate purposes for there's rarely been any other kind on Earth! Yet in December 2017 when Trump announced the US embassy would be relocated to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv (in 2019, last I heard, preceded by multiple years of construction), it seemed to me more than a little prophetic in relation to the 70-year Prophecy. Karma on steroids?

Solar Eclipses of 2000 Repeat in 2018/19

Is someone manipulating these events on Earth to reflect the fig tree symbolism? Or are events a natural As Above So Below phenomena? In his book, Gilbert suggests year 2000 as possibly the start of The Tribulation which should be over (fulfilled) in 2018--when "the time is nigh". As of 2000, the Belt of Orion rises directly in the East with Mintaka slightly below the celestial equator and from Jerusalem, the Belt can be seen rising over the Mount of Olives. Other signs are listed including Summer Solstice 2000 (June 21). Certainly, the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' of August 11, 1999 may be seen as part of this--and we're under its influence again for it manifested as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2018 in the 1 North Saros Series--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant!

Now year 2000 as you may remember brought Solar Eclipses in the 1 South Series (the next 1 South occurs February 15, 2018), the 2 Old North Series (Trump's Prenatal Eclipse Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer amidst the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux), the 2 New North ('The Tower' Eclipse occurring again on August 11, 2018 @19Leo), and the 2 South on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn (the degree of transit Saturn as I type today). 2 South won't repeat until January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn, and of course Saturn rules Capricorn which is also related to the State of Israel, and to Palestine (though usually as a pair -- Saturn and Uranus; Israel's natal chart may be viewed as Palestine's natal chart as well).

So! In ancient times the Sun-Regulus link evoked the heavy responsibility of acting as God's regent and this is my trouble--seeing Uranian snake oil salesman Donald Trump as a man capable of handling such a weighty task on behalf of Heaven and Earth. For to me, the self-styled "old fashioned playboy" seems the epitome of imperfection and is apparently uninterested in heavenly things--his treasure is on Earth and he acts proud of his faith-in-the-temporary attitude at the exclusion of the Eternal. Yet the Sun-Regulus tradition enjoyed by ancient Egyptian pharoahs and centuries of past kings spawned the idea of rule by 'divine right' which doesn't seem too off-the-mark for Mr. Trump to use with his narcissistic mentality--to his own advantage.

How the Zionists of Israel (who may be ignoring the 70-year Prophecy for all I know!) will use Trump as a tool for their own purposes remains to be seen as 2018 hurdles along toward 2019 and the fulfillment of Time for he and his announcement concerning Jerusalem have already played a role in the fig tree symbolism which according to Scripture culminates in 2018 and which Mayan Prophecy says ends with a cataclysm..

Related Posts include the Lunar Eclipse of January 31, 2018 conjunct Trump's natal Pluto in Leo, the We The People Solar Eclipse February 15, 2018, and May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus into Taurus-and all three events cosmic and earthly occur very near the Solar Return 2018 of Israel.

Jan 22, 2018

Karmic Saturn in Capricorn until Dec 2020

Transit Saturn's Three Major Aspects to Outer Planets 2018--2020

by Jude Cowell

If you've wondered what old man Saturn, the lesson bringer and task master, has in store for society while traversing his own sign of Capricorn you're not alone. It's been approximately 26 years since the 'old devil' visited his natural domain of the Zodiac, agent of change that he is, and a few rules may be in order. Not my rules or yours, but rules of the Saturnian kind. After all, no one evades the universal law of karma and reaping what was sown must be dealt with by us all. So for those who have followed dutiful, dignified Saturn's directives and demands in the past (also his domain!), long lasting rewards are on the way for long hours of hard work. Or at least, that's one of the the more positive potentials on the 2018--2020 horizon.

Of course, in a natal horoscope planet Saturn's sign reveals our 'fatal flaw' and also describes something about our deepest fear. Saturn's house placement is important as well when assessing how a general transit will affect our lives but since I primarily write about mundane topics here let's consider Saturn in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business and what its transit may portend. Perhaps a peek at outer planets in angular relationship to Saturn as his Capricorn visit plods on can provide a few clues on what to expect with Saturn's societal influences. Naturally, the planet's rule of structure, systems, form, reality, and time will be affected in various ways, or will be 'on the schedule' so to speak.

Transpersonal Planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto with Saturn 2018--2020

During his stay in Capricorn, Saturn makes three quite easy aspects to the three outer planets. By sign, Saturn will trine Uranus, and the pair representing the past and the future will get along in general and support creative activities with Uranian ideas, ideals, and inventions fitting well into Saturnian form and are therefore more likely to become reality. This works best when transit Uranus is in Taurus, sign of the builder and the preserver. As you know, status quo Saturn, planet of The Establishment, likes to preserve and conserve so it would be wonderful if the current GOP push toward damaging the environment for the sake of exploiting natural resources was placed back under control in spite of the current Trump administration's dismantling of regulations that protect us.

And although Saturn in Capricorn can be dampening or restrictive to markets and commerce via Saturn's aversion to risk and tendency toward austerity measures, the Saturn-Uranus influence when in effect may benefit business and finance particularly in relation to group and organizational matters. Yes, the economy may continue its upward direction, for a while at least, though some of its more bubbly aspects have been concerning of late due to past transgressions and crimes committed by that gambling casino they call 'Wall Street' ('wall' being a Saturnian word, Uranus = technology) so another crash prior to 2020 cannot be completely ruled out for bubbles always burst, after all. But maybe that's just me, a rather typical fretting Capricorn!

Of course in personal finances benefits will depend upon Saturn and Uranus placements and aspects in natal charts which is beyond the scope of this post, as noted.

During this time frame, transit Saturn will also form an opportunistic sextile with nebulous, dreamy Neptune, planet of fraud, falsehood, and idealism. A Saturn-Neptune sextile period is great for creative projects including music and visionary imaginations may soar under its influence. Charitable organizations may be more in focus along with addiction issues (much needed!) and spiritual quests and interests--also needed in our society. Practicing discrimination between fantasy and reality will continue to be an issue as fakery (Neptune) vs truth (Saturn) gets in the way of progress and 'getting to the bottom of things' remains difficult as preferred by some propagandists who use such tactics against society.

A general interest in Mythology may flourish as it did in a bygone era and those with a talent for long-range planning are in their element under this sextile though following through with decisions may be somewhat difficult since concentration can ebb and flow like the waves of a Neptunian sea. Plus, priorities may be continually revised which adds to the follow-through problem and some folk may paint rosy pictures in order to cover up real problems and avoid or procrastinate about dealing with them.

And since the Saturn-Neptune pair relates to the ill, weak, elderly, and/or suffering among us, we can expect such discussions to continue but perhaps with more compassion than the usual political hard-heartedness for Neptune is softening and likes to merge with others while Saturn can be hard, cold, isolating, frugal, calculating, and just plain mean. As you know, our already tattered social safety net is under siege now in Washington and the reality of Americans hungry in the streets due to cutbacks for the sake of wealthy corporate types is an outrageous possibility. How many times must the old guns vs butter concept be debated in America?

For more info, see Social Security: What Millennials Need to Know, a Thom Hartmann video segment.

On the societal level, another negative potential of a Saturn-Neptune sextile is invasion (Neptune) of boundaries (Saturn) which is somehow made more possible due to the opportunities a sextile (60) aspect creates. This applies on a personal level as well (ex: personal space) but also to refugees, and to those who invade countries (militarily or otherwise), or who infiltrate them and/or their governments. Spies and secret agents are implied and of course cyber crimes may be involved for secretive, insinuating Neptune rules nets and networks of all sorts and Saturn has his blocking function and a demand for control. Yet limits must still apply for even moderation must be moderated.

Then when transit Saturn and Pluto sextile one another, those in the legal professions, journalism, and research and development are favored. Control and the grasping and holding of power are issues on the table which sounds more negative than positive to me although you may disagree. During this period, sticking to budgets will be very important though too much austerity delays progress. Also important will be more intense levels of advocacy of causes such as defending the rights of those who are oppressed, exploited, and victimized (for they will be). And if we can avoid obsessing over piddly details we'll fare better under this sextile for necessary adjustments are more difficult to achieve when rules are too rigid or inflexible.

For a more personal view check out AstroButterfly's article How Saturn in Capricorn Will Affect You--Big Changes Are Ahead.

And if you feel daring, why not look ahead to a brand new Saturn-Pluto cycle (of appr 33 years) beginning January 12, 2020 when the hardship and cruelty pair meet (at same degree same minute same second as calculated by Solar Fire Gold v9) in the Cosmos @22Cap46. And with both planets considered 'karmic' we may wish to consider the Conjunction horoscope and thus the Vertex, a point of fated encounters.

Also, on my no-politics Astrology blog, you may wish to check out today's posting of a round-up of three videos by astrologers predicting what's to come in 2018...Nostradamus included!