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Sep 19, 2022

An Astro-View of Ruby Ridge 1992

On August 26, 2017, an article by Jason Wilson appeared in The Guardian Ruby Ridge, 1992: the day the American militia movement was born.

At the time of the Ruby Ridge vs FBI Standoff, George H.W. Bush was in the White House (Jan 20, 1989 - Jan 20, 1993) but in November would be ousted by Bill Clinton in the 1992 election. If you dare, check out the link, below, to GHWB's chilling 'NWO' speech.

Boiling on America's Hob in 1992: White Nationalism

A few miles from the Weaver home atop the mountain near Naples, Idaho was the Aryan Headquarters (or compound?) and the Weavers, Randy and family, had made friends there although Weaver's allegiance to the organization is iffy if it existed at all. Some sources say the FBI wanted Randy Weaver to act as an informant, one assumes against the anti-government militia types in the area which may or not be true, and naturally there's a long history of violent groups such as the Klan but that's beyond the scope of this post. (Follow the link to view a noon horoscope of the KKK.)

Ruby Ridge August 21-31, 1992

And so, 6 marshals (Mars in Gemini: ready for action) showed up to serve a bench warrant on Mr. Weaver for weapons charges, as I've read. I remember this happening and watching the disturbing event's TV coverage which stretched on for 11 days, beginning on August 21, 1992. Playing into white nationalist hands, Vicki Weaver was shot and killed on August 22, 1992 when an FBI sniper shot family friend Kevin Harris who was ducking into the door of the Weaver home and sadly Vicki Weaver, the mother of the family, was also hit and killed; Mr. Harris survived his wounds.

Now few details of the tragedy are in this post since a quick Google will turn up a myriad of articles, videos, and TV presentations concerning the tragedy. Yet there is a 56-minute presentation I can recommend to you by American Experience if you're so inclined. Noted is that 6 marshals "made their way up to the mountaintop home" shortly before dawn on August 21, 1992 which shows the Moon @00Gem09 conjunct fixed star Alcyone with keywords: 'something to cry about'. Definitely that.

Along with the Moon (publicity; also family and security) is weapon-wielding Mars @16Gem55 in the publicly visible 10th house: was sending a warning to other malcontents part of the FBI's objectives? Maybe. After all, mass media coverage of the intense standoff seemed to begin rather quickly.

And note that the August 21st Moon @00Gem09 reveals a forward-looking cosmic time link to the 13 South Solar Eclipse of May 21, 1993, also conjunct Alcyone. 13 South themes: 'striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively' (B. Brady). And 1993 was a watershed year for global government.

Standoff Saturn and the Stars of Mid-Aquarius

Note that legal planet Saturn Rx @14AQ conjuncts fixed star Armus with implications just as it sounds: combative, contentious, disagreeable, and destructive. Nearby is Dorsum, an unfortunate indicator with Jupiter-Saturn resonance, and other stars in the Aquarius constellation suggest duplicity and a love of hunting and sports. Maybe we can agree that the stand-off between the Weavers and the US government was on the unbalanced side (totally against Jupiter-Saturn standards).

Plus, afterwards daughter Sara Weaver has said that she had felt "hunted." Note the Descendant @28AQ42 sports a certain asteroid, Diana, the huntress. Perhaps Diana is a minor factor in the chart and during the event, but there she is opposing the rising Sun:

And so to see what was reflected from Above upon the Earth at the time, the above 'Ruby Ridge Horoscope' (inner) is set for August 21, 1992 Naples, Idaho for "shortly before dawn" which I translate as Sun @28Leo42 /Ascendant 28Leo42 conjunct Regulus (the star's caution: 'success if revenge is avoided'). Midheaven @19Tau27, the Goal Point, places the deadly planet of overwhelming power, Pluto @20Sco16, conjunct the IC, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, aka, the HOW? Point of Endings and Roots.

Surrounding the Sunrise chart in the bi-wheel are the August 31, 1992 12:00 noon PDT planets (so we can see how conditions and actors proceeded), the day the stand-off ended (exact timing unknown by yours truly), when white separatist Randy Weaver and his remaining children held hands and came down the mountain to surrender. For as you know, son Sam ('Sammy') had been shot and killed as had Vicki Weaver while standing next to her 16-yo daughter Sara. (Last I heard, Sara has a family and lives in Montana: good for her!)

For further details, we might set a chart for the speculative time of 10:00 am PDT (as events progressed) that first morning, with 13Lib46 rising along with US 1776 Saturn (14:46), the 'legal eagle' planet of karma, limitation, restriction, and endings. In the 10:00 am chart, it seems telling that at its Foundation Point ('IC') of the chart is the rounded-up degree of 18Capricorn, the Zodiacal location of 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Neptune, the 'new world order' pair. POLITICAL POWER is the theme of this degree of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, and I would suggest is at the basis of such standoffs of power and control.

And the negative expression of "18Cap" = "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones) which fits perfectly with a forceful government determined to have its way with the disagreeable Mr. Weaver. After the standoff concluded, it's reported that Randy Weaver's neighbors in the white nationalist compound of 'Aryans' seemed happy with the deathly results and show of force by the FBI - for their own propaganda purposes, of course. Meanwhile, strong-armed paternalism with its handmaiden, misogyny, is precisely what we're dealing with now as seen by the overturning of Roe v Wade by a compromised SCOTUS and other bossy Republican paternalistic legislative efforts and underhanded political tricks of persecution (with Neptune in Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune) - inspired by their fascist leanings barely hiding neo-nazism in a fight against American democracy.

Oh! And we must mention Trump's militia-minded thugs, of course, acting out on the biggest stage they've ever had, thanks to him ("stand back and stand by", etc.) and perpetrating their initial insurrection attempt on January 6, 2021 after white nationalists had marched with tiki torches in Charlotteville in August 2017. Note that we have "swords vs torches" battle conditions coming up at the 2022 Midterms via the Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus, the zealot, that very day @17Taurus - two degrees from the Midheaven of August 21, 1992, as you see.

My point being that, way back in 1992, insurrection was a malcontent's fever dream - to go up against the NWO - but with cloudy prospects, at best. And this can be seen in the horoscope/s, above: that stealthy Pluto won the day - in Scorpio where the power planet can activate the sort of fanaticism that leads to tragic events such as Ruby Ridge. Pluto's symbol: "A Soldier Derelict in His Duty" which may describe Mr. Weaver and/or one or more of the FBI agents, perhaps the sniper (who stood trial but was acquitted).

One way the Weavers and others might've gotten such virulent anti-government ideas

Perhaps you remember that G.H.W. Bush called his 'Operation Desert Storm' invasion of Kuwait (January 16, 1991) a "triumph of the New World Order." So for the daring reader, here's a vintage SO'W post from 2009 containing the video of the creepy Bush Sr speech promising (threatening) a 'new world order' - coming from a US president - and dated September 11, 1991. Yes, I remember watching his speech on TV, and if you've seen it before you've probably never been able to forget it either.

So my conclusion is that the 1990s were full of strong-armed paternalism trying to squash all challenges to government power, or, as opponents styled it, they were anti-NWO (aka, One World Government, or globalism). Why, the decade closed with the Pluto-Chiron conjunction, a 60-year cycle, on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22 - and the anti-WTO protests against globalism that the press sensationally dubbed the Battle in Seattle. As you know, Pluto-Chiron is the Plutocracy pair of exploitation, primal violence, racism, Capitalism, and other -isms.

So! After the Standoff at Ruby Ridge, the FBI showed up to stage another violent standoff at the Siege of Waco (February 28--April 19, 1993: 51 days), the very year of the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s, exact on February 2, 1993, August 20, 1993, and October 24, 1993. And few if any Americans can forget the horrific Oklahoma City Bombing of April 19, 1995 with US 1776 Uranus rising. And it's very sad to say, but there's no reason whatsoever to think that such seditious events are over.

Now in closing this dreary post (and kudos to You if you made it through!), here's another cosmic time link found in a previous post and horoscope FBI search brings Far-Right calls for War where you'll see Moon conjunct Midheaven which conjuncts the North Node of future direction in the above Ruby Ridge Horoscope/s of August 21-31, 1992.

Sep 16, 2022

Warnock-Walker Debate set for October 14, 2022

Jnn13, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Unless Plans Fall Through, a Warnock-Walker Debate! (*BYOP)

A while back we discussed on SO'W the natal planets of Senator Raphael Warnock as he and Jon Ossof ran for office in Georgia. Now it's 2022, the campaigns for the 2022 Midterms have heated up and there's been an announcement concerning Senator Warnnock's campaign: that scheduled for October 14, 2022 is a debate between the Democratic Senator and Republican candidate Herschel Walker who was quite the football star years ago when I lived in my hometown of Athens, Georgia home of the University of Georgia. On October 14th, the Moon will be in Mercurial Gemini with Luna's sign describing the public mood so Gemini can be a live-wire, chatty Moon with good news or can be duplicitous, vacillating, or, of-two-minds.

With Their Wide Intellectual Gap Will a Floor Be Mopped?

Sadly for the US election process, Walker's know-nothing condition (with his gaffes, uninformed opinions, etc) seems to have improved little if any through the years, and in fact, may have grown worse, political classes and telepromptors notwithstanding. But it should be considered that Mr. Walker has been said to suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder and has been known to tell a lie or two, plus expressing other untoward behavior. Afraid of the dark, he says, he prevaricates to deal with fear, an escapist tactic, and with natal planets in Pisces, including his Sun-Chiron conjunction, a mentor is a must for Walker. He has stated that Donald Trump is his mentor (Trump was owner of the New Jersey team that Walker had played for, among others) so we know where we stand on that score.

As for cosmic factors, there are Two Karmic Eclipses Affecting 2022 Midterms, one a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus on the day of the 2022 Midterms. The October 25th Solar Eclipse therein falls within the 7 North Saros Series which happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series in which Raphael Warnock was born. Now as you know, all eclipses are Uranian and can disrupt events on Earth and uncover hidden secrets. Leakage is also a potential.

Yet eclipses can also shine a cosmic spotlight upon those they favor, so my hope is that Senator Warnock will benefit from the repetition of his very own Solar Eclipse prior to the Midterm Elections, because if so, democracy in America will also benefit.

Vote Blue Everybody!

*'BYOP'? Bring Your Own Popcorn

Sep 15, 2022

Karl Ernst Krafft: A Nazi Astrologer's Fate

Throwing in with Nazi Psychopaths Never Ends Well

by Jude Cowell

Similar to how anyone who 'throws in' with Mr. Trump gets burned, disbarred, indicted, subpoened, imprisoned, or worse, an astrologer who practiced during the Hitler era also suffered a dire and fated fall.

Now for those who've yet to run across it, the A-rated natal horoscope of astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft is available for viewing along with brief biological notes concerning the Swiss astrologer's work for the Nazi Party, work that ended under a black cloud in May 1941. The Gestapo arrested Krafft on June 12, 1941 during a round-up of astrologers in Germany and he died January 8, 1945 while being transported to Buchenwald prison.

Krafft's Wikipedia page provides more information.

So perhaps you've heard that at various points, Herr Krafft was consulted by the Nazis (when to invade, etc), and was hired to "re-interpret" the quatrains of seer Nostradamus in order to favor Herr Adolf and fool the Allies, which the astrologer apparently, and understandably, did not appreciate (being used as a tool). But the real fly in Krafft's occupational ointment and ultimate determinate of his destiny was the fact that Rudolph Hess' ill-fated flight to Scotland, and the embarrassment that resulted for the super-sensitive dictator and his craven crew, was blamed on Himmler's dependence on astrologers, hypnotists, and faith healers - hence the round-up of astrologers in May 1941 which netted Karl Ernst Krafft.

So within this dreary historical tangle lurks Gestapo head Heinrich Himmler, a member of the Thule Society and promoter of the occult. The Society formed after WWI in Munich and was based on the idea that 'Thule' was the original home of the Aryan race of superhumans with supernatural and psychic powers, and genius-level technological know-how - all based on a myth from the time of Pytheas who described the people who (allegedly) lived there as "barbarians" with fair complexions and blonde hair (which tracks).

More recently, scientists have discovered a potential location for Thule (if it existed) as the Norweigian island of Smola Havstuer and there's an informative page with more details: The Mythical Land of Thule: Birthplace of the Nazis? if you're curious about the blonde barbarians and what became Herr Adolf's fantasy world of superior genetics.

Plus, you may wish to check out the natal horoscope of Heinrich Himmler with his depressive, even neurotic T-Square of Saturn-Neptune = Moon which identifies Himmler as a low character, according to Reinhold Ebertin. And Himmler's Aries Moon opposes the natal Libra Moon of Karl Ernst Krafft.

Above image is the natal horoscope of Karl Ernst Krafft born May 10, 1900 12:45 pm CET (some sources say 12:50 pm CET) in Basel, Switzerland with Germanic heritage.

Sep 14, 2022

2022 Uranus in Tauru$ to NYSE 1869 Pluto

Taurus the Bull of Wall Street Hosts Disruptive Uranus: Speculation; Unusual Sources of Money; Risking It All

by Jude Cowell

Whenever Uranus and Pluto are in contact, it's a volatile combination of energies. Since June 2022, transit Uranus in Taurus has reached the New York Stock Exchange's Pluto in its reorganization horoscope. The timing of the NYSE 1869 horoscope I tend to use is based on the New Moon that perfected on that day - May 11, 1869 NYC at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC.

The NYSE 1869 Horoscope is shown below, surrounded by a transit chart for the moment on November 16, 2022 that Uranus meets 1869 Pluto @16Tau36 (the degree of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct extremist Uranus). Is the link apparent? Flush corporatists and mega-monied Wall Street gentry funding US elections and candidates so that the results go their way? Am I over-explaining?

Now November 16th is the second of three such meetings with the first having occurred on June 6, 2022 and the final conjunction coming on March 28, 2023.

As you see, the 'reorganizational' New Moon of May 11, 1869 @20Tau57 awaits the catalyst of transit Uranus as well (rebellion; shared conflicts; upsets) and obviously technology is in the picture, along with new methods and a potential for disruption. Additionally, in 1869 Mars @25Leo31 squares the New Moon (New Moons can behave like Solar Eclipses - and there was an Eclipse @20Taurus in May 2013, a 15 South: 'sense of collective loss or grief' - B. Brady). Plus, warrior Mars hopes to add a measure of fanaticism to the picture on or about September 14 and 15, 2022 - today and tomorrow.

And so I'm posting a few notes concerning the Uranus-to-Pluto transit, their sextile, and a mention of 1869 Saturn (in 4th house of Real Estate - housing crash coming? Some economists say so; or, a crisis involving Mining, metals, etc - for 1869 Saturn Rx is apex planet of a YOD pattern with the Uranus-Pluto sextile at its base, plus, Saturn is handle of a Bucket shape in 1869). As you know, YODs are karmic in nature and signal turning points or crossroads - and/or bring karmic opportunities, and with apex Saturn, karma is boosted to a higher, or deeper, level and what's been sown will be reaped.

Meanwhile, planet Saturn as Handle (which turns a Bowl shape of planets into a Bucket) reveals the Timekeeper planet as having a special capacity and interest in a particular direction (M. E. Jones). Here, and considering current anxieties over recession and/or a collapse of home prices, it appears that the above noted Real Estate and Mining matters (4th house) may be simmering on the economic hob in relation to the NYSE - or, are being put there by the NYSE, aka, the Wall Street Casino which has no care or concern for Main Street where the rest of us live:

Multiple notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be of interest to the curious reader so please enlarge or print the chart for easier reading.

Uranus sextile Pluto is quite a rare aspect between the two outer planets. When it formed in the 1940s it activated a war between democracies and dictatorships and light vs dark (aka, good vs evil) - exactly what we're again fighting, along with atomic bomb concerns ('nuclear' now), and goose-stepping Nazis (now it's "neo-Nazis" and "neo-Fascists"). Secret knowledge is also involved with this sextile, an aspect of opportunity, (ex: purloined classified documents), plus, it activates opposition to conformity, control of information issues, and resistence to the suppression of independent thought (A. Epstein) - ex: Republican book banning and burning.

As for the Uranus-to-Pluto transit itself, abrupt changes to social conditions are potentials and can cause serious psychological adjustments in society in relation to our familiar ways and traditions. And if the 4th house Saturn in the 1869 chart counts for anything, domestic conditions may become more difficult once Wall Street harvests our treasures once again and uses the money for its own selfish purposes which for some will include their continued financial support for sedition and sabotage so that America loses democracy and falls beneath a paternalistic authoritarian boot.

So, my friends, whatever you do: Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024. Don't let the 'economic royalists' win!

Previously on SO'W: Jupiter-Neptune and Volatile Markets 2022.

And for comparison with the 1869 Horoscope, here's the NYSE 1792 Buttonwood Horoscope with its frothy Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction.

Plus, a brief, related video, Why Home Prices Haven't Crashed Yet may be informative.

Sep 13, 2022

J6 Hearing Sep 28, 2022 sports a US Mars Return

Tuesday September 13, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Reportedly, the next J6 Hearing of the Select Committee investigating the violent Trump Coup Attempt of January 6, 2021 will be held September 28, 2022, presumably in prime time (8:00 pm edt). So a reader might expect to view a horoscope of the event published here but alas, non!

Because the date of the next J6 hearing can change and the opening hour is uncertain (as far as I know), so the horoscope you see, below, displays a cosmic event which happens to occur on that very evening at 8:22:23 pm edt: the first of three Mars Return/s to the US Powell Horoscope (July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA = first vote for independence and the decision to create America with Mars @19Gem22:52 square US Neptune. Listed on the chart, below, are the other Mars Returns: 2. November 29, 2022 and 3. March 1, 2023.

And although the transiting Mars-Neptune square won't be exact until October 12, 2022, a cosmic echo of our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square will be moving into position on September 28, 2022, as you can see, suggesting potentials for any of the confusing conditions, misguided motives or actions, and cloudy events that such a square implies - militarily, infectiously, media-based, or otherwise. And of course, the Select Committee's J6 Hearings are intended to get to the bottom of events instigated by criminals trying to keep their actions and communications hidden from view while a cornered Tr*mp is feeling extremely hostile (Neptune-sextile-Pluto -->> his natal Mars @26Leo) and may very well become a flight risk:

Lots of details are squooshed upon the chart; please enlarge or print for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Mars Return at 8:22:23 pm edt: Hour of Venus (in blue) at a critical-crisis 29th degree of fact-based Virgo (6th house) while popping out of the horoscope is the Uranus-North Node ('NN') conjunction rising (14Tau48) which is also the Inaugural Ascendant when US presidents are sworn into office (with starry Menkar rising: saying what must be said; victim of the Unconscious). Thus a midpoint picture forms of Uranus-NN = ASC: 'strong focus on changing the world; a need for feedback' (M. Munkasey). And of course, the Uranus-NN pairing relates to political reformers, new contacts, and/or excitable people sharing events (R. Ebertin).

Plus, balancing upon a cosmic limb, I suggest that the Uranus-NN/Moon-SN opposition across the ASC-DESC axis of this chart (the J6 hearing) karmically symbolizes Herr Tr*mp himself. Those familiar with his natal horoscope will know why for it's basically a cosmic echo of his Nodal Axis which contains his Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius opposition personality blend of the pied piper (same as Newt's: two Peter Pans, now cantankerous codgers). In addition, the Sun @5Lib51 conjuncts Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Neptune, shining a light on his fantasies and his flexible morals - let's say, ethics (driven by his deep love for gold and luxury).

So as you know, Mars Returns herald new 2-year cycles of activity and signal a busy, hectic period with a potential for chaotic or dangerous conditions including headaches. And with this Return being a three-fer for America, an extended period may be expected. By the third Return of March 1, 2023, the chart set for Washington DC shows Tr*mp's natal Uranus (@17Gem53, his 10th house 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption) rising with Mars which suggests possibilities for accidents, danger, violence, explosions, and/or arrest (R. Ebertin) with focuses on finances and/or the occult.

Meanwhile, lurking in the horoscope you see above, are quite a few financial indicators with most of them highlighted in green. Jupiter, the politician and financier, remains retrograde ('Rx') until turning Direct on November 23, 2022 while the planet of hearings and testimony, Mercury the Messenger, turns Direct sooner - on October 2, 2022. Actually, the Mercury-Jupiter opposition forms a T-Square with Mars containing potentials for: "acting according to deliberation" (R. Ebertin); "anxieties reflected in dreams of anger or violence" (M. Munkasey).

Also note that on September 28, 2022, power planet of extreme wealth, nuclear power and secrets, Pluto, will rise with Scheat, star of misfortune, mayhem, and/or imprisonment. However, on a positive level, Scheat can provide literary ability, and notably, Pluto is involved with publishing which can be powerfully informative but may often promote propaganda and manipulative disinformation, a sneaky way of transforming minds and outcomes.

And mention is due of the April 30, 2022 6 North Solar Eclipse which remains in force into October with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control'; plus, 'commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (B. Brady). You see the eclipse listed in the political 12th house @10Tau28 - also the house of Large Institutions such as the US Congress, and earthy Taurus, a money sign. The 12th house also contains wounded Chiron Rx conjunct Alpheratz, and Jupiter Rx, apex of the Saturn-Uranus midpoint with a significant potential for "a sudden turn of destiny" (R. Ebertin).

As for the mundane Moon (We the People, the public; publicity) @14Sco10 and just setting, an inconjunct with wounded Chiron suggests that failure to serve either the Muse or the masses can result in extremely perilous conditions (R. Nolle). Both are at 14 degrees which indicates that karmic conditions are involved as with the Aries-Libra polarity intercepted across the 6/12 axis with its victim-savior issues. To me this means that participants should act accordingly within the realms of ethics and responsibility, and not simply for personal gain. That is, if karmic progress is a goal.

Note: Other planetary changes of direction coming in 2022: wealthy saboteur Pluto Direct on October 8, 2022 (here, conjunct Midheaven, the Goal Point, which spotlights America's surveilling Mercury-Pluto opposition - uncovering secrets since 1776: the Tr*mp stolen government documents fiasco is suggested); lawmaker Saturn Direct on October 23, 2022; and fraudulent, eroding gaslighter Neptune Direct on December 3, 2022.

Also informative is the Sun Libra-Moon Scorpio blend of energies operative during the September 28th J6 hearing for it's a mixture of social idealism and judicial detachment that involves issues of fairness vs personal gain (two of Tr*mp's favorites). Also indicated by this blend of conscious-unconscious energies are controversy, intellectual debate, and survival instincts (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). Perhaps most readers agree that comrade Tr*mp is fighting for his life. Meanwhile, his natal Jupiter in Libra cries out, "it's not fair!"

Then for the sake of comparison, you may wish to check the horoscope of the first public J6 Hearing where you'll see the above chart's 8th cusp (13Sag03) rising. This is the J6 Hearing that I titled, "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" - and since the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on August 8th we see that more than money was plundered from Washington by Herr Tr*mp and comrades. Because selling nuclear secrets must be a very profitable side business for an out-of-work, sore loser, disloyal president acting and pontificating as the figurehead of a global fascist movement determined to coup the US government.

So please: #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy!

Sep 12, 2022

Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2015 and the 'Prez Bid' New Moon of Misfortune

by Jude Cowell

As a cosmic signpost on America's path toward troublesome authoritarian issues of which Trump is merely a figurehead for what is actually a global fascist movement, anyone who expects the venerable practice of Astrology to explain when America's 'Trump Troubles' got up and running might appreciate the Spring Equinox 2015 Horoscope when the Sun hit the Aries Point of world events (an annual event) and conjoins Scheat, the star of misfortune.

Yet as you see in the horoscope, below, there's another feature of the Sun's entry into Mars-ruled Aries in Spring 2015: a midpoint picture formed that year with potentials for 'effective illusions and deceptions; a noted magician performs (M. Munkasey); and/or 'danger of infection; weakness' (R. Ebertin), among other possibilities upon which the Spring EQ 2015 Sun shone and activated. And perhaps, dear reader, we may agree that these potentials have been applicable to events during these last 7 years along with several other planetary factors you see here:

US Mars-Neptune Square On Display: Misguided Actions, Confusion, Fog of War

Ascending is America's natal Neptune with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing (clash of ideals, persecutions), square Midheaven, the Goal Point, conjunct US 1776 Mars in Gemini; Hour of Jupiter (in green, in Leo, and Rx in 11th house) with Jupiter prominent as the handle of a Bucket shape and ruling 4th and 7th houses. As you see, the IC @23Sag05, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, presciently holds the 4 South Solar Eclipse which occurred on the day of the December 14, 2020 Electoral Vote Count, and lies at the heart of our turbulent, mercurial, Uranian Trump Troubles due to his sore loser 'Big Lie' refusal to accept reality.

Then Mercury in shady Pisces as chart and Midheaven ruler reveals the significance of communications, information, propaganda, oration/rhetoric, trade, commerce, and education to the proceedings with one applying aspect by quicksilver Mercury from its 6th house position (conjunct veiling Neptune: "The Illusionist" when conjunct - A. Oken) - and that's an opportunistic sextile with power planet Pluto, the saboteur. See lower left corner for a few details including Trump's tendency toward morbid thinking (which he seems to be feeling 'for real' now as grim reality knocks upon his door).

Meanwhile, the conjunction in 6th house points toward Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of "The Sneaky Mind" (A.O.). Also see the center of the chart with Mercury inconjunct Jupiter: distorted perspectives (supported by unaspected Venus' unusual perspectives and loner status), plus, a tendency toward grandiosity: ya think?

So one reason to post this horoscope in September 2022 is to note that Trump's 'prez bid' New Moon @25Gem07 conjunct Mars (violent, headstrong) which perfected on the morning of June 16, 2015 occurred within the Spring 2015 season (and is listed on the chart, middle right, highlighted in orange, like a fake tan on an old man). Of course, you remember the morning of his Escalator Descent at Trump Tower NYC to announce his 2016 campaign for president to a paid audience, $50 a head, to express his vile bigotry as a signal to "his people".

Uranian Trump

Now this 2015 Gemini New Moon fell between Trump's 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini and it started a cosmic clock (New Moon, new cycle) by activating the degree of the 1781 Discovery of Uranus, America's totem planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, protest, disruption, and - most importantly to Trump - chaos.

And America has been yoked to the orange blighter ever since.

Previously on SO'W: Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse @29Pis27: 17 South which perfected March 20, 2015 at 5:36 am edt (hours before the chart shown, above) with karmic Saturn Rx at Midheaven, often a 'downfall' indication if timekeeper Saturn's demands for responsibility, accountability, and doing one's duty are ignored.

And such is Donald Trump.

Sep 9, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II and Glamis Castle

Photo: Glamis Castle; Ian Robinson, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons; 2009

September 9, 2022

When Ancient History Tags Along with Genealogy

by Jude Cowell

The world is saddened today by yesterday's passing of Queen Elizabeth II and for my Friday post of the week, here's a slight departure for SO'W because I've been doing a bit of genealogical research concerning the Scottish side of the family of Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022) via her mother's paternal line of Bowes-Lyon, originally the Lyons of Strathmore, and this leads us to their ancestral estate of Glamis Castle (pronounced "Glahms"), a distant, beautiful, and haunted castle in mystical Scotland.

Reportedly, multiple apparitions roam the family's ancestral home, and in fact, you can hardly do better if you're searching for a ghost-infested castle that even Sir Walter Scott decided to leave after a short while, publishing an account in 1830 that his stay in 1790 had been - shall we say, unnerving. He wrote, "as I heard door after door shut...I began to consider myself as too far away from the living and somewhat too near the dead." No, the famed author's search for isolation in order to do some uninterrupted writing didn't pan out for him at Glamis Castle!

So if you're curious, follow the above link for an extensive list of ghosts that haunt the family's ancestral home including the first John Lyon's wife, Janet Douglas ('The Grey Lady') who was accused of witchcraft by King James V (fearful of conspiracies against him such as being poisoned) and who was burned at the stake on Castle Hill on July 17, 1537. Then keep scrolling for other hauntings, plus, an account of "The Monster of Glamis," a child born with deformities on October 21, 1821 but reputed to have been stillborn.

Related posts include: Queen Elizabeth II: Her Natal and Passing Horoscopes, may she R.I.P.; and An Astro-Tribute to Sir Walter Scott may he R.I.P. as well.

Additional details concerning the tragic Lady Glamis, Janet Douglas, are found in The Douglas Archives.

Please note that you're cordially invited the join the private FB group Genealogy plus History.