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Showing posts with label vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vatican. Show all posts

Oct 10, 2019

Are We Waiting for the Empire to End or Witnessing It?

"The New Rome - America, the Reluctant Empire

When the annals of the United States are written, its transition from republic to empire is likely to warrant special attention."

So says a page I had lost track of but re-discovered last evening titled, The Empire Never Ended. On the page there are several sections and topics which provide quite an overview of empires (Roman, American, Ottoman, etc), plus, the imperial eagle, the Vatican, the American Revolution, the hill called 'Rome' that Freemason George Washington selected for the site of Washington DC ('Jenkins Heights' by then), Master Mason George and his habitual cornerstone laying, occult doctrines of the Nazis, NATO (more than meets the usual eye), the fall of the USSR, the cuss'ed 'new world order', and much more. Tragically, such topics and events have cycled 'round again as history in the New Millennium rhymes disturbingly with past events which may be viewed through and influenced by eclipses. Meanwhile, socio-pathic, anti-democracy saboteurs and global criminals lurk in the White House and on Capitol Hill, brazenly defying principles, traditions, and the established laws of our nation. It's now use it or lose it time, my fellow Americans.

However, we know that there are larger forces at work and it seems our nation has come down to Norvus Ordo Seclorum 1776 -- __?__. Well, perhaps one cosmic timing shall appear via another Great American Eclipse in 2024. Or not. You decide. If you can. Because I'd rather not. If it's all the same.

Yet be that as it may or may not be, the page cites two books long inhabiting my bookcase, and I find much of the information on 'The Empire Never Ended' page intriguing although you may choose to disagree. Even so, I want to give both hapless and on-purpose readers of SO'W (newbies! regulars!) a heads-up on some very interesting information for the curious reader who dares check out such a page of thought-provoking content. And remember--I don't personally have to agree with other people's content (or not with all of it) in order to pass the content on to you for your consideration.

And in case you're wondering, the two books cited on the page are David Ovason's The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital and Michael Howard's The Occult Conspiracy, both classics of the genre.

Now here's a closely related post from August 2010 (when we were both much younger), Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes which includes a dual image of two horoscopes showing a cosmic picture of a major change to America's presidential inaugurations established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt - between his 1st 1933 Inauguration with Sun (POTUS) @13Pis41 (conjunct Achernar: risk of rapid endings; crisis) and his 2nd 1937 Inauguration with Sun (POTUS) @00AQ15 (conjunct Altair the Eagle: boldness--and symbol of imperial empires, as we were discussing). Plus, on March 4, 1933 in Washington DC, 00Can26 arose at noon est (a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, recognition, fame, and fortune--ruled by the Moon: We The People) but on January 20, 1937, 13Tau19 (materialistic money sign, Taurus) peeked over the horizon as the Oath of Office was taken by Freemason FDR and apparently pagan goddess Venus took over the Venusian Oval Office and the US presidency--if she hadn't had an all-access pass already.

And in case you're curious, radical Uranus in the 1937 horoscope clocked in @5Tau38 so we know that with transit Uranus now in early Taurus, we've had two recent Uranus Returns to that degree, horoscope, and presidency--with a final one to go:

1. June 23, 2019; 2. October 1, 2019; and 3. April 9, 2020.

So yes, many Trumpish things have been groan-worthy enough this year with negative reforms forced upon and against us by a variety of predators but it's that last return we must watch out for now particularly considering that its Syzygy Moon, a Full Moon @18Lib43 on April 7, 2020, conjoins and spotlights the greedy, trouble-making, boundary-breaking natal Jupiter of Donald Trump (@18Lib27). And for background vibes, the third return's Prenatal Solar Eclipse is the December 26th 'Christmas Eclipse' of 2019 @4Cap04 in the 3 South Saros Series with its themes of 'traumatic transformation' and 'sudden endings' (Brady). There we are assured that certain conditions and events will proceed from 2019 into 2020; meanwhile, a majority of Americans and decent people everywhere fervently desire to be rid of the bad rubbish in one way or another that is the faithless mobster inhabiting the White House.

And rounding up 18Lib27 to '19Libra' we have his Jupiter's Sabian Symbol: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" with the negative expression of, "abnormal distrust of everything worthwhile" (Jones).

Yes, Trump works and tweets hard attempting to infect everyone with his distrust but let's not let him. Shall we not?

May 20, 2017

May 25, 2017 Gemini New Moon: Trump on a Pilgrimage

Horoscope: Thursday May 25, 2017 New Moon @4Gem46 3:44:24 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars (out-of-bounds); chart-ruler Venus @19Ari14, the diplomat, in 7th house of Alliances and Open Enemies applies twice: 1. trine Saturn Rx in 3rd house = long-lasting alliances may be formed based on mutual commitments and goals; someone's accomplishments are favored or rewarded; 2. conjunct Uranus @26Ari42 in 7th house = unorthodox or non-traditional alliances are formed, group organizations are favored unless negative factors interfere.

Please enlarge the chart for details that are not discussed in this text.

While the Cat's Away

As you know, Mr. Trump left the US on Friday May 19, 2017 for a 9-day tour overseas, or as this New Moon's 'YOD' pattern suggests he left "on a pilgrimage" via apex Jupiter Rx in Libra (his natal Jupiter @17Lib27 at Direct Station and the third conjunction in his three-fer Jupiter Return 2016/2017 due on August 4th) --see lower left for my notes; Jupiter apex in a YOD pattern (special task; crossroads; turning point; crisis if mishandled--the New Moon Jupiter as the handle of a Bucket describes an important direction of interest and links the two hemispheres of the chart). Since he's visiting Saudi Arabia (Islam) and dares to make a speech on their religion (God help us), checks out Israel in his superficial way, and, as US presidents do, bows to the Pope in the Vatican, a religious 'pilgrimage' seems a totally appropriate way to describe this perspective-broadening voyage.

Gemini is the sign of travel (especially air travel) and boundary-ignoring Jupiter does love to travel and expand his influence--here, in Airy Libra, sign of Diplomacy.

Plus, on another level, astrological Jupiter may also represent priests and gurus, so there's that. A bunch of bigwig Jupiterians face to face with shared goals in mind--what could possibly go wrong? Maybe Mr. Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square might cause trouble for his square is echoed at the base of this YOD by a Mercury-Neptune sextile of opportunity. But for him (and thus for America) the beneficial influence of the sextile with its curiosity and communication skill can be hampered by Trump's square with its misconceptions, fantasies, and his personal version of the truth.

Actually, we've previously discussed the May 25th New Moon which perfects as the unpredictable Mr. Trump, political and diplomatic amateur, makes an appearance at the NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium where he will expect to be the most famous person in the room.

Also see As Italy Prepares for the G7 Summit, It's Trump vs the Volcano and What to Expect from Trump's First Overseas Trip.

What a tour for his nibs! Full of so many chances for the bristling Mr. Trump's exhausting Uranian quirkiness and misspeaks that can so easily complicate an already complicated and sensitive world.

Astro-Note: The New Moon of May 25, 2017 perfects at 9:44 pm CEDT in Brussels, Belgium; ASC 6Sag58; MC 4Lib22; New Moon in 6th house; Saturn Rx rising in 1st house, and Bucket handle Jupiter Rx in the 10th house of Public Status and as chart-ruler, Jupiter has no application but stands alone; the difficult Mars-Saturn opposition lies across the 1/7 axis of Partnerships and Alliances in Brussels suggesting unstable stop-go, off-again-on-again level of energy.


For putting Donald Trump's political rise and parade of scandals in a broader context neither of us can do better than Trump Is the Symptom, Not the Disease by Chris Hedges.

Aug 5, 2016

Is Capitalism Terrorism Against All Humanity? - video interview

August 5, 2016: Thom Hartmann interviews Marianne Williamson, author of Tears to Triumph on such topics as Capitalism, terrorism, separation of church and state, religion in politics traditionally, and religion in the current 2016 Campaign.

References to Thomas Jefferson, President John F. Kennedy, and Pope Francis I are included. For astrologers, the oppressive, exploitative pair of Plutocracy and power, Pluto/Chiron with its habitual use of primal violence and racism, lurks behind the political and social curtain:


"Power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims." - Rabindranath Tagore

Mar 29, 2010

Libra Full Moon 3.29.10, Cheney's role in 9/11, and the Vatican

Now both readers of this blog thought I'd lost my marbles a few years ago in asserting that then-VP Dick Cheney was a major orchestrator-enabler in the attacks of 9/11/01 even though they too could view Cheney's Secondary Progressions set for 9/11/01, and see his Secondary Pluto/Chiron midpoint at Sec Midheaven (Goals; Aspirations) -- on that very morning.

Were Pluto/Chiron's primal violence, oppression, disenfranchisement, fascism, and corporatism his goals? Have those outcomes transpired?

Synchronistically, on the morning of 9/11/01, the transiting midpoint of Pluto/Chiron 17Sag51 conjoined Cheney's natal Mars (in his natal 4th house; Sec IC 28Cap43 conjoined his Sec Mars 29Cap26, degrees which conjunct US natal and US Sec Pluto.) There are other correspondences between the charts, yet I leave it to you to check out Dick's 9/11 progressions with 9/11/01 transits and the US natal chart if you will.

Enter 2010, and there are military folk more involved with such things than this blogging gnat can ever be, people who are coming out point blank and saying: Cheney Responsible for 9/11.

One thing I always marveled at during the days, months, and years after 9/11: that Cheney's well-known role in standing down America's air defenses that morning (as if it were a game) wasn't addressed in the mainstream media - at all, that I could find.

There were so many large birds killed with 'one stone' on 9/11!

Ex: invading Iraq in order to fulfill an over-arching agenda to plunder resources of the Middle East and establish yet another imperialist power base, an extension of the process of gaining global domination through perpetual war, and an attempt domestically to legitimize the Bush-Cheney administration after its squirrelly installment by the SCOTUS - those, and more, are the Zionist neocons' alleged 'new Pearl Harbor' justifications for a violent false flag op being perpetrated against the American people on 9/11/01 which, as global Vulcans expected, allowed them to lead us into war by utilizing an emotionally based patriotism.

Yet these days, it's become a very tattered cover-up (see above article.)

However, this evening at 10:25 pm edt over the White House (White Lodge - this is still a debateably Freemason Nation; Hour of Saturn), a Full Moon 9Libra17 (Sun 9Aries17) - spotlights her separating T-Square with apex Pluto 5Cap24 (in 2nd house of Values, Relationships, and Money) when the Full Moon perfects; Full Moon in DC occurs across the 5/11 Will axis which includes Groups and Associations, and Risk-Taking and Gambling.

(Pluto's '6Cap' = "A Dark Archway with Ten Logs at the Bottom"...THRESHOLD...(on which man) may pause in order to safeguard his further advance. My reading of Pluto's current symbol within Mundane Astrology? NWO types have lots and lots of patience.)

Yes, the energies of tonight's T-Square are passing, yet with Full Moons indicating culminations, fulfilments, or endings of something begun at the last New Moon (March 15 @ 25Pis10), we might reasonably check out the midpoint picture's interpretation while considering all that obsessive, one-track Pluto has accomplished so far in his de-structuring process while traversing Capricorn's Saturn-related realms such as government, law, and business:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: changed circumstances or biased attitudes lead to critical phases of development in life or to separation from others; separation in order to start anew; potential new perspectives in relationships; drastic measures toward self-protection; focusing attention on one's own goals; making startling new plans for enhancing life quality. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey - any, all, or none may apply.)

Relationships, Partnerships, and/or Alliances may be what's culminating now and Full Moons always highlight them. But it doesn't mean they will be permanently broken even though a point of widest extension has been reached for those affected by the degrees of this Full Moon (plus, Moon conjoins Fixed Star, Vindemiatrix: 'loss of partner'.)

In the US 'Sibly' chart, the Full Moon falls in 10th house of Public Status and Career - the wider world. And transiting Saturn is again dancing across the US natal Midheaven 00Lib53, a time when individuals or entities tend to be recognized for past work and actions which usually entail more responsibilities - and public accountability - as one's past actions are open to plenty of public scrutiny.

Well, with Sun (leader) and Moon (the people) both squaring off with Mr. Underworld, Pluto, the anciente regime may not be too happy with us at the moment...primarily we represent blockages and obstacles strewn along their path to total control. And since he's the wealthiest of the wealthy actors in the planetary panoply, we may expect the obsessive string-pulling of secret hand Pluto to continue as his agenda's claws close in on the world's collective trachea.

So have I ever told you my personal opinion on who ultimately is described by Pluto in mundane charts? If not, I am remiss.

After blogging since 2005 on political and social issues, my experience is not extensive and perhaps not the least bit insightful, but from Astrology studies and other readings, I think Mr. Hades signifies a continuing network of those who have orchestrated world events (riots, revolutions, market bubbles, banking system collapses, assassinations, and bill signings) for centuries based on their self-imagined exaltation as carriers of the royal Merovingian bloodline. If I seem to be implicating the Vatican, Pope, and the Jesuits in the NWO agenda, so be it.

Toss the saboteurs into a boiling cauldron with other Illuminati-ists and the Rosicrucians and you've got quite a stinky brew of win-at-any-cost monsters of the deep reveling in their 'special' DNA that supposedly marks their lineage passed down from Lucifer. But to me, no matter which Satan worshiper slept with whom through the centuries, it's a ludicrous theory that 'Jesus Christ fathered a child' during His time on planet Earth, and I scoff at the theory's seeming undermining (as if!) of the Universal Godhead. Such a daft theory gains no hoofage around here so move along, nothing to see, find another place to peddle your Jesuit madness and bloodline bamboozlings.

And then, if you were around in the 1980s and early 90s, you may remember that George H. W. Bush was an admitted friend and associate of Anton Lavey (Levay, Lavay, etc), founder of the Church of Satan in America - years ago, I heard Bush described in such terms with my own ears. Yet Bush Sr's sex scandals while in the White House were quite successfully hushed up. So Thanks, Press, for another example of your dropping the ball when it comes to the common good of the American people. For all I know, most of you are coven members, too. (Though some might cite you as members of the Trilateral Commission and say, same thing!)

Pedophile Vatican with a Shaky Pope on Top

Of late, and for tonight's Full Moon, Pluto (which can also signify The Pope) rises with Altair, the Eagle. In the US we're accustomed to thinking of the Eagle as being a peculiarly American symbol. After all, tonight's Full Moon chart has an Ascendant (in DC, edt) of 15Sco22, known as the Eagle Point, the mid-degree of Scorpio, with the Oxen Point '15Tau' upon Descendant.

For me, this relates to the August 11, 1999 'Mother of All Eclipses' - aka, 'The King of Terror Eclipse of the Century' - but it's beyond the scope of this article. And yet a mention must be made for 1999's Mars 16Sco51 is rising tonight along with a few of 1999's midpoints: Sun/Uranus, Moon/Uranus, Venus/Neptune (Ven/Nep is a significator of the Vatican), and Neptune/ASC. 1999 Solar Eclipse's Saturn was posited at 16Tau53 placing the 'hard work/hardship' opposition of Mars and Saturn in 1999 across the ASC-DESC axis for this evening's Full Moon.

This opposition of Mars/Saturn formed two points in the rigid Fixed Grand Cross pattern of energies which is the hallmark of the difficulties from the August 1999 Eclipse with which the world greeted the New Millennium. No, I don't believe the sensitivity of the degrees of this particular Eclipse will be fading any time soon and thus they remain ripe for activation from transits and progressions (Sun/Moon 18Leo21 - tr Venus triggered this Eclipse degree by conjunction on 9/11/01.)

Yes, others used 'the Eagle' pre-1776 (and our Founding Fathers were surely aware of prior uses of the bird as symbol and of its cousin, the Phoenix) so it represents several entities through the centuries. Prime among them is the Roman Empire, that fascist melding of Church and State we call 'Vatican City' or 'the Vatican' - now under fire, along with a complicit Pope Benedict, for priestly pedophile activities and the previous hush-hush status of their crimes against children which existed, or exists, within Vatican hierarchy and below.

As you know, the constellation Altair the Eagle is one of the Stymphalian Birds along with Cygnus the Swan and Lyra the Vulture - birds of a feather! Altair now gives Pluto boldness, forthright actions, and strength each morning (as if saboteur and thief Pluto needs more ruthless brashness. However, 'he' can certainly use the current Altair-rising-with-Pluto for timing his subversive activities.)

Now. If you've read thus far, congratulations, I heartily salute you!

And if you can still enjoy and marvel in the moonbeams of tonight's lovely Full Moon after reading my mundane grousings, please do so, in a location of your choice. Because Luna has a lovely Sabian Symbol for this evening's celestial show and I wish you and yours just this sort of experience:

'10 Libra' = "Having Passed Safely Through Narrow Rapids, a Canoe Reaches Calm Waters"...Keynote: The self-control and poise necessary to reach a steady state of inner stability.

The inner 'revelation' which brought about dramatic confrontations can now be meditated upon as it is reflected in the calm waters of the mind.

Keyword: RELIEF. (Source: An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Hmm! Reminds me of the 6 of Swords card in The Enchanted Tarot deck I use (by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber): "PASSAGE" indicating a time of transition that brings new vistas and fresh solutions to old problems - and perhaps preparing us for some 'breakthrough' transitions of Uranus-to-Aries-Point which will soon be followed by Jupiter meeting Uranus at the Aries Point of World Manifestation...and it's all happenin' conjunct US natal IC 00Ari53.

Feb 6, 2010

David Icke video: 'deliberate economic collapse' + Uranus to Aries Point

This is a video of David Icke speaking on the deliberate economic collapse (what I have called an 'engineered' one here and elsewhere so it's clarifying to hear Mr. Icke explaining the goals of the new world order agenda as he discusses the few people who manipulate global strings; they even had Pluto tossed out of our solar system's pantheon of planets - with Science's willing assistance) yet pesky astrologers insist on using Pluto's archetypes for saboteurs, assassins, the obscenely wealthy class, and the kind of secret hand the power elite like to use. Then, if we look closely enough, we see them wearing Pluto's glove of guilt.)

Anyway, Mr. Icke speaks of how narrowing our focus has been part of their machinations as education is dumbed down, more drugs are prescribed every year, and the general population is kept in ignorance of anything that might ruffle feathers and cause we-the-people (and the rest of the world) to plant our scornful eyes upon the villains of the piece...them.

Watch the video, if you please, and do pass it on.

For only by awakening the sleeping giant that is the American populace can a different direction be consciously taken by this nation. And it will take consciousness which is normally not one of the talents of the 'unwashed' masses especially since our ability for critical thinking has been so grievously under attack and weakened for decades by every means at their command: entertainment, drugs, corporate media, subliminal ads and symbols, charade 'debates' and faux 'elections' with 'Rs vs Ds' propaganda to keep us divided, etc, etc. It's a wonder that a majority of the American people can still stand upright at all especially since...

Our immune systems have been under attack for a long time. Ex: the 26 vaccines given to a child by the age of TWO (a massive, prolonged attack in itself with still-forming bodily systems forced to fight invaders, and before they're done, another set of invaders arrives suddenly - a booster shot - this won't hurt a bit! See video.

Then there are prescription drugs, illegal drugs ("War on Drugs" my patootie), food and drink additives - the rotten list is endless and Orwellian to the core.

But Don't Expect Help from the Vatican

Some of the kindest people I've known all through my life have been of the Catholic persuasion, people who did their faith rather than only professing it. But I am staunchly Protestant, if I must choose, so it is always with a feeling of dread that I ever mention the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the Vatican. You know the ones - those whose predecessors 'dropped' a very inconvenient one of the Ten Commandments (no worship of graven images) and, needing a substitute for the hole thus created in God's Top Ten List, split the Commandment against 'coveting' into two. Nifty, if you can purport to do it. And if people follow you on it,'re in business.

Therefore, when it comes to the subject matter of this post, I'd be remiss not to mention (one more time) the enlightening message from John Paul II on New Year's Day 2004 when he openly called for a new world order (or a 'new economic order' since they're both fat off the same hog; loss of money - or fear of its loss - manipulates the masses into zombiehood along with drugs to keep us hazy. Wake up! A new film version of 'Alice in Wonderland' is coming to entice you into the 'fun' of it even more! She's hard to resist, that Alice.)

So? So the Vatican is behind the current one-world-government movement all the way and all the while...but it's a 'NWO' agenda which is not (as David Icke asserts as well) an inevitable outcome. It's a huge challenge to meet, but meeting and countering it is not impossible.

Here are some prominent Sabian Symbols (aka, word pictures - no astrologese facility required to read them in English) from the natal chart of the NWO where you'll discover a link to the modern-day birth chart of this devil's spawn (NWO = Uranus conj Neptune 1993), or you may wish to speed directly to the shriveled creature's natal chart because it's imperative that we ID our demons and face them squarely.

As I listen to David Icke speak in the video, I am reminded that rebellious Awakener Uranus about to reach *Aries Point (00Ari), a World Point of manifestation, which may, in tandem with the other planetary actors in the Cardinal T-Square (Uranus-Saturn-Pluto) in effect from Spring 2010 into 2014.

And if you use the Sibly version of the US natal chart, you know that Uranus conj AP also conjuncts US natal IC, the Foundation of the chart. We might use this Sag rising chart for America's money issues since it's Jupiter-ruled, and Uranus to IC (4th house of Domestic Scene, Homeland, Housing Market, etc) always brings surprises and upheavals. Circumstances tend to be unstable and unpredictable when Uranus enters 4th house, so I won't try.

Well, maybe just a little, though the news isn't good...

The Cardinal T-Square's Saturn is in US (Sibly) 10th house, a possible indicator of loss of worldly power, prestige, reputation, and career status - loss if Saturn's responsibilities have not been handled with care - they have not; if they had been, it could be a time of consolidation - but if it is, it's the wealthy consolidating against the rest of us. You feel it, don't you?

Pluto in early Capricorn is traversing the US (Sibly) 1st house from whence The Dragon (Pluto) lumbers in the midst of his long opposition to America's natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun line-up in Cancer (3 - 14 Can.)

Yet can it be so symbolically simple that 'The Dragon' represents China in this mystery play? Hmm. Other regions of the globe have had dragons as their symbols for centuries. The Crusaders' St. George myth can tell you all about his victory, the tale of which was brought back to the West by Crusaders who had ravaged the East. And the negative behavior pattern continues.

Well, these are pretty much the things I'm pondering today as more rain falls in Georgia and millions of my fellow Americans huddle underneath a very large snowy blanket of brrr-r-r. Hope you all have the warmth and sustenance you need to safely wait out the thaw.


*Uranus to Aries Point is historically a strong marker for scientific breakthroughs.

Nov 8, 2009

House passes Health Bill with Hygeia rising

Last evening at 11:07 pm est when the required 218 votes clocked in on the House as shown on C-SPAN, I was watching an animated chart of the scene. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the 15-minute vote had passed the bill, it was 11:15 pm.

At 11:15 pm est in the Capitol Building, 15Leo21 - the Heart of the Lion - was on the Ascendant with rising asteroid Hygeia 20Leo31, an appropriate picture of the proceedings. Eagle Point (15Leo) rising, transiting Saturn at a World Point of prominence 00Lib59 (just gone into 2nd house) conjunct US natal Mc in our 'Sibly' chart.

And at 11:07 pm President Obama's natal Sun was rising indicating a definite point scored for him. Saturn (the Democrats) continues his sit-in upon US natal Mc in the 'Sibly' chart - legislative (Saturn) success at the pinnacle (Mc) for the Dems - but hold on, Myrtle, there's that nasty square from transiting Pluto to consider.

Yet helpfully, string-pulling power-broker Pluto is making an applying aspect of opportunity with Lady Venus, a sextile (60 degr), so it's all good...for now.

Chart-ruler Sun 15Sco53 (the Eagle Point) has voting Mercury 17Sco37 nearby in 4th house. Mars 10Leo12 has just arisen and hides in 12th house (the lone Republican who voted for the bill?) Mars is loosely opposing Jupiter 18AQ17 on the Desc; Jupiter is finally off his Direct Station degree of Oct 14 (17AQ10.)

Since changing direction, Jupiterian issues have moved forward - ideals, expansion, and money.

This forms a T-Square of Mars/Jupiter pointing to an apex Sun...

Mars/Jup = Sun: organizational talent; leadership; success; resolving to correct errors of judgment; receiving respect; strong determination about life's objectives. (Munkasey; Tyl.)

Now this T-square indicates a waning (separating) square to the Sun (the lone Republican's blockage to bill's passage removed?) and an applying/waxing square from Jupiter, the planet that represents the GOP in a national chart. The Senate (Jup) has its role to play in stymieing positive reform on behalf of the American people, and at 2A23, it should be in the first part of the upcoming week that we hear of it - beginning on Monday, Nov 9 and probably bright and early, too.

And of course with moneybags Jupiter, costs will be all important. I can imagine that some senators are chomping at the bit to begin making their undermining statements and promoting more confusions for the Neptunian cameras. They must be furiously finalizing their talking points this very Sunday so they'll be loaded for donkey come time to spout.

In fact, the Aquarian trio traveling in tandem these days, Jupiter, Chiron (the healer), and Neptune are all squaring the Sun and Mercury in last evening's chart by sign if not degree, along with tr *Pandora whose action is expansive in similar fashion to Jupiter's abundane which can soon become over-abundance with Pandora's influence.

Moon (the people) is in 12th house @ 26Can23 but passed beyond the separative South Node. Perhpas we-the-people weren't paying as much attention as we might have been (12th house, the house of Hospitals) to last evening's vote. Venus has just entered Scorpio, sign of surgeries and big business...which brings me to my main beef about the 'House passes Health Bill' situation of Nov 7:

The Sun arose on Nov 7, 2009 with a Fixed Star that relates to social reforms and social justice...Zuben Eschemali which has a twin Star, Zuben Elgenubi.

Z. Eschemali's interest in social reform is the more mercenary side of the picture with highly idealistic changes being made for personal gain with strong power motives. (Brady's Fixed Stars.) Z. Elgenubi's influence would indicate selflessness (but we are talking about self-serving politicians, after all.)

Z. Eschemali is the Beta Star of Libra, Z. Elgenubi is the Alpha Star. Here we have the Beta Star active, the mercenary side of the deal.

Uranus 22Pis56 Rx is in 8th house of Debt, Insurance, Credit, Shared Resources, Transformation, Death, so disruption and the unexpected may be expected concerning this legislation particularly with money matters.

Yet quirky, progressive Uranus trines the House bill's Sun (7A03) and Mercury (5A19) and federal funding for abortion may be the Death matter shown in the chart, waiting for the Senate to take it up. Last evening's Sun/Mercury/Uranus trines may show the Ds working out terms on abortion funding with the Vatican.

With tr Neptune conjunct US natal Moon these days, not much is as it seems, and of course Neptune is associated with mass media and propaganda as well as representing the masses, aka the collective. But it's for certain that Neptunian loss, theft, and veiling of true motives are part of the environment now...especially in the Capitol Hill corridors of power.

And I do think that Astrology has just uncovered Capitol Hillers' motives of the Zuben Eschemali kind.


*The Pandora/Jupiter pair has been covered in an excellent article in Dell Horoscope Magazine in 2004 by Julie Demboski and if you have copies from 2004 about the place, Julie's article is well worth looking up for Pandora/Jupiter don't observe boundaries very carefully, if at all. In the case of Capitol Hill, just get the Fed to print more money and spend it beyond all reason.

Sep 7, 2009

Signposts on the NWO Highway

Have you spied any Signposts on the the NWO Highway?

The Vatican and secret societies became legally enmeshed on November 27, 1987, when Pope John Paul II issued a 'papal bull' which legalized secret society membership for Roman Catholics.

Now most of what you'll find revealed in the above-linked article was authored by writers of the Catholic persuasion, not by blogging Protestant gnats like myself. Yet Vatican historical records are easy to trace so it isn't as if the occurrence isn't on the historical record - anyone can read it.

But as always with secret societies and those promoting them while hiding their true natures and purposes, the 'devil is in the details' (literally) and motive is everything. The pyramid of power retains its intrinsic uses, among which is the leadership's imperative to keep top dogs on top.

The Vatican has always said it doesn't 'use' Astrology, but come on now - why are there so many natal charts of popes with correct birth times available if the charts weren't sanctioned by higher-ups? They suppressed the study and use of Astrology among the populace through the centuries to keep its power within their own claws.

Control but obfuscate your control!

Even Alice Bailey wised up after establishing a press to publish her Astrology and Theosophist books and those of Madame Blavatsky - the press was named 'Lucifer Trust' when founded in 1922, yet she then thought better of it and renamed it 'Lucis Trust.' Hello? Hades calling. "Age of Aquarius," my patootie, and America's Masonic roots are showing.

1987? You know I'm thinking, Reagan. Mr. Evangelical Right. Church doctrines becoming mushed together as if all spiritual teachings mean nothing or are all the same anyway which is part of Lucifer's plan. Reagan's famous "Morning in America" may be code words for Lucifer as the Morning Star. Coming out of Washington, we see from our 2008/09 perspective that 'Mourning' is more like it - direct from Capitol Hill to Main Street America, with trillions of taxpayer dollars surreptitiously deposited in the banks on Wall Street. ~:~

Today is Nov 15, 2009 and I'm refurbishing this Draft for publishing today. Washington's Health Insurance Reform debate is raging with 'funds for abortion' at the top of every demagogue's list of writing and talking points.

Now I don't intend to say that every politician who opposes public funds being provided for abortion isn't expressing a deeply held conviction from his heart...perhaps a few of them fall into this category on behalf of their own consciences rather than as party-promo tools determined to undermine the opposition.

(I write from the viewpoint that both 'parties' in the US are merely factions of the same plutocratic, draconian monster's NWO team of cheerleaders.)

What I'm saying is that the Roman Catholic Church's long-term insistence on allowing a populace to fruitfully multiply and increase Catholic attendance rolls has been known for ages; that Capitol Hill-ers are under the sway of the Vatican on the abortion issue is one seldom-discussed facet of the ever-scandalizing political circus we call the US oligarchy which masquerades as a (pseudo-) democracy and condescends to tell other nations how to root out corruption and fraud from their governments!

Such a herd of cheeky monkeys are we.

Well, if 'it takes one to know one' then Washington politicians, diplomats, and other operatives certainly should know fraud when they export it. Shouldn't they?

Jul 13, 2007

why Friday the 13th? has info on Jacques DeMolay, the Knights Templar's Grand Master and his betrayal into the Church's grasp on Friday, October 13, 1307 while a major Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction was in progress.

Apparently those who are superstitious have been marking the date ever since whether they know it or not...and this October will be its 700th anniversary!

Jul 10, 2007

Pope says he's Numero Uno

Lest the world forget: Pope Benedict signed yet another document promoting the Catholic Church as the only 'true' there, you Protestants and 'Orthodoxants' with your "wound" of not recognizing the pope as primal ("wound" = Chiron, which is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces in the Vatican II's natal chart. If anyone wants to see the natal chart, let me know and I'll post it.)

Pope says other Christians aren't Christians, so there and some analysts think he may have signed yet another "I'm Numero Uno" document now because of internal church politics.

Or maybe it's those dwindling church coffers added to a boatload of egotism?

And who can forget the heady days of the New Millenium when John Paul called for the New World Order?

Jun 4, 2007

lookin' for luv: Bush leaves for Europe

He can't get enough luv in America these days but who's minding the regime while Bush is in Europe for the pontificating, hydra-headed G-8-We're-Great Summit?

The AP has what the Bushies want you to know about it as Bush Heads to Europe for G-8 Summit while modestly admitting that he's pining for some adulation, a semblance of which may be found in the impoverished democracy of Georgia...on a thoroughfare they now call George W. Bush Avenue of all things.

Highway to H*ll would be more descriptive. Wonder what it's called by the good people of Georgia? World Leaders Su*k Street?

But of course the Summit supposedly centers around the Bush and the Putin being in a (staged) "spat" about the US's nebulous missile defense system which Putin says will turn Europe in to a "powder keg" and it's simply forcing Russia to muscle up militarily for "a new arms race"! Bush is "forcing" him to power up--seemingly against his (iron) will, poor thing!!

They craftily keep reminding each other that the "Cold War" is over--but they act more like, long live the "Cold War." Oh, the complexities of leadership, we're to think philosophically (insert yawn.)

And let us not forget the Vatican's wishes--and that the pope's ring does need a reach-around shining by George while he's in the neighborhood (as previously posted):

Pope calls for New World Order.

Seems more likely to little me that Bush, Putin, and friends are in cahoots in the militarization of space for world domination...but it's their acting techniques that really need beefing up. Such drama queens!