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Showing posts with label Lunar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunar Eclipse. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2017

Apr 28, 2017 Trump to NRA Convention Atlanta, GA

Apr 28, 2017 Atlanta, GA: Last I heard on local radio, Mr. Trump will address the NRA Convention now being held in Atlanta, Georgia at 1:30 pm edt with his natal Pluto @10Leo just risen and his Mars in Leo, Ascendant, and royal Regulus in 1st house. A little after 1:30 pm, an appropriate midpoint picture will form:

Trump natal Mars-Pluto = Ascendant (speech) which suggests potentials for: a coercive demeanor which intimidates; using whatever means of control available to meet your ends (Munkasey); showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; aggression (Tyl); daring and temerity; desire to face danger; accidents (Ebertin); (any, all, or none may apply).

For as you know, combining the energies of fighter-warrior Mars with powerful, wealthy manipulator-saboteur Pluto can result in extreme force, brutality, excessive ambition, and attacks using powerful weaponry. The duo denotes mayhem, chaos, war, upheaval, the police state, and the use of military forces to squelch dissent.

Atlanta, GA: Photo via Good Free Photos

Related: The History of Atlanta, Georgia and the founding of The Confederacy (horoscope shown). The NRA was formed soon after the Civil War. And note that on August 7, 2017, a Lunar Eclipse occurs @15AQ which conjoins the natal Sun of The Confederacy. Significant? We'll see.

Sep 10, 2016

Winter Solstice 2016 Horoscope: Following a Vision

September 10, 2016

Although it hasn't been long since I posted the Autumn Equinox 2016 Horoscope to Stars Over Washington I decided to go ahead and post the Winter Solstice 2016 Horoscope for you--one cosmic event occurs prior to Election Day 2016, the other afterwards.

Image: December 21, 2016 5:44:24 am est Washington DC; Hour of the Sun; chart-ruler Jupiter; delaying, inhibiting, or restrictive Saturn first to rise in 1st house (but at least he isn't retrograde!); Sun in 1st house conjoining asteroid Cupido (Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate); Cardinal T-Square Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto in 2nd house of the National Treasury: devices that can transform the world (Munkasey). This dynamic T-Square closely affects the 4/10 axis of Career and Public Status, and its energies express most fully in the 2nd house through apex Pluto, planet of obsession, and in a Cardinal pattern denotes those who act with ruthlessness and overwhelming power toward all challengers.

As you see, upper right, an *Image for Integration for the Winter season's Sun Capricorn-Moon Libra combination of conscious/unconscious energies is: "A visionary statesman fights a duel to see justice done." Now I don't know if this refers to legal matters, a particular personality trait, and/or disputed election results but I do think the Winter Solstice horoscope has financial, military, and political concerns and conflicts woven throughout--and with the September 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse at the Basis of it all--the HOW? Point of any chart.

We the People and a Libra Moon

Yet we have to wonder whose vision is being followed? After all, a "duel" could describe the Clinton-Trump contest for White House control and, perhaps, all or some of their three debates (the first of which hasn't occurred yet as I type). And with We the People's Moon @4Libra07 in 10th house, the public mood is sociable and obliging yet may be overly focused on non-essentials. Justice and fair play are reigning needs with a Libra Moon! Plus, with Jupiter in Libra, a regular refrain is, "that's not fair!" (as Mr. Trump's Libran Jupiter has often said). Add the energies of a Capricorn Sun and we have practical intellectualism, crusaders for causes, and those who are conservative yet liberal (which to me describes the majority of the American people).

Jupiter: Banker, Politician, The General, the Guru, the CEO, the Broadcaster

Now, to see how things will proceed, let's consider the applying aspects of chart-ruler Jupiter which also rules the IC and 4th house (Real Estate and mortgage concerns?) plus, the Sun is joined by the inflationary speculator-spendthrift duo's midpoint, marked in the center of the wheel. And the Moon does rule the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, and Insurance which indicates fluctuations and change and unstable Pisces is on the IC--and 8th cusp has America's natal planets in Cancer snugged around it (unmarked, though some US natal placements are marked around the chart in green, as you see).

1. Jupiter sextiles Saturn (0A15) recommends conservative investments since over-extension causes failure--high-risk ventures should be avoided; someone seeks recognition and reward and though there are hidden talents, real limitations should not be ignored; the wrong people may be trusted which leads to self-sabotage; privacy must be protected; false modesty hides underneath an imperious facade (Tierney).

2. Jupiter opposes Uranus (0A41): business matters such as fund-raising or organizational expenditures stall; group endeavors are difficult to manage as members wander off into various directions; personal networks are full of conflict and opposing views (Jupiter-Uranus = political conflicts--Ebertin); during this period a greater need for independence and freedom may be at the base of most problems.

Now Jupiter does apply to a third aspect but it's with Chiron in Jupiter's sign of Pisces and it's an inconjunct (quincunx) so it isn't formally on the list. However, this does suggest a time when there are disruptions and changes of direction (Nolle). Yes, the election of a new president can do that, naturally. But meanwhile, someone doesn't understand the importance of traditional structures (Clow) (and values--Cowell!) and, considering the hot mess that has been Campaign 2016, you can probably guess just who that someone may be...

Related: the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Virgo21 which is marked in the 9th house along with the Virgo North Node pointing toward Foreign Lands and Travel, Philosophy, Religion, and Legal Matters; NN in Virgo hints at disagreements and nagging criticism--of Foreign Policy and politicians' Foreign Policy experience, or the lack thereof.

*"Image for Integration" is a feature in the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign book.

Aug 21, 2016

September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe

by Jude Cowell

September 2016 begins on the 1st of the month with a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo21 uncovering what may be stark facts and secrets and this provides constructive conditions conducive to a tackling of the truth. (Brady)

Two weeks and a day later, a Lunar Eclipse @24Pisces manifests and further spotlights the Virgo-Pisces polarity of the victim-savior axis. Naturally, Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (co-ruled by Neptune if we wish to call it so since we are typing about larger trends in society). The transiting Neptune-South Node covers much intrigue, loss, propaganda, and crime (with a Neptune-Saturn flavor) but the period will pass although its effects will last a while until they fade and dissolve.

19 North: The Virgo Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016

With this particular 19N Solar Eclipse, a Virgo filter allows the sign's energies to express in such a way that discrimination, discernment, purity, and a sense of duty are sought, engaged, or, in some cases, neglected. As an Earth sign, Virgo indicates physical demands of some kind are presented or called for. Keen observance and deep perception are best utilized wherever possible while the 19 North themes are in effect if forward progress is to be made--themes of realism and constructively tackling the truth. Harvest is a word often associated with (goddess) Virgo and there is actually a *karmic asset here if things are kept in perspective for too much criticism, degradation, (--"that's disgusting!," says Mr. Trump quite often); plus, neglect of health, and/or overuse of restraint when action is called for may interfere with progress.

Note that Virgo health connotations also involve Genetics, DNA, Family Roots, and Genealogy Research into them. Those like yours truly with a current Saturn transit to natal 4th house may be involved in such an investigation as I type!

The September 16th Lunar Eclipse in Pisces suggests the primary reactions and instincts of the Collective concerning events and conditions that the Solar Eclipse has wrought. Compassion, confusion, infection, mystification, denial, and other Piscean characteristics will come up for air as a result of the Virgo Solar Eclipse which, as it happens, is the Pre-Natal Saros series of both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017 so that eclipse themes will apply to both events and have actually begun to express early in tandem with the current 18 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on March 9, 2016 @18Pis55 and includes themes of separation, endings, and partings--yet new situations may lead to positive results so that all may turn out in the end (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady).


Blog Note: * as always, here on SO'W "karmic asset" and "karma" are used in the sense of reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe, and since Virgo-Pisces and the 6/12 axis are all about that, there we have it, with Genetics, Heredity, Cells, and such reserved for Astrology's Saturnian branches of study rather than the Uranian past-life model created within the Strain At a Gnat Swallow a Camel School of Philosophy. jc

Aug 19, 2016

Judges Are Finally Calling Out Voter Suppression For What It Is! - clip (plus, Eclipses)

August 19, 2016 Thom Hartmann on judges' recent rulings on the hidden intent behind Republican voter suppression laws rather than going along with the Republicans' stated intent:

Astrologically, I'm noting the wording of this clip's title that includes "...for what it really is!" since the phrase and the judges' rulings against voter suppression tactics resonate perfectly with the 19 North early-acting Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 with its themes of "realism; seeing things for what they really are rather than what he or she thought it was; a good time for tackling the truth" (Brady). Yes, it must be a good time for tackling the truth because we're hearing quite a few examples of it during Campaign 2016 thanks, in part, to email leaks and hacks.

And with September 2016 a month with a Solar and Lunar Eclipse, their function as peep-eye! agents and 'wild card' uncoverers of secrets and inconvenient truths should spotlight for the public a surprising amount of realism in stark contrast with America's usual political scene of lies, fraud, crime, and propaganda.

Manifesting ten days prior to the first presidential debate, here are a few notes on the Sept 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse: The Mystery of the Three Days (Saturn-NN).

Mar 11, 2016

March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Do You Love Me? - Barbara Goldsmith

With the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse occurring in early Libra, sign of Partnerships, Relationships, Beauty, Art, Balance, and Diplomacy you'll find that Barbara Goldsmith can sort things out for you:

Feb 29, 2016

Horoscope: Libra Lunar Eclipse March 23, 2016 Washington DC

Brief Astro-Notes on the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse @3Libra

by Jude Cowell

First, here's the Lunar Eclipse horoscope set for March 23, 2016 (Sun 3 degrees past Aries Point) manifesting at 8:00:48 am EDT the White House Washington DC with Aries rising and Mars as chart-ruler; a Mercury Hour with Full Moon @3Libra17 in 6th house (Wash DC):

No rigid Fixed energy, all active Fire and Cardinal/Cadent with Jupiter still leading the choo choo as the engine of a Locomotive pattern of executive ability and determination toward success (Tierney). Jupiter Rx is here @16Vir23 (North Node 21Vir50 stationing near US natal Neptune (grand spirit, large plans, fraud, bubbles. Through conjunction, the Jupiter-Neptune pairing echoes at least three things: Rubio's and Cruz's Jupiter-Neptune signatures though Rubio's is stronger), Bernie Sanders' Sun-North-Node-Neptune trio (drawing great crowds thrilled by a vision of a 'great future'), President Obama's natal Mars (hidden motivations, actions), and fixed star Denebola, keyphrases: out of the mainstream; and/or to go against society (Brady.)

Note that Jupiter turns Direct on May 9, 2016 @13Vir15:19, quite a mystical degree described by the Sabian Symbol, A Family Tree. The Jolly One once Direct will have another meet-up with the North Node, a Jupiterian point of encounters with the public) and the Jupiter-NN signature will again be triggered. In Politics, we may expect legal consequences from treaties with allies to be in the news along with interference in legal matters by religious organizations or people. Closed legal societies should probably be in the news more often than they are as they manipulate from behind locked doors--perhaps their actions will be investigated prior to November 8th. Disruptive imports/export issues and our hampered legal system will continue to be problematic so prepare for more erroneous decisions and errors in judgment.

Now with the Sun @3Ari17, Mars rules or disposits the Sun, another reason to closely examine Mars in Sagittarius in the natural house of Scorpio, the 8th (big business, spying, corporatism, shared resources, transformation, death, the occult) so be aware of males (Mars) between te ages of 25--35, give or take a year or two. A financial "Game of Cricket" is being played and it's amusing to me how often the sound of a cricket chirping has turned up in popular entertainment (ex: Baskets).

Chart-ruler Mars, in Sagittarius and ruling its domicile, 8th house--some would say, intercepted so perhaps unconscious) makes only one Ptolemaic (major) aspect in the chart--8th house Mars squares nebulous Neptune (11th house of Groups-Associations/Hopes), strong in its own sign of oceanic, bottle-chugging Pisces. Dissolution, dismay, and contagion abound for collectively Mars SQ Neptune brings potentials for: rationalized actions (to escape the consequences of guilt, one assumes), waste of time and energy, laziness, projection of negative traits onto others before they can label you first (ex: demigoguing), risk-taking, even perils or danger.

As for July 4, 1776 (a date with meaning that always catalyzes from behind the scenes), our national Saturn-Neptune midpoint @3Libra ensnares the March 23, 2016 Lunar Eclipse at its 3rd degree of Libra. We may find info in the midpoint pictures thus formed using Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey to guide us:

Saturn-Neptune = Moon = Sun = Mercury: women's diseases, chronic or acute; pessimism; feeling inhibited; an emotional drain; increased drug dependency; drama and illusion; effective practices are deceptive; activities serving no real purpose; painstaking attention to hard work; strangely nervous; secret or hidden government activities.

Saturn-Neptune = poor, sick, depressed, suffering people; social programs for the needy; materialism v idealism; deluded leadership; deceptive leaders; respected person involved in questionable activities; misusing law officers; worthless policies; denials of responsibility; socialism, communism, marxism, bolshevikism, capitalism, etc. By the eclipse, Saturn and Neptune will have parted from their recent and ongoing square, a period of false hopes and promises, disillusion, disappointment; an imposition of reality is needed and will be supplied around the time of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse in discriminating Virgo. This 'coming down to earth' quality will be noticeable into 2017 and the first months of the next presidency.

Not to forget powerful Pluto @17Cap18 at Midheaven (the Goal Point) which should be noted though it's been done a zillion times on SO'W: this is the degree of the Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 when they met in Great Conjunction for a modern 'new world order' horoscope. This forms the "the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" equation (Tyl) with stealthy, wealthy Pluto the manipulator triggering their conjunction and adding his evil magic wand.

Please enlarge the image to read my notes on the chart. Mea culpa! this post originally had quite a bit more chart details especially concerning Campaign 2016 candidates but Blogger ate that effort (waste!) and now my schedule doesn't include an attempt to compose the same text over again since as usual I have no notes to work from. Only the horoscope which you see before you.

"Even the gods fight stupidity in vain," Schiller.

Be sure to check out Astrologer Patricia's video report on the Lunar Eclipse of March 23, 2016.