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Showing posts with label Thomas Jefferson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Jefferson. Show all posts

Jan 19, 2010

Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism

Update Jan 19: just published is the horoscope of Haiti's Declaration of Independence, Jan 1, 1804, with a few details. Powerful, manipulative Pluto is now conjunct Haiti's natal Mars/Chiron conjunction and tr Mars Rx is conjunct n SN!

Original post begins here:

Democracy Now has the Jan 13, 2010 interview text and video of author Naomi Klein concerning the Jan 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti and the threat of shock doctrine capitalism to this impoverished and on-its-knees nation.

In a comment on this blog yesterday I mentioned my lack of trust that the US government (and others) are being honest relief-bringers to the people of Haiti. Well, I wasn't searching for the above info but it turned up during a cyber-ramble for Haiti's date of independence.

Slave Uprising Leads to Independence

Haiti's revolutionaries declared independence from France on January 1, 1804, hour unknown, at Gonaives. Our slave owners President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson erred on the side of supporting France and Napoleon in the uprising.

'Erred' is only my modern word, but their historic mistake.

For as we see demonstrated before our eyes each day, rich plutocrats do like to stick together and they'll support or install any dictator who dances to their capitalist tune in order to make everything a one-sided win-win - but only for them.

Feb 14, 2009

Jefferson on 'swindling futurity'

"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 Third President of the USA

"It is no accident that banks resemble temples, preferably Greek, and that the supplicants who come to perform the rites of deposit and withdrawal instinctively lower their voices into the registers of awe. Even the most junior tellers acquire within weeks of their employment the officiousness of hierophants tending an eternal flame.

I don't know how they become so quickly inducted into the presiding mysteries, or who instructs them in the finely articulated inflections of contempt for the laity, but somehow they learn to think of themselves as suppliers of the monetarized DNA that is the breath of life."

Lewis H. Lapham, 1935 American Essayist Editor


Ah yes, and the White House looks and acts like a Freemason's White Lodge, too, with the Capitol Building as temple. Mumbo jumbo in the cellar?

Jan 29, 2009

Eternal Flame of the Republican Party

Did you know that the Republican Party keeps an eternal flame burning 24/7/365 in Washington, DC? This is news to me not having returned to my old stomping grounds, The District of Columbia, in some time. What isn't news to me is that an 'eternal flame' is an Illuminati symbol which you'll find at martyred American leaders' grave sites as a symbol of the secret society's prowess at changing the course of history. Ever seen the chart for Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian branch of the Illuminati? Its birth date, May 1, 1776, shows a close tie to the founding of this country - astrologically and historically. And if you want to see a quixotic message from 1776, turn over a dollar bill with its all-seeing eye...of the Illuminati. Some sources say it's a Freemasonry symbol and was designed by Masons including FDR in 1935, but the two societies had morphed into one another at various times and Weishaupt is said to have done this in order to expand his membership ($) and work of undermining the civilized world as we know it. You'll notice Rousseau's hand in all this, as well as Sir Francis Bacon and the 'New Atlantis' ideology. Chaos, revolution, and insinuation of brethren into existing structures were their methods, and of course only the select few at the top of the pyramid knew (know!) the true purpose and goals of the organization to return the world to "the Garden of Eden." Jefferson, Franklin, and Thomas Paine may have touched base with Weishaupt while they were in Europe, and another society, the Rosicrucians, claim George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as members. A Rosicrucian code and decoder were found among Jefferson's papers, and his interest in codes and cyphers gave him the title, Father of American Cryptography. Yet other researchers aren't so certain that Jefferson was a member of the Illuminati - he appears to be critiquing Weishaupt here:
Wishaupt (sic) seems to be an enthusiastic philanthropist. He is among those (as you know the excellent Price and Priestley also are) who believe in the infinite perfectibility of man. He thinks he may in time be rendered so perfect he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance, so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, and, of course, to render political government useless. This, you know, is Godwin's doctrine and this is what Robison, Barruel, and Morse have called a conspiracy against all government...The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are "to enlighten men, to correct their morals and inspire them with benevolence."
It takes an all-powerful God to do all that Weishaupt took unto himself! " render political government useless"? Hmm...sounds familiar...didn't we just go through 8 years of that plan from 9/11 to Katrina to total surveillance of the all-seeing eye? ~:~ *Quotes and notes from 'Founding Fathers, Secret Societies', Robert Hieronimus PhD & Laura Cortner, a book that attempts to decode the Great Seal of the United States - the Illuminati's seal.

Dec 29, 2008

Jefferson's 1st Inauguration 1801

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

Words spoken by Thomas Jefferson on the occasion of his 1st Inauguration, March 4, 1801, back in the day when the significator of a US president, the Sun, was at 13Pis+ on March 4, with 1801's Moon in early Scorpio (3:23.)

The Water-Water combo of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio may give us some information about what was in the air on the day of Jefferson's first inauguration between the leader/Sun and the people/Moon which reflects the leader's traits.

With Water being the element of feelings, imagination, and intuition, a double Water emphasis gives a mainstream-go-with-the-flow flavor to the day. The experiences of life are to be quaffed and one may gush with feelings, go misty with emotions, and easily dissolve into tears.

Nostalgia and sentimentality are usual with Water-Water blends which long for times gone by and may be considered a 'wet blanket' by fiery types. This is the caring and compassionate 'wet' combination when it comes to Politics rather than the doctrinally pure 'dry' type; plus, it's a poetic and imaginative blend that wants emotional security and comfort food every chance it gets.

Its shadow side is to remain emotionally clingy in relationships and to suffer from a lack of objectivity. In men, this combo may result in an overly detached, unemotional, and ultra-rational approach - Jefferson and his friend Voltaire knew a lot about reason and rational approaches.

The Sun Pis-Moon Sco blend adds an ability for psychological insights, along with stubbornness and complexity. This is the appreciator of the tragedy and comedy of life which has the will to expose exploitation and hardship; it is strong and courageous in adversity.

Emotions are difficult to voice although sympathy is there in abundance; criticism can be scathing, and a cantankerous streak may become evident when heels are dug in on certain issues. There is quiet strength and intensity to this combination with an instinctive understanding of others through its 'psychic sponge' capability.

Intellectual ability is deep and stable once prejudices are by-passed, and there are many areas of interest including mysticism and miracles. One's own company is preferred which gives the acute perceptions time to form and enlighten as great mysteries are delved into.

Weaknesses are a tendency to over-rely on personal opinions, irrational suspicions, unawareness of persistent prejudices, negative self-absorption, a love of sensationalism, and a tendency toward use of manipulation in order to gain power. (In Washington?!)

Charles & Suzy Harvey give these Images for Integration for the Sun Pis-Moon Scorpio blend:

"Longfellow's poem, The Secret of the Sea...Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath." #

Well, I thought a stroll down 1801 Inauguration Lane might be interesting since America is preparing to do it all over again 208 years later.

So just to recap from previous posts, this January 20, 2009 at noon, the Sun-Moon blend is Aquarius-Scorpio...

Images for Integration:

"A researcher presents his findings to colleagues at a 'Science For Humanity' Conference...A scientist dissects a scorpion with great tenderness and absolute precision...Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

So! it seems the sea still keeps her secrets 20,000 leagues down...

Sep 28, 2008

Thomas Jefferson on perpetual debt

US Taxpayers are Being Enrolled in an Economic Chain Gang

By Jeff Randall

"To preserve their [the people's] independence, we must not let our rulers load
us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude" - Thomas Jefferson

Read article here...

Jan 24, 2008

moral conscience of a nation

This "Brutal World"

By Paul Craig Roberts

How did Western Civilization get a monopoly on "moral conscience" when it has no morality?

Read article from Information Clearing House here. #

Remember after the attacks of 9/11 when a list of the West's sins was circulated from bin Laden? The brutal truth hurts and our shadow selves too long ignored cause the worst 'blowback' of all.

This blogger critiques because she loves, America. The actions of our installed-by-Court government put me in a position of having to agree with bin Laden when so many of us knew all along that our morals weren't up to snuff as Washington pretended (they need the ruse to hide their crookery.)

It's 2008 and once again perfidy and fraud are being played out in the halls of power--in Washington, on Wall Street, in our local capitols. The People are, in most cases, better than their elite 'masters' and I stand by that conviction which has been voiced on this blog in prior posts.

Never trust a man who says, trust me, my Mama always said, and boy, does that apply to Politics, that system of organized hatreds.

And although I have an abiding interest in America history, my faith and hope resides within and for the American People.

Thomas Jefferson once said that between having a government and a press, he'd prefer the press. Wouldn't an honest one be helpful about now?

Aug 3, 2007

a squinty eye on Congress

Because astrologers much prefer to have exact times for setting up charts--whether it's for persons or events--I was happy today to find a Library of Congress website that gives bills, resolutions and their statuses, and the congressional schedule--times noted.

So often we get stuck with "approximately", or "shortly after" the hour, etc...which makes it scintillatingly challenging to use angles, planets, degrees and such to pinpoint a correct time, and all astrologers are accustomed to doing just that esp with rectification work.

Rectifying charts to a correct birth time, for example, while fascinating, is one of the more time-consumimg facets of astrology--how much easier to have the correct time in the first place.

Why no one has given me a heads-up on the existence of this marvelous resource, I don't know, but it should make my charts more accurate as far as congressional shenigans go. Feeling pretty miffed about it, but that will pass...

So...have you met 'Thomas'? Named after Thomas Jefferson, this site has search features for bills, resolutions, for what's happening on the floor NOW--why, it's stunningly helpful for using the time-focused art of astrology. is great for when you need to know What, Who, How, and WHEN (it's the Why that remains highly questionable.)

Oh! And Bush signed the new and improved we're-draconian-so-that-you-don't-have-to-be "Homeland Security" bill today. Yippee.

It's more of America's increasing isolation and police state mentality on the way for John Q. Public as the USA's Secondary Progressed Mars Rx focuses inwardly on the Lunar-named "Homeland" for now more than ever their target is We The People.

Besides--Saturn's "Fatherland" was already taken.

Apr 10, 2007

2007 Jefferson Muzzle Award a shoo-in!

Yes, congrats go out to George Bush for being recipient of a 2007 Jefferson Muzzle Award...and so richly deserved!

Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression has an Archive List which can take you back to the Muzzles of 1999. But this year, George and his main crew are scorching and breaking records over at the Muzzles.

Shooing in Bush now for a Muzzie is a lot easier than wielding the industrial shoe horn that shoveled him into the back door of the White House in 2000-2001, with tossed eggs aflyin' and seemingly ignored.

Were they appropriately rotten? One may hope.

With Easter 2007, I have fondly reflected upon those limo-eggs as Mrs. Bush forced little children to laboriously spoon Eastery eggs across the manicured White House lawn while pretending that the memorable ghosts of those anti-Bush eggs of years past were not fresh as a daisy inside her pretty mind.

Mar 19, 2007

Jefferson's girlfriend's cellar excavated

In an attempt to uncover romantic secrets from Thomas Jefferson's college relationship with Rebecca Burwell, daughter of a prominent political family of Virginia, an excavation is in progress with "about two feet to go" in the cellar of Fairfield Plantation, Glouscester, VA.

If they find any love letters, they'll be straight from 300 years ago by way of an archaeologist's shovel!

Home of Jefferson's Girlfriend Excavated

Mar 5, 2007

thoughts of Thomas Jefferson

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."


"If once [the people] become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions." : Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787

Looking today at the Progressed charts of Thomas Jefferson who may have something to say about our current infestation in Washington bwo of his Minor (mental-causal plane), Tertiary (feeling-intuitive plane), and Secondary (physical plane) midpoint pictures.

As you know, the Minor-Tertiary-Secondary Progressed charts are derived from the Natal chart and relate to the 27:13:1 ratio...we have a thought, then a feeling or intuition about the thought, then we act...that's Minor 27, Tert 13 and Sec 1, the 1 being the physical plane where we choose to act or not.

Minor charts also describe thoughts which are attempting to rise from our Unconscious and which perhaps should Not be acted upon...our choice.

Minor midpoints of Thomas Jefferson:

Mercury/Saturn = Mars: unrest; quarrels; treating others badly; separations caused by arguments and disputes; a change through force of circumstances; risking everything to make a point; turning drive into tyranny; no compromise.

Pluto/NN = Mars: demonstration of violence and brutality; desire to make others amenable to one's wishes; the misfortune to be placed in someone's else's hand or power; exhibition of personal power; tyranny.

Seems Tom would be thinking about tyranny if he were here--and with good cause. Since charts continue to speak and be triggered after we're gone, let's be brave on Tom's behalf for the sake of America. With his life dedicated to her establishment, he may be trying to tell us something about her this very day.

Avoiding tyranny was, after all, the basis for the founding of this nation--yet the military industrial complex is well on its way to having its way and establishing tyranny over the sheeple in the here and now...and on the entire world, if it can.

We can't even say Eisenhower and others didn't warn us. Then there's popular entertainment, religion, keeping up with the Jonese--all opiates of the masses--which we've also been warned about. How many of us listen?

Now as you know, Minor-Tertiary-Secondary Progressed charts are derived from the Natal chart and relate to the 27:13:1 ratio...we have a thought, then a feeling or intuition about the thought, then we act (or choose not to)...that's Minor 27, Tert 13 and Sec 1.

So we think 27x faster than we act and feel 13x faster than we act. (I hope Robert Blaschke will forgive me for making a muck of his work--see his excellent book, Astrology: A Language of Life, Vol 1 - Progressions for a better explanation than I can give you here.)

Tertiary midpoints:

Sat/Pluto = Sun: enforced change; threat of loss, hard work; separation; potential ill health; sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; privation; toil.

Sat/Neptune = Asc: limitation of freedom; feeling confined; an emotionally depressing environment; being a loner; sense of being "out of the group;"

Sat/Asc = Mars: angry at the status quo; trying to put things right; struggling with controls; obstinacy; self-willedness; placed in turbulent circumstances; separation; mourning;

Sun/Uranus = Moon: emotional excitability; demand for need fulfillment; the intense woman;

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: far-reaching plans; pursuit of comprehensive ideas with great zeal; the gift ot weild a powerful influence upon the public through speeches and writings; the power of persuasion; strategizing; planning;

Mars/Saturn = Pluto: the rage of fury or destruction; brutality; intervention from a Higher Power; bodily injury (murder, the death of a great many people); the need to take control; forcing an issue; strong anger.

Now for the Secondary mdpt pics (physical plane) which have which have resulted from the above:

Ven/Neptune = Saturn: fear of losing the dream (America?); a new look at realism is needed (I'll say): becoming sober again (bankruptcy can do that to a formerly rich nation...soup lines on the way?);

Moon/Mars = Asc: taking over leadership; establishing one's rights and privileges within a group; personal enterprise;

Mars/Mc = Asc: assumption of leadership; success and recognition; projection of sureness; confidence and pizzaz (things are going 'well' in Iraq?);

Sat/NN = Neptune: being neglected by others (go to US military hospitals with serious injuries from the Bush-Cheney war for plenty of that or be a New Orleans resident); emotional suffering from falsehoods, fraud, lies, deception, separation, and illness; confusing others about one's personal stand (politics! campaigning!);

Sat/Asc = Jupiter: tendency to bypass or ignore difficulties; a change of place; being seen as above-it-all; c'est la vie! or one works very hard to reestablish a new order that is reliable and predictable.

(Midpoints: from Ebertin, and Dr. Noel Tyl.)

To close this barrel of monkeys, here's a quote from former British prime minister, Clement Attlee, who shares natally the Sun Cap/Moon Scorpio of Pres. Jefferson's Minor blend today:

"Democracy means government by discussion but it is only effective if you can stop people talking."

And the *Image for Integration for this blend?

A priest turns his home into a shelter for the sick and homeless.

America--once shelter and the Ideal for the world. Now the light of Liberty's Torch is almost snuffed you care?

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.