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Showing posts with label US Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Constitution. Show all posts

Jun 28, 2010

Who will carry the US Constitution now that Senator Byrd is gone?

As you heard, the longest serving senator in US history, Senator Robert Byrd (D-WVA), passed away during the night at age 92.

After his 50+ years of service, had he lived down an unfortunate membership in the Klan in his youth? Opponents would say nay, yet I forgave him long ago based on his exemplary record serving in the US Senate, and most especially for delivering the speech Today, I Weep for My Country which was heard on the senate floor on behalf of common decency, Constitutional law, the American people, and the people of Iraq who at the time were only hours from being bombed by the Bush-Cheney administration in March 2003, a conflict still grinding on these 7 years later with no end in sight, and much to what should be America's eternal shame.

I well remember the months-long campaign with war drums beating on the afternoon of March 19, 2003, for I was weeping, too.

For even this *Saturnian astrologer knows that karma is what we reap from what we've sown, and Hades and chaos in the Middle East are what America has sown. No one welcomes foreign occupation of their country and that goes for Afghanistan as well. Would you?

So here is what I blogged on the 5th anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a link to Senator Byrd's heartfelt speech included. As soon as Senator Byrd finished speaking, (VP Cheney directed) the Theodore-Roosevelt-worshiping Senator John McCain to stand up and defend the war hawks' 'decision' to wage their war of choice with its visions of world domination and obscene profits.

You'll find McCain's speech included and I find it fascinating to compare the two senators' sentiments now in light of how things have turned out so far in Iraq.

Or you may wish to skip my ramblings and go directly to the text of both speeches, compliments of Information Clearing House

Now the war-promoting senator that day is the same John McCain who tossed out a "maybe more troops in Afghanistan" on Meet the Press yesterday, a statement which almost made me lose my brunch. For if Afghanistan isn't a perfect historical example of bashing one's head against a brick wall, I don't know what is, though 'stone' wall would be more to the point.

And so the tattered copy of the US Constitution which Senator Byrd carried in his pocket through the years must now be sadly laid aside with his passing. Without Senator Byrd's spirit of vigilance, let us hope that this laying aside is not indicative of a further and deeper loss of constitutional principles.


*Saturnian astrologer as opposed to Uranian astrologer is my understanding of one who sees heredity and DNA in cell-like horoscopes where others see past lives and reincarnation.

Mar 25, 2010

Ron Paul on video: executive orders unconstitutional

You and I already know that 'executive orders' are unconstitutional and I lost count of how many of them George Bush signed. President Obama signed one yesterday to make his Health Insurance Reform law more acceptable to those who object to federal funding for abortions. It's the fancy way he got enough votes to pass the law, as you know.

Well, here's Rep. Ron Paul discussing the unconstitutionality of 'executive orders' signed by presidents to bypass Congress.

Congressman Paul was born August 20, 1935 and you may wish to read a brief analysis of the birth chart of this Leo Sun individual here.

Why does he keep airing out things that other congress members don't wish to talk about? Perhaps it's his stubborn, value-preserving Taurus Moon!

Mar 17, 2010

Remembering James Madison, March 16, 1751

March 16 is the birthdate of the Architect of the US Constitution James Madison so this is a belated birthday post in his honor.

Madison was born March 16, 1751 (NS) in Port Conway, Virginia @ 11:59 pm (RR: B) and you may view his natal chart here though I published it in 2006 before I began scribbling notes all over charts (which may seem an improvement to you but the chart looks rather forlorn and empty to me.)

Even so, you'll see his Sagittarian Ascendant with Pluto Rx rising, his Sun in Pisces/Moon in Scorpio (Water-Water, an intuitive and emotional fellow), and his sparkling mental brilliance mirrored in a Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius.

The Sun Pisc/Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by author John Steinbeck who could not possibly have been thinking of America's current reforms now in grand struggles to be born when he wrote, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

Saturn and North Node in Sag are rising in 1st and speak of Madison's taking on obligations easily, having a sense of pride, an air of authority, and of honoring long-standing ties to old friends. Serious meetings are part of Saturn/NN as well and he certainly enjoined his share of those.

A focused-energy Mars in Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business is there, too, with Jupiter in Taurus giving him a fortunate-for-endeavors Mars/Jupiter trine, so check out President Madison, if you wish.

Nowadays, most Americans remember the Constitution fondly, shredded and tattered as it's become in recent decades with a big boost given to its undermining by eight years of Bush-Cheney, featuring the 'Patriot' Act, undeclared and illegal war, and, prior and subsequent to all that, a private central bank, unfondly known as the Fed, printing and minting currency and coins it has no constitutional right to print or distribute.

And that's only the short list of attacks upon our cherished-by-the-people Constitution, written to protect us from tyrants - and thus precisely one of the documents that certain entities are determined to destroy.

You'll note that Senator Chris Dodd's financial 'reform' bill announced on Monday is said to give more power to the Fed when more power to the Constitution is what we need. And that would make the Fed moot or illegal at best.

James Madison is also known for being the first US President to actually live in the White House; he moved in on November 1, 1800. No, it wasn't ideal but Dolly made do and livened up Washington considerably while making it do.

Now here is a SO'W post from 2007 with a few words from the man himself, including his last words to the American people. It's entitled James Madison on tyranny so you know right away that we need to hear from the birthday boy in 2010 in spite of his well-advanced age.

So thank you, Mr. Madison, for all your work on behalf of America's founding, and I'm very sorry that usurpers have royally screwed things up so badly. I only wish more Americans had paid much closer attention to the termites in the woodwork a lot sooner than 2010.

Since 2005: Stars Over Washington...astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them.

Oct 27, 2009

New World Order? Hush your mouth!

Since I never watch or hear Don Imus (not a fan), I don't know who the guy next to him is, but it's plain that they're trying to stop Bo Dietl from talking about the New World Order agenda which includes (it is said) voiding the US Constitution.

Yet I wish Mr. Dietl had skipped the subject of climate change here because it riles people up all by itself. Still it's almost amusing to witness Mr. Imus so obviously anxious to interfere with NWO talk by interupting his frequent guest, Mr. Dietl, and by tossing silly remarks to make 'fun' of a very serious subject.

As if mainstream media aren't in the pocket of the social engineers, the chaos-creators - those power elites who want us to think it's all malarkey only meant to be ridiculed by shills like Don Imus.

Sep 22, 2009

Autumn Equinox 2009 Washington DC

Autumn Equinox (Sun 00Libra00), September 22, 2009, 5:18:30 pm edt, Washington, DC; Hour Mercury Rx in 7th house conjunct Saturn 25Vir38 Rx; chart-ruler Saturn opposite chart co-ruler Uranus 24Pis25 Rx in 1st house.

Moon 22Sco20 in 9th house conj asteroid, Hebe (keyword: serving; deals with co-dependency and how one enables the egocentricity and emotional immaturity of others - Lang-Westcott.)

Please click chart to enlarge and read more details.

Saturn as chart-ruler makes two applying aspects, three if you count the North Node (encounters; future direction - with Saturn = serious meetings and discussions):

1. Saturn sextile Moon, a serious contact for the Moon (the people; the public), indicating common sense, modest ambitions, patience, and a need to undertand the problems of others. Hebe's conj to Moon seems to contradict this yet on another level, Hebe may signify someone or persons of the Hebrew race as well. Astrology is nothing if not as complex as the life it describes on many levels.

2. Saturn square Pluto (5A04), the sore loser aspect, which represents oncoming obstacles and blockages that relate to their opposition of 9/11/01; it shows those who are defensive about fulfilling their social responsibilities to the point of bitterness; attempts to grasp control are in evidence with this difficult square.

Of more timely interest is Pluto squaring the equinoxial Sun from 11th house to 7th.

Sun SQ Pluto (0A41) is the might makes right aspect of willfulness; a chip is on the shoulder and one fights first, talks later (if at all.) Powerful, secretive Pluto may be blocking the president's will, it seems, since the Sun in a national chart indicates the leader. One assumes his safety is being guarded successfully and will continue to be; Pluto's connection to nuclear issues coupled with the Mc/Ic axis having '6/7 Gem/Sag' upon them isn't especially comforting to this particular worrywart Capricorn.

Making decisions based on evidence rather than on personal feelings or biases is an issue with a Sun/Pluto square, so we'll see if the Pentagon and the president coordinate their wills concerning sending more US troops to the Middle East.

The chart's co-ruler Uranus applies to opposition with Mercury (0A40) showing resentment at being challenged, a lack of interest in compromising, and those who freely make accusations of error against others even when evidence shows they are wrong. (Of course, we can see that sort of political drama and diversion on Capitol Hill any old day, but there it is. And it will be ongoing since Mercury is Rx.)

A lovely contact is Uranus trine Moon (2A06) which gives a broad perspective, a willingness to listen to others, and much coping ability - and that's for the Moon, the people!

At Midheaven (the goal) are two midpoints which form pictures...

Mercury/Jupiter = Mc: a desire to build up; optimism; fondness for talking; a wealth of ideas; a good speaker, scientist, or businessman; professional success; successful planning; looking for the upside to come about.

Jupiter/Saturn = Mc: thinking with grandeur; a philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses; inhibitions.

Jupiter and Saturn are the societal planets, they are intimately involved in financial markets, Jupiter = Republicans--Saturn = Democrats, and their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 occurred @ '23Taurus'..."A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems." (I suspect it was, but as most people now realize, the jewelry shop has been looted and the heisters ain't sharing.)

So it's nine years later and what have we got for Autumn EQ 2009? Sun to Libra, Moon in Scorpio, as it was on Inauguration Day 2009 though then at critical or crisis degree: 29Sco45.

Sun Lib-Moon Sco is an Air-Water blend with an exacting sense of justice, a clever manner when delivering clear-headed judgments, and a talent for impartiality. There can be a tendency to manipulate others, but who doesn't?

This combo indicates a crusader for social harmony, so with Jupiter/Saturn's blended energies at Mc, and progressive Uranus Rx opposing Saturn (their last exact stand-off was on Sept 15), the atmosphere continues to be drenched with further debate on Health Care/Insurance Reform, and tradition vs progress. Plus, the Nodal axis falls across the 6/12 polarity of health and hospitals; NN = Neptune/Pluto midpoint: 'group study projects; metaphysical research' but apparently they are occurring behind the scenes of the 12th house. This may relate to oil, gas, and coal industry types in secret meetings, too.

Sept 22, 2009 marks the opening of the UN with President Obama addressing the General Assembly today, and unrest at home (Mars still in Cancer) continuing. Will some sore loser shout out rudely? Will el diablo be back in the house?

Well, Venus 2Vir50 looks a little lonely in 7th house, doesn't she? Her only applying aspect is a square to this Mc, although she was recently trining Pluto (2S09.) Vengeful Venus was conj the Solar Eclipse degree of Nostradamus' 'Mother of All Eclipse' of August 11, 1999...Venus triggered the eclipse on the morning of 9/11/01.

(Yes, I firmly believe the Aug 1999 eclipse is foreshown in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as noted in particular by the Ox, the Lion, the Eagle, and the Angel - mid-degrees of the Fixed signs.)

In the 2009 EQ chart, you see that Jupiter Rx is rising @ 17AQ50 (17AQ = the end of progress degree, and Ronald Reagan's natal Sun degree); yet Jupiter at ASC usually indicates some sort of protection in the proceedings.

But Jupiter/Neptune's froth conjuncts the ASC as well...

Jup/Nep = ASC: speculating; living in an unreal world; sharing great hopes with others; having an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Chiron is at ASC, too, but you'll want to ask Julie Demboski about that - she wrote the book on Chiron.

Pluto 00Cap41 (one minute off his Direct Station degr 00:40 on Sept 11, 2009) conjuncts the US Constitution's natal NN 1Cap09 (Sept 17, 1787, Philadelphia, PA) = powerful contacts and encounters.

Plus, 2009 EQ's conjunction of Mercury Rx and Saturn @ 26Virgo conjoins the US Constitution's natal Sun, so there's a transiting midpoint picture relating to one of our important founding documents...

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: getting down to work; discipline pays off; knowing what's got to be done; changes; separations.

Well, I know what's got to be done - it's almost 2 am and the sandman is calling my name, so if there's something that simply must added to this EQ post (including repair of typos so prevalent when I'm fatigued), it must be added tomorrow afternoon.

Your further analysis or comments will be much appreciated.

May 27, 2009

Is the US Constitution a Solar Cult document?

At TarotScopes, Michael Tsarion has published an interesting treatment of the US Constitution and the motives of the ruling oligarchy who ratified it on June 21, 1788.

And I was just preparing to post the Summer Solstice chart for June 21, 2009! Well, this blog is called Stars Over Washington, after all.

But now the 2009 chart's import may be superseded by the ratification of the US Constitution *221 years ago on June 21, an Atonist festival day when the sun ascends to its highest point in the zodiac (as experienced from Earth.) Naturally, astrologers of the day (who bordered on the verge of being what today we call astronomers) would have been aware of this fact about June 21, 1788, and, desirous of success, acted according to the import of the event (ratification, the So Below) which they synchronized with the celestial imprimatur of the moment (As Above...)

And 00Can00 is one of the World Points of Prominence (00Aries/Libra, 00Can/Cap, the Cardinal Cross of action where world events may manifest when stimulated by transits or progressions.)

Tsarion's article calls the Constitution a 'Solar Cult document' which he says refers to We The People, not as we've always believed (the citizenry), but to the ruling over-class itself. He goes on and you may wish to check it out - I would, if I were you.

For some years I've accepted the idea that many of our Founding, Founders...were astrologers, but don't fret - Astrology wasn't poo-pooed in the 18th century as it is now. Actually, it was considered for centuries to be part of a well-rounded education...imagine that! Yet there are those even now who have interests in this ancient and powerful tool not being used by the masses. That's part of why Pluto was 'demoted' - as if astrologers would forget the saboteur's existence and its secret hand connotations. Puh!

Now the Vatican might tell you they don't 'use' Astrology, but centuries of known papal birth charts prove them duplicitous on the subject. They caution ordinary folk away from its use, just as do most other denominations and churches. Mmm-hmm. Did God set the Earth inside a Great Cosmic Clock we call our Solar System or did He not? Are monthly calendars based on the Moon's transits, years based on the Earth's orbit round the Sun? Did God name the Fixed Stars such as Betelgeuse and Regulus as mentioned by name in the Bible?

You betcha. Astrology brings the element of Time to the table which no other system of understanding can bring. As the Bible famously advises us: Know thyself. And Astrology studies help in this endeavor tremendously.

So apparently I soon will be posting here the Solar Return chart for the US Constitution using the Sun's 00Can00:00 moment from June 21, 1788 (to base the Return chart upon) when the document was ratified 'behind closed doors' and away from the prying eyes and the expressed opposition of a majority of the American people of the day.

Stay tuned, m'peops....


*221 years = 221 degrees = 11 Scorpio...Sabian Symbol: "A Drowning Man Is Being Rescued" in an evolutionary sense (June 21, 2009) as it relates to the US Constitution of 1788.

Rudhyar gives this degree's Keynote as: "The deep concern of the social group for the safety of individuals." Sounds good, doesn't it? He continues: "The HUMANITARIANISM thus displayed has deep cultural roots."

Or so we've always been sold.

May 20, 2009

Wealth and the US Constitution

Corruption in high places was a concern of President Abraham Lincoln. Too bad for the common good of the nation that his prescience was all too correct and now "Triumphant Plutocracy" is what we've got, m'peops.

Here's a Quote Round-Up compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House:

"The convention which framed the Constitution of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers - not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four were money-lenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a Constitution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man."

Senator Richard Pettigrew in his book, Triumphant Plutocracy (1922)

(2009 is the year of the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune with their three conjunctions from May to December - the first is soon upon us on May 27. And 'money-lenders' are covered by inflationary, excessively liquid Jupiter/Neptune, as you know. The Fed is busy printing more money as I type, even though CONGRESS is supposed to be responsible for the task - but they vacated that seat years ago.)

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed. I feel, at this moment, more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."

Pres. Lincoln in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins on November 21, 1864

(And so do I and many other Americans but it doesn't seem to be doing the nation much good to fret. The squirrelly 'financial collapse of 2007/08' is part of their script as was the coup of the Oval Office in 2000, with Trilateralist Al Gore assisting.)

"This great and powerful force - the accumulated wealth of the United States has taken over all the functions of Government, Congress, the issue of money, and banking and the army and navy in order to have a band of mercenaries to do their bidding and protect their stolen property."

Senator Richard Pettigrew in Triumphant Plutocracy (Published January 1, 1922.)

(Yes, that's one thing about stolen property - you have to work really hard to protect what shouldn't be in your possession at all.)

"It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives."

Dorothy Thompson (1894-1961) in Ladies Home Journal, May 1958

(Hmm. In 1958 even Ladies Home Journal understood what the US government's usurpers have conveniently forgotten. And they used their propagandistic 'war on terror' and the attacks of 9/11/01 as cover for strangling our liberties in hopes that we will forget, too. But as long as I have a memory, I will not forget. Will you? jc)


Here's what I posted a few months ago concerning 2009's Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune on Jude's Threshold with their dates of exactitude, degrees, and midpoint pictures of note - and a few pithy remarks, of course. Can't blog without pithy remarks. jc

Sep 24, 2008

US Constitution disintegrating

You know the US Constitution has a birth chart - Sept 17, 1787; 11:29 am LMT (NS); Philadelphia, PA) and had its Secondary Progressed Full Moon on July 10, 2003 - Sun 1Tau01, Moon 1Sco 01 in 10th/4th houses.

You could say America is on the downside of the Constitution's Full Moon - the light is fading. Or you could say that the Constitution culminated in July 2003. But whatever you say, you know it's seriously under attack and has been quite shredded the last few years, with more conflicts to come.

James Madison built it heartily but our current legal varmints have studied it long enough to know its weak points, yet they must depend on the people's lack of knowledge and attention. Most of us have readily complied, sad to say.

There are many things I could say about the degrees' Sabian Symbols and such, but my time is short with a family wedding on the menu.

But here are a few midpoint pictures that stand out - some being triggered by transits, some formed by Progressions, some by Sept,2008 Solar Arc Directions (their order may get jumbled a bit because I'm in a hurry which means that typos shall ensue):

Sec Saturn/Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; potential for great loss; fear; developmental inhibitions.

Sec Jupiter/Saturn = Sec Sun: inconstancy; taking destiny into one's own hands; major change according to plan.

Sec Sun/Saturn = Sec Mercury: sober thinking; grave decisions; inhibition of speech; tackling serious problems.

S.A. Mars 14AQ25 to natal Pluto 14:12: extreme force; control; brutality; excessive effort.

S.A. Pluto 25Vir38 to natal Sun 24:39: powerful forces create major change; identity change; sudden prominence.

In 2003's Progr'd Full Moon chart, Mars and Uranus are conjunct '27Can' in Sec 12th house, so they are opposite US natal Pluto:

Mars/Uranus = Pluto: force; a higher power; intervention of the big shock.

2008's transit of Neptune in the 23AQ degree area is monkeying around with natal Saturn 23:23: new approach to handling authority; structures disintegrate.

And all this (and more) is why I'm proud of the Veterans for Peace who put a banner across the front of the National Archives building in Washington, DC yesterday.

You may wish to view the video.

Jun 22, 2008

4th Amendment: 1791 - 2008

4th Amendment: Rest in Peace

By Cindy Sheehan

4th Amendment

Born December 15, 1791
Died June 20, 2008

The 4th Amendment to the US Constitution is just one more thing that has been murdered since bloody Emperor George took office in 2001: Over 4000 US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan; over one million Iraqis and Afghanis and many of our brothers and sisters in this country who have been either killed or devastated by catastrophic climate change and other violence that has become rampant.

Read article here. #

~~:~~ checking the Astrology of Dec 15, 1791, I discovered that the Amendment falls within the 10 North Solar Eclipse Series--the same one we're now in--at the "Unmasking" degree (18AQ--Feb 2008) with an emphasis on:

communications; frustrating events bwo news, paperwork, or a young person; things must be worked through slowly because of energy drain and fatigue. (Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

If disregarding the oath he took to uphold,protect, and defend the US Constitution isn't enough to impeach George Bush, I guess nothing ever will be. He, his colleagues, and enablers have drained the energy out of the nation, the military, the treasury, the Constitution, and my usual good nature.

Feb 1, 2008

Has Bush kept oath to defend the Constitution?

The Threat of Section 1222

By James Rothenberg

The President is claiming that Section 1222 could inhibit his ability to defend the Constitution, so he claims the right to ignore it. The drafters of the bill were also sworn to defend the Constitution. What are the requirements in 1222 that the White House finds so inhibiting?

Read full article from Information Clearing House...if you can stand to.

"Protect and defend" indeed.

Oct 23, 2007

Sen Chris Dodd

Sen Dodd's HuffPost article, My Oath of Office sounds like just what America needs after the last few years' worth of the criminal undermining of our Constitution.

Because he's a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, it occurs to me that Sen Dodd could've been busier with these issues before the current Bush-Cheney rot set in so deeply, and the Clinton dissolutions, too.

Still if Dodd's name is on the ballot for 2008, he may be the lesser of two you-know-whats.

Born in Willimantic CT, May 27, 1944, Dodd's Sun Gem/Moon Leo is shared natally by Rudy Giuliani, Walt Whitman, Anne Frank, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Paul McCartney (!)

The positive, regal, centerstage-loving Sun Gem/Moon Leo combo has this Image for Integration:

A king holds court and surprises his audience by joining the mandolin player in a duet of song and story. (Sorry, but only Paul gets to sing!) (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

As Walt Whitman wrote: "I celebrate myself; I sing myself."

R.W. Emerson adds: "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist."

Anne Frank: "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." (She wasn't taking Washington into consideration obviously...the varmints.)

This personality blend indicates that Senator Dodd is an 'ideas person' and a natural salesman with an eye toward the main chance. Values are rooted in the past, but he is in the here-and-now, dealing with practical problems.

His father, Sen Thomas Dodd, was a leading prosecutor during the International Nuremburg war crimes tribunals, and Chris Dodd was in attendance at JFK's Inauguration on Jan 20, 1961. Those are some heavy-duty contacts with US history.

However, Dodd's n Mars/Saturn midpoint is conj US (and George Bush's) n Sun...

Mars/Saturn = Sun: breaking down under stress; possible health threat; sense of loss; eking it out; inability to meet all demands or to master all situations.

But that's only one factor, of course. And he certainly has the experience, both foreign and domestic. Dodd's status as senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee makes him an enabler if not culpable in what's been going on in America the last several years. He should've known and done better by us and got others to go along. What good is having a Mars-Pluto conj if you can't threaten people to cooperate with you once in a while?

(Okay--you know all Washington politicians are considered culpable around here! They get elected to--or placed in--office in order to be at the top of the heap and "serve" in responsible positions so I let them be responsible--and if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.)

Now you know that some people say the Peace Corps, instituted by JFK, was an organization created primarily for spying missions. Perhaps so. Well, Chris Dodd joined the Peace Corps in 1966, apparently taking seriously JFK's call to all Americans to be part of something greater than themselves.

(You remember Bush's "call"...go shopping.)

So it was off to the Dominican Republic for young Christopher, then back to join the National Guard and the US Army Reserves. Well, right there he's got it all over George AWOL Bush, doesn't he? Dodd's Mars-Pluto conj shows a person with personal courage who is good in a crisis because he knows how to withhold action until just the right moment (another big fat zero for Bush.)

Mars-Pluto tends to be aggressive toward goals, yet may not want what was desired once it's achieved.

Now wouldn't that be inconvenient if you attained the Oval Office only to find you didn't want it after all?

Oct 19, 2007

the lie and the waterboard

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world."

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918- ) Russian writer, Soviet dissident, imprisoned for 8 years for critizing Stalin in a personal letter, Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970

Saturn's truth now Quindecile Neptune's deceptions as noted earlier:
Deception in societal leadership.

Mukasey's torture semantics confusion could be easily cleared up for him and his (mock) interrogators--have an experienced professional give all who are confused a demonstration. That should clear up their woolly thinking quite niftily while renewing their lapsed repect for the US Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, and any consciences still existing. If any.

Sep 17, 2007

Sep 17: US Constitution's Saturn Return 2007

The post just written by your reluctant astrologer for Jude's Threshold has a sprinking of Astrology, karma, progressed charts, and neurosis, but is primarily about the US Constitution's Saturn Return today and which handily coincided with Bush's Rose Garden announcement of Judge Mukasey as his nominee for Attorney General.

Seems the few remaining DOJ employees are simply rattling around in that big old building and could use a pile o' perking up with some clear direction and a show of honest character. (If you've read this blog before you'll know I'm clutching at straws with the honest character part, more's the pity.)

So we have a nominee announced, and we have a Saturn Return--and Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law. Saturn signifies lawyers, in fact, and lower court judges.

Coincidence? Synchronicity? Or electional goings-on by Sacred Geometry types? In this case the word electional refers to timing an event by looking at horoscopes for the most propitious time (and not to our near-sham elections of political types.)

Anway you might be interested in following the above link where you'll find Saturnian things...but also one of my revolving Cosmic Art Cubes waiting for your little mouse to point and spin it all about while you listen to a sweet Diana Krall tune!

Aug 29, 2007

GOP: idiocy and evil and George Bush

Please read:

More Shame, More Sorrow

By Paul Craig Roberts

In the administration of George W. Bush, the Republican Party has achieved the greatest combination of idiocy and evil in human history.

Information Clearing House

Well, I took a peek at various progressed charts of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT--when their platform was adopted--Jackson, MI) and there's only one midpoint picture formed now in the Minor Progressions (the mental or causal plane):

Jupiter/ASC = Neptune: speculation; hoping for luck; projecting the niceness of things, not wanting to admit the adverse; disappointments; losses.

With natal ASC 9Sag47, the recent Jupiter Direct Station occurred there expanding their little Jupiter Mantra selves, and although I have no time to do it justice, there are indications in the Secondary Prog'd chart (physical plane) that they are in expectation of an upheaval or shock.

Okay, well here's one:

Sun/Uranus = Mc: restless people with far-reaching plans; reformers, technicians, inventors; experiencing the impact of sudden events or emotional upheavals; major events in support of big plans; hopeful triumph for the ego.

When there's time I'll check in on the Dem Party charts and see what they've got up their sorceror's sleeves. And I'll also be posting asap on the Inaugural 2009 chart--but you won't like it overmuch...their lousy tinkering under the hood of the Constitution continues with alacrity and verve.

Aug 27, 2007

Sep 17 is a Big Day for America

Gonzales is said to be leaving the frayed and demoralized Justice Dept on Sep 17 which 'happens' to be Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

But of course nothing in politics happens by accident. They think they're so funny. We are not amused.

Jul 8, 2007

deadline for Bush? Monday, 10 am edt

Will Monday's 10 am deadline for the White House to explain why they've claimed executive privilege (from the gods apparently) on subpoenaed documents for the much-ballyhooed congressional "investigation" concerning PurgeGate (which will continue shielding SurgeGate like a teeny fig leaf over George's twig'n'berries)--will Monday's deadline lead to anything meaningful?

White House Subpoena Battle Surges but what will all the hubbub and millions spent bring the American people from this "investigation"?

Is the clock being run out so that Bush can finish his ill-begotten presidency? How good would Nancy Pelosi be at the helm?

With Mercury of the wing'ed feet and helmet being the Messenger and with his relationship to communications of all sorts, is it telling that Mercury's Direct Station begins Monday evening at 10:16 pm edt, White House?

Mercury must travel beyond its shadow period degrees before progress can be made on paperwork/communications issues (on or after July 23 Mercury will move 'free'...and the upcoming Solar Eclipse of Sept 11 is about bringing to the surface longterm worries about paperwork or communications!)

At 10:00 am, July 9, White House, during a Mars hour, the rising degree is "6Virgo"..."A merry-go-round"...keyword: DIVERSION...

pos: endless and happy resourcefulness in a constant reorientation of self to meet varying exigencies of life;

neg/shadow side: a continuous and senseless ricochet from one to another meaningless phase of self-expression.

Mercury is rising these days with Fixed Star, Bellatrix, keyphrase: "success through the shadow." And Bush's natal Mars (9Vir18) is first to rise in the 10 am chart...

"10Vir": "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows." The shadows lengthen for Mr.Bush and his warhawk colleagues yet they're nothing if not as determined as blood brothers to fight until the end, America be da*ned in the process.

Earlier on Monday, at 7:26 am, Moon conjuncts Mars at "12Tau": "A man handling baggage", so perhaps a lady is in the picture--Bar Bush, maybe? One wonders with asteroid, Ceres ("the mother") conjunct Moon and Mars as well. Someone is emotionally upset. Can Madam Pretty Mind save baby's bacon once again?

Well, be that as it may--whether the Moon represents mom or girlfriend or colleague--Jupiter (11Sag09 Rx) and Pluto (27Sag08 Rx, conj asteroid Lilith) is at the base of the 10 am chart, and Vesta is at its IC (2Sag11.)

Also Rising at 10 am Monday--his missing mojo:

South Node of the Moon (SN, a separative point; now 8Vir25, conj Bush's Mars--a signature of war, violence, maleness, and indicates past behaviors about which Congress is asking questions--or possibly separation from a male ?) is rising--as is Bush Sr's natal ASC...and Jupiter is squaring both his ASC and Jr's natal Mars. This describes the Republicans (R Party = Jupiter, D Party = Saturn) going against Bush's war 'policies' since squares = blockages.

Chart-ruler Mercury's only applying aspect is an opposition to powerful Pluto (5A21) so we have the "5 mins-5 hours-5 days-5 months" hint about when things may peak.

Mercury also applies to a lovely trine with NN (5A56) so publicity should be favorable to Bush's communications issues, executive privilege argument, and Bush's cussedness being promoted as 'steadiness' and 'strength' as usual.

All in all I'd say the spin-we're-in about these matters will be drawn out as long as the White House can stretch them, and I have no idea how the Bush team concentrates on war-waging or on much of anything else since they're under attack themselves...unless this "investigation" is for show...just another Capitol Hill Theater Matinee, dahling!

But politically motivated diversions are not why they do things so badly...they like how things are going esp if that little gnat of Congress would just stop buzzing around their fat, exalted, neocon heads so they could get on with it. Bush is highly irritated these days, as you may have noticed--and would certainly expect of such a renegade as he.

Watching and reading the press catapult the diversions will be the same old same old...boring and bad for the country. But has George's fig leaf started curling beyond prudent wearing? Gross mental image...sorry.

So if all this is about Impeachment, count me in for I've always thought Bush's failure to uphold the Inaugural Oath he took to protect the US Constitution was gracious plenty reason to rid the White House of its current robber baron vermin.

Jun 21, 2007

Congress enables Bush's further law-breaking

Corrupt Congress Helps Bush from Chris Lloyd's Empire Burlesque tells the tale--America is toast and the Constitution is trashed while Congress is content to let the clock run out on Bush's above-the-law policies which they enabled in the first place.

Guess the extreme pocket-lining possibilities in Washington keep Capitol Hill's outrage in check...short-term gain trumps long-term consequences, and the usual Washington blackmail ploys keep the lid on.

Have you any wonder or indignation left?

Further reading on Bush's style of governing:

the burning bush of Bush

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government

Mar 27, 2007

US Constitution and Daniel Webster

A reminder from Information Clearing House:

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."

Daniel Webster (1782-1852), US Senator - 1851#

A reminder from SO'W:

Daniel Webster died in office as Secretary of State, Oct 24, 1852. He also said:

"I was born an American, I will live an American, and I shall die an American."

Personally I would appreciate having the same privilege. Constitution-underminers begone!

Here's a Daniel Webster bio of this premiere orator of his day who:

"...convinced the majority of people that the government created by the Constitution was not a league, but a Union, and had all the powers necessary to its maintenance and preservation."

May the North American 'Union' agenda begone!

March 27, 2007: Solar Arc Directions of US Constitution natal chart:

S.A Pluto to n Sun: Powerful force creates major change; identity change; sudden prominence.

Exact in about 6 months: S.A. Pluto 24Vir11/n Sun 24Vir39, conj "25Vir": "A flag at halfmast in front of a public building": RESPECT...

pos: achievement in a full transcedence of selfhood;

neg: superficial self-dramatization.

Marc Edmund Jones goes on to explain: "Reputation is the subtle coin by which personality creates an enduring wealth for everyone."

"A flag at halfmast" suggests grief for a passing, a "public building" suggests to me the nation, and the "reputation" is that of the United States of America for her (supposed?) idealism and liberty and which may be symbolized by the Constitution itself; and "enduring wealth for everyone"?

The Bushies and the rest of the elite ruling class aren't interested in that one.

It's up to the people. Solar Arc Mars will be conjuncting n Pluto 14AQ12 in a year or so...

S.A. Mars to n Pluto: extreme force; brutality; control; excessive effort.

And it's only excessive effort that will turn this ship around in spite of their brutality. Otherwise? We're sunk, m'peops. So it's all hands on deck, maties!