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Apr 18, 2007

VA Tech and the Moon

After grieving yesterday and Monday, yes, k.c., I have been looking at charts for Monday's violence with its Mars/Uranus = NN lining up, and Mars in Pisces (he was apparently on meds for depression--look out drug-makers) being squared by Venus in Gemini--and Venus conjunct asteroid Midas.

Venus in Gemini--two women--or the duplicitous woman? Money-mad Midas and Venus were in the 2nd house of Money when the violence began.

Mars/Uranus = NN: sudden events shared with others; execution of extraordinary and unusual enterprises; hyperexcitability.

Tr NN is conjunct Fixed Star, Achernar, risk of rapid endings...and this configuration isn't perfected yet.

The midpoint itself...Mars/Uranus = urge for freedom; suddenly available energy application; a test of nerves; dominant will; tremendous urge to action.

Just after 7:15 am on Monday, the midpoint of oppressive Pluto/Chiron was at MC. What concerns me now is that at 7:51 am that day, the Moon reached 12 Aries and beyond:

"13Ari": "A bomb, now safely concealed, fails to explode" which speaks of the infinite capacity of the world to absorb and nullify the destructive acts of man.


pos: a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of very deep or hallowed purpose;

neg: a waste of opportunity and a futile expenditure of self through vanity or petulence.

After hearing that the school had been receiving bomb threats before Monday, I don't like mentioning the Moon's degree esp considering that Cho's whereabouts between the two shootings are unknown and hopefully being retraced successfully now. Are they considering the possibility of bombs being tucked away?

Cho's actions were a "dramatic rejection" of the values of the school, the faculty, and the students and of the hallowed purpose which schools attempt to instill in their students.

But for some kids the hyposcrisy rings hollow rather than hallowed. How sad that no one listened to the warnings about this young man.

Apr 16, 2007

Gonzo's reprieve

Yes, it figured that Gonzales would have a Tuesday reprieve but what a sad and miserable reason at VA Tech, and my condolences go out to them all on campus and to their families and friends.

One tries not to think of false flag operations at times like this, of course, but will Thursday be any better for Al G's appearance on Capitol Hill?


Tuesday's closed-circuit Grand Trine between Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon (which was not mentioned in my last post) will be "replaced" on Thursday by a
Grand Trine involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury (communications; testifying, etc.)

Jup/Sat = Mercury: studying hard and asking the right questions (softballs?); desire to make changes; a fortunate separation.

Sigh...if George wants Gonzo to stay, he'll stay. Besides, Al must know where so many bodies are buried.

Apr 17: here come de judge

Tuesday, April 17 is more than just Tax Day, it's the day Gonzales is scheduled to speak to Congress.

His opening statement having been released Sunday, the players have plenty of time to rehearse their parts.

On Tuesday at 7:35:59 am edt (Cap Bldg) there is a New Moon 27Aries05.

You'll find the basics on the Sabian Symbol for "28 Aries" here by scrolling down to Robespierre's natal Moon in Aries--"I AM the people." The keyword for this degree is DISJUNCTION.

The Image for the bold, quick-thinking, crusading Sun Aries-Moon Aries combo is:

An invincible Hercules, propelled by primeval power, bursts into the dark castle, unties the fair maiden, and together they ride off into the sunset.

(I like the ride off into the sunset part.)

This jives with the Sun and Moon being benefically trined by Mr. Primeval Power himself, Pluto, now at 28Sag54 Rx...conj Fixed Star, Acumen, keywords: "enduring attacks which weaken."

The New Moon is perfected within 12th house of behind-the-door deals/meetings with Pluto trining New Moon from the 8th house of High Finances.

And illusive, deceptive Neptune is in 10th house so I would expect lots of spin of the spidery web variety (lost emails galore these days!)--and perhaps an element of self-sacrifice in the Career--esp since Fixed Star, Diadem is parallel (similar to a conjunction) the ASC at the moment of the New Moon.

There is a T-square formed and pointing to the ASC 19Tau29...from the ongoing Saturn-Neptune opposition, so we see:

Sat/Neptune = ASC: feeling confined; sense of being 'out of the group' (has Gonzo been jettisoned with Cheney's and Bush's "answer for yourself" buh-bye?); oppressive circumstances; limitation of freedom.

Of course, Saturn's realism mixed with Neptune's imagination and delusions give mixed results in the honesty department.

During the New Moon, Mercury 11Ari16, is unaspected--working on his own--and as we know, Gonzales has been rehearsing in a determined fashion for this performance.

Mercury (testify!) is conj tr Ceres, an asteroid which represents security issues in a mundane or national chart.

It's a contentious Mars hour...with Mars in deceived/deceiving Pisces ("9Pis": "A jockey spurs his horse." This is a Mars-opposite-Mars transit for Bush--the head-against-brickwall transit. Others don't cooperate as they should! Yet Bush never admits the adverse, and Gonzo will attempt to do same in his testimony.)

Quarrels (Mars) are indicated as well as a lack of self-control, diplaying unusual energy, upping the tempo, rash actions, ready-to-go, striving for power and control, and--although you don't need astrology charts to tell you this--

power games with important consequences.

Appointing judges at their will and whim--that's what they were ultimately up to, imho. And this naturally brings in the Evangelicals and Vaticaners with their priorities in the courts.

Perhaps "the judge" can fill us in on their so-named "murder boards" while he's at it--that'd make a nice side story to distract from White House involvement in pressuring US Attys...and interfering with justice.

Apr 15, 2007

on power's pillow's silk

That's a line from A kitten's Head Lays Heavy Now which is a new rhyme just posted at Lim's Limericks, and between various power outages today, I'm posting this Shout-Out here and expecting you to check it out if you are up and running.

We've got high winds here--not of March, but of April--and they're causing havoc in the land, m'peops.

Be safe,


Apr 13, 2007

Wolfie and the sensual Eclipse

Having followed the romantic saga of Paul Wolfowitz and his lady, Ms. Riza this week it was little of a surprise to snoop around the date of June 1, 2005, when Wolfie demanded his fair lady's exorbitant compensation just for walkin' in the joint bwo an email to his World Bank posse.

"I now direct you to agree to a proposal which includes the following terms and conditions." Woo, power as aphrodesiac--Wolfie drinks liberally from the cup, it would seem!

The Solar Eclipse series in which June 1 falls is 7 North, 19Ari07, which occurred April 8, 2005. (This is also the PE series of Hurricane Katrina btw.)

Bernadette Brady gives this series as being a very sensual family of eclipses with sudden sexual passions can I best say this?....lust. There may be deep passions which have been dormant for years--hence the power of this series to catch the person off-guard with its intensity and suddenness.

Why, Wolfie, you dog, you! You're making me wish I had boocoodles of time to post on your natal chart (Dec 22, 1943, Ithaca, NY) but my typing time is limited this evening.

The initial eclipse in the 7N series was on Oct 3, 1103 (OS) and which has some interesting midpoint pictures:

Venus/Mars (the lovers) = Moon: emotional impulses;

Venus/Mars = Pluto: powerful sex drive; the conquest.

Well we knew Wolfie the Wolf was pretty hot stuff when we first saw Fahrenheit 911 --saw Midas himself preening his hair back with his own spit. Looked good, didn't it, Ladies? Mmm-m-m-m-m.....

Note: there's been a new limerick surreptitiously phoned in today from Mr.A.Cat so I'm headed now to Lim's Limericks to publish it up in the pan for Lim and his colleague who was formerly an agent in service to our nation.

The new limerick is entitled, A Kitten from Riza... if you're game.

Update on Lim's: seems to be having partial publishing issues this evening--the limerick is posted but is unviewable by link. Please try later, if you wish.

However, there's new artwork to be viewed at Cosmic Persona Designs so you have quite a bit to do actually...move along more Wolfie for you tonight...perhaps tomorrow.)

Apr 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut 1922--2007

Novelist Kurt Vonnegut's fall two weeks ago in his Manhattan apartment resulted in brain injuries and he gave up the fight Wednesday, April 11.

In honor of a master I'm posting his natal chart the birth time of which is in question. But some transits aren't affected by birth time as long as the date is correct so I've marked Saturn outside the chart as The Old Man been visiting Vonnegut's natal Neptune of late. This is a difficult transit when you're 84 years old with its visions of The Grim Reaper and all.

Jupiter tends to be active at times of death and so we see Jupiter in first house along with Pluto. In a spree of blatant neglect, I did not write in the supposed planetary hour of his birth--a Jupiter hour, if born at 8:00 am CST (this looks like a rounded off time--once very commonly done.)

Custodians of Chaos is an excerpt from his memoir, Man Without A Country and is well worth a read if you haven't. It puts Bush and Cheney in their sorry places.

The Image for his natal Sun Sco/Moon Leo blend:

A Samaritan mirrors sunshine into the depth of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there.
Puts me in mind of the slaughterhouse in Dresden and his use of his war experiences in writing Slaughterhouse Five.

This Sun/Moon blend is shared by poet Ezra Pound who said, "The difference between a gun and a a difference of tempo. The tree explodes every spring."

Your work, Mr. Vonnegut, is well done. RIP where guns can hurt no more.

Apr 11, 2007

I hear Rummy's at loose ends

Bush Seeks Overseer For Iraq, Afghanistan --3 Generals Spurn the Position of War 'Czar' 11 Apr 2007:

The White House wants to appoint a high-powered czar to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with authority to issue directions to the Pentagon, the State Department and other agencies, but it has had trouble finding anyone able and willing to take the job, according to people close to the situation. At least three retired four-star generals approached by the White House in recent weeks have declined to be considered for the position, the sources said.

Apparently George is tired of moving soldiers around the board.

Actually they're looking for a way to tamp down some measure of the criticism he's now getting so the war won't be interfered with and the agenda may proceed like a greased monkey instead of the constipated one George has on his back.

Apr 10, 2007

2007 Jefferson Muzzle Award a shoo-in!

Yes, congrats go out to George Bush for being recipient of a 2007 Jefferson Muzzle Award...and so richly deserved!

Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression has an Archive List which can take you back to the Muzzles of 1999. But this year, George and his main crew are scorching and breaking records over at the Muzzles.

Shooing in Bush now for a Muzzie is a lot easier than wielding the industrial shoe horn that shoveled him into the back door of the White House in 2000-2001, with tossed eggs aflyin' and seemingly ignored.

Were they appropriately rotten? One may hope.

With Easter 2007, I have fondly reflected upon those limo-eggs as Mrs. Bush forced little children to laboriously spoon Eastery eggs across the manicured White House lawn while pretending that the memorable ghosts of those anti-Bush eggs of years past were not fresh as a daisy inside her pretty mind.

Apr 9, 2007

The People: the buck stops here

"Americans cannot escape a certain responsibility for what is done in our name around the world. In a democracy, even one as corrupted as ours, ultimate authority rests with the people. We empower the government with our votes, finance it with our taxes, bolster it with our silent acquiescence. If we are passive in the face of America's official actions overseas, we in effect endorse them." Mark Hertzgaard

We've fallen down on our oversight duties the last several years, haven't we?

We've been coup'd because of our inattentions. We need to correct past mistakes with clear statements and by taking direct action. Shadows must be faced in order to fight the many dragons we face yet the inner dragon is the most voracious of all.

Take one version of the U.S. natal chart--Sibly (5:10 pm lmt), the Scorpio Rising chart, Cornwallis' Surrender to Washington, Jefferson's supposed chart, all for July 4, 1776 (with the exception of the Cornwallis' Surrender chart) and read each placement for its Illumination Point--the opposite degree of the natal position.
Perhaps it's a tiny peek at the inner dragon of the American ego (Sun.)

Ex: US natal Sun "14 Cancer" as it's usually considered in the Sabian "14 Capricorn" for the nation's Essence, True Purpose, and the Ego drive to be important--the Sun (using the "rounding up" method of determination.)

(These Symbols also apply to George Bush's natal Sun (July 6, 1946.)

My preference: to use the one that applies in a fundamental way yet remembering that all is process--the degree before and the degree after (in this case, "13 Can/Cap" --"15 Can/Cap" would be what has just passed "14Can/Cap" and what is upcoming--in an evolutionary sense--is the next degree.)

Here's a personal example from my own Secondary Progressed chart: in the mundane world, I was given the opportunity to move professional locations to a business named, ReVive--when my Sec MC (Career) progressed to "10 Leo": "Early morning dew"...Keyword: REJUVENATION.

Rather descriptive.

So here's the Symbol for "14Cap" from Dr.Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

"An ancient bas-relief carved in granite"...FOUNDATION:

pos: a gift for bringing all things in to a pattern of convenience;

neg/shadow side: meaningless limitation.

Or would you prefer "13Cap"?

"A fire worshiper"...MAGIC:

pos: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

neg: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

Somehow "13Cap" sounds more like that Bush fellow. But how about America?

Apr 8, 2007

Bush in Iraq: No Left Foot Left Behind

Iraqi Details 'Shocking' U.S. Missteps so I'm guessin' that Bush's boot-scootin' goose-step doesn't go over on every dance floor...?

Shocking and awful--can the boastful awesome forevermore.

And someone please stable McCain and give him a bracing rubdown before he embarrasses himself further.

at Stars Over Washington

It's been a holiday week/weekend with out-of-town guests to host and enjoy around SO'W and its environs. Hope your Easter and Passover have been perfect and still.

No SO'W posting until Monday...but here's a tidbit from Lim's Limericks entitled,Beware: Kitten in a Speedo which was posted earlier today--but only because of a certain Cat's insistence on purrfection.

Apologies to the Speedo Company.

Apr 5, 2007

C.S. Lewis quote

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences."- C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), British Novelist

This Heads-Up from Information Clearing House

C.S.Lewis (Clive Staples) was known as Jack Lewis and was born in Belfast, Ireland, Nov 29, 1898.

On that day the Moon remained in Gemini, sign of the writer, and gives him a witty and versatile Fire-Air Sun Sag/Moon Gemini personality blend with this Image:

Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

This blend is shared natally by "New Age" philosopher, Benjamin Creme, Akbar the Great of Persia, Noel Coward, Petra Kelly, founder of the Green Party, Francisco Franco, and John Kerry.

Yep, John Kerry. Interesting company.