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Aug 31, 2007

Iraq War: Solar Arc Directions for 8.31.07

Bush is gets 'mounting reports of Iraq woes' and this reluctant astrologer progresses the woeful Iraq War chart (Mar 20, 2003, 6:35 am BAT, Baghdad) to today at noon using the Solar Arc method--everything moved forward: 1 degree = 1 year.

(NPR is reporting that the Joints Chief of Staff have never been enamoured of the "surge." Well, that's good to know now--esp if you have a loved one as part of this political move/spawn of the devil.) Bush's meeting at the Pentagon today marks the beginning of a two-week "marathon" of reports and meetings on Iraq. They yap while thousands of people die.

Yep, the chickenhawks have broken our military and something's going to have to be done soon--US Mars Rx by progression--for the next 80 years. This is serious, folks. And the GOPers are joining in the chorus to bring troops home--in time for the 2008 election, natch.

Of course, it's always theater with politicians, so who knows if they're serious? Talk is cheap, except in Washington where it may be the most expensive of all.

Reading the chart: Solar Arc = SA, tr = transit (current position), n = natal (birth), "to" = conjunction, as in "SA MC to n Mars" which is in process of happening now.

Click to enlarge: inner chart is the war chart, outer chart--and highlighted in yellow--are the Solar Arc Directions. In blue are a few current transits such as the 10th house plutocratic Pluto/Chiron (class warfare; oppression; exploitation; racism) mixing it up with Sacred Warrior, Mars/Chiron. Describes the conflict well, imho.

First let's see what we get for our bucks with SA MC to Mars: responsibility grows; change of status.

SA MC degree's Sabian Symbol: "10Cap"..."An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor." Ya think? Wonder who's the albatross? There are so many of them it'd be difficult to choose one--unless it's Maliki. And the contractors and weapons dealers who've disappeared millions of US taxpayers' money while arming our enemies. If that's not treason, guess I don't know what is.

The whole place seems to be a big pile of crooks and murderers with innocents caught in the middle--and I can't forget that the war began with Jupiter the General Retrograde--a bottomless pit in the money department, I typed to no one in particular. Has it proved to be otherwise? 2003's Jupiter is conjunct Bush's n ASC (his nibs himself), and is also conj his and the Republican Party's n Mercury (which is also Gonzales' n Mercury. Guess they all think alike.)

On the 2003 chart, I've taken the liberty of drawing a kite pattern with Saturn in Gemini as the tail ruddering the plot along. 2007's SA Saturn now at "28Gem", the degree of "Bankruptcy." Nice, Cheney, Thanks (she typed contemptuously.)

2007's North Node (NN), the path or destiny, is at "6Gem": "Drilling for oil" surprise there. NN was heading that way all along. Cheney thought it would be easier.

SA Moon 27Lib31 is now being affected by tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint...

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: renunciation; giving up giving.

And that may be all we can do, m'peops. Or all we should do.

The tactic of regrouping forces is no shame--the jihadists do it all the time with much success. But irrationally hitting your head (esp when it's someone else's, George) against a brick wall is more than an shame. It's a tragedy...brought to you by Washington politicians of all persuasions.

And I blame them all.

Rove's last (official) day in D.C.

At sunrise of Karl Rove's last official day at the White House, there are some interesting Fixed Stars active for the day and a few midpoint pictures to consider.

And since today is the 10th anniversary of Princess Diana's and Dodi's deaths, these Stars are in effect in relation to their suppposed assassinations.

The Sun and Fixed Star, Thuban, arose together. A while later, Mercury conjunct Fixed Star, Denebola (to go against society) arose with Mercury parallel Menkar (a victim of the Unconscious.)

In constellation Cetus, the Whale, Menkar relates to insights and unconscious forces issuing from the Collective, and may give an ability to achieve something great on behalf of the Collective. But Menkar also relates to disease, disgrace, and ruin.

Denebola has another set of keywords: being on the fringe of the establishment. Sounds perfect for Rove-the-trickster's removal to Texas or Hades (wherever) for he'll be politically involved in some way such as focusing on his tricks for the 2008 election.

Thuban's rising with the Sun takes the day, keywords: guarding or protecting a treasure. Thuban resides within constellation, Draco, the Dragon.

Being miserly with money or ideas is often the expression of Thuban. Resisting the nemesis of hoarding is the lesson of this Star with its connection to giving and sharing. And Pluto is, of course, the dragon guarding the treasure.

With some of the current influences in Rove's progressions, it wouldn't be a surprise if there's a tinge of financial fraud attached to him--and there's rich man Jupiter, symbol of the GOP, at the Foundation of the sunrise chart, still at the "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity" degree of 10Sag. Has he reaped a reward from the GOP for his work? What do you think?

Perhaps there already has been such a fraudulent tinge and I've not heard of it--for I consider a day spent without thinking of Karl Rove to be a pretty decent day ordinarily (so hopefully today will improve after I publish this post.)

Here are a couple of his current midpoint pictures relating to career matters--first the Minors (from the mental-causal plane):

Pluto/NN = Neptune: power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost (at which he excels);

Pluto/ASC = Jupiter: receving a bounty; drive to major success; a favorable turn of life circumstances (clearing out of Dodge before the sheriff knocks? and he may be attempting to outrun the upcoming Sep 11 Solar Eclipse when missing emails or other paperwork may surface); a large gain; generosity;

Moon/MC = Mercury: thinking about one's position in life.

His Secondary Progressed chart has:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion against one's lot in life; desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeur; an act of violence or brutality.

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: an orator with expressive gestures (such as a third finger toward Congress and its subpoenas?); talkativeness; successful solutions; an actor.

With his resignation, Rove is making waves to get to shore, trying to save or guard what's left. Hope someone goes over the books with a fine-toothed comb, as they used to say.

Today's Sun Vir/Moon Aries Image for Integration is:

A jolly, rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humor. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Rotund, for sure, but kindly?? And this analytical combo is "the practical joker"!

Sunrise midpoint pics influencing the day are:

Saturn/NN = MC: standing alone in life; little joy from accomplishments; separation from colleagues; mourning (for Diana and Dodi for sure--Rove? not so much);

Mars/Neptune: Moon: indecision; sensitivity; nervous weakness; crooks; feeling off-course (aka, America--thanks, turdblossom);

Jupiter/MC = NN: fortunate associations; an engaging manner in contact with others.

Guess that last one refers to the Press. For when it comes to Karl Rove, I am not engaged--unless there's a warrant out for his arrest for what he has perpetrated upon America.

Aug 30, 2007

Auriga, the Charioteer cometh

Space Weather News for Aug. 30, 2007

WEEKEND METEORS: On Saturday morning, September 1st, a flurry of bright and colorful meteors might come streaming out of the constellation Auriga. The source of the shower is ancient Comet Kiess, which has laid down a trail of debris that Earth will cross this weekend.

But will a shower really materialize? Forecasters are divided. Some expect a brief but beautiful display rivaling the Perseids. Others say the debris stream is too empty for significant fireworks. Either way, the peak is due around 4:30 a.m. PDT (11:30 UT) on Saturday morning. This timing strongly favors sky watchers in Hawaii and western parts of North America all the way from Mexico to California to Alaska.

Spaceweather's full coverage of the Aurigid meteor shower begins Friday, Aug. 31, with links to live audio from a meteor radar, which will monitor activity throughout the weekend.

Sky maps and more information are available now at

The constellation Auriga, the Charioteer, is the harnesser of the horse (Sagittarius.) It is the next cluster out from the North Pole and is associated with the beginning of cultivation and the domestication of plants and animals.

Various images have been used in different cultures for this constellation from a man holding a whip and reins to a man riding in a chariot with a goat slung over his left shoulder. This image is believed to have originated in the Euphrates River region centuries ago.

Some myths have crippled Hephaestus as the chariot-maker and the rider being his deformed son, Attica, whose coils-of-snakes-for-legs were hidden within the chariot.

In Biblical times it is linked to a shephard watching over his flocks and so is linked to Christ, the Good Shephard.

Macha, the great Celtic goddess, is referred to as the Charioteer and brings a nurturing flavor to the Auriga myth for she is nursing twins. Another Celtic figure is Arianhrod, the goddess of the star-wheel, the wheel or chariot in the sky who gave birth to twins as well.

Macha has always resonated with me personally because the myth addresses the line between the patriarchal and matriarchal in Celtic society. Whether or not this meteor shower amounts to much visually, the archetype has been brought into the collective's consciousness, hasn't it? Macha's pregnant condition was disrespected when she was ordered to race in spite of her condition--she won, but with great pain and difficulty, giving birth in the middle of the road.

I don't know too many women who can't identify with Macha in some way!

Auriga symbolizes the fertile horse goddess who, as Macha, cursed the men of Ulster because of their lack of respect for her. She is still honored in Ireland today as a living memorial existing in the history of Ulster and Northern Ireland.

The brightest star in Auriga is Capella which may bring honors, wealth, and renown. There is a love of learning, curiosity, and ambition if this star is linked to your natal chart, yet others may consider you 'odd.'

Capella gives a nurturing but free-spirited quality and the horse embodies a love of movement and of action. Amelia Earhart has this star connected to her natal Venus...her airplane was a modern-day chariot. Her love of speed and flight is shown with Capella.

Freedom and independence tend to be expressed in a non-threatening way with Capella and one may have reason to wonder if the myth's above-mentioned association with patriarchal-matriarchal themes will express in US society bwo a woman being installed in the Oval Office--and supported by the US natal Mars gone retrograde by progression!

But hey--it's only a possible meteor shower...right? ;p

star lore: The Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady

Abraham Lincoln's natal-with-assassination charts

The natal chart of Abraham Lincoln, born Feb 12, 1809, is pictured here along with the chart for the time that the sneak saboteur fired at the back of his head during a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater, Washington DC.

This is a 'companion post' of this information because images seem to display better here at Blogger (in my browser at least--perhaps in yours?) than images published at my WordPress blog Jude's Threshold where you'll find the charts' details published as a Page in the Sidebar.

I do like WordPress' Pages feature though for you can always find an article on the list.

Easy, Breezy!

Aug 29, 2007

GOP: idiocy and evil and George Bush

Please read:

More Shame, More Sorrow

By Paul Craig Roberts

In the administration of George W. Bush, the Republican Party has achieved the greatest combination of idiocy and evil in human history.

Information Clearing House

Well, I took a peek at various progressed charts of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT--when their platform was adopted--Jackson, MI) and there's only one midpoint picture formed now in the Minor Progressions (the mental or causal plane):

Jupiter/ASC = Neptune: speculation; hoping for luck; projecting the niceness of things, not wanting to admit the adverse; disappointments; losses.

With natal ASC 9Sag47, the recent Jupiter Direct Station occurred there expanding their little Jupiter Mantra selves, and although I have no time to do it justice, there are indications in the Secondary Prog'd chart (physical plane) that they are in expectation of an upheaval or shock.

Okay, well here's one:

Sun/Uranus = Mc: restless people with far-reaching plans; reformers, technicians, inventors; experiencing the impact of sudden events or emotional upheavals; major events in support of big plans; hopeful triumph for the ego.

When there's time I'll check in on the Dem Party charts and see what they've got up their sorceror's sleeves. And I'll also be posting asap on the Inaugural 2009 chart--but you won't like it overmuch...their lousy tinkering under the hood of the Constitution continues with alacrity and verve.

Aug 28, 2007

those cats: Alberto and Petraeus

Photo of a kitty cat I know who is actually named Alberto. He was rescued from Hurricane Alberto while clinging for dear life inside a drainpipe. He is now sleek and shiny and quite the master of the household. Just call him Bert...or For Dinner.

Meanwhile an Alberto kitten in law was written about another Alberto back in April.

And it seems a certain kitty poet knew something was fishy back when he phoned in
a brave kitten Petraeus for me to post at Lim's Limericks. Because now Petraeus' name is on the verge of being "dragged through the mud" a la George Bush whose family name may ultimately define the meaning of muddy names.

Where are the Weapons of Mass Disappearance and where are our millions, General P?

Perhaps he can fill us in--the American taxpayers--on their missing dough when he reads the "Petraeus Report" in mid-September...footnotes by Cheney, Kristol, and Hadley.

Moonrise at the Crossroads

With the morning's Lunar Eclipse rising in a few hours and because America is at a crossroads--our next steps will tell the tale for years to come--I've published one of my drawings Moonrise at the Crossroads on Jude's Threshold for your consideration if you're into cosmic moon art.

Plus Tuesday's Lunar Eclipse is in Pisces, sign of art, magic, and stuff.

Einstein fans rejoice as warping found

Einstein's Warping Found Around Neutron Stars yet I never doubted Albert, did you?

Alberto and his warping of the DOJ, that's another dark matter. Now if the White House can find the thousands of missing and damning emails, we'll really be on to something. Hint: they're in this universe.

Aug 27, 2007

Aug 28: Lunar Eclipse 4Pis47

Here's the Lunar Eclipse chart for Tuesday which as you see is rising over the White House.

If you click chart to enlarge you may be able to read my chicken-scratch notes. And be sure to check out a cool photo of the March 07 Lunar Eclipse over DC with details of tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse, Turn Around, Bright Eyes at The DCist.

Rising in the chart is the South Node of the Moon so recently a visitor to George Bush's natal Mars which therefore is rising, too. (Hot air also rises.)

So is America about to be separated (SN) from its Martian president? Asteroid Sisyphus is conj Bush's n Mars these days; keyword: determination. And you know how Sisyphus kept on keepin' on rolling the Iraq up the Capitol Hill. Or something along those lines.

And with the 'executive privilege' fights that are coming up, Al Gonzales was jettisoned today, yet still the hot air balloon of state is dipping perilously close to the ground (ground = Saturn, in Leo--29 degr, a critical or crisis degree, Leo = leaders, yet Saturn is conj Fixed and Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, success if revenge is avoided.) In Washington? Puh.

At MC is Fixed Star, Alcyone, one of the weeping sisters: something to cry about, exile; lack of luck; suffering; mystical but judgmental. MC is, as you know, the Career/Public Status/Aspirations Point.

At IC, the Foundation of the chart is Toliman, aka Bungala, at a critical degree, 29Sco37: self-analysis; occult interests; honors; insensitivity; stubbornness; cruelty.

IC's degree is the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree of "1Sag" and so the Iraq invasion/occupation is at the base of this week's reflections and hidden issues which the Lunar Eclipse may bring to light, for this is a Full Moon over the White House.

There are a lot of other details in the chart, of course, but my typing finger is spazzing. More later if I can manage. Perhaps tomorrow--although my more-than-able colleagues have published on this Lunar Eclipse all over the web!

And then there's this:

Space Weather News for Aug. 27, 2007

LUNAR ECLIPSE--FULL COVERAGE: On Tuesday, Aug. 28th, the full Moon will enter Earth's shadow for a 90-minute total eclipse. People on the Pacific side of Earth will have the best view as the Moon turns a dreamy shade of sunset red. Favored areas include the Americas (especially western North America), Hawaii, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, east Asia and Antarctica. The show begins Tuesday morning around 2 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (0900 UT).

Although the dominant color of a lunar eclipse is red, sometimes another hue appears--turquoise. Earth's shadow has a turquoise-colored fringe caused by our planet's ozone layer, and this can be seen for a few beautiful moments at the onset of totality. Today's edition of shows you what the turquoise fringe looks like and explains how to catch it.

Also, amateur astronomers are encouraged to assist NASA during the eclipse by scanning the darkened Moon for explosions caused by Helion meteoroid impacts. Typical flashes reach 6th magnitude--easy targets for mid-sized backyard telescopes equipped with digital video cameras. The eclipse is a great time to look for these "lunar meteors."

Observing tips and more information are available at along with full coverage of the eclipse, including maps, animations, timetables, and links to live webcasts, begins now on

Sep 17 is a Big Day for America

Gonzales is said to be leaving the frayed and demoralized Justice Dept on Sep 17 which 'happens' to be Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

But of course nothing in politics happens by accident. They think they're so funny. We are not amused.

Aug 28 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Space Weather News for Aug. 27, 2007

LUNAR ECLIPSE--FULL COVERAGE: On Tuesday, Aug. 28th, the full Moon will enter Earth's shadow for a 90-minute total eclipse. People on the Pacific side of Earth will have the best view as the Moon turns a dreamy shade of sunset red. Favored areas include the Americas (especially western North America), Hawaii, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, east Asia and Antarctica. The show begins Tuesday morning around 2 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (0900 UT).

Although the dominant color of a lunar eclipse is red, sometimes another hue appears--turquoise. Earth's shadow has a turquoise-colored fringe caused by our planet's ozone layer, and this can be seen for a few beautiful moments at the onset of totality. Today's edition of shows you what the turquoise fringe looks like and explains how to catch it.

Also, amateur astronomers are encouraged to assist NASA during the eclipse by scanning the darkened Moon for explosions caused by Helion meteoroid impacts. Typical flashes reach 6th magnitude--easy targets for mid-sized backyard telescopes equipped with digital video cameras. The eclipse is a great time to look for these "lunar meteors."

Observing tips and more information are available at along with full coverage of the eclipse, including maps, animations, timetables, and links to live webcasts, begins now on

deja-vuing Alberto Gonzales

Here are some of the highlights from SO'W of past Gonzo posts for a look-back upon the already-been-seens:

Gonzo's high noon 7.31.07

midpoints affecting Al Gonzales

Gonzales: Bowling for Freedom with Saturn

Scroll just below for the latest entry on this morning's resignation. And check out my post A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power over at Jude's Threshold if you're interested in the Sabian Symbol for America's Mercury--active today when Gonzales made his diverting morning announcement of dramatic importance.