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Sep 21, 2007

Washington as crap game

Two-party system an illusion, the People duped. Now here's what I've been blogging about since October 2005:

The Police State Is Right Here, Right Now

By Carolyn Baker

The two major parties are like two crime families-the Genoveses and the Gambinos. They function like players in a crap game that feign opposition to each other, but when the chips are down, they will always unite to serve their common interests.

Information Clearing House article

Sep 19, 2007

Stars, Stripes and blatant hypocrisy

"I thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country who rob the people on the one hand, and rob and debase the government on the other; and then with their pockets and wallets stuffed with the filthy, bloodstained profits of war, wrap the sacred folds of the Stars and Stripes about them and about their blatant hypocrisy to the world."

Kate Richards O'Hare's Address To the Court Proceedings on the Sentencing of Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hare by Hon Martin J. Wade, 1 pm, Friday, Dec 14, 1917.

You tell it, sister! The infestation continues in 2007!

The day this statement was given was a Solar Eclipse day, Sun/Moon "22Sag":

"A Chinese laundry"...SECLUSION...

pos: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation;

neg/shadow side: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority.

This Eclipse manifested in the 10 North (10N) Series--the same as our upcoming "Unmasking Eclipse" of Feb 7, 2008 at "18 Aquarius":

strong emphasis on communications with frustrating or inhibiting events involving news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling drained and fatigued, this is a good time to take things quietly and work through things one at a time (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

The 1917 Eclipse chart has the speculative, wasteful, yet idealistic Jupiter/Neptune midpoint with Pluto...

Jup/Neptune = Pluto: self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; plans unreasonable beyond measure; far-reaching speculations; a great loss.

Seems to describe seeking profits bwo war and some financial troubles--plus, this Pluto 4Can44 Rx, is at the US natal Venus/Jupiter midpoint so we see:

Venus/Jupiter = Pluto: gaining favor with the masses; publicity; the world view; unbounded enthusiasm.

Pluto to Venus: seeking greater power; circumstances may cause stark confrontations concerning values, principles, and priorities (!) and attempts to gain others' cooperation turn into power struggles.

Pluto to Jupiter: seeking to gain greater power and influence in economic and political realms; total honesty required; danger of intolerance and fanaticism.

At 1:00 pm (time of the above quote), the IC/Foundation Point of the chart was 5Can19(US natal Jupiter) with Pluto conjunct. At 1:00 pm, a YOD (Finger of God; special task or purpose; crisis) formed with MC; Jupiter (4Gem23 Rx) and Neptune (6Leo47 Rx--also conj US n NN) sextile...

Jupiter/Neptune = MC: a visionary; a speculator, philanthropist, spendthrift, or squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

This means that Rx Pluto had been conjuncting America's natal Venus and n Jupiter and deepening the financial situation and promoting power expansions. Venus/Pluto contacts can indicate riches--or bankruptcy, and Jupiter has his obvious connection to money and increase with Pluto, the dragon, guarding the hidden treasure.

Now it's 2007--and war is still being used shamelessly to spark economies and make mega-millions for the greedy. The current woes of Wall Street are ripples from the attacks of 9/11, and from corruption and fraud. And thus we see the chickenhawk war machine grinding on and on.

Oh! and spendthrifts rule Washington--as long as they can spend other people's money, that is.

Sep 18, 2007

Michael Mukasey July 28, 1941

Here you see the sunrise chart (birth time unknown) for Michael Mukasey, July 28, 1941, Bronx, NY (click chart to enlarge.)

Since Mukasey may not become Attorney General after all the hullaballoo over Congress' demands for purgegate info which the White House is shy about giving up, I'm posting this natal chart for future reference if needed.

One can't help but notice though that his natal Sun is conjunct powerful Pluto so his father must've been a doozy--this conj indicates that his parents were involved in a great power struggle for control so Mukasey tends to see the world in this's how he relates. And Leo is inordinately proud, too, and fancies himself a natural ruler.

People with Sun/Pluto conjs tend to overwhelm others--with love, concern, guilt, problems, solutions, or anything they can think of. There's a certain amount of obsession, resentment, and a sense of self-righteousness implied and possible implications of heart problems.

And with Chiron in the Sun/Pluto fray, we have the plutocratic Pluto/Chiron pair with its loftiness issues, plus Sun/Chiron gives an early sense of destiny. This pile-up is conj US natal NN as well...public associations bwo of his power potential.

He's very much a meeting the powerful and exerting control kind of guy who should have no trouble meeting the demands of the NWO agenda, but as with everyone, it is his natal chart to choose how to use.

His Sun and Pluto are midway between Jupiter and Neptune so we see two natal midpoint pictures:

Jupiter/Neptune = Sun: following a dream; trying to capture the essence of things; deceiving or being deceived; lack of self-control; irresponsibility; speculation.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; a great loss; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances.

Being natal, these pictures may apply in any combination (or none) or at various times of life. I'd say the last one is applicable now with his possible government job.

Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 15 South: a situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear but there is a sense of grief or loss esp in the collective or within a group. Last manifested: Apr 29, 1995, next: May 10, 2013.(Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

The clump you see at Neptune/NN with the Moon (and the Moon reaches Libra at 12:41 pm on 7.28.41 so he could be a Leo/Virgo or a Leo/Libra personality with Libra being the sign of the scales of justice)--indicates spiritual or occultist tendencies in group endeavors along with sentimentality. (I don't know enough about him personally to know if this is correct - I'm just reading the chart. Is he of the Catholic persuasion, by chance? Jewish?)

Born during a Saturn/Uranus conj, it's interesting that the pair will soon be in the opposition phase of their cycle--for the 2008 election and the 2009 Inauguration. Oppositions are the culmination stage of a cycle. The old vs new Saturn/Uranus combo can be very ambitious with an exciting the status quo into new development flavor.

He certainly seems to be part of the Bush-Cheney agenda, and the Federalist Society is right up in there.

Around the outside of his chart:

Yesterday (Sept 17) when Bush announced Mukasey as his pick for US Attorney General, there were two transiting conjunctions to his natal planets - Saturn (responsibility; authority; control) to Venus, and Sun to natal Neptune, a planet of veils and illusions.

Saturn to Venus: seriousness enters the environment; relationships with females, other alliances, and joint ventures are curtailed by responsibilities (taking a job in government, and less money); greater commitment is called for; formality of manner; endeavors become more focused.

Sun to Neptune: ideals, fantasies, and spiritual matters become part of the environment; assistance may be volunteered (help! says George); reality may be conveniently lost sight of or others may hide the truth as inattention and flexible morals creep into the picture (in Washington, they crept in a long time ago. Remember Bush's first campaign days and his slogan to bring integrity back to the White House? I knew then that was a crock but little did I know what a giant crock it was.)

However, I do hope Michael Mukasey, if he becomes US Attorney General, can put the DOJ back on a more reasonable and less politicized course, don't you?

the Fed expected to cut rates today

With moneybags Jupiter conjunct America's natal Ascendant (Sibly, 5:10 pm lmt), the Fed may be announcing a rate cut at 2:15 pm edt in an attempt to bolster the soft US economy and give the worsening credit crunch room to improve.

Here are the midpoint pictures for 2:15 pm today in Washington, two of which have the Virgo Sun as focal point:

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: changes of residence (like when houses are foreclosed upon?); getting down to work; knowing what's got to be done; discipline pays off; making a go of it.

Mars/ASC = Sun: arguments or an inhospitable milieu; having to adjust things forcibly; excitability; intense teamwork.

Venus/Jupiter = MC: wonderment at feelings of success (really? Well, Venus and Jupiter are associated with money so perhaps this refers to the wheeler dealers who had to know this subprime market mess was coming--and who never really lose. It's true that the Venus/Jupiter duo is also linked to wastefulness yet maybe this midpoint picture refers to the rate cut--if Bernanke announces it--and that it will improve matters);

NN/MC = Pluto: organizing power; attaining success in partnerships by use of force; leadership; success; great achievements shared with others. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Venus today has returned to her degree on 9/11/01 which is also the Sun/Moon degree of the Mother of All Eclipses of Aug 11, 1999...the one foretold by Nostradmus centuries ago.

Some have termed this the King of Terror Eclipse in their attempt to ferret out the seer's (astrologer's!) idiomatique phrases of olde, but Nicholas Campion calls it the King of Alarm Eclipse. All three titles describe what the world has seen since 1999.

Personally I believe that the 1999 Eclipse is described in Revelation as the time the angels let go the winds of war--which is also what the world has seen. Disagree if you like. But that's just the way I roll.

btw: our problematic CIA turns 60 years old today, and was 'born' with a Scorpio Moon--appropriate for spying and investigation (Scorpio.)

The CIA officially came about in the 3 North (3N) Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE):

an overexcessive family of eclipses whose main theme is news concerning a young person or which transforms a situation; large plans and activities may wish to be undertaken and will have positive outcomes as long as they are kept modest. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Where have we seen the 3N Series before? It's the PE of the attacks of 9/11.

Sep 17, 2007

Sep 17: US Constitution's Saturn Return 2007

The post just written by your reluctant astrologer for Jude's Threshold has a sprinking of Astrology, karma, progressed charts, and neurosis, but is primarily about the US Constitution's Saturn Return today and which handily coincided with Bush's Rose Garden announcement of Judge Mukasey as his nominee for Attorney General.

Seems the few remaining DOJ employees are simply rattling around in that big old building and could use a pile o' perking up with some clear direction and a show of honest character. (If you've read this blog before you'll know I'm clutching at straws with the honest character part, more's the pity.)

So we have a nominee announced, and we have a Saturn Return--and Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law. Saturn signifies lawyers, in fact, and lower court judges.

Coincidence? Synchronicity? Or electional goings-on by Sacred Geometry types? In this case the word electional refers to timing an event by looking at horoscopes for the most propitious time (and not to our near-sham elections of political types.)

Anway you might be interested in following the above link where you'll find Saturnian things...but also one of my revolving Cosmic Art Cubes waiting for your little mouse to point and spin it all about while you listen to a sweet Diana Krall tune!

Sep 16, 2007

Senator Jim Webb plus: Sirius and Columba

Here is a post with a few details on Jim Webb's natal chart using sunrise (birth time unknown; Feb 9, 1946, St.Joseph, Missouri.)

Today I got sidetracked by a new website discovered to have all manner of interesting articles on Julian vs Gregorian Calendar reforms (a long-standing interest of mine), America and her links to Egypt, Sirius-Isis, the Pyramids at Giza, the election of the locations for the first settlements in the New World, and many other things: Enterprise Mission where you'll find info on the "carving out" of a new constellation, Columba (for guess who?) out of Canis Major, a constellation which contains Sirius and Sirius B.

Oh yeah, Dr. John Dee, Royal Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, is in the house!

Sep 15, 2007

Greenspan's new book a Bush-basher

Greenspan Faults Bush Over Spending and I fault him over everything but the kitchen sink. And it's been a little on the gurgly side. Maybe Earth's polar axis really is in process of morphing.

So is Greenspin a flip-flopper? Or simply and very humanely responding to criticism of his handling of interest rate resets during his Fed tenure? The writing of this book one presumes has been in the cauldron for some time. Is its release Sep 2007 the usual cleverly-timed publisher's ploy?

Someone will need to change the lyrics for the old standard, Buttons and Bows if the polar axis thing comes to pass...where East is West and West is East will want better rhyming than the tune's original lyrics can provide.

At last inspection, this region's water was still draining in the accustomed direction...

As Greenspan says in his book concerning the GOP:

"They swapped principles for power. They ended up with neither. They deserved to lose."

Wish I could believe we have one party remaining with which to face our tribulations!