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Sep 23, 2007

Mike Huckabee as president: some concerns

This post is actually being written Dec 30, 2007 as a link for Dec 30's post: Spotlight on Mercury: Mike Huckabee:

2008 candidate Mike Huckabee (Aug 24, 1955; Hope, Arkansas, birth time unknown, using sunrise 5:46:19 am CST) has a few chart factors which may be of concern given his mild manner. Is the dove really a hawk in disguise?

It has often been a wonder to me as a Christian that 'evangelicals' and other Christians seem to think that preachers belong in the White House...that church + state is a dandy idea which would solve all society's problems. Personally it sounds like the Roman state's melding with the papacy centuries ago, and does not support the traditional American ideal of their separation.

It was an excellent idea then, it's an excellent idea now.

One midpoint picture of particular concern in Mike Huckabee's natal chart (and what I discuss here will not be affected by lack of a correct birth time) is this:

Pluto/NN = Neptune: power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost; attainment of success by use of lies and fraud.

Now it's true that we are born with chart conditions which we may never implement in our entire lives--sometimes the opportunity never arrives or we are unaware of them.

Yet it's true that somehow Huckabee has shown tremendous drive and determination toward success on the national--and now on the world--stage. His rise in politics is no accident but part of a long-term plan, as it could be for anyone with a ruling passion and a passion for ruling.

But there's more involving nebulous, often deceptive Neptune...

Mars/NN = Neptune: anti-social conduct; self-absorption within a group, either charismatic or off-putting; falsehood; disappointmets.

Venus/NN = Neptune: shyness; falsehood; disappointments; hopeless relationships.

Then there's the powerful midpoint of Sun (life purpose; essence) and Pluto...

Sun/Pluto = Mars: desire to perform record achievements; ruthlessness; overtaxing one's powers; strenuous self-application; carving new life perspectives; enormous drive.


Sun/Uranus = Jupiter: a successful reformer or inventor; good understanding; rewards for innovation; surprise and success; ego recognition.

Funny but I was taught that Christians should keep their egos in check, not show them off on TV!

Since he's a minister of faith, we may want to have a peek at Chiron in his chart--Chiron as the Christ archetype, the Key, the Wounded Healer, and the Blindspot's Crisis...ruler of mystical experiences who says to us: be here now.

With Chiron in Aquarius there is a crisis of being grounded and existing on the earthly plane. This is an electrical placement for Chiron and Huckabee's aspects indicate electrical healing abilities. Yet his discipline must come from other chart factors (Mercury in Virgo sextile Saturn in Scorpio) to be effectively used so that the "airhead" quality of an Aquarian Chiron may be successfully directed.

(If Huckabee should inhabit the Oval Office, we'll have chances to find out if his airhead tendencies are in evidence or not, because we've had gracious plenty helpings of the mind-over-matter type of pie-in-the-sky already, thanks, much to our nation's detriment. And with Moon in Scorpio square Pluto, he may be quite unconscious of his true motivations toward power-grabbing.)

Aspects to Chiron...

Sun quincunx (inconjunct = 150 degrees) Chiron: a double quincunx effect--like a loaded stick of dynamite; cannot rest until the higher self is manifested on earth; driven to spiritualize the planet. (Uh oh. This could sound like dreams of ushering in Armageddon.) This is a tough aspect which instills a rigidity about destiny and thus, a difficult personal life (Chiron, Barbara Hand Clow.)

Since his natal Sun is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, and Mercury in Virgo is sextile Saturn, the traditional ruler of Chiron's sign, AQ, he has been able to contain and more easily direct this power toward his own benefit.

Mercury sesquisquare (135 degr) Chiron: this aspect works as a 'weak' square (if ther eis such a thing!) and so it relates to developmental tension. It indicates powerful connections with others which manifest in a constructive or a conflicting way. Since it is separating (waxing) there is a release of self through creative interchanges (The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Meyer.)

It's true that Mercury SQUARE Chiron gives a strong and exacting mind, but also indicates extreme opinions (Clow.)

Uranus opposite Chiron: this aspect is of ferocious intensity which either burns out its possessor or pushes him to great transmutative heights. Electrical healing ability is present, yet there is a stessed out feeling that everything's too much, at times. Drug-taking and air flights are dangerous when this aspect is being triggered, and there is a tendency toward viral infections and other immune system issues (Clow.)

Neptune square Chiron: this aspect is very stressful and is best utilized within the career (Christian minister); life will always be mystical with this aspect, and shows an inability to be "just ordinary" so why even try? Gifts to mankind are great with Neptune SQ Chiron and this energy must be used on that level or there is a tendency toward substance abuse and/or deceptive practices...this is the higher consciousness serving aspect.

Last but not least, Chiron is a catalytic planet similar in that way to Mercury, and Huckabee's Chiron is quincunx powerful Pluto: a karmic aspect which may be blocked until the death of the parent related to natal Pluto--then the peer group may be joined; there's a naggingly constant drive to find the deepest level of meaning in any situation, and to explore the Underworld of Pluto.

It is the last point which I believe may relate most directly to my first concern of Huckabee's meeting-the-powerful Pluto/NN = deceptive Neptune.

There are more interesting chart factors, but suffice it to say: I do not think we see all of this complex man so seemingly mild-mannered, and who has not--nor would anyone expect of him, given these Chiron aspects--given up his proselytizing as he struggles along the campaign road to the earthly halls of power in Washington DC.

A Christian in the White House? Now THAT would aggravate an already crisis-ridden, religiously conflicted world.

Within the 24 hours of Huckabee's day of birth, Sun stayed in Virgo, Moon remained in Scorpio and I think you'll find that his Images for Integration (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey) are very descriptive...

An impassioned doctor contributes statistics and personal views at a forum for discussing anti-abortion laws...A zealous insect lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis.

The Nation: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism

The Nation has an article from May 5, 2005 which is pertinent in 2007 as the globalists agenda continues to plows down everything and everyone in their path to world domination--and ownership.

From privatization of natural resources (which should benefit local populations, but not with these greedy crime bosses) to the hubris of social and economic engineering, the "rebuilding" after catastrophes and "post-conflicts" (which have yet to happen) aren't what they've been sold to be. As usual, The Nation has excellent articles on the subject. Even I finally got around to subscribing!

And the World Bank has its claws smack dab in the middle of the pie, natch.

Wonder if John Poindexter has made any sure (pre-) bets on these scams?

Think I'll mosey over to The August Review and see if Patrick has anything to say about it.

Sep 22, 2007

Autumn Equinox 2007 over Washington

Here is the chart for the moment the Sun reaches 00Libra00 aka Autumn Equinox over the White House (click to enlarge chart to read my scribbly notes, some of which may not be mentioned in the text of this post) on Sunday, Sept 23, 5:51 am edt.

First, there's this from

Space Weather News for Sept. 22, 2007

MAXIMUM VENUS: In a celestial coincidence of eye-catching proportions, Venus (the "morning star") reaches maximum brightness on Sept. 23rd, the autumnal equinox. In short, northern fall is beginning with a bright light in the dawn sky. Venus is actually bright enough to see in broad daylight, but easier to find just before sunrise. Wake up early any morning in the week ahead and look east for the brilliant light of Venus.

Bonus: Like the Moon, Venus has phases, and at the moment the planet has assumed the form of a slender crescent. If you have a backyard telescope, take a look!

AURORA SEASON BEGINS: For reasons not fully understood, the weeks around the autumnal equinox produce, on average, more geomagnetic storms than any other time of year. Even the mildest solar wind stream brushing against Earth can ignite auroras. Earth is inside a high-speed solar wind stream this weekend and another is due on Sept. 27th or 28th. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for Northern Lights. (Tip: Local midnight is often the best time to watch.)

Visit for sky maps, photos and more.#

Now for Autumn Equinox 2007 where you'll see that Venus 20Leo24 is in the secretive, self-undoing, karmic 12th house and almost at George Bush's natal Venus degree--his Venus Return. Venus has also passed her 9/11/01 degree for another year.

With Mercury as chart-ruler (and ruler of MC) placed in 2nd house, one of the 'money houses' and nearing the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint, economic woes may continue esp with the 8th house of credit, insurance, debt, shared resources, etc, being under the rule of contentious yet initiating Mars which is in 10th house of Public Status. Mars is at the Bankruptcy degree, "28Gem" (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Mercury in Libra may trigger thoughts and plans concerning relationships but also the court system with Libra being the sign of the Scales of Justice; and tr Mercury was at the Sat/Pluto midpoint in early September and will be again on or about Sept 28 and Nov 11.

Saturn/Pluto = Mercury: desire to solve difficult problems; taciturnity; thoroughness; research work; deep study; stark realism; depression.

The Sun reaches 00Lib00 during a Jupiter Hour, suitable for Jupiterian things which include philosophy, religion, and the legal system. Plus, Jupiter, as you know, signifies the Republican Party in all its rich splendor. The EQ Jupiter 13Sag11 is at the Foundation Point of the chart (HOW?) at the same degree as the IC (13Sag57.)

Transit Jupiter continues to expand the US sense of identity by sitting upon our natal ASC (Sibly: July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia) and causing expansive actions. This supports the economic flavor of the Fall season.

The ongoing T-Square (T-SQ) between the Mars/Pluto opposition (with both planets squaring this EQ Sun) changes character slightly as it becomes a Dissociate T-SQ with this Equinox. Sun also conjuncts US natal MC which I will cover below.

In his his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney gives some interesting info on apex Sun in a Dissociate T-SQ--and remembering that in a national chart, Sun = the leader or leadership:

The Dissociate T-SQ manifests similarly to a standard T-SQ on a functional level but there is a bit more leeway in inner responses to the challenge of the oppositional planets (and the Mars/Pluto combo = zeal, violence, brutality; intense energy application; control; extreme force.)

This ambitious Sun (leader) has difficulty relating to the intensity of the situation resulting in less motivation; adjustments are needed to integrate inner attitudes with the outer reality (well, GB has always been challenged with this kind of thing. His 'inner world' is plum magical with wishful thinking added to his emotional inability to admit the adverse. This may often be a necessary trait in US presidents, I realize.)

Actually, the Sun moving into Libra weakens the excessive power of Mars/Pluto (whether our zeal or theirs) yet apex Sun gives authority, strong willpower, and a whole-hearted urge to accomplish huge objectives. But it does this in a bossy, arrogant way with ego/pride issues causing problems in manifesting these goals.

This apex Sun demonstrates an intense self-reliance yet he must allow others to assist him--but in a way of their own choosing. Self-glorification may be evident and willfulness only reinforces the difficulties of the two SQs (Mars SQ Sun; Pluto SQ Sun.) This Sun commands the attention of others but seldom their love or respect.

Here is the midpoint picture from the T-SQ, then the picture substituting the US natal MC which is being affected by the Mars/Pluto opposition simultaneously:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: a hard worker; working until collapse or breakdown; injury or accident; taking violent measures; a higher power intervenes; upset of plans that is irredeemable.

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; dealing with might on both sides of an issue; major job maneuver; unusual ability to advance in life; or: the misfortune to face overwhelming force without power; danger through the intervention of a higher power.

If you click to enlarge the chart, you see that I've listed a transiting midpoint which is now conj US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) and it's Neptune/North Node which has a propaganda/glamour connection with the public (NN.)

Neptune/NN = Moon: high sensitivity; feeling ostracized; being misunderstood; lack of adaptability or of community spirit; disappointment; deceptive publicity.

And since this Moon is shining over the entire world (including the Middle East and indeed the Cresent Moon is the symbol of that region of the world) we may expect similar manifestations through al-Jazeera, etc.

The East uses a Moon-based calendar while th West uses a Sun-based calendar and an individualistic way of viewing the world--and ourselves. Moon-based societies are, of course, tribal. Neither is "right", both are valid. But try to get these violent types to admit it as each side attempts to push its way of thinking and worshipping upon the other helped along by heavy weight Pluto in questing Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner.

But Back to the Chart:

Perhaps you see that disruptive, rebellious, yet original Uranus 16Pis10 Rx, is conj the Equinoxial Descendant and thus is setting in the chart. Fixed Star, Achernar, is being triggered, keywords: success; being humane; crisis.

The Sun is quindecile (QD = 165 degrees) Uranus, planet of sudden events. The QD is an aspect of obsession-compulsion (Reeves, The Quindecile) so we have:

Sun QD Uranus: driven by excitement; need for independence with a sense of mission in needing to be different; "the rules don't apply to me"; living on the edge; may work for a cause in some significant way; disrupts the status quo through unique and innovative ideas.

This aspect with Uranus conj Achernar may also indicate natural disasters such as undersea earthquakes, volcanoes, and other water disasters (Pisces.)

The EQ's Sun/MC midpoint (the Goal) is conj US n North Node...

Sun/MC = NN: choosing one's associates carefully; the personal search for colleagues. (Perhaps this is because Bush's way of forcing things has pretty much cleared out the halls of government?!)

And what about the Sabian Symbol for the Equinoxial Sun ?

Using "1Lib" the word picture is: "A butterfly is made perfect by a dart through it"...Keyword: ARTICULATION...

pos: man's awakening to the need for some more whole-souled focus of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: the loss of all true selfhood by a needless surrender to the world and conformity to its ways.

As the Sabian Symbol for the degree just passed by the Sun says:

character is destiny.

Here's an Art dramatization by yours truly of the Autumn Equinox for your viewing pleasure.

Midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin.

Sunday 1:30 am edt: My Bad! Neglected to mention that the EQ chart has the Sun/Saturn midpoint on ASC...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: separation; being misunderstood; possible health threat; difficulties.

The Sun/Saturn combo is ughy, I know, but I had to add it since it's rising. Sun/Saturn = illumination of ambition; overwork; fear of loss; seclusion; retirement; aloneness; inhibitions; karma.

I had wondered recently in a previous post if the soon-to-be-exact tr Saturn conjunction to tr South Node (a separative point if there ever was one) would mean the loss in some way of a Democrat since Saturn = the Dem Party. Maybe this midpoint picture on the ASC relates to that circumstance and of course it could certainly be health related esp with Saturn bringing restriction to the vitality (Sun.)

Thought you'd want to know.

Sep 21, 2007

Hades and George Bush

This evening I posted on the Uranian planet Hades and its position in Bush's natal chart which is, as you may know, conjunct his Midheaven, the Goal or Aspiration Point.

That's Hades aka Pluto, ruler of the underworld! Follow the link and get to know Bush a little better than you wish you did...

Washington as crap game

Two-party system an illusion, the People duped. Now here's what I've been blogging about since October 2005:

The Police State Is Right Here, Right Now

By Carolyn Baker

The two major parties are like two crime families-the Genoveses and the Gambinos. They function like players in a crap game that feign opposition to each other, but when the chips are down, they will always unite to serve their common interests.

Information Clearing House article

Sep 19, 2007

Stars, Stripes and blatant hypocrisy

"I thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country who rob the people on the one hand, and rob and debase the government on the other; and then with their pockets and wallets stuffed with the filthy, bloodstained profits of war, wrap the sacred folds of the Stars and Stripes about them and about their blatant hypocrisy to the world."

Kate Richards O'Hare's Address To the Court Proceedings on the Sentencing of Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hare by Hon Martin J. Wade, 1 pm, Friday, Dec 14, 1917.

You tell it, sister! The infestation continues in 2007!

The day this statement was given was a Solar Eclipse day, Sun/Moon "22Sag":

"A Chinese laundry"...SECLUSION...

pos: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation;

neg/shadow side: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority.

This Eclipse manifested in the 10 North (10N) Series--the same as our upcoming "Unmasking Eclipse" of Feb 7, 2008 at "18 Aquarius":

strong emphasis on communications with frustrating or inhibiting events involving news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling drained and fatigued, this is a good time to take things quietly and work through things one at a time (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

The 1917 Eclipse chart has the speculative, wasteful, yet idealistic Jupiter/Neptune midpoint with Pluto...

Jup/Neptune = Pluto: self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; plans unreasonable beyond measure; far-reaching speculations; a great loss.

Seems to describe seeking profits bwo war and some financial troubles--plus, this Pluto 4Can44 Rx, is at the US natal Venus/Jupiter midpoint so we see:

Venus/Jupiter = Pluto: gaining favor with the masses; publicity; the world view; unbounded enthusiasm.

Pluto to Venus: seeking greater power; circumstances may cause stark confrontations concerning values, principles, and priorities (!) and attempts to gain others' cooperation turn into power struggles.

Pluto to Jupiter: seeking to gain greater power and influence in economic and political realms; total honesty required; danger of intolerance and fanaticism.

At 1:00 pm (time of the above quote), the IC/Foundation Point of the chart was 5Can19(US natal Jupiter) with Pluto conjunct. At 1:00 pm, a YOD (Finger of God; special task or purpose; crisis) formed with MC; Jupiter (4Gem23 Rx) and Neptune (6Leo47 Rx--also conj US n NN) sextile...

Jupiter/Neptune = MC: a visionary; a speculator, philanthropist, spendthrift, or squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

This means that Rx Pluto had been conjuncting America's natal Venus and n Jupiter and deepening the financial situation and promoting power expansions. Venus/Pluto contacts can indicate riches--or bankruptcy, and Jupiter has his obvious connection to money and increase with Pluto, the dragon, guarding the hidden treasure.

Now it's 2007--and war is still being used shamelessly to spark economies and make mega-millions for the greedy. The current woes of Wall Street are ripples from the attacks of 9/11, and from corruption and fraud. And thus we see the chickenhawk war machine grinding on and on.

Oh! and spendthrifts rule Washington--as long as they can spend other people's money, that is.

Sep 18, 2007

Michael Mukasey July 28, 1941

Here you see the sunrise chart (birth time unknown) for Michael Mukasey, July 28, 1941, Bronx, NY (click chart to enlarge.)

Since Mukasey may not become Attorney General after all the hullaballoo over Congress' demands for purgegate info which the White House is shy about giving up, I'm posting this natal chart for future reference if needed.

One can't help but notice though that his natal Sun is conjunct powerful Pluto so his father must've been a doozy--this conj indicates that his parents were involved in a great power struggle for control so Mukasey tends to see the world in this's how he relates. And Leo is inordinately proud, too, and fancies himself a natural ruler.

People with Sun/Pluto conjs tend to overwhelm others--with love, concern, guilt, problems, solutions, or anything they can think of. There's a certain amount of obsession, resentment, and a sense of self-righteousness implied and possible implications of heart problems.

And with Chiron in the Sun/Pluto fray, we have the plutocratic Pluto/Chiron pair with its loftiness issues, plus Sun/Chiron gives an early sense of destiny. This pile-up is conj US natal NN as well...public associations bwo of his power potential.

He's very much a meeting the powerful and exerting control kind of guy who should have no trouble meeting the demands of the NWO agenda, but as with everyone, it is his natal chart to choose how to use.

His Sun and Pluto are midway between Jupiter and Neptune so we see two natal midpoint pictures:

Jupiter/Neptune = Sun: following a dream; trying to capture the essence of things; deceiving or being deceived; lack of self-control; irresponsibility; speculation.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; a great loss; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances.

Being natal, these pictures may apply in any combination (or none) or at various times of life. I'd say the last one is applicable now with his possible government job.

Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 15 South: a situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear but there is a sense of grief or loss esp in the collective or within a group. Last manifested: Apr 29, 1995, next: May 10, 2013.(Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

The clump you see at Neptune/NN with the Moon (and the Moon reaches Libra at 12:41 pm on 7.28.41 so he could be a Leo/Virgo or a Leo/Libra personality with Libra being the sign of the scales of justice)--indicates spiritual or occultist tendencies in group endeavors along with sentimentality. (I don't know enough about him personally to know if this is correct - I'm just reading the chart. Is he of the Catholic persuasion, by chance? Jewish?)

Born during a Saturn/Uranus conj, it's interesting that the pair will soon be in the opposition phase of their cycle--for the 2008 election and the 2009 Inauguration. Oppositions are the culmination stage of a cycle. The old vs new Saturn/Uranus combo can be very ambitious with an exciting the status quo into new development flavor.

He certainly seems to be part of the Bush-Cheney agenda, and the Federalist Society is right up in there.

Around the outside of his chart:

Yesterday (Sept 17) when Bush announced Mukasey as his pick for US Attorney General, there were two transiting conjunctions to his natal planets - Saturn (responsibility; authority; control) to Venus, and Sun to natal Neptune, a planet of veils and illusions.

Saturn to Venus: seriousness enters the environment; relationships with females, other alliances, and joint ventures are curtailed by responsibilities (taking a job in government, and less money); greater commitment is called for; formality of manner; endeavors become more focused.

Sun to Neptune: ideals, fantasies, and spiritual matters become part of the environment; assistance may be volunteered (help! says George); reality may be conveniently lost sight of or others may hide the truth as inattention and flexible morals creep into the picture (in Washington, they crept in a long time ago. Remember Bush's first campaign days and his slogan to bring integrity back to the White House? I knew then that was a crock but little did I know what a giant crock it was.)

However, I do hope Michael Mukasey, if he becomes US Attorney General, can put the DOJ back on a more reasonable and less politicized course, don't you?

the Fed expected to cut rates today

With moneybags Jupiter conjunct America's natal Ascendant (Sibly, 5:10 pm lmt), the Fed may be announcing a rate cut at 2:15 pm edt in an attempt to bolster the soft US economy and give the worsening credit crunch room to improve.

Here are the midpoint pictures for 2:15 pm today in Washington, two of which have the Virgo Sun as focal point:

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: changes of residence (like when houses are foreclosed upon?); getting down to work; knowing what's got to be done; discipline pays off; making a go of it.

Mars/ASC = Sun: arguments or an inhospitable milieu; having to adjust things forcibly; excitability; intense teamwork.

Venus/Jupiter = MC: wonderment at feelings of success (really? Well, Venus and Jupiter are associated with money so perhaps this refers to the wheeler dealers who had to know this subprime market mess was coming--and who never really lose. It's true that the Venus/Jupiter duo is also linked to wastefulness yet maybe this midpoint picture refers to the rate cut--if Bernanke announces it--and that it will improve matters);

NN/MC = Pluto: organizing power; attaining success in partnerships by use of force; leadership; success; great achievements shared with others. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Venus today has returned to her degree on 9/11/01 which is also the Sun/Moon degree of the Mother of All Eclipses of Aug 11, 1999...the one foretold by Nostradmus centuries ago.

Some have termed this the King of Terror Eclipse in their attempt to ferret out the seer's (astrologer's!) idiomatique phrases of olde, but Nicholas Campion calls it the King of Alarm Eclipse. All three titles describe what the world has seen since 1999.

Personally I believe that the 1999 Eclipse is described in Revelation as the time the angels let go the winds of war--which is also what the world has seen. Disagree if you like. But that's just the way I roll.

btw: our problematic CIA turns 60 years old today, and was 'born' with a Scorpio Moon--appropriate for spying and investigation (Scorpio.)

The CIA officially came about in the 3 North (3N) Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE):

an overexcessive family of eclipses whose main theme is news concerning a young person or which transforms a situation; large plans and activities may wish to be undertaken and will have positive outcomes as long as they are kept modest. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Where have we seen the 3N Series before? It's the PE of the attacks of 9/11.

Sep 17, 2007

Sep 17: US Constitution's Saturn Return 2007

The post just written by your reluctant astrologer for Jude's Threshold has a sprinking of Astrology, karma, progressed charts, and neurosis, but is primarily about the US Constitution's Saturn Return today and which handily coincided with Bush's Rose Garden announcement of Judge Mukasey as his nominee for Attorney General.

Seems the few remaining DOJ employees are simply rattling around in that big old building and could use a pile o' perking up with some clear direction and a show of honest character. (If you've read this blog before you'll know I'm clutching at straws with the honest character part, more's the pity.)

So we have a nominee announced, and we have a Saturn Return--and Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law. Saturn signifies lawyers, in fact, and lower court judges.

Coincidence? Synchronicity? Or electional goings-on by Sacred Geometry types? In this case the word electional refers to timing an event by looking at horoscopes for the most propitious time (and not to our near-sham elections of political types.)

Anway you might be interested in following the above link where you'll find Saturnian things...but also one of my revolving Cosmic Art Cubes waiting for your little mouse to point and spin it all about while you listen to a sweet Diana Krall tune!