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Oct 19, 2007

Dark Wraithiness and the Favoring Moon

Have you visited the Dark Wraith Forums since Blogger was left behind in a swirl of dust for a new platform?

Discussion topics range from economics and finance, politics, and other scholarly and practical subjects of interest, and the blog is definitely lookin' good! (And it wasn't ugly before.)

As I moseyed around there this evening my eyes lighted upon the link of a blog completely new to me and one whose title I would naturally notice: The Moon's Favors which is worth your perusal as well.

Well-organized as I wish SO'W could be but for the tech-challenged brain and the dial-up-only-option of yours truly, this blog sports the ACLU's button for Find Habeas where we may remind ourselves that Habeas Corpus went missing without a trace on Oct 17, 2006, Washington, DC--and hasn't been seen since. Not a peep.

Now I've been known to watch the tv program Without a Trace where some episodes end with a found missing person, some sadly don't.

This little Habeas fellow must be found for your sake and mine--for America's sake, so see if you'd like to join the search for him, or just link to the site, okay? He's been gone just over a year now and the first few hours someone goes missing are the most critical. Even the tv show admits it.

So here are a few starry clues: Habeas Corpus last seen, Oct 17, 2006; sunrise DC: 7:23:52 am edt:

Sun 23Lib57 rising with the Latin-flavored asteroid, Hidalgo, a cabalero who expects to be in charge; associated with one in power who fights for the rights of others. But in this case, Hidalgo seems to be more closely linked to one with a strong capacity for self-assertion who fights for his own principles--whether right or wrong. Fancies himself the general in all situations.

Actually sounds like Gonzales, Bush, and Cheney all wumped up together, doesn't it?

At sunrise, the Sun/Mars midpoint is pointing toward Bush's natal MC...

Sun/Mars = MC: ready to fight for one's principles; efficiency; loving one's work; success; the character of a fighter.

Plus, the Sun/MC midpoint (goal or objective) at sunrise is conjunct Bush's feisty and fussy little Virgoan Mars...

Sun/MC = Mars: strong power maneuvering in the profession; promotion and success; the urge to fulfill one's mission at all costs; making personal decisions; a powerful personality.

'Twas a Virgo Moon at sunrise so we have a finicky, holier-than-thou, socially critical Sun Lib/Moon Virgo personality blend:

Image for Integration: "With minute precision, a sculptor chisels the finishing touches to his work of art for the 99th time, and then sweeps up before leaving for his art-therapy group." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

They chisel away at our freedoms, then sweep up the evidence! Birty dastards. And no one in Washington is stopping them. Sen Barak Obama is supposedly related to Bush and to Cheney (we're all related if you go back far enough...doh!), and our two-party system is an illusion. Yep, the old Divide and Conquer ploy works as well as ever, doesn't it?

Meanwhile, Habeas Is Still Missing:

The mysterious disappearance of Habeas Corpus falls into the 8 South Solar Eclipse Series which began April 1, 1718 ("11Ari": "The president of the country" and that really is Cheney, with Bush as mouthpiece. "The Decider" decides on the matters which Cheney decides to send to Dubya's desk.)

The 8S Eclipse occurred on Sept 22, 2006 at critical degree 29Vir20, keywords: separation and loss; to be finished with something and feel sad at its completion; overstraining of strength may cause physical injury. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Yet the sadness is all on our side, it seems.

Eclipse degree's Sabian Symbol: "29Vir": "A man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading."

And btw: this is the Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) of George Tenet (Jan 5, 1953), and of the NASDAQ (Feb 8, 1971), in case you're wondering. And the recent years in which it manifested were: 1916, 1934, 1952, 1970, and 1988; next up in 2024.

the lie and the waterboard

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world."

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918- ) Russian writer, Soviet dissident, imprisoned for 8 years for critizing Stalin in a personal letter, Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970

Saturn's truth now Quindecile Neptune's deceptions as noted earlier:
Deception in societal leadership.

Mukasey's torture semantics confusion could be easily cleared up for him and his (mock) interrogators--have an experienced professional give all who are confused a demonstration. That should clear up their woolly thinking quite niftily while renewing their lapsed repect for the US Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, and any consciences still existing. If any.

Oct 17, 2007

how the 'haves' got richer and you didn't

The Origins of the Overclass gives one of the fuller pictures starting in the mid-70s if you'd care to know how the rich-elite class have catapulted themselves into the stratosphere of wealth and privilege.

Author Steve Kangas says the origins of the overclass can be traced back to the CIA--this article spares no one's feelings, so watch your toes.

Between FDR's New Deal programs and LBJ's Great Society leveling, something had to be done to stop the redistribution of wealth!

Plutocratic Pluto-Chiron's oppression, racism, and class warfare have reached scandalous heights. Their conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 was at "11Sag" and there are interesting insights on this degree by Lynda Hill in her book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom which help to describe what I've been barkin' about with the Democratic-Republican melding from which we and the truth suffer--also described by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (Rs) with Saturn (Ds) on May 28, 2000.

But here are some details from Lynda's book concerning "11Sag"...

Light workers; grounding reality (double Saturn); concentrating on physical needs; connecting the right and left sides (very descriptive.)

"Light workers" reminds me of The Fellowship, the secret 'Christian' society that Cheney, both Bushes, Rove, Condi Rice, and many others whose names you know, are associated with and which has squirelly relations with all manner of groups and people who aren't on the side of the common man or woman..and don't mind a little mayhem and murder for the cause. The ends justify the means crowd, a la Machiavelli.

And remember the much-touted Y2K flap at the end of the 90s and into 2000? It had such PROMIS, didn't it?

Shout-Out to Alex at Astrology Communications Media for the article link!

Bush press gaggle 10.17.07

Today as I prepared a post on Mukasey's confirmation hearings beginning, Bush called a press conference at 10:45 am edt, Washington, DC, with the midpoint Neptune/MC rising.

Neptune/MC = ASC: acting and pretending; pursuit of the wrong objectives; living in a world of illusions and unreality; uncertainty; defenses against insecurity.

After listening to Bush's rather strident voice-goes-up-at-end-of-sentences statement, and now listening to his answers to reporters questions--and considering the seriousness of Putin-in-Iran, Turkey po'd over the genocide resolution and the D's bad timing on this 90-year-old situation, the housing losses getting worse as I type, China's issues with Tibet and the Dalai Lama's award to be presented today, and other attacks on Bush's presidency, it seems clear that having his back against so many walls isn't good for America.

Nor has his presidency been, of course, but my point is the same one I've made here before--America is the only nag in the race for me and I would've loved it if the Bush 43 presidency had been good for our nation. Yet the justification of his 'protecting' us from terroist attacks for the last 6 years only works if you think he and his ilk were not complicit or culpable in the attacks of 9/11--and the jury is still out to lunch on that question, imho.

Read George Washington's Blog for 9/11 'false flag' info, if you haven't already. It's quite well-sourced, too.

And here's my previous post: Cheney's Sec Progressed chart on 9/11/01 (Sec = the physical plane)--click-to-enlarge the image and you'll see I neglected to list the Hour which is Mercury, progressed to "15Pisces": "An officer preparing to drill his men." The post also has a link to more chart details, if you wish them.

So Bush used this morning's 'bully pulpit' (as he mentioned once again) to scold Congress (again) and to assure the American people he's still "relevant" and that he intends to sprint to the finish (he says again.)

America, you have been informed by the chief catapulter.

My Mukasey post concerned Venus in Virgo (now conjunct asteroid Astraea) at fated degrees (7) with Mercury and Mars. Venus is passing Saturn by but still less than 3 degrees, with tr South Node (separation) conj Saturn. This Venus, Astraea, Saturn, SN hook-up crossed MC (Career; Aspirations Point) just before Bush's press conference began.

Astraea: goddess of justice and law; so Astraea/Venus seems to represent Michael Mukasey quite well. Here's the link to the article which makes me feel as if I'm catapultin' the propaganda judging by the headline:

Mukasey Favors Independent Justice Dept which won't do our civil liberties much good if he's similar enough to Bush-Cheney in his views. He's famous for signing Muslim round-up orders after 9/11--yet others of interest were flown out of reach.

Awards, nominations, authority, and bully pulpits rule the day.

Yet there's a "price on the crown" with Fixed Star Alphecca rising with the Sun (7:23:21 am edt, DC):

Alphecca (Alpha Corona Borealis) bestows honors, and indicates occult and healing ability. There may be a backbiting flavor as well (in Washington---pshaw!) and advancement gained with the help of others. There is a gift of moving forward in society but at a price and the potential for future sorrows by accepting the crown. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Princess Diana and Princess Grace of Monaco both have links to Alphecca in their natal charts. (And yes, I do think both were assassinated but am too chicken to publish about it!)

Today's Sun Libra/Moon Capricorn Images for Integration point to both Mukasey's nomination as AG, perhaps the Pope's naming of new cardinals, and to the ceremony today for the Dalai Lama's Congressional Gold Medal of Honor:

At the annual Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out gold-engraved stationery for everybody...The Statue of Liberty.

Honors abounding - and the Statue of Liberty is a coppery Venus!

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey

Oct 16, 2007

Dalai Lama in the White House

Dalai Lama XIV, born July 6, 1935, 4:38 am LMT, Tengster Village, Tibet:

Bush to Meet with Dalai Lama Today and they may be sipping their cups of green tea as I type.

Bush chooses now to be seen in public with the Dalai Lama instead of sneaking around to meet as they have several times in the past.

China is miffed about the visit and the award, of course, esp since tomorrow's bestowing of the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor upon the Tibetan spiritual leader will coincide with China's Communist Party Congress. Bad timing seems to be a constant plague in Washington.

(Was it planned so? Congress is making Turkey angry with its belated genocide proclamation--China may as well join the snit against the US. And the majority of Americans are grumped up with the US Congress, too, so there's a definite chill on the Hill directed at the current infestation of insulated, speculating pocket-liners.)

Well, read the above-linked article for background on this visit although you may be up on the situation already...wouldn't surprise me.

The Dalai Lama (hereby dubbed DL for typing purposes) was born during the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse Series which ended in 1971, but it began on June 23, 727 (OS; 27 Can, conj Bush's natal Saturn)--so it was quite ancient and worn out, after all.

If you click-to-enlarge the chart you'll see DL's PE rising in his chart--and it's also his Syzygy Moon (the last lunation prior to birth.)

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives this Series as:

great constructive energy focused on the reuniting of loved ones, idealism, and expressions of love.

Born during a Moon Hour (good for nurturing, changes and publicity) with Mercury as final dispositor, DL has a forceful midpoint which is conjunct George Bush's natal Saturn (authority; control)--the Mars/Uranus combination of energies is where we have a short fuse, use nontraditional and innovative forms of energy, and where heated outbursts may occur. Yet one assumes he has his temper under control...still we must entertain the image of DL and Bush gazing into each others eyes over china teacups--that should do it:

Mars/Uranus = Saturn: lack of adaptability; violence; energy concentrated on separation; a clash between controls (Saturn) and the freest spirit (Uranus); potential battles and separations; controls cannnot be tolerated.

Hope their cups of green tea don't grow cold! And, of course, due to the reciprocity of Astrology, this picture may be referring to their discussion of the Tibet vs China impasse. It'd be impish of me to think the subject won't come up between them.

A change at Stars Over Washington:

Today begins a new cycle of interpretation: I have received my copy of Lynda Hill's excellent book 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny with the Sabian Oracles and find it to be spot-on and chocked with analysis.

Yet as usual I do not have time to do justice to the Dalai Lama's chart with its rising Mercury/Pluto midpoint (Mercury/Pluto = ASC: intellectual influence on others) so I'll close with a couple of factors which 'pop out' at my reluctant astrologer's eye.

Here is the Sabian Symbol of DL's n Sun with interpretation from Lynda's book (you will notice DL's n Sun is one degree from Bush's and the US natal Sun):

"12Can": "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby Whose Aura Reveals Him to Be the Reincarnation of a Great Teacher."

Oracle: Messages of hope for the future are coming through younger and more vital elements (is the mantle about to be passed? Transit Saturn and tr SN--separations-- are now conjunct but this more likely points again to the Tibet/China dilemma--jc); seeing the greatness of others; charisma and presence; visions; holistic perceptions; discovering latent talents.

The "Baby" has a unique and special talent that can be of benefit to the world in some way...the "Child" needs to be nurtured, nourished, and care for so he can reach his true potential.#

DL's natal Mars 18Lib16 (the position of US sec progr'd Mars Rx) is conj Bush's moneybags/guru planet, Jupiter. Both have major expansive Moon/Jupiter similarities--Bush has them conj, DL has them sextile.

His first house contains a Pluto/SN conjunction indicating a life disrupted by war and violence...and they sit upon Bush's natal Saturn. DL's n NN (the path or destiny) has this Symbol from Marc Edmund Jones: "Two Awards for Bravery in War." Well, he seems to be receiving one of them on Wednesday.

Lynda adds info to this degree Symbol: rewards for involvement in tough situations; benefits given or showered; legal claims; award ceremonies; recompense for taking action.

Caution: "Awards" as Band-Aids to assuage guilt produced in war; expecting money or other rewards for doing anything that one doesn't want to do; social ills of combat fighting; bribery. (Mucho thanks, Lynda!)

For this and other chart factors I'm not mentioning in detail, this visit may be all about cash-infusion. Is the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor genu-wine gold through and through? It will be interesting to hear what is given as the reason for his receiving the Gold Medal tomorrow--and if you hear anything interesting, please let me know, and be sure to visit Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols for lots of Sabian goodness!

Noon News from NPR: major chem leak in Michigan, thousands of people being evacuated. Very sorry to hear of it.

Oct 15, 2007

Orion and the Orionids

Having the constellation Orion at natal MC, I always feel pleased when it's Orionid Meteor Time...peaking Oct 21, so get your peepers on!

Space Weather News for Oct 15, 2007

In recent nights, sky watchers have noticed meteors shooting out of the constellation Orion. This signals the beginning of the annual Orionid meteor shower caused by space dust from Halley's Comet.

The shower is feeble now, producing only a few bright meteors per hour, but the show will improve as we approach the shower's peak on Oct 21st. Last year, observers counted as many as 50 Orionids per hour when Earth passed through the thick of Halley's dust trail and another good display may be in the offing.

You sleep that you may wake You die that you may live.

--Egyptian pyramid text

Do you know that there are those who believe that Christ's Second Coming will be from the direction of the Belt of Orion?

This easy-to-spot constellation contains Betelgeuse (Alpha Orion--mentioned in Scripture), keywords: success which is unhindered.

As you know, Orion also contains Rigel (Beta Orion), keywords: to bring knowledge to others; the educator.

Rigel is actually the brightest star in Orion, while Betelgeuse (in Orion's armpit) is second brightest, and Bellatrix (the left shoulder) is third.

Keywords for Bellatrix: success through the shadow.

Other stars: Mintaka = the belt; Alnilam = the middle star in the belt; Alnitak = the last star in the belt; Saiph = the right thigh; Thabit = the sword.

So there we have Orion, the hunter, the immortal god, the giant. He is linked with everlasting fame, success, martial honor, changeability, and sometimes rashness. In a natal chart, much depends on what planets and angles a star is linked with--parans, etc, and their expressions in the life may be either positive or negative.

Greek stories about Orion echo Egyptian mythology for their tales of him have the common flavor of Orion going blind or dying and then being reborn through association of some kind with the Sun.

Here's another snippet from an Egyptian pyramid text, gleaned for you from Brady's Book of Fixed Stars (#ad):

I fly from you, oh men, I am not for the earth I am for the sky. I have soared to the sky as a heaven. I have kissed the sky as a falcon. I am the essence of a god, the son of a god. Behold the faithful and loving Osiris has come as the stars of Orion, the Beautiful One. I have come that I may glorify Orion. My soul is a star of gold and with him I will traverse the sky forever.

So the figure of Orion (Osiris) is an archetype of God and of the hero's journey we each are responsible for taking on the earth. Hope yours is going well...for guidance and be sure to look up!

This post edited for clarity June 3, 2022 jc

Lovin' Abe Lincoln + the Unmasking Eclipse 2008

Since we have the Feb 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse coming up at the Unmasking degree "18AQ": "A man unmasked" when a man's private motives are revealed, I tend to perk up when I see the word, unmasking--especially in relation to Washington, DC:

Why Enemies of Liberty Love Lincoln

Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Thomas J. DiLorenzo gave the following Speech at the Future of Freedom Foundation's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed in six parts at Information Clearing House.#

And like most Americans, I was taught to look up to Abe Lincoln so this one's really messin' with my mind. Not that I hadn't heard rumors...

Then there's the fact that I like to draw mask-infused images over at Cosmic Persona Designs if you'd care to take a peek! Because everyone needs an occasional break from nasty old Politics, don't they?

So is your mask fitting or slipping today? We all wear them, y'know, and in your natal chart, the Ascendant (the rising sign and degree) represents your mask: how you see the world and how the world sees your...your persona.

Your Cosmic Persona.

Oct 13, 2007

You say, Kremlin...I say, White House

It's a ROFLMBO Day!

Here's the source of my Saturday hilarity: the AP article promoting the riotously ironic idea that Secretary of State Rice is Worried by Putin's Broad Powers, an article in which we find Condi Rice saying, "In any country, if you don't have countervailing institutions, the power of any one president is problematic for democratic development."

!!!!! (Expletive deleted. What does she know about it and when did she know it?)

Hey Condi, in America it's supposed to be called checks and balances before your boss and his cronies undermined it like all get-out.

More irony from Condi, but beware--stitch may form in side:

"I think there is too much concentration of power in the Kremlin....Everybody has doubts about the full independence of the judiciary."

You say Kremlin, I say White House, let's call the whole thing off, shall we?

Oh Condi, come on home--you sound (if possible) even more idiotic and unaware of your pot-kettle tendencies when in Moscow while Vladie Putin will be laughing his buns off all the way to the premiereship.

Besides, you know Bush longs to hang onto the White House if he can--even if it takes a false flag op to do it. Girl, you know it's true.

Oct 12, 2007

have you heard? Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Even a homeless polar bear could find, read about, or listen to the news this morning that Al Gore will share the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control.

Here you see Gore's natal chart with today's transiting planets scribbled around the what astrological influences may be involved with such a high honor for our former VP?

You can't miss power-behind-the-throne Pluto of the deep riches in touch with natal Jupiter. And Gore will soon have a Jupiter Return when tr Jupiter reaches 28Sag36 in Dec '07--and all the largesse is occurring in his natal 5th house of creative pursuits and risk-taking. Lucky breaks for Al.

Or I wish I could think that.

Mars is conj US n Jupiter at the "Gamebirds feathering their nests" degree in his behind-the-scenes 12th house, and the Scorpio Moon this morning at 5 am (when I heard NPR crowing the news) was conj the New World Order's natal 3 minutes.

Gore's natal Sun Aries/Moon Cap personality blend has two Images for Integration which I cannot forget--even though he seems likeable enough and I would probably vote for him if he decided to run (which 'they say' he won't because of Hillary's campaign--he thinks the 2008 election isn't for him--better to wait a few years until Pluto conjs natal Moon in Cap, I suppose)...

Sun Aries/Moon Cap: A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom...Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born.

Add to this the powerful-beyond-belief, hard-hitting, tough-minded, ambitious (plus a Cap Moon!) Pluto-Saturn-Mars conj in natal 1st house, and you see a driven man with natal Sun at the "President of the country" degree--and North Node (destiny) conj US Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20, noon in Washington DC, public oath-taking time.)

Gore's natal Mercury in creative, soft, watery Pisces may make him seem wishy-washy and easy to mischaracterize yet everyone knows that water is the strongest element of all.

And so I admit I can't shake the intuition that the Nobel Prize/Oscar Award honors are another phase of the political theater brought to the masses by globalist puppetmasters with whom Al Gore must have associations especially since he's a member of the Trilateral Commission at the least.

Of two things I'm sure: nothing these days is what it's promoted to be--and nothing in politics happens by accident. It's all by design by those who have the power to manifest on the world stage which may be shown by Gore's natal Moon/Jupiter conj (though 'out of sign' it's too close to discount, isn't it?) which gives an interesting word picture with transiting Pluto these days:

Moon/Jupiter = Pluto: major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear.

But if I had a vote on the Nobel Committee, I would've given the Prize to the homeless polar bear.

Oct 11, 2007

Celestial Triangle!

My personal headline for today would have to be:

'Real World Takes Over Blogger Falls Behind' but I thought you might be interested in this week's sparkly Celestial Triangle of Venus, Saturn, and Regulus!

Space Weather News for Oct 10, 2007:

CELESTIAL TRIANGLE: Set your alarm. For the next five mornings, just before dawn banishes the night, you can see a compact celestial triangle rising in the eastern sky. The corners are dazzling Venus, Saturn and the bright star Regulus. This is worth waking up for--at least once.

Visit for sky maps and more.

AURORA WATCH: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth and it may spark a geomagnetic storm when it arrives on Oct 11th or 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Oct 10, 2007

Impeach for Wiretapping Americans

This in from

Bush's Wiretaps: Impeachment not Immunity

Two years ago, the NY Times revealed George Bush has been illegally wiretapping our phones and emails for years. Bush publicly admitted signing the authorizations for illegal wiretaps over 30 times.

Bush's warrantless wiretaps are a flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment. And under the 1978 FISA law, the penalty for each of Bush's illegal wiretaps is up to $10,000 and 5 years in prison. Bush may have wiretapped millions of Americans, so he should not only be impeached, but he should spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Incredibly, "Bush Dog" Democrats led by House Majority Steny Hoyer not only refuse to impeach Bush - they want to immunize Bush and his co-conspirators, the telephone giants, so they never pay a penny or spend a day behind bars for their crimes.

Congress needs to hear from all of us today. Email your Representatives to demand impeachment, not immunity:

People's Mail Network

Oct 9, 2007

Draconid Meteor Shower peaks Oct 9

Space Weather News for Oct. 8, 2007

METEOR WATCH: The annual Draconid meteor shower peaks on Oct. 9th at 0430 UT--in other words, tonight at 9:30 pm PDT or 12:30 am EDT. Don't expect a big display. The source of the shower, comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, is far away and unlikely to produce more than a few slow meteors every hour. It should be noted, however, that unexpected Draconid outbursts have happened as recently as Oct. 2005 resulting in dozens to hundreds of meteors per hour. Could tonight be such a night? If you decide to look, keep an eye on the northern sky (Draco is not far from the north celestial pole) during the hours around the predicted peak.

PERUVIAN METEORITE UPDATE: Astronomers studying the Peruvian meteorite fall of Sept. 15, 2007, have analyzed infrasound records of the fireball's descent through Earth's atmosphere and estimated the impactor's kinetic energy: about 0.03 kton of TNT. So far more than 30 kg of the meteorite have been recovered by Peruvian authorities, but much more remains--indeed, says one researcher, there could be a "multi-ton monster" hiding at the bottom of the meteorite's curiously watery crater.

Check for more information.#

Did you see any meteors last night?

The constellation Draco the Dragon guards the greatest of treasures: the pivot-point of the world. Connected to myths of many cultures through the ages, the Celestial Dragon never slept because it never set. This is the hundred-eyed dragon which the Greeks had guarding the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides, and is linked to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Thuban (Alpha Draco) is the primary star, keywords:to create or protect a treasure.

There may be a miserly influence with Thuban as seen in the life of Sir Isaac Newton, who jealously protected his intellectual treasures--his theories and ideas. Newton's natal Moon is connected with Thuban on his day of birth and is expressed as a terrific hoarding instinct.

Pablo Picasso's life shows a different flavor with his Sun (identity) connected to Thuban, for he created over 20,000 works of art which were valuable before his death as Thuban allowed his immense treasures to flow into the world and the rewards to flow back to the artist. (Yes, this artist has Thuban connected in her chart--guess that's why I toss out so many images into the world through my online galleries such as Dreamyfish Art--the spiritual rewards do flow back--the material rewards? not so much!)

So if you have a gift or talent, it is your treasure and if Thuban is linked to your natal planets you'll find that issues of giving and sharing are recurring themes in your life. Whether material or spiritual, this gift is unlimited so find joy in sharing it with the world...for perhaps the treasure truly belongs to Draco and you're merely the conduit!

(Brady's Book of Fixed Stars)