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Feb 10, 2008

Progr'd Moon Phases of the Candidates

The Progressed (day-for-a-year) angular relationship between the Sun and Moon indicates the phase of life one is in and gives evolutionary information on the background structure of a person's life. Some may call it 'passages'--a Moon-esque term in itself.

Based on the natal chart, this method of prediction is one of the more informative esp when used with transits of the planets (where they are currently, or for whatever time frame we may wish to consider. Ex: a birthday is a Sun to natal Sun transit.)

In my Jude's Threshold pages, I've written on the Moon Phases of the candidates: McCain, Huckabee, Obama, and Clinton, if you'd like to see what life phase each of them will reach by January 2009--and as they "go forward" "at the end of the day."

Technorati Ping Problems abound

In my 104 day mission to get Technorati to ping Stars Over Washington once again, I'm posting this entry with Technorati code to "get the ball rolling" as they suggested.

Actually, the SO'W ball has been rolling since Oct 2005 and used to be auto-pinged by Technorati with my frequent posts. Code's okay, etc, but no ping can be found in their directory--104 days--ridiculous, even though my posts get indexed there.

And my shout-out of several weeks ago to anyone who knows what's up w'dat garnered no info, so this post is a new, if not last, resort.

It's discouraging that my other blogs ping nicely, thanks, but the one I put most time and effort into--this one--is shunted out of the Technorati mix. So here's the code to get the ball rolling and I hope it works.

Technorati Profile

Auroras from Atlantis!

Space Weather News for Feb. 9, 2008

SPACE STATION AURORAS: Astronauts onboard the International Space Station have been enjoying some colorful auroras this month caused by solar wind buffeting Earth's magnetic field. Some of their photos have just been beamed back to Earth and you can see them on today's edition of

Earlier today, space shuttle Atlantis docked with the space station to deliver the new Columbus science laboratory, which will be installed during a spacewalk on Feb 10. As they work, the combined crews should be alert for more auroras. A solar wind stream is heading for Earth, due to arrive Feb 10 or 11, possibly sparking a new round of geomagnetic storms.

Meanwhile, the shuttle and the space station are putting on a show of their own. Last night, the two spacecraft orbited over Europe where photographers captured their flight. The space station has grown so large that amazing details are now obvious in the eyepieces of ordinary backyard telescopes.

See the photos at

Another meanwhile: Bush, that John McCain is really really a conservative, really he is. No really--he is.

But after what the strong-arming Bush-Cheney regime and their GOP stooges have done for (to) America the last few years, a Bush assurance may not have the desired effect.

Unless you love war, that is. Then you're snugly in their pocket and McCain's your next neocon even if he can't run for a way-too-old-this-time second term.

Yet still the puppetmasters switch their machinations to back the Dems...and the dismantling of our nation continues under a new disguise. (Naturally they play both sides with so much at stake.)

So we'll see how different things really really turn out to be with the same old baldheaded globalists in charge.

It's only massive groundswells and landslides that will make a difference for America...The People must take back what's theirs for imperfect as America is, she's still the best.

Obama sweeps, Clinton weeps, Cheney creeps, 2008 leaps...such a busy year!

image: Imperfect Mandala drawing by jude cowell (c) 2008 Can you spot the imperfection?

Feb 9, 2008

9/11 probe: Bush hid behind Zelikow

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 8, 2008

LegitGov Breaking News

9/11 inquiry head 'tried to shield George Bush' Feb 5, 2008

The head of the commission that investigated the Sept 11 terrorist attacks had closer ties to the White House than he admitted and tried to limit the Bush regime's responsibility for the incident, a book claims. Philip Zelikow, the 9/11 Commission's executive director, allegedly attempted to intimidate staff to avoid findings that would be damaging to President [sic] George W Bush, who was running for re-[s]election, and Condoleezza Rice, his then National Security Adviser.

[See: 911 oddities] #

Well, of course he did. Otherwise the outcome of the 9/11 "Report" would've been completely different than the obfuscating whitewash that it was.

Feb 8, 2008

Martial Law: before November?

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 8, 2008

All items are here:LegitGov Breaking News

'They have permission to 'shoot to kill' in the event of martial law.' The FBI Deputizes Business By Matthew Rothschild Feb 7, 2008:

Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does--and, at least on one occasion, before elected officials... One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to "shoot to kill" in the event of martial law... This business owner says he attended a small InfraGard meeting where agents of the FBI and Homeland Security discussed in astonishing detail what InfraGard members may be called upon to do...

"Then they said when--not if--martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our portion of the infrastructure, and if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn’t be prosecuted," he says.#

Jude's Threshold now has a Page with the chart of the Aug 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse (10 South Series) which I will be updating with more details as time permits.

You'll see in the chart that on August 1 this Eclipse is RISING in Washington DC at 6:12:30 am edt. And boy is it. Plus, this is the Pre-natal Eclipse of the November elections so we'll want to keep our eyes on it.

Feb 7, 2008

Shuttle Atlantis launches 2.7.08 2:45 pm est

After 2 months of delay, the shuttle Atlantis has been launched today from Cape Canaveral, FL at 2:45 pm est as scheduled.

With deception and espionage smeared all over the chart of this long-awaited mission--ostensibly to take Europe's science lab, Columbus, to join the Internatioanl Space Station (a surveillance command satellite if there ever was one) today's launch may be considered a jolly accomplishment by some, another link in the spying chain to others.

Asteroid Icarus 5AQ54 is conj US natal South Node which is at "Medina" degree and if you're a consiracy theorist as myself, you'll recognize the degree as Islam's Neptune Return on 9/11/01. This was Neptune's position when Mohammed entered Medina, thus the name of the 6-7 AQ degree area. Icarus has unfortunate connections with assassination but let's not go there.

With Mercury (air flight) being Rx and conj Chiron 16AQ00, there may be disrupted communications at the least, and I hope that's their only trouble, difficult as that would be for such a flight...launched within hours after a Solar Eclipse.

Suffice it to say, there is much Neptunian action in this chart...secretive Neptune of subterfuge and veils, plus, there's Pluto of the invisible helmet--spying and sabotage are his specialities. Pluto is still on the World Point of 00Cap22.

Neptune 21AQ26 is conj three midpoints which give these pictures (Tyl; Ebertin):

Sun/Moon = Neptune: deceptions; illusions; the undermining of associations.

Moon/Mercury = Neptune: falsehood; exposure to lies and calumny; wrong notions and whims.

Mercury/NN = Neptune: an interrupted contact; confusion about how to fit into the group.

Now I don't wish difficulty upon such projects (overly ambitious as they may be) yet I admit to not believing that they're only what they are purported to be. Honorable science experiments? Pshaw.

Now there is one lovely midpoint pic which may indicate a safe mission--

Jupiter/Mc = Mercury: large scale projects and ventures; a wealth of thoughts; far reaching thoughts; successful plans. (A direct Mercury would be more helpful here.)

At 2:45 pm est, asteroid Pallas (keyword: strategy) crossed the top of the chart, the Midheaven (Mc)--the Goal/Aspiration Point of the launch. Opposite at the Ic at that moment (Ic = the Foundation or Basis of the matter) lurks America's natal Neptune. Idealistic Neptune more often brings dissolution, confusion, insecurity--and veiling.

Asteroid Atlantis is at a critical 29th degree: 29Libra31 in 5th house of risk-taking. Well, space travel of any sort is just that, isn't it?

Uranus 16Pis59 is connected to space travel, science, and technology, and has just crossed Mc near Fixed Star, Ahernar, "risk of rapid endings" yet Achernar may also bring success. We've recently seen Uranus' disruptive ability with internet cables cut under the sea (Pisces) and I'd been wondering for some time where that would occur...more of that disruption may be forthcoming.

At 2:45 pm, 5Can54 is rising along with US natal Jupiter at the "6Can" degree--"Gamebirds feathering their nests."

Wish my intuition said otherwise, but the International Space Station is overhead to pluck out the feathers of the masses for lining those royal nests--and for reporting back to our Orwellian controllers with state-of-the-art spy technology.

Chart-ruler Moon 26AQ38 makes an applying conj to tr North Node--today is the US' Moon Return--with tr NN about to conjunct natal Moon. There will probably be quite a bit of publicity about this mission...but not in a negative way, I hope.

Today's Ceres ("security" in a national chart) is at 14Tau34, the degree of the Inaugural ASC each Jan 20, DC, noon = the office of the president.

The next and only other applying aspect made by today's launch Moon is a helpful and enabling sextile to...sneaky Pluto. See what I mean?

Feb 6, 2008

Spotlight on Mercury: Hillary Clinton

Here you see the most often used natal chart for Senator Hillary Clinton, Oct 26, 1947 8:00 pm CST, Chicago, IL, rated DD for dirty data as her birth time is unverified.

This is why I've not published or written much on her before. And I do think that one of the possible charts (for 8:02 am) makes a lot of sense because it gives this lifelong politician an ASC of 22Sco07, Mercury-SN rising, with Venus, Chiron, and Sun 2Sco19 in 12th house.

12th house Suns are quite prevalent for politicians including George Bush--it's a secretive placement good for deals behind-the-scenes with the true character well-hidden. At 8:02 am natal Moon would remain in Pisces although earlier--22Pis51, and the Mc/Ic axis you see here would flip--MC becomes Virgo rather than Pisces. (Senator Barack Obama's natal Chiron is 5Pis+.)

But my current purpose is to take a peek at natal Mercury, planet of thinking processes and communicating styles--a very important planet for anyone but esp for a politician who may be propagandizing at us ad nauseum from the proverbial bully pulpit. And birth time won't affect Mercury factors mentioned below...

Some general notes on Mercury in Scorpio:

Mercury in Scorpio gives an intuitive mind capable of deep insights, and perceptions which allow critical examination of human motivations. Things may be seen accurately but not necessarily in a charitable fashion.

Mincing words to spare others feelings must be learned for it does not come naturally to a Scorpio Mercury--if Clinton can't say what she really feels, she'd rather remain silent. This can be similar to a Mercury-Pluto conj (a la George Bush) which gives cruel speech and a talent for catapultin' the propaganda.

Many plans--'planning' is also a function of Mercury--are carried out in secret and communication occurs only with a definite purpose toward what she is trying to accomplish.

If Mercury is afflicted--and one may say that Mercury conj SN is an affliction, for it is somewhat similar to having a Mercury/Saturn conjunction, plus Mercury is actually squared by Saturn 21Leo21--there can be scheming, plotting, and ulterior motives. Well, okay--she's a politician in, of all places, Washington DC.

A Scorpio Mercury may also give much mistrust of others but makes a good researcher or detective.

Saturn square Mercury can give a tendency toward excessive worrying, mental inhibitions, and traditional thinking...aka lack of imagination. Overconcern with unimportant details may factor into the worry and there may be difficulty in gaining recognition for original ideas esp from the establishment.

This is the strict-adherence-to-law-and-order Mercury, often at all costs, and a fear of change may lurk just under the surface. Scorpio's influence gives Mercury a proneness toward jealousy and a deep fear of failure (enough to bring on crocodile tears? You betcha! And Moon in Pisces can turn on the waterworks in a flash--very helpful for a political thespian.)

In positions of authority, a Scorpio Mercury may resort to belittling the ideas of others, and trouble may come through written communications and contracts (Whitewater, anyone? Must be more where that came from or I'll eat my beanie bonnet.)

Now you see that Mercury is conjunct South Node (SN)...what of it?

South Node (of the Moon) is karmic in nature--it's where we've developed old ways of dealing with issues--appropriate at the time, but they no longer 'work'. Yet we continue to use them with lackluster results--aka neurosis. Remember her "vast right wing conspiracy"? How people laughed! (I didn't, did you?)

SN, an unconscious point in the chart, also relates to inherited talents, and with Clinton's Mars-Pluto-Saturn trio--all pointing to papa--I assume she has inherited some of her Scorpionic Mercurial traits from the paternal side, yet some must have come from mama (SN)...she got a double helping, I'd say.

Mercury conj SN indicates one whose ideas are either ahead of or behind the times. Positively this conj endows the person with mental originality--much-needed with her Mercury-Saturn square--and we've observed her sense of independence which the separative influence of SN brings. Plus, Mercury-SN often has difficulty with timing in speaking up--and sometimes isn't listened to and so becomes frustrated.

Often forced to proceed alone, it's difficult with this configuration to gain support or to get others to cooperate. Has she figured out how to do this?

If Clinton becomes president we'll all suffer mightily if she hasn't, for America's problems run deep and Washington is no longer known for cooperation unless there's a photo op involved or an earmark to scratch.

In the long run her ideas can prove to be correct if she uses the rest of her chart factors to aid this ahead-of-its-time Mercury-SN conjunction. Overhauling healthcare? Well, we'd be better off now if she had managed to have those ideas accepted then (although I believe those ideas weren't actually Hillary's, but that's okay.)

Whososever ideas she promotes, advances, or brainstorms, my sincere hope is for my only nag in the ever and always, the United States of America.

Solar Eclipse Feb 7 , 2008

Space Weather News for Feb. 5, 2008

SOLAR ECLIPSE: This Thursday, Feb. 7th, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, producing a solar eclipse over New Zealand, most of Antarctica and parts of Australia. It is not a total eclipse; the Moon will only partially cover the solar disk. Nevertheless, the event promises some beautiful moments.

For instance, the partially-eclipsed Sun will dapple the ground with crescent-shaped sunbeams. Observers in New Zealand and Australia should look in the shadows of leafy trees for this lovely phenomenon. On the barren slopes of Antarctica, scientists and explorers can produce the same effect by letting the sun shine through a spaghetti colander or a sheet of paper poked with holes.

It is dangerous to stare directly at a partial eclipse because the exposed portion of the Sun is as blindingly bright as usual. Backyard astronomers with safely-filtered solar telescopes may, however, point their optics at the Sun and watch the mountainous lunar limb glide across the sun's fiery surface. (For solar telescopes, see:

The best views of all are reserved for an remote stretch of the Antarctic where the Moon will pass dead-center in front of the Sun without fully covering it. A thin layer of star will poke out all around the Moon producing a vivid "ring of fire" or annular eclipse.

Visit for eclipse maps and timetables and, later this week, photos of the eclipse itself.#

Antartica??? That's where some say Atlantis will be uncovered as the ice melts...hmmm...and this is the Eclipse at the Unmasking degree... nah, couldn't be!

But there is a certain Sabian Symbol which is usually associated with America and it's "19Taurus"..."A continent arising from the ocean."


pos: a revolutionary potential by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

Well, if the time capsule that's supposedly hidden in Atlantis is there (with its info on how to escape the coming cataclysm), it's about to be snagged by the world's movers and shakers, and we'll only know of it when it's too late...if at all.

Even Scripture says that in the final days, the earth shall give up her treasures!

And a vote for John McCain is a vote for Bill Kristol. (Just thought I'd throw that in.)

Here's my original post on the astrology of the Eclipse with chart set for Washington DC.