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Mar 14, 2008

America going broke

And now, brought to you by Bush-Cheney, America is going broke and it's become impossible to hide...even when you're George Bush blabbing bromides at the Economic Club of New York (who surely ought to know better.)

Roubini's Nightmare Scenario;

A Vicious Circle Ending In A Systemic Financial Meltdown

By Mike Whitney

America is going broke and the rest of the world knows it. Bernanke is just speeding the country along the ever-steepening downward trajectory.

Information Clearing House has Whitney's article.

Aries Ingress Mar 20, 2008

With my internet connection still acting in squirrelly fashion, the chart for the Aries Ingress (when Spring and the natural year begin) doesn't have time to upload before unceremonious disconnection.

Finances, War, Bush, and Obama are in the chart and here are a few details which hopefully will publish successfully:

The two T-squares are main features which include the Mars-Pluto opposition, and Sun 00Ari00 opposite Midheaven in Washington DC...Aries Ingress at 1:48:25 am EDT, March 20, 2008--the 5th anniversary of Bush's Choice for war.

Mars--Pluto = Sun: taking drastic measures; injury; accident;passionate attack to achive an objective; upset of plans that is irredeemable; hard work.

The second T-square points to out-of-bounds Mars 5Can44 which is conj US natal Jupiter. The Ingress occurs during a Mars Hour.

Sun--Mc = Mars: energetic pursuit of one's objectives; urge to fulfill one's mission at all costs; making perosnal decisions; a powerful personality; strong power maneuvering in the profession; promotion and success.

Sun--Mc = n Jupiter: publicity; optimism; fulfillment.

Perhaps this chart will upload to Jude's Threshold and I will try to do so now.

Mar 10, 2008

Bush spy ring nets a rare Spitzer fish

Yeah it did, you know it did. What was he thinking? the analysts are asking. With what part of his anatomy? some may say. Guess he's not such a rare breed of Mr. Clean, after all.

Yet with Bush-Cheney under so much fire (not that the awkwardly-named 'probes' will amount to anything of worth, nor will 'reports' do anything but muddy the truth we heard with our own ears) it's expected that bloggers will, and MSM will have the excuse to, keep their collective eyes on the nutshell on the left when it's the one on the right that hides the real skunks.

Is this a good time to say once again, Never trust a man who says trust me?

Meanwhile, Bush is 'sending' Cheney to the Middle East to sue for 'peace' when he's the one who deserves suing for what he's done to the Middle East! It's a topsy turvy world a la George Bush!

"In the United States, both the Republican and Democratic Parties, with only a few prominent exceptions, have been and are in the pay of the corporate media and communication giants."--*John Nichols and Robert McChesney

And may we not forget it. --jude cowell

*quote heads-up from the excellent Information Clearing House

~note: you may wish to visit Jude's Threshold for a little astro-politics including some details on the Mystic Rectangle over Mississippi's Primary tomorrow...

Senate Seeks Iraq Oil Audit

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Mar 9, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

Senate Committee Seeks Audit of Iraq Oil Money Mar 9:

Two senior members of the Senate Armed Services Committee have requested a full accounting of how Iraq is spending its soaring oil revenue. Since the invasion in 2003, the United States has invested close to $50 billion in reconstruction Bush's corpora-terrorists.

A letter from the Armed Services Committee says, "we believe that it has been overwhelmingly US taxpayer money that has funded Iraq reconstruction [sic] over the last five years, despite Iraq earning billions of dollars in oil revenue over that time period that have ended up in non-Iraqi banks." #

Ah yes...the Rx Jupiter in the Iraq invasion chart: bottomless pit in the money department, I believe were my exact words. And since this has been going on for years now, and since US taxpayer money funds everything else in most of the world, thanks, guys, for finally noticing.

Whether this 'committee work' will amount to improvements in the situation, that's always a horse of another color in Washington.

America's coffers really MUST be empty for politicians to act as if they're speaking up on behalf of the tapped out taxpayer.

Yep, the cash cow has become a downer headed for slaughter but where's the beef? In non-Iraqi banks!

And meanwhile the American people are left with the patties of Washington.

Mar 9, 2008

Spitoon Blues

Sad for you, dear reader...the muse of political rhymerie has landed heavily upon my furrowed brow after watching this morning's political programs on TV...resistance is futile...

Salivating GOP
pray the nom is Hillary
if it's not they'll be in trauma
have to face Barack Obama

latest polls McCain is down
touting war all over town
tasted violence on his tongue
sacrifice our poor and young

Hill and Bar are neck'n'neck
job loss gone way up by heck
better talk about inflation
homelessness across the nation

or you'll both be flash-in-pans
like elite Republicans
Democrats it's yours to lose
US got the Spitoon Blues.

jc 3.9.08

Mar 7, 2008

Mar 7, 2008 transits to Arab Oil Embargo chart 1973

The excellent Information Clearing House has an interview by Amy Goodman with Stephen Kinzer author of All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror which gives a basic view of how the US and UK sparked our present troubles by their greed, perfidy, and the Bondian exploits of Teddy R's relative, suave spy Kermit Roosevelt, who facilitated the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government which resulted in the re-installation of the Shah--bwo the CIA.

We can also thank the Eisenhower administration for the overthrow and its 'unintended consequences' which turns out to be something at which the US government excels. Lots of practice, and 1953 was no exception. Read the article, if you haven't, for it explains a lot of the UK and US machinations,shall we call them. It's the oil, stupid.

And I would add, and the money that can be made from the oil.

The book is now in paperback which I've been waiting for so I've put it on my Wish List.

Inspired by today's $106 barrel oil (the highest ever) here is the chart of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 which I took a re-gander at this evening along with the transits for this afternoon, 4:00 pm, NYC.

In the 1973 chart, North Node (associations; connections) is at00Cap58--this afternoon's Pluto? 00Cap58 (no, I didn't realize this until I saw it with my own peepers.)

This places today's tr Mars--out-of-bounds and setting bombs and fires all over the place~1Can08--conj 1973's South Node (of the Moon)--a separative point of karmic repercussions. Mars-SN = violence; war. And I might add, disenfranchised men between the ages of appr 25--35...some of them with red hair.

If we look at the possible word pictures of these three players, Mars, Pluto, NN, we get:

Mars-Pluto = NN: working with others to change the world; joint performance of record achievements; spurring others on; setting an example for others to achieve.

Mars-NN = Pluto: others must 'get on the train' or get left behind; a violent or enforced separation in a partnership.

Pluto-NN = Mars: exhibition of personal power; tyranny; demonstrating violence or brutality in the presence of others; desire to make others amenable to one's wishes; the misfortune to be placed under someone's else's power and control. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Another clump of planets can be done the same way--1973's close conjunction of Moon 4Can42 and Saturn 4Can45, with 2008's tr Mars 1Can08, so we see:

Moon-Saturn = Mars: lack of determination; desire to overcome difficulties; soul-conflicts; the sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground except by very careful, strategically planned exertion of energy.

Moon-Mars = Saturn: caught in the middle of the road; frustration; quarreling; dissatisfaction or an unsatisfied desire; suppression.

Mars-Saturn = Moon: weak will; moodiness; depression; feelings about losing something.

Well, phooey--this post is being overtaken by a massive thunderstorm system rolling in in case I don't get to complete this post before tomorrow, the above linked article makes it plain that a US strike on Iran would result, among other things, in Iran's being able to shut the Strait of Hormuz by sinking a couple of oil tankers which would effectively close the tap on 20% of the world's oil supply.

And the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of the Oil Embargo of 1973 is 11 South...Brady gives this Series as:

old ideas and methods fail; new systems are required to deal with events; blocks may be violently or tragically removed.

So if we hobble toward 2009 without allowing Cheney-Bush their daft and cruel strike on Iran then we've got trouble comin'...this Eclipse repeats on July 22, 2009, "30Can": "A daughter of the American Revolution."

Is this the real John McCain?

Has this Navaho deal affected McCain's campaign coffers? Will the cold winds of cynicism blow into his lackluster, Bush-infused presidential bid? Planet Calamari sent SO'W a much-appreciated heads-up on the matter with a link to the orginal article.

This controversy is bigger than the Vicki Eisman flap, but not as sexy by half. What are the odds that mainstream media pay attention?

Years of McCain's bluster about integrity reminds me of the good advice my Mama gave many moons ago: never trust a man who says, Trust Me.

And that surely goes double for the infestors of Washington DC.

~btw: Lim's Limericks has a new political rhyme published as Dumbleheaded Democrats? if you're up for answering.

Mar 6, 2008

Times Square blast March 6, 2008

At 3:40 am est, Times Square NYC, a hooded man or woman on a bicycle arrived at the military recruiter offices and bombed it.

Later in the day (Thursday, March 6) ten communiques were said to have been received in Washington to various offices saying, "Happy New Year! We Did It!"

A statement had been made by the police a few hours after the blast implying that the bombing may have been against "our troops"--yet anyone with a brain would suspect that it was more likely done against the Bush-Cheney war--or for some convoluted political reason/s which I won't speculate about here.

Assuming that the Happy New Year message had to mean something in particular--and knowing that the Islamic New Year had begun January 10, I Googled "Happy New Year March 6" and found a certain speech on WMD by a certain politician most people abhor more than he pretends to know.

Here you see today's Times Square chart with the chart from March 6, 2003 around it (exact time 8:02 pm est from transcript)--yet usually one would put the older chart in the center but I thought it showed the links more clearly this way. I've highlighted some pertinent connections between them--2008 is actually a Solar Return to the 2003 speech's chart.

Now the sandman is whispering so I will need to complete the details tomorrow on this matter with special attention paid to asteroid Lilith and to the Pre-natal Eclipse Series prior to Bush's speech which is also the PE of the Iraq war which fools rushed into barely two weeks later.

Please stay tuned...

UPDATE Friday: actually I've done a bit of updating on the news about this investigation at Jude's Threshold where you'll find that the time has morphed to 3:38 am...and fingers continue to point everywhere but at the Bush administration.