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Oct 9, 2008

The coup'ing of America: Naomi Wolf video

Author of Give Me Liberty, feminist, and social critic Naomi Wolf says that we-the-people are obliged by the Founding Fathers to speak freely.

America's Founders set up the people to be in charge and to be the engine of change. We have a right and a duty to depose tyrants whose totalitarian script has been followed in decades past. We must educate ourselves anew through the hazy mists of fearmongering and "emergency" passages of bills that are secretly laden with fascist-inspired fine print.

Congress has proven time and again that 'it' won't stop them.

We are our only hope.

Please watch this 27+ minute interview and take to heart the mess America is in - there's very little time left to toss out the criminals who have taken over our nation and now march us into fascism. And as America goes, so goes the world.

We-the-people have been coup'd. I am an American - a Child of the Revolution - and I dissent.

November elections and Sun Libra-Moon AQ

"The Democrats think Republicans are stealing elections. The Republicans think Democrats are stealing elections. And those of us independent of the two old parties know they are both right."

Kevin Zeese

"Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates."

Gore Vidal

"Elections are held to delude the populace into believing that they are participating in government."

Gerald F. Lieberman


Above apt quotes are provided compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter, and details of calmer climate indications with Sun in Libra-Moon in Aquarius today are brought to you by your reluctant astrologer.

("Reluctant" would be me - I didn't want to be an astrologer, but we are said to be 'slaves' of our 10th house planets - and mine is Uranus in Gemini.)

Oct 8, 2008

EU and euro on life support?

The Financial Crisis Could be the Euro's Death Knell...and even end the shambolic EU

By Christopher Booker

The truth is that this massive banking crisis has exposed the hollowness, the impotence, and the hypocrisy of the European Union like nothing before in its history. #

(And I thought things were supposed to be so idyllic there with America footing their military bills and EU-ers enjoying life so much more fully than we silly Americans can do.)

Palin's password: man indicted

Palin Email Hack: Man Indicted at HuffPo has a few details on Mike Kernell, 20, son of state lawmaker David Kernell (D-TN), if you haven't heard that the hacking mystery is solved.

The state rep says he was not involved in the scheme, but his son, an economics major at the University of Tennessee, is in deep federal waters here and faces up to 5 years in prison among other things.

Whether it was love, curiosity, the devil making him do it, or misguided political shenanigans, Kernell will rue September 16, the day he reset Palin's password and publicly outed her emails.

Oct 7, 2008

Kucinich on Dems' bailout betrayal

Kucinich on the Democrats' bailout betrayal tells more truth than Biden or Obama want you know about this financial charade we're being scammed by.

Kucinich notes that Barack Obama voted for the bill in case the markets fell sharply otherwise and he'd lose the election. That's what the kerfluffle was about, all that hemming and hawing and postponing going home to face irate constituents.

Scaredy cats and fatcats.

Without Kucinich, Paul, Kaptur, and Sanders, and perhaps a few others, we'd never hear a true word spoken on Capitol Hill from that Masonic Temple we call the Capitol Building.

And McCain is just as bad except that he can't talk economic language (doublespeak) as well in front of a camera as Obama.

Some choice we get with class warfaring Pluto-Chiron plutocrats who are laughing all the way to the bank. 1999 was the year of the Financial Services Modernization Act that destroyed the protections of 1933's Glass-Steagall Act...and Dec 30, 1999 was the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron.

How happy they must've been! FDR's New Deal finally placed on the road to ruin in one fell money for pesky old entitlements now!

So when Capitol Hill Theater (Bailout from Hades, Acts I and II) was in full swing I wrote: just see what the outcome is no matter what they say on the floor or in the press (or words to that effect.) And lo and behold they had their way and ignored ours even though we contacted our "reps" 100 to 1 Against the 'bailout bill' for Wall Street.

You know this manufactured 'credit crunch' means that all the mega-liquidity the Fed and Treasury have poured into the system is being hoarded by banks - and by banks that are more like oil companies than most people realize.

So I can't wait to hear during tonight's townhall debate which is hemming and which one is hawing the loudest. Perhaps they'll take turns.

As you know, the Bailout Bill won't fix anything for the middle class but it will continue to undermine all but the topcats.

About the only thing the Robber Baron class is missing in 2008 from their Industrial Revolution Days of yore is their fancy tophats where they can be more easily recognized.

Monopoly, anyone?

What didn't happen at Tora Bora

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt: US Officials Stopped Plans to Kill Bin Laden


"Our job was to go find him, capture or kill him, and we knew the writing on the wall was to kill him because nobody wanted to bring Osama bin Laden back to stand trial in the United States somewhere...

And what does Congress do?

Two articles if you're up for them:

French Premier Francois Fillon: We're on "The Edge of The Abyss"

By Mike Whitney

People are scared and removing their money from the banks and money markets which is intensifying the freeze in the credit markets and driving stocks into the ground like a tent stake. Meanwhile, our leaders are "caught in theheadlights", still believing they can "finesse" their way through the biggest economic cataclysm since the Great Depression. It's madness.


Down the Road to Serfdom

By Ann Berg

So here we are: a phony monetary system, $3 trillion wasted on wars, and acitizenry mired in debt. And what does Congress do? It adds more debt - a trillion dollars, just for starters, since once starting down this slippery slope, it won't be able to stop.

Don't know about you but I'm staying cool, staying with my bank. Panic is what 'they' want us to do - so I won't. Staying away from the voting booth in November is what 'they' want us to do - so I will not.

Although my Jupiter-Saturn trine is outraged by their blatant thieveries, we Capricorns can be so cussedly stubborn, can't we?

Oct 6, 2008

Election Protection WIKI now live!

Wikipedia's Election Protection went Live today, Oct 6!

A project of the Center for Media and Democracy, check out what you can do to ensure election integrity and help track voter suppression, too.

Some jokers will try ANYthing to win so let's keep our eyes peeled and our game on...after all, the Sabian Symbol for 2009's Inaugural Moon (noon, Jan 20) is '30Scorpio' = "A Halloween Jester."

Adriano Carelli gives a symbol for '30Sco' too, it's "A very large-headed snake." I can think of several politicians this would describe although the Moon in a national chart represents the people!

But perhaps such a Moon on such a public day may, on some level, also signify a famous individual of note who represents the people....supposedly our 'stand-in' although things seldom work that way anymore.

Carelli's fills in the picture with "will exert the greatest influence on his neighbors through his mastery of words, which will enable him to hold a nearly irresistible and hypnotic sway over others with the greatest parsimony of sentences" (probably not Joe Biden! more like Obama)...has "wariness, wisdom, and skill in the highest measure, which can be sublimated into the cardinal virtue of prudence, and as easily swerve into ignoble cunning, sneaking toadyism, venemous treacherousness."


Carelli goes to mention debates and one who has "an uncanny knack of shifting any argument onto ground most favorable to himself" (herself = Palin?) and to "let opponents dig their own graves with statements jeopardizing their own case"...this is a "double-tongued trickster," he says.

So there's the trickster - jester element again, so of course we must remember Rovian tricks while hoping that the Democratic ticket will bring some small measure of improvement for what's really the only nag in the race:

America...once known as...

Owning the Federal Reserve

Here's a chart of who 'owns' the Federal Reserve although I could've done all day without the anti-Zionist-rant comment added at chart's end....left by Anonymous, of course. Anonymous sure gets around the interweb.

The chart is found on News From The West, a blog that's new to me - I found the link on Ed Kohout's Astrology site. Ed is ranting against the Fed himself these may see for yourself if you like.

Being emphasized is that it isn't who 'owns' the Fed that's important, it's who controls it.

As John D. Rockefeller once instructively said, "I want to own nothing, but control everything."

'Credit crunch' my a*s.

Role of the Fed and Treasury in Bailout

If you're interested in another article concerning the economic bailout/corporate welfare boondoggle of last week, be sure to read Patrick Wood's article Bailout: America's financial ruin if you've missed it thus far.

Patrick, editor of The August Review, explains the role of the Fed and the US Treasury in the 'meltdown' debacle, or as I tend to think of it, the charade.

Why 'charade'?

Because it's part of the long-range plan as propagandized by spokesman George Just Go Shopping Bush, promoter of the Ownership Society. He just never said who'd be doing the owning.

From Ownership Society to Homeless Society, and it only took Just Go Shopping 7 years to decimate all that America holds dear and evict our people into the streets.

Today Just Go Shopping made statements in order to reframe people's thinking about what he did last week when he signed the Bailout Bill. He actually said that that's why the people "sent (him) to Washington, DC...when you see a problem, you fix it."


Well, if he thinks such ridiculous remarks can wipe away our knowledge and memory of all the problems he created, with the flames of loss and pain he fanned with his neocon pals, he's wrong - and even more arrogant than I've hithertofore given him credit for.

He's also assuming that anyone believes that we-the-people SENT him to Washington when most people realize by now that he, Rove, and Cheney crept in the backdoor, made themselves at home putting their hooves up on the furniture, and proceeded to trash our nation.

Please don't put an oilman in the White House, I pleaded during the 2000 (s)election. Now it's 2008 and a vote for McCain is a mandate for Karl Rove.

Old boss new boss, Saturn opposite Uranus in the sky...Obama vs Palin, a woman who'll set feminine rights back centuries if she gets the chance.

A landslide against the neocon warmongers will be the only thing they can't hide or divert even with all the tricks they have in store, such as...

Oversell loans set to explode while making billions off them, evict struggling families who can't pay, then deny them the right to vote - ain't these varmints sumthin' goshdarnit? Yep, oppressive Pluto-Chiron's class warfare is alive and well, and living in your used-to-be house watchin' the widescreen TV you thought would always be yours.

So, m'peops, vote early or on Nov 4, but please just vote!