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Nov 12, 2008

Full Moon of the Mystic Rectangle 11.13.08

Full Moon 21Tau15, Nov 13, 2008; 1:17:18 am est, White House, Washington, DC; Moon in 9th house, Sun 21Sco15 in 3rd house...and it's a chart full of challenges and gifts of the skills to meet them!

Now of course, the Moon is exalted in Taurus and very fat and happy - here we see Luna preening at her Taurean fullness as she reflects the Sun in Scorpio.

With Virgo ascending, the Taurean 9th cusp indicates a down-to-earth view of religion and philosophy; views are fixed (Taurus) and not likely to easily change.

Also there's insistence on the just handling of finances and relationships with a Taurean 9th cusp. One must be careful though with Taurus' shadow side: intolerance and greed.

Moon in 9th house has an emotional attachment to 9th house matters of religion, philosophy, and higher education. Social values come from childhood teachings with a 9th house Moon, with the 9th house's natural ruler, Jupiter, exalted in Cancer, the Moon's natural sign.

However, this emotional bias and identification with traditional values can limit the scope or depth of spiritual understanding, or there can be inspired intuition with this Moon placement - and with a celestial Mystic Rectangle overhead we may hope the latter is the case.

Sun in 3rd house likes words well said and Sun here spotlights communications. Since a Full Moon is the culmination of things begun at the last New Moon ('6Sco': "A Gold Rush"), and since the economic crisis is in the airwaves and on every one's menu, perhaps we'll be hearing something soothing for a change in the next two weeks concerning finances.

This Full Moon is part of a pattern, a Mystic Rectangle, a configuration consisting of two oppositions (the other being Saturn oppo Uranus) with planets sextiling one another on each end. In this chart you see the Mystic Rectangle highlighted in blue.

Not much has been written about this lovely-named pattern, but Bil Tierney says it indicates practical mysticism and points out that the sextiles and trines (Moon sextile Uranus; Sun sextile Saturn, so naturally Moon trines Saturn, Sun trines Uranus) gives opportunity for the awareness-revealing oppositions (Sun/Moon; Saturn/Uranus) to be utilized creatively. (Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.)

So the challenges that oppositions normally bring are more effectively encountered than would be otherwise expected with the sextiles and trines easing the conflict and discord into satisfying resolutions.

Yippee! Who doesn't like satisfying resolutions?

Well, right. Some people do prefer things stirred up in order to justify their gripes and make way for what they see as improvements. Them, we can do without.

And with a Mystic Rectangle, the cosmos gives us chances for more balance in relationships (oppositions always relate to relationships, and sextiles and trines are considered helpful in Astrology) and makes possible an objective evaluation through intuition and insight.

Occurring during a Sun Hour, this Full Moon shows Venus still out-of-bounds (OOBs) and thus not part of the system of energies here. At a World Point, 00Cap45, we see her just beyond her hook-up with Pluto, a conjunction which has a bankruptcy influence, as well as other flavors I won't repeat from a previous post.

Actually, it looks to me as if Lady Venus is sashaying Pluto back into Capricorn for more breakdowns and restructurings!

Highlighted in pink is a T-Square with Sun/Moon pointing to Neptune 21AQ30 in 6th house of Work; Health; Service. This makes nebulous, spiritual Neptune the apex planet of a T-Square.

An apex planet directs the energy of the opposition and can indicate the general tone of the entire chart - especially since the opposition in question is the Full Moon. Here's the midpoint picture using Tyl and Ebertin...

Sun/Moon = Neptune: misunderstandings in relationships; inner discontent; deceptions and illusions; self-torment; one who is easily upset; the undermining of associations.

This apex Neptune tells the tale for which the Mystic Rectangle is needed!

And what about the Saturn/Uranus opposition? Any help there?

Well, Saturn is being quincunxed (inconjuncted - 150 degrees) by Neptune - and vice versa. Inconjuncts are often involved when there are health problems, and Neptune in 6th house indicates conditions which are difficult to detect or are incorrectly diagnosed. (Planets in Aspect, Rob Pelletier.)

Saturn inconj Neptune: stay away from those with infectious conditions! (Easy to say and usually hard to do.) There is a compelling spiritual motivation to bring social order to chaos, but programs with unclear goals should be avoided (such as 'Bailout Bills'?)

When Saturn and Neptune are inconjunct, it's typical that those who serve are abused in some way - self-protection becomes extremely important. This morning NPR reported that an American aid worker and his driver have been killed in Afghanistan. And thus it goes.

Plus, there is a tendency for those who would serve to take on too much or to feel responsible for what should be the tasks of others - Senator Barack Obama comes to mind and scapegoating by some will be a real temptation or possibility with his presidency. (His awareness of these tendencies will help.)

The good news is that beneficent Jupiter, who often acts as a guardian angel, is applying in trine to Saturn (0A53) and sextiling Uranus (separating, but 00S00 - they are both 18:50!) so an olden term in Astrology for Jupiter here is: Thales planet, or Thales Point.

In (American) Political or Mundane Astrology we use Jupiter to signify the Republican Party, with Saturn for the Democrats. In this lovely trine, we see the peaceful transfer of power now occurring in Washington between the parties and administrations.

Uncomfortably for this reluctant astrologer, Jupiter is still on the '18Cap' degree, which is the New World Order degree in my book due to its activation at the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in the early 90s when Bush Sr called for the NWO.

The current financial crisis, engineered as it may be, is the opportunity they've been working toward, and you've heard the words, "a new economic world order' in the news lately, haven't you?

Actually, I'd say it's more a culmination of their plans which are in process of being realized by the opportunity they created with the economic meltdown. How excited the shadowy 'they' must be!

Back to the Full Moon chart:

At the Ic, or Foundation Point, I have marked its 11Sag33 because it is the position of Dec 30, 1999's conjunction of the plutocratic corporatism pair, Pluto and Chiron. The midpoint of Sun and Pluto is there as well, so because it's about polarities, we have...

Sun/Pluto = Mc: power games with important consequences; striving for power; consciousness of objectives and goals; vocational crises; violence with emotional consequences.

The Sun/Pluto pair, says Ebertin = 'craving for rulership and disadvantages through the former; the power of attainment; pioneers; martyrs; rulers; leadership; danger; arrogance; fanatical aspirations; creative power.'

Orating Mercury in deep-thinking Scorpio is in Nodal Degree (same degree as the Nodal axis - here, 13) which represents a fated or karmic condition. And their midpoint is one degree from Pluto which is close enough for us to consider the midpoint picture formed...

Mercury/NN = Pluto: the thrust of intellect; lording it over others; the desire to be intellectually superior.

Plus, there are two other planetary pictures in this chart...

Mercury/Mars = Sun: putting one's foot down; making a point strongly; standing up for one's position; enjoying a good argument; a man of quick decisions; manly and brave thinking and acting; a positive or firm demeanor; determination; the ability to succeed.

NN/ASC = Mars: team spirit; an intense working together with colleagues; an association or organization fighting to uphold its common ideas and principles; working for the common good; the do-er. (This may partially describe the do-er that the Saturn/Neptune inconjunct will take advantage of...or maybe not.)

Whew! That's a lot at the Base of this Full Moon chart but all we have to do is listen to, watch, or read the news - no Astrology necessary.

And with Saturn rising, the Saturn/Uranus opposition is on the menu from the get-go. This pair of planets is associated with the Middle East, and with Israel and Palestine in particular.

And of course our November 4 elections was the day the opposition perfected, with a few more votes to be counted (Dec 2 is a senate run-off here in Georgia - Chambliss vs Martin. My local radio station just announced that John McCain will be coming to GA to stump for Chambliss - McCain's first stumping (other than last night's TV appearance where he touted Palin's future endeavors) since he lost the presidency. Goody for us, but will it be enough to help the Bush-loving Chambliss?)

(Counterpunch! It's an hour later and they're now announcing that Obama campaign field operatives are on the way to GA to help with Jim Martin's grassroots organizing - yes! and thanks. Chambliss needs to go.)

Now Back to Saturn/Uranus:

So we may say that their opposition is the 'Full Moon' of the Saturn/Uranus cycle which began with their conj in 1988. (I'll not repeat previous blurbs about this cycle.) This means that issues from 1988 resurface for resolution (Mystic Rectangle!) - or for brewing tensions to fully express.

The chart's Kite patterns are marked with penned dashes and I hope you can see them both. Kites are actually modified Grand Trines with a planet/s at a fourth point opposite one of the trine's planets and simultaneously sextiling the other two planets.

You see the kite tails I've drawn - one on Saturn, one on the Moon, which operate here as stimuli for the trines' creative outpouring of special skills and talents.

So a Kite adds more chances for successful use of Grand Trine energies which are gifts from the cosmos. This is an Earth Grand Trine which emphasizes the calming, comforting, and attracting power of a Grand Trine pattern...very magnetic.

Earth Grand Trines accumulate and skillfully manage assets and resources with common sense, and having a Taurean Moon as a driving force may bring solid results.

But for whom? we may rightfully ask.

This chart seems to indicate that working for the common good may now bring positive results for the people as this Full Moon shows us the way. And Moon in a national chart = The People.

In conclusion: my hope is that with all this good will from On High, the world can find a better path now which is being kindly lightened by the rays of a lovely Taurean Full Moon.


My excellent friend, astrologer Monica Starr, has posted an article about tonight's Full Moon in Taurus relating it to the natal chart of the New York Stock Exhange. (Nov 12 or Nov 13 - depends on your time zone since the Moon is full at 1:17 am est - I set the above chart for DC, Eastern time zone.)

Monica is well-versed in Astrology AND financials so you'll want to see what she has to say about this Full Moon occurring in one of the money signs - Taurus, a sign that is nothing if not on the bullish side.

Nov 11, 2008

What's Chimerica?

What...or Chimerica?

Booing Biden

Joe Biden was booed at an Eagles game on Sunday in the City of Brotherly Love.

Well, although I've published a few doubts about Biden myself I have yet to boo him. But the Obama-Biden administration is young yet - still in the gestation stage actually but will soon birth and be running around the White House playing with our lives.

Hope this works out because the world could use a break and some decent leadership of which there is a dearth upon the planet.

And perhaps I see things too simplistically (ya think?!?) in that the Obama-Biden administration has two paths - to attempt to best the global crime syndicate - or to be card-carrying members.

Which do you think they'll be?

Nov 10, 2008

Obama-Bush meet at White House 11.10.08

Walking the colonnade this afternoon at the White House are our present and future presidents.

The limo carrying the Obamas was reported as passing through the White House gates at 1:46 pm est. Rising at that minute was 5Pis01 bringing Barack Obama's natal Chiron Rx with it. This video records their stroll at about 1:52 pm est.

At a serious Hour of Saturn, we may wonder what Saturn, planet of authority and control, was up to. Saturn was in an obsessive-compulsive aspect of 165 degrees with the ASC...

may hold position of authority; needs to be seen as authoritative, dependable, and respectable; fear of sharing with others (too much to hide? -jc); can demonstrate to others how to set and reach goals. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Venus is out-of-bounds and will conjunct Pluto around 2:00 am est, Nov 12. When two titans meet I look for 'meetings' overhead so the Venus/Pluto conj must be the descriptor for this presidential tour and transition talk...Pluto = Bush, Venus = Obama (still technically 'outside' the White House...or White Lodge, if you prefer...Venus OOBs.)

Venus' degree '28Sag' has this Sabian Symbol: " An Old Bridge Over a Beautiful Stream."

Hope it goes somewhere for America's sake!

Missing White House email case to continue

Today it was ruled that the lawsuit over 'missing' White House emails will continue. Good.

Seems the Solar Eclipse of Sept 11, 2007 will keep on giving...

bringing to the surface long-term worries about issues involving paperwork and communications; news has sense of fatedness about it; responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost.(Brady's 'Predictive Astrology'.)

Cock-a-doodle doo!

Bailout Bill full of Black Holes

Sometimes I wish I knew more about using Black Holes, Quasars, Pulsars, and other fascinating astronomical oddities in my Astrology work but where would I find the time? There are bells and whistles in my Solar Fire software now that I never use and doubt I ever will get around to it.

That's why when it comes to Oct 3, 2008's outrageous Bailout Bill, I turn to Alex Miller-Mignone at the excellent Daykeeper Journal for information about Black Holes and the red finances of the Bush administration.

Nov 9, 2008

Bushies rush to enact last minute policies

But in this WaPo article, we learn that President-elect Obama will be reversing approximately 200 Bush administration policies and executive orders - especially the ones which were imposed for "overtly political" reasons.

And President Obama may be able legally to perform some of these reversals without waiting for Congress by executive order.

What's one of the best things about Barack Obama? He taught constitutional law for ten years.

Yeee-hah! Rejoicing in America!

Update Nov 9, 7:25 pm est: a large thanks to my friend, Alex, who has sent me a heads-up on Bush's Kiss Goodbye: deregulating radiation levels in our drinking water! Dubya thinks more of his nuclear energy friends than he does of Americans and their health. But that's really no big surprise, is it?

70th anniversary of Kristallnacht today

Today, November 9, marks the 70th anniversary, (a word which seems celebratory for an event which was a low point in humanity's history), of Kristallnacht, when Hitler's pogrom against the Jews was carried out.

Here are two links to recent posts on the subject which include a few astro-details of that dark night and a link to a Der Spiegel article concerning a resolution which stalled in Germany...

Kristallnacht artifacts found and Germany's Kristallnacht resolution fails to pass...hmmm...wonder who benefits politically from the resolution's non-passage at this particular juncture?

Nov 9, 1938 - Nov 9, 2008...and what have we learned?

Nov 7, 2008

Grumpy Old Men of the GOP

Senator Lindsey Graham, friend of John McCain, explains November 4's 'Grumpy Old Men' of the GOP and why they lost the White House, which is fine as far as it goes, it just doesn't go far enough.

Ex: Graham says the Republican Party is tainted by corruption. Actually, corruption doesn't so much 'taint' as spread out and infect to the core.

Their party is closer to being a cesspool and Graham's labeling their corruption so delicately as a 'taint' doesn't change anyone's assessment of the GOP. Sorry. You people infest Washington DC, my favorite city, and I cannot forgive you your perfidy and rotteness. You stink and so do your enablers.

Another reason for their loss, he says: overspending. America is bankrupt under these pocket-lining monkeys and it's mere 'overspending'? That you can cut back on. We've nothing left to cut - the Greedy Old Party heisted it all while certain Dems drove the get-away car.

And last but not least in Graham's oh-so-reflective confession: they "sometimes" came across as a "bunch of grumpy old men."

Sometimes? The GOP chose to run the white-haired dude with the sour face and the lamentable they love to say to the down-and-outers among us: all through your life you made choices. You partisans chose the grumpy old man. Did you not know his age? Puh!

Why, it's almost as if the Republicans wanted a Democrat to struggle in the White House after they'd made hay with America's resources, reputation, and freedoms. And it isn't as if the GOP didn't know they were in serious trouble for Election Day 2008 and they had known it for years.

Well, apparently it will be baton-passing time on January 20.

And even though I have serious misgivings about a Barack Obama presidency, it's not personal (at this point) against him (he's quite fabu and talented) - it's that the larger political/economic agenda steamrolls along with The People paying the price, no matter who fulfills the figurehead position required of the Oval Office.

And as both readers of this blog know - he won't have to be grumpy to make me mad as a wet hen.

GM, Chrysler, Bailouts and Uncle Tom

Why the GM - Cerberus - Chrysler Bailout is Bad for Taxpayers

By Robert Farago

Cerberus Capital, a highly secretive NYC-based vulture investment fund, wants the US government and taxpayers to bailout its failed investment in Chrysler and its failing investment in GMAC.

Its partner in this raid on the US Treasury is General Motors, a woefully insolvent automobile manufacturer whose CEO is paid $40k each day. Here's why a bailout for GM and/or Chrysler is a bad idea.


Can Obama Stop the Bush Administration's Final Economic Heist?

By Naomi Klein

Terrible looting of public capital has a habit of taking place during periods of dramatic political transition, and Bush has one underway.

(Stop it? It's a done deal and he voted for it, and has surrounded himself with old NAFTA-esque Clintonites - perhaps it's part of the deal for Hillary's crying uncle.)


The Election: It Had to Be this Way

By Timothy V. Gatto

Barack Obama will be the catalyst for a new movement, away from false hope and false promises, not because he will deliver to the people of this country anything worthwhile, but because he won't.

This will be the final nail in the coffin of our corporatist society.


(Will it? An Astrology note: Obama's Inauguration chart (Jan 20, 2009, noon est Capitol Building) has the midpoint of the plutocratic corporatism pair, Pluto-Chiron, at Midheaven which is the Aspiration/Goal Point of the chart and thus of his Inauguration and new presidency. Wish it weren't but there it is...and it's closer to MC than ever before. Guess it's been no surprise after Obama selected - or had selected for him - Zionist Joe Biden as VP. Now he's chosen a chief-of-staff with similar dubious credits to his name.)


Ralph Nader Calls Obama "Uncle Tom"?

By Fox News - Video And Transcript

Fox News distorts Nader's comments to paint him as a racist.


A racist? Are they kiddin' me?

Guess some people will fall for anything especially if they really really want to. As they say, deception always begins with self-deception!

Astrology of Obama's 1st presser 11.7.08

President-elect Barack Obama's first presser (press conference) since his election was held in Chicago today and has some interesting midpoint pictures if you'd care to view my worksheet.

This is a first - to publish my notes as-are but with no chart image. The truth is: I was about to motor into the city to keep appointments and had no time to type out all the pictures for you.

A few other astrological details for the day are included such as Mars' Sabian Symbol '24Sco': "Crowds Coming Down the Mountain to Listen to One Man." Sounds like an Obama event to me!

Yet as usual with midpoint pics, it's the all-some-or-none effect and hopefully you can click-to-enlarge and read my scribbles concerning the atmosphere and indications of Obama's first presser.

Slideshow of Election Night photos

Have you viewed the Flickr Slideshow of Election Night photos of the Obamas and Bidens?