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Nov 19, 2008

Saudi Arabia buys $3.5bn in gold

Here's a heads-up from Nov 13, 2008 saying that Saudi Arabia has purchased $3.5bn worth of gold in two weeks so I assume it means since the beginning of November... say...near the time of the election of Barack Obama?

Wonder what's up?

Nov 18, 2008

mysteriously mum on Rahm Emanuel

Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama is a disturbing look at Emanuel's control of Obama, his entry back into the White House, his father's Zionist terroist links, and other such subjects about an Israeli national which the mainstream media - and most of the 'alternate media' - remain mysteriously mum about.

My feeling is that the American people should better know the man who will be calling the shots as the 'gatekeeper' for Barack Obama and filtering the information Obama receives as president, figurehead title as it may be.


And note to Donna - with Asc the WHAT Point, Mc the WHY Point...the Desc is the WHERE or WHERE TO Point, and Ic is the HOW Point of a chart. Thanks for asking!

On that question-answering level, Astrology charts remind me of journalism, or what once passed for newspaper article writing many moons ago when I was in school. Funny to think of it now, but I was the cartoonist for the paper. Har. True Confession.

Sirius Star in news and 2nd tanker seized

The oil tanker, Sirius Star, has been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden by Somali pirates, as you know. Here's my post on it with some notes on Fixed Star, Sirius:

Sirius Star hijacking pushes up price of oil; did you know that a second oil tanker has been seized by pirates as reported a few minutes ago by NPR?

Apparently pirating is a very busy and lucrative business, and al Jazeera reports that 63 ships have been captured so far this year!

Lack of a government and of jobs for the people of Somalia is proving to be troublesome for the world and disproves Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati theory that no government is needed, thanks.

And the current financial collapse may belong at Weishaupt's door...his natal Jupiter is at 3AQ+ so the US Inauguration 2009 is basically a Jupiter Return - for Adam Weishaupt and thus, for the Illuminati Society.

Is this significant?

Look at what's going on in the world and how many people at the top are now brazenly using terms like, 'new financial (Jupiter) world order.'

This gives even more import to the date, Jan 20, 2009, and I plan to look at the Inauguration chart again asap.

You'll find an image of the US Inauguration 2009 chart published in my Pages column at Jude's Threshold, if you haven't seen its horoscope, with the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any chart, along with America's natal Pluto.

Pardon my French, but merde.

G20 was part of new order script

The G-20 Washout

By Mike Whitney

The financial crisis is being used by Wall Street big-wigs to restructure the economy and create a permanent class of working poor.


Yes, that's what many of us have been saying. And Congress is in on the game so they're no help.

Is there no one who cares for the common good?

Recommended: The August Review.

Nov 17, 2008

Sen. Inhofe on TARP: critics were right

Conservative senator, Jim Inhofe, has sent a letter to his colleagues on the Hill concerning plans to call for a lame duck congressional debate on the $350 billion remaining from Paulson's blank check.

Unhappy with the Bailout czar's change of objectives and the possible squandering of the money so far, Inhofe may be on to something - a heist of massive proportions which he and his Hill colleagues authorized. (As if they didn't know!)

Inhofe was one of the unprevailing No votes, however, so perhaps his idea that the remaining funds not be added to the deficit will fly with his cohorts-in-crime. What a pleasant change that would be.

Or perhaps this is only their usual Political Theater, Dahlink...matinee at 2 pm.

Inhofe mentions in his letter that on Friday, Nov 14, Hank Paulson stated during a CNBC interview that, "the financial markets have stabilized."

One may assume this means that, extreme volatility aside, markets are no longer in danger of complete collapse, thanks to his handing banking and Wall Street pals the dough. Sounds more like a bribe to me, but what do blogging gnats know?

Well, some blogging gnats know enough to have a peek at astrology charts, especially when senators provide exact times and dates:

Friday, November 14, 2008, 2:00 pm, using Capitol Building...Hank Paulson's natal South Node is conjunct transiting Midheaven which indicates career issues involving separation and neurotic or past behaviors...both in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, planet of gurus and Republicans.

He's at the pinnacle of the world, blank check and all, so what about Paulson could be a problem?, I asked myself.

Could it be his natal Venus-Jupiter opposition? Solar Fire software gives this for Venus opposite Jupiter:

You are a social climber who grapples with extravagance, wastefulness, and a child-like expectancy that someone will come to your rescue. The lesson is moderation.

That the president and Congress listened to Paulson's plea and did come to his, Goldman Sachs, and Wall Street's rescue is known but if Congress is serious about taking back some of the excessive bailout money now benefiting his banking friends, Paulson may become highly miffed considering his natal Mars-Venus square (easily irritated with others), and his Mars-Chiron square (short fuse.)

Plus, transiting Uranus, which is rising in the Nov 14 2:00 pm chart (thus bringing the Saturn-Uranus opposition with it) is in a square aspect to natal Uranus, a time when disruptive circumstances occur and generations clash as one blames the other.

Saturn-Uranus = Mc: breaking away from the old; recognition of one's thrust for individuality or loss of self to the grip of controls.


My suspicion is that Paulson's statement was meant to soothe financial markets but also to attempt to avoid controls which Congress might wish to place upon him as he spreads wealth (to his banking friends or to whomever he's gifting with taxpayer money. One thing we know - it isn't us.)

Jupiter, Mr. Moneybags:

November 14's Jupiter 19Cap06 in 11th house, opposes Paulson's natal Mars-Saturn conjunction in Cancer...

Mars-Saturn = Jupiter: complete concentration on a particular goal; ability to destroy or eliminate something thoroughly; weighing all matters and making a pronouncement.

Well, he did. "Financial markets have stabilized," he pronounced.

Whether Paulson has thoroughly destroyed or eliminated anything, I leave up to you to decide, lone reader, as Congress' lame duck session practices its quackery all the week long.

Nov 16, 2008

Video of Your Weekly Address from the President-Elect 11.15.08

A big shout-out to my friend, Donna D., who gave me a heads-up today that the president-elect's video was available on YouTube now...guess I was too early and eager yesterday to embed it.

Our soon-to-be new president will be videoing his Weekly Addresses to the nation from the White House once he's installed in the Oval Office. Now that's a groovy idea!

Dec 1 2008: Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon

Space Weather News for Nov 16, 2008

EVENING PLANETS: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look southwest. The two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, are shining through the twilight side by side. You'll want to keep an eye on these two because they are drawing noticeably closer together every night.

Venus and Jupiter are converging on a patch of sky in Sagittarius where they will have a spectacular double-conjunction with the Moon at the end of the month. Don't wait until then, though.

Visit for sky maps and start watching now.

LEONID METEOR WATCH: The Leonid meteor shower peaks this year on Nov 17 and 18. Bright moonlight will probably spoil the show, but not necessarily. Researchers who study Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, the source of the Leonids, say Earth is going to pass through one or two of the comet's dusty filaments. Peak rates of 20 to 100 meteors per hour are possible during the early hours of Nov 17 (especially 0000-0200 UT) and again during the waning hours of Nov 18 (around 2130 UT). These times favor sky watchers in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Smaller numbers of Leonids could appear between the anticipated peak times. Meteor enthusiasts everywhere should monitor the sky on Nov 17 and 18; the hours before local dawn are usually best.


Venus, Jupiter, and Luna - sounds beautiful, doesn't it?

Setting the chart for the White House, Dec 1, 2008, 3:44:28 am est, Venus and Jupiter are tropically positioned at 22Cap14:48; Moon 19Cap09: Sun 9Sag32 conj Antares (Alpha Scorpius: the need to avoid obsession.'Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.')

Actually the partiling of Venus and Jupiter (exactitude) begins at 3:39 am est and completes at 3:58 am est...19 minutes' worth of loveliness. By the time the Moon reaches 22Cap15, Jupiter will be at 22:18 and Venus 22:33 (10:02 am est.)

And the three snugged up together gives three midpoint pictures...

Moon-Venus = Jupiter: affection and optimism.

Moon-Jupiter = Venus: harmony; happiness; an artisitc sense.

Venus-Jupiter = Moon: charm; cordiality; a good natured disposition.

So when Venus and Jupiter are conjunct we think of such things as beauty, kindness, benevolence, generosity, good humor, and popularity.

This is a good combination for such things as travel, benefits to charitable foundations, and public relations, although being too easy-going can result in people taking advantage. Insincerity and crudeness are frowned upon by positive-thinking Venus-Jupiter.

And whether you prefer to round up or down for Sabian Symbol degrees (both are 'correct' since it's an evolutionary condition - from one state into another), here are both degrees from Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala:

'22Cap': "By Accepting Defeat Gracefully, a General Reveals Nobility of Character."

INNER STRENGTH...the spiritual life is always paradoxical. The great sinner can become the most renowned saint, and a medieval Pope a criminal.

keynote: The realization that one may grow through defeat as well as, and perhaps more than, through success.

'23Cap': "A Soldier Receiving Two Awards for Bravery in War."

RECOMPENSE...i.e. a compensation for a well-done performance - a balancing of accounts.

keynote: The reward offered by society for the fulfillment of individual responsibility.

But December 1 is week after next - this week, with Congress returning to Capitol Hill for a lame duck session, the auto industry has its paws out for more money, so perhaps Dec 1's benevolent hook-up of Venus and Jupiter will aid them if they can be patient a little while.

But if history teaches, Congress' lame duck sessions tend to fall apart into nothingness so we'll see if anything constructive gets done with the favors of generous Venus, Jupiter, and the Capricorn Moon lining up as I type.

Nov 15, 2008

Inauguration 2009 midpoint pictures

US Inauguration 2009, Washington, DC, 12:00 pm est.

These midpoint pictures are all transits and represent general atmosphere, tone, or background flavors for the inauguration of our new president. If you can manage to read my scratches, you'll see that they are mainly positive.

You will, however, notice my least favorite planetary pairing, Pluto-Chiron (plutocracy; corporatism and other -isms; primal violence; oppression) at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart - aka the WHY? Point.

The Pluto-Chiron = Mc picture is perhaps softened by happy, successful Mars/Jupiter there as well - for the day if not for the 4-year term.

Of course, on another level it may indicate that behind-the-curtain plutocrats (our secret government) are successful through and happy with the election of Senator Obama...which is admittedly my suspicion because he couldn't have been elected/selected without their approval.

Even so, I'll be hoping and praying for America, my only nag in the race! And for Barack Obama as leader - for even with all his talents, he'll be needing all the prayers he can get.


You may view the full image of Inauguration 2009's horoscope here if you desire.

Nov 14, 2008

G20 Summit and the 2004 Venus Transit

There's a post of mine from June 2, 2007 with certain remarks on G8 Summits, especially including some notes on the June 2004 Summit held down the road from here on Sea Island, GA during 2004's rare Venus Transit.

In previous decades the beautiful Georgia Islands were one of the favored hang-outs of upper-crusters and Robber Barons, you know.

But if you should find yourself unfamiliar with Venus Transits, the post includes a few details on their astrological significance as well as its Sabian Symbol in 2004...

'18Gemini'..."Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

Marc Edmund Jones gives the positive expression of this degree as:

The effective mobilization of self and others for life's more specialized objectives.

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a thorough dissipation of self hood through alien relationships.

Now the reason I mention all this is because my intuition about the 2004 Summit was then (and remains) that some sneaky doings were planned while Venus and the Sun tangoed together.

And the current economic meltdown could very well be part of these plans along with mid-August 2004's *parallel of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocratic pair whose links to -isms are well known in the world of Astrology...including fascism, racism, and corporatism which seem more and more to loom four years on.

So polish your spectacles and grab your dissipated piggy bank, Polly, because Venus, Castor, and Pollux tonight may be a post meant for you!


*parallels operate as strong conjunctions and are used as timing devices...Chiron conjuncted Pluto on Dec 30, 1999 at '12Sag'..."A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows"..conj US natal Ascendant (Sibly.) Their parallel followed over two days - smack in the middle of August, 2004.

A few words from Chomsky and Zinn

"If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves."

Howard Zinn, historian and author


"The point of public relations slogans like "Support our troops" is that they don't mean anything...That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That's the one you're not allowed to talk about."

Noam Chomsky

Nov 13, 2008

Biden's new Chief of Staff chosen

Ron Klain has been chosen as VP-elect Joe Biden's Chief of Staff. You may remember Klain from his Al Gore days.

Nov 12, 2008

Is Obama ensnared within an imperial presidency?

Obama and the Imperial Presidency

By Jack Balkin

The Bush administration has worked hard to increase presidential power. Will Barack Obama give it up?


Yes, we've all been wondering about that.

If Obama as commander-in-chief stops Bush's tactic of using boatloads of sneaky signing statements as end-runs-around-Congress and reverses many of Bush's draconian policies, perhaps the question will become: can Obama use whatever presidential power he has more wisely and on behalf of we-the-people as it was originally intended?


Update Nov 13: there's new art for viewing if you'd like to take an Art Break and you may wish to join Sara's Green Party!