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Mar 24, 2009

Stiglitz disses Geithner Plan - Obama on TV 3.24.09

Geithner Plan Will Rob US Taxpayers

By Reuters

The US government plan to rid banks of toxic assets will rob American taxpayers by exposing them to too much risk and is unlikely to work as long as the economy remains weak, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said on Tuesday.


And the Geithner Plan is only one of the latest things to rob American taxpayers. Financial collapse is the name and the aim of their game, folks. So as you can tell, things are going quite swimmingly in their exalted bubble world.

But you know I'll be setting up SolarFire's real-time animated chart feature in a few minutes to catch each planet as it crosses an angle, enters a new house, or makes a new aspect while Pres. Obama speaks tonight, 8:00 pm edt.

Then I take notes and keep a time stamp on the TV screen as it records so I can go back and double-check what planetary action was happening as a particular subject or comment came up.

Yes, it's quite a bit of trouble but it's invaluable for figuring out what the As Above Is So Belowing in real time. Or vice versa.

Did I hear correctly on MarketPlace just now? That Geithner and the US Fed are endorsing the idea of an international currency today in line with China's wishes? If so, I guess the amero or something akin to it isn't just a fairy tale after all.

Check out The August Review for info on the amero and other anti-sovereign subjects.

Purposes of the G20 Summit April 2009

The New American has an article by William F. Jasper concerning the upcoming G20 Summit in London which declares its intent.

The G20 Push to 'Supersize' the IMF contains links to several recent articles about the many shout-outs for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to become an international Federal Reserve System - such as UK PM Gordon Brown's call before a joint session of the US Congress on March 4, 2009 to inflate the power of the IMF.

This is the global economy 'solution' they want the world to plead for based on their manufactured econo-crisis of 2008-09 and beyond.

And in case you missed it, here's a post from Sept 2008 on the 13-step pyramid of power shown on the back of America's Great Seal with the all-seeing-eye at apex (viewable on the back of a dollar bill) representing the IMF which has its baleful eye on you, me, and our bank accounts.

If the G20 power-mongers have their way, the IMF's transcendence over all may signify the obverse of the Great Seal becoming our guide into the rest of the 21st century...the better to see you with, m'dear, for it will be 'unconscious' no more.

Gandhi on man's greed and Sen Pettigrew on plutocracy

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need -- but not for man's greed." Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was born Oct 2, 1869 (NS) in Porbandar, India with a 12th house Sun in Libra and a 10th house Moon in Leo. (Rodden Rating: A.)

Images for Integration for this Air-Fire blend:

'A performance of The Importance of Being Earnest...A political idealist is crowned leader by adoring followers.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)


"This great and powerful force - the accumulated wealth of the United States - has taken over all the functions of Government, Congress, the issue of money, and banking and the army and navy in order to have a band of mercenaries to do their bidding and protect their stolen property. Senator Richard Pettigrew - Triumphant Plutocracy
(published, January 1, 1922.)

Triumphant Plutocracy now appears in Amazon's Legacy Reprint Series and is available in hardcover or paperback. The above link is to the paperback version and has one reader review which you may find of interest.

In his 50 years of public service, Sen. Richard F. Pettigrew knew them all - politicians, bankers, ambassadors - all the wealthy and important men of his day.

His book covers the period from 1870 to 1920, and he opens with this:

"The American people should know the truth about American public life. They have been lied to so much and hoodwinked so often that it would seem only fair for them to have at least one straight-from-the-shoulder statement concerning this government 'of the people, by the people, and for the people' about whose inner workings the people know almost nothing."

The book's title, Triumphant Plutocracy, is an ironic play upon steel magnate Andrew Carnegie's earlier book, Triumphant Democracy. Pettigrew names names and busts myths including the one about Teddy Roosevelt 'charging up San Juan Hill' during the Spanish-American War.

And they're still selling us the same old tripe and pulling the same old imperialist strings to tug at our patriotic American hearts.

So is Pres. Barack Obama any different?

Well, sad to say, my intuition says that he couldn't be too different or the president-installers wouldn't have him in the White House. And if he dares stray from their plutocratic script, he can be, as Pettigrew informed us, unmade.

Mar 23, 2009

Midpoint pictures of the New Millennium Chart 2001

Horoscope of the New Millennium has been published if you care to have a peek at the chart (Jan 1, 2001 12:00 am est, Washington DC) and its details.

But here are a few more New Millennium details since the post there was getting mighty long - here are the midpoint pictures from the chart and the houses in which they fall, but they won't mean much to ya unless you view the chart itself...

6th house - Sun-Jupiter = Moon: harmonious feelings; wealthy people; fine relationships; good health.

5th house - Moon-Mercury = Uranus: sudden innovative thoughts and plans; irritability about progress; getting on with things hastily; independent thinking; nervousness; acting rashly; a constructional fault.

4th house - Mercury-Venus = Neptune (and US natal South Node): a lack of tact; undermining of relationships; fantasy; seeing everything in clear pictures or through a special dimension; delusions about reality. (With SN's Saturnian influence = adjusting to realism.)

3rd house - Uranus-ASC = Pluto: use of force; commanding success even under the most difficult circumstances.

And last but definitely not Air Grand Trine with the Ascendant as one of the trine's points for manifestation - this gives three pictures for your consideration:

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: speculations; appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others.

Jupiter-ASC = Neptune: living with hope and expectation; disappointments; losses; speculations.

Neptune-ASC = Jupiter: losing one's good name, fortune, and/or possessions through others; the urge to cheat others or to be cheated; one's good fortune is assumed. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New Millennium is the 2 South which manifested at 4Cap15 on Dec 25, 2000. This Series has a flavor of becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2S will next manifest on Jan 6, 2019 at '15Cap.'

In her book, 'Your Prenatal Eclipse', Rose Lineman gives a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn as advising a serious approach that stresses conservative, conscientious expression. In order to achieve karmic progress, we must overcome self-indulgence and master the self-discipline of the sign and its ruler, Saturn.

Ms. Lineman states that an Eclipse in Capricorn should be regarded as an opportunity to gain substantial karmic advances but the price is hard work and dedication at the expense of personal pleasure and worldly prestige.

People who share a Prenatal Eclipse in Cap tend to join business and professional organizations and show interest in political affairs. This obviously refers to mankind in general.

You may find of interest the Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces blend of the New Millennium especially since this chart is 'good' for a hundred years!

Sun Cap-Moon Pisc is an Earth-Water blend of two Yin elements. This is one of the most nourishing and supportive combinations to have, and it mixes a capacity for sympathy for others with practical considerations.

There is an innate wisdom to know what's important and what is not; practical and emotional needs are well-balanced in this blend. Both material and emotional security needs are wanted and possible to achieve as long as one doesn't become a stick-in-the-mud and swamped by duty.

Yet a limited viewpoint is a caution and may interfere with goals, so we must watch for that.

This is a tough-tender humanitarian combo of energies - a scientist and poet, a practical dreamer. Personal courage results from self-reflection and moral precepts and there's a gift for quietly bringing order out of chaos. (Good! We could all use that.)

On the shadow side there is a tendency to fear the unknown and carry the burdens of others - even to the breaking point; negative thinking may cause loss of confidence.

Images for Integration: A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...'Bilbo' in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Paul Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Did Ronald Reagan destroy Main Street?

Here's an average American who thinks he did and several commenters who agree.

With the 1980s nicknamed the Decade of Greed, it would seem that Republicans who now yearn for a return to 'Reaganism' are treading the same old (wrong) track to Trickledownville, but that train left the station years ago.

Plus, the greed we already got. The 'voodoo economics' we've been saddled with for far too long and we can blame rather than revere the president who presided over exploding deficits, out-of-control spending, outsourced jobs, and fiscal fraud which are at the root of today's economic problems.

So thanks, Gipper. You were little more than an empty suit following orders but some folks think you deserve to share the credit for the mess we're now in along with self-serving world bankers, monarchists, and their CEO pals.

And of course, let's not forget the roles played by the enabling shills on The Hill.


If Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announces the details of his rescue plan tomorrow as I've heard he's to do, it will be a day of Sun Aries-Moon Aquarius, a blend with an interesting Image for Integration under the circumstances...

'A gallant crusader turns his sword into a computer chip and broadcasts New Age philosophy.' ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign,' Chas & Suzi Harvey.) its worst it sounds like a Templar promoting the New World Economic Order to me, and I don't know about you but I don't like it in the least. In fact, it considerably grumps me up but I will give him a chance to explain in his halting way.

Mar 22, 2009

TARP funds now campaign donations for Congress

Have you heard?

After a tiny respite for public relations effect, the US Congress is once gain accepting campaign donations from bailed-out banks which are again their personal piggybanks at taxpayers' expense - and even corporate-welfared GM and Chrysler are donating big bucks to keep our crooked politicians wallowing in the fatcat clover of Washington.

This is the sort of news that makes anyone (who continues to claim that there is no class warfare against the common man and woman) aware at last of Pluto-Chiron's game of oppression which keeps the disenfranchised down. And please - anyone still under the influence of the 'Rs vs Ds' myth - fuggeddabowdit!

Notice who is in we-the-people's corner - it isn't the US Congress with their Capitol Hill Theater productions that amount to little or nothing of merit, their secret meetings to plot against us, or their freakish 'crowning' of Sun Myung Moon (among many other things we would disapprove of if we knew about them. It's difficult to believe they did it, but you can view the video of the crazy ceremony!)

No, I never forget the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Jupiter, planet of money and ideals: "Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests" ('6 Cancer') - in case I'm ever tempted to doubt what Congress' deeply-held "ideals" really are and where their true loyalties lie.

Capitalism's ticket to slavery

Pining for things to return to 'normal' in the US financial and banking system? Want to get onboard the capitalist train for yet another ride?

Capitalism, one of Pluto-Chiron's many oppressive -isms, is designed for the rich to get richer...what did you think it was for?

Mar 21, 2009

Got 'resolution authority'?

Pres. Obama and his team have an idea for stepping in with large financial institutions ahead of crises.

It's being labeled 'resolution authority' which has, we may suspect, an Orwellian flavor which might show its true colors at any moment if the increased governmental authority goes through as planned.

Seems to me it shouldn't be too difficult to intervene ahead of financial crises - especially when they're designed, manufactured, and delivered by the power elite - which will make 'resolution authority' a win-win for the rich and powerful once again.

Yet perhaps the masses will gather a few crumbs from Midas' table just to 'keep hope alive.'

Guess the plutocratic duo of wounded, disenfranchised Chiron and powerful, secretive Pluto - or more specifically their midpoint, an oppressive blending of their energies - at the Goal/Aspiration Point of the Inauguration 2009 chart (Midheaven) is working its 'magic' as more and more control is given to the Fed and to other elected and non-elected entities.

Yes, America's natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) is currently being stimulated by the transiting Chiron-Pluto midpoint which makes the timing of the much-touted economic collapse even more suspect to this reluctant astrologer.

So because US natal Pluto is retrograde, I got to wondering when America had her early Pluto Return to 27Cap33 and found that July 4, 1776 was actually the second pass Pluto made to that exact degree - the Rx pass.

The first time Pluto reached that degree was Feb 25, 1776 (*NS); July 4, 1776 makes #2; the third time qualifies in my book as a Pluto Return: Jan 1, 1777.

These additional dates may mean more to history buffs than to anyone else, but there's more Astrology to consider...

Our nation's Pluto Return of Jan 1, 1777 falls into the 13 North Solar Eclipse Series which was, in fact, the Initial Eclipse in the 13N Series at '23Leo' (conjunct Venus.) This Series will next manifest at '14Cap' opposite US natal Sun on Jan 4, 2011.

Sun opposite Sun is a time when priorities and plans should be reviewed and revamped, if necessary, to be certain that goals are being targeted correctly.

On this blog or on Jude's Threshold I have previously commented that the 13N Series seems to describe the founding of America better than the actual Series into which 'July 4, 1776' falls, the **12 South - and the Declaration of Independence was missing some signatures until August, 1776. Eclipses are 'wild cards' and may influence events for two weeks prior or after their actual date of occurrence.)

See if this sound like the birth of America to you:

13N's flavor is one of large, ambitious group enterprises that require the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

'Existing bond'? England. 'Joint achievement'? America and the New World of Sir Francis Bacon's and Adam Weishaupt's illuminated dreams.

So as America looks ahead to her Pluto Return in 2021-22, we may want to look back and consider that technically it will not be our nation's first Pluto Return at all for plodding Pluto has been there, done that before - way back in 1777.


*NS = New Style which refers to the Gregorian Calendar - minus 10 days from the OS, or Julian Calendar.

**USA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 12South: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining issues will at first seem worse then clear (Brady, as above.) Next 12S Eclipse: '19Can' on July 11, 2010.

New solar wings for ISS + Jupiter's Moons conjunct the Sun

Space Weather News for March 21, 2009

ISS GETS NEW WINGS: The International Space Station's solar arrays are the largest deployable space assemblies ever built. Yesterday, astronauts unfurled a pair on the starboard side of the outpost, adding more than 8000 sq. feet of light-collecting surface area to the station's profile.

Hours after the new wings were deployed, the ISS flew over Europe where amateur astronomers photographed the changes. Their movies and photos are featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

SOLAR CONJUNCTION OF JUPITER'S MOONS: Another must-see movie comes from NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft. On March 15 and 16, the solar observatory watched Jupiter and its moons converge on the sun just as a coronal mass ejection was exploding "overhead." Visit for footage.

Ron Paul video on AIG bonuses, Congress, and the Econo-Crisis

Here's the video of Rep. Ron Paul from his March 20 CNN interview concerning the econo-crisis and the (diversionary) AIG bonus pay-out flap which turns out was millions more than AIG first admitted paying.

As usual with the US Congress, it's all about passing their responsibilites on to the executive branch and to the bill-writing lobbyists - bills the majority of our "representatives" vote on by secret instruction from behind the curtain but never actually read - while America's real problems are ignored and made much worse than they have to design of the NWO promoters.

Mar 20, 2009

Spring Equinox 2009 Astrology Chart

The horoscope for 2009's Aries Ingress - aka Spring Equinox 2009 - with chart details has been published but I'm republishing the chart image here because it can be clicked to enlarge for easier viewing.

The chart is set for the White House, March 20, 2009 7:43:34 am edt:

The Sun Aries-Moon Capricorn combination of the chart is a Fire-Earth blend of tough-mindedness and ambition. It's sensible, persistent, and a good organizer and has these Images for Integration:

'A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual rights...Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And if you've ever read any of my grousings before, you probably know that I consider the second image to be a doozy especially considering how the power elite's plans are steamrolling along these days...over you, me, our children, and our formerly decent social fabric now tattered and torn by politicians and the warmongers and social engineers they enable.

Mar 19, 2009

Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill a scam

Yes yes yes! A mega-heist has been perpetrated, as I keep complaining, and here Paul Craig Roberts asks if the Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill was a scam...yes!

NPR is reporting as I type that the deficit is 'far worse' than was expected...$2 trillion, as we'll hear tomorrow when the report is released. Can't wait.

So as Mr. Roberts mentions in the article linked above, there is no money for social programs (only for war.) They're getting ready to turn the screws on the ill, the elderly, orphans, and on anyone else thinking the US government has the integrity to honor its agreements with we-the-people.

Nice crowd. The renting of our social fabric is going well - for the power elite, thanks.

When are the heisters of Capitol Hill and their lawyers and ritzy friends going to return what they've embezzled for decades? Puh!

Of course, stirring up our emotions and indignation and sending us out onto the streets is part of the plan so being the meanie that I am, I refuse to give them the satisfaction!


Btw: did you ever read FDR's test of our progress from 1937?