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May 20, 2009

Wealth and the US Constitution

Corruption in high places was a concern of President Abraham Lincoln. Too bad for the common good of the nation that his prescience was all too correct and now "Triumphant Plutocracy" is what we've got, m'peops.

Here's a Quote Round-Up compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House:

"The convention which framed the Constitution of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers - not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four were money-lenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a Constitution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man."

Senator Richard Pettigrew in his book, Triumphant Plutocracy (1922)

(2009 is the year of the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune with their three conjunctions from May to December - the first is soon upon us on May 27. And 'money-lenders' are covered by inflationary, excessively liquid Jupiter/Neptune, as you know. The Fed is busy printing more money as I type, even though CONGRESS is supposed to be responsible for the task - but they vacated that seat years ago.)

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed. I feel, at this moment, more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."

Pres. Lincoln in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins on November 21, 1864

(And so do I and many other Americans but it doesn't seem to be doing the nation much good to fret. The squirrelly 'financial collapse of 2007/08' is part of their script as was the coup of the Oval Office in 2000, with Trilateralist Al Gore assisting.)

"This great and powerful force - the accumulated wealth of the United States has taken over all the functions of Government, Congress, the issue of money, and banking and the army and navy in order to have a band of mercenaries to do their bidding and protect their stolen property."

Senator Richard Pettigrew in Triumphant Plutocracy (Published January 1, 1922.)

(Yes, that's one thing about stolen property - you have to work really hard to protect what shouldn't be in your possession at all.)

"It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives."

Dorothy Thompson (1894-1961) in Ladies Home Journal, May 1958

(Hmm. In 1958 even Ladies Home Journal understood what the US government's usurpers have conveniently forgotten. And they used their propagandistic 'war on terror' and the attacks of 9/11/01 as cover for strangling our liberties in hopes that we will forget, too. But as long as I have a memory, I will not forget. Will you? jc)


Here's what I posted a few months ago concerning 2009's Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune on Jude's Threshold with their dates of exactitude, degrees, and midpoint pictures of note - and a few pithy remarks, of course. Can't blog without pithy remarks. jc

May 19, 2009

Maureen Dowd and the plagiarism of Pluto/Chiron

So far my favorite article on the subject of Maureen Dowd and her current plagiarism misstep is written by Jack Shaffer on Slate Magazine where I hung out a bunch in my pre-blogging days.

In fact, I've added the Press Box Correx feed in the sidebar for my own convenience, but you're welcome to check it out if you like.

Tiresome, isn't it? That the 'oppression duo' Pluto/Chiron has yet another -ism on its long list of disenfranchisements...the -ism they call plagiarism, a very sneaky form of thievery. Until someone notices and the sneak factor is seriously impaired.

Speaking of sneakiness and its disadvantages, there's always the fun new children's book Sneaky Weasel for kids or for the crooks of Washington and Wall Street to profit by!

And say...did anyone notice that those highly touted 'ethics seminars' Capitol Hillers were to morally benefit from a couple of years ago only led directly into the financial crash of 2008 which was, of course, oncoming for years?

Guess the concept of financial stewardship wasn't included in the 'ethics' courses our 'reps' took to cure the corruption that ails them and threatens to undermine our national sovereignty while decimating our private lives.

Why are old Republicans the happiest people in America? asks David Letterman on my TV just now. A: Because they'll soon be dead and we'll be left with the problems caused by old Republicans.

But since the R v D thing is an illusion to keep the masses divided and weak, I have to add: Don't leave out the old Democrats. It's simply their turn just now to play leader, that's all.

The worm will turn. The worm will turn.

May 18, 2009

Cheney may not be responsible for Bhutto assassination

Someone wants it to look as if Dick Cheney's reputed death squads are responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto - if he's being framed (I tell ya), they know that it's seductively easy to consider if not half-believe about the former VP, isn't it?

Appropriately Cheney's reputation as a puppy kicker shadows him where 'ere he skulks, and archetypal villain Oilcan Harry couldn't be prouder of Mr. Curses' career of intimidation and who-knows-what other Pluto/Chiron pathologies and oppressions.

Cheney's 'panic room' under the VP residency is being skewered by TV's David Letterman as I type...funny Dave! VP Biden let the cat out with the news that he knows where Cheney was when in his 'undisclosed location'...a bunker under the VP's house. One wishes to assume a coffin wasn't part of Dick's vampirish practices.)

On a not-so-different note, you may wish to check out an article from Pakistan especially the list of names at the end for any future reference needs you may find yourself to have, astrological or political, relating to South Asia.

Saturn's Direct Station 5.16.09 + the Bilderberg Enclave 2009

While I was away for a few days and lounging on a NC barrier island, Saturn grandstanded with his Direct Station May 16 and Lavender Moon published an enlightening article on changing Saturnian perspectives and what we may wish to do about them in our personal lives.

If you're interested in Saturn or are astrologically on the Saturnian side with planets in Capricorn or in aspect with lesson-bringer Saturn, I recommend you check out Lavender Moon's perspective!

You know, Saturn's tendency to bring loss into our lives only applies to things whose time it is to pass away - Saturn rules old age and Time. But he may also bring lessons of loss to us when we don't honor him as the guru of slow and necessary changes...but you wouldn't irresponsibly diss him, now would you?

And naturally Saturn's Direct Station 14Vir55 occurred during the Bilderberg Group's annual enclave near Athens, Greece May 14 - 17, on May 17 at 5:07 am EEDT, with 2Tau21 rising, MC 18Cap49 (one of the primary degrees of the NWO - Uranus/Neptune conj of Oct 24, 1993); an 11th house Moon 23AQ51 conj transiting Pandora.

Sun 26Tau19 in 1st house conjuncts nasty Fixed Star Algol (intense female rage), and there's little retrograde Mercury 28Tau22 - reviewing or revising plans.

Authoritative old man Saturn is just barely into 5th house (Placidus; Tropical) and opposes two transiting midpoints of note relating to power grabs and propaganda; here are their midpoint pictures (Tyl; Ebertin) which apply as usual in an any, all, or none manner:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: ruthless overcoming of obstacles; restriction; potential loss in relationships through power struggles.

Mercury/Pluto = Saturn: unrelenting demands; driven by fear; needing control; exposure to bitter and heavy attacks; quarrelsomeness; scepticism; irritability through overwork; insistence on a point of view.

Since Saturn makes no applying (or separating) Ptolemaic or Minor aspects to any planets in the Direct Station chart, the strength of a Saturn station emphasizes these pictures which fall in the 14 - 16 degree range of Virgo (and its polarity, Pisces), and I think that Virgoan issues - health, work, service, management - are mainly what's in play for stationing Saturn's karmic influence as 'he' changes directions and his long-term perspectives crystallize or harden.

Fixing the NY Fed + EU headquarters fire May 18, 2009

Being just-returned from vacation, I can't possibly catch up with the news fast enough to suit me (much less all five of my readers) but I think this opinion from Eliot Spitzer on fixing the NY Fed makes some interesting points and connections.

That's if you think the rotten banking system should be repaired after gross amounts of spoilage have taken place.

Turns out the much-touted Wall Street 'gentry' aren't all that, are they?


And if anyone discovers the precise time the fire broke out today in the Brussels headquarters of the EU, please clue me in...I'm about to search for something more exact than 'early afternoon' (NPR) so I can set up a chart to compare with the EU's natal chart.

European Economic Community: Jan 1, 1958; 12 midnight, Central European Time; Brussels, Belgium.

This chart shows a rigid Fixed Grand Square; Marjorie Orr interprets the entity as having a tendency toward "lavish expenditures" and "a deep-rooted resistance to change" in her excellent book, The Astrological History of the World.

May 13, 2009

Annual Bilderberg meeting 2009 being mocked

London's The Guardian is running joke coverage of 2009's Bilderberg Group enclave in Athens, Greece, May 14 - 17.

Too much attention is being paid to this year's meeting so the complicit media (and Charlie Skelton, the Brit comedy man hired to pretend to 'investigate' the secretive meeting of the world power brokers who demonstrably brought the world the European Union and the Euro) are satirically 'covering' the shindig at the hotel to muddy the waters for you.

Are you fooled yet?

For more reading try What Really Happened?; or nab a smidgen of Astrology for May 14 - 17, 2009 in my post below. If I weren't about to go out of town, there would be time to hone in more on the chart/s for the event, but perhaps there will remain something to investigate about the horoscopery even after my return.

After all, these dudes and dudettes sneeze and we all get swine flu.

May 12, 2009

UK PM Gordon Brown; the Waterbearer's Example

Here's a timeless article, an interview with UK PM Gordon Brown who has some choice spin for us on globalization, one of the code words for the one-world-government/new-world-economic-order...whatever nickname you'd give lucifer's spawn, the ones wanting to enslave anyone who isn't a member of the every exclusive top tier of power, banking, and monarchical elite (or someone temporarily of use to them.)

Note to tmb: yes, the UK story now about how Brit politicians have financed the upkeep of their perks - swimming pools, renovations on fancify digs - on the public farthing, is predictable. But it's all so garishly pulpish as to purport itself to be diversionary (yet basically true - but why now?) Facts are getting stretched depending on who's to be tamped down or ruined by plunking them into hot water while and showing them to be in need of a big bar of rubby dub soap.

They are, of course, playing their assigned or unexpected roles, perhaps in collusion, perhaps unconsciously.

Promoting the Final Push: the Lisbon Treaty; May 14 - 17, 2009 is the Bilderberg Group's annual conclave, this time in Vouliagmeni, Greece (near Athens) at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel. Tres Secreto!

Sunrise May 14, 2009, Athens, GR: Sun/Asc 23Tau28; 9th house Moon '18Cap' (the NWO's signature Great Conjunction planets, Uranus/Neptune, 1993; '18Cap': POLITICAL POWER; "The Union Jack Flag Flies From a British Warship"...Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.' (Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala; see Amazon Slideshow of Good Astrology Books in sidebar.)

Sun (leadership; hero's journey; purpose) '24Tau': "An Indian Warrior Riding Fiercely, Human Scalps Hanging from His Belt"...VIOLENCE FOR SURVIVAL...Keynote: The aggressiveness of human instincts when fighting for their earthly base of operations.

And you may wish to know that the Bilderberg Group or Club began in 1954 with the 11 North Solar Eclipse Series as its Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - what I called the 'New President' Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009...6 days into Barack Obama's presidency.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 11N as one in which individuals may suddenly change groups with which they mix, either through travel or ideas; deeper commitments may be made in relationships; positive outcomes usually result.

If you have Astrology software and wish to probe the charts of the Bilderberg Conclave 1009, I urge you to do so. I'd start by locating a a time period between May 14 and 17 that contains at least two, preferable three, patterns of stress such as T-squares, YODs, Fists of God, even Grand Trines.

The more patterns there are and the tighter their orbs, the more critical those moments in time are and the more likely they are to trigger an event or two; an animated chart feature such as SolarFire uses will show up planetary patterns like a laser beam.

Such 'time frame' charts (May 14 to May 17 -- midnight to midnight? sunrise to sunset or midnight?) may also be used in a purely symbolic way even if no info ever comes out about what actually went on within the elusive ivory tower and at what hour of day or night.

And I'd pay attention to politicians' - esp Gordon Brown's - after-scripts in the next few days/weeks or so for the propaganda-watchers among us. Other bankers, CEOs, and all-for-the-man media outlets' talking heads will be sure to squeak out well-filtered messages from on high to serfs around the globe.

And we have the (Jupiter/Neptune) June 12 Digital Divide 'switch' to D-TV where subliminality shows what it can really do to the human brain.

Well, if you wish a snoop into what author and long-time Bilderberg investigator Daniel Estulin is up to now that it's time for the Bilderbergers' annual planning session for mapping out the right measure and location of world chaos, try Prison Planet one of the most awfully descriptive names for a site or blog I've ever heard.

Old Tricks Are the Best Tricks: the Political Arm Excels

Goal: To neutralize by laying a hand on your enemy without leaving your pawprints behind. Ex: a character assassination has occurred. Who benefits? Who leaked? Who can be bought or coerced? Who eventually fills the shoes? Who expands?

'Divide and Conquer' always increases the divider's strength while reducing two enemies-in-one's mojos.

Now personally I prefer the Golden Ratio. The Golden Rule.

To me it seems that transcendental concepts are the prime clues we have for escaping the maze which seems material to most folk but is really a spiritual struggle for our hearts and minds.

And with Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune merging off and on of late in Aquarius, this would be a perfect time to consider such things more fully.

Especially because Aquarius is the sign of the waterbearer pouring out the water (ether) of all knowledge, of the four elements, and if we watch and mimic the angel's example, we each shall not spill a drop (for best results.)

Water, Water; Ether, Air; and we see the Earth element in the angel's urn; the Fire element signifies Creative Fire from On High...poured unto humankind in radiant abundance.

A Buddha-Esque Baby drawing by jude cowell 2009+


Blog Note to All 5 SO'W Readers: A family 'NC island visit' will interrupt blogging here and elsewhere for a few days in mid-May - back with island details by May 20 if not before. jc 5.12.09 7:58 pm edt

'better to trust the many'

"Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism...A really efficienttotalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers." Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) Author; Forward to 'Brave New World', 1932

". . .government is instituted for the protection, safety, and happiness ofthe people, and not for profit, honour, or private interest of any man, family, or class of men...the origin of all power is in the people, and they have an incontestable right to check the creatures of their own creation, vested with certain powers to guard the life, liberty and property of the community..." Mercy Otis Warren 1728-1814, poet, historian, patriot, and advocate of the Bill of Rights

"I would be better to trust the many than the few, who are infected with the plague of self-interest and selfishness." Tom Paine (1737-1809) from "The Rights of Man".

Parade of Quotes compliments of Information Clearing House.

May 11, 2009

Jupiter's Moons Europa and Ganymede Eclipse! May 2009

Space Weather News for May 10, 2009

JUPITER MOON MOVIE: An amateur astronomer in Australia has photographed a very rare event--one of Jupiter's moons eclipsing another. Earth is now passing through the orbital plane of Jupiter's satellite system allowing such "mutual occultations" to be seen through backyard telescopes.

Check for a movie of Europa passing directly in front of Ganymede and links to more information for observers who wish to try to record such movies themselves.

SATELLITE DEBRIS: On Feb 10, 2009, Iridium 33 crashed into Cosmos 2251 and the two satellites were shattered. Since then, US Strategic Command has catalogued nearly a thousand pieces of debris. Today's edition of SpaceWeather News presents 3D maps showing where the fragments are located on the three-month anniversary of the unprecedented collision.

One large piece of Iridium 33 wreckage is visible to the naked eye as it tumbles through the night sky flashing every 4.7 seconds. Check the Simple Satellite Tracker for flyby times.

Atlantis launch 5/11/09: horoscope

Not liking the looks of this chart, is it too much to hope that the launch of the Atlantis space shuttle this afternoon might be delayed or cancelled?

Today's launch is a re-schedule already and I certainly want them to repair the aging Hubble Telescope which, if successful, will have its photography life extended by 5 years or more.

Cape Canaveral, FL, 2:01 pm edt.

5 is the number of Creativity and when applied to Astrology's '5th house' can imply Speculation and Risk-Taking. But of course any space venture is a risk being taken - and this time there are 7 astronauts on board.

It's now 12:03 pm edt and NPR is reporting that the countdown, which began at 4 pm edt on Friday, has been flawless so far.

The chart of the most recent lunation, the Full Moon 18Sco41 of May 9, 2009 contained a YOD (Finger of God pattern (special task; crisis; adjustment - as with repairing Hubble) with Mercury 1Gem35 Rx as apex planet with a definite leaning toward scientific recognition and fame.

Guess I can type out the word pictures (midpoint pictures) pointing to energetic Mars, strong in mid-Aries, 8th house; conjunct Part of Organization, and the asteroid Terpsichore, whose archetypes include: the orchestrator.

Two T-Squares form, both with the Ascendant 3Vir03 and Ceres. This is one degree from the US Secondary Progressed Moon Sec Full Moon in Dec 2008 if progressions are based on the US Sibly chart - soon-to-occur in 2009 if based on other US natal charts - but still at the same 4Vir/Pis10 degrees. You may go to Jude's Threshold and look in Pages column in left sidebar for chart with details.)

Jupiter/ASC = Mercury: gladdening news; intense exchange of thoughts; good suggestions, stimulating ideas; delight in contact.

Jup/ASC = MC: being in the right place at the right time; successful positioning; success with public contacts; harmony.

Neptune/ASC = Mercury: guided by wrong impressions or perceptions; being deceived regarding other people's character; exploiting others' weaknesses; taking the wrong path; malicious scheming.

So you see quick-traveling Mercury, conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone 00Gem00 (something to cry about; exile - Anthony Louis, Horary Astrology) elevated in the launch chart if all goes as scheduled today at 2:01 pm edt. A retrograde Mercury can indicate glitches but could signify the glitches they're going into space to fix, too. (With Astrology as it describes Life, it's all about levels, isn't it?)

If you click to enlarge the chart you see a midpoint which falls on action-oriented Mars in 8th house...

Neptune/MC = Mars: playing a role; charisma for gain in the arts; acting without clear understanding or purpose; desire to bring wrong ideas into realization; study of metaphysical subjects; a desire to harm other people. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The midpoint pictures given above are mixed at best, and with asteroid Hopi 1Gem51 (ambush; prejudice) at Midheaven as well, I don't want to say more about the chart with risk-taker who fell to Earth Icarus at '10Pis' = 'An Aviator in the Clouds'...but only whisper a little prayer for safe mission and a safe return for all.

~:~ Roxanna Saberi has been released from an Iranian prison today - hoorah!

May 10, 2009

GOP lets out its inner Newt

In its desperate attempts to regain cred with its base and sucker the gullible into the fold, the GOP let Newt Gingrich amaze us with wild accusations on FOX - where else?

Meet the Press must have already been booked.

Newt's voice: what the Republican Party on-the-ropes sounds like - when Cheney isn't screeching.

Reporter threatened for asking drug trade Qs in Afghanistan

A McClatchy reporter has been threatened for asking President Karzai's brother inconvenient questions about his involvement in drug trafficking in Afghanistan.