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Jan 4, 2010

2009/10/11: a forward and backward look at America

Craig Harris' article An Introspective Look at the Future of America starts off the New Year with a clear-eyed assessment of the monumental events and subsequent changes Americans have been expected to accept as necessary to prevent banking system collapse - then we're to believe that all is now well and improving.

Well? I wouldn't bother being an astrologer, however reluctant, if I were one who accepts things at face value and felt content with superficial bromides from Washington and from the Federal Reserve Bank, the privately owned entity that has engineered many market bubbles in the past, then wildly profited from their bursting every time. Duh.

Yes, bubbles of Jupiter/Neptune proportions are on our menu as we peek into 2010 for we know that 2009 was the Year of the Great Conjunction/s of the giant planets - one likes to expand and broaden into infinity, the other has a deep urge to merge. One can be on the greedy side, the other brings losses that are frequently hidden underneath lovely obfuscating veils. Their last great hook-up was only a few days ago on Dec 21, 2009 and all three conjs have occurred upon the US natal Moon - we-the-people.

Feeling targeted by grand schemers? Me, too.

Feeling hopeful for America's continued prosperity? Me, not so much. The Jupiter/Neptune combo is nothing to depend on unless a level of spiritual integrity is involved, and let's face it: we're talking Wall Street gentry and Capitol Hill thespians here, and we've experienced how they man the nation's helm.

Even the fake 'balloon boy' story is an expression of 2009's Jupiter/Neptune year and we know how that ended.

And if you know anything about Astrology you know that the effects of a major planetary conjunction don't simply 'fade away' at some magical point in time, but are part of the planets' ongoing cycle marked by their subsequent waxing squares (obstacles; backages: crisis in action), oppositions (stand-offs or fulfilment), and waning squares (crisis in consciousness), with more pleasant aspects in between at their sextiles and trines.

A conjunction is simply the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system starting over at a new degree (in a new sign from the last conj) and represents a fresh cycle of activity relating to each planet's principles, and to the essence of their combination of energies when synthesized.

And of course, Saturn can come along and end an influence (including a sensitized eclipse degree's influence), and transiting Mars is capable of culminating or stimulating the action at a particular degree as well. Any transiting planet can put the period at the end of the cyclic or eclipsed sentence but it's usually Saturn or Mars doing the honors.

2010 into 2011:

Astrologically we may call 2010 the Year of Jupiter/Uranus. The Expander and the disruptive Awakener will meet 2 times in 2010 and going into 2011:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Aries18 ('Aries Point' of global manifestation; plus, Jupiter/Uranus = AP is a significator for major scientific breakthroughs - whether they aid or harm humankind is another matter entirely - hopefully, they will; and No, I don't believe that aliens in funky spaceships are knocking on Earth's door, yet upcoming eclipses will affect the natal chart of *Roswell, NM, as noted by Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses);

2. Sept 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43;

3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis01.

Obviously the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will soon be top of my blog menu for a closer look and you may follow along if you wish by reading an important source of backward/forward info on the pair: Jupiter Meets Uranus by Scotland's Anne Whitaker. Anne ably illustrates the important New-Millennium-influencing conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus of Feb 16, 1997 @ 5AQ56, or '6AQ' rounded off, a highly sensitized degree 'going forward'...or looking backward, for the future is built upon the past, is it not?

'6AQ' is the degree of Neptune at Islam's founding and of Neptune's position on Sept 11, 2001 so basically, 9/11/01 was a Neptune Return for Islam.

Therefore, 1997's Jupiter/Uranus = Neptune: delusion about improving life through constant modernization; avoiding reality in pursuit of dreams; visualizing new ideas or products you think will make the world a better place (and with 9/11/01 add: forcing those new ideas onto other people - jc); being guided by false perceptions; being quickly disappointed; a lack of prudence and far-sightedness; unearned gains (on one level: 'mystery' investors cleaned up on Wall St pre-9/11 - jc); a fortunate turn after losses; gain from the unexpected; strange conditions heighten individual awareness; a silver lining. (Munkasey; Ebertin: Tyl.) (Any, all, or none may apply.)

And with '6AQ' being conjunct US natal South Node, I've always felt that the attacks of 9/11 related to past behaviors (SN) of the US related to oil, gas, and subversive activities and deceptions (Neptune.)

What may be expected with the 2010/2011 Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus is not easy to envision and if we could we'd probably be wrong with Uranus in the picture. That major events are on the horizon we may all agree especially with the Cardinal Cross involved in the Jupiter/Uranus hook-up of June 8, 2010.

You may find info on the sand-shifting Cardinal Cross pattern in a previous post which contains a link to expert astrologer Jessica Murray's article which holds out Hope for bedraggled mankind, so buffeted by totalitarian visions of the New World Order types while nobly struggling just to raise their families in decent manner.

Too bad that power elites of the world don't live up to even a moderate standard of human decency as do many people of 'the masses' which global power brokers consider to be far beneath them on their grandly imagined (Jupiter/Neptune) evolutionary ladder to Nowhere.


*Roswell, New Mexico's birth data: Sep 25, 1903 12:00 pm MST; source: Donna Cunningham's 'The UFO Cover-Up' in Dell Horoscope Sep 1996 issue, p. 55; Donna cites Carolyn M. Dodson's Horoscopes of US States & Cities (ACS Publications, 1975.)

Roswell: Sun 1Lib31; Moon 00Sag04..."1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" which to me is the true source of UFO sightings over the desert rather than little green men gone a-visitin'.

Image above: Hermesia, an illustration by Jude Cowell of Mercury's seer function; oil and watercolour pencil on paper.

Dec 31, 2009

Obama Presidency's 2010 Solar Return sparks new analysis

Chart shown: 2010 Solar Return to the Inauguration 2009 chart, Washington, DC.

On Jan 20, 2010, the second year of Barack Obama's toddler presidency begins thus marking its first 'birthday' as noted in Astrology as a Solar Return for which I shall assume are obvious reasons.

A few days ago I posted an article here with the same horoscope displayed of the 2010 Solar Return to the 2009 Inauguration chart of Jan 20, 2009 (12:00 pm est Capitol Building, DC) so we could see how Year 2 might go along. Blogging time was brief and so it was a meager analysis on my end.

Jan 20, 2009 was, you may remember, an extremely frigid day in our nation's capital so Aretha Franklin wore a vervy new hat. Additionally, Hope sprang eternal in people's hearts if they had them.

Well, I'm pleased as can be to start off the New Year here on SO'W with a Guest Post by Jonathan W who modestly describes himself an Astrology beginner (we are all novices!), an author, screenwriter, and actor. His talents abound and Astrology is, I believe, one of them, for Jonathan has written an analysis of the 2010 Solar Return of the presidency of Barack Obama which I recommend to you, Mars Rx rising and all!

My original post is linked below. I now happily turn you over to Jonathan whose insights into the 2010 Solar Return chart may spark thoughts and provoke comments which are outcomes most welcome on this blog:

The 2010 Solar Return of the Obama Presidency by Jonathan W

What's interesting is how many retrograde planets are on the cusp of a House! One can expect the dismantling of goals Obama had assumed were a done deal -- Sixth House cusp obviously indicating Health Care Reform -- as well as the discovery that his ambitious plans are balancing on a slippery slope.

To have the ruler of the Midheaven, Mars -- in my view, Obama's attempt to appear less thoughtful and more of a tough Commander in Chief -- retrograde on the Ascendant suggests his efforts will either backfire or be stymied or frustrated.

Whatever the case, he'll find it very difficult to sell this "tough" version of himself due to the Public's reluctance to buy it -- illustrated in the Moon/Saturn opposition, that Aries Moon's square to Pluto/Mercury, and Saturn in Libra's overall insistence on authenticity and sincerity.

Add both Mars and then Mercury (important in the selling of the message) retrograde, the Cardinal t-square energies challenging Saturn's authority and Pluto/Mercury's hunger to mold the message with the Public Moon not buying any of it, and the chart just SCREAMS frustration! We could even end up with another version of his infamous Primary-era "Can I just eat my waffles in peace?" quote.

This Mars retrograde square Pluto/Mercury also suggests his efforts militarily (in Afghanistan?) will not pan out and will instead severely challenge his ability to spin this version of a War Leader Obama successfully.

But that Mars on the Ascendant and ruling the Midheaven is determined to be Commander in Chief even if that Moon feels more comfortable with -- or at least buys more readily -- the more thoughtful, feminine aspects of this Administration (Moon sextile Venus). Or maybe even the actual women in this Administration!

Perhaps importantly, Uranus on the cusp of the 9th may also indicate unexpected surprises from those overseas who are emotionally (Moon) and angrily/energetically (Moon in Aries) at odds with our Government (Saturn) and will challenge authority (Cardinal t-square) in ways that tap into and use power and perhaps even martyrdom (Pluto). And Mercury in the mix clearly suggests travel, Pluto hints at things done in the dark under the radar and the Cardinal energies allude to action, not planning. Action. This, too, can make it frustrating for Obama as that Retrograde Mars may make it difficult to respond effectively or the response will backfire and make things worse.

It is interesting that we find ourselves "revisiting" terrorism during Mercury's retrograde, though. Is this a foreshadowing of that Pluto/Mercury attempt to tap into our Fears via their relationship with the 6th/12th axis, the 12th in Cancer ruled by the Moon? Will the Government (Saturn) in this New Year attempt to more stringently control (Pluto) our movement or how we move (Mercury) in response to whatever Uranus on the 9th cusp might throw at us? Will Obama's response be more Draconian rules and regulations (Saturn square Pluto/Mercury) which we'll fight against (Cardinal t-square)?

(I'm trying not to notice the supportive sextile between Uranus and the North Node in Capricorn. If Obama and his handlers believe a "terrorist attack" will earn him support much like Bush got post-2001, they don't know much about Retrograde Mars, Saturn in Libra's abhorrence of anything inauthentic and insincere, and Uranus' tendency to be both unpredictable as well as impossible to control. Add to that the stutter-step of an inconjunct between the North Node and Neptune/Chiron -- and the Moon inconjunct Neptune/Chiron as well -- and the reaction from the People may be more a visceral anger (Moon in Aries square Pluto/Mercury) at Government (Saturn) than overwhelming support and gratitude that Obama "protected" us. Remember, this Moon has a relationship with caring Venus, not hyper-macho Mars.)

It'll be an uphill battle for Obama, though, as Mars Retrograde on the Ascendant can also strongly suggest a sapping of energy and drive.

Just recently, Obama revealed that this first year in office has left him "exhausted". Retrograde Mars on the Ascendant can suggest as well a tendency toward accidents, clumsiness, possibly even something involving surgery. And with the 8th spotlighted by Jupiter/Neptune, that's certainly possible.

The main thing in this chart is that Retrograde Mars. Being on the most important angle of the chart, the frustration, the inability to succeed quickly, the draining and sapping of energy ... all of those will be hallmarks of this year in Office for The One. In today's world of 24-hour media and a Public which is finally seeing beneath the Neptunian Allure of the Primary-era Obama, a struggling President unable to act effectively is exactly what we don't want or need to see.

"This thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down." ~ Mary Pickford


Thanks, Jonathan! And Happy New Year, New York!

2010 Solar Return to the 2009 Inauguration chart.

As 2010 nears: a global agenda uncovered - videos

On notice from Stars Over Washington: gloves are off for 2010

Dec 31, 2009 is upon us and here I sit @ keyboard composing as the sentence stretches along. With what delights might SO'W end the year, and with what scrumptious fare may SO'W readers enter 2010 through the portal of this blog, one of so many now poised on this, the second decade, of the New Millennium?

That both the mainstream and other media are owned and operated by the Bilderbergers and their masters, the reputed Council of 7?

That my own home state of Georgia, Thirteenth Colony, is host to the Georgia Guidestones, aka the American Stonehenge? Mystery man R. C. Christian 'showed up' one day in Elberton, Ga to contract a local granite company to build to his minute specifications a stone memorial with messages for the future of mankind?

Just down Highway 77 from Elberton, Ga (Hwy 77 is a main route to the Guidestones from where I sit typing) there's a wide place in the road, a community called, Vesta, which brings us a vision of eternal flame and its tenders - which suggests to my suspicious mind...

which is said to have as member one Barack Obama.

Click this post's title to view the monster's May 1, 1776 natal chart founded under the direction of satanist Adam Weishaupt who (it is my belief) is partially represented in the US natal chart by our nation's Mercury Rx at '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power." These things relate to the symbolisms of the Great Seal of the United States such as the all-surveilling Eye of Horus on the back of your last dollar bill.

And of course, everyone knows who thinks of such things that Freemasonry formed or was promoted/infiltrated originally as stone mason guilds in ancient days with Sacred Geometry of the East the study of a select few early members near the top of their hierarchy, a stealthy pyramid of power where underlings know little but may be called upon one day to fulfill a special mission. The granite company manager and the local banker of Elberton who assisted Mr. Christian in the construction of the Guidestones are good examples of such a 'calling'.

Yes, there are things engraved on Elberton's standing stones by Mr. Christian's instructions which might curl your 2010 hair for they are literally 'carved in stone' as the videos below reveal and the Guidestones are mentioned more than once in this Tru TV presentation hosted by Jesse Ventura. (Don't decide not to watch one or any of them because of him! David Icke, Alex Jones, a certain knowledgeable doctor, and others are interviewed and it's worthwhile time spent with 2010 at the very door; takes about 42 mins to finish the 6 videos.)

And if you think these subjects are merely jolly entertainments I beg you to ask yourself a question: can government be trusted to control supplies of food, water, medicines, and other essentials when the messages on the Georgia Guidestones, written by a mystery group in 8 languages, establish 'under 500,000,000' as the optimum population for the planet - going forward - so that the power elite with their particular bloodlines can keep the planet's population under thumb at a "manageable level" and protect the Earth's "unrenewable resources" which they'd like for themselves and their progeny?

Don't Funk with Your 2010, It's Just Getting Started, you say?

Well then, if you prefer more lighthearted fare such as a little Art, go here, here, here, or even there if you wish diversions from the subject matter at hand. Otherwise, please read on...

Wonder how implementation of the Codex Alimentarius has gone for tonight, Dec 31, 2009, at midnight? A draconian bell will toll then, if so.

A horoscope when set for Washington DC at 11:59:59 pm est, Dec 31, 2009, shows an Hour of an out-of-bounds Venus 8Cap07 conjunct Ic, with Venus as chart-ruler, ASC 7Lib01, and Saturn rising @ 4Lib31 (Venus and Saturn in mutual reception - in aid of one another), and asteroid of Health, Hygeia 24Leo04 Rx, still opposing deceptive infecting agent Neptune, planet of The Masses, and Wounded Healer, Chiron in Aquarius, and all are ganged up on the little US natal Moon of 1776. Venus' position is conjunct Fixed Star, Facies: ruthlessness or the victim; rising is star Vindemiatrix, the widow-maker. Too descriptive for comfort?

Note: I have tagged this post with '2008 Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA' because then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are known to have attended the annual meeting during the 2008 presidential campaign (Obama spirited away from his campaign plane leaving reporters supposedly wondering what was going on and leaving Robert Gibbs to make excuses for the secrecy - thus, Gibbs is in on it) when Obama was selected to serve as Commander-in-Chief for this go-round of propaganda and manipulation. Let's face 2010 by calling a criminal global syndicate of puppet masters what it is: evil.)

6 Disturbing Videos for New Year's Eve:

This program in video form concerns conspiracies, Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Council of 7, the UN's role, the media, the NWO, the WHO, pandemics and forced vaccines infused with
squalene which attacks our immune *systems, foods poisoned with chemicals like aspartame, and much more. (July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse: 'systems fail' may include bodily systems along with FDA, railways, roadways, communications, Medicare+, hospitals, banking, security at White House gatherings, etc.)

Here's an article on the dangers of aspartame which include weight gain, diabetes, rashes, depression, insomnia, hearing loss, headaches, Parkinson's, and heart palpitations. So put down that packet of NutraSweet or other fake sugar and back away fast. Aspartame was discovered 'accidentally' in 1974 and the disruptive chemical probably lurks somewhere within your diet is interfering with your immune system if you've haplessly partaken.

Saturn/Neptune considerations - the Sat/Nep combo is related to Health as well through chronic illnesess, weakening of bones, calcifications, etc:

As you know, within the US collective now is the ongoing real vs unreal dynamic which has been catalyzed by transiting Saturn to America's natal Neptune along with the constant aspectual dance which the two planets perform amongst themselves. These Saturn (control)/Neptune (the masses; media) vibes of 'secret government' have pushed 'lies vs truth' and 'realism vs fantasy' into an even more momentous concern now that the NWO agenda is poised for ultimate implementation. Incremental changes, that's their centuries' long way of insinuation.

Is the NWO agenda the 'change' we can believe in? I say, No.

For we mustn't depair except as the majority continue quivering with heads-in-sand attitudes and a deeply stubborn refusal to make use of the fact that the people's great numbers always cause the manipulating culprits to step back each time we roar at the top of our voices!

Therefore, I ask you to pass these videos around as much as you may on behalf of all humankind...against the arrogant, heartless, self-interested monsters who bedevil and oppress the whole world. And if you, lone reader, are a minion of the power elite or a cog in their wheel, I plead with you now to step out and speak up - after you conceal your family in as safe a location as you can find...these people ain't playin':

Part 1 of 6:

Part 2 of 6:

Part 3 of 6:

Part 4 of 6:

Part 5 of 6:

Part 6 of 6:

America, my only nag in the race: let's forget imposed, false divisions such as "Republicans vs Democrats," "red vs blue," "lib vs con" and demand that our learless feaders name out loud their true affiliations, however secret and unnameable - starting with their Bilderberg connections and allegiances.

Now that's the sort of information that could lend a good start to 2010, the second decade of the New Millennium, and would hopefully aid the taking back of America on behalf of we-the-people for the sake of the entire world.

Ours and our children's very futures depend wholly upon it.

Update Feb 13, 2015: how curious that these videos "no longer exist".

Dec 30, 2009

Dec 31, 2009's Blue Moon Eclipse excites worldwide interest

SpaceWeather News for Dec 31, 2009

SUNSPOT SURGE: 2009 is ending with a flurry of sunspots. The month of December has had more "spotted days" than any previous month of the year by a significant margin, and all of the month's sunspot groups have been members of new Solar Cycle 24.

Could this herald an end to the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century? That remains to be seen. Sunspot counts and trends are shown on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

SOMETHING NEW: Turn your iPhone or iPod Touch into a field-tested satellite tracker! presents the Satellite Flybys app.

BLUE MOON ECLIPSE: For the first time in almost 20 years, there's going to be a "Blue Moon" on New Year's Eve. In Europe, sky watchers will witness an even rarer event--an eclipse of a Blue Moon on New Year's Eve. What are the odds?

Probabilities and observing tips may be found at


View the Astrology chart of 2009's Blue Moon Eclipse with details; chart set for Washington, DC, natch. This is Stars Over Washington, after all.

Did Orwell's World sneak up on us?

Welcome to Orwell's World 2010

By John Pilger

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that "passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past', ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past'.


'Oceania' seems a thinly veiled reference to America as 'Atlantis', don't you think?

Is anyone there? Back from holidays? I'm about to leave again for the weekend for festivities continue here (even Sun Caps must have birthdays sometimes) so slam a door to let me know you're echoing around in here...hmm? Wouldja?

Astrology of the 'underwear bomber' of Dec 25, 2009

Some of the most interesting writing and reporting I've found about the Christmas Day 2009 'underwear bomber' incident is at which includes speculations about the case's oddities and inconsistencies, along with eye witness accounts.

And from CNN's site is a Timeline of key dates of Mr. Mutallab's activities and helpfully includes the approximate time of his bomb attempt about 20 minutes prior to Flight 253's final approach over Detroit as being "shortly before 12:00 pm ET."

Being out of town for the holiday, this situation was not snooped into by yours truly bwo Astrology's lens until today so I'm just now catching up on my reading of this 'full body scan justification' of terrorism ham-fistedly attempted by a young man from Nigeria, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who seemed to observers to be "in a trance" as negotiations for his boarding of Northwest Flight 253, Amsterdam, were being held.

In this mystery play, a "well-dressed man" of possible Indian descent aided Mutallab by implying to the airport desk agent that he was a 'Sudan refugee', a refugee who would still, if law were followed, need embassy clearance in order to board an international flight as a refugee. Wheels were apparently greased for Mutallab and perhaps the well-dressed man was an embassy agent.

Today I am not at liberty to study fully the chart/s of Christmas Day, Amsterdam or Detroit, but an interesting Sabian Symbol applies here because of its word picture and the symbolism of 'traveling' of the astrological Moon which on December 25, 2009 was at '13 Aries' "shortly before 12:00 pm ET" over Detroit, the Moon had reached 15Ari14, however, yet I shall mention the symbol of Luna's earlier degree because it so aptly applies to the suspect's aborted actions:

"A Bomb Which Failed to Explode Is Now Safely Concealed"...IMPETUOUSNESS...

positive manifestation: a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of very deep or hallowed purpose;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a waste of opportunity and a futile expenditure of self through vanity or petulance. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

And perhaps you'll be interested in Christmas Day 2009's bulldozing, 'riding roughshod' Sun Cap/Moon Aries blend and its Images for Integration while noting that imperial America is often associated with the ancient Roman Empire.

This Earth-Fire combo of energies is known for its wilful and intensely ambitious character that insists on taking command - in similar fashion to the manipulative saboteur Pluto oriental (planet rising just before the Sun) in controlling Capricorn, on Dec 25, 2009. (Sun conjunct Pluto is often a time of such subversive activities each year and shines a spotlight on power-mad inclinations most usually.)

"A Roman city-state is attacked by barbarians but its solid walls keep the marauding bandits at bay...An impetuous entrepreneur persuades a conservative banker to back an ambitious project."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey; my bold on 'impetuous' because it echoes the Sabian Symbol Key Word for '13 Aries.')

Well, full body scans, here we come. How handy that the technology and equipment for them are so readily available for immediate implementation. Hmm?

Dec 29, 2009

Jefferson, Benet, Emerson, and a Mad Scientist

Famous Quotes complimentary and brought to you by Information Clearing House:

"We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom." Stephen Vincent Benet

"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be." Thomas Jefferson

"A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determineour lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming." Ralph Waldo Emerson.


And I believe it was John Lithgow playing Mad Scientist in the 1984 cult film Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension who intoned so very wisely:

"Character is what we are when we are in the dark."

Dec 31 2009's Blue Moon Eclipse sparks articles!

Expert astrologer Julie Demboski has written an elucidating analysis of the Blue Moon Eclipse of Dec 31, 2009 with which we end the year and begin the next decade of the New Millennium.

Plus, Julie's article contains a link to a different astrological perspective on 2009's Blue Moon Eclipse with its lovely sounding name!

If you missed it, my own Blue Moon Eclipse post with chart image may be found here.

The Lunar Eclipse of Dec 31 perfects in Washington DC @ 2:12:34 pm est and the first US natal planet to rise in the eclipse chart is Uranus in Gemini which will bring along the unexpected. No predictions from me about this rising for as they say about freedom and independence loving Uranus, whatever you isn't that.

And if you click to enlarge the eclipse chart you'll see that Dec 31 2009's Uranus/Neptune midpoint @ 8Pis50 (Uran/Nep is a signature of the New World Order from their Great Conj/s of 1993) has 'caught up' with America's natal Ceres (security issues) and our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, a duo of plutocracy, oppression, corporatism, fascism, racism, primal violence, class warfare, etc.

(Dick Cheney's Secondary Progressed Pluto and Chiron - they are conjunct in Leo in his natal chart - were precisely upon his Progr'd Midheaven, The Goal Point...on 9/11/01.)

This 'new world order' agenda is culminating before our eyes, m'peops...see sidebar to your right of Quotes - the first one from Henry Kissinger concerning President Obama's current opportunity to further the power elite's (sucky) New World Order.

And you may wish to take all "Age of Aquarius" stuff with a grain of salt because they're using it against us! If the power elite triumphs over us, their view of our global future has nothing at all to do with the beautiful, peaceful Aquarian principles that New Age types and World Servers have been dreaming of...

Dec 28, 2009

Solar Return 2010 of the Inauguration 2009 Horoscope

Time for Inauguration 2009 to have its Solar Return 2010 and here you see the SR 2010 chart set for Capitol Building, DC, Jan 20, 2010 @ 5:47:26 pm est, the moment the Sun's position equals its Jan 20, 2009 12:00 pm est DC position of the official Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama. With a SR to the Inauguration chart we may assess the president's success with goals during the second year of his presidency.

Sun Hour: good for ego recognition, aims, and 'hero's journey' activities; unaspected North Node (NN) 21Cap02 in 6th house with Sun 00AQ47, the transiting midpoints of Chiron/Pluto 29Cap11, Neptune/Pluto 29:37 @ critical or crisis degrees, and Venus 2AQ57 (conjunct the tr Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and Inauguration 2009's Jupiter in 10th house.)

Well, there are zillions of notable factors in this Solar Return chart for President Obama, his leadership, and our 'followship' and/or discords with leadership. Yes, a Solar Return is 'good for' one year until the person or entity's next birthday but holidays are a busy time so I shall mainly confine myself here to the T-Square pattern between a Moon/Saturn opposition squaring Pluto 4Cap00 conj Mercury 7Cap15, with Mercury conj 6th cusp (medical connotation; daily transportation issues); of course we associate Mercury/Pluto signatures with propaganda, the power of persuasion, and subtle salesmanship and such. Cruel (Pluto) speech, thinking, and plans (Mercury) may also be indicated and you know I would mention it on a blog dedicated to Washington DC and the politicians who infest the lovely Masonic city.

No, I don't like what the 'octopus' - the global crime syndicate now in progress of coup'ing the world in all departments (including the religious world whose activities show in this chart as Jup/Nep and Nep/Chiron) - has done to and with the place. They've made the headquaters of the US government hated and feared in the world, all the while mouthing sentiments on behalf of the needy while misdirecting US taxpayers' funds into game birds' pockets and into war chests to promote their destructive, cruel imperialism.

Consider me miffed and in a permanent snit with DC and with the national and local politicians who carry Pluto's and Saturn/Neptune's subversive waters in order to please the occult-using financial wizards, the Masters of the Universe, or some clawlike entity very like them.

The Cardinal T-Square pattern splays its stalemate energies (Moon/Saturn opposition) across the 3/9 polarity of houses (lower mind/higher mind; thinking; believing; education; near and far travel, etc) and points to an apex of two planets which are conjunct: Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn, in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Children, and Creativity.

The 6th house of 'Health, Work, Service, Military and Police Forces, and Our Daily Rounds' is affected as well with Mercury conj 6th cusp in Cap, as noted; Fixed Star Facies 8Cap18 glimmers near Mercury and has a 'ruthlessness or the victim' choice attached. Join and prosper...or else?

Astrologer Anthony Louis gives Facies as having a Sun-Mars nature with possible manifestations being: leadership ability; war; cold detachment; perfectionism; earthquakes; blindness; violent death. (Horary Astrology, Louis.) Pardon me for typing that last one, but you may as well know. We are supposedly adults here, right?

Now as you very well know, Mercury in Cap is a rational and clear-headed thinker unless otherwise interfered with, and Pluto in Cap means it's time for 'permanent transformation in world government' as old structures are turned into new...such as the New World that America's founding ushered in back in the 1700s (US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx) and beyond. But ask Sir Francis Bacon about that. In fact, Bacon natally shares the Sun AQ-Moon Aries blend of the SR 2010 of Inauguration 2009 for which I may as well give you the Images for Integration now...

Sun AQ-Moon Aries: 'A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

So what does Sir Francis Bacon have to say?

"There is in human nature generally more of the fool than of the wise."

And Bacon knew how to use human gullibility against anyone he chose to manipulate once he took note of how easy it is to 'fool' most people in order to secure his desires and needs at the expense of others' properties and their well-being.

Sir Francis, that corporate pioneer who helped lay the foundation of the Great American Experiment of 'Manifest Destiny', with US natal $Jupiter$ at '6 Cancer' = "Game birds Feathering Their Nests."

So I say: Say no more, Sir Francis, you've done more than enough already...and some now would call your ideology 'enough damage' and subversion of a nation from its people who think their government was set to run on the lofty principles of: for, of, and by the people...suckers!

Our Cash Cow Nation status never actually ended although it's taken some knocks in recent years, knocks which culminated in Sept 2008's $550 billion electronic run on US banks and the subsequent losses that attended and will attend its perpetration by mystery actors. But how can the US gov not know - or still not know - who was responsible? Were they themselves? Massive bank bailouts followed, as planned.

The 2008 bank run would have collapsed the global economy, probably in about 24 hours. But the collective has had a 2009 chocked full of Jupiter/Neptune's false hopes, speculations, grand schemes, imaginary dollars, and religious pufferies in vain attempts to soften or obfuscate our capitalist system's bumpy landing if not alter it altogether into one of win-win for world bankers and their colleagues, yet perhaps only a lose-lose situation for anyone not of the power elite's (imagined) exalted ilk and uppercrust social stratosphere.

You weren't using that job, were you?

SR 2010 of Inauguration 2009; Jan 20, 2010 Sun 00AQ47 applying to a supportive trine with Saturn 4Lib36 Rx in 3rd house (3A50); a Cardinal T-Square pattern stands out strongly in the chart:

The 'Cardinal' designation of this T-Square refers to the signs of the planets involved as being in Cardinal signs (Moon Aries, Saturn Libra, Merc/Plu Cap) which are initiating, self-generating energies that like to get going toward major here-and-now objectives. (You see Mc, The Goal, is in Aries ruled by pioneering Mars but the Martial One is Rx (delays) in 1st house @ 13Leo17 having just conjoined Pres. Obama's natal Sun which is rising in this SR 2010 chart; therefore, he is a prime actor for 2010 as one would expect.)

Cardinal T-SQs can describe circumstantial crises and we know the world has a-plenty of 'em already with more to come. We all 'feel' it (with a little help from government, media, and Hollywood propagandists) so I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Who can miss it? Got HD yet?

The established way of doing things is often bucked with a Cardinal T-SQ; poor planning is a caution and looking before one leaps is the antidote.

Apex Mercury in a Cardinal T-SQ shows one who makes rash judgments from being too impatient to wait for more facts; obviously Mercury's presence here signals agitated communicators (reporters?), those with specialized knowledge, also: travel, trade and commerce. Scholarly matters, ideologies, philosophies, and religious matters are areas of outspokenness and energy expenditure; being constantly preoccupied with analyses or research which concerns challenging or controversial subjects is indicated; one's subtle motivations may not be discerned or fully appreciated by self or by others; others' opinions are seldom listened to...the inner voice is too loud.

With young people (Mercury) perhaps it's an iPod or cell phone drowning out other people's voices!

(Note: before taking office, US presidents are required by their elite masters to agree to make decisions based on little or no evidence - in other words, to follow directions when told and 'make' the decisions that are expected in order to promote the over-arching agenda. - jc)

Apex Pluto in Cardinal T-SQ may be one/s who is/are possessed by a deep desire to control others through subversive and forceful measures; intensity and strength of focus are hallmarks of this particular apex Pluto who never shares power.

Karmic Pluto may be the most difficult to 'operate' or direct when apex for Mr. Underworld forces a complete psychological metamorphosis (as horror, changes, and restrictions are intro'd incrementally into society's collective awareness) before Pluto, the secret hand of ultimate control, may successfully reach his goal (of complete totalitarian control in my book - you may disagree, yet astrologer Sybil Leek said that totalitarianism increases in the world as Earth heats up; it's a natural cycle that I believe humankind has sped up in the last two centuries, in part by poorly managing and dealing with our masses of chemical refuse and toxic garbage - including Pluto's and Uranus' spent fuels of death and destruction.

And stupidly 'they' want to build more nuclear reactors on top of the ruins!

Yes, this is a bad-a*s Pluto here, a saboteur, assassin, and spy - wealthy beyond belief and the Invisible One intends to stay that way; he's an 'All-Powerful Oz' for certain and many astrologers have written online and in books and articles (try Mountain Astrologer for excellent article possibilities if you need them) that the Cardinal T-Cross of 2010 will be a doozy with momentous implications for the planet; who wouldn't concur?

Here are the midpoint pictures created by the SR 2010 T-SQ/s - remember that besides 'depression' Moon/Saturn can also be an indicator of 'strategy, direction, and ambition'; Mercury/Pluto = intelligence activities, high security communications; political talk that offers abrupt, disruptive changes to some functions; news of space exploration; orbital weapons or toxic gases; secrets that concern business activities or transportation; intell gathering; self-destructive impulses in business; breakdowns in road networks.

(The above info on Mercury/Pluto paraphrases Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

The T-SQs' mdpt pics are noted in blue in the upper right of the SR 2010 chart displayed here but I'll type them for you, too:

Moon/Saturn = Mercury: depression, esp among women; a sense of duty; prudence, maturity, wisdom; promoting ideas on how to offer better financial or material protection for your family; education on practical business matters or routines; psychological analysis undertaken to benefit one's emotional life.

Moon/Saturn = Pluto: frustrating delays and barriers encountered upon the road to progress; the elimination of support for families; tremendous emotional control; self-reliance is a must; inclination or necessity to rise in life at the expense of others by use of force, and to go one's way alone; strong feelings of depression cause organic suffering; separation from wife or mother; the threat of loss; needs repressed; feeling isolated.

(Mdpt pics; Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

Whew! That's a lot of crud to type during an in-between-holiday week and it took me all day, so my incomplete analysis can only hope to thoroughly annoy the feathers out of both of you. So let's proceed for as long as my typing finger holds out, and you may also wish to click-to-enlarge the chart for further details I neglect to cover in this text.

Well, as you see, there are several Big Money indicators in the SR 2010 chart which will be in effect until Jan 20, 2011 when a new yearly cycle begins for the presidential office and, by extention, for Pres. Obama and we-the-people...the speculating Jupiter/Neptune duo of inflation, false hopes, bubbly schemes, and/or inspiring religious leaders (positively or negatively inspiring) is snugged around the 8th cusp of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, etc, along with US natal Moon (Sibly chart; a mundane chart's Moon = the people; the public.)

Will the Fed continue printing mega-bucks the US can't back up because someone stole the gold? Midas 8Gem56 is @ Station Rx degree; gold-hoarder Midas will be Direct in the Inauguration 2009's Venus Return chart of Feb 25, 2010 (Venus = Jup/Uranus; T-SQ Saturn/Uranus = ASC), but still Rx in Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return chart of Feb 10, 2010 with its YOD: Jupiter/Pluto = Mars @ 5Leo14 Rx conjunct US natal NN.

Plus, Sun/Moon = Jupiter: success; enthusiasm for life; desire for joint endeavors, expansion, possessions and wealth; marriage; birth (the last two may echo the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 25Cap01...'Ceremony Fit for a King' with a 'focus on national affairs' - Celeste Teal, Eclipses. Perhaps England's Prince William will marry or - gasp! - become King. Nah. Marry, more like.)

Well, that's all I care to say at this juncture. You see that there are many factors left unmentioned, yet as previously noted, a SR chart is of a year's duration. If you have anything to add to this post, please do so by Comment and we'll discuss.


Stars Over Washington 2009:

All comments left on this blog (and my other blogs, for that matter) through 2009 have been much appreciated though some have been missed in the Reply department - pardon please? For time has squooshed together a good bit more around here since the recession and more hours have been devoted to 'work' in the 'real world' and I know others are having the same experience if they have a job/career to depend on at all.

Shame on our 'leaders' - the ones I once termed on this blog as being "sucky" (as in, world leaders suck) because the small ones exploit their own people grievously and continually and are set up to 'rule' in puppet fashion by the large ones who give arrogant lessons in How to Exploit People and Resources, Knock Heads, and Count Gold Coins While Smelling Like a Rose.

Keeping Americans insulated is an integral part of the scheme (recent airport security uppings are good examples. Too bad so many folks are dismissive of Astrology's usefulness for under more experienced brain cells, the horoscopes published here can yield very interesting information on the people's behalf. We could use the leg up in this rigged game, couldn't we?)

Imho, the 'large ones' are members of, associated with, or manipulated by, the global crime syndicate of which I gripe so often. This web of control has crept into every social institution and on one level is represented in Astrology by asteroid, Cupido (Corporatism, aka Fascism; The Family; The Syndicate) - in this chart: Cupido 24Sag35 in 5th house.)

And as you see, there are several Big Money indicators in the SR 2010 chart which will be in effect until Jan 20, 2011 when a new yearly cycle begins for the Office of the Presidency and, by extension, for Pres. Obama and the people we sincerely hope he honestly represents.

Dec 23, 2009

Senate's final vote 7 am 12.24.09: Venus rising and the Serpent Holder

Okay, we're tryin' to pack in here and I said I was off the blogging clock earlier today but I can't resist mentioning the horoscope for tomorrow morning's final vote in the Senate on a health insurance reform bill or some such: Dec 24, 2009 @ 7:00 am est Capitol Building, DC; Hour Saturn, ASC 26Sag05, Venus rising 28Sag25 conjunct Fixed Star Aculeus (attacks which strengthen)

Vision-related Aculeus and Acumen are stars of the most southern constellation, Scorpio, with Acumen's keywords, enduring attacks which weaken. Scorpio's brightest star is Antares, well known for its link to being obsessed with success.

But it's the mythology of this area of the celestial sphere that interests me the most: Scorpius, the Scorpion, keeps the Sun in its degrees for only 9 days; the remaining 21 days the Sun is actually in Ophiuchus, The Serpent Holder. Thus, from the Bible comes a reference to health care, doctors, and healing.

Plus, Ophiuchus is anciently connected with Osiris and his son, Horus, and contains Graffias, another star in Scorpio, which is intimately linked with America's natal chart, and in Sacred Geometry of Freemasons and other secretive groups. This health insurance overhaul bill is a big deal. That they don't tell us just what it means is the scary part.

Ex: is Codex Alimentarius secretly embedded within for Dec 31, 2009 implementation? We'd better hope not. Besides. I knew it was you, Monsanto. (Dec 31 is the Blue Moon Eclipse which is noted in the post.)

As you know, God of the Underworld, powerful surgery-related Pluto transforms as a snake sheds its skin. His is life-death power and @ 3Cap02, he's quite snug with the Sun 2Cap49; power simply shines from the chart as well as a love of valuable things.

And with Venus oriental in the 'final vote 7:00 am' chart, we know that dealing with valuable things is coming up for the Senate this morning. But the rest of 'Venus oriental' (last planet to rise before the Sun rises) are people who need personalized work functions, putting their stamps on things, as it were.

In fact, evaluation of their work is often substituted for any direct evaluation of them personally. You see, if they knew how they are really viewed or thought of, they would have difficulty accepting or believing it.

With Venus oriental, we often witness people whose public relations images take the place of their private persona as is often done with public figures such as politicians, actors, musicians, artists, etc...provinces of beauty-loving primp, Venus, the Lady of the Hour in the US natal chart (5:10 pm LMT; Venus' metal is copper = Statue of Liberty.) (Tyl.)

So in the health insurance reform brouhaha I only wish someone had asked - or did they? - about Codex Alimentarius hiding stealthily in the bill and its draconian-sounding Dec 31 'benchmark'--or is it a deadline? Seems to me the Codex of genetically modified materials and who-knows-what additives would be just such a secret bomb to lay within a gargantuan piece of legislation that, if made into law, will slip past the American public much more than meets their gullets in a perfect world.

What are they doing to us?

Ron Paul video: US foreign policy ignored

Here's six minutes+ of Rep. Ron Paul discussing how important it is for Americans not to ignore foreign policy matters within all the diversions such as the current health insurance reform brouhaha.

As I like to type: whatever politicians direct our attention toward, always look in an opposite direction at what they're up to behind the door and under the table. (That's how little their 'ethics' impress me anymore. And Washington's 'divide and conquer' tactics have grown weary around here - we-the-people should stick together to fully express our power priciple--precisely what politicians don't want us to do. Can it be more obvious?)

Then there's Campaign for Liberty.


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! This is probably my last entry before our family holiday spree of a few days...time to forget about annoying Politics awhile! Hope you can forget it, too.

It's that 'grandly scheming' Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of Dec 21 atop US natal Moon that we mustn't forget about as we edge into 2010, so I leave you with its midpoint picture (one more time) and as usual, it's any-all-or-none may apply:

Tr Jup/Nep = n Moon (the people): little sense of reality; real vs unreal; losing oneself in plans; a desire to dream; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness; an emotional swoon; going with the wind.

(Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.) jc

Dec 22, 2009

TIME interview with coverboy Bernanke

Here is a link to Time Magazine's extended interview with Ben Bernanke who says he doesn't think the monetary policy of the Fed merits any blame in the 2008 financial collapse.

Whaa-a-a? Then Bernanke and Greenspin apparently drink from the same heady brew in the secret chambers of hallowed financial wizards.

Financial effects from the attacks of 9/11 ripple still with subsequent low interest rates to plump up our economy looking like a ploy, a wizard's trick to impress Osama bin Laden...see, that didn't hurt one bit!