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Jul 19, 2010

Today's news mirrors US Sec Mars Rx: Troops to the Border July 19, 2010

This is off CNN's Political Ticker: Obama to Deploy National Guard Troops to Protect Border, and even to this dissenting American this news sounds like it could be a good thing. Right?

Since 2006, America's Mars from 1776 21Gem+ has been in retrograde condition for the first time in US history. It will continue to be Rx for about 76 years more and many astrologers including this particular novice have written all over the worldwide web on the meaning and implications of such an astrological event.

(Sec Mars Rx also occurred for Germany but never mind that now - let's not talk specifically about Nazis. And remember that US Sec Mars Rx occurred in 2006 during Bush's watch.)

Our national Mars turned inward

Such phrases as 'police state' 'martial law' 'terrorist activities in the homeland' 'weakened military forces' and others have escaped this keyboard prior to this moment, and of course, National Guard and police deployments and actions in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (and any other natural disasters before and since) come under the purview of our Sec Rx Station of 2006 since our Sec Mars was on or within orb of his stationing degree beginning about a year earlier.

When a Direct planet turns Rx by progression, inward turning and re-evaluation occur. With Mars, it's inward action, too...troops to the border, arrests of protesters, citizens imprisoned, wounded and deceased soldiers returning home, etc.

So now, President Obama is militarizing the US-Mexico border more than it already is. Expecting more attacks from that direction, are we? Or from inside the US? From both, I suspect.

Well, perhaps the President has recalled that today is the 83rd anniversary of the Zimmerman telegram, the leak of which helped to finagle a formerly peaceful America into joining in The Great War to End All Wars; aka, WWI. The communique promised help with taking back US territories on behalf of Mexico. And the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco chart has rebellious Hidalgo rising! Hello?

Asteroid Hidalgo is in the 'power' group of archetypes, as you know.

So the horrors of WWI denuded the US of its 'romance of war' illusion yet we've been fighting ever since. But now we act with our nation's inner-directed Sec Mars Rx while the melee is brought to our very doors. If Mars Rx results in further review of our Middle Eastern occupations/withdrawals, that would be a good outcome of its Rx state though I must say that the increase of agencies now making up a gargantuan Department of (the German-sounding) 'Homeland Security', and this could be considered an early manifestation of US Sec Mars Rx.

Now it comes out that HoSec is too big to adequately succeed and US Sec Rx Mars may be one of the culprits.

There's too much redundancy within the bowels of the behemoth, with lots of computers for hackers to trouble, and a right-hand-doesn't-know-what-the-left-hand=is-doing vibe, a ploy so handy when cover-ups are needed for a government founded with a deceitful and/or confused Mars/Neptune square.

Even the Washington Post is calling us Top Secret America, for HoSec is a wasteful boondoggle and bottomless pit in the money department, too. Never-ending war and HoSec? No wonder America is bankrupt.

So it seems to me that withdrawal of US troops will have to happen at some point soon (and best before they're stranded in foreign lands with UN "peacekeepers" morphing into the Army du Jour.)

No matter your Politics about war, you feel it, don't you?

Now you may wish to read more on US Sec Mars Rx in a post from 2007 (pre-financial-collapse; no edits) including the god of war's Secondary Progressed Sabian Symbols for his Rx Station/current positions @ '18Lib' and '19Lib' - both very enlightening word pictures for New Millennial Politics and for the 5-pointed Pentagram, the military arm of Washington DC (aka, the Pentagon) which, with other agencies both secretive and otherwise, enables America's imperialistic march toward global governance.

Billion-dollar 'aid package' to Pakistan but no unemployment extension for US workers?

Any US taxpayers feeling hoodwinked yet?

Clinton Unveils New Aid Projects in Pakistan Visit but meanwhile on Capitol Hill, it's dandy fine if Americans do without jobs, mortgage payments, food, and the basic stuff of life.

Doesn't the government of Pakistan have any billions of its own with which to build "hospitals"? Perhaps they tucked back a few coins out of the veiled billions we've generously sent them through the years from our now-empty piggy banks?

Well, you know what they say...troubles are often self-created. And the nuclear monster that at first must have seemed like quite a genie was let out of the bottle by none other than the US government with the enabling of German scientists and others.

So as usual, the American people and their resources are being held hostage to the fallacy of 'national security' which works when either money or liberty are extorted in an elusive exchange for our imagined safety when really, the only things we can count on anymore from our own government are lies, obfuscations, fraud, extortion, and false flag ops waged against we-the-people, often mounted in order to emotionally manipulate us into fighting imperialist wars.

Once central banks allowed foreign investors into the American hen house, I suppose our trajectory was set (downward.) The outcome has now become clear to those who read the signpost at the crossroads.

But I can still feel steamed over it all, can't I? Sir Francis Bacon, Adam Weishaupt, and their Illuminati ilk can take a hike if they like. I wish they would. And leave decent people alone.

For as British PM Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) penned in his novel Coningsby, the New Generation (and notice it's a 'new generation' similar to what the power elite tout openly now as a 'new international world order' - whether average Joes and Jills want it or not, here 'it' comes.)

"For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

Astrologically, that's a perfect reference to 12th house activities ans secret deals behind the door as discerning planets in 12th house, especially the Sun, ought to know. 12th house involvements in Mundane Astrology = Politics.

And now for a few more grumpily typed words on the November 2010 midterm elections:

Republicans? Really? You want to reward the GOP for 8 years of Bush-Cheney policies that led to Financial Collapse 2008? Really? Whose team are you batting for? No, I don't care much for Dems either but the ruling class has us by the nape of our necks and I'm still growling over the Bush-Cheney crime spree brought upon our nation in coup-like fashion by a complicit SCOTUS.

If you'll remember, it took the attacks of 9/11/01 for the general population to stop questioning the legitimacy of the Bush-Cheney regime which so soon turned into a nightmare of loss, death, and war. Not an accident, that. Bullhorns for democracy! Export freedom with each bomb! Appeal to the emotions of the American people and they'll fight any way, any one, any time. It's been proven effective, say the marketers!

So November 2, 2010 will arrive before we can wink twice. Don't forget to vote. Even though we know that the old truism he who counts the vote decides the winner was never more obvious or applicable than it is in the New Millennium, yet we must not stay home on election day! On any election day.

This morning Cokie Roberts said on NPR that the GOP hope to turn the Gulf Oil Disaster into a political disaster for the Democrats. (Never mind the cynicism of that stance!) One assumes that the fact that President Obama has taken a lot of BP's cash will help the GOP with the ploy. Republican leader Mitch McConnell says it took the administration '70 days' to order skimmers sent to the Gulf as if that were all the White House was up to in the interim.

Well, whoever advised the President himself not to rush to the Gulf Coast asap after the April 20 catastrophe gave him bad advice in the public relations department. But that's smoke and mirrors, too, for with Mr. Obama's walk-on-water status now sunk, was he expected to ankle his way out to the Deepwater Horizon rig and patch things up with a bunch of presidential duct tape?

For Hurricane Katrina, Bush was in Texas eating birthday cake with John McCain, blithely unaware of, or uncaring about, the suffering occurring in the Gulf Coast region. It always seemed to me that these operatives of the GOP were celebrating more than McCain's birthday but maybe that was only me.

Yet be all that as it may...reward 8 years of Bush-Cheney policies with a majority in the November 2010 midterms?


Well, if the Republican Party does take more seats than Dem candidates or incumbents in November 2010 it will result in more of the blind-leading-the-blind sort of governing with the R Party being past their Secondary Progressed Full Moon (12Gem08) of February 18, 2005 but not by much - they're now in the Disseminating phase as of March 19, 2009 and puttin' out the White House jibes and as much misinformation as they can get away with and will help them claw their way up, as they think. But their party's Sec Full Moon is past culminating stage so party bigwigs won't be shining as they'd like even if a rout occurs this November yet they can still do much damage to this country from whatever foxhole they shoot from.

Like Bush-Cheney invading Iraq under a retrograde Jupiter (the General) - starting a war from weakness, not strength - we may expect the obstruct-Dems-at-all-costs party of the GOP (or BOP, if you prefer to add Big Oil to their name - I forgive you if you do) we may expect that a Republican majority in House (or in Senate) will govern from a weakened position if they win which, as we've seen, effectively stalls legislation proposed on behalf of all but the rich and mighty whose handmaidens serve behind-the-scenes masters on Capitol Hill and whose true identities are other than they appear.

Jul 17, 2010

Quake hits DC but Obama doesn't 'feel it' (an astro-peek)

When asked, President Obama said he 'didn't feel' the quake Friday morning yet some in DC definitely did feel it.

The LAT published a feature on the 3.6-magnitude earthquake that shook parts of Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia and Delaware on Friday July 16, 2010 @ 5:04 am edt according to a lady near Gaithersburg MD, the center of the action.

And this, coming a mere 4 days after CNN/Money Magazine again named the town a 'Best City' so I guess this shows that pride can indeed come before an earthquake wakes you up way early in the morning and leaves you wondering what just happened.

Well, if you're the type to look for synchronicities, you might be wondering if politically, those in the White House should have felt it especially with November midterms 2010 coming up. Or perhaps should I say, admitted to feeling it.

Mr. Obama's scheduled 'run for it' weekend vacation with the family unit is certainly not seen by this reluctant astrologer as in any way connected to what a quake-feeler in MD described as "really loud" and "like a plane flying really low."

If on another level Air Force One is flying really low these days it is to be expected. The Gibbs-on-Meet-the-Press brouhaha of this last week seemed on the vicious, if threadbare, side but the BOP (Big Oil Party) made the most of it. Yes, I like that nickname for them. It fits, yet we mustn't leave out Big Oil's Dem donation recipients including the President.

On MTP last Sunday, Mr. Gibbs said that there were enough seats in play for the GOP to gain control, not that they would, but that (in other words) it is mathematically possible. At least, that's what I heard him say as it was broadcasted. A red herring, perhaps, but there it is. Follow its fishy scent to the exclusion of more important matters and events, if you wish, yet it's all political theater, dahlink.

An Astro-Peek at the DC/MD Quake of July 16, 2010

With 11Can57 @ ASC (July 16, 2010 5:04 am edt White House) and South Node rising (a Saturnian point of separation which so recently conjoined US natal Sun and thus, caused problems for Mr. Obama as 'the leader') we may also expect that the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 (which is also rising in the quake chart) to have a connection to the experience of an earhtquake since quakes and other natural disasters are often heralded by eclipses (as noted through the cneturies; a tragic example for the people of China is the Solar Eclipse of August 1, 2008 occurring at the start of the Beijing Olympics, with George Bush in attendance.)

After all, the time of a quake 'marks' a specific moment in time for we may set up a horoscope when then acts as a transit chart if nothing else - a snapshot of a moment in time for a particular location.

It's an Hour of Venus yet the chart-ruler is the 4th house angular Moon 26Vir48 (Virgo, an earth sign) with Mars 21Vir50 angular from the 3rd house (the neighborhood); Saturn, ruler of soil and tectonic plates, is at a critical degree: 29Vir36 in 4th house. The trio of Mars, Moon, and Saturn are indicative of heat, movement, fluctuating conditions, and pressure in the earth.

Chart-ruler Moon makes six applying aspects in the Quake chart and all I can do at this moment is list them chronologically for you:

1. semisquare Mercury 12Leo15, 2nd house, 0A27, conjunct Mr. Obama's natal Sun);
2. incojunct Neptune 28AQ11 Rx, 9th house, 1A23; Neptune is still within orb of most positions for US natal Moon (we-the-people if you use July 4, 1776 with n Moon in the 18AQ - 28AQ range);
3. conjunct Saturn 2A48;
4. opposite Uranus 00Ari33 Rx, 3A45 (associated with sudden natural events and disruptions), 3A45;
5. opposite Jupiter 6A31;
6. square Pluto 3Cap36 Rx in 6th house with NN 11Cap54, 6A48.

There may be aftershocks for up to approximately two weeks which may well be described in the Quake chart by the Moon's applying aspects which give a sort of timeframe. Ex: '6A48' can show 6+ seconds, minutes, days, weeks, etc. Potentially, Luna's symbolic conjunction with Saturn @ 2:48 and almost simultaneous opposition to Uranus are the last of the aftershock considerations within the timeframe of this chart, we hope.

And the Quake Moon actually joins in with the difficult Cardinal T-Square energies but not at precise degrees, for opposing Jupiter 3Ar19 and Uranus 00Ari33 Rx, both in 10th house and both relating to large events of a scientific, traveling, or lucky break nature (a brief respite in Maine for the Obamas?), testifies as to the 'mild' nature of the July 16 quake.

Both Jupiter and Uranus are ruled by an angular, incendiary Mars; Saturn may be considered angular as well so we have not one nor two, but three bodies which when angular can lead to big events and sudden manifestations. And when Mars and Saturn enter Cardinal Libra, the fur (political, social, physical, legal) may really begin to fly as their square to Pluto blocks - or perhaps blindsides - their energies; Pluto is in his ongoing transits of US natal Venus and natal Jupiter - personally, if I were involved closely in the stand-off Cardinal T-Square affecting world governments and populations, I'd flee far away, too, if I could.

Well, here we have a particular location - the White House - the construction of which must be braced up and lined extremely well not to have allowed its inhabitants to notice a 3.6-magnitude quake that reportedly jolted some folk from their beds. Maybe someone in the White House was advised not to mention it for its comedic implications abound.

President Obama's Mars Return July 17, 2010 w/ Quake Horoscope

An interesting factor for the President is that today, July 17, 2010, has brought him a newly arrived Mars Return (22Vir35; conjunct US natal Neptune), a new cycle of activity which gives a timed horoscope 'good for' Mars' two-year cycle (using BHO's natal chart set for 7:24 pm AHST on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii.)

And with Quake Mercury 12Leo15 conjoined the President's natal Sun, it is rather difficult to believe that Mr. President didn't 'feel it' especially being such an aware, astute kind of guy and all. If still abed, it seems like someone would have awakened him from his slumbers. But perhaps he's grumpy in the morning.

So all this stuff causes the sass in me to wonder if an astro-someone advised Mr. Obama to travel elsewhere (leaving the White House yesterday) in order to re-locate his Mars Return 2010 which occurred today, Saturday, @ 11:11:54 am edt in Maine (and in DC)...does re-location result in a more positive chart?

When set for the White House, his Mars Return 2010 shows crisis-degreed Saturn 29Vir42 about to rise (ASC27Vir00); in Maine the ASC degree has entered early Libra so Saturn is just risen (and 'behind' him) leaving Moon 14Lib42 the only inhabitant in the 1st house, a much more fortunate portent; the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse in 1st house can be either positive, negative, or both but it's flavor is 'things at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes'. Could be worse!

However, Mars rises with Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: to go against society; to go against the mainstream, and in Maine ('maine-stream'?) puppetmaster Pluto is conjunct the Foundation of the Matter, the Ic, with US natal Venus and Jupiter at Midheaven.

Senator Nelson on the BP Oil fiasco (video); Hidalgo will return

Here Senator Bill Nelson speaks about reports of oil seeping from the Gulf of Mexico seabed and the possibility that BP's well casing may be pierced.

Today asteroid Eros (a piercing) is @ 13Vir18, Panacea (is the newly positioned 'tight-fitting ' cap but a panacea?) 29Vir17, a critical degree conjunct Saturn, planet of delay and restriction, and Hidalgo 23Sco09 is Rx indicating that this rebellious asteroid of power will be returning to its position in the April 20, 2010 blowout chart (ASC 1Sag23) where it arose a few minutes before 10:00 pm edt, the stated time that explosions and fire erupted.

The Mexican Independence horoscope is included in the post.

And yes, I do still think it is significant to this ongoing Gulf Coast environmental disaster that asteroid Hidalgo is named after the Priest Miguel Hidalgo who rang the church bell to signal the start of the Mexican Revolution on September 15, 1810.

Actually, the situation reminds me as well of the proposals made in the Zimmerman telegram, a coded communique in which Germany proposed the winning back of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona on behalf of Mexico. The telegram's perfectly timed exposure was one factor that led the US into WWI, so we see that the same ruses and propaganda tactics are still being used to emotionally rally and intrigue Americans into fighting wars that common sense and further reflection would advise us to stay out of.

Bullhorns of democracy-spreading, y'all!

Jul 16, 2010

BP Oil gusher Plume Cam

In case you've been under the sea somewhere the last 3 months and haven't viewed it, here's a link to NPR's plume cam showing the BP Oil gusher which looks mighty good in not-gushing mode this morning after yesterday's successful capping.

BP's plume cam link has been available on my Jude's Threshold blog all along, or at least since NPR published it in May, but I never got around to adding it here on SO'W until now.

The lack of oil and gas gushing out is only temporary ('this is only a test') so you may wish to check out the lovely view a mile down while things are still lookin' more better.

Jul 15, 2010

Will Senate pass Financial Reform today w/ Moon in Virgo? 7.15.10

Update July 15, 2010 3:09 pm edt: Senate passes financial overhaul bill. Woot! I think...

Here's what the only Democrat to vote against the bill, Russ Feingold, said, in part:

"The reckless practices of Wall Street sent our economy reeling, triggered the worst recession since the Great Depression, and left millions of Americans to foot the bill. Despite these cataclysmic events, Washington once again caved to Wall Street on key issues and produced a bill that fails to protect the American people from the pain of another economic disaster. I will not support a bill that fails to adequately protect the people of Wisconsin from the recklessness of Wall Street."

Yeah. That's what I figured.

Original post begins here...Sun Cancer-Moon Virgo details apply...

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Senate Clears Financial Bill For Final Passage

The Senate voted 60-38 Thursday to end debate on the bill. That paved the way for Congress to send President Obama a crackdown on banks and Wall Street that in some ways is tougher than what he sought.

More at NPR.


July 15, 2010 Sun Cancer, Moon in Virgo, a Water-Earth blend that can result in mud, or in practical, down-to-earth action...yesterday's Leo Moon was showy. Today's caring if analytical Virgo Moon tends to get things done.

Sun Can-Moon Vir: clear-headed, conscious concern for others; social adaptability; imagination combines with efficiency; serves with both compassion and common sense.

Images for Integration: The 'perfect' mother...A health visitor weighs an infant with tender precision...A wine taster makes pointed comments, restrained accolades.

Noel Tyl says of this Sun-Moon blend, "Conventional and exacting ideals are set up to define what security is, especially in terms of family. Hard work and experience protect personal vulnerability and establish security."

Sounds like a better deal for US consumers, and I imagine that if the Financial Reform bill passes, the accolades (if any) will be restrained in some quarters more than in others! Still, I hope the Capitol Hill sausage factory passes something that will be of real value to the American people who could use a break from the Oilcan Harrys of the world.


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey; Tyl's Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology.

Jul 14, 2010

Violence during G20 Toronto riots perpetrated by police

Well, just as I was beginning to wonder when or if the story of police operatives and provocateurs being the source of the violence at the recent G20 Summit in Toronto, here it turns up predictably.

'Predictably' because it's typical that violence erupts during citizen protests at such gatherings for the G8, G20, the Bilderberg cabals, IMF meetings (protesters were arrested in DC at their April 26, 2009 meeting), etc. And perhaps the most well-documented example, the media-dubbed Battle in Seattle of November 30, 1999 is a case in point and should be studied by any citizen planning to participate in demonstrations against these high-handed, secretive groups during their planning sessions.

The Seattle violence and arrests are shown in the film of that name as the WHO met just one month prior to the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (Dec 30, 1999 @ '12Sag') which is often used as the degree of America's natal Ascendant (ASC = the country itself) from the Sibly version of our nation's birth chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia.)

But whether you use the Sibly chart or not, the Sabian Symbol for the '12Sag' conjunction of the plutocrat-oppression-corporatism-primal violence pair of Pluto/Chiron tells a shabby tale of the ushering in of the New Millennium, as we have seen, with the haves vs have-nots uppermost in society. Why, one of the Pluto/Chiron pair's favorite hobbies is advancing class warfare. (Most people can now admit its class warfare since Financial Collapse 2008, though some still have blinders on.)

'12Sag' = "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"...Keynote: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations. ANNUNCIATION. (An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Yeah, their arrogant minds are 'sensitive' all right! And they assume themselves high above the rabble as they hide behind miles of protective barriers to talk privately and without disturbance about the futures of the rest of us.

Obviously, this word picture refers to the American totem, the Eagle.

But fortunately for the so-called and much-touted 'New Age' favored by the one-world-government promoters - and unfortunately for the rest of the world now having totalitarianism shoved down its throat - the eagle was also the symbol of the fallen Roman Empire. My guess is that that's what NWO engineers are counting on in order to build the world back in the ugly, misshapen image of their preference. Surveillance of the people has always been a major part of the game around here (US natal Mercury in Cancer opposite n Pluto in Capricorn; US n Ceres - security and domestic issues - conjunct US n Pluto/Chiron.)

As you know, in Astrology Pluto is said to transform - and decrees that things must be completely destroyed so they may be built back 'upon the ruins'. Now this is a universal principle which the Tarot mentions, too, particularly with the #16 card, The Tower, the meaning of which perfectly describes the attacks of 9/11/01.

So as we look into the future, what will happen to all the minions who helped the NWOers along the way? Imho, they will be shocked to find they have no clout at all in the end and that their complicity and soul-selling were all for naught - unless they're part of the inner sanctum of the select few of earthly power elites.

For after all, that's one of the many dark secrets about worshiping Satan (or 'Lucifer' if you prefer) - he never takes care of his own nor fulfills his glowing promises. For it simply is not in his self-serving nature.

Horoscope of the Saturn-Uranus opposition 7.26.10

Just as I was preparing this chart-with-details of the next opposition between Saturn and Uranus (this time on the 00Ari/Lib axis), John and Susan Townley's AstroCocktail Newsletter arrived concerning the ongoing Cardinal Cross of 7 seven planets whose energies peak on August 6 - 7, 2010.

John is predicting much sexiness so you may wish to check out his article and make plans for where you'll be canoodling on the evening of August 6, 2010! I guarantee his post will be much more fun than what you're about to read here if you don't stop reading Now...

Saturn Opposite Uranus July 26, 2010

Firs we should consider the indications of the combination of Saturn and Uranus in the political and business realms according to Michael Munkasey (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets) involves: Legislative processes that temper traditional needs toward new ideas; legislative and executive bodies interact; conservatives vs progressives; counter-revolutionary rule; restrictions on personal contacts in political situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction; control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.

(That's 'more-rays' for my younger friends, not 'mores'! ;p)

The above are some of the potentials of Saturnian and Uranian energies when acting together, or in this case, opposing one another, a condition which can mean 'stand-off', 'stalemate', or simply indicate awareness of their relationship. In tandem, their cycle relates to the Middle East, especially to Israel and Palestine.

As you know, the US Presidential Election 2008 was a time of a stand-off between status quo Saturn and progressive Uranus across the 18-20 Vir/Pis axis but now, the two rivals have moved on to opposition across the World Point axis of Prominence, Fame, and Recognition. After all, Uranian ideals and brilliant ideas need Saturnian form in order to come into existence.

Now as you see (click chart to enlarge and hopefully you can read my scribbled notes) their opposition becomes exact in Washington DC at 1:07 pm edt, with direct Saturn, significator of the Democratic Party, just barely moved into 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes, and Uranus Rx at AP in 5th house of Gambling, Speculations, Creative Pursuits, Romance, and Children.

Jupiter signifies the Republican Party which is feelin' lucky these days about the 2010 midterm elections in November with Jupiter conjunct Uranus.

Upper right, some of the Relationship indicators in this chart are listed, such as the July 25 Full Moon (3AQ00 which conjoins US Inauguration 2009's Jupiter in 10th house @ 9:37 pm edt), Mercury opposing Neptune and Chiron, and the Saturn-Uranus opposition itself.

The many midpoint pictures of the Cardinal T-Square/s are listed but not detailed since I've done so a few times already - all point to apex Pluto 3Cap22 Rx (here in 3rd house) as his secret hand continues to transit opposite US natal Venus (also a 'relationship' indicator, but a difficult one.) And apex Pluto has no intention of giving up control or of compromising either - why should he when he holds all the cards, credit and otherwise?

Chart-ruler Venus (in her Fall in Virgo) is the planet of relationships, love, and values, and makes only one applying aspect in the Sat-Uran chart: a semisquare with the Sun 3Leo37 @ Mc, an aspect which happens all the time due to their close proximity in our solar system. So basically, Venus as chart-ruler has significance through her house position, sign, and degree: 17Vir54 in 11th house.

'17Vir' = "A Volcano in Eruption"...which relates both to relationship blow-ups and/or natural disasters; the BP-Gulf Oil blowout comes to mind yet we see that its main significator, the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, has moved back into Aquarius from oceanic Pisces though Chiron is Rx at a 29th crisis degree. Perhaps the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse's flavor ('things at first seem worse but then clear with successful outcomes') will have aided matters by the end of July though I understand that BP has announced snags (at midnight this morning) in their current capping activities due to governmental 'questions' over safety. Nice that they 'care' so much now.

So here is the chart of the Saturn-Uranus opposition of July 26, 2010. See what you think with US Inaugural Sun and Mercury Rx of Jan 20, 2009 (the President) at the Foundation of the chart along with transiting Neptune/Pluto 00AQ39 (oil barons, big media, banksters, etc) and tr Pluto/Chiron 1AQ33 (plutocrats; oppression; primal violence; war; corporatism, statism, racism, etc) again 'sitting upon' America's Presidential Sun and Mercury (as they did on Inauguration Day 2009.)

In the hidden 12th house are two midpoints conjoining US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx in Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, as is the 8th cusp (Taurus) of this chart...

Pluto/Mc = Sec Mars: the need to push ahead and keep driving toward goals at all costs (wars and more war, with Mars equating to our military and police forces; banking legislation and obscene profits for Big Banks); increased willingness to battle for your objectives; a great striving for attainment of power; the urge to dominate others (ya think?); career crises; forced into an uncongenial occupation; explosive quarrels.

Sun/Pluto = Sec Mars: over-exertion or over-taxing one's power (as I and others have been saying); a desire to perform record achievements; working to the point of physical breakdown; deep inner needs to succeed at any cost; a drive to turn things around; a combative nature going to any lengths to conquer and solve problems.

(Midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

You know, I said it in the 60s and 70s: Get Out of Vietnam. Sadly for America, it must be said again: Get Out of Afghanistan and Iraq. And definitely Leave Iran and North Korea Alone. And scr*w secret hand Pluto with his imperialistic, draconian NWO plans.


Blog Note: in light of today's Fresh Air feature concerning The Secret World of WikiLeaks and the leaked video of what a US war is really like for its hapless victims, the site's link has been returned to this blog's sidebar under 'Get Out the Truth' because it seems to be up and running again.

Also, a few readers have expressed disappointment that I have not blogged on the recent arrest of 10 Russian spies and the US-Russian exhange of them for 4 of our guys.

Well, the most applicable chart I can think of concerning the FBI's years-long surveillance and quick arrest of them was published before I heard of the case - the
Lunar Eclipse conjunct Pluto horoscope which occurred on June 26, 2010 - the day spy Anna Chapman was arrested and the spy ring was taken into custody before they could scurry away like rats in all directions.

Quelle precision, mais oui?

You may be assured that no edits have been made to the Lunar Eclipse post yet you will find mentions of spying, surveillance, and 'clandestine projects are revealed' with Full Moon in 6th house (Work, Service, and Daily Rounds) conjunct spying Pluto of Invisible Helmet fame (as Chapman went about her daily business in NYC; Moon = a woman.) In summing up the Moon Eclipse-conjunct-Pluto in controlling Capricorn, I state that, "Actually, research on secret projects may be what comes to light" though I do not suggest here that the '10 Russian spies" case is all which may soon be revealed.

Besides: they say that more WikiLeaks videos may soon be revealed for public view...


A neglected mention on the Saturn-Uranus opposition is its possible significance for the November 2010 midterm elections. Tonight the Dems and the President will meet behind closed doors for a 'key strategy session' concerning the seats in play and Press Secretary Robert Gibb's controversial admission on Meet the Press last Sunday has caused quite a political feather-ruffling for the Dems.

Yet I may as well divulge that a cursory study of the horoscopes for November 2, 2010show Saturn (Ds) approaching Midheaven at 7:00 am edt (Capitol Building) yet by 7:00 pm edt, GOP Jupiter is closer to the top of the chart. My reading is that Ds may lead in number of won seats early on but Rs may take the lead in the final tally.

Now I don't care overmuch for the Dems myself, but voting for more of the Republican hard-heartedness whose drunken-sailor-spending and warmongering drove us into the financial ditch by 2008 seems more than a little self-destructive and quite literally insane.

Maybe a re-study of the November election charts (and lunations) will give me a different picture of the outcome. I sincerely hope so for the sake of our nation. Yet no matter who wins or loses, what are the chances that Pluto's secret manipulations and interference will ever be honestly dealt with while we can still call our country 'America'?

Jul 12, 2010

July 12, 2010: Senate returns with Moon in Leo

Today the US Senate returns to work on Capitol Hill just after yesterday's Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

Meanwhile, here in the Atlanta, Georgia area, a thunderboomer has suddenly announced itself so this post must be brief with only a thumbnail sketch of the day's energies...

Sun Cancer-Moon Leo (Water-Fire): dramatic sensitivity; devoted; clannish; shy but with inner greatness; magnetic; private but radiant; proud; aristocratic; compassionate.

Playing prima donna is a caution, and cutting oneself off from others if they do not tow the line is a weakness; this blend has 'a voracious need to rule the roost and to have others jolly well like it'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.)

Images for Integration: After serving a sumptuous five-course dinner, the hostess leaves the washing-up to her guests while she serenades them on the piano with Moonlight Sonata...A child ventures forth from her family to seek her greatness.

Hmm. Maybe they should better serenade the American people by extending expired unemployment benefits and plop that money into our faltering economy. And it's okay by me if they save their 'greatness' for later kudos especially since a Leo Moon has a reigning need (and bottomless pit?) for applause, approval, and accolades.

As sharer of the Sun Can-Moon Leo blend, Antoine De Saint-Exupery, once advised,

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction."

Jul 10, 2010

Close friend: Dr David Kelly's death cannot be suicide

Previously unreleased evidence seems now to be under consideration by the British government relating to the 2003 'suicide' death of UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly during the run up to the Iraq invasion and the toppling of Saddam Hussein.

Working as Dr. Kelly's translator in Iraq, US Air Force linguist Mai Pederson had her testimony disregarded in the past but new attention to the case has opened up her dossier of evidence to a level of public scrutiny.

Pederson asserts that Dr. Kelly predicted his own death in conversation with her - not that it would occur in Iraq, but in the woods near his Oxfordshire home. He unfortunately turned out to be correct.

You know, I spent many an hour in 2003 and 2004 studying the horoscopes of Dr. Kelly's death, his body being found (July 18, 2003 9:20 am BST according to news reports at the time), and his solar natal chart (birth time unknown; born May 17, 1944 in Rhondda, Wales; sunrise 5:24:56 am BST) and it's really too much to reconstitute all of my research now in only one post. Impossible actually for there are too many factors involved.

But here are some general highlights still in my files with 'death' North Node (NN - fated encounters) @ 27Tau45 conjoined with nasty, violent Fixed Star Algol intense feminine rage) which is traditionally associated with the Middle East along with its neighbor, Capulus (to lose one's head.)

The July 17, 2003 chart is set for a few minutes after his reported leaving of his house for a walk and because tr Jupiter 21Leo15 conjoins Mc 21L15 @ 2:59:36 pm BST, Oxford, UK...angular Jupiter or Moon are most often present at times of death: so Jupiter comes closest to fulfilling this angular condition, hence my precise timing.

July 17, 2003's NN also conjoined Dr. Kelly's natal Sun indicating an important meeting, encounter, or contact on that day.

Kelly's natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint was being transited by 'death' Venus: delays in destruction of things of value or beauty; troubled by the loss of love; a love of seclusion; renunciation of an association; estrangement and alienation.

You may wish to see this article on the looting of the Baghdad Museum in the early days of the US invasion. I can't get over the feeling that there may have been more going on with Dr. Kelly's last encounter than possible love matters or obvious war intelligence. There is an indication that the top UN nuclear weapons expert may have known secrets about the execution of the attacks of 9/11/01 as well with his natal Jupiter conjunct Venus' position on 9/11/01 which in turn conjoined the 'King of Terror Eclipse' degree (August 11, 1999.)

At his last encounter, Sun/Jupiter = Mercury: conclusion of a contract or agreement; reflecting on one's health (his was not so good - jc); a fast mind able to react to rapidly changing situations (his or someone else's - jc); traveling; a healthy outlook (which undercuts the case for 'suicide' - jc); publishing (did he plan to publish what he knew? Would he not be dissuaded? - jc.)

In Kelly's solar/sunrise natal chart, the Moon/Pluto midpoint is @ 27Tau44 which is conjoined on the day of his death by the karmic NN...

n Moon/Pluto = tr NN: upsets in associations due to lack of adaptability; being drawn to women of power or wealth. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey midpoint pictures, as always.)

Well, Dr. Kelly had a Lunar Return on July 18, 2003, about 12 hours after his death. Natal solar Moon 18Pis52 was in 10th house of Public Recognition as the story spread across the globe. Plus, there is an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between testifying, negotiating, message-delivering Mercury with the Lunar Return's Mc...

Mercury QD Mc: driven to share ideas, info, or intell with others without any thought of the consequences; focus is on 'how do I get ahead?' (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

One must wonder if the focus also might have been on 'how do I avoid violent assassins while also saving my reputation and career?' But his walk in the woods turned out to be a fool's errand on all levels.

Also, just prior to his death, Kelly's 12-year reward cycle of Jupiter, his Jupiter Return (18Leo46), occurred on July 5, 2003 with n Jupiter applying to only one aspect - a semisquare to controlling Saturn (0A16.) Semisquares may have health consequences (though assassins trump them every time.)

And perhaps it's interesting in a synchronistic way that today's position of Jupiter conjoins Dr. Kelly's 2003 Jupiter Return Midheaven, the Goal Point for I have questioned in the past (long before reading the above-linked article about Mai Pederson who is stated to have had 'high-level links to US intelligence agencies' and who had rendevous'd with Dr. Kelly in various locations including in the US) whether a lady was involved with, or at least present at (or just prior to) his death since the horoscopes indicate the possibility.

His Jupiter Return Mc? '4Aries' = "Two Lovers Strolling Through a Secluded Walk." Perhaps knowledgeable, generous Jupiter is trying to share intell with us!

Okay, so the Jupiter Return chart is only based on a solar natal chart for Dr. Kelly, yet the Mc's Sabian Symbol seems too applicable to the events of July 17, 2003 to be ignored by this reluctant astrologer.

And my druthers would be that my more able Astrology colleagues are on the Forensic Astrology case, for time won't allow me to spend very many hours re-studying the strange death of Dr. David Kelly, much as I'd like to. So if you, dear reader, have any info or opinion on the situation, do leave a comment and/or a link here and we'll discuss.

And perhaps further news of the hopefully re-opened investigation will come forth sans the whitewash of the Hutton Inquiry.

Astrology of the Clean Air Act effective Dec 17, 1963

Since the Clean Air Act came into effect on December 17, 1963 levels of acid rain of the 70s and 80s were successfully limited and a few amendments have been made.

Yet today, as Living On Earth reports, acid rain has again become a problem but now it's mainly coming from different sources such as agricultural practices. (Click for LOE's interview text or audio.)

So what were our solar system's planetary actors up to when the Clean Air Act was first put into effect in 1963? And which Solar Eclipse Series did its implementation fall into?

Checking the chart for Dec 17, 1963 noon EST Capitol Building, we find the Moon in Capricorn (law, government, business) for the full 24-hour period, so let's begin with the sometimes opportunistic Sun Sag-Moon Cap blend which describes a social conscience on an enthusiastic quest for both meaning (Sag) and usefulness (Cap.)

This blend has two Images for Integration:

'In the year 2999, a courageous explorer goes on a quest for knowledge of the past which opens up for man a hopeful future on another planet...With patient skill a rock climber scales a seemingly impossible mountain peak.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.) living on another planet at the top of a secret agenda after using up the resources and defiling the Earth's environment beyond repair? If so, then we know who is primarily to blame: the resource plundering class whose genesis is marked by the Robber Baron era, the Great Conjunction of oily Neptune and plundering Pluto in the 1890s!

A new cycle for mankind began as Neptune and Pluto met 3 times: August 2, 1891 @ 8Gem38, Nov 5, 1891 @ 8Gem19, and April 30, 1892 @ 7Gem42; their Great Conjunction/s provide a natal chart for our Modern Era. These degrees in the Tropical zodiac are where transiting Midas and Pan linger now...Midas, the royal Gold-Hoarder, and Pan, the trickster and flute-player associated with the labyrinthine sign of Capricorn.

Interestingly, the 7 - 9 Gemini area of the zodiac coincides with America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 of 1776, the planet of science, progress, radical changes, revolution, disruption, genius, and/or awakening. So we may wish to consider the midpoint picture which formed with US n Uranus way back in the 1890s especially since for all intents and purposes, the picture remains in effect, for no Nep/Plu conjunction will appear on Earth's calendar any time soon.

Any, all, or none may apply to this topic or to others, and are subject to stimulation by transit and progression:

Neptune/Pluto = US n Uranus: adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries; hypersensitivity; disruption to gain recognition; adventurous ego thrust; possibly aberrant behavior; impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities (such as destruction of mountain tops for mining purposes? jc); use of unusual means to change reality; rebellion against artificial supports or pursuits; going to extremes with drugs. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Through excessive use, large amounts of drugs have ended up in the US water supply and has become a dire health issue as well, hasn't it?

Well, Noel Tyl says of Sun Sag-Moon Cap, "...the higher mind finds purpose and administrated outlet. There is a terrific sense of humor possible since the mind can apply its energy adroitly and effectively. The idealism gains the anchor necessary for effective communication."

On Dec 17, 1963, transiting Uranus 10Vir04 Rx and tr Pluto 14Vir14 Rx (Virgo, an Earth sign) were soon to have their own Great Conjunction/s in 1965/66. Both planets would go on to conjoin US natal Neptune 22Vir25, with Uranus to n Neptune increasing our need to fulfill ideals and spiritual inspirations (ex: "Be ye stewards of the earth" - Scripture - jc) as quirky Uranus upset the status quo of our nation's accustomed Neptunian yet practical ideals through actions of the Flower Power Generation, and the grass roots Power To The People movement. (Not that kind of grass. Well...maybe it helped a little.)

Later, tr Pluto to US n Neptune brought a period when political, economic, and physical power struggles surfaced and power became an illusion. Undetected forces of secret hand Pluto slowly eroded national power which may in part describe the progressively 'toothless' enforcement of the Clean Air Act and other legislation and movements of the time (Civil Rights Act, Vietnam War protests, etc.)

The Clean Air Act of 1963 falls into the 1 North Solar Eclipse Series which manifested on July 20, 1963 @ '1Sag', the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree. (This is the PE of both JFK's assassination in Masonic Dealey Plaza and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima 1945. President Harry Truman is known to have been a Freemasonry member.)

The most recent occurrence of 1N is the famous 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' Eclipse of August 11, 1999 @ '19Leo' as noted by Nostradamus. The next manifestation of 1N will be on August 21, 2017 @ '29Leo' - if we haven't been left so unprotected from industrial practices and contaminates that we've coughed ourselves into oblivion long beforehand.

1N: unexpected events involving groups or friends with relationship issues looming large; hasty decisions are inadvisable since information is distorted and possibly false; elements of fatigue and health problems are attached (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, a lack of clean air certainly brings mankind a myriad of health problems, a condtion which causes the words 'particulate matter' to come easily to mind and lung.

Fretting over the July 11 Solar Eclipse? Then read this!

Expert astrologer Lynn Hayes has published 10 Reasons Not to Worry about the July 11, 2010 Eclipse which comes in timely fashion, just as a few readers of this blog are fretting (after reading this blog.)

Mea culpa, no doubt, for obviously I have yet to make it clear that comparing an eclipse chart to one's own natal chart is a horse of a different color from the articles I publish here concerning the unsavory political realm using the lens of Astrology to peek under the hood of Politics. The squirmin' vermin underneath need as much light shed upon them as possible, right?

Therefore, you should know that my eclipse posts are always written on a symbolic level (whether a Solar Eclipse is Total or not, sans eclipse path considerations, etc) with special attention paid to an eclipse's degree, sign, aspects, and the house polarity as they affect national charts which are most often set for Washington, DC.

(Hence the title, Stars Over Washington! And not, Stars Over Your Aunt Myrtle.)

That a SO'W analysis would affect you on a personal level by way of your birth chart is seldom applicable (other than your considerations of how Politics interferes in your life - and Politics doesn't wait for eclipses to monkey around with us, as we all know.)

So if you're feeling at all anxious over the July 11 Solar Eclipse in Cancer, or even if you're not, do calmly check out Lynn's post for it is highly recommended!


On NPR now is an announcement that the Obama administration is improving the medical situation for our soldiers with traumatic brain injuries with new rules going into effect next week. So kudos to President Obama, it's about time!