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Aug 21, 2010

Is the "Make Home Affordable" program a scam?

Hi Ho Silver, the Bankster Gang rides again!

Chase Home Finance needed better PR for its brand and wanted a bunch more empty houses on its ledgers so it set up the Make Home Affordable program which seems to be a grand stalling tactic where homes are foreclosed on no matter how many times you send in the papers and documentation they ask for - they can't seem to hold on to the boogers.

Click to read one man's conclusions as he journeyed into mortgage madness.

Wonder if the sheriff, President Obama, knows about this?

Well, we know that watery Neptune's fraudulent streak still affects US natal Moon (the people) in Aquarius so deception and home losses continue, with more floods on the way, too. Wonder how Tennessee is doing since its 1000-year flooding in May 2010?

Aug 19, 2010

Spooky for markets? The Hindenburg Omen

The fabled Hindenburg Omen is a stock market crash indicator that some say is in play now and may time a collapse by the end of 2010.

A few days ago I posted on market crash predictions with a Gerald Celente video - perhaps you viewed it. Mr. Celente has a good track record for market predictions and he's saying 'crash by the end of the year', etc.

In my post, I list the current Solar Eclipse Series we're now in since July 11, 2010, the disturbing 29th-degree Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010, followed by the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse at critical degree as a shaky time period for financials. All fall into the 2/8 money axis for Washington DC.

Here's more info from Mr. Hindenburg Omen himself Jim Miekka who says, Exit the market. Seems there are other trends besides the 'Hindenburg trigger' that should be taken into account other than the H Omen which was triggered in mid-August (last week.)

Yet going around saying such things is often a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Besides, not all Hindenburg Omens lead to crashes but crashes tend to have H Omens foreshadowing them. Plus, speaking of old Paul von Hindenburg, in May 2007 I posted on the actual Hindenburg Disaster of May 6, 1937 because it was the 70th anniversary of the horrendous event. Just so you know: Nazi propaganda was involved.

Historical records give us the exact time of the disaster so you may find its horoscope of interest, plus, there's a link to a video of the disaster itself in the post if you've never seen or heard this particular slice of history which had to have been the 9/11 of its day. And glory be! The airship's explosion into oblivion was caught on film so it was viewed over and over and over just like the attacks of 9/11 - seared into the collective's consciousness.

The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series of the Hindenburg Disaster is the 11 North: sudden change of groups with which one mixes either through travel or through ideas; separation implied, but with successful outcomes (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

11N last manifested on January 26, 2009, 6 days into the Obama presidency, so I nicknamed it the New President Eclipse for what I presume are overly obvious reasons.

Will US billionaire donors aid Americans, too?

Excerpt: Two weeks ago, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and 40 other billionaires pledged to donate at least half of their fortunes to philanthropy, either while still alive or after death. Is America a country so blessed with affluence that it can afford to give away billions, just like that?

Oh yes, I've wanted to post something about this since it was announced because if Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett and pals want to aid someone, why not struggling Americans? Didn't much of their fortunes generate from US shores, at least originally? The Land of Opportunity needs a little help from her friends, if she can only find them. Bill?

For a view from abroad on the topic, here's the Der Speigel article I snagged the above excerpt from which discusses the American Middle Class, now perilously at the top of the endangered species list, and the generosity of US philanthropists.

America's demise is simply part of the power elite/world crime syndicate's stealthy globalization agenda. We see it now 2+ years after the worst financial collapse since the 1930s as big banks hoard and squirrel away billions in profits while US jobs that were 'outsourced' over the last decades are never to be applied for again.

Perhaps Mr. Gates can donate some mega moola to protect Microsoft jobs from the axe next time, hmm?

And you know, it enraged me years ago when it was revealed that phone service jobs sent to other countries meant that the private account information of US citizens were then available for viewing (or whatever) by foreign workers and other entities who might wish to nose into our private business in an unsavory fashion. This is precisely the kind of foreign economic intrigue that President Andrew Jackson fought against though its exact form was unimagined in his day, of course.

Say what you will about Jackson (and my Cherokee heritage will be right there with ya), he knew what dangers lurked in the merging of US interests with who-knows-whom and the extreme stupidity (if you care about US sovereignty) of America intra-banking with nations which we might one day wage war
against. A narrow view perhaps, but a salient point nonetheless.

Nowadays, our globalist-minded politicians act like everything is hunky dory, we just need to 'prop up' the capitalist system and keep it creaking along. Obviously, and by all accounts, there's still big money to be made by following such a shakey course. Not for America's Middle Class, but for mysterious someones.

Meanwhile, astrologers know that Pluto's transit through Capricorn will eventually lead to a Pluto Return for America which, due to Pluto's 248-year orbit, naturally will be the first time in US history - and to the destruction and transformation of Capricorn institutions such as business systems, law, government, and banking.

Even America's history (Cap/Saturn) is ripe for a major rewrite by
He of the Invisible Helmet

Now 2022 brings us a Pluto Return for the US if our nation remains intact by the time the global power elite and world banking cartel get done fleecing us in the 12 years hence.

Here is a brief astro-snapshot of 2022's US Pluto Return/s (n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx - '28Cap' = "A Large Aviary") which, due to Pluto's retrogradation, is a three-fer:

1. Feb 20, 2022; Hour of Jupiter; Mercury/Mars = Pluto criticism with a pasion; knowing just what's wring with the world; involved in big arguments;

2. July 11, 2022; Hour of Mars; Mercury/Saturn = Mars: turning drive into tyranny; risking everything to make one's point; no compromise; Saturn/NN = Jupiter: rebellion; freeing oneself from stress; the generation gap;

3. December 28, 2022: Hour of Mercury; Moon/Pluto = Saturn: constraint; depression; pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; inclination to feelings of loss; Venus/Neptune = Saturn: a new look at realism is needed; fear of losing the dream; Sun/Mars = Neptune: difficulty concentrating; feeling off track; possible loss of vitality.

(All midpoint pictures from th eexcellent Noel Tyl; all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

Ah, yes: fear of losing The American Dream of Prosperity - which now seems to be morphing into The Chinese Dream. But maybe it will morph yet again by 2022.


A further note on the global elite take-over: it's being reported today that even Fidel Castro is interested in such plans being implemented by the shadowy Bilderberg Group!

Analysis: the handwriting of Barack Obama

Here's an interesting piece which analyzes the handwriting of President Obama.

One of the handwriting samples seems to be missing from the page (in my browser) yet I'm passing it on for those who wish to delve more deeply into the personality of Barack Obama bwo Graphology.

Actually, I have some info on an analysis of the handwriting of Benjamin Franklin which I should prbably post @ some point. Yes?

Protect WikiLeaks!

Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected

By John Pilger

The WikiLeaks revelations shame the dominant section of journalism devoted merely to taking down what cynical and malign power tells it. This is state stenography, not journalism.


"State stenography" - yes!

Aug 18, 2010

Video: How can America keep financing the deficit?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts's articles have been favored on this blog for a while now. Here he discusses the purposeful destruction of America which I've been fussing about on this and other blogs for years. My typing finger is fairly falling off from all my fussing...but honestly, if we-the-people would realize en masse the power we have in numbers and the raging class warfare which has so far successfully kept us divided and conquered ('Rs vs Ds' and other political fairytales), we could take back a government that's supposed to be quite different and people-based than the monster it has become under neocon-Zionist corporatism.

Of course, we'd be taking back a bankrupt government but I'd rather America start from scratch than have what Dr. Roberts agrees is a bunch of 'desperate lunatics' continuing to man the helm as they crash our Swiss cheese ship of state.

So if you're marveling at how Washington and the Fed can continue financing the trillion-dollar-plus deficit, watch this video then click here to view the next 2 videos (about 17 minutes' worth between them.)

Aug 17, 2010

Celente predicts market crash by end of year (video)

Gerald Celente has been correct a bunch of times about our financial prospects. Here he's predicting a possible stock market crash by the end of 2010. This post's title should read, audio. Pardon.

Then does Astrology, also a system of cycles as in the realm of finances, concur?

Right now we're 'between' two Solar Eclipses, both of which indicate financial stress and/or weakness. July 11, 2010's eclipse @ 19Can24 conjoins difficult Fixed Star Castor and is in the 8th house (Washington DC.) Round up to '20Can' and we have a critical or crisis degree as our economy continues its struggles. I agree with Mr. Celente's interesting, practical views on how the US should again become a nation of artisans, tradesmen, merchants to counteract the way we've become: clerks, shelf stockers, and short order cooks.

On January 4, 2011 another critical-degreed Solar Eclipse @ 13Cap39 falls in the other money house, the 2nd (in DC) in the 13 North Series: energy concerns large, ambitious group projects which will require a separation from an existing bond; initially events bring separation, then a joint achievement. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) This eclipse opposes US natal Sun in Cancer which focuses its energies on the President.

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the January 2011 eclipse as: The Balance of Power. She notes that the eclipse is in the degree of Fixed Star Manubrium: flaring heat. Will markets heat up only to explode with a boom that affects world markets?

(This eclipse may also be a war indicator but that's out of the scope of this post.)

If markets crash, perhaps the clincher that ties the bow will be the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 at a critical 29th degree: 29Gem21, in 8th house for Washington DC, and near World Point 00Can00. This places Sun in 2nd house, of course, which highlights again the 2/8 money-valuations axis. With the Lunar Eclipse in the last degree of Gemini, disruptions and delays concerning communications, travel, young people, trade and commerce are possible since the Lord of the Eclipse, Mercury 26Sag16 is retrograde in 2nd house.

Perhaps there will be another mysterious who-done-it? electronic run on US banks similar to the so far unexplained one the NYSE experienced in Sept 2008.

Then in the Lunar Eclipse's 4th house of Domestic Scene are Neptune and Chiron both sitting upon US natal Moon (26 - 28 AQ) so wounding and fraud to the people! and home losses continue as will the effects of April's BP-Gulf Oil Gusher whose oil is reported today to have migrated along the ocean floor much farther east than formerly known or disclosed...toward Florida.

So! Gerald Celente and I are quite a depressing pair, aren't we? Difference is, he knows whereof he speaks when it comes to markets and gold runs. I'm only reading charts and hoping for the best to miraculously come out of a bad eclipse season!

Yes, in many ways, 2011 is a pivotal year of the last few pivotal years. The public's confidence may have wavered itself out of existence as someone's 'shock doctrine' has been practiced upon the American people (and others) and I think President Obama's Goldman-Sachs Cabinet of advisors have steered him wrong when it comes to getting the US out of the financial ditch.

For they've further instituted a corrupt financial system that needs dismantling more than it needs 'rescuing'...all of which makes one wonder: did the power elite plan for the US economy to be ditched all along?


Please note: this eclipse analysis is a general one for Washington DC; any personal results for you and yours must be gleaned through the eclipse's relationship to your own chart bwo contacts with natal planets, houses, and aspects. Don't let free floating anxiety get ya! And if, like me, you've lost all confidence in Washington DC's interest in working honestly on behalf of the American people, please retain your confidence in America's first principles and have faith in we-the-people of good heart.

Which may be my polite, southern way of saying, Washington Politicians S*ck.

And, Scr*w the Bolsheviks.

Aug 16, 2010

Is Congress chipping away at childrens' CHIP?

When initial noises are being made on Capitol Hill, we know they're running an issue up the flag pole to see if anyone salutes. Actually, they want to see if anyone in the public even notices.

Aug 15, 2010

Catfood Commission vs Social Security benefits

Today I am working on an America-infused article for Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine so I don't expect to be posting today beyond this heads-up which concerns a post of mine you may have missed.

If you're in the mood for 1930s to 2010 financials mixed with a smidgen of Astrology and embedded within a classic film try:

Money in the Land of Oz.

And check out a previous post on this blog which includes a link to Alan Grayson's petition to Congress to protect Social Security against Alan Simpson's descriptively labeled 'Catfood Commission'. You might wish to watch the video of FDR signing the 1935 SS Act and making a few remarks on the topic as well.

Millions of Americans were starving in the 1920s and 1930s and tiny little SS checks made a big difference for them. If Simpson and his GOP comrades have their way, millions in the US will be starving again while our chaos-creating social tinkerers live high on the public dollar with abundant corporate enabling.

Vote in November, Send a Message: keep your greedy claws off my SS!

And please remember under whose watch the engineered financial collapse we now 'enjoy' fermented and blew up so that global-minded 'austerity cuts' politicians (Ds and Rs) in the US don't have to wait for Judgment Day to receive payoff for their craven actions against their fellow man and woman. For it's women who live longer - so obviously it is they will be the ones to suffer in larger numbers.

Vote in November and beware the closed-door planners of the Catfood Commission!

Aug 14, 2010

FDR signs SS Act Aug 14, 1935 (video)

Here is President Franklin Roosevelt signing into law the Social Security Act of 1935 and making a few remarks afterwards.

The bill signing of August 14, 1935 makes today SS's 75th anniversary, so Happy Birthday and may you enjoy many more returns, SS. As a small business owner in the US, I've paid 100% of my FICA taxes into the SS fund for decades so naturally I remain partial to this social 'safety net' program. Really now, what would Americans have done without it?

The bill was signed under the auspices of a separating Sun/Jupiter square which is an aspect of a 'wheeler-dealer' who tends to promise more than can be delivered. And unfortunately for the American populace, through recent years the program has been more often used as a political football for manipulating the public than it's been adequately shored up (though there are those who would disagree) and honored.

On Aug 14, 1935, asteroid Ceres (security issues) @ 10Vir15 was in opposition to US natal Ceres in Pisces (which is conjoined with the US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, a duo of plutocracy. ) We don't have to stretch very far to recall the instructive warning of US Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater, which touches on this and related monetary and plutocratic matters:

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

And Washington has been trying to dismantle SS for years and mislabeling it an 'entitlement program' - how can it be when its funds are paid in by employers and their employees (or the self-employed like me) who work for the incomes the tax is lifted from by law?

Craziness! Old King Midas is a possessive and greedy old soul, isn't he? Meanwhile, Old King Cole is merry and musical! Both are Jupiter-Saturn figures.

A noon chart for Senator Goldwater (Jan 1, 1909, Phoenix, AZ) shows even without a correct birth time a certain midpoint picture which is now echoed in the collective by the current Jupiter/Saturn opposition squaring Pluto in Capricorn, part of the ongoing and massive Cardinal T-Square pattern the world is groaning under on many levels.

In Politics, Michael Munkasey gives the Jupiter-Saturn combo as 'justice systems at breaking point; processes concerning checks and balances; religious or social orders; leniency and harshness vie within the overall social and economic systems'.

The last reminds me of the current debate over ridding the US government of so-called entitlement programs. Guess the haunting specter of millions of elderly Americans joining others living on US streets doesn't bother proponents of 'austerity cuts' overly much.

Well, Jupiter and Saturn are the societal planets, as you know, and relate through their respective principles of expansion-restriction to such things as: markets, trade deficits, commerce, other financial concerns, ambitions, legal or religious oppression, and political policies and programs. And stealthy Pluto is, among other descriptions, the Dragon guarding the riches.

Therefore, it's the same word picture for Goldwater's natal, and the August 2010 transiting, Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: immense efforts; restrictions; violent changes; separation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; major situational changes; having a total reversal of previous plans; intense business activity; transformation of personal ideas about the future into today's reality.

(Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey; all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

Looks like another lightening-laced thunderstorm is on the way here in Georgia, so let's close with the 'Image for Integration' for Barry Goldwater's natal Sun Cap-Moon Taurus blend...

A wealthy grandfather opens a savings account for his granddaughter on her day of birth; she later becomes a famous artist, inherits a fortune and makes her own. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well! Sounds okay for younger generations who may wish SS to be privatized for them (though who in their right minds would trust Wall Streeters to invest retirement monies for them is more than I can figure out - and not to mark 'em up and send 'em on, when they do.)

But we can't all have 'wealthy grandfathers' to pass down fortunes to us, can we? Maybe that's one of the many reasons most people need a program like Social Security to ease the burdens of a modest old age.


8.15.10: I am adding an exerpt from a forwarded email alert from yesterday (thanks, Alex!) from Alan Grayson concerning a petition to stop Congress from meddling with, cutting, and ruining Social Security - they're using closed door meetings to map out the misery:


'Today marks the 75th anniversary of Social Security. Without it, many of our seniors would be so poor that they'd have to eat cat food just to survive.

That's why many are calling the Deficit Commission, run by extremist right-winger Alan Simpson, the "Catfood Commission." It's the culmination of decades of plotting by right-wingers to destroy Social Security.

As you read this email, the Catfood Commission is plotting behind closed doors to find a way to force Social Security cuts on the American people. In a few months, when they come out with their cruel "recommendations," you're going to hear all over the media that we have to destroy Social Security in order to save it.

Where have I heard that before?

We've got to stop them. If enough of us speak out against Social Security cuts now, then people like me, fighting to protect Social Security, can show the media where We, The People stand on this.

That's why I've started a petition telling Congress and the President, "Don't Steal My Social Security." It tells every Federal official with a say on this that if they vote to cut Social Security, then they're going to have to find another line of work. You know that extension in unemployment benefits that we just passed? That will be for them.

Sign the petition now, and pass it along to your friends.

Together, we can send a message that if you try to steal my Social Security, then your security is gone, forever.'

Sign Here.