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Nov 18, 2010

George H. W. Bush to receive a Medal of FREEDOM?

While I'd be more likely to issue Bush Sr a warrant for his arrest, The White House is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 15 honorees and one of them is New World Order promoter and implementer, George H. W. Bush.

What Orwellian madness is this? Well, obviously, the one-world-government types have infiltrated every public and private institution and are recognizing their own so that the world may admire them (except I don't.) Perhaps this qualifies as something of history rewrite for the re-education of future generations.

While he's still 'with us' (in a manner of speaking), let's consider the natal horoscope of George H. W. Bush who was born on June 12, 1924 at 11:45 am edt in Milton, MA. His birth data comes from many sources: see his Astro-Databank page for details and chart image.

Here is a list of Bush Sr's planetary placements with a few additional factors:

ASC 11Vir09 conjoins Fixed Star Zosma, one of the 'victim/savior' stars; MC 7Gem39 (transiting Midas has been conjunct his MC for a while now as is asteroid Pan; US natal Uranus conjoins his n MC); n MC = n Uranus/NN (Uran/NN = radical political activity): desire to bring plans to fruition with others; assurances of help from those who share your destiny; professional recognition; teamwork paying off.

Sun 21Gem22 in 10th house of Public Status; Sun conjoins US natal Mars so his ego has been intimately tied up with US military and might.

Moon 17Lib56 in 2nd house with tr Saturn approaching n Moon which is a sobering and possibly depressing time; this man has had his Uranus Return so at his advanced age of 86, vulnerability to health problems increases, and the wife may suffer a setback of some kind); note: tr Jupiter and Uranus will be entering his 8th house w/ 8th cusp 5Ari08; either planet may cause major health setbacks with Jupiter's expansion tendency and Uranus causing sudden disruptions and separations.

Mercury 29Tau24 in 9th house will have November 21, 2010's Full Moon 29Tau18 spotlighting it and timing a culmination of some kind; this is a 29th degree of crisis.

Venus 17Can27 Rx is in a wide conjunction with n Pluto 11Can21 with Venus/Pluto giving a strong will, passions, and possible sexual indulgences; his n Pluto was precisely conjoined by tr NN 11Can56 when JFK was shot in Dallas - when GHWB was CIA Director, and the revolutionary pair of tr Uranus 9Vir49 and tr Pluto 14Vir04 were snugged around his n ASC = Uranus/Pluto: an enhanced ability to focus on the kind of world which must grow out of today into tomorrow; reading how restless others are with the status quo; application of force.

Mars 25AQ28 in 6th house of Health is being undermined by tr Neptune which indicates increased difficulties with physical activities, deception and confusion reign, and fraud turns up on the menu; Mars conjoins n SN = a loner who acts upon decisions that disregard the opinions or circumstances of others, lashes out in anger which antagonizes others and causes opposition, and has desires which he acts upon and which tend to be out of harmony with societal standards.

Jupiter 14Sag11 Rx in 4th house, strong in his own sign, and Rx = 'a maverick' holed up in the comfy digs of the family compound.

Saturn 25Lib50 in 2nd house, in wide conjunction with n Moon which gives an ambitious streak and tends to identify emotionally with material wealth; this pair may describe his marriage to Barbara Bush who's only one year younger than her husband but has tended to look older than him through the years;

Uranus 21Pis26 in 7th house and square his n Sun = eccentricity, erratic behavior, original but often impractical ideas (like a world government?), a dislike of routine, and strong self-will which can become a fraternal group member and a leader of organizations.

Neptune 18Leo08 in 12th house of Politics along with NN 25Leo14; Neptune/NN in Politics and Business = leadership that neglects the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups; spies (CIA) or terrorists (9/11? JFK?); drug policies which avoid important concerns (the original Bush fortune, I've read, was founded upon the opium trade), and ill-adapted and inadequate hospital or medical systems; scandals caused by foreign concerns (Munkasey; other midpoints by Tyl and Ebertin.)

Bush's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series is the 16 South: 'issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups' which last manifested in 1996, next: 2014. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Interestingly, Bush Sr shares his Sun Gem-Moon Lib combo with another old cuss, Henry Kissinger, who so famously propagandized us with, "Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

Really? Then this must be a reference to their version of a 'NWO peace'.

So there! If you didn't know anything at all about G.H.W. Bush's natal horoscope and psyche, you know a smidgeon now. If only someone could please explain to me how this relic of the NWO, with its agenda that intends totalitarian harm and chaos toward society, can possibly deserve a Presidential Medal of FREEDOM?



Update Nov 18, 2010: be sure to check out Erin Sullivan's excellent astro-comparison of the horoscopes of Bush Sr and Jr as suggested by Alex D'Atria.

Nov 17, 2010

Senators call for end of TSA full body scans/pat downs (video)

November 17, 2010

Senator Michael J. Doherty (R-Hunterdon, Warren) and Senator James Beach (D-Camden) today announced they will present resolutions to the Senate and Assembly calling on the U.S. Congress to end TSA screening procedures requiring full body scans and pat downs at U.S. airports Their action comes in response to widespread concerns over privacy and radiation, as well as reports of inappropriate conduct by TSA agents during the screening process.


“The pursuit of security should not force Americans to surrender their civil liberties or basic human dignity at a TSA checkpoint,” said Doherty. “Subjecting law-abiding American citizens to naked body scans and full body pat downs is intolerable, humiliating, vulnerable to abuse, and is fast becoming a disincentive to travel. Particularly concerning to us is the fact that physical searches result in children being touched in private areas of the body. Terrorists hate America because of the freedoms upon which this great nation was built. By implementing these screening measures, the TSA has already handed a victory to those who seek to destroy our freedoms.”

Full press release. #

As George Orwell prophetically wrote...

"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening."

We must be careful what they're grasping. Here's a man who resisted.


On November 18, 2010, both Venus and Jupiter direct station and begin moving forward. In Astrology, both planets relate to financial issues and when they turn direct, money can begin to flow. Highly recommended reading is Julie Demboski's article Venus Speaks for more astro-details.

Nov 16, 2010

Lisbon summit Nov 19-20, 2010: a Pluto/NN meeting

"Military power can't cure everything"! Now who let that cat of the bag?

Because the people knew it, you and I knew it...but are the power elite are just now figuring it out?

Well, glory-be! NATO's 'new strategy' is to be "unveiled" at the Lisbon summit later this week while powerful, subversive Pluto - the world's secretive string-puller supreme - continues 'meeting' with North Node (their exact conj was on Nov 9) with both now @ '4 Capricorn' = "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" = ORDERING...

positive expression: exceptional capacity for bringing all proper relationships to a point of effectiveness in any given exigency of everyday affairs;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: inability to get along with anybody.

The Illumination Point of this degree (to glean more hidden info - this degree may be quite telling) is '4 Cancer' which is America's natal Venus degree (rounded up from 3Can+) so we find that:

'4Can' = A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" = JUSTIFICATION...

pos: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends; (President Obama in Lisbon? jc);

neg/uncons/shadow side: interminable quarreling with the nature of things.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Transiting SN now conjoining US natal Venus indicates separation in relationships as the Tail of the Dragon (SN) swipes across our lady Venus, a planet which on one level represents America herself as evidenced by our copper-lined Statue of Liberty. As previously noted, correct evaluations are difficult to come by these days but hopefully, Venus moving forward after Nov 18 will bring improvements.

And as mentioned in a previous post, the transiting pair of Pluto and North Node (of the Moon) has a treaties vibe along with other flavors, such as:

Treaties involving the exchange of secretive or clandestine data; breakdowns in security or treaties due to the actions of other persons; people who may not have the country's or business's best interests in mind; violent or criminal persons entering a country secretly at any given opportunity; sewage or waste compacts (nuclear waste? where to put it all - and the US wants to build more - two here in north GA! And Georgia Power wants us to pay an addittional $11 a month now - in this recession - for projects they promise to build in the future! jc)

(Pluto/NN from: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Sounds as if a summit breakdown may be afoot in Lisbon such as with the recent Copenhagen climate summit.

Concerning NATO's Lisbon summit, Der Spiegel has published an interesting interview with German diplomat Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz. Be aware that, as usual, political propaganda may peek through.

As a chilling teaser, here's an excerpt from the Ploetz interview which for best reading may require a 1984 gong banging in the back of our minds; Herr Ploetz speaks:

"After a period of arrogance, humility has surprisingly returned to NATO. Even if the alliance is more militarily powerful than anyone else, we don't want to be the world's policeman. Though military power is indispensable, it can't cure everything. For that reason, we're developing a new security concept and implementing it with suitable partners."

They "don't want to be the world's policeman"! Really? "Humility"? Is this a joke? Perhaps not, but if so, it is very surprising and hardly credible.

Ploetz goes on the speak of Madeleine Albright's role in NATO's security/weapons rigamarole with NATO (Apr 4, 1949) touting a "NATO renaissance" now influenced by a supposedly humble streak suddenly appearing in NATO's DNA so that it's now possible to enjoy a renaissance "in terms of confidence-building measures, disarmament, and arms control."

Now whose arms will be under NATO's control isn't clear to me; whose confidence is in need of building? dunno; from whom will 'disarmament' be expected? Hmmm...from all sides would be this peacenik mom's ideal. Such a dreamer!

Naturally, the War in Afghanistan will be on the Lisbon summit agenda, too, as the US continues to pretend that arming a population in the Middle East with weapons which may end up in the arsenals of anyone possessing the strength to commandeer them. (These people are crazy.)

Plus, it's being reported that Russia-NATO relations are on the mend after being frozen during the war in Georgia, with the US perhaps acting as the foot-stomping pouter in the bunch. The summit will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on Nov 19-20 of this week.

On Sunday Nov 21, 2010, a day after the summit ends (one assumes), a Full Moon perfects upon a 29th crisis-degree at 5:27:18 pm UT +00:00 in Lisbon:

Full Moon 29Tau18 = '30Tau' = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn" which always reminds me of India with its symbol of the peacock (see illustration below); with Sun 29Sco18 (the Illumination Point of the the Full Moon's degree), I am reminded of US Inaugural Moon 2009 @ 29Sco45...'30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester."

And of course, the stalled-in-Senate START treaty between the US and Russia is what Mr. Obama wants ratified during the current lame duck session of Congress - but not if Republicans have anything to to do with it.

So with this weekend's Full Moon being the culmination phase of the symbolic seeds planted two weeks prior at the New Moon (New Moon 13Sco40 conjunct Venus Rx on Nov 5 or 6; Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces turn Direct on Thursday Nov 18), we experience and marvel at the synchronous 'As Above, So Below' collusion between events on Earth and the lunations and stars in the sky.

And if humility really has 'returned' to NATO (when did they have it before?), good may accrue for all humanity. Yet given the way these bossy cusses and social tinkerers have handled themselves so far, the question of this potential for moderation will have to remain open-ended around Stars Over Washington for now.

Further details: NATO Timeline leading up to the Lisbon summit Nov 19-20, 2010.

Nov 15, 2010

Rs not focused on ethics "at all"

Quelle relief!

For a while there I thought perhaps both old and new Republican congress members might focus on ethics during the 2011 session of Congress. But no frets around here, or on Capitol Hill for the GOP transition team leader assures us that, "We're not focused in on the ethics side of things at all."

Whew! That was close.

Except for one thing: if you've checked out my previous post from earlier today and have heard the Max Igan videos it contains, you may agree that addressing corruption in government and holding criminals accountable is the only sensible and efficient answer to engineering a we-the-people 'clawback' of our country based on Peaceful Resistance to the power elite's totalitarian one-world-government plans.

And when better to hold government and business criminals and their enablers accountable than in the midst of America's Saturn Return (which this time is a three-fer: exact on December 3, 2010, and on March 22 and August 28, 2011)?

For our ethics-promoting timekeeper Saturn's 29/30-year cycle says that this is precisely what it's time to do.


Astro-note: no time this weekend just past to post on it but isn't it grand how Neptune's recent Direct Station has synchronized with hostages and prisoners being released from the web of their captors? As you know, nebulous Neptune rules webs, networks, veils, and other hidden, sticky, and entangling stuff!

Finding Your Path through the false reality (Max Igan videos)

There's much I could say about each of these Max Igan videos in which he covers Finding Your Path, dharma~karma, The Matrix or false reality, Facing the Shadow, Money, Peaceful Resistance, Abundance, the Great Awakening (from the false reality?), and much more on the personal, physical, and cosmic levels of existence.

And since I'm eager for you to check them out (if you haven't), maybe I'll mosey back later on and add my 2 cents' worth. Or not. We're having storms in Georgia.

Note that the following content is of the sort that will reveal new understanding with each listening so don't be surprised if you experience this. All atrocities issue in some way from 'government' - worldly government, and a 'one world government' does not have to be accepted by the global population so please pass this presentation (and others you may know of) around to spread the word, for the crisis approaches. Yet fear is a weapon they wield against us - our pacificism is key to our success. Taking care of one another sends a Scr*w the Global Crime Syndicate message to the conspiring power elite, and I'm all for that.

The entire video presentation runs approximately 50 minutes and if you watch, I hope you appreciate Max Igan's p.o.v. for it is one I share.

Except for the reincarnation part! For as both of you may know, I lean toward Saturnian Astrology which sees genetics where Uranian Astrologers see past lives and do-overs. Instead, I believe that each and every soul - ever born, living, or those who will be born of this Earth - is unique to our Creator!

All the way down to the cellular level.

Now, Max Igan. If you direct your attention, it will be 50 minutes well worth your time:

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4


Now altogether, this amounts to what I might call Cosmic Politics! jc

note: if you're looking for a post on the Astrology of the 3-week Lame Duck Session of Congress which opened today, look no further.

Nov 13, 2010

The Fed's 'quantitative easing' made simple (video)

The Fed's wrong streak continues with even the high-stakes G-20 Summit nations agreeing that another round of 'quantitative easing' in the US is a bad economic idea - unless collapsing the global economy is your ultimate goal, Mr. Bernanke.

Why, many people (like myself) see the Fed's culpable clawprints on every financial bubble and collapse in history. Guess the Federal Reserve Bank's natal Sun/Pluto opposition foreshadows its future (now?) realignment which such an opposition promises as they vie for more power with the defensive-when-challenged energy of a Sun/Pluto opposition.

Many thanks to Alex D'Atria for sending along this excellent and instructive video. jc


Well, for both of you keeping up with the Fed's natal chart (Dec 23, 1913), its natal Sun/Pluto opposition (using '12:07:10 pm est' Capitol Building: 1Cap18/00Can05 Rx) has been under fire from transiting Pluto in early Capricorn - on one hand, conjoining the Fed's natal Sun, on the other hand, Pluto opposing natal Pluto which describes the grand proportions of one power locking into a no-compromise struggle with another power - with the rest of us and our budgets caught in the middle.

Pluto to natal Sun shows the recent ploys of the Fed to gain more power and control though the 'no-compromise struggle' of tr Pluto in Cap seems to be interfering with those plans. One thing is certain: where powerful, subversive Pluto lurks and catalyzes, complete transformation will be the ultimate result.

And now, here's a limerick I published in September 2008 concerning
Mr. Bernanke
; the post contains a link to a news article of the day in which the IMF was threatening to peruse the Fed's books...wonder what happened to that little endeavor? Is it Pluto perusing Pluto?

Nov 11, 2010

Senate Banking Committee hears from bankers = 'stormy proceedings' 11.16.10

Come along as I check to see what's rising in the chart for November 16, 2010 at 2:30 pm est on Capitol Hill when the Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to open and hear testimony from the president of Bank of America Home Loans and the CEO of Chase Home Lending concerning their shady home mortgage practices which have had such dire effects upon the US economy.

For when an astrologer finds an exact time of an event, it's like waving a red cape in front of a you-know-what, right?

Nov 16, 2010 2:30 pm est Capitol Building, DC

ASC 2Ari06 with asteroid Hermes 2:07 Rx rising so apparently there's a magician or a mystic in the House, but is it '2 Aries' or '3 Aries' that's the degree famous for leading nowhere or having no intention of following through? Obviously, a lack of follow-through would not be surprising with US senators so snugly inside the banking industry's big 'they say' - the best Congress money can buy.

At Goal Point (Midheaven) is the transiting Pluto/NN conjunction still at its conjunction degree of November 9, 2010 (3Cap38) and with Mc @ 1Cap09, we have a midpoint picture to behold relating to The Aspiration of the Senate hearing...

Pluto/Mc = NN: the importance of connections; memberships in groups which help you achieve your purposes; getting rid of habits that retard progress; the power of influence over others; the desire to gain leadership by force within a community (by foreclosing? -jc); leadership of a group of people.

Now chart-ruler Mars 14Sag11 and Mercury 11Sag30 (11Sag+ = the degree of the Great Conjunction of the disenfranchising plutocracy duo, Pluto and Chiron, on Dec 30, 1999) apply to conjunction which is the only applying aspect of Mars. If we use the Sibly natal chart (5:10 pm LMT) for America, we have the midpoint picture from this post's title...

Mercury/Mars = n ASC: stormy proceedings; a shrewd attitude; communicating with others who have an angry demeanor. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Sun 24Sco20 is in the 8th house of Debt and Credit; the changeable Moon 28Pis16 has just risen and is in 12th house of Large Institutions (that are supposedly 'too big to fail'), Karma, Self-Undoing and Politics, after having sailed past the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus conjunction 23Pis30 Rx and 26Pis30 Rx, respectively.

The Senate Banking Committee hearing opens during a Venus Hour, but Venus is Rx yet strengthening @ 27Lib45 as she prepares to turn Direct Nov 18; here, in 7th house; controlling manager Saturn 13Lib12 is in 7th house as well and about to return to America's natal Saturn degree (14Lib48) on December 3, 2010 (#1 of 3.)

Venus has to do with evaluations which is proving difficult in the real estate and banking markets especially with the Robo-Signing scandal on the menu (a hearing on those issues is scheduled for Nov 18, 2010, the day of Venus' direct station! Perhaps some headway can be made as the evaluations planet moves forward - plus, moneybags Jupiter turns direct then, too, and heads back to AP, our US natal Ic of Home and Domestic Scene.)

Also in the hidden 12th house is the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, still affecting US natal Moon in Aquarius bwo of deception, fraud, waste, toxic assets, homelessness, and potential flooding. 'Flooded with debt' is a sad testament to this transit's ill effects, and yes, Neptune moves slowly so it took years for the loss and sense of despair to envelope US consumers; yet Neptune/Chiron's close link with spirituality may bring us relief.)

Moon reaches Aries Point (00Ari00) on Nov 16, but not until 5:59 pm est (with the hearing probably over for the day), and the 'hidden square' between Moon (the people; publicity) and Mars may hold more sway than first appears...

Moon SQ Mars = resistance to compromise due to fear that others will take advantage of you; emotional outbursts; contrariness when dealing with others; forceful demands shows a double standard which irks others. (Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier.)

Well, I'd say the 'take advantage of you' part has already been accomplished by the US Congress, the White House, SCOTUS, and our glaringly corrupt banking and mortgage industries yet I hope that some redress for the American people comes out of the Senate hearing's political theater...matinee at 2:30 pm.

Lame Duck Congress: Sun Scor-Moon Pisc 11.15.10

Looking at a chart for November 15, 2010 10:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC we see 1Cap57 rising with NN 3Cap36 and Pluto 3Cap45 in tow; Hour of Mars 13Sag19; Mercury 9Sag48 out-of-bounds and conjunct Fixed Star Antares (obsessed with success); it's a First Quarter (crisis in action) phase; there are no planetary patterns (T-Squares, Grand Trines, etc.)

Mercury OOBs may represent the new representatives and the change (Mercury) of members from the Nov 2 midterm elections since Mercury isn't in-sync with the other actors (planets) yet.

If I had to sum up in two words this horoscope and Lame Duck Session 2010 they'd be emotion and power. Sun 23Sco08 conjoins Fixed Star Agena (honors, high status, a good organizer, sensuality, scandal, gossip, sarcasm, cleverness, success with the masses - A. Louis, Horary Plain & Simple); Moon 14Pis08 conjoins Fixed Star Achernar (empathy, humanity, patience, success, religion, philosophy, but also 'crisis at the end of the river' which may relate to flooding or other Neptunian crises such as debt and fraud.)

At Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart, are two Fixed Stars: Spica (potential for brilliance) and Arcturus (a different approach); we know the November 2 midterms will shoosh into Congress new political players but whether brilliance will shine forth from the infusion remains to be seen: a 9th house Saturn 13Lib05 parallels another Fixed Star that's not so lovely: Zuben Eschemali (negative social reform.)

'Negative social reform' is what this populist/common-gooder American would have to call the Saturnian austerity cuts being handed down from highly paid politicians who enabled the banking industry to steal trillions of dollars from the US economy and private pension funds, some of which US banks sent to foreign bankers and investors. Congress and Wall Street were indebted to foreign entities and we-the-people paid. It seems our current 'deficit hawks' suffer from a bad case of amnesia.

But aren't we nice to help out the banksters and fraudsters so intent upon our ruination?

Venus (valuations; smaller amounts of money; relationships; attraction) 27Lib52 is about to cross Nov 15's Mc and is still retrograde until November 18, 2010 (Venus' station direct degree = 27Lib40, so she's readying to flip-flop now. Does Venus represent Nancy Pelosi?)

Well, I realize that the Lame Duck Congress may not open for business precisely at 10:00 am on Monday - maybe the members will sleep in - thus, the horoscope I'm using here is symbolic. Still, the Sun Scor-Moon Pisc blend remains in effect on Monday and may yield some clues to the atmosphere - not just of the day - but of Lame Duck Session 2010 itself.

The Water-Water blend of Sun Scor-Moon Pisc indicates a dedication to hard work, emotional intensity, the able use of shrewd strategies and subterfuge, and a deep sense of commitment to a larger vision. This is the 'Jekyll and Hyde' combo torn between passion and compassion...Dracula vs The Good Samaritan.

With Scor-Pisc, there's a love of the mysterious or mysticism (perfect for that Masonic Temple we call the Capitol Building but I understand that the creepy crypt once in the cellar under the rotunda is now history) with a talent for seeing through the deeper motives of others; lack of objectivity may be problematic; love, drugs (including alcohol), and other addictions are potentials with this combination which has an ability to capture people's imaginations and 'come back fighting'.

Images for Integration: Madame Curie works for the Red Cross whilst dedicating herself to the mysteries of radioactivity...Long John Silver, with ruthless charm, becomes a successful entrepreneur. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Radioactivity conjures images of nukes and plutonium, of course, and 'Red Cross' points to the Rosicrucians who are part of the bossy 'one world government' brigade; silver and gold are an old argument and obsession in Washington.

Now, if you're wondering what famous folk share the Sun Scor-Moon Pisc blend natally, here's a brief list: Hillary Clinton, Grace Kelly, Martin Scorsese, Bela Lugosi, astronomer Charles Kowal (discoverer of Chiron), and Robert Louis Stevenson and Marie Curie, as hinted in the Images above.


It's noon and the cruise ship Splendor has just docked: welcome back, everyone!