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Mar 25, 2011

Keith Olbermann: Qs for the President on Libya

Reading other people's mail is usually wrong but not in this case:

Libya, Obama, and the Five-Second Rule Special Comment
By Keith Olbermann

Mr. President. We are not clear why we are fighting, who exactly we are fighting with, who the 'rebels' are that we're fighting for, what a No-Fly Zone accomplishes with a dictator who has ground troops, how long we are to be there, to whom we are to "hand-off" and... # (Click for text or video.)

And perhaps it's true that al Qaeda is in Libya...was Qaddafi's threat against his people merely al-Qaeda-backed theater to lure the US fly into the ointment? If so, did the White House know al Qaeda is nesting there? If not, why not?

Consider the following:

Libya Rebels: Gaddafi Could be Right About al-Qaeda - Two documents suggest northeast Libya, centre of rebellion, is an al-Qaeda hotspot

By Alexander Cockburn

The war on Libya now being waged by the US, Britain and France must surely rank as one of the stupidest martial enterprises, smaller in scale to be sure, since Napoleon took it into his head to invade Russia in 1812.

Mar 24, 2011

Leuren Moret: Japan quake-nuke meltdown "no accident" (video)

Scientist Leuren Moret (a heroine of mine if I tended to maintain pedestals for human beings!) says the current earthquake-meltdown conditions in Japan were done deliberately. I've been waiting for this news, haven't you? Here's the scoop which I found bwo the excellent

(ExopoliticsTV) – Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the “Japan earthquake and “accidents” at the Fukushima’s 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. #

Radiation is being found in mainland US now and said by authorities to be 'safe' yet I doubt those with compromised immune systems, the elderly, and the young will be feeling 'safe' for very long after radiation builds up in their systems.

Now I realized years ago that these power elites seeking world government control are playing for keeps but their latest nuclear caper just seems to be permanently ruining the whole litterbox for all us cats, even the fat ones, don't you agree?

This may call for a kitty cat photo of our fatcat-in-residence, Grace!

Also online: Lim's Limericks where cats write political limericks and verse and I type them up for the blog because cats don't have typing fingers.

Mar 23, 2011

And Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem March 23, 2011

In these troubled years I think of the Scriptural admonition to, Pray for the peace of Israel. Now with Jerusalem's bombing on March 23, 2011, marking the worst Israel-Gaza clashes since the 2009 war and the "small wars" said to be broken out along the border, I know of little else to do from afar, do you?

Yes, it is true that Good Shall Triumph! Yet I would love to have some Peace on Earth for a time and for everyone and their families, wouldn't you?

Mar 22, 2011

After Citizens United, & Solar Eclipses 1993 = 2011

Perhaps you've seen the brilliant photo of the March 19, 2011 SuperMoon in Virgo rising above DC's Lincoln Memorial now posted on a new blog After Citizens United.

(Astro-Note: constellation Virgo and its stars have particular significance for the founding of America including the related archetype for nurturing asteroid Ceres ('security concerns') which in America's natal chart, conjoins our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint @ '8Pis'...and Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy and its attendant class warfare and disenfranchisement.)

Well, if you're interested in the January 2010 SCOTUS decision on Citizens United which upped the corporate anty on the power elite's campaign contributions for 2012 and beyond (US gov bought and sold = Plutocracy), I hope you'll check out After Citizens United which contains an image of the SCOTUS Ruling horoscope of January 21, 2010, and links to related topics.

My feeling is that these birty dastards have a huge jump on the citizens of the US so pass around all pertinent info you can find! Apathy is no longer an excuse so it's imperative that as many Americans as possible pay close attention to all class warfare matters which are seriously undermining our democracy, and that obviously includes Citizens United v FEC.

Included on the blog you'll also find an essay by Joan McCarter entitled "Money's Sustained Assault Against Democracy" so if you're fond of democracy in America (or wish we had some rather than exporting it across the globe bwo lies and guns), Ms. McCarter's article is highly recommended. And a tidbit of info from the Citizens United blog: SCOTUS will hold hearings on March 28, 2011 concerning Arizona's public financing system; other related suits are pending so we must keep up!

Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya

Now some are saying that President Obama didn't have the authority to act in Libya as we're doing under cover of a 'humanitarian mission' to protect civilians (there we go again: bombing = 'saving'. Yeah, right.) Presidential overreach and the military action in Libya are facets of the global elite's Undermine America Agenda in order to set up a one-world-government and we're watching the US government further extending its imperial self into the region of the Middle East. It remains to be seen whether our incursion into Libya can be handed off to foreign entities in a few days.

Of SuperMoons and Eclipses 1993 - 2011

The last SuperMoon occurred in March 1993 which is of time-link interest since the two Solar Eclipses (SE) of 1993 are repeating in 2011 with similar influences upon society.

May 21, 1993's SE @ '1 Gemini' is in the 13 South Series as will be the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ '11 Gemini', a degree which falls between US natal Uranus 8:55 and US natal Desc '13Gem'...Uranus/ASC = Sun: friendships with leaders and important people; physical unrest; mobility; a restless colleague or partner; anxiety about putting one's best foot forward; hoping for success. Uran/ASC = Moon: getting excited through the influence of others; quick mood changes; emotionalism spills into view; needing support, sympathy, and approval (speaking of 'approval', Obama should've gotten that from Congress before he took us into Libya in what may be an extended piece of Hades - UN approval is not congressional approval - for a little while longer at least.)

From Brady's Predictive Astrology we find that the influences of 13S include: expansive energy under which lies a sinister flavor; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively; urge to expand brings frustrations, inhibitions, and loss or separation. And for Australia in 1975, 13S included a Constitutional Crisis (which may be brought to the White House circa 2011 due to Libya invasion or ___?___.)

The second Solar Eclipse of (November 13) 1993 @'22Sco' which repeats on November 25, 2011 @ '2Sag' is in the 14 North Series with vibes that include: draining of energy; an acute time of confusion in relationships, and unexpected happenings in financial matters; despair; a peculiar turn of events; too much confusion and delusion to make clear judgments (paraphrasing Brady, as above.)

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the '11Gem' Jun 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse, "Something to Cry About" (though that's usually reserved for '00Gem' because it conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, of the Seven Sisters.) She states that its nearness to US natal Uranus indicates surprising developments in government which may be dealing with a "lack of support"; falling in 8th house in DC, this eclipse heralds issues of taxation, mortality, burial concerns, sanitation, or contagion (radiation from Japan?).

Other possibilities for the June 1, 2011 SE are that trade agreements are strained in foreign relations, workers' strikes and protests continue, military controversies surface, and there may be an urgent health situation, hospital condition, or prison crisis to deal with. Plus, a particularly mysterious crime/s may be in the news (bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler? Someone new?)

Teal's title for the 14N SE of Nov 25, 2011 is: "Blazing New Trails" - yet workers will still be discontent, there are concerns over secret enemies, and there's an "extension of power of nation in the world, although some complications to overcome." Is Libya only the US government's first 'no-fly-zone' justification?

Well, on that New World Order note I must leave you for my pesky old day job and a sincere hope that we'll reconnect another day while remembering what Herbert Hoover said on such topics: that old men make wars and young men fight them. How correct he was.

Now if only we could get the world's young men and women to turn their backs on war.

Mar 19, 2011

Vulcans to Libya, a SuperMoon, & Iraq War's Solar Return March 2011

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Allied Aircraft Flying Over Libya

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has confirmed that coalition planes are in the air above Libya. "Our air force will oppose any aggression by Col. Gadhafi against the population of Benghazi," he announced in Paris.

More at NPR.


Astro-Note: the Iraq War's Solar Return 2011 occurs March 20, 2011 at 4:55:59 am BAT -3:00 Baghdad, Iraq; ASC 1Pis17 w the Neptune 29AQ30/Chiron 2Pis37 duo rising; Hour Mars 19Pis44 in 1st house and out-of-bounds and precariously motivated in Pisces. Transiting Neptune at a critical 29th degree approaches Iraq War's natal 12th H Uranus 00Pis30 (planet of rebellion and radicalism), a time when there are unrealistic expectations about societal changes, social breakdowns, and ideals and spiritual goals that conflict with current financial and technological conditions: as before, precarious.

Tr Pluto 7Cap24 has now crossed the war's natal Midheaven (The Goal; The WHY? Point) and nears the Piscean Mars 9Cap11. Thus, a midpoint picture forms at the very top of the radix chart: Mars/MC = tr Pluto: extraordinary zeal and tremendous vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion. (Ebertin.)

That would be a long-desired goal yet there are many portents in the natal and Solar Return 2011 charts which I won't bore you with on this SuperMoon day. But when tr Saturn, now @ 15Lib01 Rx, reaches Iraq War's natal 7th H Moon 23Lib06 (the people),
a valley of depressed feelings and despairing emotions will be experienced as staged and engineered by a spidery global network of warhawks, Vulcans, arms dealers, and other profiteers.

The Vulcans Are Forging Their War Tools Again

Disturbingly, the Iraq War's Solar Return chart for March 20, 2011 - it's 8th anniversary so the 9th year now begins - shows tr Hidalgo (power; expecting obedience) and Lilith (an archetype associated with the Middle East, especially with Israel; also, spies, surveillance, & potential betrayal) are at SR Midheaven (MC 12Sag10 = US natal ASC) of the horoscope which signifies a tag team effort possessing superior forces to bring down the government of Libya....another "coalition" which has been approved by the UN Security Council for enforcement of control in Libya as our Western Imperial March across the region continues with oil and gas (SR Neptune and Chiron rising) the main issue to be dealt with.

Now which entity on the world political stage do you think the Iraq War's SR 2011 Hidalgo in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius represents?

SuperMoon in Virgo March 19, 2011

Today is March 19, 2011, day of a SuperMoon, a lunar phenomenon which tends to herald disaster or catastrophe. Starting another war, this time in Libya, is one form of disaster begun by men who sit far away from the melee lest their pretty minds be stained or unduly ruffled. Yet all Full Moons and today's SuperMoon in late Virgo indicate the culmination and fulfillment stage of seeds planted at the New Moon of March 4, 2011 @ '14Pis' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." (We note how often we hear Hillary Clinton's name in the news of late.)

Then on a more personal, inner level which addresses our deepest concerns, my friend Julie Demboski has published a column on the SuperMoon that is not to be missed. The Full Moon of March 19, 2011: Birthing Uranus in Aries contains Lunar food for Mercurial thought with Uranian insights for all who care to listen. Thanks, Julie!

Mar 18, 2011

SuperMoon or Full? March 19, 2011 lunation in Virgo

If you're contemplating upon the Full Moon of Saturday March 19, 2011 @28Vir48 and the fact that it qualifies as a 'SuperMoon', as the phenomenon was titled by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979, then you'll want to read the list (1954 - 2036) provided of natural disasters which have occurred within 3 days of a SuperMoon.

Now Astronomy does not concur on the subject of influence upon the Earth's weather systems even though simple New and Full Moons have been admitted to cause high and low tidal changes - well, even your Aunt Granny Fanny knows that. In Astrology, the Moon is said to rule the Unconscious, the physical body, and tells us about Mom's side of the family (along with our reigning needs.) And we know that the menstrual cycle of females is based on the lunar month because ideally, 'falling off the roof' (or, a 'visit from Aunt Flo') normally comes about every 28 - 31 days for a human being of the feminine persuasion...a Moon cycle.

But the idea that a Moon's perigee (closest approach to Earth) or apogee (farthest) could affect earthly weather conditions and thereby cause harmful storm systems, earthquakes, or volcanoes? Quelle Impossible! (That last was typed with a very bad French accent, as you can tell!)

Astronomers refer to the SuperMoon phenomenon as a perigee-syzygy being the cusses that they are (kidding!) As for weather effects, Saturday's SuperMoon is in Virgo which is an Earth sign; Moon rules the ocean bwo Cancer, the Crab: will part of Japan sink like Atlantis allegedly did after abuse, misuse, and/or overuse of power, as the myth goes?)

Well, personally I lean toward Mr. Nolle's argument: that extreme Supermoons tend to bring dangerous weather events somewhere in the world within 3 days after exactitude, as if we need an extra catastrophe right now. Hopefully the world will avoid turbulent weather though I have no real inclination to sleuth into which locations are most geo-stressed at the moment.

(Plus, transit Uranus to Aries Point and at zero declination - with its quirky, wild card, out-of-the-blue energies being affected by instigator Mars - has been gracious plenty for me to ponder in recent weeks.)

Besides, my friend Theodore White has just published info on recent and upcoming upheavals within our Moon-ruled atmosphere for I know he's been busy creating an overview of certain astro-weather conditions and global outcomes which we're all now dealing with on one level or another. The recent Cardinal Grand Cross is addressed as well, plus, Theo has included an article on facing current challenges authored by the excellent Lynn Hayes, and something by yours truly.

And in case you missed it, here's a link to a previous post Pegasus and the Virgo Full Moon of 3.19.11 with an image of the SuperMoon horoscope.

All in all, Saturday's Full Moon of Super proportions promises to be a gorgeously bright and glorious sight at which to marvel if no clouds block our views. Astrological exactitude occurs @ 2:10 pm edt, Washington DC, but by evening it should still be beautiful as it rises.

And whether visible to our physical eyes or not, we'll all know that on March 19, 2011, the mysterious Moon is glowing and sailing beyond us as Luna performs another monthly round as our heavenly lantern to light humanity's path.


Also by Richard Nolle: Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, The Key to Your Quest (published 1983, just six years after the discovery of Chiron.)

Wishing a Joyous and Safe Purim for those who celebrate!


Drawing: Full Moon at Green Arch Observatory from one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art.

UN okays No-Fly Zone for Libya, UN horoscope activated 3.18.11

Here is Resolution 1973 (2011) in a form meant for public consumption (not the official version, it says) which was voted on Thursday after a closed door meeting. Click for more details on the 'No Fly' resolution.

You may wish to view the United Nations' natal horoscope here. Progressing this chart to 3.17.11 gives a SP Sun 7Cap13 with transiting Pluto 7Cap23 coming to call with power ascendancy and control issues on tap.

The UN's SP Mc/Ic axis is at critical-crisis degrees (17Pis/Vir) with the Virgo Ic stimulated by the last Great Conjunction of revolutionary combo Uranus and Pluto @ sensitized '17Vir' (mid-1960s); SP Sun conjoins Sec Venus at crisis degree 29Sag01; SP Mercury 15Sag16 ('16Sag' = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" with Libya being the ship of opportunity) opposes SP Uranus 14Gem33 Rx, an aspect that tends to assume that its opinions and ideas are the only ones that are valid - the 'know it all' aspect of tactlessness which tends to cause resentment in others. SP Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Sec 6th house of Military/Police Service, Work, and Health.

Obviously, the bombing and other actions that are about to take place in Libya are alleged to be for the purposes of 'rescuing' civilians and stopping Qaddafi from killing more of his own people but will cause the cold hearted Orwellian-labeled 'collateral damage' simultaneously.

UN's SP ASC 7Can51 brings up the US natal trio of Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer even though the US role is being semi-veiled for now for typically political and strategic reasons though protecting sea lanes is understandably part of our nation's motivation.

UN's SP Moon 9Sco37 is ruled by warring Mars (sub-ruled on a higher octave by saboteur Pluto) and it's an Hour of Mars in the UN's Secondary Progressed chart (UN was 'born' during a Mars Hour, natal chart data is listed below; UN n Mars conjoins Saturn in Cancer, a 'destructive energy' combination, says Ebertin.)

UN's SP Mars is Rx by progression at a critical-crisis degree: 29Can11; '30Can' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution."

Tr Uranus 00Ari20 (AP) has brought the world much strife and disaster of late and this operation will be part of that strife though I certainly hope it ultimately will do the beleaguered people of Libya much good - yet we know that the world still groans under the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto yoke: harm through force majeure.

At the time of the UN Security Council vote on Thursday, asteroid Circe (keywords: where we seek rescue) conjoined the New Moon of March 4, 2011 @ '14Pis' = "A Woman in Fox Fur" and March 19, 2011 brings its book end Full Moon as previously noted. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to be fulfilling this role for the US.

Apparently there may begin a new war for this weekend, if not before, a sad portent for the celebration of Purim which begins at sundown on March 19, 2011.

United Nations natal data: October 24, 1945 4:45 pm est Capitol Hill Washington DC from public record; natal ASC 20Ari06 conjoins US natal Chiron, the Sacred Warrior archetype; '21Ari' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring"; natal Mc (The Goal) 11Cap11 where transiting Pluto now approaches.


SP = Secondary Progressions based on the day-for-a-year principle of the Sun's daily motion.

Mar 17, 2011

Messenger Orbits Mercury tonight as Mercury opposes Saturn 3.17.11

And a Happy St. Patrick's Day 2011 to you and to NASA whose space probe Messenger is to go into elliptical orbit around speedy Mercury tonight and for one Earth year after.

Here's a Timeline of the 6-year+ project to investigate Mercury.

NASA's Messenger page has lots of info (apt for anything to do with Astrology's mental planet, Mercury!) and says that Orbital Insertion begins tonight at 8:45 pm EDT when in the Tropical Zodiac, Mercury will be @ 14Ari20.

Mercury opposes Saturn Rx 15Lib10 w US natal Saturn 14Lib48, therefore Mercury opposes US n Saturn as well. This is a period of time when ideas, activities, and information are prone to diametric opposition to structures, tradition, and organization as other voices with dissenting opinions critique our authority and experience. Normally under this transit, travel is delayed or curtailed, good news is not forthcoming, other people don't tend to say what we want to hear, and conflicting information is all around us.

(This sounds a lot like the House speakers rising this morning to speak for or against public funding of NPR. No ideas in Congress for jobs creation, just attacks on the only nearly-balanced news outlet the American people have left, and the only one still maintaining an office in Afghanistan. Plus, defunding NPR will mean loss of jobs, so Thanks, Republicans. As usual, you're misdirecting your zealous energies. A majority of Americans are polling a resounding, No! to defunding NPR, so get over it. The procedural vote in the House is expected this afternoon. Even if you think NPR is 'left-wing', in America we desperately need a left to counterbalance the abundance of 'right-wing' info we're being inundated with 24/7, otherwise the US butterfly tilts crazily into Fascism as it hits the ground.)

NASA's Mercury Messenger Mission was launched on August 3, 2004 from Cape Canaveral FL and tonight begins the mission's big pay-off. You may wish to check out a 2008 post published just before a flyby. In the post you'll find I used *Adriano Carelli's degree for Mercury's position then (14Lib) where Saturn Rx soon returns 2011 - and, again, it's America's natal Saturn position. But you may be surprised to read at post's end of another entity's 14 Libra Saturn as stated by Mr. Carelli, so I'll let you click and sleuth it for yourself in your best mercurial fashion!

Tonight at 8:45 pm edt with Sun 27Pis05 and Moon 2Vir26, the muddy Water-Earth Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration may be revealing concerning NASA's Mercury Messenger Mission, its cutting-edge photography of the planet, and other conditions going on now as well:

"A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself...Small events bring enormous consequences...Faith and reason shake hands." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Yes, faith (Jupiter) and reason (Mercury) should shake hands much more often in this polarized, at-odds world and I hope NASA's Mercury Messenger Mission proceeds successfully tonight, and that the partisan GOP attack on NPR is beaten back once again.


*Source: 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli.