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Mar 5, 2014

Fall of Berlin Wall Horoscope: Jupiter Rx having a Jupiter Return 2014

Such an awkward title for this post! The point is that on the evening the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, expansive Jupiter, planet of freedom and overstepping of boundaries, was retrograde @10Can38 and so a Jupiter Return to the Wall's chart has been taking place since August 2013. Due to the planet's regression cycle, the three conjunctions of Jupiter to its 1989 natal position are:

1. August 14, 2013; 2. February 23, 2014 (Rx)--the current phase; and 3. March 17, 2014. So what, if anything, does the Fall of the Berlin Wall have to do with the current crises between Russia, the US, the EU, Ukraine, and Crimea?

For a refresher, you may wish to check out The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Well, for one thing, Jupiter's freedom and expansion principles and Saturn's restriction and control principles are once again vying against one another--and the Fall of the Berlin Wall is one of the signposts on 'the march' to a new world order, aka, Global Government, which intends to disrespect all national boundaries since such antiquated concepts are considered old fashioned and past their expiration date.

3.7.14 Update: see The Reverse Berlin Wall? Russia, Ukraine And Markets with 'markets' having a Jupiterian flair.

That the intrigue going on now in Ukraine and Crimea is related to new world order chaos and the establishment of global totalitarianism, I have no doubt. Yet you, dear reader, may retain your doubt if you prefer.

Below, you see the Fall of the Berlin Wall horoscope set for Berlin and for 6:57 pm CET, the time a government official made the announcement that the Wall was now porous and would be opened. According to the details in Campion's World Book of Horoscopes, the official told a journalist that the decision (see powerful Sun-Pluto = Mercury of decisions--'lording it over someone') was effective "immediately" which was actually not their intention. The people were stunned and exalted at the prospect of being allowed to see family members they'd not seen in 28 years.

Soon crowds gathered at checkpoints along the 100-mile Wall but the guards had not yet been alerted about the change. The first entrance/exit to open was the Bornholmer Strasse Checkpoint at 8:15 pm CET and a horoscope for that moment is relevant as well. Another interesting horoscope is that for 'just after midnight' of August 13, 1961 near a *Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn when the Wall was first erected as most Berliners slept. That must have been a true nightmare to wake up to since whatever side, East or West, they'd gone to sleep on, there they remained for decades with the emotional and financial depression the government caused:

November 9, 1989 6:57 pm CET Berlin Germany; Hour of Jupiter which is Rx and rising along with Chiron @16Can27 Rx; ASC 5Can19 (which is America's natal Jupiter position--hmmm...?); chart-ruler is the Moon in merge-loving Pisces which makes two major applying aspects which show upcoming tendencies: a square to independence-loving Uranus @2Cap50 in the house of Work and Health (2A08) and a second square to Venus @4Cap22, also in the 6th house of Police, Military, and Daily Rounds which were now curtailed and restricted.

Moon square Uranus indicates understandably that emotional outbursts and erratic behavior ensued along with feelings of restlessness and, by some, a defiance of authority. (Tap or click the first link above about the Wall's history for details on attempts to scale the barricade.) Moon square Uranus is the 'born fighter for equal rights' aspect (Pelletier).

Moon (the people) square Venus, a money planet of relationships, values, and beauty, denotes deep ties with the past, guilt about letting loved ones down (unavoidable under the circumstances), and rebellion against restriction in relationships. This aspect also describes the sad loss of good-paying jobs in West Berlin by those stuck on the Eastern side where economics weren't so rosy.


So with transiting Jupiter again reaching 10Can38, its freedom and venturing across boundaries implications are being played out, this time by Russian troops invading Ukraine and Crimea--though some people think that the US has stirred up conflict in the region as President Putin has asserted. In light of the globalists' austere new world order agenda to take over the world and the decades of misuse of the American military in the role of 'world cop'--plus, the foreign intrigues of the CIA, the US involvement theory is quite easy to believe or at least, easy to not discount all together.

As you see in the chart, the significator for Communism, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction @10Cap+, is now conjoined by wealthy, stealthy Pluto which simultaneously opposes the Wall's Jupiter in Cancer. So in the 1989 chart, it looks like happy Jupiter (freedom) in home-loving Cancer is opposed by Communism's depressive Saturn-Neptune on 'the other side'--of the Berlin Wall. Can we agree on that?

Therefore, if the events of 1989 and 2014 are related on a level or two, the third conjunction of freedom-lover Jupiter, the General and the Explorer, to its 1989 position on or around March 17, 2014 may bring resolution to the Ukraine-Crimea stand off between America, the EU, and Russia, if not before. At least, that's my best guess and my fervent hope!

*The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction exact @25Cap12 on February 19, 1961: freedom/expansion and restriction/control mush together; the 'societal planets conjoined again three times in 1980/81 @4--10 Libra, and again on May 28, 2000 @22Tau43. The Berlin Wall disintegrated on November 9, 1989 during their opposition phase 28 years after it was erected to keep in fleeing East Berliners so that Communism would appear better than it can ever actually be.

And I type that even though Capitalism is the flip side of Communism.

Here's a view of Vladimir Putin's birth horoscope (RR: C for accuracy in question) in case you desire a gander.

Blog Note: if you scroll the sidebar of this blog to the Search field and type in Russia, Crimea, Putin, or other related topics you should get a list of previous posts--there are natal horoscopes for Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea around here someplace! jc

Mar 2, 2014

"Slipping Into Fiction"-- Max Igan video

In a Hollywood mode of illusion and creativity,here's a previous drawing of mine, Roxy's Red Room:

Now for tonight's premiere presentation by Max Igan:

Why do we allow ourselves to be "ruled"? I love it when Max says, "The powers that believe they be":

A "guiding hand"? A hidden hand? In Astrology, that would be Pluto.

"Slipping into fiction"? Sounds like Neptune's influence and the murky one's 'silver screen' of illusion and appropriate to post this video on the evening of the Academy Awards in Hollywood, California.

Max also addresses the public's fear of speaking out against the system--a province of astrological Saturn--the austere, paternal planet that strongly evinced its influence upon the Collective today turning Rx in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio, another significator of the hidden hand.

Mar 1, 2014

Horoscope: Crimea w March 1, 2014 New Moon in Pisces

Image: Natal Horoscope for Crimea: May 5, 1992 16:00 GMT Simferopol, Russia; Hour of the Moon; Moon (the people) out-of-bounds @22Gem53 in 8th house denoting separation between the people and the country's leadership especially in the area of Shared Resources:

Since I'm having tech problems here I'll quickly post this chart and hope you can enlarge to read my notes written thereupon. The Ukrainian Republic of Crimea began moving toward independence on June 28, 1991 when Crimean Tatars in Simferopol declared sovereignty. Previously an autonomous region within the Ukraine and not a state, the Crimean Parliament approved their independence on September 5, 1991 and this act "allowed for a proclamation of independence but was not used, being kept in reserve for future use. The only indication of time points to around 5:00 pm BST..." (Campion's Book of World Horoscopes.)

I have italicized 'being kept in reserve' because I think it partially describes the out-of-bounds (OOBs) condition of the people's Gemini Moon which implies separation or isolation since the Moon is the only OOBs planet in the natal chart. You will also note that the current position of transformative, destructuring Pluto @13Cap04 in Crimea's natal 3rd house is triggering Crimea's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series, the 12 North with its themes of 'more responsibilities' and 'making greater commitments' (Brady.)

Related: Russia may annex Crimea.

You will also note that the current news from the region being touted in the US is that Ukraine is divided between Russian influence and that of the European Union. Perhaps the Ukrainian people feel divided on such issues with natal Moon in dualistic Gemini. However, it does seem that there's a lot more than meets the eye in the Ukraine-Crimea-Russia-EU-US situation than this.

Astrologically, Pluto in bossy Capricorn also represents the wealth and power of the World Bank and the IMF, organizations which stand to make huge profits from a Western-based outcome to this tense quarrel which some believe has been instigated by the US government and others.

Personally, my suspicion is that President Putin and the other presidents involved are reading from the typical new world order/global government script--and there in the chart/s above is anarchist, disruptor, and revolutionist Uranus at '11Aries', "The President of the Country" degree in the Sabian Symbols.

See: Obama talks Ukraine sovereignty, Putin touts Russian security.

New Moon: a New Phase of Activity Begins as Global Chess Pieces Move

Well, many sneaky things ten to occur during a New Moon and the Dark of the Moon in the previous hours to its perfection. How appropriate that the March 1, 2014 New Moon degree of '11Pisces' has this symbol: "Men Seeking Illumination" which is part of what the new world order duo, Uranus and Neptune, stand for, plus tellingly, their Great Conjunction/s of 1993 at or near '18Cap' = "POLITICAL POWER"..."smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones) fits the actions now being taken in Crimea, Ukraine, Venezuela, and across the globe.

To the best of our abilities, it is obvious that everyone must prepare for the time when transiting Pluto reaches that degree area of the Zodiac (18-20Cap) for the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto threatens calamities, loss, and abandonment of resistance to what must be Pluto's Great Plan--global government--which in reality is already upon us if we allow Pluto a 5-degree orb from 13Cap to 18Cap.

Feb 27, 2014

"The Pity of War" author Niall Ferguson interview (video)

When Niall Ferguson, author of The Pity of War, asserts that it was Britain, not Germany, who was responsible for the escalation of war from a continental war into a World War, he fails to mention that it was the House of Rothschild, owners of the Bank of England since the Battle of Waterloo, upon whom the ultimate blame for the horrors of WWI lie. Wars make tremendous fortunes for banking houses and weapons manufacturers, as you know.

Here Mr. Ferguson also discusses National Socialism (Saturn-Neptune, as astrologers say):

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of WWI, the 6 South, manifested on August 21, 1914 @28Leo (Leo-AQ, the self will axis, Britain a Leonine country. (Plus, the old 'lions led by donkeys' description of Britain in WWI--see Viewpoint: 10 Big Myths about WWI Debunked.)

Beginning @21Pis55 on March 6, 1049 with a brutal Mars-Pluto opposition (Leo-AQ again), 6 South themes include 'being forceful and taking power'. T here is mania here with 'great force or strength manifesting in the relationship area' and 'sudden events' with a 'huge effort expended in some group activity' prominent, such as entering a continental conflict in order to start a global war--by a group of transnational bankers and 'win-win' wheeler-dealers who always back both sides of a conflagration.

Feb 25, 2014

"Cultivating the Social Pathogen" --Max Igan (video)

This broadcast from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series opens with a quote from Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher.

Has the economic pathogen affected your mind? Are you alive on planet earth" Then, yes. It has.

The title of this presentation is quite apt for the current transit of Saturn (business, government, status quo, systems, etc) in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Corporatism, Mysteries, and more.

Once austere Saturn leaves Scorpio (at Christmas 2014 for several months, then the Old Man moves back into Scorpio around mid-June 2015 until mid-September 2015), Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius becomes its focus until Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn in December 2017, initially passing one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation and Prominence (00Cap00:00.)

Saturn in Sagittarius denotes a focus upon legalities and justice, religion, philosophical research, prudence, doubts, and emigration.

In Capricorn, Saturn's focus is on issues that concern industry, economies, diplomacy, self will, ego, endurance, concentrated work, one-sidedness, and partiality (Ebertin.)

Year 2020

One of the watershed moments of Saturn's journey through the Zodiac over the next few years will be its next Great Conjunction with powerful, wealthy Pluto @22Cap46 which occurs once on January 12, 2020. Plus, banker Jupiter joins conjoins Pluto and turns everything into a big deal on: April 5, 2020, June 30, 2020, and November 12, 2020--from 22 to 25 degrees Capricorn (near US natal Pluto and opposite US natal Mercury in Cancer.) Yes, as many astrologers are noting, 2020 is one of the upcoming years to be on guard however we can as America's first-ever Pluto Return nears.

In current news, both abroad and at home, we're in the Saturn-Pluto cycle (about 33 years long) which began with their conjunction @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 (on Reagan's watch.) The March 2, 2014 Mars Rx Station will hit that degree indicating more violence and brutality, assaults, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence.

Feb 23, 2014

World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes reveals...(2-hour video)

Well, it isn't as if we don't already know that the crooks are in charge, right?

Knowing this in general is one thing but if you're easily spooked or already distressed, you may wish to avoid watching the following revelations from Karen Hudes, formerly of the World Bank, concerning the long-planned global plot now afoot because the video contains two horrific hours of information, if you ask me and I've studied Astrology charts of such topics and of devilish chaos-creators (who royally suck) for years:

So let's give a mild hurrah for President Obama making the journey to Rome to meet Pope Francis on March 27, 2014. After all, that gold ring can't kiss itself, y'know, poverty issues to discuss or not!

And another illustrious supplicant will peek out of her palace long enough to travel to meet Pope Francis for the first time: Queen Elizabeth who will spend only one day in the Vatican. But it should be enough time to pucker up and show some respect to the ecclesiastical head of the *goddess-worshiping Catholic Church.

Money on My Mind and My Mind on My Money?

The rest of us really have to wonder exactly which topics and plans are really being discussed when political and religious leaders clump together in such a publicized manner inside what is a very private sovereign state called Vatican City. So if you have about one hour to spare and are curious, you may wish to view an informative History Channel presentation which I hope won't be removed from this blog since I make no income at all from any of its posts:

If the video is removed perhaps its YouTube link will do the trick and whisk you away to the Vatican door. Note: the topic of why US presidents visit the Pope is addressed about 21 minutes in.


*Venus (goddess)--Neptune (worship; idealization) aside, it's only fair to add here what I always do when fussing about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church: that many of the most charitable and kind people I have met and known all through my life have been devoted to the Catholic persuasion. It is only the church hierarchy and their lamentably bad behavior that I complain of, Protestant as I am. jc

Feb 22, 2014

Natal Horoscope: Ukraine with Jan-Feb 2014 Transits

The following horoscope for Ukraine is one of three given in Campion's Book of World Horoscopes. It is set for December 1, 1991 6:00 EET when the announcement was made after a referendum that Ukraine was legally independent and the country "began to function as a genuinely independent sovereign state." I choose to show this version of a Ukraine natal chart because one of the current transits involves government-toppling Pluto in Capricorn now crushing natal Uranus @11Cap57 in the 6th house of Police and Military Service:

Ukraine December 1, 1991 6:00 pm EET Kiev; Hour of Venus; Ascendant 3Leo29; chart-ruler Sun (Leadership) @9Sag02, Moon (The People) @17Lib48. This is a Fire-Air blend which denotes a 'live wire' relationship full of bombast and impracticality--the 'Utopian idealist' or maverick with many ideas who lives at a very fast pace.

An On-Going Conflict: Independence v Dependence

Sun Sag-Moon Lib reveals Ukraine to be replete with philosophers who possess social consciences, and those who like to frequent coffee shops and theaters. It is a warm-hearted combo of energies with a streak of prophecy tossed in yet it can be assertive, aggressive, and temperamental when challenged or treated unjustly as The People have been of late when President Yanukovych succumbed to Russia's trade deal rather than agreeing to the one offered by the EU.

See How Much Money Did Ukraine Lose When It Nixed the EU Deal? and more on the violent protests which began peacefully.

Now as natal chart-ruler, the Sun makes only one major applying aspect in the chart, a square to Jupiter which is the lead planet of the chart's Bowl pattern. This IDs the country and its leaders (Sun, Jupiter) as wheeler-dealers who don't mind bending the truth when it suits. Alan Oken calls a Sun-Jupiter square 'the squanderer' aspect if that tells you anything about the quality of the leaders the good people of Ukraine have had to put up with (as in America and elsewhere!).

Now let's discuss current transits to Ukraine's natal horoscope and as you see (please tap or click to enlarge), the ones for February 21, 2014 (coup d'etat?) are penned around the outside of the chart. However, in my quirky Uranian way (Uranus in 10th house), I'm going to list the transits for January 22, 2014 since that is the date of the first deaths of protesters and police officers.

So by consulting the displayed horoscope with February transits you can see how far the planets have moved since January 22nd--and that Mercury Rx now sits upon the country's natal 8th cusp of Death and Transformation. Mercury Stations Direct on February 28th @18AQ09 and will cross 8th cusp again; Mars will Station Rx on March 1st @27Lib31 (in natal 4th house of Domestic Scene--Mars = activists, protesters, police, military, and males between 25 to 35, give or take a year or so); Jupiter Stations Direct on March 6th @10Can21 and is, as you see, conjunct natal South Node, a point of separation, in the 12th house of Politics.

you'll undoubtedly notice more aspects to natal planets but these are the planetary influences I see as most affecting current events in Ukraine.

Key: UKR = Ukraine; 2014 = position of planets on January 22, 2014:

2014 Sun conjunct UKR Saturn @2AQ49 in 6th h: authority is highlighted, police and military are used by the president;

2014 Venus conjunct UKR Neptune @15Cap08 in 6th h: someone is out of touch with reality and hard to pin down, disguise is afoot, and mysterious events take place;

2014 Jupiter conjunct UKR South Node of the Moon (the public) which may be on one level a karmic picture of a president stepping down as he did; Jupiter also opposes UKR Uranus @11Cap57, the exact position of the January 1, 2014 New Moon and transiting Pluto! Jupiter opposite Uranus shows it to be a negative time for Politics and Group Endeavors as everyone goes off in different directions--including fleeing presidents and resigning cabinet members;

2014 Saturn conjunct UKR Pluto @21Sco01 in 5th h of Risk-Taking, but very close to the 4th h: situations are too large to be kept under control and there may be deep disappointment about something from the past;

2014 Uranus square UKR Uranus in Capricorn supports disruptive circumstances, separations, and unpredictable events as obstacles to personal freedom are met with an independent spirit; additionally, you see that transiting Uranus, planet of rebellion, rioting, and revolution, is at the top of the natal horoscope at Midheaven (11Ari32), the Goal Point of any chart with revolution and fire in the streets of Kiev being highly visible upon the World Stage--in Independence Square! What better place for the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square to trigger its work of rebellion?

You may wish to view the following video concerning the Divide in the Ukraine--Russia v EU, with astrological Uranus' 'separation and disruption' vibes on display:

One last note about the natal chart: in UKR's 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Secret Deals contains the country's Pre-Natal Eclipse @18Can58 in the 11 South Saros Series. Its themes include: 'the need for sudden reforms, old ideas and methods fail and new systems are needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) 11S last manifested on July 22, 2009 @29Cancer+ with '30Can' being the "A Child of the Revolution" degree in Sabian Symbols. 11S also occurred in the years 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, and 1973, and will next turn up in year 2027.

During this dangerous time, my heartfelt prayers go out to the good people of Ukraine who, like all of us, deserve much fairer treatment from the government that is allegedly serving them. jc

Feb 21, 2014

Horoscope: Taurus Solar Eclipse Apr 29, 2014

Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 Triggers Robber Baron Horoscope of 1881

by Jude Cowell

Here is a natal horoscope for the Robber Barons, aka the Generation of Materialism, a term coined by educator and historian Carlton Hayes (1882--1964):

Please tap or click image to enlarge.

Timed by the New Moon @8Tau14 on April 28, 1881, this chart may be used to represent those plutocrats whose progeny, both biological and philosophical, continue to lord it over the American people as if plutocrats are monarchs--you know, the 1% of wealthy elitists in the US, many of whom owe their power and extreme wealth to ancestors whose vast fortunes were made or increased during the last 20 years of the 19th century: Carnegies, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc, with the Rothschilds hiding behind the velvet curtain of privilege as well.

Marked upon the outside of the chart is the January 1, 2014 New Moon @11Cap57 which conjoined transiting Pluto for it hit the Robber Barons' Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse degree (10Cap20) in the 9 New North Saros Series. Capricorn is, of course, the sign of old men, government, law, and business, and the 9NN Series denotes accidents, physical injuries, and safety issues (Brady); this has me wondering if the New Years Day 2014 lunation in gilt-edged Capricorn ushered in the mysterious deaths ruled 'suicides' of several bankers and financial workers, plus, a missing DOW-Jones reporter, all during January and February 2014--so far.

If you haven't, see 3 JP Morgan workers suffer mysterious deaths and Dead Bankers, Missing Reporter...Something's Amiss .

The reason I post today the Generation of Materialism natal horoscope timed by the New Moon that occurred just after societal planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in early Taurus (a money sign) on April 18, 1881 is that its degree will be triggered by the Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 @8Tau51. As you can see in the horoscope of the Eclipse, below, Mercury @12Tau31 is nearby in 3rd house of Communications, Transport, Neighborhoods, Siblings, and Early Education. Mercury, the Orator, also conjoins deceptive Neptune in the 1881 chart in which Neptune rises indicating conditions out of control and possibly water, oil, and/or gas issues with a potential for poisonous conditions.

Since we already have toxic conditions in West Virginia, North Carolina, and elsewhere, we may expect the April 29, 2014 to bring these concerns even more front and center with hopefully no further environmental catastrophes to deal with.

Note: coal-ash-spilling Duke Energy was founded in 1904.

Well, the 1881 New Moon and the 2014 Eclipse degrees would conjunct since there's only one day between April 28th and 29th!

The April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse perfects during a Jupiter Hour and chart-ruler Venus (ASC 10Tau36, chart set for the White House) will conjoin the eclipse Neptune and trine eclipse Uranus--both Venus-Neptune and Venus-Uranus have links to money, evaluation, and relationship issues, as inspired, deceptive, or separative as they may be. Plus, you see that US natal Pluto @27Cap33 is at eclipse MC (The Goal) Point of the chart which puts our natal Mercury-Pluto opposition (spies, secrets, surveillance, propaganda and control of information) on the MC-IC axis of Home-Career-Security.

Additionally, America's natal 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, Secret Deals, and Large Institutions is at MC as well so the Solar Eclipse may expose a few more secrets (12th h) concerning the Keystone XL Pipeline with other worries of a toxic water and contagion nature especially with contagious Neptune rising in 1st house.

And yes, the Cardinal Grand Cross between Mars Rx in 8th house of Corporatism and Debt, Pluto in 12th house of Politics and Karma--and still opposing US natal Sun, radical Uranus in 2nd house of the National Treasury (a blindly zealous Utopian when in Mars-ruled Aries, says Ebertin), and Jupiter conjunct The Scorcher, SIRIUS, in 6th house of Military and Police Forces, Health, and Work is a large part of the eclipse scenario.

If its energies are handled maturely and carefully, a Grand Cross pattern indicates tremendous success though there is much antagonism, tension, and poorly planned actions along with way to wisdom and a draining of energy may be problematic (nuclear leaks come to mind.) The pattern's Cardinal quality shows a need for cooperation from others for there are crucial karmic lessons involved within the social awareness denoted here.

Well, it seems that if the American people are to hope for such wisdom to be directed at solving the dire problems and toxic conditions of the day, we must depend upon the behavior of Washington politicians who have the 2014 November Elections hanging over their heads and thus determining their courses, internal party squabbles notwithstanding.

Yet handy solutions may be moot until later in 2014 since the eclipse's Saros Series, 16 South, contains themes of 'wasted energy, especially when dealing with groups--take no real action' ( paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Plus, it seems We the People will be depending upon congress members who aren't retiring or stepping down soon. It seems feasible that some members are ethically challenged and are clearing out before the dreaded sheriff knocks on the door--you know, like the Federal Grand Jury that ran Georgia Governor Nathan Deal from Capitol Hill in 2010!


For further reading on the Generation of Materialism and many other topics, see E. Alan Meece's book, Horoscope for the New Millennium.

Feb 18, 2014

Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse April 15, 2014

Here is the horoscope of the April 15, 2014 Lunar Eclipse @25Lib15, in 8th house when the chart is set for the White House. As you see, the Uranus-Pluto square again participates in a Cardinal Grand Cross which also involves Jupiter (conjunct US natal Sun, the president) in 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking, activist Mars @16Lib29 Rx (in process of aggravating US natal Saturn @14Lib48), and a conjunction of Mercury and Uranus, both at 13+ Aries and indicating Science, Technology, communication, and innovation.

In fact, the Mercury-Uranus combination denotes a 'propaganda campaign'--Ebertin.

The Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the Can-Cap axis of Security and Authority continues to bedevil America's natal Sun (13Can19) via a titanic power struggle and many challenges in financial, social, political, environmental, and military realms. Even religious and philosophical beliefs are embroiled in the plutonian melee ongoing as systems and structures break down and are purposefully broken down by hidden forces. See The Changing Face of Christian Politics. Here, Pluto is especially strong because the 'god of Hades' is stationary, having turned Rx 7 hours 54 minutes prior to this eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse @25Lib15 April 15, 2014 at 3:42:18 am EDT,Hour of Mercury, this Lunar Eclipse falls upon the karmic Nodal axis with Moon-NN conjoined (good fortune in 8th house matters such as Corporatism, Big Business, Shared Resources, Insurance, Debt, Credit, Legacies, the Occult, Transformation, Death) and Sun-SN, a sign of limiting conditions in the power and leadership arena. The karmic part comes in from reaping what was sown in the past--abuse or misuse of power, etc. It is this dissenting American's opinion that our nation has much to answer for due to its dealings with others.

With my blogging time brief today, you may hopefully be able to read my chicken-scratch notes on the chart if you enlarge the image, and I shall simply add the applying aspects of the chart-ruler (Saturn with 16AQ04 rising) and sub-ruler (Uranus) to see how the proceedings may go.

However, austere Saturn makes no major applying aspects to another planet (actor) in the chart, and the Uranus-Pluto square is the only applying aspect made by tech-savvy Uranus in the 2nd house of the National Treasury. Speedy Mercury as what I call our 'tofu planet' (because it soaks up whatever flavors from a planet it touches) denotes a scientific flair to the Lunar Eclipse which may perhaps relate to the current issue of Comcast and Time-Warner merging into a communications leviathan.

Uranus is squared by Mars and Jupiter (in the Grand Cross pattern). The Mars-Uranus square brings in an unfortunate amount of danger, foolhardiness, recklessness, and quarrels into April's lunar picture and since all eclipses act as 'wildcards of the Universe', we never know what secrets may be revealed. Having the Pisces trio rising in 1st house (Neptune, Venus, and Chiron) can actually spotlight the Vatican or the Vatican Bank which is known to have laundered money, among other anti-social activities. I mention the Vatican because of its veneration of Mary as a goddess (Venus-Neptune) and Chiron's role as The Priest. (Plus, POTUS travels to Rome to kiss the Pope's golden ring in March; Queen Elizabeth to do the same in early April. Pluto may also represent the Pope.)

1st House Neptune: Dissolution, Fraud, Erosion, Propaganda?

With Neptune rising, we may meet with conditions that are out of anyone's control and which cause tears to flow. Neptune oversees water, oceans, rivers, wells, and catastrophes such as the disasters the world is already experiencing in West Virginia and elsewhere. See Water in America: Is It Safe to Drink?. Yes, April 2014 is a good time to question water safety issues and to find inspired solutions--and I freely admit to being one of those who see the Keystone XL Pipeline as a major threat to water tables within its leaking grasp, not to mention earthquakes and water contamination caused by fracking. And of course, Neptune rules oil and gas, too!

As for the Jupiter-Uranus square we may expect much impracticality, idealism, and misguided speculations that lead to loss. Unforeseen events and a lack of reliability may also be noticed so avoid grandiose schemes that are promoted to you as 'sure things' while this influence lasts--including schemes that are presented with religious overtones for this square tends to boost the activities of gurus, charlatans, and so-called mystics and mediums.

Up next is the 16 South Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 @9Taurus in the 3rd house of this Lunar Eclipse chart. 16S denotes issues of wasted energy especially when dealing with groups, misguided motivations, and sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling. 16S last occurred in 1996 @28Aries, conjunct the South Node of this chart--perhaps the GOP's insistence on airing the dirty laundry of the Clintons from the 1990s is on tap as shown by the SN's karmic 'dependence on past behavior' habit. How tiresome. Let it go. (Brady's 'Predictive Astrology'.)

Feb 17, 2014

Presidents' Day Feb 17, 2014: a T-Square for a radical planet

It seems rather interesting that on this Presidents' Day 2014 a T-Square forms over head between the Jupiter-Pluto opposition (Can/Cap axis) squaring radical Uranus @10Ari06, America's 'totem planet' of freedom, independence, and revolution.

And of course you know that Ebertin describes Uranus when in Mars-ruled Aries as dreamy Utopians fanatically fighting, violent, and filled with blind zeal. And you know one example of their 'dream': the determination to force the world into Global Governance and under their thumbs--those kind of people. What's interesting to me is that today's degree of planet Uranus when rounded up for its Sabian Symbol to "11Aries" "The President of the Country."

Now this word picture could refer to any country's president, even Russia's Putin with so much of the world's current emphasis upon the Sochi Olympic Games, but writing from Stars Over Washington, I naturally think first of President Obama. Especially since transit Jupiter @10Can55Rx is amongst America's natal planets in Cancer (3--14 degrees: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun, the president) and tr Pluto continues to oppose US natal Sun which shows the titanic power struggles Mr. Obama is in process of negotiating (as if creepy Pluto of the Underworld--The Global Banking Syndicate, its allies, and political puppets--can be reasoned with!)

Uranus "11Aries" = IDEALIZATION...positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value; negative (unconscious/shadow side): an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness or vain pretense.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones