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Mar 24, 2016

Dems & DOJ Have Done Nothing on Voter Suppression: 2016 Disaster Awaits

The entire Campaign 2016 has become something of a disaster for several reasons but voting conditions on November 8, 2016 may take the cake. It seems maddening and hypocritical how often Washington has pontificated to other countries on How to Hold Elections while they've managed to gum up US elections so effectively in about every way possible:

Visit Ring of Fire Radio for reports on various topics.

Mar 23, 2016

March 23, 2016: The Folly of Foreign Aid - Rand Paul

Yes, why does America borrow money from China in order to give it to Pakistan? This is precisely what (at least most of) the Founding Fathers warned against and what certain presidents attempted to avoid because it puts our nation in debt to and under the thumb of foreign entities such as the Rothschild banking system. And it's why the traitors who planned the 'federal reserve system' in the US had to do so in complete secrecy on Jekyll Island--if the American people had been aware of their Aldrich Plan, we would have tarred and feathered 'Senator' Aldrich and the rest of the crooks including Paul Warburg and the JP Morgan operatives who secretly attended.

Okay, I must quit fussing. This, from Rand Paul:

Here's a link to the video in case it disappears from Stars Over Washington.

Mar 22, 2016

Inauguration 2017 Midpoint Pictures w Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio

Before long we shall have little option but to discuss the Inauguration 2017 horoscope. However, before we do, here's a list of the 2017 Oath of Office midpoint pictures with a few potentials for their manifestation added, plus, brief notes on the Sun-Moon traits of the day (January 20, 2017 12:00 pm est Capitol Building, DC).

The midpoints of planetary energies blended together "unleash" the power of the planets involved though the apex planet may or may not activate the midpoint at that precise moment. In addition, the pictures are subject to further transits and progressions once the 'baton is passed' and the presidential term proceeds. Apex planets are: Sun (leader), Pluto (power, hidden wealth, manipulators, the pope), Venus (values, money, relationships, the goddess honored in her various guises all over Washington DC), and veiling Neptune, planet of the masses and of the media. Also added is the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction which transit Pluto now activates.

Please enlarge the image and hopefully you'll be able to read my messy scribbles:

Sun = POTUS; Moon = We the People; note that 'Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio' is also the combination of the Obama Inauguration of January 20, 2009. Will we get a familiar feeling?

"Unleash the power of the planets" refers to an excellent midpoint book by Michael Munkasey which is not used, above. Instead, midpoint pictures are from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin except for the Uranus-Neptune = Pluto pic from Solar Arcs by Noel Tyl.

Mar 21, 2016

What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%?

Here is Thom Hartmann on his interview with author Thomas Frank concerning a Democratic Party that ain't what it used to be. So you've noticed the hollowing out and the resulting lack of democracy, too?

Mar 19, 2016

March 2016: Venus conjunction Neptune in Pisces - Steve Judd

March 19, 2016: here's a freshly posted video from Bermuda by master astrologer Steve Judd concerning the current Venus-Neptune conjunction. Steve also touches on Spring Equinox 2016 which in the Eastern Time Zone perfects Sunday March 20, 2016 at 12:30 am; Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces on March 20th at 1:45 pm EDT:

In Politics and Business, the Venus-Neptune pair provides potentials for an inflated treasury which may be used to manipulate growth, scandals involving the National Treasury, appeals to the ideals of the people (during Campaign 2016), wealth that is derived from the fossil fuel industry, misstatements about internal resources (Trump's tax returns?), monetary fraud, subversives gaining access to finances, spies infiltrating financial branches, and/or art deception (Munkasey). To these I would add the Vatican for its adoration of Mary as feminine goddess, prayers directed at statuary, and graven images.

The current debate over replacing Alexander Hamilton's portrait on the 10-dollar bill vs Andrew Jackson's portrait on the 20-dollar bill with a woman's image may also come under the influence of Venus-Neptune which often includes flattering photographs.

Mar 17, 2016

The Republican Plan: Destroy The Government, Let Corporations Rule

Since 2005, one major thread of Stars Over Washington has been my complaints over Grover Norquist's ideology of 'shrink the government small enough to drown it in a bathtub' and its harsh effects in the real world on everyday Americans so it's good to hear Farron Cousins describing this better than I can along with the horrible idea of how America and We the People would manage under the heel of another disastrous Republican president:

After slogging through eight l-o-n-g years of Cheney and George W. Bush (from their SCOTUS-installed victory to the attacks of 9/11/01 to the Crash of 2008), why in the world would US voters ask for more of the GOP's authoritarian paternalism and financial oligarchy designed to weaken and destroy our nation? Why? It isn't as if the power elite will ever share a dime of their ill-gotten wealth with pilgrims such as you or me and it's foolish to think otherwise!

Could there perhaps be a much larger long-range plan afoot, a plan to which most of our politicians have taken an oath to that takes precedence over their oaths to the US Constitution and to the American people?