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Dec 19, 2017

The Tax Scam Means Some Won't Be Able To Afford Getting Sick - clip

And that's not all it means! Posted to YouTube December 18, 2017, here's a segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast concerning the GOP tax scam about to be voted on this week--maybe today (12.19)--and signed into law, perhaps next week, by Mr. Trump who, along with the rest of his crime family, will greatly benefit financially from the legislation as will the deficit-fretter Senator Bob Corker... #CorkerKickback:


Meanwhile, as of December 14, 2017, the now-in-progress Jupiter Return/s (13Scorpio44) of former President Ronald Reagan just keeps on stimulating opportunities for another GOP billion-dollar grab! Coincidence? More like a cosmic cycle Republicans are taking advantage of under the greedy auspices of their political idol (to the extent that Reagan still is an idol, for GOP codgers anyway).

Dec 18, 2017

Horoscope Dec 22 2017: Midnight on Capitol Hill

Horoscope December 22, 2017 11:59:59 pm est: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Capitol Hill legislators at midnight when the time for legislating runs out? Government shutdown? ALEC bill-writers toss Americans into the streets and off their health insurance policies? Needy children starve? Arctic wildlife is decimated by Republican oil drilling? Corporations celebrate their free money at our expense? These are merely some of the possibilities that may be brought to fruition on Capitol Hill as this sessions ends.

Please enlarge the horoscope for a few chart factors are penned on; some details are noted, below:

As you see, brash Mars @8Sco40 ('9Sco' = "Drilling for Oil") leads the throng of planets in BOWL formation with lawmaker Saturn @00Cap21 conjunct IC ('The Drain'), a symbol of mining in 4th house. The Old Man is just growing accustomed to being back in his own sign of Capricorn (the sign of government, law, and business) during this Hour of Saturn with its freshly Stationed Direct Mercury @13Sag00, and valuable if vengeful Venus @27Sag27 out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane and isolated from the other planets (actors) yet by degree, Venus conjoins the December 18, 2017 New Moon (26Sag31), the 'Syzygy Moon' of the chart.

Leaving the 12th house of Karma, Politics, and Backroom Deals is the current Solar Eclipse @28Leo32 (the chart's 'PE'), aka, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 containing 1 North vibes of "information distorted and possibly false" and "great pressure is put upon relationships" (Brady).

This chart and the conditions it reveals contains potentials for quarrels, heavy and bitter attacks (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn), hysterical outbursts (see the Moon in 5th house--almost a US natal Lunar Return), realizing plans fanatically (Mars-Pluto = Mercury), tragic realizations (Moon-Mercury = Pluto), egotism, skepticism, nervous irritation, prosperity through cooperation and consciousness of objectives (Moon-Mars = Sun), indifference (Saturn-ASC = Jupiter), a persuasive orator (Mercury-Pluto = Sun), and obliging others (ASC-MC = NN); (Ebertin).

And of course, wealthy saboteur Pluto @18Cap29 (conjunct Minerva, journal of the Hegel Society) continues stimulating the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune so we know that, "The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl); this, in part, is a picture of the bribes, payoffs, and blackmail used on Capitol Hill by wealthy donors, bankers, and foreign financiers in order to sway US legislation and subsequent vote-counting their way. Herr Hegel would be proud!

Wonder how US finances would be now if it weren't for decades of embezzlement, financial sleight of hand, misuse of taxpayer funds, backroom deals on covert ops, secret slush funds, overblown military expenditures, and outright theft of taxpayer monies?

Well, as we know, the crooks are in charge and they're attempting now to avoid the financial reckoning they so richly deserve for their decades-long mismanagement of America's resources which rightly belong to...

Looking ahead to 2018, here's a link to the next Solar Eclipse of February, 15, 2018 @27AQ, what I prefer to call the We The People Solar Eclipse.

Dec 17, 2017

Net Neutrality Affects Us All - Surviving the Matrix

Here is a recent message from Max Igan concerning Net Neutrality, episode 317 from his Surviving the Matrix series via American Voice Radio:

Visit Max's The Crowhouse for more broadcasts, podcasts, and interviews on a variety of important topics.

Dec 16, 2017

A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny

Facing Year 2018, America as Bacon's Utopian Dream of a 'New Atlantis' Careens On

by Jude Cowell

First, here is a C-rated natal horoscope for (Sir) Francis Bacon if you're curious. And here's an informative web page that displays and compares Bacon's natal chart with that of his mother, Queen Elizabeth I. Yes, she was apparently his mother so Bacon was a 'Tudor'.

Now Francis Tudor Bacon's birth name was Aron Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, in case you were wondering. The little prince was born in London, England on January 22, 1561 (OS)/February 1, 1562 (NS) at 7:42 am LMT (original source unknown, hence its C-rating though legendary astrologer William Lilly may have something to do with it).

Now, as we face year 2018, why bring up Sir Francis and his royal lineage here on Stars Over Washington? Not because the Mars rising with royal Regulus (the 'kingmaker' star) fellow named Trump now playing the role of president is a 'monarch' in his own mind (he is), but because I've always included posts here concerning America as the New Atlantis and have added other of the more esoteric topics and mysteries which include what some call The Secret Destiny of America. And that 'secret destiny' is very much linked to Sir Francis Bacon his cousin Bartholemew Gosnold, and others of their ilk who did what they could during their life times to bring Utopian ideals into reality upon this particular continent. That they had plenty of financial, political, religious, astrological, and occult help through the ensuing centuries implementing The Great Plan seems plain to me, but if not so to you, then yours truly has done a lousy job disseminating such intriguing information these 12+ years (and mixed in with my continual 'common good' dissent against rubbish government officials in breach of the public trust; turns out, it's a huge job).

Actually, this post is inspired by my re-reading of Final Warning: A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera who has investigated the mystery of the Bruton Parish Vault where Nathaniel Bacon, nephew of Sir Francis, is said to have secreted an unabridged version of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis (America as Utopia)--perhaps along with several other documents, artifacts, maps, and more. Noted author and researcher Graham Hancock has quite a bit to say about this mystery as well and you may wish to see his The Treasure of Destiny page which tells of Marie Hall's famous search for the Vault--she, the wife of esteemed astrologer and author Manley Palmer Hall.

Now for years I've been interested in the Bruton Parish Church and its Vault mystery. President Thomas Jefferson is thought to have been the last person to see its contents in 1803! (Then was it reburied elsewhere? perhaps under the Washington DC Ellipse during the Civil War?) So when my genealogical research pointed toward Jamestown's earliest days and then on to Colonial Williamsburg, I was intrigued to discover that Colonel John Page (1628--1692) had donated the land on which Bruton Parish Church was built (plus, he donated a generous offering to fund it) for there is a Page in my 'family woodpile', you might say.

So were John and/or other Page family members 'in on' the secreting of the historical treasure? Will America's 'Secret Destiny' ever be revealed by its contents or by other means? What did Williamsburg renovator John D. Rockefeller know and when did he know it? And is our national destiny encoded on the reverse side of America's Great Seal (image shown) where, "The mystery and vagueness of these 'disembodied' symbols conceal their meaning?" (Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, Robert Hieronimus, PhD.)

The pyramid shaped grave monument in the Bruton Churchyard is that of Colonel John's son David Bray and wife Elizabeth Page Bray and is said by some to hide a passageway to the hidden Vault. No, they are not in my direct ancestral line for David died young and the couple had no issue, as they say. But if one wanted a mystery to ponder which included elements of history, archaeology, early America, genealogy, secret societies, and esotericism, the Bruton Parish Vault could be a good place to start, don't you think?

Yet for those who prefer modern times, a visit to the Church or the website of the Bruton Parish Episcopal Church may be more to their liking.

Related Posts include:

The History of the Freemasons and the Skull and Bones (video) posted in May 2016 on Friday the 13th; A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC; Is This the Most Important Date in US History?, a video (Astrology added) in which an event in 1588 is discussed and subsequently 'bolstered increased interest in the colonization of the North American continent' along the lines and blueprint of Sir Francis Bacon's Platonic Utopian dream. And here, facing year 2018, we remain plopped and wondering.

Yet is it curious that the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse @22Leo shone upon a certain planetary conjunction in the 1588 event chart? Follow the link to view the horoscopes of the February 2017 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with both charts set for Washington DC. Or, perhaps you'd rather look ahead toward the Eclipses and a Few Other Cosmic Events of 2018.

Dec 15, 2017

The Generation Lost To income Inequality (w/ Richard Wolff) - clip

December 14, 2017: in this segment Thom Hartmann speaks with economist Dr. Richard Wolff concerning income inequality, its policies and genesis under the Reagan presidency in particular and its debilitating effects upon generations of Americans and, tragically, the great loss it brings to the Millennial Generation:


Astrologically, you may remember the infamous Reaganomics Solar Eclipse of 1981 (horoscope shown on Jude's Threshold) and do you know that with transit Jupiter in Scorpio we are now laboring under Ronald Reagan's three-fer Jupiter Return as of December 14, 2017 with the last conjunction on July 26, 2018? Note that the Reaganomics Solar Eclipse fell in the 1 North Saros Series--the same series as The (current) Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017. On many levels, I'd say that Mr. Trump is making certain that America is 'eclipsed'.

So the tax give-away to the wealthy that Republicans hope to force into law against all reason (masquerading as 'tax reform') intends to make income inequality even starker for 99% of us. That hag they follow, Ayn Rand, would be so proud of her super-selfish modern-day acolytes!

Dec 14, 2017

Loss of Net Neutrality? Technocracy is the Real Threat

With the loss of Net Neutrality a fact, the following October 27, 2016 article by Patrick Wood is a must-read for its broader perspective and is re-posted below with the author's express permission.

Tower of Babel, Pieter Brueghel the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Technocracy: The Real Reason Why the UN Wants Control Over the Internet

by Patrick Wood

By its very nature, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization exclusively run by Technocrats. As such, it is an apolitical body that is happy to serve whatever form of governance exists as long as funding is received and salaries are paid. To a Technocrat, a world run by science and technology is better than any other form of governance.

That Technocrats have played a supporting role in world history is unquestioned. Scientists, engineers and technicians played a huge role in the Communist dictatorship in the former Soviet Union (For instance, see Science and the Soviet Social Order). Technocrats likewise played a central role in support of Adolph Hitler and National Socialism (See Scientists, Engineers and National Socialism). In both cases, the Technocrat goal was not necessarily Communism or Nazism, but rather the methodical exercise of science according to its Scientific Method. In other words, the process was more important than the outcome – and in both cases, the outcome was not questioned or resisted, but simply accepted.

The reason that ICANN formerly served the interests of the United States was simply that it answered to our government’s judicial, legislative and executive branches. In other words, the U.S. held the umbrella over ICANN and that was enough to keep it working for our national interests and not for someone else’s interests.

Obama changed that when he cut ICANN loose on September 30, 2016 by letting the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) contract expire without being renewed. After expiration, we forever lost the right to renew the contract again.

So, ICANN is now a “free-agent” looking for shelter in the same way that a boll weevil looks for a cotton plant: it needs a host organization in order to practice its craft, and, I dare say, it doesn’t care one whit who that host is.

It is no secret that the United Nations is making a play to become host to ICANN. In particular, the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU), run by the Peoples Republic of China, is expected to play the central role in this effort. However, whether it is the ITU or some other UN agency is immaterial because it will still be the UN in the end.

But, why the UN? Because it is the fountainhead of the plans and operations to establish Technocracy as the sole global economic system while destroying capitalism and free enterprise. Technocracy is the issue here. Others know it as Sustainable Development or Green Economy, but the correct historical term is Technocracy.

In February 2015, the head of climate change at the UN, Christiana Figures, stated,

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” [emphasis added]

What is unclear about this? Sustainable Development, or Technocracy, is a resource-driven economic model regulated by energy rather than by supply and demand plus monetary currencies. In 1938, the original Technocrats defined Technocracy as “the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population.”

To achieve its Utopia goals, the UN must have ICANN’s steering wheel and throttle. But while everyone is stressing over Internet censorship of web sites and the suppression of free speech, the real prize is completely overlooked: The Internet of Things (IoT).

In terms of “follow the money”, IoT is expected to generate upwards of $3 trillion by 2025 and is growing at a rate of at least 30 percent per year. In other words, it is a huge market and money is flying everywhere. If the UN can figure out a way to tax this market, and they will, it will provide a windfall of income and perhaps enough to make it self-perpetuating. Currently, the UN is financed by contributions from member states.

But, what is the IoT and who cares? IoT are the connections between inanimate objects and the humans that depend upon them. The digital Smart Meter on your home communicates energy usage via WiFi to the utility company; but it also communicates with the major appliances in your home and can even control them remotely without your consent or knowledge. The smart phone that you carry communicates with cell towers and localized signal receptors to create a map of your every movement. Smart home technology lets your stereo send sound to remote wireless speakers and to light bulbs equipped with sensors. The security camera that you installed to watch your home while you were on vacation can communicate with other cameras, microphones, the police department, etc. Examples go on and on.

ICANN issues the so-called IP addresses that are assigned to all these devices on a global basis. The original addressing scheme, IPV4, was based on four blocks of up to three digits each, punctuated with a period (e.g., This scheme allows for a discrete address for up to 16.8 million devices. A few years ago, IPV4 ran out of numbers, forcing Internet service providers, corporations and other organizations to improvise internal numbering systems, known as ‘proxy servers’, to issue safe addresses to devices within their own domain. These systems are not only fragile, but they are bloated beyond reason and generally easy to hack.

To fix this, ICANN devised a new IP numbering system called IPV6, which adds two more blocks of numbers (e.g., This scheme provides for 3.4×1038 addresses, or 340 trillion, 282 billion, 366 million, 920 thousand, 938 — followed by 24 zeroes. There is probably a way to say this number, but I cannot imagine what it would be. It’s somewhere beyond a trillion trillion unique numbers for every human being on earth!

Thus, IPV6 provides a way to assign a unique and directly addressable number to every electronic device on earth… for centuries to come.

As IPV6 rolls out to the world, the modified mission for ICANN will be to inventory and categorize the device attached to each IP address. For instance, all the air conditioners in the world would be directly addressable from a single list. Likewise for all computers, all automobiles, all cameras, all phones, all refrigerators, all articles of clothing, etc.

Whoever has control over and access to this data will literally be able to control the entire world, down to the last minutiae – and that is the United Nations’ exact mission: inventory, monitor and control.

But, this concept was set in history long before the technology existed. The original bible of Technocracy, the Technocracy Study Course (1934), laid out the hard requirements necessary for its implementation:

“Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy.

“By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

“Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption

“Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used

“Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.” [Scott, Howard et al, Technocracy Study Course, p. 232]

As I thoroughly documented in my book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (Amazon link, below), the United Nations is indeed the engine of modern Technocracy and as such, it is acting in a perfectly predictable manner. It seeks to establish a global Scientific Dictatorship where it controls all resources, all production and limits all consumption to its own liking. These Technocrats will dutifully apply their pseudo-scientific methodology to every problem in the world, and simply issue instructions to the net to ‘make it so.’

Yes, free speech will decrease and censorship will increase, but that pales in comparison to the real prize of the IoT that the United Nations desperately wants and needs in order to accomplish its own twisted goals.

Congress never understood this when they passively let Obama fail to renew our contract with ICANN. However, Obama and his globalist handlers understood it perfectly well, which makes the deception and treachery of it even worse. Thanks to this scurrilous bunch, the world has just been sold into digital slavery, from which there may be no return.

Link to Patrick Wood's original article: Technocracy: The Real Reason Why the UN Wants Control Over the Internet.

Patrick Wood is Editor-in-Chief of Technocracy.News and author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. He is a frequent guest on radio programs around the world, and is the leading spokesman for resistance against the implementation of Technocracy.

You may also wish to see a SO'W post from March 2010: Technocracy Is the Real Threat to Our Freedoms. And here's a view of the United Nations natal horoscope with transiting planets of President Obama's UN General Assembly Address of September 2013 around it.

Dec 13, 2017

115th Congress to Reconvene January 3, 2018

December 13, 2017: The US Congress has released its 2018 calendar according to Roll Call for those who are curious. Members of the 115th Congress are expected to reconvene for a second session on January 3, 2018, a typical date for this event. How do I know this date is typical? Because as a child I got the impression that they reconvened for little me whose birthday is on January 3rd! And yes, this Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter Capricorn paid attention to Politics, even then, as did my parents.

Now many breaks are on the 2018 congressional schedule so you might wish to take a look and marvel. For example, summer recess on Capitol Hill begins July 27th, and they'll take one full month off starting October 13, 2018, just so you know. Of course, one 'biggie' event right off the bat will be the swearing in of the new Senator from Alabama and at this point in time it looks to be Democrat Doug Jones. Will Republican senate leadership balk at scheduling the oath-taking of a Democrat from Alabama? Hopefully, they'll act like big boys and do the correct thing but as you know, that's not a certainty we can depend on these days. Still, a huge sigh of relief must have escaped Mitch McConnell when Alabama's Roy Moore lost the Special Election last evening with all that controversial baggage of his!

Note that PBS NewsHour has posted a video of Doug Jones's remarks after his victory--and he sounds so reasonable and well-informed!

As for astrological conditions on January 3, 2018 which will cosmically imprint upon the 115th's second session, its members and political events in the US until January 2019, let's take a quick peek at a noon horoscope, a time of day that gives the Codgers of Congress enough of a chance to mosey their patooties into their seats.

January 3, 2018's Sun @13Cap16 is sandwiched between lady Venus (11:55) and wealthy saboteur Pluto (18:52) with the planetary trio suggesting potentials for 'skills in demolition, acts of elimination, delight with eliminating ego or pride, and/or selfish acts involving sexual perversion' (Munkasey).

Oddly enough, sober Saturn @1Cap42 (the planet representing government, law, and business--and lawmakers) is unaspected which bodes ill for organizational abilities, the sense of duty, and concentration. Random influences can interfere with direction and goals of this Saturn and a lack of motivation to take control of one's ungrounded behavior may be evident along with timing and scheduling issues.

Meanwhile, Mars and Jupiter in sexy Scorpio announce their upcoming conjunction, exact on January 6, 2018 @17Sco55. Plus, light remains from the very recent New Year's Day 2018 Full Moon @11Can37 (DC horoscope shown) which glows along with January 3rd Venus now conjoining the 2018 lunation with its phase of fulfillment, culmination, awareness, and relationship. Unsurprisingly, women and women's issues are favored on January 3, 2018 and during the second session--for one thing, this shows in the Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend of the day. But so do snobbery, strong wills, and purposeful ambition--not that those last two are necessarily negatives in Politics.

Additionally, Earth-Fire blends can denote 'the bulldozer' and its Saturnian-Solar energies display a distinct need for power. But I guess we don't need Astrology to tell us that about the plucky folk who climb their way up the political ladder onto Capitol Hill and like to 'lord it over' the rest of us!

For more Sun-Moon blend info, please see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Astro-Notes: Senator-Elect Doug Jones

December 13, 2017: As you've heard, last night Democratic candidate Doug Jones was elected to the US Senate by Alabama residents who thereby voted their state into the 21st century. Of course, Jones' opponent in the Special Election, the controversial Roy Moore, intends to contest election results if there's any basis for doing so (exs: military votes have yet to be counted, a difference of less than 1/2% will automatically trigger a re-count--and voting Mercury is retrograde now).

Contested, re-counted, or final, let's see what can be gleaned from a speculative natal horoscope for Doug Jones--speculative since no birth time is known so 'noon' is used but with a 24-hour range of degrees for natal Sun and Moon. Yet a few chart factors are knowable even without correct timing of his birth. For instance, Mercury in Taurus (logical thinking) and Venus in Gemini (courtesy and cooperation, a desire for discussion) are in Mutual Reception and thus 'friendly' with one another.

Born May 4, 1954 in Fairfield, Alabama (Jefferson County), attorney Doug Jones is known for trying and convicting the Klansmen who blew up four little girls in church in 1963 (for which I say, Major Kudos to Mr. Jones!) During the recent senate campaign, attempts to paint him by Trump and others as soft on 'law and order' rang hollow to me, and apparently did so for many voters in Alabama--some who were uncomfortable voting for an alleged sexual predator of young girls, even a Republican one named Roy Moore.

The 24-hour period of May 4, 1954 shows the Sun (conscious mind) ranging from 13Tau14 to 14Tau12 and Moon (the unconscious/emotions) from 3Gem02 to 17Gem45. The last Lunar position conjoins Trump's natal Uranus, his guiding planet of quirkiness and cantankerousness in the sign of communications--while simultaneously conjoining the Uranus of Roy Moore, all at 17Gemini+.

Doug Jones: Earth and Air

His is an Earth-Air combo of rationality, efficiency, and innovation supported by an efficient Mars in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (6Cap30 at noon). However, Earth-Air blends have a tendency to become 'dry as dust' and give little attention to the emotional and/or intangible sides of life and may 'blow hot and cold' emotionally which can cause problems in close relationships. Yet this well-directed energy easily supports a career in law enforcement and, perhaps, in politics.

Doug Jones: Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini = 'earthy yet breezy'

Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini denotes one who is down-to-earth and charming, a witty conversationalist, and dogmatic yet flippant. An impulsive talker, Mr. Jones personifies the 'country mouse vs city mouse' archetype and desires control and certainty in life while arguing and bullying his way along (useful traits for a legal prosecutor, I imagine.) This blend shows that his is a clear-headed and practical intelligence with a good business sense, and he is able to consider new ideas and put the worthy ones into practice without much fuss. With maturity, Doug Jones has probably learned that flexibility, not confrontation, gets the best results for all concerned.

The Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini personality blend of Doug Jones is shared natally by some interesting folk including George Carlin, Fred Astaire, Shirley Temple, Sigmund Freud, Russia's Catherine the Great, and France's Teilhard de Chardin. Such intriguing company to keep!

At noon on May 4, 1954, powerful Pluto @22Leo32 rises (ASC 22Leo28) and is greatly strengthened by its Station Direct condition. Pluto brings along Pallas, the ethics asteroid. (His Chiron @28Cap39 is Station Retrograde upon US natal Pluto, a plutocracy pairing.) Some caution is advised since 22/23Leo is the 'foot in mouth' or 'worst foot forward' degree (A. Louis) so we may see something occur with future Senator Jones along those lines concerning the realms of plutonian leadership (Pluto in Leo).

Also rising at noon is the midpoint between Moon and Saturn, a signature of ambition and strategy (Tyl). Moon-Saturn = Pluto suggests potentials for 'rising in life by force, a need for self-reliance, the threat of loss' (attorneys must feel this constantly), and, added by yours truly: ambition (Moon-Saturn) for power (Pluto). Last night he achieved this goal, if it sticks until his swearing in to Congress in early January 2018.

Another revealing midpoint picture which stays in effect for the 24 hours of his birth date is Pluto-NN = Saturn suggesting an ability to read people (Munkasey), fighting against oppression (as in the 1963 church bombing case), and truculence and rebelliousness (Ebertin). To this picture I would add powerful connections (Pluto-NN) to authority figures (Saturn). And of course, law-abiding Saturn also represents lawmakers such as those on Capitol Hill, and Pluto-NN contains a "tiger by the tail" flavor.

Now let's close for now with the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Doug Jones was born. This Solar Eclipse (his PE) manifested on January 5, 1954 @14Cap13 in the 10 North Saros series and falls between his natal Mars (6Cap30, as noted) and North Node (16Cap42), a pair denoting teamwork and encounters with police forces and/or the military. 10 North themes are: inhibiting or frustrating events arrive having to do with news, paperwork and/or a young person; tiredness and a drained feeling may be attached; it's best to work through any difficulties one at a time (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady).

When a Prenatal Eclipse manifests in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, karmic advancement can occur by way of dedication and hard work, often at the expense of personal pleasure and worldly prestige. There are karmic links to authority figures (the father, or others he respects, probably older than him) and there is a tendency to join professional organizations and to show interest in government affairs. Here is what some people call 'an old soul' whose mission in life is to teach or enlighten others yet it may be difficult to reach out as a teacher from a spiritual standpoint unless karmic (reaping what's been sown) spiritual lessons have been learned (paraphrasing Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman).

The most recent occurrence of a 10 North Solar Eclipse was on February 7, 2008 @18Aquarius; the next will be on February 17, 2026 @29Aquarius, a critical-crisis 29th degree. Three days later (Feb 20) transit Saturn and Neptune will conjoin in Great Conjunction @00Ari45, the Cardinal Aries Point of world fame, recognition, and fortune.

Well, there's my incomplete-without-a-birth-time astro-view of Senator-elect Doug Jones. More of his planetary chart factors are worthy of noting, of course, so I hope you may set up a natal chart for him and see what you discover!


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.