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Apr 15, 2024

Horoscopes: Israel and Iran

April 2024: Israel and Iran Tension and Conflict

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Here on SO'W in January 2024, we considered the Iran Islamic Republic Horoscope (April 1, 1979; Campion #159) with January 2024 transits surrounding it. Considering the current tension between Iran and Israel, and the potential for starting a world war that no one in their right minds wants, here's the bi-wheel again with Israel's Horoscope added, below:

Then on May 17, 2021, we looked at a bi-wheel of Israel (May 14, 1948) set, or re-set, for Jerusalem surrounded by the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sag26 which landed upon Israel's 1948 Nemesis (Rx @5Sag24), the asteroid/archetype of divine retribution and/or the unbeatable foe; you'll notice other contacts as well:

A New Week Begins at Stars Over Washington

Now I have no new horoscopes to show you today due to my HP printer-scanner crashing this morning. Whether troubleshooting efforts can get it running again, it's too soon to tell. As a last resort I may turn to cell phone photos of horoscopes shared to Instagram which will hardly suffice for SO'W posts. This will be annoying to you and to me, plus, some charts may be hand-drawn.

Meanwhile, today is April 15 and jury selection for the first Trump Trial NYC began this morning which could take up to 2 to 3 weeks to complete before opening arguments and testimonies begin, so I'll do as best I can here muddling through somehow without a printer-scanner; therefore, your kind patience will be gratefully appreciated! jc

In closing, here's my previous post about today's Election Interference (2016) Trump Trial showing the 9:30 an edt horoscope with 25 Gemini rising.

Apr 12, 2024

Stormy Legalities: The 1st Trump Trial

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On Monday April 15, 2024, the Election Interference Trial of former NY playboy Trump, also known as his "Hush Money" Trial involving pay-offs to adult film star Stormy Daniels, is scheduled to open with jury selection. Fatefully, Trump's "prez bid New Moon" of June 16, 2015 rises at 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY on that very day along with Trump's 10th house trio of Sun-North-Node-Uranus - all in duplicitous Gemini.

Now as you know, the pay-offs to Stormy through attorney Michael Cohen occurred in October 2016 just prior to Election 2016 in November and would have been politically risky for 2016 candidate Trump if publicly known especially since the Washington Post on October 7, 2016, published an article and the video of Trump's lewd, crude, boastful Access Hollywood remarks.

Monday April 15, 2024: Much More Than Tax Day

Visible at 9:30 am edt are three difficult planets in 10th house and if we read them as a midpoint picture (Saturn-Neptune = Mars) we might suspect that Mars rising Trump (born with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint of illness rising) will be feeling quite listless and will be preoccupied - probably with his sense of martyrdom and unfairness (his Jupiter in Libra) on display. To this picture Michael Munkasey adds, "defending shabby practices." Well, yes.

An unmarked Horoscope of the "Hush Money" Trial:

And below is a tri-wheel of horoscopes with Trump natal (inner), Stormy Daniels natal (center), and the 9:30 am edt "Hush Money" Trial Horoscope of April 15, 2024 (outer) which is also shown, above:

Incidentally, Election 2016 Sun @17Scorpio as Trump's victory was announced conjoined Venus' position in sexy Scorpio as the tape and article were published. This cast a bright spotlight upon lady Venus in Scorpio, with the placement's strong power of attraction and tendency toward jealousy. So perhaps hiding his rendezvous with Stormy (and relationship with Karen!) was a part of his clumsy pay-off plan.

And as we know, the Sun-Venus duo can be romantic but also relates to birth, a symbol of wife Melania at home with newborn Barron while her hubby was out romping with an adult film star named Stormy. Serial adulterer he, a cad and a bounder.

Now besides Stormy and Michael Cohen (who did prison time for his part in the pay-off/cover-up scheme), it's reported that Trump's National Enquirer pal David Pecker may also testify in the Trump "Hush Money" Trial next week (about their "catch-and-kill" scheme), or however long the proceedings screech on, as may Trump's former WH associate Hope Hicks.

So I hope you'll stay tuned to SO'W for more details as seen through a common good astrological lens by yours truly!

A Related Post: The 17 South Eclipse Brought Trump's "prez bid" announcement in June 2015.

Plus, Reuters News Service published a Timeline of the hush money payments and criminal charges, for the curious reader.

And for a refresher on the entire unsavory situation, nab a chuckle with SNL's Michael Cohen Wiretap Cold Open.

Apr 10, 2024

Republican Party's Neptune in April 2024

The GOP's Neptune in Pisces: Mars-Saturn Says Hello!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Image: Neptune Ascends; pencil on paper, Jude Cowell Art

Today at 4:36 pm ET, transit Mars and transit Saturn conjunct @14Pis40. Below you see a bi-wheel of the Republican Party's March 20, 1854 Horoscope showing Neptune @14Pis01 in 6th house.

Penned on the chart, below, are notes describing the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by the trio of Mars-Saturn and Neptune. Quite a clash! Because the Mars-Saturn duo is destructive, harmful energy with stop-and-go tendencies, while gaseous Neptune is all soft and gooey. Plus, the point of Mars-Saturn is known as the death axis (R. Ebertin), and Neptune is a known associate in cases of death, often through poison, toxins, fumes, or water such as oceans.

Now as you see, a few other astro-notes are included on the chart, however, this post is limited to today's planetary meet-up with the GOP's Neptune, planet of deception, secrecy, gaslighting, lies, fraud, subversion, erosion, impossible dreams, mass media, and the masses currently floating through the shady sign of Pisces. Then notably, Neptune when in Pisces inspires creativity yet often gives rise to pathological inclinations, plus, fear, anxiety, and general paranoia:

Yes, this is a temporary influence but its affects may be expected to extend until the next Mars-Saturn Conjunction in April 2026, by my best guess. Yet its energies may be activated by transits and progressions if one has the time and enough curiosity to keep an eye on it using the Conjunction Horoscope.

Previously on SO'W: Midpoint pictures of a Neptunian GOP: Crossing the Great Water.

Apr 9, 2024

Is History on Russia's Side?

From Khrushchev's Lips to Trump's Wide Girth

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When speaking about capitalist states in a speech at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956, Russian de facto leader Nikita Khrushchev famously said, "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." Since then, the correct translation of his words has been in doubt in various quarters, as noted on the phrase's Wikpedia page.

Later, on August 24, 1963 in a speech he delivered in Yugoslavia, Khrushchev confided, "I once said, 'We will bury you', and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." This refers to the Marxist saying, The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism (a quote from The Communist Manifesto).

Q: Are the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists being described here? We know their sedition campaign to collapse The Establishment, what they call the deep (Neptune) state (Saturn) is ongoing with more to come, so what do you think?

Now I'm pretty certain that if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment you know that the Saturn-Neptune duo can represent multiple concepts such as Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Marxism, and other -isms in political realms along with social safety net programs, ill and poor people, suffering, renunciation, and ascetism. I would add, a strugggle between idealism and materialism, secret government, and the pair's midpoint as the illness axis. (Notably, Trump was born with Saturn-Neptune = Ascendant: oppressive family circumstances.)

To Saturn-Neptune's Probable Manifestations, Reinhold Ebertin adds,

"+ Methodical execution of plans, slow attainment of success through intense activity and great painstaking effort.

- Painful or tormenting emotional inhibitions, undermining circumstances leading to a state of illness, neuroses or diseases with causes difficult to ascertain." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin #ad)

And so for your consideration, here's a bi-wheel of America July 4, 1776 5:09 m LMT Philadelphia (inner) surrounded by the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune on February 20, 2026 conjunct the Aries Point/IC with potentials for illness, wrong thinking, hysteria, and perhaps social safety net program issues which relate, of course, to the old grump about America as a socialist nation taking care of her needy citizens:

Now it's true that not all astrologers use a late afternoon July 4, 1776 Horoscope for America (which at the least symbolizes the date of the Declaration of Independence though not its first vote), but I've found the chart useful through the years with its Cardinal World Points of Global Events conjunct the MC-IC Angles of Why? and How?. So the chart I use in the bi-wheel, above, is set for Philadelphia at 5:09 pm LMT which places the highly significant Aries Point on the Foundation Point (IC).

Penned on the chart is the IC's Sabian Symbol: "A Woman Has Arisen From the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her." Naturally, e pluribus unum and America's Great Seal are suggested - at the Founding of our nation.

Plus, the inner horoscope also shows America's 1776 Saturn and Neptune straddling the Goal, Aspiration, Public Status Point ('MC'; @00Lib47) in the 9th and 10th houses, so the 2026 Conjunction symbolically opposes 1776 Saturn and Neptune, something of a Full Moon phase of culmination, full awareness, and/or fulfillment, if we wish to consider it as such.

And yes, astrologically it's all on the messy side, inexact to be exact, but as "they" always say, the proof will be in the pudding - once or before the next Great Conjunction of Saturn-Neptune rolls around.

For more financial and political details, here's an informative video, Marxism vs Communism, a Thom Hartmann interview with economist Richard Wolff from May 2019.

Apr 8, 2024

A 2024 Candidate Has a Jupiter Return in 2024!

Which Candidate Has a Jupiter Return in 2024?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

First, the elephant in the room. At the tragic Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, the leading Democratic presidential candidate in 1968, his son RFK Jr was only 14 years old. The negative effects of such a horror are incalculable upon a young son, a son now running for US president in 2024. We might think that such a potential includes a large measure of courage, however, if it weren't for the fact that as a third party candidate in November 2024, RFK Jr may act as a "spoiler" who will siphon votes from President Biden and toss victory to fasc*st Trump, aka, 'agent orange'.

Jupiter in Gemini: the desire for many connections; a love of change; a carefree attitude; superficiality (R. Ebertin).

Now Jupiter the politician, banker, priest, and/or corportatist isn't the only factor when it comes to winning elections but, out of Biden and Trump, it may be a significant factor in the 'good fortune' department that Robert Kennedy Jr is the only candidate with a measure of Jupiterian support in 2024 - into 2025. And since his natal Jupiter links to his natal and Return 9th house via Sagittarius and Pisces cusps, we could be talking foreign money rolling in.

The point is, on a cosmic and political level the years 2024 into 2025 will bring RFK Jr a three-fer Jupiter Return (once his currently operative April 30, 2013 Jupiter Return wanes). Above is a dual image of his natal horoscope (lower left; January 17, 1954) along with the first of his three-fer Jupiter Returns on August 18, 2024 (upper right), with Jupiter's cycle of approximately 12 years' duration.

The cyclical repetition of a three-fer Return suggests an extended period of learning whatever lessons his natal Jupiter, leading a Locomotive shape of ruthless determination toward success, should teach him. Naturally, one assumes that finances are part of the picture. Or perhaps that's financiers (with an ulterior motive of aiding Trump). However this may be, Saturn squares his natal Jupiter in August as does Venus (see the T-Square listed, below) so delays and blockages are indicated - and may relate in some way to his father.

Now a variety of astro-notes messily penned on and around the charts are only a partial reading, and mostly relate to his natal Jupiter. The dates of his second and third Returns are listed and highlighted in green. And as you see, today's 8 North Solar Eclipse of 'dreams and visions' manifested precisely upon his natal Midheaven (!) which probably provides a lift to his professional objectives, or at least to his druthers.

Planetary Returns Repeat Natal Planets' Aspects

Notably, each of his Jupiter Returns through the years have repeated the only natal aspect to his natal Jupiter - an inconjunct from natal Mars in Scorpio. This aspect reveals Mr. Kennedy to be a gambler or risk-taker with a need to impress people. The inconjunct may attract fairweather friends, and suggests that obstacles to success may be based on unusual perspectives, a lack of realism, and/or a tendency to misjudge people or situations through overrating or underrating others; this may cause him to belittle those who deserve his respect (A. Epstein). Yet we shall see if maturity has improved his perspectives as the campaign trundles on.

Then as you see listed on the August 18, 2024 Return chart, transit Venus and Saturn oppose one another and form a dynamic T-Square pattern with his natal Jupiter at apex. This planetary trio suggests tricky legalisms and illegitimate relationships (R. Ebertin).

There are more cosmic factors of note, of course, but let's close this post for now. If Mr. Kennedy stays in the 2024 race perhaps another assessment will be appropriate so let's see how the 2024 campaign goes, then decide.

Previously on SO'W: Robert F. Kennedy Jr and the Great American Eclipse of 2024 which contains my source for his birth time (Black Swan!), a dual image of both his unmarked natal chart, plus, today's 8 North Eclipse set for Washington DC.

Apr 5, 2024

An Overview of the April 8, 2024 Eclipse

A Total and Visible Eclipse During Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell

The Presidential Election of our first official president, George Washington, was held from December 15, 1788 to January 7, 1789, and results have long been known.

As for our Election 2024, on Tuesday April 8, 2024, a Total Solar Eclipse in the 8 North Series repeats as The Great American Eclipse, the third of three (also in 1878 and 2017) visible across the US.

So because next week's April 8th Eclipse is in partile conjunction with wounded healer Chiron, both @19Ari24, and because America's founding Chiron of 1776 is @20Ari08, I looked back at the 1700s time frame for the manifestation of an 8 North Eclipse during that era and found that an 8 North Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1789 @25Sco16:15 - conjunct the initial 8 North 1501 Eclipse's Pluto, apex planet of the YOD pattern as noted, above, and representing power and transformation. Astro-notes are penned on the chart shown, below.

Now I haven't checked out all the 8 North Eclipses in between, but the Eclipse-Pluto contact does qualify as a cosmic time link between 1501 and 1789, and at its worst, can denote manipulation, criminal and/or violent offenses, with war being an obvious potential, then and now. Yet unlike individuals in 1501, one major difference in 1789 is that George Washington refused to accept the title of "king" and was inaugurated, not crowned. Such is the example our government has followed yet nowadays, malicious malcontents threaten violence and another "civil war" in order to force their wills upon the rest of us.

Because with current events and individuals of our day - there's one candidate who really really wants to be crowned "king of America" so he can fulfill Herr Adolf's "vision," avoid a prison sentence, and settle old scores. Curiously, the 8 North Horoscope of 1789 in NYC at 10:18:02 pm LMT, shows a rising asteroid, Tisiphone, with retaliation her primary objective.

Meanwhile, take a look at the initial 8 North Eclipse:

Above is the DC Horoscope of the initial 8 North Eclipse, with the Gemini lens through which all subsequent 8 Norths may be viewed in order to gain a deeper or broader picture of what was a violent era in human history (Saturn-Uranus square; Mars-Pluto trine) and how its energies may pass down to our era. As you see, the Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1501 @4Gem51:24 with Eclipse Pluto Rx @26Sco10 at apex of a YOD pattern with a Mercury-Jupiter sextile at its base. Somehow, communications and logical problem-solving were involved with this Gemini Eclipse. Check the Events of 1501 link, below, for clues.

Now besides the YOD's turning point/crisis/karmic opportunity implications, the planetary trio of 1501 forms a midpoint picture with potentials for: suggestive oration; rebuffed theories; elimination of discussions on philosophical or religious books; the big proposal; the quick advance (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl). So with history's tendency to rhyme if not repeat, the Events of 1501 are instructive and include several kingly events, treaties, battles, the Ottoman-Venetian War (1499--1503) - the arrest of Christopher Columbus, and more.

You may also wish to see the DC Horoscope of America's Chiron Return of April 20, 2024, the day of the Great Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction @21Tau50, the beginning of another of their 14-year cycles.

Additionally, Eclipses may also link years and events by degree in totally different Saros Series, creating a sensitive degree. One example is the 8 North of April 8, 2024 in Aries which conjuncts by degree a certain other Eclipse in Aries - from 1986. Check it out!

Apr 4, 2024

Wedding Day Astrology: Adolf Weds Eva

Astro-Notes: The Underground Wedding of Eva Braun

by Jude Cowell

Choosing to join him in his Berlin bunker as the Battle of Berlin raged overhead, Eva Braun's adoration of Herr Adolf resulted in some sort of "reward" for her loyalty through their marriage. Revealed in documents discovered in the bunker after their deaths, their underground wedding took place at 1:00 am CEDT April 29, 1945 with a Cardinal World Point of recognition rising as you see in the two Adolf Weds Eva Wedding Day Astrology Horoscope/s: version one contains my scribbles, version two is unmarked and shows the wedding planets' aspect grid:

As we see, the pair's Sun-Moon blend is informative, an Earth-Water combination of conscious and unconscious energies. This is the blend of The Showman: egotistical, shrewd, subjective, strategic, magnetic, and with a difficult temper and strong appetite, Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio has fixed prejudices, a desire for power, and an obsessive nature.

But considering that 33-year-old Eva Braun joined Herr Adolf underground and chose to die with him, it is perhaps two of the blend's Images for Integration (-The Harveys) that speak loudest about circumstances that early morning, and the dreary fate of Eva Braun whose natal Moon @26Vir39 had Pan and testy Mars opposing it which suggests emotional friction and her difficulty handling the situation:

Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera." See what I mean?

Now I shall leave you, dear reader, to your own assessments of their relationship, their belated, and I think depressive, marriage.

And on the topic of Herr Adolf's physical condition during his last days, you may wish to check out, This Video Reveals Hitl*r's Secret Illness.