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Showing posts with label Mercury direct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury direct. Show all posts

Jul 1, 2012

Election 2012 Mercury: Nov 6 and Nov 26 Horoscopes

Election Day Nov 6, 2012's Mercury Rx Station with the Mercury Direct Station of November 26, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Below you see an image of Election Day 2012's Mercury Station Retrograde of Nov 6 at 6:03:47 pm est (@4Sag18, lower left) and a second horoscope for the moment on November 26, 2012 when voting Mercury turns Direct at 5:47:32 pm est (@18Sco10) with both horoscopes set for the White House, the main prize for the victor.

Mercury is chart-ruler of both horoscopes and thus the determinant of both events which relate to the November 6, 2012 Presidential and Congressional Election/s. All astrologers are predicting trouble due to Mercury turning Rx on Election Day 2012 so let's consider the condition of the planet of voting, announcements, and--when Rx--disputed outcomes.

As you see, out-of-bounds Mars 22Sag23 is unaspected (who knows what Mr. Fussy the Activist is up to?) in 7th house of Legal Affairs and Open Enemies is at '23Sag', the "Immmigrants entering a New Country" degree and for this reason, and bedcause of the obvious issues with Mercury's Rx Station on Voting Day, plus, Mercury's aspects to other planets (actors), I read the charts as having immigrant/voter purge implications--a tiresome Republicn tactic--along with computer voting machine 'glitches' and possibly outright tampering or fraud.

Naturally with Mercury re-trograde, the word re-count is in the political air especially given the cantankerous nature of the 2012 Campaign and Election for much is at stake for each party. However, this common-gooder would be remiss if I didn't add that the American people have, as usual, the most to lose, and even though I believe that whoever inhabits the White House come January 21, 2013 will continue to follow a larger global agenda with few options to do otherwise, there is hopefully a difference in how the agenda is implemented, or at least that is my deep desire for the We the People.

That a One-Percenter like Mitt Romney, the watery Sun-Mercury-Mars Pisces and equal-opportunity bully, should take the helm after what Bush and Cheney perpetrated upon this nation for 8 years (culminating in Financial Heist 2008) would be an outrage! Haven't we learned anything???

Okay, I'll hush my fussing and give you a chance to appreciate both charts:

The following is meant to throw a spotlight upon what I consider to be prominent features in both charts yet I'm certain you can see many other factors of importance. As always, feel free to leave a comment if you wish!

Nov 6, 2012 6:03:47 pm est White House: Mercury's first moment Rx in 6th house of Health, Work, and Military and Police Service after just dipping below the horizon. This is a Cadent position and a natural house of Mercury (Virgo) yet Mercury is debilitated in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius; a mentally inspired Geminian Jupiter Rx (Republicans weakened due to several factors including a battle with an incumbent president) is rising in 1st house; ASC 5Gem39 is the WHAT? Point of the matter and in this case, the WHAT? is Mercury's Rx Station. It's an Hour of Saturn (restriction, control, authority) so it may be expected that the Jupiterian GOP will have managed tamperings of the voting process by and on November 6. We cannot discount that Politics is a win-at-any-cost game with powerful consequences and Jupiter is relating from a weakened position opposite his natural sign of Sagittarius and Rx as well.

Chart-ruler Mercury applies to a square with Chiron (0A42), and a trine with technology-lover Uranus (0A52) with disruptive rebel Uranus 5Ari09 Rx in 11th H of Groups and Associations, and the sub-ruler of the 10th H of Career and Public Status (MC 13AQ00.) At Midheaven you see the midpoint of the combustable pair of Mars and Uranus which gives a midpoint picture of potentials for extraordinary achievements, and/or taking drastic measures such as 'putting a gun to someone's head' (Ebertin.)

Whether a threat of gun use is actually necessary to manipulate Election 2012 we'll probably never know. But this picture may simply be a reference to the NRA gun lobby of fanatics who really really want Mr. Romney in the White House, or so I've heard.

Now where in the Election Day chart are We the People? Moon 14Leo12 conjoins IC, (Home and Domestic Scene) and the HOW? Point of any horoscope.

Now don't stay home, m'peops, for We are the How! Yes, certain undermining forces are making it more and more difficult to vote but let's not give in to them. Especially with the high-flying Kite pattern you see in the November 6 horoscope with the people's Moon as spearhead--conjoining President Obama's natal Sun in Leo!--and sextiles to the Moon from Jupiter Rx and a 5th H Venus 11Lib28. Now I agree that it's speculation and popularity (5th H) plus our innate intuition (US natal Moon in Aquarius) which must tell us that Mr. Obama is our best bet going forward given all the conflicting campaign rhetoric and distortions but the president's argument that a Romney presidency would take us backward is easy enough for a majority to agree upon unless you're of the One Percent or on their payroll.

Disagreements, quarrels, recounts, disputed outcomes, voting machine brou-ha-has, voting roll purges, and more issues may be in the news from November 6 until...November 26? Well, probably. Yet Mercury won't reach its Shadow Degree of 4Sag18 (where it retrograded) until December 14, 2012 and quickly moves beyond it so we may have another December to be anxious over--centering on or just after December 14. Hopefully the SCOTUS Justices won't underwhelm the people's middling-to-poor opinion of them as they did with Bush v Gore in December 2000 and we'll appreciate an early if legality-decorated Christmas gift to settle Election 2012, if we must.

Chart 2, upper right, shows November 26 at 5:47:32 pm est (Hour of Venus--jealousy and revenge? or attraction?) when speedy Mercury takes a stand and performs a Direct Station @18Sco10 ('19Sco' = "A Parrot Listening Then Talking"--whose script will he read?) As you see, US natal Moon is at MC, and Mercury is again in the same preparatory Cadent house in DC. Forceful Mars and Pluto are about to converge in Capricorn with Jupiter still Rx and hiding in the 12th H of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Deals.

Wishy washy Neptune 00Pis25, ruler of Mr. Romney's natal Sun, Mercury, and Mars, is strong in its own sign and at MC (the 'hiding in plain sight' position); US natal Sun conjoins the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury, and the Pluto/ASC midpoint @00:05 is prominent at Aries Point (10th H) showing that the tendency toward the use and abuse of power and persuasion are of utmost importance for determined US politicians who wish to rule the day and don't mind being ruthless in their attempts to have their way. Foreign control and plutonian global meddling may also be shown by Pluto/ASC = AP, a World Point of Manifestation.

Now I know that most if not all astrologers have predicted victory for President Barack Obama in 2012 and I wish to whole-heartedly concur. Yes, this is probably the case--and yet there seems to me to be quite a few circumstances where the Romney camp can manipulate the outcome of Election 2012 as well as provide GOP interference to affect congressional races. And why should we think otherwise when they've made themselves perfectly clear by obstructionism and bald-faced statements and lies against Pres. Obama, for in their pride and arrogance they imagine themselves to be the only suitable residents of the White House! How tiresomely they brag.

Yet you know what they say: sometimes you just want to be wrong!

So with Election Day 2012 Mercury turning Rx on the exact day of the elections, the eventual results are certain to be in dispute or clouded by murky conditions (exs: computer 'glitches' or tamperings, robo-calls meant to confuse voters, etc) on into December, and may never be as clear as the American people would prefer and deserve them to be. It seems that our best chance to renounce neocon hawks is a grand turn-out for the President which will make election outcomes as perfectly clear as they can possibly spite of all the jackassian political tricks Washington underminers have to offer!

Apr 8, 2011

Gov Shutdown and a Mystery at Stars Over Washington 4.8.11

Author of Stars Over Washington Stumped (more than usual)

by Jude Cowell

As a US government shutdown looms large, Stars Over Washington has to wonder if the stars will dim tonight over our nation's capital at 12:01 am edt. Both sides will look bad in this stalemate though which party takes most of the blame remains to be seen. Republicans adding social issues to the budget agreement seems calculated to guarantee a shutdown since the GOP knows the Dems won't accept its passage with such controversial riders attached.

Plus, the upcoming debt limit debate seems stalemated before it gets a good start.

Astrologically Speaking

Can the current Mercury retrograde period have something to do with the impasse? Mercury rules agreements, bills, voting, orating, thinking, planning, and all manner of things which are intricately involved in the situation as Washington moons we-the-people and acts out like unruly children.

Yet Mercury won't make a Direct Station and change directions until Saturday April 23 and then must leave its shadow (May 11) before mercurial things can really move forward again. Well, Mercury did turn Rx at a critical-crisis degree (click for my notes on Mercury's schedule.)

If you missed it, here's my post on the possible April 8/9th shutdown at midnight showing America's natal horoscope with tonight's transits added.

So now I sit here typing and wondering - both noble mercurial pursuits - why in the last couple of weeks or so, the page views for SO'W have quadrupled and then some. That any of my posts could receive thousands of views in one 24-hour period is gratifying of course, if true, so yesterday I took time to add up pvs of individual posts. As expected, they did not add up to the total...not even close.

Then is SO'W under hack attack? Or is increased readership good news for my 6 years of blogging here? Mercury is the planet of Good News, after all, and rules my natal Ascendant and Midheaven.

Well, if the page view increase is for real, perhaps it's due to a blog link a kind person added to a forum on Planet Waves, an brilliant Astrology site containing much astro-info from expert astrologer Eric Francis and friends.

That, possible Blogger miscounting, or hacking are the 3 best explanations I can think of for this mysterious uppage of SO'W's readership. And this is where in my text a bemused 'head scratch' should be inserted...


Perhaps you'd be interested in reading Jesse Ventura's open letter to the ruling elite as provided by the excellent where you'll find information on topics the US government doesn't want you to know or think critically about.

Mar 30, 2011

Mercury's Rx and Direct Stations Mar 30/Apr 23, 2011: degree symbols

Today at 4:48 pm edt in Washington DC, Mercury's current retrograde station occurs @ 24Ari21. I use '4:48 pm' because that's the moment my Solar Fire software gives for Mercury's first minute Rx (notwithstanding the March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan which knocked Earth's axis off a smidgen.)

Then on April 23, 2011, Mercury performs his/her Direct Station @ 12Air53 (6:04 am edt in DC.) As you know, All Things Mercury are subject to re-view, re-consideration, re-doing, etc, during Mercury Rx periods and it is wise to begin no new projects or set in motion plans during this time. Trade, commerce, and transport are likely areas where Mercury Rx may hamper us now and we think of Japan's auto industry and parts manufacture which we already know are due more of a supply slowdown thanks to the nuclear meltdown.

US wars in the Middle East and the recent step-down of Mubarak in Egypt also threaten easy shipping in the Suez Canal but hopefully chaos won't lead to such dire results; food shortages and higher food prices are in the news now and we'll see if these situations spread between now and April 23rd, May 11th, or thereabouts.

Now I know that a reading of all the Sabian Symbols between 12 and 25 Aries is in order and would be instructive yet I trust you to handle this task yourself, if you will. Other sites and blogs are covering Mercury's trail of Rx-Direct degrees, and Lynda Hill's excellent Sabian Symbols site is always a good place to visit for more information on the Babylonian symbols.

For now, I want to paraphrase some highlights from the lesser-known degrees in Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac to add more depth to our mercurial re-considerations. This will be symbols which have a 'word picture' for not all of Carelli's degrees do.

April 23, 2011's Mercury Direct Station will occur at a critical-crisis degree so we expect more news (Mercury) of crisis conditions on top of the current crop (with a US gov shutdown in the making?) so let's begin there with Mercury's Direct Station degree and move toward today's Rx Station degree with a synopsis of each degree's meaning:

'12 Aries' = "An eagle on its nest." ("Sacred selfishness; strong fatherly or motherly instincts; keen sense of one's 'I', of personal initiative, and of the free individual property and leads to ...danger of clashing against the established order..or against the economics of the so-called modern democracies.) (IMF and World Bank? Austerity cuts to further bankroll the rich? jc)

An 'eagle' is, of course, a symbol of America (and the fallen Roman Empire); these days, Pluto is rising with Fixed Star, Altair (Alpha Aquila, the eagle; keywords: boldness and determination.

If you prefer to round-up, here's the symbol for:

'13Ari' = "A crucible in its oven." (Subjected to exceptional tests; if gold in the crucible, the furnace might purify and purge it of any dross; in less noble characters, the temperament will be harsher, warlike, even destructive...the tests will be frightening, but courage will not go unrewarded; fondness for gold.)

'15Ari' = "A warrior whose iron armor covers him from his toes to his chin, his head staying bare and unshielded." (Shutting windows but leaving the doors open; keep both eyes open and leave nothing to chance, have faith in yourself if you want others to rely upon you, and do not lean on others for anything; listen to others but follow no advice; first impressions of others may be erroneous.)

The middle of the period is April 11 with the Rx period's mid-degree of:

'18Ari' = "Wedding night in the king's palace. The queen, still in bride's attire, waits for the prince consort, seated on the marriage bed in a queenly yet modest attitude." (Keen intelligence, a sociable and hearty nature, (and) a talkative disposition; a personality worshiped by some, envied or slandered by many, feared or respected by all; love of peace (yet) compelled by karmic law to face some decisive fight for which destiny exacts the strictest control; rash acts may lead to trouble with fatal results owing to the plot of the envious.)

'19Ari' = "A gold digger at work in his mine, a satchel of nuggets slung from his belt. His face and attire betray a harsh, stunted life." (An eye only on gain; a soul utterly devoid of feelings; may be selfish, stingy, suspicious, misanthropic, and often unscrupulous.)

'20Ari' = "Ulysses in Polyphemus' cave." (Few moral principles, if any at all; an original mind, never at a loss; a daring temper with a pioneer's or adventurer's craving inquisitiveness; some renown and possibly a violent death.)

'23Ari' = "The medical pharmaceutical emblem of the snake and the chalice, the reptile's tail being wound round the stem and its head overhanging the bowl, its cleft tongue nearly skimming the contents." (A degree of fatality; an instrument of collective karma or the victim of his own; a healer or great invalid, aggressive and warlike; liable to fall under the influence of ill advisers; initiation is not ruled out.)

'24Ari' = "An almost naked woman." (Should a man want to be free, he must let the woman be free as well, who may become his wife tomorrow; to such hypocrisy we owe the institution of the demivierge, a typical infamy of the so-called modern civilization.)

'25Ari' = "A crisp-haired man riding a huge ram, which he holds by his horns." (An awakened ambition to rise very high and the power to do so; active, fierce, and independent but restless and selfish; the power tends to drift into intolerant tyranny; no sense of justice with not the least trace of chivalry toward foes or opponents.)

Well, perhaps these degrees add a bit of astro-info concerning our current Mercury Rx period and as you know, we must be patient until transit Mercury turns Direct and passes its Rx degree (its shadow) on May 11, 2011 when mercurial things begin to move forward once again without the glitches and snafus a Rx period so often engenders for both individuals and governments.

Jan 5, 2011

Astrology of John P. Wheeler's Murder

Update 1.5.11 5:25 pm est: click the comments tab under this post for an astute reader's addition of a video link: seems that Mr. Wheeler's status as a bio-weapons expert may have been the cause of his murder: the redwing blackbirds falling dead from the sky in Arkansas on New Year's Eve may have been a bio experiment - and he was on his way to Washington DC. (See midpoint pics below with its 'criticism-sharp-analylist implications. Plus, Thom Hartmann mentioned today that dead birds have turned up in Maryland and in other countries, too.

And here's a link to an interesting post on the dead bird connection to this murder which may have occurred after a trip Mr. Wheeler took to Wilmington on Dec 28, 2010 after supposedly going to DC to 'raise hell' about a chemical weapon phosgene which was about to be sent to the battlefields of Afghanistan - from storage at a military base in Arkansas.

If this is true, wonder how long the Pentagon thought they could hide that?

Original post begins here:

John Wheeler murder: Last sighting of White House aide has the details released so far by Wilmington Delaware police concerning this sad story.

Now I seldom care to spend much time studying horoscopes when a definite time for the person or event is unknown but there are a few factors of note which do not depend upon knowing the exact hour of Mr. Wheeler's demise. The exact time of the discovery of his body is known, however (see below.)

On December 29, 2010, a lady attendant at the car park of the New Castle County courthouse in Wilmington Delaware observed him as "disoriented" and he replied to her query that he was not, in fact, "OK." On the morning of December 30, members of the public had what is apparently the last sighting of Mr. Wheeler walking down a Wilmington street.

On both days, the Sun @ 8Cap+ conjoined Fixed Star Facies, one of the nastiest stars in the sky, with its keywords: ruthlessness or the victim; illness, accidents, violent death, blindness, leadership ability, cold, detached, not close to anyone. (A. Louis; B. Brady.)

Plus, a powerful midpoint picture was in force all through both Dec 29 and Dec 30, 2010 which relates to meetings and fated encounters (North Node):

Sun/NN = Pluto: the urge to use compulsion with others; exercising influence over the masses; power acquired from associating with the right people; concealing ties to dominant and important groups or associations; secret meetings where power and influence are allocated or divided; ordering and controlling others; being persuasive; exerting one's influence. (Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Pluto, as you know, is famous in Astrology for certain things such as sabotage, spying, murder, rape, and assassination; Sun/NN = new contacts, the public, shared experiences, and, among other things, political associations that eventually do more harm than good.

(Wheeler served as advisor to presidents Reagan, Bush Sr, and George W. Bush, and worked on biological and chemical weapons issues at the Pentagon, once upon a time. It is reported that he recommended that the US not use them.)

Of note as well, December 30, 2010 was the day of Mercury's Direct Station @19Sag+ and though I could type out for you any of the various Sabian Symbols for 19 or 20 Sagittarius, I won't, because if you're reading this blog, you probably have that info at your fingertips.

So instead, I shall add Adriano Carelli's symbol for '19Sag' since it may relate on some level to Mr. Wheeler's ongoing tussle with his neighbor, Frank Marini, and to Wheeler's mysterious death; police have revealed that a smoke bomb was placed under Mr. Marini's house the week before Wheeler's death:

"A house on a holm whose bushy banks are wrapped in flames."

(The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Carelli; my italics because admittedly I'm prejudiced against all things Bush Crime Family.)

Carelli explains this symbol as possibly relating to a subtle but crooked intelligence, having to go through fire, war conflagrations, searing moral pains, and something having to be thrown overboard in order for someone to escape.

Now there is a definite time mentioned in the article linked above: 3:30 pm on New Years' Day, January 1, 2011, when a garbage truck emptied a dumpster containing his body at the Cherry Island landfill in Wilmington and "the grim discovery was made."

Rising was 24Gem35 (the Discovery degree of Uranus, 1781) with 1Pis03 at Mc; Pluto had moved on to become apex in a different midpoint picture which relates to strong opinions:

Mercury/Mars = Pluto: a sharp analyst; a fanatical critic; criticism with a passion; an over-zealous orator; the misfortune of suffering heavy attacks or assaults from others; compulsion about any suspicions about activities; angry communications from others about one's writings, business, or educational capabilities; involved in big arguments; knowing just what's wrong with the world (my italics.)

Okay, that's all I have for the moment concerning the mysterious death of John P. Wheeler III, a man once at the pentacle of Politics, now cruelly murdered and dumped in a Delaware landfill, a fate I can't imagine that he deserved. If you know more on this topic, lone reader, please elucidate by leaving a comment.

And if this case turns out not to be politically motivated, I shall remove Mr. Wheeler's name from the 'Political Murders' list in the sidebar of this blog.

Jul 8, 2007

deadline for Bush? Monday, 10 am edt

Will Monday's 10 am deadline for the White House to explain why they've claimed executive privilege (from the gods apparently) on subpoenaed documents for the much-ballyhooed congressional "investigation" concerning PurgeGate (which will continue shielding SurgeGate like a teeny fig leaf over George's twig'n'berries)--will Monday's deadline lead to anything meaningful?

White House Subpoena Battle Surges but what will all the hubbub and millions spent bring the American people from this "investigation"?

Is the clock being run out so that Bush can finish his ill-begotten presidency? How good would Nancy Pelosi be at the helm?

With Mercury of the wing'ed feet and helmet being the Messenger and with his relationship to communications of all sorts, is it telling that Mercury's Direct Station begins Monday evening at 10:16 pm edt, White House?

Mercury must travel beyond its shadow period degrees before progress can be made on paperwork/communications issues (on or after July 23 Mercury will move 'free'...and the upcoming Solar Eclipse of Sept 11 is about bringing to the surface longterm worries about paperwork or communications!)

At 10:00 am, July 9, White House, during a Mars hour, the rising degree is "6Virgo"..."A merry-go-round"...keyword: DIVERSION...

pos: endless and happy resourcefulness in a constant reorientation of self to meet varying exigencies of life;

neg/shadow side: a continuous and senseless ricochet from one to another meaningless phase of self-expression.

Mercury is rising these days with Fixed Star, Bellatrix, keyphrase: "success through the shadow." And Bush's natal Mars (9Vir18) is first to rise in the 10 am chart...

"10Vir": "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows." The shadows lengthen for Mr.Bush and his warhawk colleagues yet they're nothing if not as determined as blood brothers to fight until the end, America be da*ned in the process.

Earlier on Monday, at 7:26 am, Moon conjuncts Mars at "12Tau": "A man handling baggage", so perhaps a lady is in the picture--Bar Bush, maybe? One wonders with asteroid, Ceres ("the mother") conjunct Moon and Mars as well. Someone is emotionally upset. Can Madam Pretty Mind save baby's bacon once again?

Well, be that as it may--whether the Moon represents mom or girlfriend or colleague--Jupiter (11Sag09 Rx) and Pluto (27Sag08 Rx, conj asteroid Lilith) is at the base of the 10 am chart, and Vesta is at its IC (2Sag11.)

Also Rising at 10 am Monday--his missing mojo:

South Node of the Moon (SN, a separative point; now 8Vir25, conj Bush's Mars--a signature of war, violence, maleness, and indicates past behaviors about which Congress is asking questions--or possibly separation from a male ?) is rising--as is Bush Sr's natal ASC...and Jupiter is squaring both his ASC and Jr's natal Mars. This describes the Republicans (R Party = Jupiter, D Party = Saturn) going against Bush's war 'policies' since squares = blockages.

Chart-ruler Mercury's only applying aspect is an opposition to powerful Pluto (5A21) so we have the "5 mins-5 hours-5 days-5 months" hint about when things may peak.

Mercury also applies to a lovely trine with NN (5A56) so publicity should be favorable to Bush's communications issues, executive privilege argument, and Bush's cussedness being promoted as 'steadiness' and 'strength' as usual.

All in all I'd say the spin-we're-in about these matters will be drawn out as long as the White House can stretch them, and I have no idea how the Bush team concentrates on war-waging or on much of anything else since they're under attack themselves...unless this "investigation" is for show...just another Capitol Hill Theater Matinee, dahling!

But politically motivated diversions are not why they do things so badly...they like how things are going esp if that little gnat of Congress would just stop buzzing around their fat, exalted, neocon heads so they could get on with it. Bush is highly irritated these days, as you may have noticed--and would certainly expect of such a renegade as he.

Watching and reading the press catapult the diversions will be the same old same old...boring and bad for the country. But has George's fig leaf started curling beyond prudent wearing? Gross mental image...sorry.

So if all this is about Impeachment, count me in for I've always thought Bush's failure to uphold the Inaugural Oath he took to protect the US Constitution was gracious plenty reason to rid the White House of its current robber baron vermin.