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Mar 28, 2014

"How to Steal an Airplane" video

As it turns out, cyber-hijacking of airplanes has been around for over a dozen years. For your consideration:

When the attacks of 9/11/01 are mentioned, I think of the 9/11/01 horoscope with Mercury (travel) conjunct US natal Saturn (authority; stability, @14Lib48) rising, all at '15 Libra' = "Circular Paths"--note this discussion of airplanes expertly turned from their paths such as the one that hit the second Tower--and including Malaysia 370. This presentation also reminds me of the void-of-course Moon on the morning of 9/11/01 and its implications that something put into action could not be interfered with...such as the course-change a computer-hacked plane would experience.

Transit Mercury to natal Saturn denotes a time of seeking or using information and skills in order to attain a more senior or authoritative status. Remember that Bush and Cheney were recently installed in the White House and were spoken of as "illegitimate" after Justice Rehnquist placed them in office in December 2000 after the bogusness of Jeb Bush's Florida election.

Serious pursuits are also indicated by Mercury to Saturn along with a hint that the preparations for 9/11 were a long term enterprise which resulted in a restriction of ideas and communications--such as police phones that didn't work properly that morning, the often touted inability to "connect the dots" between the FBI and CIA, and the silencing of dissenting journalists and others since that day.

'15 Libra' from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones; "Keyword: CONGRUITY: a rather extraordinary facility in self-adjustment or practical reorientation." I'll say! After all, it was the 9/11 attacks that allegedly made the US Patriot Act implementation and all the subsequent cyber surveillance by The State 'necessary', sans the US Constitution.

Mar 27, 2014

White House cornerstone laid October 13, 1792

Looking at the White House's horoscope set for noon on Saturday October 13, 1792 Washington DC, we find a Sun Libra-Moon Virgo blend of energies influenced by Venus (Libra) and Mercury (Virgo), and if you've studied the history or the architecture of Washington DC, you know that there are approximately 23 Zodiacs around the city along with the constellation and stars of Virgo (the Virgin, Ceres, Isis, Mary, Venus, etc) embedded within its buildings and monuments. But such a topic requires a much lengthier post so today we'll simply consider the Sun-Moon personality blend of Washington DC.

Details of the cornerstone laying of the White House may be found by visiting, plus, a quick Google on your part will turn up more information, as you wish. Plus, we should note as well that the Moon conjoined its North Node in Virgo on that day lending auspiciousness to the Masonic ceremony of cornerstone laying.

Washington DC's natal Sun Lib-Moon Vir is an Air-Earth blend that provides 'practical idealist' leanings which can be 'up in the air' and 'down to earth' simultaneously. However, becoming 'dry as dust' is a caution.

Sun Lib-Moon Vir indicates an ability to speak to people from all walks and levels of life, and it should be peace loving (but we know how that's been undermined by foreign financiers with total control on their reptilian minds--did Alexander Hamilton and George Washington know what they were doing--enslaving America to perpetual debt--when they allowed the English wolves of central banking into the American henhouse?)

This combo likes to observe people (and poll numbers!) in order to learn from them. I would have to say that some of our presidents have used this blend's social concern in a pragmatic way though others clearly are only in it for the power and money--these are the ones who resonate with the White House tendency to entertain a 'holier-than-thou' attitude while facts are quickly summed up and action is taken. And as you know, opponents allegedly take offense at President Obama's more measured way of making decisions even though the Pentagon's 'might makes right' mindset has become part of this picture for whatever Commander-in-Chief is in the Oval Office (another Venus reference) especially after the Cold War. (Aren't all wars 'cold'?) A dislike of messiness by the White House may also be noticed with its Sun Lib-Moon Vir.

Now let's close with a starkly practical quote from someone who was born under the influence of the Sun Libra-Moon Virgo blend, comedian Lenny Bruce:

"The 'what should be' never did exist but people keep trying to live up to it. There is no 'what should be', there is only what is."

Now I wonder if that includes knowing what the meaning of *is is?

For details on this and other blends check out Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

*It may seem a strange question but was Bill Clinton's 'is is' ridiculousness a shout-out to Isis?

Mar 26, 2014

"Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Really Killed John Kennedy" video

What a former FBI agent says in this 5-minute video about the JFK assassination makes more sense than the white-wash conclusions of the Warren Commission though he does not address the possibility that someone or a group of elites ordered the killing of an American president:

1960s: Pluto, the Assassin, Meets Uranus, the Anarchist

If you wish, you may view a totally unmarked version of the JFK assassination horoscope here. Among other chart factors, you'll notice the explosive, 'collapse of the old order' duo lining up for their mid-1960s Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo, Uranus and Pluto. The old order v new order pair now transit in a Cardinal Square aspect (next exact square April 21, 2014) and are supporting mayhem across the globe.

The horoscope also shows the Sun (leader) at a critical 29th degree of secretive, betraying Scorpio, and near fixed star Bungala (Alpha Centauri), aka, Toliman, a star that is only visible in southern latitudes but since I deal here with symbology, I'll add that Bungala has a Jupiter-Venus nature and indicates themes of relationships with females that are somehow spoiled (adultery can do it); or, a happy relationship that is suddenly stricken by exceptional circumstances...such as your husband being assassinated.

Mar 19, 2014

Natal Chart Data for Malaysia, Malaya, and NATO

With my blogging time brief today I'm simply posting the natal data for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and for the Federation of Malaya (1957) and Malaysia (independence, 1963) from Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes in which he states that, "--local Hindu astrologers continue to use the horoscope for the independence of Malaya rather than that for the formation of Malaysia."

Note: when the missing Malaysia Flight MH370 departed Kuala Lampur at 12:41 am AWST on March 8, 2014, the Malaya 1957 Saturn @7Sag57 arose as the transiting Moon @7Gem17 opposed, one factor which supports the use of the 1957 chart.

NATO data is hereby posted due to its involvement in the current Crimea-Ukraine-Russia-US embroilment as America vows to uphold NATO's imperative that any member nation attacked will be defended. Yet the stand-off is about the control of and enrichment from oil, gas, and other natural resources, wouldn't you know.

Malaya August 31, 1957 00:00 JVT -7:30 Kuala Lampur, Malaysia; ASC 1Gem06, MC 25AQ32;

Malaysia September 16, 1963 00:00 JVT -7:30 Kuala Lampur, Malaysia; ASC 15Gem40, MC 11Pis42.

NATO (Act signed by President Truman) August 24, 1949 11:42 am EDT Washington DC; ASC 2Sco57, MC 8Leo37; Sun 1Vir07, Moon 7Vir52, Saturn 8Vir28 in 10th house of Public Status with Pluto 16Leo39.

Mar 18, 2014

Mar 30, 2014 New Moon @9Ari58

Looking at a horoscope set for Washington DC of the March 30, 2014 New Moon @9Ari58 we find the lunation of new beginnings squared by the Jupiter-Pluto opposition and about to conjoin, each in turn, quirky radical Uranus @12Ari19 (a critical degree). In the District of Columbia where I twice dwelled the New Moon falls in 9th house of Foreign Lands and perfects at 2:44:40 pm edt (using SolarFire Gold v8 software).

For this New Moon the 16 North November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15 remains in effect with its 'inspiration, illumination of ideas' Uranus-Neptune vibes, and in the New Moon chart for DC affects the 4th house most closely.

Rising is 13Leo44 so we immediately know that the New Moon will affect President Obama whose natal Sun in Leo is rising. There is a YOD pattern of 'special task; crisis; turning point' dimensions formed between Pluto and Chiron which point toward the New Moon's Ascendant (in DC) and thus, to the president's natal Sun. Therefore, his goals in life, hero's journey, and ego are involved with the sextile (60 degr) of Pluto and Chiron at the YOD's base, and as you know, Pluto-Chiron is the Plutocracy pair of oppression, primal violence, racism, socialism, communism, etc.

A Pluto-Chiron sextile describes those with a finger on the public pulse and those who may act as spokesman for the community (R. Nolle, Chiron the New Planet in Your Horoscope). And we know President Obama has a way with words and that he speaks on behalf of unknown entities and backers at times--well, maybe all the time. Don't they all?

So Pluto-Chiron is a supporting factor in this rather plutocratic picture since the Jupiter-Pluto combination also may be described as Plutocracy--and is, by none other than Reinhold Ebertin. Naturally the fact that transiting Pluto continues to oppose US natal Sun (the president) is being highlighted since Mr. Obama's struggles with strong forces--whether the Federal Reserve, political opponents, and/or Russian dictators--is in the news constantly so I won't bore you by providing links in this post to such political tales--you and I both have been inundated by them every day since Barack Obama took office in January 2009 by sore-loser Republicans in particular.

So with the New Moon at 9Arie58, it seems a gander at what Adriano Carelli has to say about '10Aries' may be of interest. His symbol for this degree is: "Saint George slays the dragon." Mentioned in explanation are 'courage, successful ambition, reaching the highest standing', and 'an exceptional career'. Sounds presidential enough, yes? Also, Carelli adds a potential for 'clairvoyance' and 'prophecy' for '10Aries'.

Here's a peek at the famous tempera painting by Bernat Martorell of Saint George Killing the Dragon and the Wikipedia info has other famous depictions along with the images tale itself. Yet I doubt mention is made of 'the dragon' relating to the Nodal axis, with North Node being the head of the beast and South Node being its tail!

Mar 16, 2014

Brief Astro-Notes on James Garfield's Assassination

A Few Notes on the Assassination of President Garfield

by Jude Cowell

According to sources online, the assassination of President James Garfield occurred at 9:30 am on July 2, 1881 in Washington DC as he prepared to board a train to take a vacation trip.

The story is that the self-proclaimed "Stalwart of Stalwarts" Charles Guiteau, who had bothered the president for weeks concerning the granting of a government position, fired two shots into James Garfield's back. The Masonic president succumbed to his wounds and to subsequent medical treatment (his wounds probed by unwashed hands).

Related links include the bio of Senator Roscoe Conkling of New York, leader of the Stalwarts faction of the Republican Party, a Saturnian group if I may say so. Conkling and Garfield had major disagreements over the Patronage system which Conkling was accustomed to running and a Congress vs White House tiff concerning the exercise of power, something we've seen repeatedly since Democrat Barack Obama was elected and the inspiration for yet another do-nothing Congress particularly in the House of Representatives. My branch is bigger than your branch? Apparently Republicans feel more powerful when they deny Mr. Obama his agenda, block nomination approvals, and such.

Same old same old? Well, yes, a staunch (Saturnian) belief in negative government continues to motivate the Republican Party (and any Democratic enablers hidden under GOP coat tails.) Negative government believers are the current small-enough-to-drown-in-a-bath-tub varmints and the late-1800s Stalwarts vs Half-Breeds factions describe what today is referred to as real Republican conservatives vs 'RINOs'--Republicans in name only as they attempt to out-Saturn one another--the internal war some say the GOP is fighting against itself.

Astrology of an Assassination, July 2, 1881 9:30 am LMT Washington DC

A horoscope for this time, date, and place shows an Ascendant (the deed) of 8Vir28 with rebellious zealot Uranus @10Vir33 rising along with the Moon @16Vir40--and with James Garfield's natal Saturn @13Vir51 tucked between. Right away this gives a midpoint picture: Moon-Uranus = natal Saturn: suffering sudden damage; separation (Ebertin.)

In his midpoint book, Michael Munkasey describes the Moon-Uranus duo in Politics as 'rulers who rule at whim', 'little sense of how an enterprise is seen by the rest of the world' (possibly relates to Garfield but also to Guiteau who was executed by hanging on June 30, 1881), and/or 'an emotionally immature person placed in an important and visible leadership role', among other indications.

James A. Garfield, born on November 19, 1831 at 2:00 am in Orange, Ohio, had natal Saturn in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing. And we see in his natal chart great happiness at leaving DC for vacation (his ill wife was feeling much better and he was traveling to join her, plus he had 'won' a political battle against Senator Conkling) in the transit of jolly Jupiter to his natal Moon @19Tau36 in wide conjunction with natal Chiron (The Wound) @13Tau23 Rx--also in the 8th house of Transformation and Death.

And with transiting Chiron @21Tau09 in the assassination chart, we know he had recently had his Chiron Return which occurs for everyone around the age of 50. All in all, the natal horoscopes of those involved and the shooting and death charts are very interesting to those who enjoy Historical Horoscopes but I must mosey for now and stop blathering on about America's second assassination--that of Masonic President James Garfield.

As always, any on-topic comments or queries you may have are appreciated.

Mar 15, 2014

Putin, Russia's natal chart, and a Full Moon on March 16 2014

Virgo Full Moon March 16, 2014 conjoins Russia's Natal Ascendant 26Virgo11

by Jude Cowell

A Full Moon can be quite auspicious when it falls upon a natal planet or Angle and in the case of tomorrow's Full Moon @26Vir01, that would be the Ascendant of Russia's sovereignty horoscope (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11; Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes.) Some kind of fulfillment of a project, a separation, or a culmination of a plan is indicated along with 'awareness in relationship' vibes attend Full Moons. And as you know, a referendum vote will be held tomorrow (March 16, 2014) to 'decide' if Crimea wants to hitch its star to Russia's wagon--either now or later, rather than unite with the European Union. That's a pretty sorry vote, if you ask me--a 'rock and a hard place' kind of deal for the people.

As the world sees, the 'project' involves troop movements and war for if we set tomorrow's Full Moon chart for Moscow, warrior Mars @26Lib06 Rx and North Node @28Lib37 are rising (ASC 12Lib33 which brings up America's natal Saturn @14Lib48. Can the US perform as a Saturnian barrier to events? We have been citing agreements signed by Russia concerning invasion of national sovereignty which Putin now ignores. And why not since everyone has noticed that the US didn't play by the rules when it invaded Iraq, for example. Hypocrisy much, Washington?)

For more info check out The Taipai Times' Ukraine braces for Crimea vote as violence flares or The Guardian's Russia vetoes Crimea motion as Kiev claims it repelled Russian troops in south Ukraine--live updates.

Additionally, the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse @11Sco15, which is still in force, conjoined, triggered, or eclipsed the natal Venus (11Sco42) of Vladimir Putin. Venus relates to jealousy, envy, and revenge and with his natal Venus in vengeful, secretive Scorpio, something was bound to happen. Venus in Scorpio can tend to waste its energy through excessive passion and self-control often wavers or vacillates with this placement. Unfortunately, the diplomatic skills of Venus seem to be lacking on Putin's part in current circumstances with belligerence holding sway. Plus, the attraction principle of Venus attracts spying Scorpio types of activities, interests, and people to the side of this 'former' KGB agent.

Mr. Putin's natal Sun Libra-Moon Gemini blend (Air-Air) indicates that he may spread himself too thin to accomplish all his goals but perhaps it somewhat depends upon who aids him in his current take-over endeavors.

Now if you haven't, you may wish to view President Putin's natal horoscope by visiting astrodatabank set for October 7, 1952 at 9:30 am, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. However, his birth data's accuracy is in question so the horoscope has a Rodden Rating of C.

Of interest concerning the March 16, 2014 Full Moon may be its Water-Earth Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend's Images for Integration: "Small events bring enormous consequences...A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself...Faith and reason shake hands." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

The reference to 'faith' and 'reason' reminds me of the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse with its Uranus (reason)/Neptune (faith) influences which also relate to the 'new world order', a massive global project we're watching develop under our noses in Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea with major US involvement--because all the little dictators want to be The Boss of the 'nwo'!

Mar 5, 2014

Fall of Berlin Wall Horoscope: Jupiter Rx having a Jupiter Return 2014

Such an awkward title for this post! The point is that on the evening the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, expansive Jupiter, planet of freedom and overstepping of boundaries, was retrograde @10Can38 and so a Jupiter Return to the Wall's chart has been taking place since August 2013. Due to the planet's regression cycle, the three conjunctions of Jupiter to its 1989 natal position are:

1. August 14, 2013; 2. February 23, 2014 (Rx)--the current phase; and 3. March 17, 2014. So what, if anything, does the Fall of the Berlin Wall have to do with the current crises between Russia, the US, the EU, Ukraine, and Crimea?

For a refresher, you may wish to check out The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Well, for one thing, Jupiter's freedom and expansion principles and Saturn's restriction and control principles are once again vying against one another--and the Fall of the Berlin Wall is one of the signposts on 'the march' to a new world order, aka, Global Government, which intends to disrespect all national boundaries since such antiquated concepts are considered old fashioned and past their expiration date.

3.7.14 Update: see The Reverse Berlin Wall? Russia, Ukraine And Markets with 'markets' having a Jupiterian flair.

That the intrigue going on now in Ukraine and Crimea is related to new world order chaos and the establishment of global totalitarianism, I have no doubt. Yet you, dear reader, may retain your doubt if you prefer.

Below, you see the Fall of the Berlin Wall horoscope set for Berlin and for 6:57 pm CET, the time a government official made the announcement that the Wall was now porous and would be opened. According to the details in Campion's World Book of Horoscopes, the official told a journalist that the decision (see powerful Sun-Pluto = Mercury of decisions--'lording it over someone') was effective "immediately" which was actually not their intention. The people were stunned and exalted at the prospect of being allowed to see family members they'd not seen in 28 years.

Soon crowds gathered at checkpoints along the 100-mile Wall but the guards had not yet been alerted about the change. The first entrance/exit to open was the Bornholmer Strasse Checkpoint at 8:15 pm CET and a horoscope for that moment is relevant as well. Another interesting horoscope is that for 'just after midnight' of August 13, 1961 near a *Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn when the Wall was first erected as most Berliners slept. That must have been a true nightmare to wake up to since whatever side, East or West, they'd gone to sleep on, there they remained for decades with the emotional and financial depression the government caused:

November 9, 1989 6:57 pm CET Berlin Germany; Hour of Jupiter which is Rx and rising along with Chiron @16Can27 Rx; ASC 5Can19 (which is America's natal Jupiter position--hmmm...?); chart-ruler is the Moon in merge-loving Pisces which makes two major applying aspects which show upcoming tendencies: a square to independence-loving Uranus @2Cap50 in the house of Work and Health (2A08) and a second square to Venus @4Cap22, also in the 6th house of Police, Military, and Daily Rounds which were now curtailed and restricted.

Moon square Uranus indicates understandably that emotional outbursts and erratic behavior ensued along with feelings of restlessness and, by some, a defiance of authority. (Tap or click the first link above about the Wall's history for details on attempts to scale the barricade.) Moon square Uranus is the 'born fighter for equal rights' aspect (Pelletier).

Moon (the people) square Venus, a money planet of relationships, values, and beauty, denotes deep ties with the past, guilt about letting loved ones down (unavoidable under the circumstances), and rebellion against restriction in relationships. This aspect also describes the sad loss of good-paying jobs in West Berlin by those stuck on the Eastern side where economics weren't so rosy.


So with transiting Jupiter again reaching 10Can38, its freedom and venturing across boundaries implications are being played out, this time by Russian troops invading Ukraine and Crimea--though some people think that the US has stirred up conflict in the region as President Putin has asserted. In light of the globalists' austere new world order agenda to take over the world and the decades of misuse of the American military in the role of 'world cop'--plus, the foreign intrigues of the CIA, the US involvement theory is quite easy to believe or at least, easy to not discount all together.

As you see in the chart, the significator for Communism, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction @10Cap+, is now conjoined by wealthy, stealthy Pluto which simultaneously opposes the Wall's Jupiter in Cancer. So in the 1989 chart, it looks like happy Jupiter (freedom) in home-loving Cancer is opposed by Communism's depressive Saturn-Neptune on 'the other side'--of the Berlin Wall. Can we agree on that?

Therefore, if the events of 1989 and 2014 are related on a level or two, the third conjunction of freedom-lover Jupiter, the General and the Explorer, to its 1989 position on or around March 17, 2014 may bring resolution to the Ukraine-Crimea stand off between America, the EU, and Russia, if not before. At least, that's my best guess and my fervent hope!

*The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction exact @25Cap12 on February 19, 1961: freedom/expansion and restriction/control mush together; the 'societal planets conjoined again three times in 1980/81 @4--10 Libra, and again on May 28, 2000 @22Tau43. The Berlin Wall disintegrated on November 9, 1989 during their opposition phase 28 years after it was erected to keep in fleeing East Berliners so that Communism would appear better than it can ever actually be.

And I type that even though Capitalism is the flip side of Communism.

Here's a view of Vladimir Putin's birth horoscope (RR: C for accuracy in question) in case you desire a gander.

Blog Note: if you scroll the sidebar of this blog to the Search field and type in Russia, Crimea, Putin, or other related topics you should get a list of previous posts--there are natal horoscopes for Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea around here someplace! jc

Mar 2, 2014

"Slipping Into Fiction"-- Max Igan video

In a Hollywood mode of illusion and creativity,here's a previous drawing of mine, Roxy's Red Room:

Now for tonight's premiere presentation by Max Igan:

Why do we allow ourselves to be "ruled"? I love it when Max says, "The powers that believe they be":

A "guiding hand"? A hidden hand? In Astrology, that would be Pluto.

"Slipping into fiction"? Sounds like Neptune's influence and the murky one's 'silver screen' of illusion and appropriate to post this video on the evening of the Academy Awards in Hollywood, California.

Max also addresses the public's fear of speaking out against the system--a province of astrological Saturn--the austere, paternal planet that strongly evinced its influence upon the Collective today turning Rx in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio, another significator of the hidden hand.