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Showing posts with label 2 Old North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2 Old North. Show all posts

Jun 9, 2018

Trump's July 12, 2018 Solar Eclipse = critical times

On July 12, 2018, a Solar Eclipse perfects in Donald Trump's personal 2 Old North Saros Series, this time @20Cancer41 (in 1946, @9Gemini) conjunct one of the dark-light twin stars, Castor. Here is a dual image of the July 12, 2018 2 Old North Solar Eclipse--one horoscope set for Trump's birth location of Queens, NY (lower right), the other chart set for the White House in Washington DC. Some differences will be noted especially with Angles and cusps though no planets change houses from one location to the other. Those who are curious about the differences in Sabian Symbols may choose to look them up and I will add Carelli's Degrees, below, to describe the critical-degreed eclipse @20Cancer (Carelli doesn't round up) and the planet opposing the eclipse, Pluto @20Cap00.

Most of my notes are squished on to the charts but one must read both to glean all the notes which are shared between the images--not enough space to do otherwise. Surprisingly, the Hour of the eclipse in DC is Jupiter but in Queens it's time for Mars types of activity (probably with psychological indications). This I have seldom if ever seen between such close locality charts since the timing of the eclipse (here, 10:47:47 pm edt) is the same in both places. Anyway, the notes hopefully are legible if you can enlarge the image as you wish. Note that fixed stars work through eclipses and their potentials are stimulated by them (Ovason) which in the case of this particular solar eclipse, the influences of Castor, and as noted below, its twin Pollux, are spotlighted by the July 12, 2018 'cosmic blink'. This solar-lunar event also emphasizes the dark-light qualities and polarity of the twin stars and suggests issues involving awareness, relationships, and culmination, or endings.

Themes of the Solar Eclipse

2 Old North themes denote potentials for separations and unfortunate news although taking fast action may somewhat improve matters (Brady). More info may be found via the eclipse's conjunction with starry Castor, a creative star but also one with difficult potentials such as sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, mental illness (A. Louis); a tendency toward storytelling that blends evil with good (Castor plus Pollux = dark vs light, as noted); violence (Robson); and/or, mischief (Rigor). For Castor Ebertin and Hoffmann spotlight the star's changeable Mercurial nature mixed with Jupiter's expansive influence.

As for Pollux ('the wicked boy') sources seem to agree on its Martian qualities and reputed tendencies toward brutality, cruelty, violence, and tyranny--if negatively linked in the chart. I mention Pollux here because Trump's natal Saturn ('the old devil') @23Cancer conjoins Pollux, a combination which may possibly denote tragic endings unless the energies are responsibly handled. Also to Pollux we must add potentials for: the danger of disgrace, the occult, murder, cruelty, rape, and/or danger from women, large animals, and poisons (A. Louis).

Eclipses: What Are They Good For?

As you see, Trump's 2 Old North Solar Eclipse @20Cancer is opposed and challenged by powerful manipulator and saboteur Pluto @20Capricorn--and as you know, Pluto in Capricorn signifies The Dictator (Ebertin). The critical midpoint picture formed by Sun-Moon-Pluto is penned on the chart, upper right, and highlighted in red. The 5/11 axis of Self-Will is in the spotlight (in both locations) and also suggests Trump's offspring, family ties, and karmic relationships. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of tribalism and patriotism, implies that emotional extremes will block karmic progress (R. Lineman). This is penned on the left side of chart and highlighted in red. Also note that the self-protective nature of crabby, subjective Cancer indicates a man (Trump) in hiding or scuttling away from issues, and I wonder if opposing Pluto will block his deep need for worldly power and wealth--or empower it. Either way, events and conditions have reached a critical point of development while past actions are haunting Mr. Trump with their usual 'reap what's been sown' demands.

In addition, the White House chart reveals a YOD pattern of crisis/turning point implications between Saturn-ASC = North Node: unpleasant family circumstances; add the Mars-South Node conjunction of the loner on the separative end of the Nodal axis and we have: obstinacy; self-will; separation, and/or bereavement (Ebertin). Of course, this YOD pattern may or may not become activated at all, or its potentials may be delayed with restrictive Saturn involved.

Plus, law-abiding Saturn Rx--strong in its own sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn--isn't boding well in the 10th house of Career and Public Reputation during this period. And as we've previously discussed, 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 'collapsing lifestyles and plans' approaches on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series. This karmic lunation (with an unaspected Pluto) could trigger major developments for tower-builder Trump and its effects could be felt as soon as two weeks prior to August 11th, around the time of the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @5Aquarius which conjoins US natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, karma, talents--or, dependence upon what worked in the past but which no longer solves the issue. In a word, neurosis.

Well, I could blab on concerning such topics but obviously from current events we know that Mr. Trump isn't having as good a time in the White House as he'd lazily expected--although his collapsing of America seems to be on schedule. Yet the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign and that of Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen must keep them both up at night but let's not go there in this post. After all, we should know more details soon since eclipses occurring in any series frequently bring pending issues to a boil, disrupt events or conditions, indicate a new direction, bring shocks, and/or uncover secrets while revealing or triggering scandals. Plus, Neptune rising in first house, as you see, denotes more scandals, along with potentials for tears shed, drowning or leaks, and collective issues out of control and on the rise for eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' which are often termed, cosmic blinks. And now in closing here are...

Carelli's Degrees: the Critical-Crisis Degrees of 20Cancer and 20Capricorn (Sun-Moon-Pluto)

The following quotes are excerpted for the sake of brevity and are partial yet no meaning has been seriously affected:

Eclipse "20Cancer" = "A watchdog slumbering at the entrance of an old palace"..."Masters is what dogs have" (a popular Italian proverb); "a life of idleness...when kicked he will whine like a coward and will think nothing of kissing the hands that enslave him...nothing weighs so heavily upon his shoulders than personal responsibility...a lustful and lazy being...A thorough craven, he will boast of his master's valiant deeds...he will brag of his master's wealth...A bastard (or a degenerate) scion of a very old lineage, he would rather die that forget it...As long as mankind stays what it is, policemen, customs officers, sextons, career soldiers, jail wardens, harlots, all are necessary evils. The frontier needs watchdogs, justice needs bloodhounds, and the male needs the female."

Pluto "20Capricorn" = "A monkey and a mirror"..."A very versatile but altogether unoriginal mind; mimetic faculties may come to light as a merely perfunctory assimilation of foreign doctrines...pantomime and burlesque...Adaptation comes {} to such a character and, unfortunately, to such a conscience as a matter of course...yet (he) remains an insufferable crank...Physical vanity will be bottomless...and (he) may turn into something of a fop or a Beau Brummel, as the case may be."

With his overly pampered and sprayed 1980s hairstyle, spray tan of orange-ish hue, and the freakishly long red tie?

May 7, 2018

Rudy Guiliani: Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses

A Brief Astro-Sketch of Rudy Guiiliani

by Jude Cowell

The natal data and horoscope of former NY mayor Rudy Guliani is rated A (from memory) if you'd care to take a look. Ascending is 29Vir47 with 29Gem06 at Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point--which makes Mercury ruler of his chart and public status. His Mercury @12Tau50 (8th house) is unaspected (see details, below) and has an interesting Sabian Symbol:

'13Taurus' = "A Man Handling Baggage." That he does! Dane Rudhyar gives this degree a Keynote of: "Self-mobilization for social advantage"...COMPULSION FOR GAIN." This identifies Guiliani as "a man of ambition" (not that we need Astrology to determine that).

Yet with the task master planet of authority and authenticity, Saturn, at Midheaven, one must wonder if the placement's usual 'fall from grace' caution applies to Guiliani or will at some point apply. For as you know, Mr. Guiliani is Donald Trump's current 'face' on national TV and his recent appearances have stirred more turbulent storms rather than quelled them (perhaps purposefully!). For more Rudy info, I highly recommend last night's not-to-be-missed 15-minute segment by HBO's John Oliver on Rudy Guiliani.

And from Stephen A. Crockett a few minutes ago: Rudy Guiliani is Either a Spy for the Left, an Idiot, or Both Because He's Destroying the President With Every Interview.

Additional Rudy Astro-Notes

Born May 28, 1944 at 2:30 pm EWT in Brooklyn, New York (King's County), Mr. Guiliani's Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Leo resonates strongly with Trump's Gemini and Leo planets. Rudy's high-frequency, erratic Sun @7Gem16 and Uranus @8Gem49 conjoin at the degree of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree in the 2 Old North Saros Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer (among the twin stars Castor and Pollux!) 2 Old North themes are: unfortunate news and separations though fast action can bring good results (Brady). Both Guiliani and Trump have quirky Sun-Uranus conjunctions though Trump's conjunction has North Node in between. So how long will Uranian Trump keep Uranian Guiliani as adviser when they both love to hog center stage? One must wonder. We should also note that this degree range of Gemini is that of America's natal Uranus of 1776--our nation's totem planet of independence, freedom, revolt, disruption, and separation.

Yes, Sun Gemini-Moon Leo personalities prefer center stage, thanks, and can become haughty when feeling unappreciated. It's a colorful combination of conscious and unconscious energies with its eye to the main chance and although Rudy was disappointed not to be chosen for White House service in 2016, he's there now, as improviser and shill for the braggart--in-chief. Fantasies of royal blood sustain his efforts toward performing to impress and thereby to improve his own social position yet a Saturn-Neptune square--angular in his chart--suggests tendencies toward fear, paranoia, confusion, and involvement in scandals and intrigue. Well, scandals and intrigue are givens under Donald Trump (who also has royal ambitions with kingly Regulus rising) so Rudy must feel quite at home now--assuming he still works for 'kingpin' Trump by the time I complete this typing!

We should also consider that Guiliani's natal Moon @23Leo49 conjoins ego-expanding Jupiter in Leo (20:02) and his Moon is close enough to Trump's natal Mars rising to add vigor and perhaps emotional upsets to their association. As for taking center stage, a Leo Moon's reigning need for constant approval, applause, and public performance is well known. So Rudy's emotional need for attention is bottomless but so is Donald Trump's so they have that not going for them.

Plus, Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and dishonesty is supported by Neptune Rising Rudy who was born under a highly imaginative Mars-Neptune sextile (2S02) and preference for fantasy over reality. Rudy's powerful out-of-bounds Pluto in Leo conjunct his natal Mars suggests involvement with weaponry, the military, violence, and/or underworld crime and of course his Mars-Pluto duo was busy while he was a mayor instituting draconian policing policies against certain New Yorkers. Born less than two years prior to Donald Trump, these men share Mars and Pluto in romantic Leo placements though not conjunct by degree--both have had three wives, and both are associated with violence.

Changeable Mercury in Stubborn Taurus in Charge!

Leader of a BOWL shape tipping across his Career axis, Rudy's 8th house Mercury in Taurus rules his chart (physical body; Virgo ASC) and Gemini Midheaven (Career; Public Status--both angles at 29th critical degrees) yet these degrees conjoin Cardinal World Points of Fame and Fortune (00Libra-00Cancer). Yet little Mercury, planet of communications and negotiations, is unaspected in his chart which emphasizes his corporate/big-business and occult 8th house and inclines him toward inflexibility and a lack of adaptation to change. Unaspected Mercury (which I've called the 'tofu planet' for soaking up the planetary energies it touches) benefits from contacts with other planets but here, alas, Mercury cannot. This indicates that Rudy is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue and has difficulty recognizing alternative theories, ideas, and opinions. His communications occur in a spurt-like manner, he appears to be hyperactive, and his interests are limited. Plus, some threat of eventual mental deterioration may be present which is something that Geminis tend to worry about anyway via their "am I going crazy?" anxiety (a dual mind: Castor vs Pollux, light vs dark, etc.) One look at Rudy's wild eyes and we may wonder about his mental capacity, too, along with his 'colorful' rhetoric, questionable logic, and obsessive topics.

Rudy Guiliani's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE')

Prior to his birth, Rudy's PE in the 18 South Saros Series perfected on January 25, 1944 @4AQ32 in his 5th house and at birth was opposed by his natal Mars (3Leo34--and by extension, his n Pluto 6:44). 18 South themes echo those of Donald Trump's 2 Old North PE: endings, partings, separations, anguish, grief--but new situations can bring positive results' (Brady). Cynically, this can be said to describe Guiliani's profiteering on the WTC attacks of 9/11/01. Plus, a PE in Aquarius denotes one who doesn't see past events as a burden but as karmic opportunities and a guide for future development. And when I mention 'karmic' I always mean reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe (which effects even Donald Trump whose karmic overload must be huge--but we each have our own). In Aquarius, Rudy's PE indicates that "whimsical changes and contradictory efforts interrupt karmic progress and add to the accumulation of karmic debts." (Rose Lineman; my italics).

Well! Perhaps I should leave SO'W now and see if Rudy is still 'the face' of Team Trump!

Apr 18, 2018

Horoscope: US Solar Return 2018 - we're 242 years old

April 18, 2018: below you see dual horoscopes of the upcoming US Solar Return 2018, one set for natal location of Philadelphia (lower left) and the other for our current capital of Washington DC (upper right). There are a few differences between the charts due to the two locations and both charts have my usual messy notes penned on them (mea culpa!) which may hopefully be read by enlarging the image:

Hour of Jupiter (Rx in 8th house and apex of a dynamic T-Square); Chart-ruler Mars in 11th house makes no applying aspects but aspects to Mars are listed on the right inside a box of red as is Mars. The Sabian Symbols for house cusps are notable but I won't type them here since you are perfectly capable of looking them up yourself (especially note ASC @13Aries). An obvious feature of both charts is authoritative Saturn at Midheaven (MC, the Goal Point of any chart). In the upper right corner is a potential for Saturn-MC in Politics which seems applicable to where America stands as I type (April 2018): 'formal rules imposed on the executive branch' (Munkasey). Now I'm uncertain how that may happen since congressional Republican leadership has refused to rein in Donald Trump from firing the officials involved in investigating Trump but perhaps it will come to pass that the Uranian lurking in the Oval Office will at some point have his mobster-like wings clipped. And after all, Saturn at MC may also represent a fall from grace.

America's Hazelrigg Horoscope, Thomas Jefferson, and July 2018

Now when it comes to Mr. Trump there are several important cosmic factors that will express upon the Earth before and after America's 242nd birthday (which as you see, actually perfects on July 5th this year--these Return charts are based on the US Hazelrigg Horoscope set for 12:20 pm on July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA with a 9th house Sun @13Can08 conj MC 16Can51, Moon 24AQ25 5th house, ASC 14Lib35 with our exalted-in-Libra Saturn rising which places our natal US Sun-Saturn square foremost; added to the natal and Return charts are the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). See John Hazelrigg. Two things about the 12:20 pm timing is that it tallies with the time in the engraved portrait of Benjamin Franklin pointing toward Philadelphia's Independence Hall clock with his enigmatic smile. Also, the newspaper obituary of Thomas Jefferson cites the time of his passing as 'ten minutes before 1 o'clock' and links the time to the signing of the Declaration of Independence--12:50 pm, close to 12:20 pm.

As for D. Trump (see Mars-SN and Sun-Pluto = ASC), and in spite of the protective Water Grand Trine (Sun-Jupiter-Neptune), July 2018 brings him and America a Syzygy Moon @6Cap28 (last lunation prior to US Solar Return 2018--marked on the Philadelphia chart conjunct MC--which is the revealing Full Moon of June 28th). More significant is the Solar Eclipse that perfects on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer for it is a repeat of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@9Gemini in 1946--conjunct US natal Uranus) in the 2 Old North Saros Series of unfortunate news concerning relationships and ideas about separation yet fast action can bring good results (Brady).

Be the 2 Old North eclipse themes and potentials as they may, the July 13th eclipse hits the Twin Stars of Gemini, Castor and Pollux with their positive and/or negative manifestations which will be activated by the eclipse. And note that a 2 Old North solar eclipse last occurred on July 1, 2000 @10Cancer in the midst of our national Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio which connects its influences to America, the start of the New Millennium, and all that has happened since.

And the historical, cosmic lens through which all 2 Old North solar eclipses must be viewed is the sign of Cancer because its initial manifestation perfected on June 24, 792 (OS) @5Can49--conjunct what became the 1776 position of America's national Jupiter (Hazelrigg: 5Can53) so rounding up we get '6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests". Now I don't know about either of you, but I consider the profiteering Donald Trump in the White House to be the best example of such nefarious activity that our nation has ever, in her 242 years, had to endure. We may discover that Trump has 'stolen us blind' and various other financial dealings of a dubious nature may be revealed by Summer 2018 lunations and eclipses. Plus, the orange-haired tower-builder and we have themes of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse to 'look forward to' beginning in late July into August and beyond.

You may also wish to see a DC Horoscope of the Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44--conjunct US natal South Node which suggests separation and/or isolation themes. A chart factor I neglected to mention previously is that US Solar Return 2018 occurs during a Nodal Return for the US (Hazelrigg South Node @6AQ35). As you know, a Nodal Return hints at the forming of new alliances of Jupiterian quality while possibly letting go of weaker ones at the Saturnian South Node--yet there are the Trump's indications of separations in relationships. Well, he's already proven to be a huge drag on our national life and relationships with other nations so maybe strong alliances will look up for America while his continue to suffer in some way. Think Mueller (since We The People can hardly count on Congress to do its job of protecting us from demagogues like Trump--and should we be crediting the Electoral College for the hot mess they plopped us into?). Yes, I had wanted Mr. Trump to play the POTUS role well since it would mean that America does well but I've been thoroughly disappointed for obvious reasons. You may disagree as you wish but there it is.

Now of course, there are many more chart factors worth considering but I'll leave them up to you since this isn't a book but merely a post. Yet mention should be made of the feminine in our Solar Return 2018 Horoscope which seems to point to a strong lady, perhaps a politician (acting at Aries Point, the world stage) but Melania Trump and separation in relationships (Trump's 2 Old North PE) are also possibilities.

All I can say is that if Melania has had enough of her Mercurial husband, who in this wide world could blame her? Plus, my strong suspicion is that a majority of Americans feel exactly the same way.

Related: a list of the 2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2018 with solar themes. Also recommended is an informative presentation by Max Igan: Transcending Tyranny.

Mar 25, 2018

Trump and Mercer and the 2018 Summer Eclipses

March 25, 2018: With communicator Mercury now retrograde, a review of videos on the topic of svengali-esque Trump-funder and social recluse Robert 'Bob' Mercer (Renaissance Technologies) and/or daughter Rebekah is actually quite easy to accomplish these days especially since the Cambridge Analytica scandal surfaced into mainstream awareness (and Mercer's funding of it, Breitbart News, Bannon, Conway, Cruz, Trump, etc.)

In one such video posted to YouTube on October 24, 2017, Seth Myers, in one of his The Check In segments, discusses Mercer and his far-right government-hating agenda, and more. Billionaire Mercer's aim is to reduce the US government to the size of a pinhead and he wants "it all to fall down" which perked up my ears since Robert Mercer's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Solar Eclipse for its themes of 'collapse of an existing structure or lifestyle' and the 'rebuilding that begins once the dust settles' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

What we can't know ahead of time is whether 'the tower that collapses' refers to the Washington establishment, Trump--his towers and administration, a Wall Street casino crash (where Mercer has worked as a hedge fund manager), the Mercer-Bannon-Trump campaign to destroy our nation, or all such possibilities during the season of influence of the 2 New North eclipse. It seems that all these potential scenarios have been set up by one group of actors or another but which one or ones will be triggered into reality by external events in the form of planetary transits and progressions? Will outcomes be determined by which event occurs first and either swoops the others along or perhaps makes any one of the possibilities moot?

Summer 2018: Eclipse Time Links May Be Activated

My previous thoughts before today have been that The Tower Solar Eclipse relates closely to financial events, in part because of certain US economic conditions brewing in recent years (exs: 2017's massive GOP tax cuts for the wealthy, and Trump's ill-considered trade wars), plus, because of two eclipse-related conditions--that Donald Trump's PE (2 Old North) repeats on July 13, 2018 @20Can41 (chart w details will soon be posted here--stay tuned) and the initial manifestation of Robert Mercer's PE (2 New North) which first manifested on June 17, 1928 @26Gemini during the run-up period prior to the Crash of 1929 (aka, 'Black Tuesday'--a noon horoscope is shown with destructive if wealthy Pluto @20Cancer where Trump's July 13, 2018 Solar Eclipse @20Can41 will 'hit' and thus will be made stronger as it activates the difficult fixed star Castor, one of the dark-light Gemini Twins with potentials for: sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, and/or mental illness (A. Louis). Of course, Castor and his twin, Pollux, are also creative stars particularly in the form of writing so journalistic input such as publishing about the potentials just listed will surely be a factor.

Now it's true that both Summer 2018 Solar Eclipses are partial and so are not as strongly influential upon events or people as they could be. However, between them a Total Lunar Eclipse occurs and perhaps that is where most of the secrets lie--and will be revealed. Below is the DC horoscope of the Lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 (near US natal SN) with my usual messy notes penned on. The chart is packed full of details with potentials for: strong emotions (furious outbursts), challenges to authority (Trump, Mueller, Putin, or other?), rash actions, even violent measures which, if taken, will result in severe karmic consequences. As you see marked in blue is Mercury Rx, unaspected, and ruler of 7th and 10th houses. Mercury unaspected suggests someone Mercurial who's isolated and/or hyperactive (Mercurial Trump the tweeter? Don jr in hiding?) and it looks as if retaliation is upcoming (trade wars?) via asteroid Tisiphone conjunct North Node.

As you see, it's an Hour of changeable Mercury Rx with chart-ruler Jupiter in Scorpio making only one Ptolemaic applying aspect, a trine to Neptune Rx in its own sign of shady Pisces. This applying aspect denotes that tricky conditions will continue or worsen, illusions and delusions will continue to abound, disguises are worn or attempted, and/or someone benefits from a run of 'dumb luck'. What I didn't add on the chart is the typical Jupiter-Neptune speculation which implicates the stock market and the usual tendencies toward over-promises, grand gestures, bubbles, and/or get-rich-quick and other schemes. Caution is advised! This eclipse affects the 2/8 money axis which can also tag sexual, corporate, or other antics now ripe for spotlights and the revelations uncovered by the 2018 Summer Eclipses.

Now attractive Venus at Midheaven suggests that critical perspectives and more modest values may be desired yet with US natal Neptune (22Vir25) at Lunar Eclipse Midheaven, the deluded/deluding conditions mentioned above may be already in play and too ingrained for much improvement from valuable Venus (possible currency wars too?). Of course, the exalted position in the chart of Venus in Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of the virgin, may also be pointing directly toward Trump's ongoing scandals with the ladies--or perhaps another public figure's sexy behavior or finances will become public fodder for the media (MC). Either way, legalities will ensue with Venus in 9th house and more indictments or trials may occur. We should also note that 22Virgo+ is the degree of golfer Donald Trump's natal 2nd cusp, a money house--and he does love to spend (waste) large amounts of taxpayer money on vacation get-aways.

Then cosmically speaking, there's the 'natal echo' in the chart via one of Trump's natal midpoint pictures repeated here by transit--marked in orange, upper right, and posited in 2nd house is Mars-Saturn = Pluto: rage, fury, destruction, bodily harm--and what there was no space to write--brutality, all potentials compliments of Reinhold Ebertin

The last chart factor I want to mention in the Lunar Eclipse chart is a dynamic T-Square between the challenge-prone Sun-Mars opposition and quirky Uranus in money sign Taurus (in 5th house of Speculation) which forms a midpoint picture of potentials for: premature action, rash behavior, over-taxing of strength, sudden events, new conditions, and/or military call-up as in times of war--or in times when an Oval Office occupant needs more 'soldiers' in the war he wages on whomever or whatever gets in his way. And synchronistically enough, the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @4AQ44 falls within Mr. Trump's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service.

Jan 7, 2018

An Updated Horoscope of the US Presidency

Jan 8, 2018 Update: thanks to Kate Plumb it has come to my attention that the updated horoscope set for 1:00 pm, below, does not reflect an accurate time that George Washington took the Oath of Office so here I post yet another updated horoscope set for the hour the Mount Vernon website Timeline gives for our first presidential Oath--2:00 pm LMT, which gives a natal Horoscope of the US Presidency. Hopefully this will be the final updated chart!

As we would expect, an hour's change results in a few differences between the horoscopes. Exs: the Hour belongs to Jupiter now instead of crusty old Saturn. South Node of the Moon (the tail of the dragon) no longer swipes the MC from the 10th house side for it has crossed the MC into the 9th house. Mercury and Venus are posited now in the 8th house rather than the 9th and the MC is now in Gemini instead of later Taurus and so is ruled by Mercury, chart-ruler of the Ascendant (now 13Vir27, not 1Vir37). This removes the interception of Gemini and Sagittarius across the 4/10 axis. The 3/9 cusps are in Taurus-Scorpio rather than Aries-Libra.

I leave the 1:00 pm chart, below, for comparison's sake, and simply add the updated 2:00 pm chart to the post. Naturally, the festivities in NYC began earlier that morning for it was basically an all-day event which makes the 1:00 pm chart viable. (Follow the link, above to check out the full Timeline). Most of the 1:00 pm chart's details remain the same such as chart-ruler Mercury applying only once, a conjunction with Venus, powerful Pluto in Aquarius leading a Locomotive shape, and the 7 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the event (and the Presidency) is in the 3rd house of Communications rather than the roots-oriented 4th. You may spot other changes as well.

Now here's the 2:00 pm LMT Oath of Office horoscope of the US Presidency which is titled, Inauguration 1789 to distinguish it in my files from the 1:00 pm chart:

Original post begins here:

April 30, 1789 1:00 pm LMT NYC:

A number of years ago I had found '12:45 pm LMT' as the timing of the first inauguration of George Washington (April 30, 1789 Wall Street, NYC) and 'went with it' for setting up a horoscope of the US Presidency. This was the time George Washington and his escorts arrived for the ceremony and the source I had used is no longer with me for it was stored on a pc that crashed years ago.

So today I'm finally getting around to publishing an updated version set for 1:00 pm LMT which is closer to the time the Father of Our Country took the very first Oath of Office on a Masonic Lodge Bible and (nervously) began delivering his Inaugural Address.

Note that in the '12:45 pm' chart, 29Leo arose which received the cosmic blink of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 and which conjoined precisely the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump. Please enlarge to read chart notes for little text concerning the Inauguration Horoscope of 1789 (the Natal Chart of the US Presidency) will be added here today. Yet we should note that President Washington's first natal planet to rise in this chart is Jupiter Rx @8Lib37 followed by his natal Pluto Rx @17Lib41, the natal degree of Donald Trump's 2nd house Jupiter Stationary Direct. (Jupiter-Pluto = plutocrats and large-scale projects.)

Additionally, for those who find value in Secondary Progressions for 'updating' a horoscope concerning its natal promise, the US Presidency is currently laboring within a Balsamic Lunar Phase (the 'dark of the moon' = endings, partings, separations) which, based on the horoscope you see here, began on October 7, 2015 with SP Moon @6Sco41. The US Presidency will experience the symbolic 'new beginnings' of an SP New Moon @25Sag16 on April 11, 2019 which was perhaps cosmically foreshadowed by the December 18, 2017 New Moon @26Sag31, a time of seeding, that was fulfilled by the New Year's Day Full Moon of January 1, 2018 @11Can37--falling as it did between US natal Jupiter (5:56) and Sun (13:19).

And although the natal horoscope of 1789, as you see, shows a Locomotive shape of the 'high-powered executive' demanding success (POTUS!) with out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Pluto as the engine (see chart notes on the 6th house Pluto in Aquarius), the SP New Moon horoscope of April 2019 shows Uranus Rx @9Leo06--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Pluto 10:02--in SP 5th house of Speculation and Gambling--the maverick who now quirkily leads our national Locomotive to and fro for his own and his family's personal gain. And of course, Donald Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet which guides his odd behavior via chaos and eccentricity as he disrupts America's traditional leadership roles domestically and across the globe.

Thus the rebellious blend of Uranus with Pluto suggests reforms and a subsequent 'new order' so apparently it is time for one to supplant the 'new world order' which began in 1776 with the rise of America as the New Atlantis. And as you see, the midpoint of the old order vs new order pair of Saturn and Uranus sits atop the Goal Point (MC) of the US Presidency's natal horoscope and forms a midpoint picture that Noel Tyl gives as: break away from the old, and/or, loss of self to the grip of controls - in 1776. Yet nowadays, Mr. Trump continues in his attempts to unravel the US Presidency, the US Constitution, our traditional checks and balances, the typical roles of the three branches of government, the US Justice System, our rights and freedoms, the National Treasury, our foreign alliances, and more. Yes, with Trump, US reliability is tossed out the White House window! And like abusers everywhere, his tactic is an attempt to separate our nation from all who could aid us against his overbearing authority! For the proposed border wall, a money pit, would shut us in more than shut others out.

But as I've noted in a previous post, perhaps we'll know more of what's in store for Mr. Trump and his chaotic leadership style around the time (or up to two weeks prior) that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer in the 2 Old North Series with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings and partings' (Brady). For with a majority of Americans and others heartily unimpressed by Trump's 'styling' of the US Presidency, perhaps his 2 Old North PE be the trumpet call of a sad good-bye.

On the cuss'ed topic of Mr. Trump's 2 Old North PE, let's close with this from a previous post:

'{Manifesting} on July 13, 2018 {is} a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.' Will the break for freedom be his own escape from the White House? A gal can dream, can't she?

Related Posts include: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington and Coming Soon! In February 2018 is what I'm calling the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse hitting by degree the US natal Moon.

Jun 11, 2017

The 'Cosmic Blinks' of Donald Trump and Trump Tower

Image: the 'cosmic blinks', aka, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, of Donald Trump born June 14, 1946; please enlarge for better viewing.

Themes of his 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) are listed along with certain conjunctions to US natal planets, and other factors such as his birth on the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse @23Sag04, and his PE repeating on July 13, 2018 at a critical degree (20Cancer) which will emphasize his 2 Old North's basic themes beginning in early July 2018 and lead directly into the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @19Leo (2 New North) with themes of 'sudden collapse of an existing structure' and 'lifestyle collapse' (B. Brady) - themes which hauntingly echo Tarot card number 16: The Tower:

Eclipses of a Gilded Trump Tower

Perhaps you're a bit curious about Trump Tower. Construction began in 1979, a year of two solar eclipses: 1. Feb 26, 1979 @7Pisces in the 17 South Saros Series--'sudden success with group projects and/or relationships', and 2.August 22, 1979 @29Leo in the 18 North Series--'high stress level, a taxing of strength, large expenditures of effort, accidents or illness' (there were accidents and deaths during construction, if memory serves--it has 58 stories though the top floor is numbered '68'). As I type (June 11, 2017), note that we're currently under the influence of a 19 South Solar Eclipse which manifested on February 26, 2017 @8Pisces.

You'll also note that the 18 North eclipse @29Leo is at the same degree as the Total Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 we're all waiting to view which suggests resonance on a Leonine level (cautions against pride, vainglory, egotism, pomposity, bragging, 'showboating'), plus, a 29th degree suggests impatience of some sort--and conjoins the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump (29Leo) and royal Regulus (caution: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all gains will be taken away).

Now the PE of Trump Tower, which opened on November 30, 1983 (with a gilded flourish, no doubt) is the 3 North Series which manifested on June 11, 1983 @20Gemini (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal North Node (20Gem48) and snugged betwixt his natal Uranus (17Gem53) and natal Sun (22Gem55) in his 10th house of Public Status and Career. Plus, America's natal Mars 22Gemini is tucked in there somewhere.

3 North themes are of an 'over-excessive' series, news that transforms a situation and causes worry and obsession, undertaking large plans that work out successfully as long as one doesn't get carried away' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady). 3 North last manifested on the day of Summer Solstice 2001 at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer and is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the WTC ('Twin Towers') attacks of 9/11/01. A 3 North solar eclipse next occurs on July 2, 2019 (in time for America's birthday) @11Cancer.

NBC video: During a Campaign 2016 debate, Marco Rubio mentioned Trump's use of undocumented Polish workers during the construction of Trump Tower. Somewhat curiously, the video is dated February 26th.

Mar 5, 2017

Acrux of the Southern Cross and the Eclipse of Donald Trump

Starry Acrux! The Great American Eclipse Ruffles Mr. Trump and His Warring Mars

by Jude Cowell

Once upon a time the constellation of the Southern Cross was visible in Jerusalem. Was it followed by the Maji as the Star of Bethlehem? Doesn't seem probable to me but then there are several theories as to what that cosmic Star may have been. However, we do know that the three Maji of gold-frankencense-and-myrrh fame were Eastern astrologers and seers who knew what they were looking at and what they were compelled to do: follow its guidance to honor the new king.

The Southern Cross constellation's brightest star is Acrux (Alpha Crux), a triple star that can be used in astrology though my own use of fixed stars tends toward the symbolic side with star positions (sign and degree) aligning in horoscopes with various planets (if they do--conjunctions and the occasional opposition only). Parans between stars and planets (whether rising, culminating, setting, and/or lower-ing together) are often noted by yours truly but are not always mentioned in texts (for then posts would soon become books) and for Acrux this is moot anyway since the star is not visible in most northern hemisphere charts and may not be used at all unless symbolically.

And of course, in Astrology the archetypal symbol of The Cross in essence denotes The Cross of Matter upon which the human body manifests on the earthly plane and when prominent in a horoscope suggests the ability to bring things to fruition, to give them substance (as when Jesus Christ was physically born and died--on The Cross of Matter, the first death). Actualizing one's potential (ex: materialism that leads to financial wealth, success), moving and taking action, and getting things done are keynotes of Acrux.

And we know that, "Fixed stars work through eclipses." (The Book of the Eclipse, Ovason.)

So if we add to a study using fixed stars an intriguing and highly flawed individual like Donald Trump we have a sensational story fit for novelists whom no one would believe if they read them. His natal Uranus in Gemini (he behaves like a Gemini and in fact, is one with natal Sun there) leads all his natal planets from his 10th house of Career. Meanwhile, America's natal 'totem planet' of revolution, Uranus @8Gem55, was activated in 1946 by Mr. Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse when it occurred May 30, 1946 @9Gemini in the 2 Old North Saros Series.

2 Old North's difficult themes include: unfortunate news concerning friendships and/or other relationships, endings of unions, separation issues, and action regarding personal relationships (Predictive Astrology, Brady).

2 Old North last manifested on July 1, 2000 @10Can15 and will repeat on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer during the second year of the presidency of Donald Trump. We may expect 2 Old North themes of separation and endings to express for and through him around that time (whether he still acts as president or not).

Uranian Donald Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse = US Natal Uranus: Sudden Conflicts

It's always instructive to look at the initial eclipse of a series--for Mr. Trump (born June 14, 1946) his 2 Old North series began manifesting @5Can49 (conjunct the future degree of US natal Jupiter!) on June 24, 0792 (OS) giving all subsequent interpretations a lunar cast. 2 Old North ends with a last solar hurrah on July 23, 2036 @29Leo, the same degree as The Great American Eclipse which will be visible from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017 @29Leo (horoscope linked, below).

The August 21, 2017 eclipse is personally significant for Mr. Trump (and thus for America) for it conjoins (or activates or eclipses) his natal Ascendant and is squished between his rising Mars (26Leo) and Ascendant (29Leo), with royal star Regulus in the mix. Curiously, Trump's Secondary Progressed (and Solar Arc) Sun, originally in Gemini, has recently and symbolically left Leo and entered Virgo--and the precessed position of Regulus is now @00Virgo+ which hints that Regulus is his 'essence' and 'objective' at age 70--if we were to use fixed stars in Progressions! Personally, I think timing issues may be seen through them but use of stars in Progressions is your choice and is frowned upon by astrological tradition.

America Affected

Yet how tragic for America if our nation in need of a competent president and civilian Commander-in-Chief partakes too freely of the archetypal theater in Mr. Trump's life at age 70, that of Regulus reflecting upon him the fatal flaw inherent in this most royal of stars: success if revenge is avoided. For coupled with his aggressive warrior Mars (in proud Leo, the lion), Regulus, star of power and success, gives an ability to lead, yes, but if one takes revenge any greatness will suffer an "eclipse" and consequently bring a "fall from grace."

Such is the potential of Mr. Donald J. Trump. If he manages to avoid the negative caution that attaches to Regulus he may be the first yet considering his petty, perverse, retaliatory, tweeting and insinuating nature, it isn't likely that he can avoid the ultimate consequences of failure though it may seem so for a while. After all, while playing the presidential role, there are many people both hidden and otherwise who continually 'prop him up' in spite of what could, should, or by all rights will, bring him down from high office and plunk him into the shadows.

And America with him.


Related Posts: August 21, 2017 The Great American Eclipse, its shadow up to 70+ miles wide--talk about being followed by a moon shadow!

And with June on the way, here's the Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope set for Washington DC and showing Mr. Trump's natal planets around the outside. See his first natal planet to rise...

And check this out from writer and astrologer Neil Spencer:

"The most high profile celestial event of 2017 is the total solar eclipse of August 21, whose path cuts across 14 states of the USA, from Oregon to South Carolina; surely a heaven-sent boon to the end-of-the-world brigades (who come in many guises), and the manufacturers of fake news. That almost all the states in the eclipse’s shadow voted for Donald Trump should add to speculation about its meaning; perhaps the Commander in Chief will tweet that he personally arranged it."

Yes, (Uranian-in-Chief) Mr. Trump just may tweet something along those lines if White House staffers fail to keep a phone out of his Geminian hands.