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Showing posts with label Capricorn Lunar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capricorn Lunar Eclipse. Show all posts

Jul 13, 2020

DC Horoscopes: July-August 2020 Lunations

July 13, 2020: Just a quick posting of the New and Full Moon DC Horoscopes for July 20 (28Can26 opposite US Pluto - and July 20 is the 3rd of 3 Mercury Returns for Trump to 8Can51), August 3 (11AQ45; prominent is the Mercury-Saturn opposition which suggests not wanting to hear what's being communicated and dissenting opinions), and August 18, 2020. Study notes are penned on the charts if you care to read them. We should mention that the natal Mars of Uranian Donald Trump will be activated on August 18th by a New Moon @26Leo35 - and New Moons can disrupt in similar Uranian fashion to Solar Eclipses:

Image below: As you see, Mercury the Messenger accompanies the August 18th New Moon and, if you're familiar with the natal horoscope of Trump, you know that Mercury @28Leo07 closely approaches his natal Ascendant which to me suggests the usual - that what he thinks and says is 'on the line' and/or open to scrutiny. Of course, with his natal Mars in egotistical, pompous Leo nearby, his actions are implicated as well, while the dark of a New Moon suggests secrets, scandals, sneaky activities, but also possible revelations and leaks. (Mary Trump's book is released tomorrow as I type so more info from her account of the dysfunctional Trump family seems a given.)

As you see, on August 18th, chart-ruler Venus applies only once - to oppose Jupiter - two money planets at odds, it seems. See lower left for my notes which include 'justice is self-serving', something we already know about Trump and 'his' DOJ, don't we? In fact, the August 3rd chart shows asteroid Astraea ('Justice') opposing deceptive planet of fraud and corruption, Neptune in sneaky, infectious Pisces! And though I neglected to pen it on the August 18th chart, Astraea by then will be at a critical-crisis 29th degree but still in analytical Virgo. In a day or two Astraea will reach 00Libra and in the founding horoscope I most often use for America, Astraea will conjunct the Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal Point of any chart - and that's Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice!

Additionally, it may be significant that the July 20th New Moon @28Can26 points toward a symbolic cosmic event on August 20, 2020: The Progressed Full Moon of the DOJ! Of course, DOJ's SP Full Moon also opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn so we know that titanic power struggles continue within and against our corrupted Justice System. My suspicion has been that financial pilfering is a part of fraudulent DOJ activities along with foreign raids on the US Treasury. And that's not even counting Congress and shady, dishonest corporate CEOs and Ivanka!

So the July and August 2020 Lunations reveal an America continuing to struggle against the winds of change while quarreling with ourselves and each other. Meanwhile, the transit of restrictive Saturn to US natal Pluto (Saturn Rx backed into Capricorn again) extends a period of power struggles and control issues when situations are simply too large to handle for now and re$ources are depleted (some stolen, some put to good use). Mature, authentic leadership would help immensely - see 'apex Saturn' notes on the August 18, 2020 chart, upper center, but we're having to wait a while longer for what may hopefully be a change of administrations that will bring in a Cabinet of folks who actually know how to govern; otherwise, we'll have to settle for the violent melee and mobsterism that Trump and his comrades are determined to continue forcing upon the American people as they attempt to keep him in office.

And with warrior-activist Mars strong in fiery Aries in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service in both the July 20th and August 3rd charts, it appears that We The People may need to depend upon military action to eject the blighter from the White House if our dream of a massive Blue Wave washing him out to sea comes to pass in November. Because with sociopath Trump backed by a criminal syndicate of global thugs, a simple loss at the ballot box on November 3rd could never be enough for him to take the hint and make like a leaf.

As you know, the month of July 2020 began with the 'cosmic blink' of a wild card eclipse: Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on July 5th opposing US natal Sun (POTUS) but is not listed, above, since it appears in a previous post.

Apr 4, 2020

The YOD in America's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope

Is America's Great Seal Reversed?

by Jude Cowell

April 3, 2020: After writing Stars Over Washington for nearly 15 years, it turns out that I'm quite an expert at assuming that any reader who bravely ventures herein possesses a measure of astrological knowledge. And once upon a time I tended to assure those who didn't 'speak astrologese' not to fret for my posts were written in English so they had only to ignore the astrology parts.

Now I see that such a work-around probably didn't work for many readers. In fact, a reader recently tasked me with providing a key for those who don't understand all the terms and abbreviations. She may think I've forgotten but no! It's only that events have been overly time consuming, as for us all. So this I hope to write and publish here before much longer in a post all its own.

But tonight I want to mention a factor of concern - or at least it's a factor that may help explain in general terms using Astrology some of our current conditions including health matters and our enforced circumstances of 'isolation and 'social distancing'. And this is where a basic knowledge of astrological terms and principles would come in handy - if only so that this post could be on the briefer, less cumbersome side rather than blossoming into e-book form. Oh well, let's give it a go and see where we land, shall we?

US Solar Return 2020 and a YOD of crisis

Special task, crossroads, turning point, karmic opportunity--all describe potentials that may be shown by a YOD pattern when it turns up in a horoscope. But another connotation of a YOD (which visually favors a squished triangle, aka, a Finger of God) is that it can symbolize a health indicator suggesting crisis conditions which must be handled with care when the time comes. (As you know, timing is everything! And our SR 2020 chart is 'good for' one year until America's next Solar Return in 2021.)

And so a YOD (of sorts) has turned up in America's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope, our 'birthday' chart. Please note that 'SR' stands for 'Solar Return' calculated for the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree, minute, and seconds (if known) when a person or entity is born or founded--in this case, America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT is the chart I use, Philadelphia, Pa) with 12Sag08 Rising, Cardinal World Point 00Libr47 at Midheaven, and Moon @27AQ09 (We The People) in SR 3rd house. And if you're familiar with the US natal horoscope, you know that it contains a Thor's Hammer pattern (or, Fist of God) with a Sun-Saturn square at its base pointing toward We The People's Moon. This pattern shows that our country has had health issues (Sun-Saturn) from the start, particularly for women (Moon) aggravated or blocked by men (Sun square Saturn), plus, a midpoint picture is formed of Sun-Saturn = Moon denoting 'emotional depression due to organic troubles; fear' (which leaders use against us to direct our behavior en masse - as they do now--we're "at war" once again), and/or 'bereavement' (Ebertin). This, we've got.

So the Ascendant rising in our SR 2020 Horoscope (@27Scorpio, a health sign with regenerative power) is part of the YOD pattern and thus this is not a traditional YOD pattern for there should be planets in all three points. Plus, the apex of the 'YOD' is the North Node of the Moon at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Gemini. Why, this is not a YOD at all, exclaims astrologers! Okay, but what I'm actually trying to get at is the midpoint picture formed by the trio of Saturn-ASC-North-Node. For as a pair in the biological sphere, Saturn-ASCendant indicates potentials for certain health conditions (exs: 'skin troubles; middle ear inflammation; defective connective tissues or organs; myopia'), but also 'suffering caused by the environment; disadvantages through others; segregation or separation from others; feeling hindered or depressed; suffering from limiting or poor conditions; hindered or inhibited development; a wrong outlook on life' - or some combination which we're feeling already. Add the directional North Node and we have:

Saturn-ASC = North Node: 'secluding oneself from others; being placed in unpleasant family circumstances' (Ebertin).

'Unpleasant circumstances' is seconded by Noel Tyl.

Now let's close this dreary post (intended to inform not worsen!) with Michael Munkasey's evaluation of the difficult Saturn-ASC duo in Hegelian Dialectic form and note that you'll find the Trump 'administration' of purposefully inept kleptocrats and his dreary mishandling of our current health crisis somewhere within the following potentials--if not within them all:

Thesis: Difficulty for others to understand internal leadership or direction; policy or authority dictated or restricted by external demands; inflexibility or an inability to adapt to necessary change.

Antithesis: A replacement or a lowering in status of advisers or leaders; curtailment of programs for the disadvantaged; a disregard for checks and balances within an enterprise; repression as a function of policy.

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but I think Mr. Munkasey has described our tragic health calamity all too well based on astrological principles and translated into English.

A closely related post: Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which will 'eclipse' our national Sun (13Can19), the leaders/s of the US government such as they have devolved.

Here's America's SR 2020 Horoscope:

Apr 2, 2020

The "Response to Covid-19" is a Plan for One World Government

April 2, 2020:

Stars Over Washington Has Always Been a Saturnian Endeavor

For years posts have appeared on SO'W concerning the 'new world order' and 'One World Government' and I believe that Max is correct--government response to the coronavirus catastrophe is The Plan to fully implement global authoritarian control. Evidence may be found within the use of the Hegelian Dialectic by which problems are created/engineered (ex: a highly contagious virus of mysterious origin) so that "solutions" (long-planned) can be forcefully induced with apparent justification.

And in at least one previous post I have asserted what many intuit to be true--that such a global "problem" would at some point (it's all about timing and preparation!) be engineered and presented so that the world populace in One Voice would plead, Oh please form a One World Government because old governments of the nation-state variety--shown now to be out of their depths--can no longer solve such a huge catastrophe (as a global pandemic). Of course, Globalism has been a basic part of The Plan so that all systems are dependent upon one another--like dominoes falling. And if such a cry is heard across the land, then my status as something of a Kassandra figure can be renounced!

So tragically, the time for warnings has ended, the signs and signals are evident. One World Government is here, folks, and ready to devour any remaining freedoms of The People.

Astrologically, you may find that much is revealed by eclipses which work through, and influence, historical and global events. Here's a post showing the DC Horoscope of the July 5, 2020 Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which eclipses America's Sun @13Cancer (July 4, 1776: Sun = leader/s) for your consideration if you haven't already. Of course, for World Government to be successfully installed, America and the US government, our principles of freedom, and our traditional '3 branches' had to be sabotaged and undermined as completely as possible. We've watched with alarm as criminal Trump and his corrupt enablers have achieved this very thing. The lunar eclipse post also contains links to the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse of 'traumatic transformation' under which the world now suffers, plus, other links of interest intended for the daring reader. Then there's the upcoming Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse conjunct a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation (00Cancer) with themes we're already experiencing: restraint, restriction, separation, illusions, misjudgments, and blockages (Brady) so expect more of such on into 2021. By summer 2021 my fervent hope is that some measure of relief may be felt and we must ready ourselves for 2022 when US Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn returns to its 1776 degree - exact three times through 2022. Power-mad Pluto's de-structuring of government continues with regeneration to follow once the dust clears. For as you know, empires always fall - see Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire for more details.

Now regretfully I must add that this disturbing post containing a message from Max is one that should be shared as widely as possible for a broader view of what's occurring is owed to the American people and to other nations as well upon whom vast reforms are about to descend with 'Covid-19' as the plutocrats' justification. Yet because this post concerns dire subject matter, few if any on-topic readers' comments are expected but, as always, a share-if-you-dare would be much appreciated! For we must inform others while we are able. Seriously.

Do note, however, that all spam and ads are moderated and deleted so spammers should not waste their time. Oh! and a special shout-out is due to Hong Kong whose many visits of late are duly noted. jc

May Kassandra's Blessings be upon us all:

Feb 21, 2020

Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse

Below is a DC Horoscope of the July 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @13Cap37 across the 4/10 Security and Career axis. Perfecting at 12:44:17 am edt, America's natal Sun (13Can19) is 'eclipsed' even more closely than it was during the 3 North July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 and you know the turmoil, changes, and disruptive events that ensued for US leadership in the summer of 2019 and beyond. (Exs: Trump's "perfect call' to Ukraine's President Zelenskiy, military and humanitarian aide to Ukraine withheld which benefited Russia, Trump's whistle blower saga still ongoing against the law that protects their identities, plus, Trump's impeachment in 2020!), plus other lunations, some stronger than others. (New and Full Moons may sometimes disrupt and/or reveal secrets much as eclipses like to do.)

And naturally, all Cancer and Capricorn eclipses relate to issues of authority, responsibility, ambition, use of power and control, family and security matters, and/or patriotism, both real and pretended. Plus, commerce, trade, and investment matters are often involved as well, and we should also include the potential for Moon-Saturn influences which may concern health.

Then came the 3 South December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse with its "traumatic transformation" vibes (Brady) under which we now chafe in 2020 at least until the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse (linked, below). And I'll add here a link to a previous post concerning the Spring Equinox 2020 Chart because it's 'good for' the entire year.

So here's the horoscope I've (somewhat snarkily) entitled, Happy Independence Day America 2020. (US Solar Return 2020 perfects July 4th at 4:58:57 pm edt--still with a Capricorn Moon and suggesting some 'unpleasant circumstances'.) Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish and note that this Lunar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon is its 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse ('PE') @00Can21; 4 North themes are penned upon the center of the chart:

So between the June 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @15Sag20 (not shown but linked, below) and the July 5th Lunar Eclipse you see, above, comes the Summer Solstice Eclipse 2020 which is Annular yet heralds significant world events with its tinge of 4 North influences. Chillingly, we might wonder if the spread of China's tragic coronavirus contagion disrupting the supply chain to the rest of the world is implicated here due to its potential for interrupting global financial markets. That could do it. Maybe this post should have opened with that.

And so, after studying these 2019 and 2020 eclipse horoscopes and typing this post, I must second Brad Friedman of The BradBlog the way he always ends his podcasts--with a wistful, Good Luck World.

A Closely Related Post: The US Judicial System and the June 2020 Lunar Eclipse

Jul 25, 2019

August 2019: Time Again for a Trump Mars Return

Astro-Notes on a Martian Combatant: Energy, Action, Motivation, and Desire

by Jude Cowell

First off, in the 2019 Solar Return Horoscope of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) quite a bit of Mars action is shown (exs: Mercury-Mars = NN: quarrels; Mars conjunct starry Alphard: legal and love problems--especially nasty when malevolent Mars is involved with this star which contains the potential for poisoning of some kind.) Understandable given his White House tenure, his many opponents, and his contentious, retaliatory, and determined nature so obvious via natal Mars in Leo rising with royal Regulus, among other factors of discontent, egotism (me-first!), and greed.

Then in Trump's current Mars Return Horoscope (August 31, 2017; 26Leo46) undermining Neptunian energies are prominent as mysteries, secrets, leaks, scandals, lies, deception, illusions, disguises, propaganda, and outright fraud continue to mar the landscape while Trump's true 'character' is more and more revealed, warts and all, as they say. Plus, every Mars Return is a Mars-to-natal-Ascendant transit for Donald so his 'fighting spirit', nose-thumbing at opponents and challengers, and temper tantrums may be particularly volatile in August.

And so, as his 2017 Mars Return runs its course, a new 2-year cycle of activity will begin for his nibs on August 12, 2019 when transit Mars returns to its position in Trump's natal horoscope (26Leo46). I'm looking at his Mars Return 2019 horoscope set for Washington DC, the location a symbolic choice on my part since he'll most likely be out puttering around in a golf cart somewhere during the steamy month of August and fudging his golf scores the way a cheater would do.

(Note: Trump's Mars Return 2019 chart is not shown here because I'm on the fussy side today and don't care to display it, however, the following text mentions several of the return chart's basic and more prominent features--you'll discover more, I'm certain.)

Donald Trump's Mars Return 2019: There He Goes Again

Mars @26Leo46 August 12, 2019 11:27:04 pm edt Washington DC: Hour of Saturn (@14Cap55 Rx in 9th house with South Node 17:25, Pluto @21Cap12 Rx, and the Moon @23Cap52 conjunct MC and Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51) of fated encounters so perhaps this foreshadows the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 conjunct the natal Vertex of his nibs. Also note that his Mars Return MC @24Cap07 points directly toward the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 and issues, secrets, revelations, and/or scandals on Trump's calendar around that time, not long past, most likely concerning the Saturn/Capricorn realms of control, authority, accountability, law, investment, business, and government. It will be interesting to see how or if Robert Mueller's testimony yesterday affects any or all of these Trumpian issues as Summer 2019 proceeds into Autumn.

Now rising in the Mars Return 2019 chart is 11Tau03 which makes the chart-ruler Venus (@19Leo48 in 5th house with Sun 20Leo07 and Mars 26:46). Evaluating if venal Venus is disposited by the Sun which is in its own sign of Leo, plus, with Return Mars, the trio shows much egotism, willfulness, quarrels, fighting, and venality in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, Romance, and Children. Knowing Mars-rising Trump as we regretfully do, acts of vengeance cannot be ruled out, and a Taurean Ascendant can bring up concerns over real estate, land ownership (ex: farmers and ranchers near the border), security, growth, avarice, obstinacy, cravings, egotism, intolerance (bigotry), and pomposity. Sounds a lot like Spanky, doesn't it?!

Now chart-ruler Venus makes only one Ptolemaic aspect in the Mars Return 2019 chart--a conjunction with Mars (6A57), both in 5th house of Romance and Gambling and suggesting Big T's desire for whatever or whomever 'catches his eye'. Working with partners and/or allies can be pleasurable during a Venus-to-Mars transit for this lazy fellow, and an appreciation for beauty and for luxurious travel may be prominent (particularly since he's a spoiled boy who expects such indulgences). Also note that Mars rules the 7th house of the chart (Desc 11Sco03) so legal affairs can also be affected and increase Trump's 'lady troubles' with additional 'open enemies' and/or lawsuits coming forward--and perhaps his children are involved (Venus-to-Mars 5th h). Plus, with just-turned-direct Jupiter (14Sag30 on August 11) in the 8th house of Shared Resources, pay-outs and pay-offs are distinct possibilities as transit Jupiter picks up speed.

In addition, 'martyr' Trump will continue feeling oppressed by others and will tend to misjudge people while forming ill-advised alliances (so what's new, right?) - he may even 'suffer loss via collusion' (no kidding--'collusion' is actually the word Rob Pelletier uses in his Planets in Aspect for this return chart's Moon-Mars inconjunct (2A53)!)

So in closing, mention should be made that the Aries-Libra relationship axis is intercepted across the 6-12 victim-savior polarity (Washington DC) hinting that there are karmic issues to be dealt with and lessons to be learned for Martian Trump over the next approximately two years of this Mars Return 2019 period. And curiously, the Vertex in his Mars Return 2019 chart is thus intercepted as well within the service-oriented 6th house @18Lib24--conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter Stationary (17:27), the boundary-breaker, which suggests that there are multiple fated issues--financial, diplomatic, medical, and otherwise--which must be confronted and addressed for best results if the scofflaw-in-chief is to enjoy any best results at all.