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Showing posts with label Iraq War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq War. Show all posts

Mar 10, 2008

Senate Seeks Iraq Oil Audit

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Mar 9, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

Senate Committee Seeks Audit of Iraq Oil Money Mar 9:

Two senior members of the Senate Armed Services Committee have requested a full accounting of how Iraq is spending its soaring oil revenue. Since the invasion in 2003, the United States has invested close to $50 billion in reconstruction Bush's corpora-terrorists.

A letter from the Armed Services Committee says, "we believe that it has been overwhelmingly US taxpayer money that has funded Iraq reconstruction [sic] over the last five years, despite Iraq earning billions of dollars in oil revenue over that time period that have ended up in non-Iraqi banks." #

Ah yes...the Rx Jupiter in the Iraq invasion chart: bottomless pit in the money department, I believe were my exact words. And since this has been going on for years now, and since US taxpayer money funds everything else in most of the world, thanks, guys, for finally noticing.

Whether this 'committee work' will amount to improvements in the situation, that's always a horse of another color in Washington.

America's coffers really MUST be empty for politicians to act as if they're speaking up on behalf of the tapped out taxpayer.

Yep, the cash cow has become a downer headed for slaughter but where's the beef? In non-Iraqi banks!

And meanwhile the American people are left with the patties of Washington.

Mar 6, 2008

Times Square blast March 6, 2008

At 3:40 am est, Times Square NYC, a hooded man or woman on a bicycle arrived at the military recruiter offices and bombed it.

Later in the day (Thursday, March 6) ten communiques were said to have been received in Washington to various offices saying, "Happy New Year! We Did It!"

A statement had been made by the police a few hours after the blast implying that the bombing may have been against "our troops"--yet anyone with a brain would suspect that it was more likely done against the Bush-Cheney war--or for some convoluted political reason/s which I won't speculate about here.

Assuming that the Happy New Year message had to mean something in particular--and knowing that the Islamic New Year had begun January 10, I Googled "Happy New Year March 6" and found a certain speech on WMD by a certain politician most people abhor more than he pretends to know.

Here you see today's Times Square chart with the chart from March 6, 2003 around it (exact time 8:02 pm est from transcript)--yet usually one would put the older chart in the center but I thought it showed the links more clearly this way. I've highlighted some pertinent connections between them--2008 is actually a Solar Return to the 2003 speech's chart.

Now the sandman is whispering so I will need to complete the details tomorrow on this matter with special attention paid to asteroid Lilith and to the Pre-natal Eclipse Series prior to Bush's speech which is also the PE of the Iraq war which fools rushed into barely two weeks later.

Please stay tuned...

UPDATE Friday: actually I've done a bit of updating on the news about this investigation at Jude's Threshold where you'll find that the time has morphed to 3:38 am...and fingers continue to point everywhere but at the Bush administration.

Feb 19, 2008

A man unmasked?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 18,2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

'Dodgy dossier' was 'wrong', its author says Feb 17, 2008:

The government official who wrote the first draft of the "dodgy dossier" that helped propel Britain into war in Iraq today admits, "We were wrong." John Williams, a former Foreign Office aide, said last night that publication of his document would expose how members of Tony Blair's team were locked in a mindset that made military action inevitable.#

Perhaps this (oily) charade revealed is part of the influence of our current Unmasking Eclipse of Feb 6 when true motives are revealed...with more to come, no doubt.

Then there's the recent Saturn-South Node transit which may be underpinning Musharraf's separation from authority--and Castro's? The Saturn-SN conjunction perfected in October 2007 and now SN has moved into Aquarius, a sign associated with the collective.

The language of Mundane Astrology is a fascinating and helpful way of translating world events, isn't it?

Jan 27, 2008

articles on Bush adm's disastrous policies

You may be up to the gills with such news but is busy tonight providing us with informative articles and essays worth noting:

An Unstable Marriage

By Jonathan Steele

Defeat in Iraq? The paradox of Baghdad is that a fundamentally anti-western government is umbilically linked to US occupation.

Read Jonathan Steele's article here.


Iraq: The Forever Treaty

By Seattle PI Editorial

With the clock ticking on our "commitments" in Iraq - the international mandate expires in less than a year - the Bush administration is left in an interesting position. It could create a plan for a troop withdrawal; instead, the plan being negotiated with the Iraqi government focuses on reasons to stay there.

Read the rest here.


Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey

Exonerating Neocon Criminals

By Joshua Frank

According to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds there is a vast black market for nukes, and certain U.S. officials have been supplying sensitive nuclear technology information to Turkish and Israeli interests through its conduits.

You gotta read this one.


The Profile of a Third World Country

How Bush Destroyed the Dollar

By Paul Craig Roberts

It is difficult to know where Bush has accomplished the most destruction, the Iraqi economy or the US economy.

Roberts' article helps us figure it out--and they're parasitically linked, aren't they?

Well, I still say all the catastrophic machinations perpetrated from Washington in the last several years have been not blunders so much as ill-managed but purposeful chaos which is trotting along quite nicely, thanks, forked tail and all. Here's its commander-in-thief (shout-out to Thom York who called it early on):

UPDATE Monday 1.28: today I've been surfing the web more than usual after completing the above post on tonight's SOTU address which has quite wumped me out and I re-found a site I had forgotten to put on the SO'W Links List and so had not visited for months: Real Clear Politics where you probably find news links every day. I like the organisation of them and the variety presented.

Then there's David K. Fuller's article 20 Reasons not to vote for Juan McAmnesty which has illuminating info and links concerning John McCain--in case you're on the verge of voting for him please read this first. Thanks, David!

Last SOTU: Send Bush to Brattleboro

Alert from

"If Hitler were still alive and walked through Brattleboro, I think the local police would arrest him for war crimes."

Brattleboro to vote on arresting Bush, Cheney 26 Jan 2008:

Brattleboro residents will vote at town meeting on whether President [sic] George Bush and Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney should be indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.

The Brattleboro Select Board voted 3-2 Friday to put the controversial item on the Town Meeting Day warning. According to Town Clerk Annette Cappy said residents will get to vote on the matter by paper balloting March 4. [Good! Hopefully, their treason trials will get started shortly thereafter, with all possible penalties for treason on the plate.]#


One more SOTU from Bush the war president...Monday night will be the last chance Bush gets to have such a large audience with an albeit spotty attention span--unless he has a little sumpin sumpin planned for later in the year to pull a Putin...

I will be posting on the SOTU address and updating in real time Monday evening so stay, as they say, tuned!

The animated real clock feature of my astrology software, Solar Fire, is extremely applicable during speeches for observing what planets are crossing which angles at the moment of which lie (or momentous issue mentioned.)

Will Bush whack some moles of Iraq war dissent? Will his natal Ascendant's Sabian Symbol ("8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist") shout from the bully pulpit even more shrilly than before? Even if he endorsed a successor would anyone care?

McCain is spouting on Meet the Press at this moment and he said again that the Rs lost in 2006 because they didn't restrain spending. He's tone deaf on the Iraq occupation as is Bush--what else can he say?

In 2004, McCain was against making the rich class tax cut permanent--now the economy is different so he's FOR making them permanent, seeing no connection between the current state of the economy and the Bush-Cheney tax cuts! Did corporations invest the billions Congress handed them on a golden platter--in American jobs or American infrastructure?

No, and they won't be doing so. The 'action' is somewhere else and the average US worker is out of the loop. John Edwards tells it but the media ignores his inconvenient message...inconvenient for corporate media's neocon brethren and the agenda.

Will duh moments never cease? Not if America is herded (or hacked) into voting for a Republican warhawk again. A vote for McCain is like a vote for his pal Trent Lott.

War Enabled by Politics--the "S" word:

Surrender doesn't have to be the argument's "frame" anyway. There is nothing dishonorable about regrouping forces to plan (and fight) anew.

If the I Ching has known this for centuries, why can't Washington accept and benefit by the concept? Because war profiteers find it a successful tactic to use as a political wedge against the American people whose children are needed as cannon fodder for decades to come.

Yes, "patriotism" is a useful political ploy to persuade and manipulate your tools who serve your own best interests while sacrificing their own interests and the very lives of their children and grandchilren. (Over the top war costs prevent social improvements...duh.)

So while young, not-so-young, and yet-to-be parents of America consider self-promoting Bush's SOTU conclusions Monday night (and the rest of the week if Bush can stay in the news long enough for busy parents to notice and with this raging campaign heating up...btw: congrats to Senator Obama!)...they'll eventually get a chance in Nov 2008 to voice their disfavor with makin' neocon cannon fodder babies for generations to come.

The subject of Bush's last SOTU to be cont'd...

Jan 17, 2008

What Leo Strauss and Dick Cheney share

A previous post of 2006 on Leo Strauss includes Strauss and Cheney's shared personality blend and a link to an excellent article on Strauss who is considered to be the father of neoconservatism.

Paul Spit-Comber Wolfowitz studied under Strauss (who died in 1973--Wolfie is still with us) and Strauss has been ID'd as the "ghostly mastermind of current US foreign policy" in similar fashion to Rousseau's being blamed for the French Revolution.

I cannot recommend highly enough the above-linked essay by Edward Skidelsky if you've managed to miss it so far.

Simply click and you shall find--for Knowledge Is Power.

Nov 18, 2007

Pentagon veils true casualty numbers

Pentagon Cover Up: 15,000 or more US casualties in Iraq War

By Mike Whitney

The Pentagon has been concealing the true number of American casualties in the Iraq War. The real number exceeds 15,000 and CBS News can prove it.

Read Whitney's article here thanks to Information Clearing House.

Nov 5, 2007

War and John Quincey Adams July 11, 1767

Here you see the natal chart (Rodden rating: C, data in question) of our 6th president, John Q. Adams. Outer notations in orange are positions for his last Lunar Return which occurred on his day of death, actual time unknown; place: the Capitol Building.

Lunar Return chart Feb 2, 1848, 10:21 pm, Capitol Bldg, has both Moon 18Cap40 and Jupiter 12Can10 Rx Angular, common for a death chart. Also common is Jupiter's involvement with his magnifying properties, and the Moon is an excellent timing device. (I often use the Moon to time deaths from long ago when the actual time is unknown or unrecorded.)

1848's Jupiter is at the Mrs Rx station degree of Nov 15, posted upon below.

Adams was a short, stout, bald, and not well-liked man--which sounds like a vp we know, doesn't it?

Checking his progressed charts for his death date, I found a Minor (mental/causal plane) midpoint picture which may be worth considering:

Mars/Saturn = Neptune: weak vitality; waning powers and weakening efforts; undermining of the vitality through poison, gas, or epidemic; a mysterious death; grievous loss.

Adams' Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 3North, is the same Series as for the attacks of 9/11, for "Black Thursday" of Oct 29, 1929, and is the PE of writer Danny Casolaro, who was murdered as he investigated our political crime families and others for a book. Needless to say, Casolaro's notes mysteriously disappeared and his book was squashed along with his life in August, 1991.

You may notice that on the day of Adams' passing, tr Moon had conjuncted n Pluto (a planet unknown at the time, of course) at appr 7:57 am, so perhaps John Q. didn't make it through the day until his Moon Return that evening.

But the old work horse was in the Capitol Building slogging away apparently, with:

Mars/Saturn = Uranus: nerve disease; a quick departure.

And here a few important words still of concern to America from President Adams:

"[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom."

- John Quincy Adams - (1767-1848) 6th US President - Source: Speech before the House of Representatives, July 4, 1821; quoted in William Bonner and Pierre Lemieux (Editors), The Idea of America (Les Belles Lettres, 2003), p. 237

Read this newsletter online here

The War in Iraq Costs $465,766,239,559

You can see the war's cost in your community

Experts: No Evidence of Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

by Jonathan S. Landay

Despite President Bush's claims that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons that could trigger "World War III," experts in and out of government say there's no conclusive evidence that Tehran has an active nuclear-weapons program.

Landay article

Déjà Vu All Over Again

by Ian Williams

The US is smearing IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei for not finding evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons. Sound familiar?

Williams article

Oct 22, 2007

no exit: fiasco was their goal

As I've been saying:

It's the Oil

By Jim Holt

Iraq is 'unwinnable', a 'quagmire', a 'fiasco': so goes the received opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the Bush-Cheney perspective, it is none of these things. Indeed, the US may be 'stuck' precisely where Bush et al want it to be, which is why there is no 'exit strategy'.

Information Clearing House

Oct 8, 2007

Milton Friedman's 'free market' legacy

Today I received a link from astrologer Alex D'Atria to Stephen Lendman's article concerning economist Milton Friedman, entitled "Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked which gives an overview of the coups and destruction of nations going on in the world--including 9/11.

You may remember that Nobel Prize winner Friedman died Nov 16, 2006 and was glowingly eulogized in the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere saying that "few people in human history have contributed more to the achievement of human freedom."

That's how globalists propagandize the disasterous and destructive social engineering occurring in the US, Iraq, Haiti, and all over the world.

Gee, thanks, fellas--if this is good, I don't wanna see your idea of bad.


Milton Friedman born in Brooklyn, NY; July 31, 1912: Sun Leo, Moon in late Aquarius or Pisces. His Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 4 North which manifested last on June 10, 2002, Brady's Predictive Astrology gives 4N as:

A difficult Series with restrictions, restraints, inhibitions, and illusions as the hallmarks; events occur which seem to block the individual who is prone to misjudgement of strengths or of the situation; best advice is to wait until passing of Eclipse period before taking action. (April 17, 1912, 27 Aries.)

Oct 1, 2007

Blackwater and the US political "elite"

The *hores of War By Neil Mackay

America's hired guns in Iraq have been called 'the coalition of the billing', but Blackwater mercenaries are accused of more than just taking the money.

Investigations Editor Neil Mackay examines the links between the security firm and the US political elite here.

Sep 28, 2007

pouting Peter Pace punted

General Peter Pace will "step down" as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff effective Monday, Oct 1. He was second in command during the Iraq invasion, as you know.

Seems his opinions irked someone--his natal chart (Nov 5, 1945; Brooklyn, NY; birth time unknown) shows him to be a principled fellow which only works with this administration as long as you're agreeing with all their views.

Following are a few of my notes on his natal chart:

A New Moon type is emotional (see below), impulsive, and subjective which is underlined by the fact that Scorpio is a Water sign and Pace is a double Water personality (or triple Water if his Ascending sign is Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.)

Life may be lived as if it's but a dream--or merely a screen upon which to project one's image. People and events tend to become symbols without much regard for what they actually are, and the self is projected upon others and upon the world (The Lunation Cycle, Rudhyar.)

His Mars/Saturn conj in Cancer (and neither planet is comfortable in watery Cancer) indicates some fatherly restrictions on his Mars principle ("I act") and can seriously affect his self-confidence.

Hmmm...a warrior/soldier with Mars conj Saturn? this combo is like driving with the brakes on. At best it gives a serious attitude toward life and toward one's actions.

And his Jupiter/Chiron conj gives him a yearning for the mystical plus strong convictions which must be communicated. This may have gotten him in hot water if he didn't always parrot the Bush-Cheney line.

Since the Moon was in Scorpio during the 24-hour period, we may use Sco/Sco as Pace's Watery Sun/Moon personality blend. The Water/Water personality can gush with feelings and dissolve into tears with sentimentality which probably accounts for his expressed desire to go all huggy on his soldiers.

Water/Water types don't have an easy time with objectivity or with well-reasoned arguments. How they personally feel about people and situations IS their reality. They tend to cling to relationships whether it's best for them or not.

The conjunction of Jup/Chiron can be emotionally overwhelmed too--yet it's also the 'maverick with a superiority complex' and who may suffer from boundary problems (Clow, Chiron.)

Sun Sco/Moon Sco: intense; stubborn; passionate; wary--this blend is uncompromising with its convictions. This can be the quiet rebel due to a mistrust of authority figures (Mars conj Saturn suports this); sheer drive and stamina with astute observational ability added to loyalty but may become vindictive when threatened (perhaps we have another Bush-bashing book on the way?)

Greatest Weaknesses: suspicions and cynicism limit capacity for life's enjoyments; takes oneself too seriously; reluctance to share fears; desire for revenge; may get stuck in negative emotions.

Images for Integration: A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.

Interesting word pictures.

If you click the chart to enlarge you'll see these midpoint pictures listed which are in effect no matter the birth time:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise (this pic was an influence for the 9/11 attacks, imho); inclination to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without taking a firm stand; abandoning resistance; calamities, catastrophes; an easily-impressed person.

Mercury/Pluto = Neptune: over-receptivity; pursuit of peculiar plans; cunning; falsehood; slander and defamation (as with every factor in Astrology and in life, these may operate in both directions); overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome (is this part of his "stepping down"?)

Venus/Neptune = Jupiter: extremely emotional; a painful renunciation.

Pace's Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) is 1 North (1N) which is the same Series in which the Mother of All Eclipses occurred--Nostradamus' King of Alarm Eclipse which manifested on August 11, 1999 and basically began our 'New Millenium' along with the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 1N Series as: unexpected events loom large--avoid hasty decisions since information may be distorted and possibly false.

Sounds like Washington's favorite way of doing things lately, doesn't it?

Here's the Wiki bio on him if you please.

Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas and Suzy Harvey; midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin)

Pace's New Moon personality is shared natally by: Lyndon B. Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Queen Victoria, Clara Barton, and Gamal Nasser.

Sep 25, 2007

George hearts Hillary?


Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton, top Democrats 24 Sep 2007 President [sic]

Bush is quietly providing back-channel advice to Hillary Rodham Clinton, urging her to modulate her rhetoric so she can effectively prosecute the war in Iraq, if elected president. In an interview for the new book "The Evangelical President," White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten said Bush wants enough continuity in his Iraq policy that "even a Democratic president would be in a position to sustain a legitimate presence there." To that end, the president has been sending advice, mostly through aides, aimed at preventing an abrupt withdrawal from Iraq in the event of a Democratic victory in November 2008. [OMG! Dictator Bush - who can't even sustain a 'legitimate presence' in the White House --is giving advice on sustaining a 'legitimate presence' in Iraq?! --LRP]#

It would be hillary-arious if it weren't so imperialistic. If legitimacy is Bush's strong suit, it's that old emperor's clothes fairytale his administration began with in 2000.

Sep 24, 2007

Blackwater and the real story + bin Laden text

The Real Story of Baghdad's Bloody Sunday

By Kim Sengupta

Six days ago, at least 28 civilians died in a shooting incident involving the US security company Blackwater. But what actually happened? Kim Sengupta reports from the scene of the massacre.

Sengupta article

"Come to Jihad": A Speech to the People of Pakistan

By Shaykh Usama bin Ladin

Complete transcript of Osama Bin Laden September 20, 2007 message "Come to Jihad" here

Thanks to Information Clearing House for providing these links.

Sep 19, 2007

Stars, Stripes and blatant hypocrisy

"I thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country who rob the people on the one hand, and rob and debase the government on the other; and then with their pockets and wallets stuffed with the filthy, bloodstained profits of war, wrap the sacred folds of the Stars and Stripes about them and about their blatant hypocrisy to the world."

Kate Richards O'Hare's Address To the Court Proceedings on the Sentencing of Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hare by Hon Martin J. Wade, 1 pm, Friday, Dec 14, 1917.

You tell it, sister! The infestation continues in 2007!

The day this statement was given was a Solar Eclipse day, Sun/Moon "22Sag":

"A Chinese laundry"...SECLUSION...

pos: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation;

neg/shadow side: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority.

This Eclipse manifested in the 10 North (10N) Series--the same as our upcoming "Unmasking Eclipse" of Feb 7, 2008 at "18 Aquarius":

strong emphasis on communications with frustrating or inhibiting events involving news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling drained and fatigued, this is a good time to take things quietly and work through things one at a time (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

The 1917 Eclipse chart has the speculative, wasteful, yet idealistic Jupiter/Neptune midpoint with Pluto...

Jup/Neptune = Pluto: self-projection out of hand; major adjustment of life circumstances; plans unreasonable beyond measure; far-reaching speculations; a great loss.

Seems to describe seeking profits bwo war and some financial troubles--plus, this Pluto 4Can44 Rx, is at the US natal Venus/Jupiter midpoint so we see:

Venus/Jupiter = Pluto: gaining favor with the masses; publicity; the world view; unbounded enthusiasm.

Pluto to Venus: seeking greater power; circumstances may cause stark confrontations concerning values, principles, and priorities (!) and attempts to gain others' cooperation turn into power struggles.

Pluto to Jupiter: seeking to gain greater power and influence in economic and political realms; total honesty required; danger of intolerance and fanaticism.

At 1:00 pm (time of the above quote), the IC/Foundation Point of the chart was 5Can19(US natal Jupiter) with Pluto conjunct. At 1:00 pm, a YOD (Finger of God; special task or purpose; crisis) formed with MC; Jupiter (4Gem23 Rx) and Neptune (6Leo47 Rx--also conj US n NN) sextile...

Jupiter/Neptune = MC: a visionary; a speculator, philanthropist, spendthrift, or squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

This means that Rx Pluto had been conjuncting America's natal Venus and n Jupiter and deepening the financial situation and promoting power expansions. Venus/Pluto contacts can indicate riches--or bankruptcy, and Jupiter has his obvious connection to money and increase with Pluto, the dragon, guarding the hidden treasure.

Now it's 2007--and war is still being used shamelessly to spark economies and make mega-millions for the greedy. The current woes of Wall Street are ripples from the attacks of 9/11, and from corruption and fraud. And thus we see the chickenhawk war machine grinding on and on.

Oh! and spendthrifts rule Washington--as long as they can spend other people's money, that is.

Sep 16, 2007

Senator Jim Webb plus: Sirius and Columba

Here is a post with a few details on Jim Webb's natal chart using sunrise (birth time unknown; Feb 9, 1946, St.Joseph, Missouri.)

Today I got sidetracked by a new website discovered to have all manner of interesting articles on Julian vs Gregorian Calendar reforms (a long-standing interest of mine), America and her links to Egypt, Sirius-Isis, the Pyramids at Giza, the election of the locations for the first settlements in the New World, and many other things: Enterprise Mission where you'll find info on the "carving out" of a new constellation, Columba (for guess who?) out of Canis Major, a constellation which contains Sirius and Sirius B.

Oh yeah, Dr. John Dee, Royal Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, is in the house!

Sep 13, 2007

Bush on tv 9 pm

With a massive storm upon us, I've been hurrying to finish an entry on Bush's speech tonight--and have misguidedly posted it to one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art. But with one click you'll be hooked up, promise!

Bush on tv 9 pm with Cupido rising. You may find Fixed Star Denebola of interest with the Sun's rays highlighting it...keywords: to go against society.

There's an awful lot of that going on lately, isn't there?

Sep 1, 2007

MLK told the truth like it was--and is

"The time has come for America to hear the truth about this tragic war. In international conflicts, the truth is hard to come by because most nations are deceived about themselves. Rationalizations and the incessant search for scapegoats are the psychological cataracts that blind us to our sins. But the day has passed for superficial patriotism. He who lives with untruth lives in spiritual slavery."

"The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), US civil rights leader

Perhaps you've been hearing recently of the FBI's secret files on Coretta Scott King and how their surveillance and spying on MLK's widow actually intensified after his assassination was accomplished.

The moral of the story I'm getting here is that after Hoover's long-awaited death in 1972, the Bureau got better. Yet considering today's flap over their surveillance and harrassment of peace organisations who don't appreciate the Bush-Cheny war, I find that "moral" more than a little suspect. The White House was in the loop on the spying then and it would be daft to think it's out of the loop now.

For when it comes to tamping down criticism of yet another illegal, ill-advised war waged by the American government, who has the most to gain?

It is my belief that when it comes to America, the populist view IS the mainstream.

The fringes where reside the secret anarchists and assassins of the People's choice--and of anyone who speaks on behalf of the People and speaks up for the truth--there skulk the outsiders, the coup d'etat crowd who are the true subversives and radical reformers undermining our nation's infrastructures, social fabric, and freedoms.

Here is 9.01.07's operative Minor midpoint picture generated from the natal chart of Martin Luther King, Jr--the Minor progressions represent the mental/causal plane:

Mercury/Pluto = Mars: sharp criticism; an ability to grasp a situation quickly and to take confident and persuasive action.

See MLK's quotes cited above for evidence!

J. Edgar Hoover said MLK was "too powerful" and that the Civil Rights movement was "un-American." The closet-gay-FBI-Director called him "immoral"!

They were so afraid that the Civil Rights movement and the peace/anti-Vietnam War movement would join forces that they upped their surveillance on Mrs. King AFTER her husband's tragic death.

Have America's secret agencies really improved? Especially since the gutting of our privacies and the Bill of Rights these last several years?

If you think so, then America the Duped is alive and being followed as I type.

Aug 31, 2007

Iraq War: Solar Arc Directions for 8.31.07

Bush is gets 'mounting reports of Iraq woes' and this reluctant astrologer progresses the woeful Iraq War chart (Mar 20, 2003, 6:35 am BAT, Baghdad) to today at noon using the Solar Arc method--everything moved forward: 1 degree = 1 year.

(NPR is reporting that the Joints Chief of Staff have never been enamoured of the "surge." Well, that's good to know now--esp if you have a loved one as part of this political move/spawn of the devil.) Bush's meeting at the Pentagon today marks the beginning of a two-week "marathon" of reports and meetings on Iraq. They yap while thousands of people die.

Yep, the chickenhawks have broken our military and something's going to have to be done soon--US Mars Rx by progression--for the next 80 years. This is serious, folks. And the GOPers are joining in the chorus to bring troops home--in time for the 2008 election, natch.

Of course, it's always theater with politicians, so who knows if they're serious? Talk is cheap, except in Washington where it may be the most expensive of all.

Reading the chart: Solar Arc = SA, tr = transit (current position), n = natal (birth), "to" = conjunction, as in "SA MC to n Mars" which is in process of happening now.

Click to enlarge: inner chart is the war chart, outer chart--and highlighted in yellow--are the Solar Arc Directions. In blue are a few current transits such as the 10th house plutocratic Pluto/Chiron (class warfare; oppression; exploitation; racism) mixing it up with Sacred Warrior, Mars/Chiron. Describes the conflict well, imho.

First let's see what we get for our bucks with SA MC to Mars: responsibility grows; change of status.

SA MC degree's Sabian Symbol: "10Cap"..."An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor." Ya think? Wonder who's the albatross? There are so many of them it'd be difficult to choose one--unless it's Maliki. And the contractors and weapons dealers who've disappeared millions of US taxpayers' money while arming our enemies. If that's not treason, guess I don't know what is.

The whole place seems to be a big pile of crooks and murderers with innocents caught in the middle--and I can't forget that the war began with Jupiter the General Retrograde--a bottomless pit in the money department, I typed to no one in particular. Has it proved to be otherwise? 2003's Jupiter is conjunct Bush's n ASC (his nibs himself), and is also conj his and the Republican Party's n Mercury (which is also Gonzales' n Mercury. Guess they all think alike.)

On the 2003 chart, I've taken the liberty of drawing a kite pattern with Saturn in Gemini as the tail ruddering the plot along. 2007's SA Saturn now at "28Gem", the degree of "Bankruptcy." Nice, Cheney, Thanks (she typed contemptuously.)

2007's North Node (NN), the path or destiny, is at "6Gem": "Drilling for oil" surprise there. NN was heading that way all along. Cheney thought it would be easier.

SA Moon 27Lib31 is now being affected by tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint...

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: renunciation; giving up giving.

And that may be all we can do, m'peops. Or all we should do.

The tactic of regrouping forces is no shame--the jihadists do it all the time with much success. But irrationally hitting your head (esp when it's someone else's, George) against a brick wall is more than an shame. It's a tragedy...brought to you by Washington politicians of all persuasions.

And I blame them all.

Aug 28, 2007

those cats: Alberto and Petraeus

Photo of a kitty cat I know who is actually named Alberto. He was rescued from Hurricane Alberto while clinging for dear life inside a drainpipe. He is now sleek and shiny and quite the master of the household. Just call him Bert...or For Dinner.

Meanwhile an Alberto kitten in law was written about another Alberto back in April.

And it seems a certain kitty poet knew something was fishy back when he phoned in
a brave kitten Petraeus for me to post at Lim's Limericks. Because now Petraeus' name is on the verge of being "dragged through the mud" a la George Bush whose family name may ultimately define the meaning of muddy names.

Where are the Weapons of Mass Disappearance and where are our millions, General P?

Perhaps he can fill us in--the American taxpayers--on their missing dough when he reads the "Petraeus Report" in mid-September...footnotes by Cheney, Kristol, and Hadley.