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Aug 25, 2008

Moon over the Dem Convention 2008

Moon Signs of Dem Convention 2008 is now published in two posts at Jude's Threshold.

The posts are my attempt to track this week's Moon (from 22Gem to 16Leo) and her effects upon the Democratic Party's natal chart through its midpoints.

As you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 1/2 days and shows the emotional tone of things and events. Luna is excellent for describing collective issues as well.

For in a national chart the Moon signifies the people, the public, public relations and publicity, organizations, including the family...and with Monday's keynote speaker being Michelle Obama and Obama's brother-in-law Craig Robinson slated to speak as well, we see Geminian communication doubled...two family members speaking.

At Mile High City excitement is high, of course, along with feminine influences and strong emotions, so check it out 'by moonlight' if you get the urge.

Now let's see the Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration for Monday, Aug 25, 2008 (Sun Vir-Moon Gem), then we'll peek at Wednesday's Sun Vir-Moon Cancer, and Thursday night's Sun Vir-Moon Leo blend:

Sun Vir-Moon Gem: "A precision engineer develops new methods of communication...A raconteur potters in his garden."

Sun Vir-Moon Can: "The working mother...A nutritionist serves his family organically grown *chicken soup...Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies."

Sun Vir-Moon Leo: "A medieval monk crowns his cathedral with a 300-foot spire...A senior doctor cheerfully changes an old lady's bedpan...Cinderella works diligently to produce her wedding gown." (Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And that's this week in Denver summed up in the shorthand of Sun-Moon word pictures! I will be expecting such themes to pop up as the Dem Convention chugs on with Cinderella's *chicken soup for the soul steaming on the political stove.

Hillary Clinton touts Biden, points delegates

Hillary Clinton, in a pre-Convention flurry to boost the Dem ticket, is apparently about to chuck over her delegates to Obama at a special reception she's throwing in Denver for the chosen few.

She's also admitted knowing Joe Bidden very well and credits him with a years-long fight for social justice (perhaps accurately.)

Yet somehow Biden's sacred-warrior fight appears to be more shadow boxing around social issues without getting much done in the way of progress on behalf of the American people - especially considering that Washington is giving more billions to Pakistan (July 15) in a bill supported by Senator Joseph.

This evening the film Kill Bill was showing on TV.

But it seems as if the only kind of bill Capitol Hill kills are the ones which might actually do some common good for the people whose tax monies are needed at home.

Yes, they'll be speaking lilting words to rouse the masses in Denver this week including VP speaker Joseph Biden. Let's hope that something useful actually comes from it before all is said and done.

Because even the lamest accountant would know that if you send more billions to other countries than are being retained for the upkeep of your own litter box you'll soon have let the put-upon cat out the cash-strapped American bag.

Aug 23, 2008

Kabul beseiged by inner wolves

Rockets, guile and the lessons of history: The Taleban Besiege Kabul

By Jeremy Page in Kabul

This looks increasingly like a city under siege as the Taleban start to disrupt supply routes, mimicking tactics used against the British in 1841 and the Soviets two decades ago. #

"If it were proved to me that in making war, my ideal had a chance of being realized, I would still say "no" to war. For one does not create a human society on mounds of corpses." Louis Lecoin

How I agree with Monsieur Lecoin!

It's a natural condition for one who prefers life to death, thanks.

And it causes me to wonder: is there anyone who needs more evidence in order to recognize these psychopathic gangsters for what they are? Why follow the doomed?

They are practicing population control as they've done through the centuries using mass hynosis as part of the delivery method, genocide when it suits, war and other underminings of the social fabric.

Assassinations are part of their strategy, too, and you might think the flower power generation had fully internalized the lessons of the 60s with its jolting series of political murders done for power-grasping ideologies and hidden goals, and the Vietnam war with its culture-splitting allegiances.

Then as now, orators who are able to sway the masses through speech and writing are big assets, of course, as they disseminate the messages of the day.

Meanwhile it's Aug 24, 2008 in America and the microphone seems to be in process of passing from R to D Party (baton passing! one symbol of which may be seen for our collective instruction by the 2008 Olympics still on display.)

(+)Vesta, keeper of the eternal flame is one of the significators I use when the Olympic Games rear up, and I saw reference to the archetype's sacred devotion Saturday as Obama and Biden practically annointed one another for dedicated service of the flame-keeper variety.

You see, in my earlier posts concerning the Obama-Biden speeches in Springfield, I mentioned that during the event, Sun 00Vir56 conjoined Biden's natal North Node (contact with the public; associations; path, destiny, quest) but what I didn't mention is that in the Composite/Davison chart between Obama and Biden (their relationship), C/Dav Vesta is Rx 00Vir56 (conj to the minute of Aug 23's Sun 00Vir56 and conj Biden's n NN) and they all pile upon the C/Dav Uranus/Neptune midpoint.

Uranus/Neptune represents, among other things, secret radical societies which may act positively or negatively toward the collective from which they sprang. They think they didn't but they did - floated to the top.

So this pile up at 00Vir+ gives two midpoint pictures I shall give you in a bit, while remembering that the Great Conjunction of Uranus/Neptune (occurring 3x all through 1993) marks an important 171-year cycle for society, and times what some astrologers use for the New World Order natal chart at its symbolic New Moon stage.

This relates to the NWO as being publicly and more directly unveiled by Bush41 and others through speeches to the UN and Congress in 1990/91.

August 23, 2008, Springfield, IL:

Ura/Neptune = Aug 23's Sun: vaunted self-regard; impressionability (on their side or the public's); great creativity; impassivity.

Uran/Neptune = NN: meeting with people who care about one's future (I'll say!); having the same sensitive nature as someone else (sensitive and impressionable can be code words for mystical experiences, interests, and guidance.)

And then there's devoted Vesta and the flame from Olympus.

So are the presumed '2 parties' of Washington actually playing for the same team and just batting different averages with individual styles which the US public embraces for a while, but then the fussin' begins and we grow joyful in our pure dissatisfaction? We have enemies for that! Must we be our own worst?

(And we as a people are fickle cusses, you know - US natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini which means that we are prone toward behaving (Uranus) with fickleness (Gem) and may act (Mars) the same way - and with Gemini's duplicity, too.)

Of course, Astrology describes other levels of these Geminian traits such as a wide-spread ability to multi-task, and to tell the news, Gemini's primary quest but preferably, the Good News: 'For unto you is born this day...'

Very little good news has come from the Bush administration these many years especially with the way it began with SCOTUS and a collective learning experience extraordinaire: The Tower from a Tarot care, number 16. Our current watershed moment flows from that watershed moment of 2001...all is process, is it not?

You know, even if I tried, I couldn't by my lonesome separate the gangsterish tentacles from the world's throat unless...the power of the collective is brought to heel long enough to say, Non! to bloodlusty thieves and wolves of the inner kind.

1841, Kabul is repeating, friends, and our troops must be succored as best they can as they are allowed to retreat. If America can't manage it better than the Soviet State did for their guys back in 1841, then we will have Washington and its devotees to thank for denying life itself with its clumsy criminal misadventures and speculative risk-taking.

But you know that the pirates, brigands, jokers and jingos who took us there won't help us. It would unmask them even more glaringly than they've been to date yet they must step out of the way. It is no shame to regroup forces to plan and fight anew.

So I say to you now with as much feeling as these keys can tap atcha:

if there were ever a time and need for the oft-lamented 'what if they threw a war and no one showed up' wisdom, this threshold would be that time and need.

Biden's 1st speech as VP nom

Having just published a few notes on today's Springfield, IL speeches of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, you may wish to check it out as Biden idealizes Obama's best traits - and don't be surprised at the synchronicity and a few mystical references!

You'll also find there a link to the audio of Biden's remarks today in case you've yet to hear them or want a recap.

Obama's VP Biden intro speech 8.23.08

Get the text's link to Obama's Biden intro speech in Springfield, IL today here bwo Talking Points Memo as the campaign trail stretches yawingly before them...

Sun-Moon phases and presidential electability

Using Progressed Moon Phases to determine a candidate's electability describes some background influences just as our own Secondary Progressed Moon Phase tells us where we are in life.

If you're familiar with the book, Passages, from some years ago, that word perfectly describes the astrological Moon's influence on, and description of, the stages of our lives.

Ex: it's most easy to see with New Moon personalities, (Sun/Moon conjunct), which 'start the clock' on the Moon's monthly progress through the zodiac in Progressions, and represent the beginning of a cycle - similar to Tarot's The Fool card of new possibilities not yet fully realized, but eager and enthusiastic to get started down the path of life.

Time and experience must bring enlightment and knowledge to New Moon types, and that's where Secondary Progressions chime in astrologically...kind of a "you are here" heads-up for whatever period of time you wish to consider...evolutionary progress on the march!

And so the Secondary Progressed Moon moves forward about one degree per month of life; the Sec Sun moves appr one degree per year based on the Bible's a-day-for-a-year concept, a natural law.

The above-linked article considers the time frame of 2009 - especially January 2009 - for obvious reasons. Obama and McCain are, of course, included.

When combined with the natal phase - the degrees between Sun and Moon at birth - a method develops which may elucidate a candidate's chances for success in office and what issues determine his/her opponents' basic strategies against him/ keep the candidate from winning or, if necessary, to undermine his days in office.

We saw this effect in action with Bill Clinton's presidency which amounted to an endless parade of character attacks the entire 8 years. This shows up in the Sun-Moon phasal relationship for Clinton and is included in the article...remember Slick Willy ?

My own thoughts lean toward the "they're all culpable" model as we watched 1990s Beltway ego games and power-tripping-as-usual in Washington DC, my former and still-missed abode.

And what about The People's Business? You know that fell by Washington's wayside years ago!

Aug 22, 2008

America's War Economy of Waste

'America's Outrageous War Economy! 'Pentagon can't find $2.3 trillion, wasting trillions on 'national defense'

By Paul B. Farrell

Yes, America's economy is a war economy. Not a "manufacturing" economy. Not an "agricultural" economy. Nor a "service" economy. Not even a "consumer" economy.

ICH has the rest of Paul Farrell's article for you.

That last 'brick' - the much-promoted shop-till-you-drop has dropped off many American's to-do lists. Is this where I place a reminder of whose watch this has been these last 8 years?

See a real-time previous post typed during Bush's Let's Blame Congress press conference of April 29, 2008 (which was his second press gaggle of the year) where he offers his deepest condolences to the American people for high fuel and food prices and comes up with an oil man's perfect if-only solution to our economic miseries.

Then and now it's: testy testosterone! John McCain wants to blast a man to Mars as does Bush - and TV's Craig Ferguson says that the astro-man McCain has chosen is: Barack Obama!

Aug 21, 2008

Are the NWO and Dec 22, 2012 linked?

What follows is a linky-rich and rambling post typed just for you:

For your consideration here's a video presentation of Bush Sr (or Poppy Bush, as I like to call him) calling for that NWO along with some voodoo-esque math that turns the 11-year cycle of the Solar Maximum Years of 9.11.1990, 9.11.1991, and 9/11/2001 into the march toward the New World Order, with the end date of the Mayan Calendar - Dec 22, 2012 - as its completion time for NWO implementation out of chaos.

~ Here's an in-progress article concerning the Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2012 with chart image but you notice, that's Dec 21, not Dec 22.

In the Dec 21, 2012 chart we can see that in a day or so, the transiting Sun will conjunct Pluto, subversive planet of riches and power. Another chart posting is needed for this yearly conjunction, for in 2012, the conj is significant for its occurrence in Capricorn (an anciently mystical sign of politics, business, and law...the mer-goat.)

I quite firmly believe the correlation between Capricorn ('Cap' pitol Hill, the head, the bent knee - in this case, to satan) and Washington DC's freaky Goat of Mendes in DC's city Ed Kohout's site links to Bush's reading of My Pet Goat on 9/11/01 - a private joke if there ever was one...a fine example of sick humor.

A digitally remastered world, brought to you by digitally controlled TV, in a newly-under-control world society - under, as politicians like to say, 'the rule of law.'

Can't we all just live together in peace ...brought to us by "a credible United Nations using its peacekeepers..."???

Sad to say, no new president in the White House (of the current crop) will make any difference to this agenda. Ron Paul seems to want to fight them, but how elusive is his presidency when media control is in the bag, and politicians are primed for their secret security locations for cowering in state-of-the-art bunkers when uprisings target the bums from Capitol Hill?

Kinda makes you wonder still what the mysterious Capitol Building power outage on April 3, 2006 was really for? Well, I'm still wondering...

And you did know about the oh-so-secret meeting held in the Capitol Building for House members to hear of the special contingency plans for protecting their bums? it was on March 13, 2008 - boy, wish I knew the meeting's exact time (sometimes a chart will give a good hint!)

This was only the fourth time in US history that this sort of meeting was held behind closed doors during which (as leaked to independent media by so-called members with consciences) it was spelled out that their lives were expected to be in danger by telling the House and Senate NWO enablers about the uprisings which the collapse of the US economy and food supply system will trigger - attacks against the bums of December, 2008 which seemingly links it to the US Secondary Full Moon of Dec 24, 2008 coming into play - the Culmination of America's outreach and expansion in the world. We've been had, m'peops.

And now that I think about it, the Feb 2008 Eclipse - the one I and others have called, the Unmasking Eclipse, occurred at the End of Progress degree, but I didn't want to type it out loud before...still don't, but I just did.

This 2008 Solar Eclipse at '18AQ' is the one where "a man's secret motives are being revealed," and it explains that no one can keep their true motives hidden forever.

From 1990 to 2012 is 22 years, which in Astrology is termed, the number of Mastery.

Two sunspot cycles 11 years x 2 = 22...

This may relate to world communications being broadcast bwo satellites and to, one might assume, mass mind control.

The Sun is most important to 'them' and we may remember that Bush the Shrub's natal Sun is synchronistically said to be conjunct US n Sun...and this '13th degree of Cancer' arose as the Capitol Building power outage of 2006 was taking place...the Cap Bldg went eerily dark, y'know. Read the linked post above for text and comments of that day...esp My Strange Mind's comments.

more 22:

Then there's Jupiter and Saturn, operating as the flywheel of the universe - last met in a Great Conjunction on May 28, 2000 at 22 Taurus, sign of money and greed.

Jupiter = expansive principle, Saturn = restrictive principle, and the tension between these two societal planets is what keeps the solar system's planetary orbits in their courses. This is one of the astronomical events which helped usher in the New Millennium, another is the big hook-up of Pluto with Chiron on Dec 30, 1999 in Sagittarius - conj US natal Ascendant in the Sibly '11Sag+' = '12Sag'..."A Flag That Turns in to an Eagle That Crows."

Yes, numbers, rituals, symbols, and cycles are very important to the NWO types as you'll see in the YouTube video linked at the start of this rampage.

Oh! and let us not forget that JFK was assassinated in (Masonic) Dealey Plaza, with Poppy Bush of the CIA all aboard for the NWO. The 'eternal flame' marking his gravesite - and that of others - is a bald-faced symbol of the Illuminati Society to keep all control in their own tentacles while showing their power to get things done in a commanding way...mission accomplished. Sound familiar?

The birty dastards of chaos...

Aug 20, 2008

McCain's hard-hearted cake gone stale

It's not easy to sum up my loathing for the idea of a John McCain White House residency (not a typo.)

But if there were one thing to call attention to, it would have to be the TV pics of McCain feeding birthday cake to George Bush on
the day New Orleans flooded - and McCain's birthday celebrations apparently continued for days before well-studied and purposefully inept responses to the disaster showed the world just how little neocon freaks care for the American people in general and for New Orleanians in particular.

(Click link to speed thee over to YouTube for a view of the party. Were they grinning like cheeky monkeys because they were secretly celebrating the future McCain White House?!?)

Can any voter have faith in McCain's future responses to any kind of disaster, natural or otherwise, which life will surely bring the unwary and wary alike? Failed levees had been expected there for years - are McCain and Bush stoopid beyond belief?

Would you float on a housetop with the neocon hothead now asking for your vote?

Are you friggin' crazy?

Now you may think hubristically that you'll never need such assistance, that time and money are on your side.

That's only because McCain hasn't got all his claws into you or yours as of yet. Why, John McSame may be on the Bilderberg Group's board for all I know, but the next globalist shill mouthing for the power elite has more 'ineptitude' in store - Bush policies will continue in their "the power position is clear: very little option to do otherwise" vein.

I had to howl recently when Senator McCain pointed out Senator Obama's preference for success when he, McCain, joined the success-at-all-costs club so many moons ago! A pot calls kettle moment and politics is full of 'em.

So after Katrina wrought her devastation, McCain proceeded to vote against every aid bill he could find for the very refugees, survivors, and elderly victims whose demise and despair his birthday had marked on Aug 29, 2005! Happy Birthday indeed.

But would a Barack Obama tenure make a diff?

I have no idea, but America's chances could be better with Obama who has, at least, a more measured approach than an emotionally unstable Moon-opposite-Pluto McCain could ever imagine within his wildest dreams of world domination and retaliation at all costs...and as with Bush-Cheney, the direst costs will be all ours to shoulder on Bush-weakened backs. And yet...

Please Vote in November - don't let them keep you home from the polls. Or they've won without firing a shot.

Autumn Equinox Sept 22, 2008

The process of posting on the Autumn Equinox 2008 chart has begun over at Jude's Threshold.

The image of the chart, set for the White House, Washington, DC (Sept 22, 2008; 11:44:18 am edt) has an unsettling Sabian Symbol rising...

Dane Rudhyar gives "27Sco" as: "A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through City Streets"...Keynote: The aggressive glorification of cultural values. Keyword: POMP.

This could refer, of course, to aggressions overseas which Washington is dealing with (Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Kabul, Baghdad, Tehran, for George and Dick have an endless list - belligerence attracts belligerence), and/or martial actions in US streets, and/or to US military issues that continue to need attention such as the G.I. Bill, vets' healthcare, and more.

WordPress' column of Pages makes updating easier so that's where the chart is now with a smidgen of details, although if you click to enlarge the image, hopefully you can make out my notes which are perhaps too liberally sprinkled round the chart - my bad habit.

On a similar level, you'll notice feisty George Bush's natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart, which places Bush's activities 'out there' for all the world to see...or perhaps his frustrations since his Mars is in Virgo.

The Page will be added to as time allows including the Sun/Moon square which is involved in a FIST of GOD pattern, oh joy, so hold on to your own Mars, trouble's on the way for the end of Bush's residency.

Yet knowing his nibs, it's hard to be surprised, isn't it?

The Fed's expanded reach

Bernanke Tries to Define What Institutions Fed Could Let Fail" is an elucidating article written by Craig Torres at Bloomberg News (article's last update August 19.)

What is one thing I learned from this article?

That on August 10, 2005, with Greenspan as chairman, 94% of the Fed's $24 billion in outstanding repurchase agreements with Wall Street were in US Treasury notes, according to Wrightson ICAP LLC in New Jersey.

On August 10, 2008, only 14% were in Treasuries with the rest in mortgage bonds and agency securities (80%!) That's possibly misnamed, securities.

As something resembling an explanation, the NY Fed says that agency and mortgage-backed securities "--became more attractive."

Yes, they must have looked financially lovely - in the dark or by the flickering candlelight of a one-world-government glow.

But in the light of day, they look disingenuous at best, or downright fraudulent coming from much-touted 'experts' who shoulda woulda coulda known better but played the graft upon society anyway.


August 10, 2005: Sun within one degree of value-loving Venus' position of 9/11/01 when vengeful Venus triggered the Mother of All Eclipses degree from Aug 11, 1999, mentioned in astrologer Nostradamus' predictions of so many moons ago.

The imperious Sun Leo/Moon Scorpio combo has tendencies toward arrogance and overextension, with a fanatical desire for personal success and survival. There's stubborn resentment when things don't go as planned, and a cynical attitude toward life along with a double standard when it comes to relationships.

However, with this blend there is also a deep loyalty to principle which may be positive or negative depending on whether Ben lets YOUR bank be one-of-the-failed or not.

With August 10, 2008's Sun Leo/Moon Sag influence, we see hero-worship coming into play, with outspokeness, impatience, and impracticality.

Still with the Lion's flavor, this blend retains the imperiousness and loyalty as in 2005, but with more of an independent streak.

Here's a quote from an author who shares this blend natally:

Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal.

--Herman Melville

It totally grumps me up to say it, but the yawing drive to some horizontal goal began decades ago in America. Our real or imagined 'exceptionalism' has been spent through bad-intentioned political capital which was stolen in the first place and nowhere near the "mandate from the people" as was proudly advertised.

One of the more basic concepts which Astrology demonstrates is: that how something or someone begins is how it/he or she will end. This won't guarantee a positive or negative outcome, of course, because the expression of the energy being offered remains up to its owner to use bwo willpower (hopefully, mind control is resisted.)

Thing is, the American people have not owned this nation in many a year, if ever. Yet we once could put some bit of trust in her continuance and sovereignty.

But you see where decades of our apathy and inattention got us...driving into a yawing horizon with a Secondary Progressed Full Moon on its way, the culmination point of our American experience for years to come, and that, in late 2008 (based on the Sibly chart) or early 2009 (from the US' Scorpio rising chart.)

The Fed, led by Greenspin, as I insist on calling him, or Bernanke the Brave, has its credibility in tattered shreds over in Europe. The damage on that score has already been done.

Aug 18, 2008

The West: wrong about Georgia?

Why The West Has Got It So Wrong Over Georgia


It's a sobering thought that, if George W. Bush had had his way and Georgia had been a member of Nato, we would now be at war with Russia.

Read more at ICH.


Or would Russia have thought twice?