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Jan 15, 2010

FBI's Most Wanted billboard in Times Square and 1984

Will this be a helpful innovation for society? Or a sign of 1984-esque control and manipulation by the police state?

How odd if the snoots of criminal suspects being splayed across NYC's Times Square provides crooks with a feeling of having 'made it' in popular culture.

Perhaps this tech innovation indicates that Andy Warhol's '15 minutes of fame' is finally being writ large enough for all to see...and fear.

And interestingly, the year 1984 saw two Solar Eclipses, one from the 4 North Series @ 9Gemini, one from 4 South @ 1 Sag:

4N's flavor: a difficult series bringing restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions; events block, and strength and situations are misjudged.

4S: very strong emotions concerning money or relationships; anger or lust; relationship issues go beyond one's control; can bring a sudden desire to end unions; emotions are blocked or checked in some way resulting in tremendous frustration; avoid rash actions until things settle down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology .)

Also in 1984 was a Great Conjunction of grand schemers and speculators, Jupiter and Neptune, @ 00Cap01, a World Point where big events tend to manifest. That's why I keep referencing the recent transit of Pluto (god of the Underworld and crime syndicates) as Mr. Invisible, the secret hand, triggered this degree off and on (and is still within orb of influence), and resulted in the following midpoint picture, one astrological factor which unites the much-touted 'Big Brother 1984' with our current times:

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: major adjustment of life circumstances; unreasonable plans; self-projection out of hand. (Tyl.)

Hmmm...'self-projection out of hand'?? Sounds a bit like a techno-billboard of sought suspects hovering over Times Square like a Big Brother-induced method of societal control and fearmongering to me with "high security messages" included.

What do you think?

Jan 14, 2010

Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse: SpaceWeather News

Space Weather News for Jan 14, 2010

ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE: The Moon is about to pass directly in front of the sun, producing an annular solar eclipse on Jan. 15th between 0500 and 0900 GMT. The zone of visibility stretches from Africa across the Indian Ocean to eastern Asia. Onlookers in those places should be alert for crescent-shaped shadows on the ground and "ring of fire" suns in the sky.

Visit today for an animated preview and again tomorrow for photos and movies of the actual event.


For Astrology of the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse (25Cap01) scroll down to the next two and three posts where you'll find mention of Mercury's Direct Station, also on Jan 15, Friday, @ 11:52 am est and a horoscope of the Eclipse set for Washington, DC.

Making donations to Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti has created tremendous opportunities to aid a people who need all the help they can get. But if you're like me you want to avoid the sham charities that tend to spring up after natural disasters with the express purpose of rooking those whose hearts lead them to aid others in their time of need.

In recent years I've found that Charity Navigator is a very good (non-profit) source for decisions on where to safely make donations to worthy causes and you'll find links for Haiti donations on their site.

If you've never used Charity Navigator, please give them a look and do what you can for the people of Haiti.

Jan 13, 2010

3-Quote Round-Up, one from Ayn Rand

"Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to think, and this they consider freedom."

Oswald Spengler (born May 29, 1880 - died 1936) from The Decline of the West, 1926; Herr Spengler was critical of Nazi 'racial superiority' theories

"We allow the most atrocious lies uttered by political and moral prostitutes to go unchallenged. These lies are endlessly recycled in the commercial media until they become ingrained in the public conscience as truth. Worse than burying our heads in the sand, we bury them up our collective ass. How do you like the view?"

Charles Sullivan (This brief Wiki bio is for the 'Charles Sullivan' who ran for president in 1960 - there are at least two of them, maybe more...who knows?)

"Ask yourself why totalitarian dictatorships find it necessary to pour money and effort into propaganda for their own helpless, chained, gagged slaves, who have no means of protest or defense. The answer is that even the humblest peasant or the lowest savage would rise in blind rebellion were he to realize that he is being immolated, not to some incomprehensible 'noble purpose', but to plain, naked, human evil."

Ayn Rand (the one and only)


Above 3-Quote Round-Up courtesy of Information Clearing House. jc

Solar Ecl Jan 15, 2010 and Mercury's Station Direct

The Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse on Friday naturally has a Sun Cap/Moon Cap blend of energies which has this 'Image for Integration':

'A hoary old grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday -- a first edition of Pilgrim's Progress.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Now there are several Capricorn/Saturn references within the Image: old, Grandfather (old man, senex), knee, and an appreciation of lasting values such as we find in Pilgrim's Progress, first published in 1678, and written, they say, while John Bunyan was imprisoned by Saturnian walls. The establishment (Saturn) church was none too pleased with Mr. Bunyan in his day.

Also, the mention of 'seventh birthday' alerts us to a persona's first Saturn square to natal position which occurs on or around age 7, when our permanent teeth (Saturn) are usually in place. This undergirds the partnership '7 year itch' as well if relationship responsibilities are not honored or are avoided.

But I'm actually signed on here to mention the Sabian Symbol for Mercury's Direct Station 5Cap33 which occurs (first minute) on Jan 15, 2010 @ 11:52 am est. I'm looking at its chart set for Washington, DC, and Mercury (which won't revisit Pluto 3Cap50 again this go-round) sits in 9th house.

Moon, past her Solar Eclipse degree 25Cap01 of Jan 15, 2010, is at a critical 29th degree: 29Cap48 ('30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference" - but Washington has so many of them, who can keep count?); this marks the last of the above Sun/Moon combo of energies, for soon Luna will move into AQ and I imagine she's quite anxious (29 degr) to do so, don't you? A Cappy Moon can be an ambitious, though perhaps cold-hearted, placement!

Therefore, America will soon experience another Lunar Return (AQ), its time depending on which US natal chart you use. Lately I've been experimenting again using the Barry Lynes version @ 4:47 LMT with 7Sag37 Rising in 'nuclear degree' and you know the date and location of America's Declaration of Independence. Important events for the US have happened with planets at this ASC degree. (To be discussed when time permits.)

Also at critical or crisis 29th degree is moneybags Jupiter 29AQ28, guru, professor, and banker, and significator of the Republican Party, here poised to move into his own sign of Pisces. Lovely, as noted astrologer Julie Demboski mentions in her post
Thoughts on the Verge of Mercury Direct. Please check out Julie's article for she has a clear way of explaining astrological principles, a fact which you've probably glommed on to by now!

Direct Station Mercury's '6Cap' = "A Dark Archway and Ten Logs at the Bottom" -- keyword: THOROUGHNESS...

positive expression: high competence in the interpretation of life's purposes or unusual persistence in employing its ramifying potentials effectively;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: fear of experience and bondage to mystery. (MEJ.)

Now you may know that the symbol's 'Dark Archway' reference reminds me of Masonic arches and Sacred Geometry, but I'll not digress into that subject just now.

In Mercury's (negotiations, announcements, treaties, speeches, thinking processes, commerce, trade, young people, etc) Station Direct chart, the Messenger rules three houses: two with Gemini cusps: 2nd and 3rd, and 6th house cusp 17Vir15, with Saturn exalted in Libra in 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Military and Police Forces.

Saturn and Moon are applying (4A51) to a helpful trine so perhaps with Mercury now turning to direct motion (though being squared by Saturn here which may also indicate hard work to overcome blockages), things will soon proceed legislatively in the health insurance reform process - at least once Mercury leaves its shadow degree (21Cap45 Rx Station on Dec 25, 2009) on or about Feb 4, 2010.

Now Dec 25, 2009 is a date to remember - for the Senate vote the previous day and for the 'underwear bomber' incident which will continue to be in the news as reporting Mercury moves along his/her merry, quicksilver way.

At Ic (Foundation of the Matter) is 19Can24, the degree of the
July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse that I'm feeling quite wary over for America's sake.

And surely the Direct Station of Mars (on or about March 10, 00Leo17) will rev things up in the legislative process as well, while hopefully not bringing us oppressive police or military actions in the homeland.

Jan 12, 2010

And Why do they hate America, Mr. President?

More than once in the last year or so I've tried to relocate online Osama bin Laden's 'letter to America' with its list of things he and his fellow jihadists hold against my nation. Each time my ISP refused to allow me to follow the few links I uncovered.

Now Information Clearing House's Newsletter arrives with a link to the full text of it and as most of the world is aware, America's blind support of Israel with its military actions against Lebanon and Palestine are at the top of the list, if I'm reading it correctly, along with US invasions of the Middle East.

That, and the fight for total control of Jerusalem, of course.

So when veteran journalist Helen Thomas recently asked, Why? at the press conference for the 'Christmas Day/underwear bomber' incident and received no intelligent answer from President Obama (or his team), it sparked my interest again to re-read bin Laden's list of grievances. How rehearsed the administration's replies which don't actually 'answer' the question...Why?

Now you may take exception to my linking above to the 'letter' and that's okay for you. Yes, America being referred to as 'the great satan' or 'satanic' may be unsettling (unless you know our leaders show deference to such devilish gurus as Sun Myung Moon see them 'crowning' him on video! or share my view that the US Capitol Building is a Masonic Temple with who-knows-what sort of altar in the cellar (and if one is there, it is never for public viewing, of course.)

Be that as it may or may not be, I am frankly over-expired with Washington's terrorist mumbo jumbo as to why world religions are locked in a death struggle (spiral) - and yet oddly enough, the modern jihadist has no interest in their own immams whom they consider to be out of touch. Still, it seems to me that what bin Laden and his robots believe about us should matter to our leadership, and should be taken into account by Washington rather than delivering doublespeak non-answers that makes little, if any, sense, and only serve to continue the carnage.

The much-touted 'war on terror' is indeed one of the primary reasons our nation has been run into bankruptcy, or is teetering on the brink of it, depending on which propaganda you listen to. Yet if our leadership took into account that long-time US policies abroad (betrayals, bombs, assassinations, puppet despots, frauds, people-starving sanctions, etc) are what set off violence against America and her allies, you might reasonably think that our top dogs would want to stop the retaliation and endless cycle of brutality by tamping down their tendency toward...violence. Not so!

Why, it's almost as if an endless cycle of violence is just what the US (and Israel) want in order to 'justify' their own aggressions, wouldn't you? Psychopaths all, imo.

And if America (July 4, 1776) was founded on Illuminati (May 1, 1776) or other secret principles, you don't have to gaze far from the Capitol Building's rotunda and the crypt beneath it to see why bin Laden associates America with satan. Especially when we bomb the Holy Land that our leaders, religious and otherwise, say they revere so deeply. (Yuh. Right. Pass the ammo?)

Karma is a bi*ch

Even mighty America and hallowed Israel must come under the "by their fruits ye shall know them" axiom in spite of the constant, flimsy excuses spouted by Washington and Tel Aviv. What we send out we get back, in some form or another, and often worse when we've been bad.

To me, it seems that the CIA's 'blowback' principle is karma in disguise. They just don't like to admit it to the American public in their arrogant fashion plus, telling the truth might lose them an election or something.

But we know. We see the karmic principle working within our own lives.

So tell me now, if you wish: do you disagree very very much?

Jan 11, 2010

Solar Eclipse July 11, 2010: Cardinal T-SQ

Solar Eclipse 19Can24 July 11, 2010 @ 3:40:24 pm edt, White House, Washington, DC; Hour of Venus; ASC 16Soc09 = Saturn/Pluto = Mars/NN; Mc 25Leo24; out-of-sign Cardinal T-SQs (critical degree Saturn 29Vir17): Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto 3Cap42 Rx in 2nd house, and Saturn/Uranus = Pluto; Eclipse in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Insurance.

Right off the bat you see that this is a difficult Solar Eclipse, don't you? So if you prefer a pie-in-the-sky type of Astrology, you may wish to skip reading this post which concerns politics, business, and financial systems.

Sun/Moon 19Can24 conjoins both the Heliocentric North Node of Pluto, and Fixed Star Castor (sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness, crippling of limbs - A. Louis.) Celeste Teal adds for Castor the possibilities of decapitation, fevers, and rape.

Midpoints of Sat/Plu and Mars/NN are rising...all, any, or none may apply; details from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey:

Sat/Plu = ASC: cumbersome or difficult circumstances; sadness; bereavement; separation; silent power or continuing influences; concentration upon important matters; assessment of how to work with powerful people.

Michael Munkasey gives the 'Saturn/Pluto' combo in relation to politics and business as: use of secret police or military agencies; restraints on destructive weapons; upsets in existing checks and balances; turmoils in rigid or older structures; earth blocks sewage systems.

That's the Thesis; here's the Antithesis of 'Sat/Plu': secret preparations for future restrictions; keeping affairs private and not open to scrutiny; hoarding resources for potential future disasters; lengthy considerations of removal methods or methods of destruction.

Employing stealth, replacing past rigid habit patterns, correcting the effects of past excesses, and an ability or failure to adequately provide for conditions of future reversals may also be represented by the Sat/Plu blend of harsh energies.

'Mars/NN' = ability to attract or sell military might from others; the use of mercenaries; allies who send military help in times of need; energy or military hardware provided for by treaty. Antithesis: aggressive actions against a nation by hostile countries; warlike acts break treaties; dispersal of weapons or resources without safeguards or without intentions of others that they will pay for them.

Listed on the chart are the two midpoint pictures formed by the T-SQs:

Jup/Sat = Plu: tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of ego; fearless; control of the situation; major or violent changes; people unafraid of hard work to attain aims slowly but surely; immense efforts; separation; restriction (see the last paragraph of this post); a total reversal of plans; intense business activities.

Sat/Uran = Plu: concealing changes in one's activities; ending extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic reforms in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation; violence or brutality; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; upheaval to protect assets. (You have assets?)

An Eclipse in Cancer personalizes its effects for any nation having strong Cancer placements (US) and indicates a highlighting of issues such as homeland, domestic scene, security issues; consumerism, food crops, milk; business and real estate.

Its 8th house position for the US shows a link to the financial system and economy and may indicate delays of new opportunities for expansion and growth, stress in educational systems (reforms will be costly), long distance travel, publishing and religion; markets fluctuate (perhaps wildly.)

Scandals are always possible when an Eclipse lifts the rock and this Eclipse's 8th house position may bring more revelations concerning frauds, thefts, and deceits.

The July 2010 Solar Eclipse, which Celeste Teal titles 'Victory Over Obstacles', is in the 12 South (12S) Series: 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; a draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear with positive outcomes.' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, that sounds fairly decent, right? Wish it were that simple!

12S is America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) which occurred @ 00Pis33 on Feb 19, 1776. And here wounding/wounded Chiron @ 00Pis19 Rx is, as you see (click chart to enlarge) triggering our nation's PE. (Chiron is 'experiential'.) And now that Chiron has entered nebulous, obfuscating Pisces, oceanic sign of compassion and creativity, can President Obama's Chiron Return be far behind?

Actually, while we're on the subject, let me give the doozy of a Chiron Return for Mr. Obama - it's quite unsual for any return chart because it's a '5-er'...

Barack Obama's Chiron 5Pis19 Rx (born Aug 4, 1961) returns to natal degree:

1. May 21, 2011;
2. June 27, 2011 Rx;
3. Feb 26, 2012;
4. Oct 19, 2012 Rx;
5. Dec 10, 2012.

Yowch! Since this leaves me quite speechless (unusual, I know), yet this list must be left for another time except to say that Mr. Obama's lessons relating to Chiron are massive indeed, and yes, this will affect the country he leads, assuming he completes his term, and that Earth's poles don't shift us to kingdom come by Dec 2012.

Back to July 11, 2010

There are many factors worth discussing in the chart you see pictured here and I trust my able Astrology colleagues online to analyze them in various ways as they emphasize the chart's multi-facets. Therefore, I shall veer a little to a synchronicitous consideration since I deal primarily on this blog with Washington DC and the politicians who infest our nation's capital.

And you, dear reader, have certainly been paying close attention to the corporate bailouts and other shady dealings which Capitol Hill and Wall Street have been perpetrating upon our nation - those which have become impossible for even the most problem-avoiding ostrich to ignore as they culminated in Financial Collapse 2008.

Transiting Pluto, that secret hand and spying saboteur (and Dragon Guarding the Riches) now opposing US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer tells a tale of outer forces allied against the US financial system; these transits has been covered here before. And tr Saturn and Pluto have been affecting the Fed's natal chart, too.

So there are two things I want to mention now about the Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24: it triggers a Great Conjunction from the past of two planets that together related directly to financial and industrial titans (global bankers), the Fed, and to religious leaders as well: Jupiter/Pluto, with its 'great desire for power over others' flavor.

Their Great Conjunction of Dec 11, 2007 marks what has been officially touted as the beginning of the current recession. And the brittle, make-or-break, old vs new energies of Saturn/Uranus came into play in Dec 2007 because Jupiter and Pluto met @ 28Sag23 which is precisely where Saturn/Uranus last conjoined at the start of their current cycle: 3x in 1988.

Actually, it would be helpful if you'd read a previous post concerning the Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction of Dec 11, 2007, a day when the Fed gave a pronouncement on interest rates after their meeting - perfectly described by Jupiter meeting Pluto.

The post mentions the Saturn/Uranus connection, opposing one another during the 2008 presidential campaign, and the tr *Saturn/Neptune midpoint @ 29Sco07 which, as you know, was the position of our Inauguration 2009 Moon, the people. (Pres. Obama's natal Mc is indicated in late Scorpio as well, though when I wrote the post in Dec 2007, I didn't know he'd become President.)

I'll not update or change the chart but you'll read that I said that, "money is all over the chart," so please check it out and get back to me.

Plus, if you click to enlarge the Jup/Plu chart, you will see the Ic (Foundation of the Matter) and Mc (Aspirations) at critical degrees: 20Can/ the Ic of Dec 11, 2007 will be triggered/transited on July 11, 2010 by the 12S Solar Eclipse 19Can24.

And the second thing?

The Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 conjuncts the degree of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter/Pluto during the Great Depression: May 26, 1931 @ 19Can16, exact at 10:06 pm, White House. Peep-eye, Fedsters!

Yes, the connection between 1929 and 2008 'collapses' and the Fed's machinations behind the scenes have been mentioned zillions of times in the news media since 2008, so what are the chances that the Fed is intimately involved in both the Crash of 1929 AND the Collapse of 2008? I thought you'd agree.


*Sat/Nep may operate on many levels such as: secret government; deceptive government; delusions among the real leadership; policies that restrict spies; long-lasting programs which have no real purpose; misusing law officers; inefficient use of expert advice; communism; socialism; a dual character; caution; pessimism; loss and grief; illnesses that are difficult to diagnose; deceptions and going to great lengths to keep them hidden; continuing detrimental practices.

Sat/Nep = Moon: hesitation about replacing that which no longer functions as intended (health insurance reforms?); activities which serve no real purpose; increased use of drugs to escape harsh realities; inhibited development; depression; a low character; emotional drain. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)


Something I've been intending to mention: the ongoing Sat/Pluo square and the tunnel conditions that seemingly merit 'underground' (Plu) 'barriers' (Sat) being built by Israel in Palestine and by the US in Mexico. Harsh and cruel. Absolute disaster. Worse for Palestine now, for US and Mexico later, and both relate to crime waves, but they're wasting their time and our money, imho. #


Jan 12, 2010: may I refer you to an excellent analysis left as a Comment under this post by Duse (Jonathan W) concerning the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse chart above? He has previously added great insights to my SO'W offerings and has come through again! jc

Jan 9, 2010

AIG's 'backdoor bailout' sparks New Poll: is Tim Geithner corrupt?

Low polling participation never gives much of a picture of how the public is feeling or thinking on an issue so if you have a moment, please dart your cyber-way to one of my other blogs and answer a poll I set up today: Is Timothy Geithner corrupt?

Possible answers are: yes, no, not sure - probably, and _______ for your own creative and heartfelt reply.

You'll find a few articles linked there which concern related financial subjects such as: Mr. Geithner's role in AIG's lucrative "backdoor bailout," and AIG's regulatory filing which was sneakily made public on Dec 24, 2009 when no one was around to notice much.

And of course, the diversion of the "Christmas Day bomber"/"underwear bomber" occurred the very next day alleviating any mainstream media outlets from having to mention what Geithner did and said to keep the 100 cents-on-a-dollar taxpayer 'gift' to AIG from becoming public knowledge, a shady deal that even Congress had to admit was a "backdoor bailout."

You know, I keep thinking about the July 21, 2006 Retrograde Station of America's Progressed Mars at '19 Libra'..."A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" and how aptly its Sabian Symbol describes the actors (Mars) on the American political and financial stages today.

US Sec Mars Rx Station

(July 21, 2006 @ 2:35 am est, Philadelphia, PA is what Solar Fire gives when the Secondary Progressions are calculated using America's 'Sibly' natal chart, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, etc. A transit chart set for this date/hour/place gives as ASC '28Gem' which has a Sabian Symbol, BANKRUPTCY.

And since our national Mars is 'anti-progressing' (in Rx direction) the next degree Mars attains won't be '20Lib' but '18Lib'..."Two Men Placed Under Arrest"...odd when you consider the massive number of crooks and thieves that have over run Washington and Wall Street, and several places in between.

So I got nosy as to what links would display if I searched for "July 21, 2006" and one site lists several military actions for that day - as you know, astrological Mars signifies military forces, soldiers, police and police actions, males between appr 25 - 35 yrs of age, and instigators, 'insurgents' and street fighters of all descriptions. Israel's military action against Lebanaon was ongoing and being protested in many countries on that day. And Condi Rice announced the first details of an "international effort" to "tackle" (Mars) Middle East violence, to which I must say, Puh!

It remains my personal opinion that the US and its 'allies' (partners in crime) taking our heavy boots off their holy sand entirely would aid the 'peace' cause much more than political charades ever have. President Obama pretended to agree with that sort of view previously when his nose was pressed against the White House window.

But once in office, they all 'change' for the worse, don't they? Why, it's almost as if there's some mysterious and overriding agenda on tap as the presidential baton is passed on Inauguration Day, ya think?

And yet I must mention the fact that expert financial astrologer Bill Meridian (and other astrologers agree, I'm sure, but I don't know which ones) wrote in the Feb 2000 issue of Dell Horoscope that,

"History shows that leaders who take power in the week before an eclipse seldom complete their terms in office. Nelson Mandela was sworn into office just hours before an eclipse....A crime wave has been the result" (not the promised prosperity for South Africa.)

Jan 20, 2009: Barack Obama is sworn in at noon, Capitol Building, DC, with Mercury (oaths) Rx; Justice John Roberts fudges the oath-taking; a second swearing in occurs later, for good measure, just in case...a re-oath in honor of the Rx.

Six days later, on Jan 26, 2009, a Solar Eclipse @ 6AQ30 manifested in opposition to new President Obama's natal Sun/Mercury in Leo (2 - 13 Leo) and not so distant from his natal Jupiter Rx @ '1 AQ' so there may be something to the Russian astrologer's prediction that Mr. Obama won't be completing his term in the Oval Office due to assassination in 2011. (Hopefully he's wrong. I wouldn't wish assassination on any president or on this nation - again.)

Then there's Paulie Walnuts whose article on Mr. Obama during the 2008 campaign emphasized financial troubles for the US along with Mr. Obama's natal chart connections to the August 1 Solar and August 16 Lunar Eclipses of 2008.

Even this reluctant astrologer related the 2008 eclipses to possible market paranoia, and though I'm definitely no financial astrologer, this was uncomfortably close to the mark as Financial Collapse 2008 showed.

And the culmination of capitalism's breakdown occurred 'right on time' - as timed by the two eclipses of August 2008.

Next Solar Eclipse: Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01...conjunct the natal Saturn of President Barack Obama...will this be authority eclipsed?

Jan 8, 2010

Is a new US dollar on the Fed's agenda?

No comment for the moment from this gnat of a blogger - just listen, if you wish.

Obama and the War Criminals - PuppetGov video

Obama and the War Criminals from PuppetGov on Vimeo.

Well, I wasn't familiar with PuppetGov until this morning and am not certain that all of these clips are chronologically placed or placed in a particular order to support their point. Yet I recommend it for your viewing displeasure (just be sure no children are about when you view for there are a few images you won't want them to see. Some are apparently staged, some look real.)

Why do I post this here? America must identify her demons, face them, and hold them accountable, President Obama, and this video montage outs recent and current actors on the US imperialist stage. Even the things they do in secret are done in Our Name, m'peops, or at least that's what they'd have us believe. Personally I believe they have their own reasons for perpetrating war crimes and it isn't as if they listen to the people about very much else, do they?

Don't invade Iraq. Don't escalate war, Senator Obama, and we'll support you all the way to the Oval Office. Don't torture. Don't bomb innocent women and children. Don't transfer public wealth to private banks. Don't act in secret against our best interests. Don't sell out America to foreign or 'special' interests. Quit the fraudulent 'Ds vs Rs' dividing tactics against us. Stop letting Bilderbergers and their ilk decide who will be president and clean up our election process before you hypocritically pontificate on the elections of other countries.

Give up your satanic idolatries and trances, your secret society memberships which you esteem above service to our nation, and stop basing the US economy on your war profiteering. Cease zealously imposing Christianity - or what you fatuously call 'Christianity' - on people of other faiths who have the same right to choose their faith as you do. Stand up for the people of Palestine even when it irks the Zionists of the Israeli government. Work for and establish peace instead of simply mouthing it as you bomb.

Honor and follow the US Constitution. Take care of Americans with their own tax monies, and stop playing the world's police force.

And give up your hubristic idea that mortal man alone can decide when this world should end. That task belongs to Someone Else, no matter what your self-serving gurus tell you.

Yes, it's an exhausting list of what a majority of the American people have desired but have been denied for decades. Will we-the-people ever learn?

In closing I want to add some astro-notes on the natal Sun Cancer/Moon Aquarius blend upon which our nation was founded and which holds true after all these years.

This Water-Air combo of energies gives we-the-people a humanitarian outlook (see? right there you can tell our national helm has been usurped by those who bomb and torture, then lie about it!) with a tendency to 'mother' the world. Mother the world! We tend to take on other people's burdens too often and meddle way too much.

What a disconnect between the American people and our self-styled, so-called 'leaders'! Yet our emotional hurts and hang-ups fester in the cellar while we avoid dealing with them by living too much in our heads.

We are a private yet gregarious people, able to communicate ideas with much conviction; we-the-people (generally speaking) have a natural Respect for the Rights of All People. Yes, we do! Do you, US government?

(Perhaps if Big Bro weren't so busy collecting useless data on our every phone call, email, and blog post, they would have been able to 'connect the dots' on the 'underwear bomber' and his intentions - info overload, as the Obama administration has admitted. That's if the young man's plot was actually 'missed' rather than allowed to go forward in order to institute more security impositions on the flying public and create yet another mystery funnel for our tax dollars. More restrictions and control timed by our nation's Saturn Return as taskmaster Saturn continues his repeated crossings of US natal Mc - 00Lib53 - in the 'Sibly' chart.)

Yes, Sun Can/Moon AQ has a strong interest in broad social issues while possessing great business instincts, too. And perhaps the blend's 'Images for Integration' will enlighten:

'The world as family...A science museum inside a restored medieval castle...Carl Orff's Carmina Burana...A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete at the park.'

Now I do believe that the American people have always held a 'vision for world peace' but given ongoing and recent actions of the US government (including past administrations) I am now impelled to hope and pray that current leaders will run very fast to catch up with us...for they demonstrate daily that they are woefully and tragically behind.


Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jan 7, 2010

Astrology of Yemen and the President's address 1.7.10

Just a quick heads-up that a post concerning the natal chart of South Yemen and the Oct 12, 2000 bombing of the USS Cole is now published and includes some details on President Obama's address today which began at 4:35 pm est and ended at 4:47 pm with the Pentagon's natal ASC rising (15Can37; the *Pentagon is currently experiencing a Uranus-to-natal-Venus transit when unusual alliances are formed and interactions with others are unpredictable and/or erratic.)

The President spoke today during an Hour of Mercury, good for announcements and orations, yet with Mercury Rx 10Cap17 one has to wonder especially since Mercury was setting at 4:35 pm, with tr Uranus conjunct tr Mc '24Pisces' and Mr. Obama's natal Mars at Ic, the Foundation of the Matter. (He did sound more than a little peeved, didn't he? His agency directors are to be 'held responsible' in future, he said.)

Having his natal Mars at Ic means that US natal Neptune was there as well, so we might infer a midpoint picture or two (any, all, or none may apply):

Mars/Neptune = tr Mc: success in pushing your ideas; integrating the message of your dreams to help overcome your anger; a state of weakness.

Mars/Neptune = tr Uranus: unusual stamina to speed up the outcome of activities; an unconventional approach to forcing idealism or socialism on others; a noisy rebellion against aggravating visions forced by others; a crisis; sudden weaknesses suddenly emerge; an accident. (Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Well, Mr. Obama ended his address with the speculator duo, Jupiter and Neptune, in 8th house of Shared Resources and Debt so his remark that more money would now be spent on explosive detectors makes sense...and another bottomless money pit opens underneath US taxpayers.

NPR has the text of the President's address in case you missed it.


*The Pentagon assumed duty on Apr 29, 1942 10:30 am edt.

Interview with a Bilderberger

Now that my head cold has taken a turn for the worse I'm stuck at home today and on the loose as I surf roguishly about the cybersphere, lookin' for trouble.

Somehow I picked up a March 10, 2001 interview with Denis Healey, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, titled Who pulls the strings? and thought you might have a grain of salt large enough to digest his quite mild statements about what the "private" club of power elite string-pullers are really up to.

Of course, Healey takes exception to the term "secretive" - they're "private" - and each attendee who's invited to participate must do just that - participate by speaking. Seems they can't just sit through the meetings like bumps on logs but must open their precious traps and tell the group how the world should be run within their areas of expertise - political, business, banking, and media.

Here's a brief excerpt from Mr. Healey circa 2001:

"To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

Never mind that entire cultures of people the world over don't want a "single community" which seems quite impossible to me. Most people just want to be left alone from the meddling string-pullers of the Bilderberg Group and other secret societies yet a certain 'weeding out' (aka, population control) is taking place as I type, isn't it?

Imho, Healey's "killing people and rendering millions homeless" is an ongoing project these 8 years later for they're at it still. But apparently that's what they 'feel' takes to impose a one-world government on a global population that totally disagrees with the high-minded ideals of a few concerning how the masses should live what are, after all, their own lives.

And I do remember in spite of my stuffed-snoot haze that it was UK's The Guardian that ran 'joke coverage' of the Bilderberg conference held in Athens, Greece (May 2009) in an attempt to make outsiders' interest in their secret doings seem conspiracy-theory-mad.

Interestingly, their May 2009 meeting occurred during authoritarian Saturn's Direct Station @ 14Vir54.

Well, if you wish, check out a long yet incomplete list of members and attendees through the years - that is, if Wikipedia doesn't follow through on their stated intention of deleting the list of names. (I have the list tucked away in case it should suddenly disappear.)

Vernon Jordan invited Bill Clinton to the 1991 conference where his presidency was endorsed, or decided, depending on what you believe about the way the world 'works' as directed from the halls of power and the infested bowels of power politics.

So you may notice that the list of names includes Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Tom Daschle, and others from the US, any one of whom might have invited presidential candidate Barack Obama to the annual Bilderberg meeting at Chantilly, VA, June 2008.

But so far, I haven't found President Oabama's name on the list. Funny, that.