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Apr 18, 2010

Reaching for Chiron in Pisces

Reaching and actually grasping anything in Pisces is a tall order, if not an impossibility, and all through last week I made notes on Chiron in Pisces and related subjects in the political realm only to face this weekend's Mercury Rx (conjunct my natal 9th cusp - ouch!) which seems to undergird a freeze on actually writing or posting anything from my notes about Chiron traversing the deepest, most compassionate zodiac sign around.

Then today I find that astrologer Mandi Lockley has had much the same experience recently (one of Chiron's words, experiential) yet she has come through with flying colors and helpfully published Chiron in Pisces: Water Over Rocks, an article I highly recommend to you.

Mandi includes Chiron's schedule of retrogrades as The Centaur returns to Aquarius, then zooms back into Pisces in a few months, so do check out the shamanic Wounded Healer's whereabouts and what Mandi has to say about Chiron in Pisces, a placement that gives those who have it natally a crisis over connecting with the God force, the universal oneness, as noted in Barbara Hand Clow's invaluable book Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets (revised edition 2002.)

Seems to me that the collective is experiencing just such a crisis due to the harrowing events of the New Millennium: 9/11, a pre-emptive, illegal invasion based on lies and its resultant nation-bankrupting occupation (our bankruptcy as the US plays 'global cop'), and the power-elite-planned Financial Collapse of 2008.

Plus, since Chiron's orbit lies between Saturn and Uranus, the planets associated with the Middle East (particularly with Israel-Palestine), we may hopefully expect the Rainbow Bridge effect to lead us somewhere pragmatic yet compassionate while Chiron travels through Pisces. Hopefully (and prayerfully), the much-discussed World War III is not on Chiron's Piscean agenda for our era.

And while on the subject of Chiron, it would be remiss of me not to add a link to Julie Demboski's excellent book Chiron in the Natal Chart, also highly recommended reading for understanding more about one of Astrology's most interesting catalysts in our natal charts and psyches.

As for my own Chironic blogging schedule, the Politics of the thing must willingly wait until I get around to blogging about it because, in spite of Washington DC's gross mismanagement of our nation in recent decades, Politics isn't going away any time soon. Pity.

At least, that's been my experience of it.


Were you born when Chiron was in Pisces? Yes, if born within these dates, give or take a few hours:

3/20/1910 - 8/29/1910
1/16/1911 - 3/31/1918
10/23/1918 - 1/28/1919

3/27/1960 - 8/19/1960
1/21/1961 - 3/31/1968
10/19/1968 - 1/30/1969


Apr 16, 2010

SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of Civil Fraud Apr 16, 2010

NPR BREAKING NEWS: SEC Accuses Goldman Sachs Of Civil Fraud

The government is accusing Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs & Co. of defrauding investors in its disclosures about securities it sold tied to subprime mortgage securities as the housing market was faltering.

More at

Is this but another meander down a garden path...lovely, but meant to distract?

Apr 15, 2010

Gold-Silver Markets manipulated by Big Banks

In a Ponzi scheme that drawfs the Madoff and Enron frauds, solid proof has emerged of gold and silver market manipulations by the Big Banks.

In a March 25 hearing of the CFTC, Bill Murphy of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action) revealed the name of the whistleblower Andrew McGuire, who had alerted authorities that 'precious metals would be attacked' - and they were, in real time, just as he informed those 'in charge' they would be.

Included are two videos with explanation of the market manipulation scheme that threatens the global economy with collapse if everyone who thinks they own gold or silver bullion actually calls for their metallic stash at the same time only to discover that crinkled paper is all that's in the vault, even in London, home of the world's largest gold market and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association.)

You know, in 2007, naughty Morgan Stanley paid out several million dollars to settle claims that the firm had charged 22,000 clients 'storage fees' for silver bullion that didn't exist!

Can you see him now? Old greedy hoarder, Pluto, god of the underworld, sitting round his cave with all of the world's gold and silver bullion stuck up his wrinkled patootie.

Now of course the mainstream media doesn't want the public to know anything about the manipulation situation, muchless be clued on which wrinkled patooties belong to which culprits.

Therefore 'click to read' and 'spread it around' is my best advice.


America's natal Jupiter of 1776 @ '6 Cancer' = "Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests." And the financial feathering is even more prevalent in the New Millennium than it was at our nation's founding.

Apr 14, 2010

Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010

Chart shown: Summer Solstice June 21, 2010 @ 7:28:10 am edt, White House, Washington, DC; Hour of Saturn; 1st quarter Sun trine Moon (0A26); chart-ruler Moon 29Libra34 (critical or crisis 29th degree) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate.

Luna is quite the busy buzzy bee in this chart and is emphasized during Summer 2010 by her usual fluctuations, changes, and publicity from being placed in her natural house, the 4th, so foreclosures, refugeeism, and other types of financial issues and dissolution (Moon trine Neptune ~0S59~ in 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transitions, etc) will continue with Libra signaling tricky legalisms. Women's, families', and domestic needs and concerns under gird much of the action for the season; mining and environmental issues are emphasized as well.

As you see, asteroid Terpsichore is rising, keyword: the orchestrator, @ '23Can'..."Meeting of a Literary Society" - an interesting degree and asteroid when you consider that early one-world-government types such as Adam Weishaupt were all about introducing Illuminati-ism into early America by way of 'literary societies' and 'reading groups'.

As the chart-ruler's path goes, so proceeds the chart/event/entity:

Moon's applying aspects in order of completion (listed on chart, lower left, except for #5 and #6 which I here add):

1. trine Sun (0A26, as noted above); 'we-the-people in harmony with the president'?; can cause apathy; persuasion employed; domestic enterprises and property ownerships are favored (good!);

2. inconjunct (150 degr) Uranus (0A56); emotional distress due to problems popping up repeatedly; low resistance, nervousness, pressured by burdens; willful;

3. trine Chiron (1A16); Art and Music thrive; a calming and healing influence;

4. inconj Jupiter (2A16); discrepancies between emotional responses and the understanding of them; great difficulties determining the true significance of events; repeated lessons make the learning process painful until full meanings are grasped; assumptions that 'experts' are competent (ain't necessarily so!); must develop interests outside of work such as volunteering and/or creative pursuits; may bite off too much to chew - see 'Sun square Jupiter' below.

Moon is also engaged in a separating septile aspect (51:57) with contentious Mars which imparts a karmic or fated flavor to their combined energies. In Politics or Business, Moon/Mars relates to such things as the military - including fluctuating effectiveness thereof - also, farming/agricultural, metal or mineral mining, commercial land uses for military or business activities, and/or leaders who show concern about the general welfare yet who do not necessarily follow through with relief. (Munkasey, Midpoints.)

The Summer Solstice 2010 chart set for the White House shows Sun and Mercury in 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions (like Congress), Behind-the-Scenes, Zoos (like Congress), Hospitals, Sanitariums, Secret Enemies, and good old secrets themselves. And let's not leave out Secret Agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and other organizations you may wish to quietly name aloud.

Now this is something of a Politics-drenched chart because 12th house planets such as Sun (the leader) and Mercury (thought processes, communications, the media, commerce, trade, meetings, speeches, young people, etc) indicate politicians (in their natal charts, too) and deals being made behind the scenes (in mundane charts.)

And that describes Politics in a nut shell (game) - secretive 12th house shenanigans.

Yes, this is the general 12th-house state of all Politics, of course, especially of the pragmatic kind, and it puts me in mind of last evening's Frontline, Obama's Deal. Check out the text or video, if you missed on April 13.

Again with the Summer Solstice 2010...

Besides the Sun/Moon trine perfecting ever so soon (0A26), the Sun applies elsewhere as well:

1. square Uranus (0A31); leadership talent but may be rebellious, unpredictable, arrogant, or unprincipled; strong desire for power, demands subservience from others;

2. trine Chiron (0A51); aware of basic power for change in all structures; a strong sense of purpose (Clow):

3. square Jupiter (1A47); bites off too much to chew, then tries to cope; experience subdues arrogance; a wheeler-dealer not afraid of a good fight;

4. opposite Pluto (4A13); extreme measures taken to assure success; striking first to defend yourself is futile with Pluto opposing; may be constantly harassed by people who refuse to support leadership;

And #5 is the Sun/Mercury conjunction (8A31), exact on June 28, 2010 @ 6Can42...'7Can' = "Two Fairies on a Moonlit Night" for Sabian Symbol details.

Also, you may wish to click here for the Solstice's Sun-Moon blend details.

As you see, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct Mc (The Goal; Aspirations) but from the 9th house side; Uranus remains in contact with the Aries Point of World Manifestation and the two planets will tango twice more - but in late Pisces - before 2010 ends; 9th house retains its usual associations yet the Jupiter/Uranus duo always has long-distance travel/adventures/explorations/space or air travel connotations along with its 'scientific breakthrough' vibe. You've been hearing of amazing discoveries already, haven't you? There are certain to be more with AP triggered by expansive, ideological hierophant, Jupiter, and maverick progressive of genius fame, radical Uranus, The Awakener.

Since there is a difficult Solar Eclipse on July 11, 2010 (not marked on chart: 19Can24; 12 South) which suggests action regarding security, domestic scene, real estate, business, crops, and other Cancerian things already mentioned, I hesitate to say that the Eclipse falls in the 12th house of this chart, though it isn't notated there. Banks and markets will be subject to fluctuations, new educational programs prove costly, as will everything else. Fraud and a further draining of America's fortunes continue.

The July 11 Eclipse conjuncts a difficult Fixed Star, Castor; plus, 12S is in the same Series as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness, seeming worse, then clearing (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology); this Solar Eclipse, which last occurred on June 30, 1992 @ 8Can56, has significance for the White House, NYC, and the Vatican. (Celeste Teal's Eclipses.)

My deepest concern as Summer 2010 approaches is for the American people, here represented by the Moon at crisis degree (as in Inauguration 2009's chart @ it's almost Summer Solstice 2010 and still many of us enter into, or remain in, dire circumstances with few practical options.)

And with Moon contacting an 8th house Neptune, planet of fraud, loss, deception, self-deceit, confusions, and obfuscations, I suspect the nearness of Wounded Healer Chiron, now entered into compassionate Pisces, one sign of the victim/savior axis, will be most efficacious for understanding the true nature (8th house) of what it means to lose (Neptune) one's material possessions (4th house Moon)...while managing to keep one's heart and spirit childlike and thus open to new possibilities.


Well, I've managed to type a bunch of words without one mention of the two planetary patterns in the chart, but if you click the image to enlarge, you'll see them listed and highlighted: Grand Cross in green, and a dissociate Grand Trine (Water-Air mix) in purple.

They must be covered at another sitting (including their midpoint pictures) for there is much more to say about this chart as Summer 2010 nears. However, I shall close for now and await your valuable comments about the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope, comments which can be written by no one but you, lone reader.


When we come to a Fork'ed Way, which path dare we take?

A quote of note on Special Interests, from VP Joe Biden

"Special interests know that all their lies about reform will be proven false. But that won't stop them from inventing new ones and spreading attack ads."

Vice President Joe Biden 4.11.10

Sunshine upon Cass Sunstein

President Obama's staffer Cass Sunstein wants conspiracy theory groups, forums, chat rooms, and real-world groups, to be infiltrated and undermined.

Apparently those darned pesky doubters who refuse to take government propaganda at face value are spoiling all the NWO fun!

Well, if there are any dreamers left in America who hoped that the presidential baton-passing on January 20, 2009 would include bringing Bush and Cheney up on charges for 9/11, illegal invasions, or anything else, I guess your rose-colored glasses have been sat upon by now.

But if not, the above linked article, which includes links to other sources, should break them in half on the holding-accountable front.

Apr 13, 2010

On Resisting the Plutonian New World Order (video)

Is a New (Economic and Political) World Order inevitable? The power elite who monkey with the course of history want us to think so and knuckle under accordingly to their *Bacon-inspired Utopian vision.

Some time ago, I ask both this blog's readers if they think that 'insurgents' in the Middle East and elswhere are actually fighting against the NWO (our guys!) and that we, the majority of the American people, are on the wrong side of the issue though few realize it.

Well, the theory would certainly explain a lot of things while emphasizing the futility of the US government's and world leaders' so-called, propagandistically named, "War On Terror," that rabbithole of endless money funneling and weaponry building in order for global string-pullers, the Illuminati, to wage perpetual war.

UPDATE Oct 29, 2011: Plus, everyone with a noggin on their shoulders knows the truth that War IS Terror. Warmongers and warpath followers never tout the horrors of war at its beginning, do they? For at that early stage, horror would be a dumb note in their exalted jingoism tune that must promote aggression as 'honorable', 'just', and 'democracy spreading'...puh! Arch deceivers take men to war!! And most folk are aware that there is a devouring force motivating warmongers and other violence doers in this world.

After all, when the attacks of 9/11 occurred, transiting Pluto, lord of death and doom, was on the 'we' side of the chart, crossing the US Ascendant, with Saturn in Gemini on the Partnership axis. In America, it is we who are Pluto.

Well, if this theory is even remotely accurate, the American people have been placed in an impossible position by our government and so I must wonder:

Which side of the NWO are you on?

So here's my favorite new slogan concerning the elite's centuries-long agenda for totalitarianism and chaos...'New World Order: Not Too Big to Fail'.


*'Bacon' refers to Sir Francis Bacon upon whose doorstep much of the current Utopianism may be laid; another major rat in the original NWO woodpile: Bartholomew Gosnold.

Apr 11, 2010

Sun eats Comet and Solar Winds blow April 2010

The following April 20, 2010 SpaceWeather Alert may be a day late and it's definitely a comet short:

Space Weather News for April 10, 2010

SUNGRAZING COMET: This morning, the sun had a comet for breakfast. The icy visitor from the outer solar system appeared with little warning on April 9th and plunged into the sun during the early hours of April 10th. One comet went in, none came out.

Visit to see a death plunge movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.

SOLAR WIND STORM: The first major solar wind storm of the new solar cycle has come to an end. The event, which stretched from April 4 to April 8, ignited auroras over both poles and many points in between. Highlights include Northern Lights over an active volcano in Iceland, green skies in Minnesota, and a kaleidoscopic display of Southern Lights over Antarctica.

Start browsing the updated aurora gallery.

Apr 10, 2010

Jupiter/Uranus and the Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb

You know how the combination of Jupiter with Uranus represents, on one level, light bulbs, both electrically and new-idea-wise, and how the two 'light bulb planets' of inventions and discoveries meet three times this year beginning with a first Great Conjunction on June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18?

So can Jupiter/Uranus bring bad things to light?

Well, I think it's interesting that reports now surface saying that using those swirly Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL) may not be such a 'bright idea' after all. And since Uranus-to-Aries-Point is a significator for 'scientific breakthroughs', their combined spotlight of energies may also relate to new discoveries concerning older 'new' inventions such as the CFL.

Peep-eye, further testing! Upon second thought, General Electric! You certainly pushed the use of CFL upon the public forcefully as if they were environmentally an improvement over regular light bulbs, US government! Yet CFL are full of toxic mercury, too!

Actually, Jupiter and Uranus remain @ 00Ari18 (conj Aries Point, a World Point of manifestation and prominence) in Washington DC for 3 hours 3 minutes on June 8, 2010, from 6:57 am edt until 10:00 am edt. Here's the schedule:

6:57 am edt: ASC 3Can59 with US natal Venus rising and our natal Jupiter in tow; MC 12Pis34 with the Great Conjunction of Jup/Uran beginning in 10th house and ending in 9th house (conjunct 9th cusp 29Pis49). They will, in tandem, cross Midheaven during their celestial tango which results in a temporary midpoint picture...

Jupiter/Uranus = MC: optimism; a fortunate turn in life. (Ebertin.) This picture echoes their June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction which opposes US natal MC 00Lib53 in America's 'Sibly' chart.

So while Jupiter and Uranus are docked together in June @ AP, the Moon ranges from 27Ari29 (11th house) to 29Ari06 (29 being a 'crisis' or 'impatient' degree) in 9th house, yet conjunct MC 1Tau59. Transit Venus 23Can13 (beginning in 1st house, ending in 12th) conjoins US natal Mercury, a time of good news, cordial business and community activities, and successful public relations.

And for those 3 hrs 3 mins, the Sun begins @ 17Gem33 in 12th house, ends @ 17:41 in 11th house with ASC 11Leo51, conj President Obama's natal Sun. This is the Venus Transit degree (17Gem53) of June 8, 2004 which occurred during the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA...that very weekend.

Curiously back then, Jupiter 10Vir37 and Uranus 6Pis48 were in opposition and forming a T-Square with apex Mercury in Mercury-ruled Gemini @ 5Gem30...

Jupiter/Uranus = Mercury: gathering ample knowledge; a fortunate occupational change; planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks; thinking about the need for changes and how you can affect them.

And affect them the behind-the-scenes power elite and their public faces (aka 'world leaders') have.

Or, perhaps someone simply changed a newly invented, if over-touted, light bulb.


Midpoints: Ebertin and Tyl; T-Square info from Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney; to read much more on the amazing Jupiter/Uranus cycle, check out Anne Whitaker's excellent book Jupiter Meets Uranus which I have personally reviewed on Amazon.

Apr 9, 2010

Will Republicans stop using straw polls because of Ron Paul? video

Poor GOP: Congressman Ron Paul keeps winning straw polls! This video is from April 8, 2010 but it amuses me so I'm publishing it here in case you missed it...and the GOP apparently needs all the hints it can get.

Another 'in case you missed it': the Secondary Progressions of both the Democratic and Republican Parties set for Halloween 2009, with dual charts displayed (click image to enlarge.)

As you know, the R Party had its Secondary Full Moon (a time of winding down and reeling in one's sights for you've extended as far as you can go - hint to the Rs!) on Feb 18, 2005.

Right now, April 9, 2010, the R Party is in its Disseminating phase of the Sun and Moon relationship, a phase of putting out the info. This period was entered on May 19, 2009 with Sec Moon 1Leo17; next phase (3rd quarter: the crisis in consciousness stage) arrives April 29, 2013 with Sec Moon 20Vir28...approaching conjunction with US natal Neptune 22Vir25 about two months later.

The Rs' Sec New Moon 27Sag44 doesn't occur until June 23, 2020...assuming that the GOP still exists in some form by then.

Now here's the scoop on the Secondary Progressions of the D Party:

Sec New Moon Aug 3, 2006 @ 22Sag44;
Crescent stage: Oct 20, 2009 (current phase indicating crisis) with Sec Moon 11AQ00;
next phase: 1st quarter (crisis in action stage) begins on March 25, 2013 with Sec Moon 29Pis30 (conjunct Aries Point of Prominence.)

Therefore, if the Republican Party makes great strides in taking control of Congress in the November 2010 elections, this reluctant astrologer will be quite surprised because the Rs are on the downside of their progressed cycle with the Dems upper in theirs.

Got an opinion on the GOP's political prospects?

Apr 8, 2010

China's natal chart and why Geithner is there: April 2010

Here you see the *national horoscope of China from Nick Campion's World Horoscopes software as cited by Celeste Teal in her book Eclipses: Oct 1, 1949 3:15 pm CCT Beijing; Hour of Mars (**conjunct Pluto) - ruler and co-ruler of MC; ASC 5AQ57, Moon rising (chart-ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus are mentioned below); MC 27Sco09 conjunct asteroid Cupido (corporatism; fascism; The Family; underworld crime syndicate) with Scorpio ruled by Mars, co-ruled by Pluto.

Mike Whitney has written this explaining the real reason behind Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's current trip to China, a nation with a credit bubble about to burst!

Around the chart and highlighted in red are the planetary positions for early this morning (April 8, 2010), a Lunar Return for the country which emphasizes a midpoint picture from the natal chart, and along with Sun conjunct natal North Node, describes Geithner's visit. Plus, US natal Neptune 22Vir25 - and President Obama's n Mars - sit upon China's 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, etc...

Venus/NN = Moon: seeking a cordial and complete understanding with others.

Natally there is a telling midpoint picture with n Sun ('Hero's Journey')...

Pluto/MC = Sun: a desire for power and authority; seeking leadership and notoriety for power; tremendous pride in accomplishments; a rise from obscurity.

But perhaps above all, I must mention China's lonely, unaspected Saturn in Virgo (7th house) representing an isolated, ivory-towered government yet with three midpoints keeping Saturn company and allowing the energies of Saturn to operate through these influences...

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: waiting patiently for results of achievements; exercising restraint when showing destructive tendencies or potential for fanatical ventures; ruthless overcoming of obstacles; restrictions; separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.

Venus/Uranus = Saturn: estrangements and separations; perpetuating new forms of finance, art, or music.

Mercury/Mars = Saturn: avoiding discussions about might or force; long-term, loud negotiations; an old argument is debated.

And last, but not least, the April 6, 2010 Pluto Station Rx opposes China's natal Uranus 4Can59 in 5th house (with 6Can04 on 6th cusp, so Uranus affects both houses.) Pluto opposes US natal Jupiter as well, a pessimistic influence which does not favor US finances or politics.

When tr Pluto opposes n Uranus, circumstances involve tremendous conflicts with those with power and resources which are pitted against established financial and political institutions.

In April of 1948, China's PE occurred @ 7Tau41 in this chart's 3rd house with 00Tau15 on the cusp, the so-called 'Hitler's trigger degree' (Hitler's natal Sun), a degree of violence.

China's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series is 5 North: prophetic dreams and hunches; flashes of ideas from the unconscious which may be acted upon (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology), and since the last manifestation of 5N occurred on May 31, 2003 @ 9Gem19, I suppose that China could have 'seen' or envisioned their current credit bubble coming!

But perhaps that's the point - global financial collapse to pave the way, not just for the New World Order, but for peoples of the world to plead for its quick and thorough implementation.


*The People's Republic of China was formed on November 7, 1931; a later change in government manifested a 'new birth' on Oct 1, 1949. You'll notice that the chart of 1949 has a Midheaven conjunct the natal MC of President Obama; the chart for US Inauguration 2009 shows Jupiter 3AQ32 conjunct China's natal Moon in the US presidency's 10th house; China's natal Uranus conjoins the 3rd cusp in the US Inauguration 2009's chart.

**Mars conjunct Pluto: a police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture for enforcing policy; exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, chaos, mayhem, rape. (Munkasey.)

Midpoint pictures gleaned from Ebertin and Munkasey.

Apr 7, 2010

April is Confederate History Month, I do declare!

It's 7 days into April and I just found out what the month signifies in this region of the country.

Yes, southern states tend to declare April as Confederate History Month and the one I type in, Georgia, took up this particular Confederate gauntlet in 2009.

The goal of this controversial declaration is to put a spotlight on history and now the state of Virginia (where a gaggle of my ancestors hailed from before they migrated to Georgia, some of them pre-Revolutionary War due in part to tobacco growing ruining Virginia's soil - the rest may have been pioneering wanderlust or perhaps simple contrariness) is in the spotlight for choosing to remember our warring infinitum, it would seem.

So please, let us remember our ancestors who fought so bravely, but let's not fight the war all over again!

Turner Simmons
died April 1862
Goldsboro, NC

and other family members who here shall not be named.
