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Dec 16, 2010

Shrinking the US economy IS the point! (video)

The president's deficit commission and the actions of the Fed, Wall Street, corporate America and others are focused on shrinking the US economy and hurting labor so that power elite fatcats can continue skimming trillions a little while longer even though they know the jig is up.

Today Timothy Geithner sang and danced on Capitol Hill trying to boost the idea that the TARP (black hole) did what it was supposed to do. Perhaps it did but was any of it paid out on behalf of the American people?

Now here we have Professor Michael Hudson (University of Missouri) offering his assessment of what's going on and why as the Fed's 'quantitative easing' sends more US billions abroad to purchase foreign stocks and assets. With so many connections between the White House and Wall Street (Goldman Sachs) it seems a no-brainer to me that the president had to know what he knew when he knew it - about the true financial condition of the US and what his bosses expected from him as he played the role of president 'going forward'.

Puts me in mind of the Inauguration 2009 horoscope that glorious January day full of Hope for Change (suckas! the ruse works every 4 years!) with moneybags Jupiter '3AQ' in 10th house next to the president (Sun '1AQ'.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '3AQ' as DESOCIALIZATION. Don't know about you, but as an American, I'm feeling quite desocialized by my own sorry, traitorous government right about now as our social fabric - what used to be a contract between the generations - is 'under scrutiny' and in line for being ripped apart by Catfood Commissions, party politics, secret deals, and in-cahoots presidents.

Yes, the world's financial party has been sent elsewhere (watch the above 10-minute video) like a rave though most Americans refuse to admit such things if they can see them at all. However, it will be impossible to ignore such new perspectives much longer.

And Inauguration 2009's Midheaven, the goal/aspiration point of the Obama administration? Besides having US natal Pluto upon it, there's a disturbing midpoint picture: Pluto/Chiron = Mc.

Assange, Manning, California austerity, and bad Republicans

Breaking News Dec 16, 2010 11:10 am est: Looks like Julian Assange is about to be 'freed' on bail (with conditions) in London, according to Amy Goodman's broadcast on Democracy Now! The possibility is ongoing as I type. 11:19 am: looks like he's a fairly free bird with an ankle bracelet!

Meanwhile, in California, Alex D'Atria has taken a look at new Governor Jerry Brown's austerity budget including an article round-up on California's condition, and American Patriot ponders the enduring legacy of George W. Bush and the threat to our nation posed by the Republican Party.

Two articles follow, one by Salon's Glenn Greenwald, concerning leaker Bradley Manning and the draconian conditions under which he has been kept for seven months, plus, John Pilger writes on a deeper meaning to the WikiLeaks phenomenon:

The Inhumane Conditions of Bradley Manning's Detention

By Glenn Greenwald

Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture.

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Militarism, Secrecy

Democracy Now!

Pilger's latest film, The War You Don't See, includes interviews with Assange. Pilger says that WikiLeaks is revolutionizing journalism and galvanizing public opinion to stand up to global elites.


Well, I'm all for standing up to global elites and I think we now know (if there was ever any doubt) whose side they're on (hint: it isn't yours or mine.)

As to the Obama-GOP tax cut extension, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and I hope at least a few Washington politicians have the grace to be ashamed.

Dec 15, 2010

If Ron Paul runs for president in 2012 (video)

Here's a video of 2008 candidate Ron Paul where he expresses precisely and succinctly what an out-of-control US government has done and why the Republican Party cannot fairly exclude him for his conservative views: of all the Ron Paul videos, this may be my favorite and shows why Dr. Paul's candidacy should be viable in 2012 if we want America to continue to exist as a nation.

Not that he'll be the next war profiteering GOP neocon warhawk candidate, of course!

Even then-super-popular Barack Obama had to play ball with the global elite bankers and be bankrolled by them in order to get himself installed in the Oval Office with the Fed's collapse-and-bailout deals made before and during the 2008 campaign. :-(

Why Michael Moore posted bail for Julian Assange

Allow film maker Michael Moore to explain why he has put up $20,000 as part of the bail for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

And journalist John Pilger says that global support for WikiLeaks is a "rebellion" against US militarism and secrecy.


Dec 14, 2010

Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel, and WikiLeaks (video)

This eleven-minute video contains comparisons between some of the WikiLeaks cables and the propaganda they tout that Arabs want the US to attack Iran. Really?

This Just In: Assange granted bail but there may be long strings attached...

Dec 13, 2010

Lame Duck Congress: Sun Sag-Moon Pis 12.13.10

There's an interesting astro-atmosphere on Capitol Hill today, Monday December 13, 2010 with Sun in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, and Moon in Pisces, sign of The Mystic.

Luna remains in watery Pisces past midnight so let's consider the traits of the current Sun Sag-Moon Pis blend of energies whether the congressional test vote for the Bush tax cut extension occurs today or not.

First we know that a Fire-Water blend is a steamy concoction capable of cleansing, sterilizing, or scalding. It is ardent, even volatile, with a temperament that can fluctuate wildly; impartiality is not its strong suit and fanaticism may be prominent: theatrics may ensue.

Sun Sag-Moon Pis is fervent, restless, and humanitarian, and indicates a rich imagination, deep convictions, and moralism. It is the blend of the irrational logician who can also be helpful, sympathetic, and generous.

About this blend, Noel Tyl says that, "the higher mind gains tremendous support from intuition' and, "The mind is above it all and quite pleased with itself." (Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology.)

Yes, this is the thinker and dreamer combo describing a sentimental philosopher who wants to understand and broaden horizons yet who may find intellectual principles too cold to bed down with. There's a tendency to be lavish with mundane expenditures for this blend contains within it a mischievous subpersonality of the wastrel.

(Congress has certainly proved to be that - especially if there's a warring misadventure to fund at tax payers' expense so that the power elite can make mega-bucks profiting obscenely off our investments! Perhaps you disagree? The tax cut extension bill on the Hill today will raise taxes only for the poorest Americans which to me seems a craven act of banditry considering that the wealthiest 2% whine to continue their tax windfall with no thought of the deficit when it comes to their pocket lining! One group needs decent food and shelter for their families, the other needs less greed in their hearts, and if 'trickle-down' were going to create jobs, it would have done so these last 10 years.)

Since Sun Sag-Moon Pis sees clearly the folly of other people's ways, giving advice is a favorite past time and usually includes telling one's personal story - it may babble on too long. Does this describe a filibuster? Sen. Bernie Sanders has ended his but we'll see if Friday's performance is picked up by another senator with filibuster on his mind for the Sun-Moon blend on a Monday (or on the first day of the week they gavel into session) colors the entire week of business on Capitol Hill.

All in all, Congress' lame duck session today may need more concentrated efforts, focus, and an awareness of its own tendency toward gullibility. The blend has only one 'Image for Integration: A jolly, shabbily dressed vicar tells raucous jokes to down-and-out children and high society at the Church garden party.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Well! That sounds much like President Obama signing the bill this morning to improve the food program for kids in school! 'No American child should go to school hungry' - total agreement here. Yet one may marvel at the success of forces in recent decades which seek to undermine and destroy the US public school system - wish someone would stop feeding that destructive monster its breakfast! Our failing test results tell the tale of America's lack of preparedness for competition in the power elite's 'new world' of 'free trade'.

Now today's Sun Sag-Moon Pis combo is shared natally by Frank Sinatra, Paul Klee, Bruno Huber, and the three folks whose quotes I leave with you:

"I love mankind - it's people I can't stand." Charles Schultz

"The salvation of mankind lies only in making everything the concern of all." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich." William F. Buckley

Read more W.F. Buckley quotes.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Dec 11, 2010

'WikiLeaks and the Fall of America' (Max Igan video) and our US Saturn Return

Is WikiLeaks' Julian Assange a CIA plant, a whistle blower with a conscience, or __other__?

What do you think the WikiLeaks embroilment and subsequent calls for Assange's assassination are really all about?

Max Igan the promised (threatened) release of internal docs from Bank (Robbers) of America is one very good reason why Assange has been pursued and remanded to a Victorian-era jail in London...detained on a dubious complaint without bail (bail hearing next week, I believe.) It's a he-said/she-said situation of mutual interest that the shes didn't want him to be prosecuted for. Trumped up, say ye? Or was his surrender an excuse for Mr. Assange to receive rescue?

After all, the Midheaven degree (The Goal) at his surrender to police last week in London has this Sabian Symbol upon it: "A Drowning Man Rescued"...hmmm....?

Crazy? Yes, but who will be next if we allow this gagging of free speech to stand? By degrees they harangue and seduce us. By degrees.

From the video image above of Blind Justice lifting high the (Libran) Scales of Justice to Igan's refrain of 'accountability' for global criminals, this audio/video presentation helps demonstrate the current cosmic atmosphere in the US: we're in the midst of a national Saturn Return which began in earnest this month and stretches well into 2011.

Yes, Saturn's return to its 1776 degree (14Lib48; with Saturn exalted in Libra) may time America's often-predicted 'fall from grace' (which a 10th house Saturn portends if one doesn't own up to Saturnian requirements for taking responsibility, acting in a mature and steady way, and accepting accountability for past actions when the piper presents his bill - have we?) so our nation's Saturn Return 2010/11 is a very important transit which cannot be ignored, no matter how cravenly the US government conspires to cover up further WikiLeaks revelations with the biggest 'State Secrets' shovel they can muster.

Yet you should be advised that Mr. Assange's possible status as a corporate and/or government and/or Vatican shill is under quite a bit of consideration behind the scenes of this blog, and perhaps I may get back to you on that before the worm turns or the jig wheezes out. Plus, we'll want to see if the Vatican comes in for more scrutiny as the weeks go by...or if it, like Israel and Zionism, are given a virtually free pass by WikiLeaks.

Meanwhile, I do hope you'll benefit from watching the above Maxwell Igan video for they always display rather psychedelic, cosmic visuals along with useful informational fare so if possible, take 14 minutes or so of your time to view Igan's presentation while pondering the WikiLeaks Saga - which the media is apparently using as quite a hypnotizing diversion, as Igan points out.

And you, dear reader, may remember that that's one of my mottoes: when politicians say, Look Here! always glance in the opposite direction where you might be able to discover what they want so desperately hope to keep hidden from your gaze!


SO'W sends admiring kudos to Senator Bernie Sanders for his recent 8-hour-plus filibuster against the tax-relief-for-the-rich legislation which also takes a swipe at Social Security! Where in Congress are the American middle class' other champions? Lining up to protest the president's devils' agreement, I hope.

Blog Notice: if you dare, check out the latest political poem now posted @ Lim's Limericks: Assange the Limerick. If you don't find it in very poor taste, then we must have similarly odd senses of humor! jc

Dec 10, 2010

12.10.10: Mercury Rx station and Julian Assange's Sun/Uranus square

Earthwalk Astrology's Robert Blaschke has written an insightful article on the current Mercury retrograde cycle which begins today @ 5Cap56 (*opposite US natal Jupiter), Mercury's important Inferior Conjunction Cycle (with the Sun), America's natal horoscope, Julian Assange's natal horoscope (using noon July 3, 1971, yet Assange's birth time has recently surfaced as 2:05, 2:06, or 2:08 pm giving him a Scorpio Ascendant), and the chart of WikiLeaks' release of diplomatic cables (Nov 28, 2010.) The article has much to recommend itself.

Mr. Blaschke points out that the Continental Congress created the Department of Foreign Affairs on January 10, 1781 with Mercury, planet of documents, @ '28Sag', the degree of Mercury's Inferior Conjunction with the Sun during the evening of Dec 19, 2010. The last time such a Sun/Mercury conjunction occurred @ '28Sag' was on Dec 21, 1931, the day that TIME Magazine placed the ugly snoot of Adolf Hitler on its cover and featured articles on the rise of Nazism in Europe.

On this blog, I have mentioned in Comments underneath posts concerning the natal chart of Julian Assange that his Sun/Uranus square is prominent; this aspect of blockage and frustration between ego (Sun) and behavior (Uranus) denotes one who is willful, self-dramatizing, and eccentric and is prone to unwise behavior. There is pride and a dislike for routine; plus, a desire for freedom (Uranus) at all costs may cause good advice to be ignored.

Unprincipled behavior cannot be ruled out where a Sun/Uranus square exists; this is the aspect of an 'upstart' and 'troublemaker' whose arrogance won't allow him to follow the rules (above the rules?), and he is at odds with anyone who challenges him. Politics and government service are areas of interest and a strong desire for power may be noted. There is, of course, great leadership ability: ardent followers need apply and must submit to his form of tyranny. This trait in particular may be part of the 'Cyber Nazism' label for WikiLeaks which Mr. Blaschke cites in his article.

Also you may wish to take note of the article's information concerning America's Secondary Progressed Sun/Uranus square (Pisces-Gemini) for it heralds an unpredictable 2-year period of upheaval and rebellion in the US - and resonates with Julian Assange's natal Sun/Uranus square, with WikiLeaks acting as a "thorn in the side of the US government and US corporations between now and the fall of 2012." (Blaschke.)

How well the chaos-creators deserve a thorn! For it's 'unprincipled behavior' on the part of the US government and corporations, too.

So when we progress the US 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) to this moment (12.10.10), we find Sec Sun 6Pis08 in Sec 7th house of Partners and Open Enemies, Sec Uranus 7Gem00 (where transiting asteroids MIDAS and Pan have been hanging about lately) in Sec 10th house of Public Status, and Sec ASC 29Leo13, which is, as Mr. Blaschke mentions, an anaretic degree. Our nation is about to move into a VIRGO Ascendant (Oct 2011) with Mercury ruling after a 38-year stint with Sec ASC in showy Leo (a phase which began in Feb 1973; Nixon's second, ill-fated inauguration Jan 20, 1973.)

Plus, US Sec Mercury is Rx (unfortunately for US media and journalism) @ 21AQ53 in Sec 6th house where it is conjoined by Mr. Assange's natal Mars 21AQ33 in his role as activist - or, 'hacktivist'.

A telling link previously mentioned in comments here, is that Assange's natal Mercury 24Can13 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx @ '25Can' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power", w/ US Pluto 27Cap33 Rx opposing; Mercury/Pluto = secrets, surveillance, spying, propaganda, persuasion of the masses, and control of state secrets and other info.

Let's close with a perfectly descriptive astro-tidbit concerning US Sec ASC's Sabian Symbol which relates in a very timely fashion by event to WikiLeaks' Nov 28th release of US diplomatic cables, aka, CableGate:

US Sec ASC '30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter"!


*Transit Mercury opposing natal (US) Jupiter is a time of scheduling conflicts in the realms of politics, religion, educational and cultural events; external forces may cancel these activities or make it almost impossible to carry them out (and it's a Mercury Rx station!) Jupiter's growth and expansion tendencies can lead to get-rich-quick schemes with an overpromising of opportunities, and disagreements with authorities are all around us...or are they inside us?

Dec 9, 2010

Jon Stewart on catching Julian Assange (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Julian Assange: To Catch a Somewhat Pasty Predator
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

The apprehension of Julian Assange and our anxious wondering what The State will do with or to him once they decide to make a move is on many people's minds these days and aren't we the lucky ones to have a different perspective on the situation from The Daily Show's Jon Stewart to explain things as the feather-ruffled authorities "catch a somewhat pasty predator"!

Personally it all reminds me of the famous equation that leads to what so tightly throttles the life and joy from the globe today:

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

The Daily Show: Rs v Ds = dueling tax cuts (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

In case either of you missed this handy explanation of the tax cuts duel taking place on Capitol Hill, things will be much clearer to you after watching this video!