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Mar 30, 2011

Mercury's Rx and Direct Stations Mar 30/Apr 23, 2011: degree symbols

Today at 4:48 pm edt in Washington DC, Mercury's current retrograde station occurs @ 24Ari21. I use '4:48 pm' because that's the moment my Solar Fire software gives for Mercury's first minute Rx (notwithstanding the March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan which knocked Earth's axis off a smidgen.)

Then on April 23, 2011, Mercury performs his/her Direct Station @ 12Air53 (6:04 am edt in DC.) As you know, All Things Mercury are subject to re-view, re-consideration, re-doing, etc, during Mercury Rx periods and it is wise to begin no new projects or set in motion plans during this time. Trade, commerce, and transport are likely areas where Mercury Rx may hamper us now and we think of Japan's auto industry and parts manufacture which we already know are due more of a supply slowdown thanks to the nuclear meltdown.

US wars in the Middle East and the recent step-down of Mubarak in Egypt also threaten easy shipping in the Suez Canal but hopefully chaos won't lead to such dire results; food shortages and higher food prices are in the news now and we'll see if these situations spread between now and April 23rd, May 11th, or thereabouts.

Now I know that a reading of all the Sabian Symbols between 12 and 25 Aries is in order and would be instructive yet I trust you to handle this task yourself, if you will. Other sites and blogs are covering Mercury's trail of Rx-Direct degrees, and Lynda Hill's excellent Sabian Symbols site is always a good place to visit for more information on the Babylonian symbols.

For now, I want to paraphrase some highlights from the lesser-known degrees in Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac to add more depth to our mercurial re-considerations. This will be symbols which have a 'word picture' for not all of Carelli's degrees do.

April 23, 2011's Mercury Direct Station will occur at a critical-crisis degree so we expect more news (Mercury) of crisis conditions on top of the current crop (with a US gov shutdown in the making?) so let's begin there with Mercury's Direct Station degree and move toward today's Rx Station degree with a synopsis of each degree's meaning:

'12 Aries' = "An eagle on its nest." ("Sacred selfishness; strong fatherly or motherly instincts; keen sense of one's 'I', of personal initiative, and of the free individual property and leads to ...danger of clashing against the established order..or against the economics of the so-called modern democracies.) (IMF and World Bank? Austerity cuts to further bankroll the rich? jc)

An 'eagle' is, of course, a symbol of America (and the fallen Roman Empire); these days, Pluto is rising with Fixed Star, Altair (Alpha Aquila, the eagle; keywords: boldness and determination.

If you prefer to round-up, here's the symbol for:

'13Ari' = "A crucible in its oven." (Subjected to exceptional tests; if gold in the crucible, the furnace might purify and purge it of any dross; in less noble characters, the temperament will be harsher, warlike, even destructive...the tests will be frightening, but courage will not go unrewarded; fondness for gold.)

'15Ari' = "A warrior whose iron armor covers him from his toes to his chin, his head staying bare and unshielded." (Shutting windows but leaving the doors open; keep both eyes open and leave nothing to chance, have faith in yourself if you want others to rely upon you, and do not lean on others for anything; listen to others but follow no advice; first impressions of others may be erroneous.)

The middle of the period is April 11 with the Rx period's mid-degree of:

'18Ari' = "Wedding night in the king's palace. The queen, still in bride's attire, waits for the prince consort, seated on the marriage bed in a queenly yet modest attitude." (Keen intelligence, a sociable and hearty nature, (and) a talkative disposition; a personality worshiped by some, envied or slandered by many, feared or respected by all; love of peace (yet) compelled by karmic law to face some decisive fight for which destiny exacts the strictest control; rash acts may lead to trouble with fatal results owing to the plot of the envious.)

'19Ari' = "A gold digger at work in his mine, a satchel of nuggets slung from his belt. His face and attire betray a harsh, stunted life." (An eye only on gain; a soul utterly devoid of feelings; may be selfish, stingy, suspicious, misanthropic, and often unscrupulous.)

'20Ari' = "Ulysses in Polyphemus' cave." (Few moral principles, if any at all; an original mind, never at a loss; a daring temper with a pioneer's or adventurer's craving inquisitiveness; some renown and possibly a violent death.)

'23Ari' = "The medical pharmaceutical emblem of the snake and the chalice, the reptile's tail being wound round the stem and its head overhanging the bowl, its cleft tongue nearly skimming the contents." (A degree of fatality; an instrument of collective karma or the victim of his own; a healer or great invalid, aggressive and warlike; liable to fall under the influence of ill advisers; initiation is not ruled out.)

'24Ari' = "An almost naked woman." (Should a man want to be free, he must let the woman be free as well, who may become his wife tomorrow; to such hypocrisy we owe the institution of the demivierge, a typical infamy of the so-called modern civilization.)

'25Ari' = "A crisp-haired man riding a huge ram, which he holds by his horns." (An awakened ambition to rise very high and the power to do so; active, fierce, and independent but restless and selfish; the power tends to drift into intolerant tyranny; no sense of justice with not the least trace of chivalry toward foes or opponents.)

Well, perhaps these degrees add a bit of astro-info concerning our current Mercury Rx period and as you know, we must be patient until transit Mercury turns Direct and passes its Rx degree (its shadow) on May 11, 2011 when mercurial things begin to move forward once again without the glitches and snafus a Rx period so often engenders for both individuals and governments.

Mar 29, 2011

Aries New Moon Apr 3, 2011 w US natal Mars rising

The more I look at the chart factors in the horoscope of the April 3, 2011 New Moon at a critical/crisis degree, the more worrisome they appear. Sadly, the cure isn't to stop looking.

Well, as you know, the combination of Mars and Uranus is a permanent signature in the American natal chart and national psyche so we can't say we're not a warring bunch of varmints, can we? With Gemini the sign of multiplicity, America chooses and fights wars two or three at a time. Click to read more on these disturbing, protesting, incendiary energies which include America's natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini 'going angular' in the April 3 New Moon chart.

And transiting MIDAS conjoins US n Uranus as I type! Where there are wars there are war profiteers lurking behind the scenes for they seldom if ever put themselves in harm's way!

If I weren't under the weather this week, I'd go ahead and post the horoscope so you can view it. In lieu, here are the particulars for setting up the chart for yourself if you haven't already:

New Moon April 3, 2011 @ 10:32:16 am edt (says my Solar Fire software) Washington DC.

Now of course, one lunation chart can't 'do it all' but it can trigger other planetary and social factors. The recent entry into Aries - and crossing the World Point of Manifestation at Aries Point (00Ari00) - of quirky rebel and freedom- fighter Uranus is a major component of April's Mars/Uranus picture especially since the sign Aries - and now, transiting Uranus - are ruled by hotheaded, testosterone-driven Mars.

1927/28 and 2011

Yes, Uranus The Awakener is certainly busy this time around bringing strikes, protests, and stand-offs much as was the case when Uranus conjoined AP on March 31, 1927, November 4, 1927, and January 13, 1928. Combined with instigator Mars in 2011, powerfully explosive situations including the nuclear realm and more earthquakes are dire potentials.

Yet hopefully April won't bring more bad news concerning the nuclear meltdown in Japan, and I pray that the West's Libyan intrusion with its mildly named 'no-fly' zone will not take a wrong Martian-Uranian turn into chaos as well.

And I'm fairly certain you're with me on that.


Events of 1927 (ex: major earthquake in China), 1928 (major earthquake in Greece), and, for 2011, perhaps it's time for Japan to resort to the Chernobyl Solution.


Note: on President Obama's justification speech on Libya last evening, it amazes me that he can rail against Gaddafi's "exploitation" of the Libyan people's wealth and his poor treatment of them when we-the-people have been treated in similar disenfranchised fashion ourselves with more to come.

Where is Mr. Obama's outrage, staged or otherwise, on our behalf? jc

Mar 28, 2011

Chris Hedges: The Collapse of Globalization; the Sacredness of Gaia

With Globalization, What's Not to Like?

by Jude Cowell

If you're familiar with the writings of Chris Hedges, you know that what he says must be well considered before flippantly ignoring it - except that the time has come to an end when we can afford to be apathetic about the future - environmental, social, and financial - of this little blue planet some call, Gaia.

Gaia has her own hypothesis, you know. The globalists know it. The black hearts have been ignoring her sacredness by abusing the planet we all share every night and day for several decades now and piling up their considerable fortunes with a bwa ha ha and a mean cackle. Why, old J. P. Morgan was there, he knows how it all went down.

Yes, I hear ya: t'was Morgan and the other Robber Barons of the 1880s/90s who really got the plundering of Earth's resources and treasures up and running in a large scale way (speculators in groups as signified by combos such as Jupiter/Neptune, Jupiter/Pluto, Sun/Pluto, Pluto/Chiron, etc...joining forces to get big jobs done in commanding ways.)

As a class, add to their riches the oil-gas-steel-railroad titans' ill-gained wealth from accustomed profits bwo the slave and opium trades in centuries past unto this day, and you've got people like W's Grandpa Prescott Bush, his cronies and cousins. Queen Elizabeth is allegedly a 'cousin' of George W, as you know. Actually, a cousinship is not surprising for it would be just like them to favor one another in behavior, if not by beakish nose or flinty gaze.

Mr. Hedges' article starts out by reminding me of my grousings here on SO'W concerning our present and direst need: to face and identify our demons (our, meaning we-the-people and anyone else who has grown weary of the lies, fraud, and corruption embedded within every social institution) in order to vanquish them. Though these days, I'd settle for neutralization of all the psychopaths running about, would you?

For now Politics wags us by the tail just as we were taught to expect like good little puppies and we murmur nary a peep in case the American tranquility might be disturbed. This is a hopeless plan for our side's sake considering the freedoms they've targeted to delete from our lives - in some cases, Life itself.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Awareness and Concentration are secret keys and Timing remains all important toward our success at prying the global crime syndicate's fingers out of every pie and its lousy fat patootie out of our world's catbird seat.

And if you feel insulted by my last remark, then you must be a globalist. #

The Collapse of Globalization

By Chris Hedges

Until we awake from our collective self-delusion, until we carry out sustained acts of civil disobedience against the corporate state and sever ourselves from the liberal institutions that serve the corporate juggernaut--especially the Democratic Party--we will continue to be rocketed toward a global catastrophe.


PS: loud cicadas will be rising soon here in Northeast Georgia and several other states as well (click link for a list) for the next while or so. Boy, will they be disappointed with what we've done with the place these last 17 years.

Mar 27, 2011

Obama speaks on Libya 3.28.11 w Mercury at loose ends

Horoscopes set for Monday night, March 28, 2011, on the occasion of President Obama addressing the nation about the US-NATO-Arab-Allies mission in Libya, don't look so much unpromising for the globalists' usual war propaganda purposes as they look...well, ignored by the general public. We have, after all, heard this sorry tune too many times before.

Under conditions which must certainly be obvious even to our bubble-wrapped White House and Capitol Hill denizens, the American people are wumped out and few there be who are interested in hearing about another overly expensive (aka, bottomless pit in the money department) war and possible occupation. Mission Accomplished so soon? We'll see if NATO operations fill the expansionists' bill for domination in the region and if one objective is to get the American people more acclimated to acting in accord with with NATO and eventually, the UN. (Less national sovereignty for us that way.)

Moon and South Node of the Moon

As you know, the Moon in a mundane chart represents the people or populace, the general public, and Democracy. Women, children, and family are particularly associated with the Moon whether in a radix (natal) horoscope or a mundane one (events, inaugurations, coronations, speeches, politicians, elections, etc - whatever has a beginning has an inception chart, even pitifully crooked politicians.)

The thing about this Monday evening at such an hour as the President might read his remarks on the topic (8 pm or 9 pm?), the Moon is in the 6 - 7 degree range of Aquarius which conjoins US natal South Node of the Moon, not the most auspicious marker for anything expecting publicity, or for a speech you want to be well-received by a fickle public.

Speak to Me Only with Thy Mercury

In warring Aries, Mercury (planet of young persons, orators, negotiators, planners, scribes, reporters, bloggers, traders, and jugglers, among a myriad of other things) makes no applying aspect to any planet in the chart/s at 8 pm or 9 pm edt in Washington DC, an indication that the speech may make little difference 'on the board'.

So though he's at loose ends planetarily, Mr. Speedy does apply to a lovely trine with the NN (and thus sextiles SN) so reporters will be listening (it's their jobs, plus, zealous ideologues must pay attention because they can't exist without Politics to promote their causes - perhaps if no one claps their hands, they'll all go pouf! and leave us be.) Hopefully, mercurial young people will be listening, too, or watching it later on YouTube for they tend most often to supply the Pentagon's war fodder, and their futures are intimately connected to the rhythm the White House plays when beating its drums of war.

So it seems in his speech that President Obama may be falling back on past (SN) emotional appeals (Moon) to our better natures (AQ) and of course we'll hear political talking points parroted on both sides in the news before Tuesday and for the rest of the week unless another topic knocks it off the ticker.

Well, the way things are going these days, that's pretty much a given, isn't it?

And since a disciplined GOP desperately craves the White House in 2012, we know that just after Mr. Obama completes his remarks the yapping will begin and spread into the week, revealing the gist or essence of the Libyan conflict's required government propaganda modulated to suit the public mood, and embroidered with all the subtle nuances big money can pay journalists and talking heads to spout as the week plows on and Japan's leaked radiation heads this way. Now there's a leak meant to be taken seriously yet it's more politically correct to downplay it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Obama prepares an oration for our edification and Politico's headline is President Obama faces a hard Libya sell so perhaps we may consider his speech's Moon/SN contact as: "exit strategy" (what we-the-people want to have and hear about, thanks), bad timing (coffers now empty - US tax payers can't afford to act as the world's police force anymore, we're all tapped out, cheers), more 'terrorism' propaganda (6/7 AQ = Moon = US n SN = Neptune's position at Islam's Founding), or simply that the public (Moon) has negative escapist behavior it wishes to resort to (SN) and would rather not be bothered on a Monday night to listen to...ugh, crafty Politics.

With SN (aka, Tail of the Dragon) having a Saturnian flavor of separation or loss, the Moon nearby can give a Moon/Saturn vibe which includes: separation from females, depression or melancholy, emotional inhibitions, or more positively, ambition, direction, strategy. (Tyl.)

Now you'll easily think of other connotations for Moon/SN and other chart factors in the President's speech horoscope for the evening of March 28, 2011, I know, so your opinions and remarks are being awaited momentarily.

How about: Moon/SN = talk to the hand...?

Mar 26, 2011

Max Igan on Japan, Libya, & more (video)

Today in Northeast Georgia it's on the stormy side so a quick post of this video series by Max Igan is in order due to concern for my pc's motherboard and my healthy respect for Uranian lightening - especially now that we've seen what revolting Uranus to the Mars-ruled Aries Point can trigger on the World Stage:

Observations on Society

by Max Igan

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

A Morgue's Secrets Leak & Pluto/Chiron's Plutocracy

Glenn Greenwald says that classified secrets have been leaked describing the tiresomely devious 'take bodies from the morgue and spread 'em around to finger the Americans' ploy.

Not certain I buy it but I'll keep my mind slightly creaked open for now. Of course, the well-timed leak could be reverse propaganda, kind of like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker being advised to hire a thug to accost or otherwise assault him (even better - with firearms) in order to make the workers' side come off more negatively in Wisconsin. Walker may not have seriously considered using a thug to harm him as if his political opponents (supposedly his constituents but he only wants to 'govern' the rich, it seems) had done so, but we see an alleged glimpse into how their minds work.

It takes the GOP and their backers in the global crime syndicate to think up an outrageous plan such as that.

Of course, some Republican backers also back various Democrats. That qualifies as a clue to the fact that what we now experience is long-running class warfare of the haves v the have-nots. That many Americans in the last decades have fallen willingly into a fluffy (Jupiter-Neptune) dream that prosperity was to be theirs for the duration (if they worked hard or had a brilliant idea or creation suitable for marketing) and that their children would do better in the world than they'd done, is not surprising really.

Because many forces and certain disciplines and intellects have been focused like lasers on just such a dreamy influence succeeding in manipulating the American public (and others) ever since Psychology was invented.

Okay, enough babbling. Let me know what you think about such topics if you have a mo and feel impelled, and I shall attempt to reply or add a remark if I have a mo, too.


Pluto/Chiron = plutocracy; disenfranchisement; primal violence; racism; agism, socialism/communism/bolshvikism, refugeeism and other -isms -- well, you get the exploitative picture. (That's wounded/wounding Chiron with Pluto of the morgue-ish realm. Sounds even worse when it's put like that.)

Mar 25, 2011

Triangle Factory Fire: same Solar Eclipse Series as 9/11/01

Having to be out of town most of the day today there was no time to scribble on, scan, save, and publish a horoscope of NYC's awful March 25, 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, aka, the Triangle Factory Fire, or, the Haymarket Fire, in which a total of 146 people - women and a few men - perished, many of whom were young immigrants.

If you wish to set up the chart, I suggest using 4:00 pm or thereabouts for that seems to have been the time when they were about to knock off from their grueling work in horrid conditions and go home on a Saturday afternoon. And perhaps some of them must have understood that Saturday is the Sabbath, a Day of Rest from work.

But exits turned to dust in their hearts and it was hard to tell which way to escape due to smoke, heat, and fear.

Oh yes - and the doors were locked.

Did some of the ladies realize in a flash that this was retaliation? Was it? Asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) was traversing the degree and sign of 4Ari20 and conjoined the Sun 4:06 (conj 8th cusp 2Ari47.)

(Update 6.6.11: tr Uranus now traverses 4-5 Aries of the Tropical Zodiac, off and on. Original post continues here...)

And there's a Finger of God pattern, a YOD. Well, actually two YODs indicating a crossroads, special task or purpose, and/or crisis that has formed at that moment in time. Yet both YODs point toward the Ascendant 8Vir47 and both involve speedy Mercury, planet of young people, communication, writers, reporters, journalists, bloggers, news, orators, speakers & speeches, ideas, plans, pacts, demands especially when paired with Mars (sextile 0S45), trade, commerce (a garment factory), the senses, hands & arms, and other mercurial energies and interests of the human race.

Mercury as Actor also plays a role on the World Stage as the Trickster at the Crossroads who makes his/her entrance during times when small actions can bring big consequences and our unconscious motivations may undermine or trip us up. The so-called Freudian Slip comes under this category as well. More about the horoscope later for I plan to publish it this weekend with 9/11/01 placements round the outside. Eclipses will be included.

Many of those lost in March 1911 had been demonstrators in 1909 and 1910 and had gained publicity for their efforts demanding better working conditions. And you probably know that FDR's to-be Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, was on the sidewalk that day and witnessed the event, so reminiscent of the World Trade Center destruction the morning of September 11, 2001...a perfect autumnal Tuesday morning, if I recall.

People jumped from windows to their deaths in both cases.

NYC 1911 & 2011: Differences and Similarities

A basic difference between the two events is that the Triangle Factory Fire gave greater force to the progressive movements of the early 1900s and educated by example the larger population that harsh working conditions had to be improved: shorter work hours, higher wages, a child labor law, better (less inhumane) working environments, and unions for collective bargaining, among other things, resulted.

A direct line may be drawn to Frances Perkins as Labor Secretary acting as FDR's "moral conscience" and inspirationally touching New Deal programs and legislation such as Social Security Insurance - you know - generational social contract programs that actually help those in need the way we're supposed to do if we posses a moral conscience as a people (we-the-people with our natal Moon in Aquarius, sign of Humanity & humanitarianism; plus, '15 AQ' = the Angel Point. Is this what Abraham Lincoln referred to when he appealed to the 'angels of our better nature'? Moon in Aquarius!

Well, in 2011, it's too bad for our nation for the Democratic Party doesn't 'do' moral conscience any more. But I suppose that became quite impossible when they sold out to abortion promoters (aka, population control? Some say Planned Parenthood is of the same ilk) - and won't even debate the issue due to political correctness and self-interested fears of the almighty ballot box, crookedly counted as it may be.

Recommended: see March 25's Democracy Now! for excellent historical coverage along with news on observances in the US on this, the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Factory Fire. Amy Goodman's interview with author of The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life and Legacy of Frances Perkins, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, and the Minimum Wage.

A basic similarity between the Triangle Factory Fire of March 25, 1911 and the attacks of 9/11 is a time link: they fall into the same Solar Eclipse Saros Series so we know that a similar general atmosphere was in force.

Actually, that's not precise: the Triangle Fire occurred during a 2 South Series Solar Eclipse which manifested on November 2, 1910 @ '9 Scorpio' and which has a 'joining groups' flavor; such group involvement seems to offer a great deal to new members and relates to humanitarian concerns, healing, or the arts.

This tallies with women and immigrants (often one and the same) joining unions or groups to fight for better working conditions (their participation in protests in 1909 and 1910, as stated above...'healing' and 'humanitarian'; perhaps 'the arts' may be seen as their sewing work though nothing feels creative or artsy under such cruel conditions.)

Now everyone knows that eclipses in any horoscope may act as 'wild cards' a little like the quirky, disruptive planet, Uranus. And like Uranus, eclipses may affect a chart early, on time, late, or never (usually two weeks before or after.) But if we use this tidbit of possibility to stretch our imaginations, we can say that it was also the next Solar Eclipse on April 28, 1911 which brought the situation to a head...the 3 North Series shared by the events of 9/11/01.

My guess is that no one who's ever seen a Tarot deck of cards has been able to miss the correlation between card #16 (The Tower: old, false values are destroyed, an image of people jumping from tower windows) and the Twin Towers on 9/11/01. (Note: I don't mean to forget the attack on the Pentagon or the deaths on the plane that went or was shot down in Pennsylvania when I only mention the WTC on 9/11. But the attacks in NYC fulfill 'The Tower' image only too perfectly and we're speaking of two events occurring in NYC.)

So what about the influence of 3N for 1911 and 2001? 'Over-excessive; main theme is news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and causes worry or obsession; large plans or activities are undertaken which can have positive outcomes if people don't get carried away.' (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

(Problematic since we got 'carried away' - to Afghanistan, then Iraq, and now Libya.)

The bodies of the victims who threw themselves from the windows of the Triangle Factory building on March 25, 1911 (it was the 'Ash Building' I believe - weird) remained on the streets of New York for days so that their bodies could be identified and claimed, further adding to NYC's and the nation's collective trauma and melancholy.

(If there could have been a CNN in 1911, I'm certain they would've shown the horrible scene to the populace over and over times a bazillion. I believe the sharing of the transformational 13N Solar Eclipse Series pegs the two events as time links, as stated. Perhaps I'll publish the two horoscopes together within another post.)

Yet we may console ourselves as have others in decades past that some good came out of the carnage and suffering in 1911 with wage and hour improvements and a general feeling of good will toward others in society and hopes for a better future. That's not counting the era's billionaires, titans, and financiers of the Robber Baron class who were hanging on by their clawnails to the accustomed privilege of exploiting others at whim and by design.

Yes, America had a moral conscience once upon a time.

And 100 years after the Triangle Factory Fire, the longer we listen and follow along like puppies on the heels of the GOP (and their enabling Democrats) while parroting their every talking point in case one dollar of US tax money should feed a hungry child, the sooner the progressive social improvements of 100 years ago will fade like a labor mural on a state house wall when left too long in the revealing sun.


March 25, 2011: today more anti-union/anti-worker tricks and hoo-ha going on in Wisconsin.

And Thom Hartmann spoke of low income or out-of-work Americans now being sent to jail for non-payment of credit card debt: "It's official - Republicans have set our country back more than 100 years - to the 1800's - when the Robber Barons ruled and our politics were corrupted to the core."

Keith Olbermann: Qs for the President on Libya

Reading other people's mail is usually wrong but not in this case:

Libya, Obama, and the Five-Second Rule Special Comment
By Keith Olbermann

Mr. President. We are not clear why we are fighting, who exactly we are fighting with, who the 'rebels' are that we're fighting for, what a No-Fly Zone accomplishes with a dictator who has ground troops, how long we are to be there, to whom we are to "hand-off" and... # (Click for text or video.)

And perhaps it's true that al Qaeda is in Libya...was Qaddafi's threat against his people merely al-Qaeda-backed theater to lure the US fly into the ointment? If so, did the White House know al Qaeda is nesting there? If not, why not?

Consider the following:

Libya Rebels: Gaddafi Could be Right About al-Qaeda - Two documents suggest northeast Libya, centre of rebellion, is an al-Qaeda hotspot

By Alexander Cockburn

The war on Libya now being waged by the US, Britain and France must surely rank as one of the stupidest martial enterprises, smaller in scale to be sure, since Napoleon took it into his head to invade Russia in 1812.