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Apr 11, 2011

NPR: Ivory Coast's Gbagbo captured

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Forces Arrest Ivory Coast's Gbagbo

The French Embassy in the Ivory Coast tells the Associated Press that strongman Laurent Gbagbo has been captured by forces of democratically elected leader Alassane Ouattara.

More at NPR.#

Strongman, yes, but Gbagbo's resistance against the New World Order seems to be ended. If only tottering governments could resist coups by the WTO and the IMF as they continue establishing their global New Economic Order.

Apr 9, 2011

Glenn Beck's Freemasonry/Skull and Bones emblems

Glenn Beck Shouts-Out in Code to Somebody, But Who?

by Jude Cowell

April 8, 2011: Prison Planet reports on soon-departing propagandist Glenn Beck wearing emblems of secret societies: Freemasonry, and Skull and Bones.

Mr. Beck has gone on air sporting a Masonic patch with '1681' on it, an apparent reference to William Penn's founding of Philadelphia, as noted in the article. Freemasonry has always been well-ensconced there along with Sionist Rosicrucianism.

Now I know that many of our past and present representatives in Congress have been and are Freemasons as were many of our Founding Fathers. The US Capitol Building is one great big Masonic symbol frozen in architecture for those who have eyes to see. And who can miss the fact that 16th Street in DC is home of the Temple of Scottish Rite?

Even our exalted White House is actually a Masonic White Lodge whose cornerstone was laid by Masons on October 13, 1792 (and not on October 12th as most sources cite.) The brass cornerstone plate is still there. The October 13, 1792 ceremony is said to commemorate the first 'Friday the 13th' in honor of Oct 13, 1307, the day the King of France rid himself of the Knights Templar. Follow the link for more details.

Masonic Sacred Geometry: a Higher Practice of Astrology?

Nowadays, we may perhaps consider Washington DC to be a "New Rome" and most everyone is aware that the whole corporate venture called America was CEO'd by our first president George Washington, a Grand Master for whom our nation's capital city was named. Click to view him in one of his Masonic aprons, if you've missed it previously; historical and initiation details are included.

So what's up with Glenn Beck sassily sporting Freemasonry symbols in public and on air?

Has he perhaps said and shown too much of an Illuminati-hijacked agenda? Or is Beck's soon-departure from the FOX network on a daily basis merely a sign of his lessening influence among the masses on behalf of the one-world-government agenda?

You know the agenda I refer to: the one that is in process of ruining our nation, all other nations, our lives and health, and the future of our children...the Utopian agenda bent on creating chaos and a return of the Noble Savage - sans all institutionalized government and social systems.

Does any of this sound a mite familiar based on Washington DC's current antics meant to dismantle the US government, Medicare, and any other component of our social contract thereby leaving us to survive - or not - in the jungle? Is it population control writ large? Well, remember that our 'two-party' political system is an illusion to keep we-the-people divided, conquered, quiet, at each others' throats, and largely unaware of what they're really up to for they're all in on the plot together with a few *rare exceptions!


For further reading you may be interested in one of the books I often use as a source, Robert Hieronimus' Founding Fathers, Secret Societies which includes information on the decoding of the Great Seal, an integral part of the New Millennium plot.

*"rare exceptions"? Here I'm being generous since it's unfair to lump 100% of any group of people into one stereotyped category; it seems to me that politicians such as Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich, perhaps Ron Paul, and a couple of others are left in place primarily to give Congress more credibility than it deserves when it comes to supporting rather than undermining America. They play their parts. And yes, they win elections back home but elections can be rigged, as we've either direction. jc


The following video contains similar topics including number symbolism but if you're one who is easily unnerved, I ask that you avoid viewing it. jc

Apr 8, 2011

11:04 pm Obama on TV: Shutdown Avoided 4.8.11

Did I just hear a Breaking News announcement from President Obama that a government shutdown has just been avoided less than one hour before it would happen? A temporary spending bill has passed, says his nibs, yet with Mercury Rx and Pluto turning Rx at 4:51:03 am - in a few hours - who can know such a hapless and wispy bill's ultimate fate?

No time to put up the chart of his announcement (it's late) but my Solar Fire software is showing 00Sag47 rising at 11:04 pm edt in Washington DC. And my local CBS channel was featuring military families who wouldn't get paid during a shutdown - and then the President's special announcement broke in with the mercurial good news.

Interesting because the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" which may have awakened Dems and Repubs to how both parties would be perceived by the general public if they proceeded with their shutdown script. How can they ask our valiant soldiers (many families of which live paycheck to paycheck) to keep fighting on behalf of Imperial America if they're not being paid?

As you may have heard in the news earlier today, lack of pay makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their warring efforts if they have to worry about their loved ones - and bills - at home.

But you know already know one of my favorite quotes which is allegedly from FDR:

"In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

Yet here's someone who disputes that FDR actually said those words. Still, after living in DC twice in my life (many moons ago) and soaking up the cynical atmosphere of our premiere city so full of blackmail, cynical politics, and intrigue, I shall stand by the sense of the utterance if not its purported utterer's attribution.

You may wish to check this blog's sidebar for a quote that is from FDR to Colonel House...two grand poobahs with their noggins together. It's quite a doozy.


Previous post on a similar topic from 2007: Homelessness Rising where I unhappily had to predict soup lines across America.

And how about a blog with insightful Astrology articles: Starstruck Astrology - enjoy!

Jon Stewart deals w Glenn Beck's departure (video)

Now I've always thought Jon Stewart looks good wearing glasses...

Glenn Beck is being phased out of his FOX hole? Thanks a bunch for your efforts, Color of Change!

Gov Shutdown and a Mystery at Stars Over Washington 4.8.11

Author of Stars Over Washington Stumped (more than usual)

by Jude Cowell

As a US government shutdown looms large, Stars Over Washington has to wonder if the stars will dim tonight over our nation's capital at 12:01 am edt. Both sides will look bad in this stalemate though which party takes most of the blame remains to be seen. Republicans adding social issues to the budget agreement seems calculated to guarantee a shutdown since the GOP knows the Dems won't accept its passage with such controversial riders attached.

Plus, the upcoming debt limit debate seems stalemated before it gets a good start.

Astrologically Speaking

Can the current Mercury retrograde period have something to do with the impasse? Mercury rules agreements, bills, voting, orating, thinking, planning, and all manner of things which are intricately involved in the situation as Washington moons we-the-people and acts out like unruly children.

Yet Mercury won't make a Direct Station and change directions until Saturday April 23 and then must leave its shadow (May 11) before mercurial things can really move forward again. Well, Mercury did turn Rx at a critical-crisis degree (click for my notes on Mercury's schedule.)

If you missed it, here's my post on the possible April 8/9th shutdown at midnight showing America's natal horoscope with tonight's transits added.

So now I sit here typing and wondering - both noble mercurial pursuits - why in the last couple of weeks or so, the page views for SO'W have quadrupled and then some. That any of my posts could receive thousands of views in one 24-hour period is gratifying of course, if true, so yesterday I took time to add up pvs of individual posts. As expected, they did not add up to the total...not even close.

Then is SO'W under hack attack? Or is increased readership good news for my 6 years of blogging here? Mercury is the planet of Good News, after all, and rules my natal Ascendant and Midheaven.

Well, if the page view increase is for real, perhaps it's due to a blog link a kind person added to a forum on Planet Waves, an brilliant Astrology site containing much astro-info from expert astrologer Eric Francis and friends.

That, possible Blogger miscounting, or hacking are the 3 best explanations I can think of for this mysterious uppage of SO'W's readership. And this is where in my text a bemused 'head scratch' should be inserted...


Perhaps you'd be interested in reading Jesse Ventura's open letter to the ruling elite as provided by the excellent where you'll find information on topics the US government doesn't want you to know or think critically about.

Apr 7, 2011

Sun Aries-Moon Gemini 4.7.11 and a peek at April 16th

Today with Sun in Aries and Moon just entered Gemini, let's look at the Sun-Moon blend to get a sense of the Fire-Air combo of energies now influencing our atmosphere. Perhaps even Capitol Hill will lighten up!

But first, a word about the Moon. Luna has quite a journey to go to conjoin a planet given the many that are lined up in Aries, the sign she left this morning after the April 3rd New Moon @ 13Ari30. In fact, it won't be until Saturday, April 16, 2011, before our lovely satellite catches up with lonely Saturn Rx @12Lib52.

When the Moon-Saturn conjunction occurs, the pair will oppose Mars 11Ari35 and Mercury Rx 14Ari32, another duo now engaged in joining together. The Mercury-Mars pair has a 'power of thought' and 'realization of plans' theme; Moon-Saturn, a 'self-control, depression, ambition and strategy' flair. (Either, or, or all.)

Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon will form four T-Squares on April 16 which point to an apex Pluto, the master a Cardinal T-Square, apex Pluto uses hidden strengths to confront and overwhelm his opposition forcefully and ruthlessly when he feels challenged or threatened; crisis situations demand his immediate, decisive action, and apex Pluto doesn't share his power with others; he tends toward a chip-on-shoulder attitude and resentment and contempt may be prevalent; explosive endings cannot be ruled out.

Moon/Mars = Pluto: one-sided outlook; fanaticism; moodiness; a woman who stands alone in the world.

Mars/Saturn = Pluto: necessity to rely on oneself; inclination to rise in life by using force and to go one's way alone; depression; separation.

Midpoint pictures will simultaneously form from the other direction as well...

Mercury/Mars = Moon: thinking and acting are strongly influenced by feelings; 'clearing the air' by arguing and talking it out; a quarrelsome woman.

Mercury/Mars = Saturn: good powers of concentration; a slow or sluggish mode of thinking; a tendency to say bad things; a desire to harm others; bringing harm to oneself through exaggeration; quarrels cause separations.

Now let's get back to today's Sun Ari-Moon Gem blend which is a purposeful v scattered combo full of wit, creativity, and musical talent. Variety is the spice of life for this combo so society's mood should improve for a day or so with this immensely dynamic blend (until the Moon enters her own sign of self-protective yet nurturing Cancer.)

Sun Ari-Moon Gem has a sharp mind, yes, but focus may be lacking for this starter-not-finisher pair of energies as brilliant ideas abound. This blend has a joie de vivre which makes mortals feel more alive. (If you, dear reader, are susceptible to falling in love at the drop of a pin, beware: for Sun Ari-Moon Gem encourages falling in love at top speed!)

Zest, enthusiasm, the gift of gab, entrepreneurial skills, and an eye for opportunity are evident during a Sun Ari-Moon Gem reign of influence though brash impatience, unreliability, and insensitivity to others may be noticed as well, along with an unfortunate tendency not to learn from experience. (Such as politicians learning lessons from Government Shutdown 1995/96? The White House is calling for another meeting today on the budget impasse at 1:00 pm edt and I hope they consider how stupid and ineffectual they all look to us and to the rest of the world.)

Sun Ari-Moon Gem's "Images for Integration: A fencing master carries off the prize...A racing driver plays the piano to relax...Hayden's Farewell Symphony." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Note: since this is the natal blend of Iran (April 1, 1979 3:00 pm Tehran, Iran), the country may be highlighted in the news over the next couple of days; the above description applies to modern Iran but not necessarily to ancient Persia whose natal horoscope is lost in the mist of time.


Further reading: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin;
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.


FYI: April 7, 2011 marks the beginning of a Free Access week on the site, if you're interested in your roots! But you'd better have plenty of time to devote to genealogy research for it's very diverting. (April 7 - 14.)

Apr 6, 2011

Seriously: Who Takes "President Trump" Seriously?

A recent poll suggests that someone does take NYC's serial-bankrupt mogul seriously in his bid for the US presidency in 2012.

Not that there's anything intrinsically wrong with bankruptcy with its safety valve capacity, of course: except that when it's done on that level of a playing field (where the wheeler-dealers scamper while risking other people's money), a definite whiff of scalliwaggedness must waft about prospective voters' heads if they have any deliberative capacity at all.

And as many people have asked, if Mr. Trump is a serial filer, how good can he be for America's already-shaky financial prospects?

I mean, if America's debt ceiling isn't raised by May 2011, bankruptcy will be knocking loudly on our collective door like a Landlord Trump collecting way-overdue rent.

For me a Trump prez candidacy is on the same shaky rung as the 2008 campaign of Sarah Palin, with John McCain riding close on their pseudo-presidential coat tails. It's amazing how US political campaigns have risen into the stratosphere costwise, and ballotwise there's no telling whose name might turn up for our consideration. Very Jupiter-Neptune, I think: the grand schemers with pie-in-the-sky-esque antics (and those who flatter them!) yet whose talents must in the end have some practical motivation and application within the vicious world of politics.

And with diversion so prevalent in society these days (a handy tool for political operatives everywhere), perhaps a Donald Trump candidacy in tandem with "That thing on his head," as David Letterman has repeatedly and endearingly said (a hairstyle that often defies description or belief), may at some point prior to the November 2012 election, bring us a much-needed chuckle as we watch the jester cavort for the cameras while spouting outrageous ideas that he hopes will catch the public's attention.

(Note: there is nothing presidential or crazy that Mr. Trump can say that can force me to watch The Apprentice, flagging ratings or no. Just sayin'. jc)

Okay, But Let's Take Trump Seriously One More Time on This Blog

(And as my mother used to say, "Now let that be the last.")

On the downside for candidate Trump, being known for barking the phrase, "You're fired!" has a particularly bad vibe for US families and the millions of unemployed voters who have watched Congress argue amongst themselves, grandstand, and read the US Constitution (as if we-the-people don't know how) lo these many months since the Republican-Tea Party majority took over the House in January 2011.

After the November 2010 elections, even I could see the Washington gridlock coming from hundreds of miles away! They've 'served' in Congress barely three months and a Friday shutdown of the US government is said to loom large as I type.

But all I really know is that if shutting down the US government for good is the ultimate intent of certain factions operating within the US (and their antecedents who administered on behalf of an over-arching agenda before the current crop of Hegelian scoundrels, shills, and Chaos Utopians arrived), they're doing an annoyingly excellent job of it as 2012 nears. They may have latched on to the overly-PR'd 2012 New Age-Mayan Prophecy gold mine of Fear and are using it to good effect for their power-and-wealth-grabbing purposes with a side order of mass manipulation.

Or...perhaps the cosmically advanced Mayans knew what they were carving about.

Well, I say, Hurrah! that Wisconsin voters today in their Supreme Court race beat back a little the draconian creep instituted by the state's current gaggle of GOP strong-arming soldiers (like Gov. Scott Brown and his brethren) who seem to have never met what they consider to be a lesser being whom they couldn't stifle, hoodwink, or disenfranchise.


For further reading try NWO 2012.

Wisconsin: 19 counties flip for Dems in Supreme Court Race!

Hurrah, Wisconsin!

19 Counties Flip To Democrats In Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

Significantly, 19 counties that went for Walker in the 2010 elections this time flipped and went for Kloppenburg, including LaCrosse (59 percent), Sauk (56 percent) and Dunn (56 percent).

Nearly 1.5 million people turned out to vote, representing 33.5 percent of voting-age adults -- 68 percent higher than the 20 percent turnout officials had expected.

So does this mean that Gov. Scott Walker has had a speck o'mud thrown in his eye?