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May 10, 2011

Visible Alignment of Planets: a presaging of 2012? 5.10.11

1999, the New Millennium, 2012, and Planets All in a Row 2011

by Jude Cowell

May 10, 2011: as of today it is possible to see with the naked eye a fabulous celestial show: a line-up of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning for the next few weeks.

Even quirkily inclined Uranus and shy Neptune may be viewed if environmental conditions are right and you have a decent pair of binoculars! (Do let me know here in a Comment if you spy them. Or message: judecowell at gmail dot com.)

Now some folk are relating the current line-up to the potential devastation expected in 2012 though astronomers at NASA are poo-pooing the idea. They say that no similar configuration is on the Universe's schedule for December 21, 2012, the end date of the Mayan Calendar. Yet what the date is the end of, no one really knows. Apparently planet Venus is involved and is said to have been the culprit in an earlier cosmic disaster some millions of years ago; the Sunspot Cycle is also implicated.

For further investigation on such topics as 2012, you may be interested in a website I recently discovered called Shift of the Ages along with New World Order 2012 which addresses such head-scratching topics.

Plus, there's a classic A&E program that mentions the Mayan Calendar 2012 question and is narrated by the excellent Leonard Nimoy - click for a video of Part 1, then click through for the rest, if you wish, for it remains quite watchable as Planet Earth nears 2012.

Is Fear of 2012 Really Necessary?

Personally I suspect that one-world-government types have for decades played upon and manipulated public fears (perhaps assisted by the ancient cataclysm mentioned above involving Venus which, if so, rests deep within our Collective Unconscious) for their own power-grabbing purposes. Something is coming up that they will use to justify their increased control and reordering of our lives.

Such social manipulators use Astrology, too, you know!

And their agenda was ramped up after the Biblical portents in the Book of Revelation became visible astrologically in the horoscope of the King of Terror Solar Eclipse (aka, the 'King of Alarm Eclipse', or 'The Mother of All Eclipses') which Nostradamus predicted centuries ago and which manifested on August 11, 1999. The article lines you up with the eclipse horoscope if you wish a view.

1999: A Major Shift of Cosmic Energies

The mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are spotlighted in the August 11, 1999 chart and in Astrology have been known for ages as the Oxen Point, Lion Point, Eagle Point, and Angel Point.

So I must ask you: since the New Millennium began have we not experienced an abundance of misery and fear-mongering upon the Earth since God's angels (timed by the 1999 eclipse and predicted in Revelation) let go the four corners of 'the winds of war and strife'?

The Ultimate Dilemma

In an ultimate and eternal sense, all I can say is that everyone who ever lived, lives now, or will be born of Planet Earth has a true condition before God - what our Creator thinks of each one of us, not what we or anyone else thinks. (Mankind's ego need not apply!)

So to me, given the current climate of natural and other disasters - with more to come - it seems that the most important thing anyone could ever do in his or her life is to examine one's heart of hearts and attend to and repair His opinion - the only one that truly matters - in order to improve one's status according to The Light one has received!

May 9, 2011

Week of May 9, 2011: China to Washington DC

With China's counterpart officials to US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner visiting Washington DC this week for meetings, I've had a peek at the natal horoscope of China and the nation's current progressions.

Click to view China's 1949 national horoscope which I published in 2010 on the occasion of Mr. Geithner's visit there. Plus, here's a creaky old post from way back in April 2006 when China came to visit the Bush-Cheney White House and international property rights were in the news. But what they actually discussed in 2006 is anyone's guess. My guess: their topic was more on finances than not.

Y'all Come!

And of course, President Hu Jintao of China was just here in January 2011 to mull over financial 'frictions' under the rays of a 'revolutionary' crisis-degreed Full Moon.

Now you know of the planetary line-up in action-oriented, Mars-ruled Aries these last few weeks with Mars @ '29 Aries' (a crisis or critical degree) today which conjoins China's Secondary Progressed Moon now in the same degree which times China's visit across the seas (Moon) to the US for it takes a lot of martian energy for such a journey. Of course, we may expect frustration, anger, and possibly quarrels to be part of any Moon/Mars contact along with a need for protection from danger (of a US default?)

In the Sabian Symbols, Marc Edmund Jones gives '29Ari' as "A Celestial Choir Singing"...VENERATION.

positive expression: a gift for the effective articulation or manifestation of those eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one.

negative/unconscious/shadow side: self-deception and an acceptance of every fantasy which will flatter the ego. (Wonder who's trying to flatter whom? jc)

Isn't veneration of ancestors an important part of Chinese culture? I'm envisioning lighted lanterns floating across water.

In The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli gives the word picture for '29Ari' as: "A Heavy War Tank."

Today's Sun degree and China's Secondary Progressed ASC degree '19 Taurus' = "A Newly Formed Continent" (usually thought to represent America, of course)...ORIGINALITY.

pos: a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe. (Or to establish a one-world-government? jc)

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

Carelli gives '19Tau' as: "A Maid of Dazzling Beauty Pouring Water from a Jug into a Pitcher" which echoes the sign of Aquarius, yes, but in this instance, it reminds me of mankind's old habit of robbing Peter to pay Paul, or, of transferring funds or making a payment. My guess is that the 'pitcher' belongs to China.

However, since Carelli recommends not rounding up in degrees, let's consider the word picture of today's Sun and China's Sec ASC for '18Tau' which may seem more apt considering the financial relationship between China and America these days and the links between Taurus the Bull and worldly greed for gold and wealth:

'18Tau' = "Two Furious Bulls Goring Each Other."

So we see described a dazzling beauty or two goring bulls going at one another: I'll let you be the decider on this one!


Also this week, the US Congress returns to the scene of their crimes: Capitol Hill. And here we go again.

May 8, 2011

Spotlighting the Illuminati Network

A SO'W Special: here is a second Guest Post, this time concerning the topic of the secretive Illuminati by the author of the New World Order 2012 blog:

The Illuminati Network

by New World Order 2012

Many people are talking about the Illuminati, but do we really know who they are?

Some people say that they are aliens from another world, and they are trying to control human beings. Other people say that the Illuminati consist of people who are very wealthy and have a lot of power in the society. Who is right and who is wrong?
I would like to share some theories about the Illuminati Network.

The way that I see it, the Illuminati consist of two types of people: the Masters and the Puppets, those people we think are a part of the Illuminati are probably just Puppets.

There are many Illuminati puppets in the world, and the Illuminati use these people to fulfill their plan. The Masters are not visible in the media, well not as much as the Puppets, but they love to sit back and watch their plan being executed perfectly by the Puppets. The Masters are the brain and the Puppets are the body of the Illuminati.

The Masters are mostly wealthy and old families. These families have existed for many hundreds of years, and their goal has been world domination. These families “buy” other people to represent them in the media. The people who have been bought by the Masters receive fame, money and other desires that a human being can have, but they literally sell their soul to the Illuminati.

Who are the Illuminati puppets then? Well you might see many Illuminati Puppets in the media: singers, actors, TV-hosts and other people who are very famous and very popular. These people are all contributing to the Illuminati, because they have sold themselves to a cause started by the Illuminati Master many centuries ago.

This is how the Illuminati Network can be explained in a very simple way. Some of you might add that there are other complex networks within the network, and I totally agree, but this article is mainly written for those people who are new to the Illuminati.

Are Beltane and bin Laden raid linked? (Max Igan video)

For your consideration: Max Igan has some thoughts and information on the synchronicity of the May 1, 2011 raid on the bin Laden compound in Pakistan occurring during a pagan holiday. No pagans around here, though I can't vouch the same for any ancient ancestry I might have! Jude

Part 1 of 4:

Part 2 of 4:

Part 3 of 4:

Part 4 of 4:


Blog Note: as always, the views expressed in the above video presentation are the presenter's own and are posted for your consideration only and not as a promotion or recommendation by this one gnat of a blogger; no gratuities are involved, traded, or paid. jc

May 7, 2011

A fake bin Laden story? (video); the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981

Update 5:15 pm edt: the Pentagon has released 5 video snippets of what is supposedly
Osama bin Laden rehearsing with a blackened beard (which looks fake to me!) Audio has not been included.

Original post begins here:

Now I'm definitely not the only one entertaining doubts about the US government's shifting story of the Osama bin Laden raid and assassination in Pakistan.

Did a raid take place? I believe so with purloining of computers and documents the possible target and goal (either to garner intell - or to destroy it.) But was Osama bin Laden himself on-site? Maybe, maybe not. This could explain how the White House situation room crew, including the President, could have watched the raid on a live feed, yet are said not to have witnessed the actual killing of bin Laden.

Well, economist and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Treasury official in the Reagan administration and 'father of Reaganomics' (see Reaganomics Eclipse's horoscope link, below), has his own doubts which he shares here.

And as I've mentioned before, my opinion is that when the mainstream media gets its fat self piled onto a huge bandwagon to promote a particular story or event 24/7 (9/11, Financial Collapse 2008, etc), be wary of their coordinated corporate propaganda for we are most probably being scammed or, at the least, the whole truth is not being revealed in order to protect the guilty while promoting the US imperialist agenda.

My latest thought is that rather than using bin Laden's demise as justification for ending America's war on the Middle East, it will be used to further the one-world-government cabal's Endless War agenda. Whether this is correct, we'll soon know, won't we? For war expansions and extensions will turn up in the MSM as the so-called War on Terror marches on and our freedoms in the US continue to be deleted as elsewhere across the globe.

Part 1 of 2:

Part 2 of 2:


As Dr. Roberts notes, such tactics continue to be used by the US government because they work. "Remember the USS Maine", "Remember Pearl Harbor", and so on, as we're lead in a wrong direction by a frothed-up, emotion-based patriotism into conflict - and diplomacy be da*ned. A more recent example is the Bush-Cheney administration's well-timed release of a bin Laden video threatening America just before the 2004 presidential election.

And with the US public ever mindful of its safety and security, it worked and war hawk neocons were elected. (They couldn't be 're-elected' in 2004 since it was a corrupt SCOTUS who installed them in 2000.)

Blogging in America

So just after the bin Laden raid in Pakistan on May 1, 2011, I posted here about my misgivings over the story's truthiness and was informed by an Anonymous commenter that I was being waaay too cynical. Now it's 6 days later during which the White House's version of the raid has morphed and re-morphed - and I don't think I've been cynical enough. Thus, this posting of Dr. Roberts' own misgivings today. If you have about 20 minutes to spare, listen to his opinion and see what you believe for yourself!

Personally I don't completely agree with all of what he says, but it's worth a listen if you're concerned about who will be the next US president and the possible propagandistic tactics meant to assure it.

Actually, this situation reminds me of some of the chart factors in the May 17, 2011 Full Moon Horoscope (a New Moon chart for May 3, 2011 is shown, too, both set for Washington DC) particularly a midpoint picture with fraudulent, deceptive Neptune in its own murky sign of Pisces (which is also a sign of the military and Neptune's 'fog of war'.) The revealing picture contains the energies of the World Banker/Pentagon/Wheeler-Dealer duo of expansive Jupiter, (aka, the General) and powerful, subversive, super-wealthy Pluto, planet of assassination and secret control...

Jupiter/Pluto = Neptune: the inclination to deceive others; cheating and seducing; suffering damage from others without being aware of it; a general disappointment; confused plans or goals; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own agenda. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

In addition, Michael Munkasey's details on the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint's potentials within Politics and Business seem applicable to the US raid carried out in Pakistan whose government was either involved or not involved and either knew or didn't know that bin Laden was hunkered down in their neighborhood for years - or, was already dead:

Thesis: Pacts or relations with foreigners on the use of force or weapons; the growth of security or spy agencies (doesn't the world have enough? jc); greater power for religious leaders; a society that wields much influence; extreme depletion of resources.

Antithesis: Self-destructive forces which stem from official corruption or moral laxity within a society; extremely potent natural disasters (those we're experiencing - such as along the banks of the mighty Mississippi River as I type - jc); criminal elements with great social influence (yep! and many of them are on Wall Street, in DC, and in world capitals - jc); destruction of legal documents.

Now I don't enjoy fussing about President Obama's intentions or motivations but I should add here two midpoint pictures now formed in his Secondary Progressions, one of which sits upon US natal MC (Midheaven, The Goal, @ 00Lib53, a World Point of Manifestation - Sibly chart)...any, all, or none may apply as usual...

Sec Mars/Pluto = Sun: a strong, unyielding will; achievements attained by superior technique or endurance; violent measures; a shock caused by a Higher Power.

Sec Mars/Pluto = US natal MC: unusual capabilities for advancement in life; facing overwhelming force without power; danger; an operation; learning to gain control and use powerful or extreme measures for increasing your status or standing (in the polls? jc); fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining influence.

And the picture in Mr. Obama's Progressed chart that has concerned me since Inauguration 2009:

Sec Saturn/NN = Neptune: deceit within friendship given; having to pay a price for help which is higher than expected (sounds like a secret society call-in of favors, doesn't it?); feeling misunderstood; falsehood, fraud, and deception.

Well, there you have my grousings for today. Blogger ate part of this post so I had to reconstruct/recompose it since I tend to type my posts spontaneously. Also, Blogger's spell-check feature is on the blink so you're sure to find typos...please pardon.

And yes, I dissent because I care: about America, her future, and the American people...aka, my fellow Americans.

For if I wish to sleep at night, how can I do any less?


Further reading: The Twin Towers of Debt argument. An interesting reminder: on the morning of 9/11/01 when NYC's Twin Towers were destroyed, the Moon (we-the-people; the public) was at '28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY".

Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

The Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 (click horoscope to enlarge); text contains a few chart factors and has natal placements of George Bush and Dick Cheney, outer.

Summer Solstice 2011: Sun Cancer-Moon Pisces.

President's Weekly Address May 7, 2011 (video)

President Barack Obama speaks from Indiana for his Weekly Address to the nation.

May 6, 2011

Solar Eclipse January 4, 2011: from May 2011's perch

This week has been busy to the point of very little blogging time (day job, you know) and today, Friday May 6, 2011, is more of same.

Making a flash appearance here to moderate comments, I find some interest has occurred in a previous post still current by topic which concerns America and the Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011, the Series in which the world now twists and turns.

The post includes some thoughts on the US Saturn Return now ongoing (with its accountability-responsibility themes: in our Sag Rising chart/s, US Saturn is in 10th house = fall from grace if dependable Saturn is *not honored) and three interesting quotes with articles links, so if you wish, check it out with fresh eyes now informed by events which have occurred so far in 2011 including the assassination of Osama bin Laden, a Scorpionic event if there ever was one.

And on a lighter note, tonight is the can't-miss season finale of Fringe and with its Scorpionic-Aquarian parallel-worlds theme, the episode is sure to be a doozy!


*examples of historical figures with 10th house Saturns include Richard Nixon and Adolf Hitler both of whom experienced quite some falls from grace, yes?