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Feb 7, 2012

Feb 7, 2012: a Full Leo Moon for President Obama

February 7, 2012: Full Moon 18Leo32 4:54 pm est White House

Full Moons bring up for our consideration issues of relationships, full awareness, and perhaps a fulfilment or an ending in some domain of life; they are the culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seed stage of a monthly process, two weeks prior.

Today the Sun 18AQ32 conjoins Mercury 18:56 upon the natal Ascendant of President Barack Obama which indicates a day or so when the president's personality shines and his goals may be favorably spotlighted.

But that isn't all concerning this afternoon's Full Moon in Leo for it reflects the same degree of the eclipse forecasted by doctor, seer, and astrologer, Nostradamus. But let's let sleeping lemurs lie for now and focus on the Leo/AQ axis of Will emphasized this afternoon which includes all the facets of Sun-ruled Leo (proud; regal; a leader; creative; egotistical; Divine Child) and Aquarius, ruled by Saturn with genius Uranus as its higher octave influence.

Aquarius: the humanitarian, philanthropist, intellectual, professor, technician, and, perhaps above all, scientist--describe the usual suspects in the archetypal realms of our dualistic world for the celestial sign of the Water Bearer.

Yes, everyone loves a Full Moon! Well, almost everyone since sneaky stuff by the crooked might better remain undiscovered if perpetrated on or near a New Moon, a 3 or 4 day period when nights are darker.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii: Sun 12Leo/Moon 3Gem.

Also, today's Full Moon may be significant for the president on the action-energy-motivation level since Mr. Obama is smack dab in the midst of his Mars Return 2012 (22Vir35: Jan 14, Feb 1, June 18), the Full Moon horoscope shows transiting Mars 21Vir40 Rx conjoining a somewhat difficult star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream )--and this extended Mars Rx period is crossing and re-crossing the Midheaven (Goal; Career; Public Status) of VP Joe Biden.

We've sees one example of the Denebolan quirkiness of May-I-Call-You-Joe in his oft-reputed train rides home each evening from Washington DC all the years he served in the Senate.

Yet as long as President Obama labors underneath squares from transiting Saturn to his natal Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (opposite natal Mercury 2Leo), Saturnian blockages and obstacles to all his ideas and plans will continue to be placed in his way with constant delays and restrictions along his path; his authority and executive powers are being challenged by opponents of the neocon/neo-liberal persuasion.

Glad Mr. Obama decided to get over his SuperPAC scruples since foreign and domestic corporatists and other billionaires and monarchists will be purchasing the White House more brazenly than ever before if We The People don't come out in droves and VOTE Democratic on November 6, 2012. The Supreme Court is already out of control, let's not add to their corporatist number by voting GOP.

(Independent here, but really, we have no better choice than wimpy and not-so-wimpy Democrats.)

But enough of Politics, that 'organized system of hatreds'...there's a just-past Full Moon tonight which will still be gorgeous over head and the morning hours here in Northeast Georgia were very foggy and chilly today so a silvery plethora of moon beams would be most appreciated this evening!

Now I ask you: Who better to inspire us over the lovely Full Leo Moon of February 7, 2012 than Auntie Moon herself?

This image of a Full Moon is brought to you by Secret Moon Art.

Feb 5, 2012

Newt Denies his Bohemian Grove attendance! (video); and Jupiter/Uranus

Playing dumb when confronted with the reporting of your attendance at Bohemian Grove rituals may make sense when you're desperate to play president. Here's Newt Gingrich being placed on the 'male-prostitute' spot by a gutsy young man (thanks, young man-- Newt's confrontation with the truth is priceless!)


For more info and videos concerning the annual gatherings amongst the Redwoods of California of political, business, and entertainment industry bigwigs (and hired servers)--a social affair where calling on the devil seems to be the order of the night, scroll a bit to this blog's Search Bar and type in 'Bohemian Grove' for various entries on this pagan conflagration of 'fire worshippers' who act as social tinkerers and 'leaders' when wearing business suits.

You know, some say that Russian mystic and artist *Nicolas Roerich, an adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, led the White House under the auspices of 'Black Majick' and that if the American people had known what was really going on, FDR would have been ridden out of Washington on a rail, or worse.

Now I don't know how true the myth but the District's association with the Goat of Mendes gives me pause for wondering about evasive old FDR who took control of our nation at the same time that devilish Hitler rose to power...and both under the influence of the same Solar Eclipse, the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' of Feb 24, 1933 @ 5Pis28--which conjoins President Obama's natal Chiron and tr Chiron 2012.)

Were AH and FDR both working toward a 'New World Order'? My suspicion is, Yes, each in his own way with both countries wanting to man the helm of Global Government. In the Eurozone, Germany now ascends monetarily while the US has been financially heisted and weakened--on purpose, thanks to the SEC, Wall Street, transnational bankers, rating agencies, and the Fed.

View the 1933 eclipse horoscope with its interlaced YODs of crisis and a few chart details here. Why, in 1933, the Fed was only 20 years old!

*Nicolas Roerich born October 9, 1874 St. Petersburg, Russia; at noon: Sun in mid-Libra, Moon 4Lib37 (or could be in later degrees of Virgo); Mercury in business-oriented, ruthless Scorpio; Venus 2Sag05 (conjoined by our last Solar Eclipse Nov 25, 2011 #@ 2Sag37--the 'Super Committee' eclipse), Mars 14Vir35 (Mars is in Virgo now indicating his Mars Return 2012), Jupiter 12Lib58 conj n Sun, Saturn 7AQ40 Rx, Uranus 14Leo28, Neptune 29Ari47 Rx (@ critical degree), Pluto 22Tau20 Rx (conjoined on May 28, 2000 by the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction = Pluto: attaining aims slowly but surely; violent changes or restrictions; immense efforts - Ebertin.)

Natal North Node (NN) 26Ari40 Rx conjoins his Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) 26:24 which conjoin his natal Midas 26:03 and all are snugged between his natal Chiron 20Ari24 Rx, the Wound (so he was born during a US Chiron Return) and often-delusional Neptune...Neptune/NN = lack of community or team spirit.

Hmm. Reminds me of the uncooperative attitude of Republicans and DINOS on Capitol Hill (circa Jan 20, 2009--Jan 20, 2013) who do not need to be named here. (Note: Ebertin gives the Jup/Uran combo of energies on a negative level as: 'obstinate adherence to one's own principles from inherent opposition rather than from true conviction; magnifying or exaggerating everything'. As noted, for we know who the undermining jackasses are.)

Anyway, Roerich's PE falls into the 2 Old North Series: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; a glum and difficult series bringing potentials for separation and the ending of unions, yet taking quick action may bring positive results.' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) A Solar Eclipse last manifested in this series on July 1, 2000 @ 10Can15 which greatly affected US natal planets in Cancer, mainly Jupiter '6Can' (monetary policy) and the Sun '14Can' (the leader, or, leadership; the president.) In fact, this eclipse degree was triggered on July 1, 2011 by a Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12, the initial eclipse in a new series.

As for his financial expertise and advising of FDR on monetary policies, Roerich was born with the promise of lucky breaks and financial opportunities because a Jupiter/Uranus sextile (60 degr) attuned him to the financial cycles and peaks of Jupiter and Uranus (as timed by their sextiles and trines) of his day. The Jupiter/Uranus cycle is the "ultra-important" one when it comes to stock markets and business/monetary cycles, says Sybil Leek in her book, The Astrological Guide to Financial Success (1972.)

Jupiterian growth + Uranian change = peaks and fluctuations, with Uranus associated with Technology and Industry; their adventurous blend also indicates scientific discoveries and inventions, broadened horizons, and far-seeing plans and activities.

Not that the current opposition of societal planets Jupiter (growth, investment) and Saturn (restriction, loss, austerity measures) isn't important as well. But they sure are behaving stubbornly especially if we use them to represent Ds (Saturn usually but these days, Jupiter) and Rs (Jupiter traditionally, but these days, Saturn.) The Jupiter/Saturn opposition phase is "strongly recessive," says Sybil Leek. Can you feel it, even with Jupiter moved ahead into Earthy, practical Taurus and Saturn hanging back at the end of Airy Libra? Things are shifting now...

So Jupiter's growth function works well with Uranus' change function, a teamwork that denotes business peaks which may be clearly seen--not only with Astrology--but in stock market records which detail the approximately 3 1/2-year business cycle of Jupiter and Uranus (3.45 years actually.) Many traders know of the 3 1/2 year cycle yet few if any can explain the How or Why of it--unless Financial Astrology is employed for timing purposes.

("Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do." - J.P. Morgan Sr.)

The current monetary cycle as timed by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus began, of course, with the three-fer we experienced from 2010 to 2011 with their first meeting standing out due to its occurrence upon a World Point of Manifestation, the Aries Point, as you'll remember:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18
2. Sep 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02

In markets, Aries = war, weaponry, iron and steel, transport, policing-fire fighting-security services, surgery, adventurous enterprises, mining, oil drilling, and other Martian sectors; Pisces = oil and gas, oceanography, water travel, fisheries, footwear, drugs drugs and more drugs (including vaccines and contraceptives--in the news now), entertainment, art galleries, antiques, religion, mysticism, state bonds for civic development (Leek), and other Piscean sectors which include the military as does Aries.

Naturally, we may expect that market and economic issues will continue to need close attention during Spring 2012 as the Sun reaches Vernal Equinox (00Ari00:00) on March 20, 2012 and highlights this monetary/business cycle while forming a midpoint picture:

Jupiter/Uranus = Mar 20, 2012 Sun: far-sightedness; inventive minds; illumination of one's best position in any circumstance; great success (Ebertin; Tyl); incorporating new ideas (Munkasey.) Well, someone is doing okay, right?


Our current 'ultra-important' financial period: June 2010 + 3 1/2 years = end of 2013, early 2014; or, Jan 2011 + 3 1/2 years = mid-2014, so the parameters are: end of 2013 to mid-2014. Not being of a trading or speculating disposition, there's not a lot I plan do with this info personally but those who are planning ahead in their careers just now may be able to use the suggested periods as a 'far-seeing' financial guide for future expansion and reforms in Technology if in nothing else.


Further reading: 2011's Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

A Blog Note to my Readers: due to an upcoming relocation, my blogging time will continue intermittently until things settle down in early to mid-March. This will entail new tech equipment which I am looking forward to enjoying so please stay tuned for it seems that the broadening energies of Jupiter/Uranus may just knock upon my blogging door yet! Jude

Feb 4, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix--Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (film)

For years I've planned a SO'W column on America's Great Seal, both sides, with their Egyptian/Freemason symbols. A phoenix rising from the ashes--from a fire of its own making uncomfortably reminds me of the attacks of 9/11 and the US government's misdirected response which has turned our nation into a bird of quite a different feather than that of the majestic eagle we've been led to appreciate as our American symbol.

And yet an eagle's excellent eyesight as it soars high above is perfectly echoed by invasive spy satellites overhead, circa 2012. For your consideration, here's a full length film on just such topics; the views expressed are the film's own and this blogger may or may not agree with them:

Today a direct Pluto @8Cap30 arose at 5:08 am est with Fixed Star Altair (the eagle) 5:05 am est; keywords for Altair: boldness and determination. Some of spying Pluto's keywords: power, control, subversion, transformation, death, rebirth. Death and rebirth like...a phoenix.

The Sabian Symbol for '9 Capricorn' is "An Angel Carrying a Harp" which sounds quite comforting--as long as it isn't a HAARP, a government program begun in 1997 and which may not be what it purports itself to be.


'9 Cap' symbol is from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones.

Updated January 8, 2020 with US pyramid-of-power eye-in-capstone image from the dollar bill.

Occupy evictions (Live video stream) Feb 4, 2012

Washington DC Saturday February 4, 2012

Our federal tax dollars at work supressing the people's free speech:

Feb 1, 2012

May 2012 Eclipse attends G-8 Summit Chicago

The G-8 Summit in Chicago (update: G-8 held at Camp David, NATO Summit in Chicago) in May occurs under the squelching rays of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem01, the very essence of Gemini.

Click to read the UPI article from July 15, 2011 published just after President Obama announced Chicago as the financial summit's 2012 location and click to view the May 2012 Solar eclipse horoscope, set for DC.

Of course, it's Occupy protesters, many of whom are offspring or friends of people you and I personally know, that the Chicago police department has been training for months to challenge, terrorize, abuse, and arrest--er, control--and these are the thuggish tactics that police superintendent Garry McCarthy sent his officers to study in Seattle (WTO 1999; about 35,000 American patriots protested 'free' trade issues which were and are jobs issues) and Pittsburgh (G-20 2009; 'violent clashes') since both cities' police squads have experience with draconian riot control measures.

Such drastic measures against free speech have been in preparation for some time in America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Yes, it must be quite a bit easier to be 'brave' when you're encased in the latest state-of-the-art riot gear and opposing American citizens exercising the right to have our grievances addressed and expressing deep frustration with and strong criticism of predatory corporations and the dire results of their excessive greed and corruption.

Whatever goes down in at the G-8 Summit May 15--22, 2012 (or at the NATO Summit in Chicago), the Fixed Star eclipsed on May 20, 2012 by the solar eclipse--Alcyone in Gemini--has keywords of some concern: something to cry about and since Gemini is the sign of Youth, Young People, Journalists, Trade, Commerce, and Messages, may only cool heads prevail and may President Obama realize that many people will put any and all brutality perpetrated by the Chicago police force against peaceful protesters smack dab on the doorstep of the Obama White House in tandem with Mayor Emanuel's obvious culpability.

Their close relationship only spotlights the connection of culpability between Washington DC and Chicago.

Actually, the doorstep of the White House is rather piled high with overboard incidents and injuries since the Occupy/99% Movement began on September 17, 2011. And all of this is occurring on President Obama's watch. May he protect US citizens who wish to protest the inequalities in our nation rather than just speechifying about them. Odd how Washington loves to tout protecting the populations of other countries (when they want to intervene) but can so easily look the other way when it's our sons and daughters here at home who are at risk.

Abuse and Misuse of Power

So it looks as if G-8 2012 will show the whole world Power attempting to protect its elitist-authoritarian position with head-knocking and pepper-spraying considered to be a necessary part of a strong-arm agenda. Ends justify means is apparently one of The Man's mottoes in these matters but with this world view I heartily disagree, as always--no Machiavellian here.

So from underneath the elitist G-8/NATO vibes of May 15 to May 22, 2012, Democrats and their backers will be sending a message to the American people. My prayer is that it's the message that 'of-by-for-the-people' government still lives in America even if it's feeling more than a little puny these days under the heavy weight of too-fat-to-fail global corporatists.

May our protesters be safe in Chicago! And hopefully they'll continue to be wary of police operatives using violent acts (such as window smashing, etc) to justify brutal police reactions toward the innocent. For as you know, this is a dirty tactic but a traditional one for The Man to use especially when he's desperate to stay on top.

Power to the People! Even Thomas Jefferson and other founders agreed on that.

"Total Criminalization" Max Igan video

Not much time to astrologize today but from January 27, 2012, here is a video presentation by Max Igan, Total Criminalization:

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4


You may wish to visit to rest away control of your mind, or check out progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann as you may. Once again today Thom quoted Thomas Jefferson concerning The Press and it's Thom's ability to recall historic events and people which for me add much value to his broadcasts.

Here I'll add a few wise words from The Seer of Monticello:

"I consider the people who constitute a society or nation as the source of all authority in that nation."

Me, too. You?

Jan 29, 2012

Jan 30, 2012 Astro-Peek: Robin Hood sips Beaujolais

All in One Day: from Robin Hood to a 'New Age'?

by Jude Cowell

During the 24-hour period of Monday January 30, 2012, the Moon (the public; we the people; publicity), our daily and monthly timepiece, begins at a critical-crisis 29th degree (29Ari16) in setting position (conjunct Descendant) in a horoscope set for Monday at the Capitol Building, Washington DC, that temple of Masonry.

By 11:59 pm of January 30, 3012, the Moon has reached 11Tau05 after crossing over Jupiter 2Tau26/33 for a lovely Moon/Jupiter tryst. Yet this being a blog infested with Politics--and American Politics at that--the Business and Political implications of the Moon/Jupiter pair should be mentioned.

Moon/Jupiter energies include certain potential expressions within those practical realms so let's consider a paraphrase of Michael Munkasey's analysis based on the Hegelian Dialect method of Thesis and Antithesis where problems are consciously created, solutions are "debated", and a pre-determined course of action is then said by the ruling elite to be a necessary change which the people are then expected to accept where they otherwise wouldn't without the crisis the elite class created in the first place.

To paraphrase Mr. Munkasey:

Thesis: agricultural production increases; commercial or agricultural sectors see growth; women make important contributions to religious or legal practices; legal situations concerning farm or land policies (opening more land to drilling or fracking? jc)

Antithesis: floods and natural disasters; women's opinions that are over-valued; legal system as barrier to agricultural or commercial development or production; ineffective lawyers or clerics. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

Okay, so the Moon sailing over Jupiter may not start our week with wine'n'roses but we can still check out the Sun/Moon combinations which form during Monday (now, since it's after midnight in Georgia est) to snag a hint of the influences of the day and which will affect the entire week of activities and events. Not just in Washington DC, my former residence, but over the globe depending on which time zone you're in as Luna switches signs.

12:00 am est: Sun AQ/Moon Aries is a fast-paced Air-Fire blend as is the natal blend of 2012 candidate Newt Gingrich--a 'hot-air-balloon' type, a Utopian idealist, in fact, says Ebertin. Watch out for new references this week to Newt's tendencies to blow things out of proportion, send up 'trial balloons' or flags up poles (polls?) to see if anyone salutes, and to generally express his extremely Jupiterian-American personality of which he states he feels very proud.

But more than enough about him. Moving on...

Sun AQ/Moon Ari denotes 'maverick truth-seekers', harsh critics, and spunky, intellectual dynamos. The blend of these signs has a Saturn-Uranus-Mars attitude underneath and even if we can't actually see it, we may feel its scathing tones at times and may be surprised by their eruption. Of course, laughter and chuckles may occur...

"Images for Integration": A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John again."

11:59 pm est Sun AQ/Moon Tau, an Air-Earth blend energies bestow the day with security v independence issues and humanitarian concerns but may include an eccentric streak of 'pragmatic intellect' and a "Ferdinand the Bull" quality. Naturally, one of us may be put in mind of that most bullish of habitats within the American narrative, Wall Street.

The Sun AQ/Moon Tau combo contains tones of Saturn and Uranus (AQ) with evaluating Venus (Taurus) and causes a pulling sensation on inner levels as home vies with career.

In both the 12 am and 11:59 pm charts, US natal North Node '6Leo' conjoins MC so it seems that career is winning at the moment with Domestic Scene suffering some of the Saturnian influences such as: loss, restriction, enforced austerity, and delay, with 4th house as the house (department) of Real Estate, Property, Mining, and Domestic Products and Concerns.

AQ/Tau is a 'progressive thinker' blend with forward-looking ideas for reforming things. (Let's be very discriminating about whom we allow to tinker under the hood of the US Constitution, agreed?) It prefers to push the world toward the direction it decrees though the decree may occur behind very private and closed doors. Smugness may be a failing along with reluctance to listen to others, and a habit of 'riding roughshod over others'.

Sun AQ/Moon Tau's "Images for Integration: A country girl seeks a conventional life with an unconventional young man in the big city...The resident caretaker of a 'New Age' community sips his Beaujolais as he systematically does the year's accounts."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, there's a brief astro-peek at the influences of the day for January 30, 2012 which range from 'Robin Hood' to a 'New Age' community of wine drinkers that on one level is possibly the European Union. And in spite of what Politics may be up to behind closed doors, or how many Beaujolais-infused winos turn up to panhandle in the streets of America, I do hope your Monday is stellar and beneficial!


Terms such as 'New Age' may often be code words for Global Governance.

Jan 25, 2012

Rich Kids for Romney ad (video)

This is one of the most effective yet subtle political campaign ads I've ever seen: its message subtle as a sledge hammer?