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Jun 8, 2012

Astro-Update on Pres Obama's economy speech 6.8.12

Update June 8, 2012 2:00 pm edt: my previous post this morning as President Obama began speaking at or about 10:15 am edt on the US economy mentions Mr. Obama's natal Neptune (8Sco36 in n 9th H) at the IC (Foundation; Basis) of the horoscope and thus of his speech. I wondered aloud if truth (not usually the province of Neptune) would be told but didn't know then that John McCain had made related accusations recently against the President.

As it turns out, Obama Accuses Republicans of Pursuing Policies to Weaken Economy which ties in Neptunian weakening and accusations with Scorpio, sign of Big Business, secrets, and what I consider to be betrayal of the American people by those in Washington (and elsewhere) who work to undermine Mr. Obama even though it means taking our economy, credit rating, families' futures, reputation, and homeland (IC) down with him--as long as neocon freaks reclaim the White House in November.

Check out the earlier pre-speech post if you wish. My direct Neptune in Libra promises you that what I said this morning has not been altered since I posted it

. ~:~

Update 2: my plan to publish a 3-month subscription newsletter Stars Over Washington Monthly proceeds apace if laboriously so if all goes well, June will bring an announcement of Issue 1 so please stay tuned if you're curious! jc

June 8, 2012 Pres. Obama speaks on US economy w his natal Sun rising

June 8, 2012: President Obama on the Economy with His Sun/Neptune Square Foremost

by Jude Cowell

It's a thickened plot at 10:15 am edt today as President Obama speaks on the US economy with his natal Sun in Leo rising (hello world!) and his natal Neptune in Scorpio (sign of Big Business, Corporations, the Hidden--including the Occult) at IC, the Foundation or Basis of the matter (his remarks.)

No time to fully discuss the horoscope but that's okay since it's his natal Sun/Neptune square that is emphasized in the chart with both his Sun and Neptune being angular at 10:15 am edt June 8, 2012 Washington DC.

Shiny Sun square nebulous, spiritual, often deceptive and fraudulent Neptune indicates someone who can easily deceive himself. Perhaps he considers himself as a 'chosen vessel' of God (or whatever entity may be worshipped.) Now being a Chosen One may also relate in Mr. Obama's case to being selected by powers-behind-the-throne as President of the United States (Bilderberg Group June 2008 Chantilly, VA, and perhaps this year's selection process, too, also in early June, also in Chantilly) or to some Higher Quest which President Obama's 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces requires of him.

A Sun/Neptune square may cause a distortion of one's perception of reality which can be useful to those who direct him from behind the scenes as their 'cat's paw' or tool. Cults and mysticism are dangers for this sort of personality (for Neptune's contact may weaken the personality yet gives much creativity) though a strong Saturn can, if the native wills it, offset all or most of the negative qualities of this square (obstacle) to one's essence (Sun.)

Fortunately for President Obama--and hopefully for the American people--his natal Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn though Rx (weak or absent father) so developing an inner sense of authority (Saturn) has been a primary key to his success in addition to his natal Jupiter Rx @ 00AQ (our Inaugural Sun position on January 20 at noon) creating an out-of-sign (dissociate) conjunction indicating great worldly success if the energies are well applied and Saturn's requirement for integrity is honored.

Will his remarks today be honest? That is the question, isn't it?

So what is he saying about the US economy this morning? I don't know yet because I'm busy typing at you! Guess I'll go find out and see if the President's Sun/Neptune square shows creatively, deceptively, or some combination of both...

Jun 7, 2012

1934 v 2012 in Politics (video)

Upton Sinclair 1934 and Greg Mitchell 2012

by Jude Cowell

Yes, Republicans have been attempting to 'roll back New Deal programs' since FDR set them up in the 1930s and it seems that he was inspired by Upton Sinclair's EPIC efforts in California (kind of like Obamacare being inspired by Mitt Romney's healthcare program when he was governor of Massachusetts!) Turns out the year 1934 is significant to our current circumstances as Greg Mitchell writes today in The Nation in Wisconsin: When Big 'Outside' Money First Dominated a Key Political Campaign


Here is a video concerning Sinclair's campaign which may remind you of our 2012 embroilments and debates on poverty vs wealth via 'trickle-down economics' in unequal, listing badly America:

You may wish to follow the above link to Mr. Mitchell's article where you'll find other such videos on the California governor's bid of social-ill-exposer Upton Sinclair, and more.

Now here's one of my favorite quotes from author Upton Sinclair, a Sun Vir-Moon Can personality born September 20, 1878 at 9:00 am (he supplied his birth data to the AFA Data Exchange) in Baltimore, Maryland with 5Sco26 rising and compassionate Neptune conjunct Chiron in Taurus, both Rx. A critical 29th-degree Saturn Rx (29Pis39--conjunct the Aries Point of Fame) forms the nose of a high-flying Kite pattern opposite natal Sun 27Vir27; the sides of the Kite are formed by idealistic Jupiter (27Cap20 Rx) trine powerful Pluto (26Tau22 Rx.) As you know, the Jupiter-Pluto collaboration may indicate politics, publishing, banking, and those who mount large-scale projects--aka, 'special achievers'.

Here's Mr. Sinclair now:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

To which I always reply to myself, Yes. It is. Being excessively greedy is how they acrue massive wealth, that and using others to get ahead. Curiously, the social change/unrest pair of Uranus and Pluto were square one another in 1934 as in 2012 (to 2015.) In 1934, Uranus was in Aries as now (Uranus in Aries = Utopians--Ebertin), then spent some time in early Taurus, and 1934 Pluto from his position in late Cancer opposed US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) rather than just creeping up on our n Pluto in Capricorn until eventually Mr. Hades will return to his US natal Pluto position all through the critical year of 2020.

The Moon has pull w the Hadron Collider!

Oops! Our Moon's Gravitational Pull Affects Large Hadron Collider

by Jude Cowell

Now who would've guessed that the minute gravitational pull of Earth's Moon is affecting the Large Hadron Collider?

Could it be that there are more things under heaven and earth than are dreamed of in science labs? Yet you and I know that amazing cosmic affects are and have been dreamed of in Astrology studies and practices for centuries! The best way to trust Astrology is to use it though it is not a belief system but a language and a tool for understanding self and the wider world depending on how it's applied.

This Moon-affects-Hadron story reminds me of years ago when I first heard it announced by scientists that the human body contains the same elements as the earth's crust--quelle surpise! Well, I thought, the tale of God creating Adam from the dust of the earth is hereby verified by those who prefer scientific proof over faith in God's Word--at least for those with ears to hear. Okay, perhaps scientists came a little late to the party but better late than you-know-what...

Amy Goodman interviews Joseph Stiglitz June 6, 2012 (video)

On Global Governance, Madrid 2012, and the Evils of Inequality

by Jude Cowell

Having much respect for the journalistic work and integrity of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, I am pleased to bring you her June 6, 2012 interview with economist Joseph Stiglitz in which topics included in his book The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future are discussed.

You'll find a continuation of the interview with Prof. Stiglitz by clicking afterwards.

According to census data, nearly 1 in 2 Americans have now fallen into poverty or can be classified as the 'working poor' which is an outcome that I believe has been long-planned by generations of intermarried global elites (who direct Washington politicians--wonder what goodies and powerful positions they've promised them after the Utopian-minded Weishauptians have collapsed the world economy--if their Great Plan for global governance eventually works to its ultimate and engineered conclusion? Want to bet the elites' political operatives and agents in America will be discarded like last year's smartphone if in the end it should suit some shady international banking house's top cats?)

But of course that's just silly, isn't it, and only a 'theory', the sort of theory that no well-known economist in this country would dare add to his public discourse, admit to, or include within the pages of his best selling books. Yet what he whispers in private behind closed doors may be quite another matter...

Is Mass Hypnosis and Collective Denial Peaking with Neptune in Pisces?

Amazing that Americans see right under their noses how our national treasure and resources--men, women, blood, finances, weaponry, and more--are being used to strong-arm nation-states across the globe as they reshape and reconfigure the balance of power yet We the People behave as if global governance isn't threatening to become a reality on our dimes--and on our watch!

For example, see what UNESCO-funded political scientists will get up to at Madrid 2012, the XXII World Congress of Political Science. Its theme? "Reordering Power, Shifting Boundaries." Now that would be a Saturn-Pluto-Neptune-Saturn agenda, I do believe. What do you think?

Jun 6, 2012

Wisconsin Senate Democrats flip the balance!

This entry is actually an Update to last night's post on Gov. Scott Walker avoiding recall in Wisconsin yesterday. Yes, Walker somehow managed (infusion of big money from out-of-state; robo-calls sent out in Wisconsin yesterday saying that if you signed the recall petition, you don't have to vote!) to stay in office.

However, Wisconsin Democrats have flipped the balance in the state senate and and may now be able to stop the right-wing agenda of Walker and his corporate backers, the Koch Brothers.

Barring bribes, blackmail, and/or threats to their families, we'll see if Wisconsin's senate Dems have what it takes to resist the neocons' plan for America as they continue test driving it in Wisconsin. Sad to say but this is one example of a contagion brought to the collective by Neptune transiting Pisces.

Jun 5, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker avoids recall if you can believe it


Walker Survives Recall Election In Wisconsin

The Associated Press is reporting that Wisconsin’s Republican Gov. Scott Walker has survived a recall election in one of the most closely watched and dramatic state races. He defeated Milwaukee's Democratic Mayor Tom Barrett.

More at NPR.


Or did he?

Well, if today's Venus Transit is descriptive of recall efforts in Wisconsin, it's apparent that the Sun (male principle) trumped tiny little feminine Venus. Or, as is their habit, Republicans cheated (success at any cost!) for earlier today I blogged that there would be a large turnout at the polls (voting Mercury out-of-bounds) and that irregularities would be suspected. We'll see if a recount or other disagreements result from Walker's odd 'victory'.

Now the strong-arming, paternalistic neocons who now infest our nation will be emboldened in their quest to ruin other state governments and collapse the whole shebang we call America. Blah!

Horoscope of Venus Transit 2012: Equal Pay for Women, a Recall Vote, and a Queen

In May I blogged aloud whether Greece would leave the EU in tandem with Venus transiting the Sun, a rare cosmic event occurring today or tomorrow (June 5 and 6, 2012) depending on where you are located on Earth. NPR has good coverage of the event, text or audio.

Astrologically the Transit (or Occultation as Venus journeys between Earth and Sun) may be seen as a conjunction by degree....On the level of Politics and Business, it may be interesting to consider the implications of the Sun/Venus combination. Is it synchronicitous that the US Senate is set to vote this afternoon on equal pay for women (Venus) with Republicans carrying their usual flag for Business (men), while Democrats say they're championing equal pay for Women?

Yes, Venus' material values and money are on top of many menus this week with feminine Venus transiting the masculine Sun.

Now concerning the Senate'e procedural vote today, Sun = business (usually men, certainly ego and here paternalism with Venus signifying not only women but evaluations and material earnings (in the US women earn 77 cents for each dollar a man earns so we see who is more valued in American society--even though many women are the only breadwinners for their families, a circumstance seldom of their own choosing.)

Now in my blogging quest to provide you with the best astrological information I can muster, I shall quote from Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey even though Mr. Munkasey isn't a fan of being precisely quoted and considers his analyses inspirational. Well, so do I. But helpfully, his format uses the Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis model with the resulting Synthesis turning up in the realm of Experience or Outcome in society; naturally, with Venus Transit 2012 visible over the planet, the following may apply to any nation or business-related endeavor:

Potentials for Sun/Venus in Politics and Business:

"Thesis: Using the wealth available to a nation or business to sustain its image or authority; how a society shapes the direction of its growth; the nature of reserves, resources, and the role they play in development.

A leadership which doesn't appreciate the role that art or culture plays in developing the character or identity; a society which is estranged from its leadership; little development of artistic or musical heritage."

We may look to today's re-call vote (Venus re-trograde in voting Mercury's sign of duplicitous Gemini with Mercury out-of-bounds of the earthly plane--watch for vote-counting discrepancies and hopefully a large record-breaking turnout with Mercury OOBs) on paternalistic Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (Sun) with collective values and workers' rights hanging in the balance (Venus!), the current and very soggy Jubilee celebration of Queen Elizabeth (signified by both Venus and the Sun--or is the Sun her master?!), and other news items for clues concerning real world outcomes of Venus Transit 2012. Click to read of the Queen's celebration which has made barely a ripple on this side of the pond; included is one Brit's comment on Her Majesty's remoteness (aka, 'estranged' as mentioned above) as Venus sails across the Sun like a very damp flotilla cruising the River Thames.

Now here's a view of the Venus Transit 2012 horoscope set for the Capitol Building Washington DC; please to click to enlarge and read my scribbly notations for midpoint pictures, a T-Square pattern between Jupiter/NN and Neptune, and more; US natal planets are penned around the outside of the chart with US n Saturn 14Lib48 (lawmakers; managers; Democrats) at MC, the Goal and Public Status point; as you know, Saturn in 10th house is the 'fall from grace' indicator if Saturn's lessons of maturity are not learned, honesty is not upheld, and life's responsibilities are not honored (I'm looking at you, US House of Representatives--and at men who abandon their women and don't pay child support...ya know who ya are):

Sun and Venus @ 16 Gemini: "A Woman Activist In An Emotional Speech Dramatizes Her Cause" = "the PROSYLYTIZING MIND...Keywords: A passionate response to a deeply felt new experience." (Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala.) Noted on the horoscope is Venus Transit 2012 taking place Tropically among the stars of Orion the Hunter.

And the negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression for '16Gem' as given by Marc Edmund Jones in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology?

"A bias forever exalting itself."

Sounds just right for a self-satisfied Sun/Venus conjunction and super-decriptive of the majority of our self-serving US Congress members who continue to place power, wealth, and weird Utopian ideologies far above the needs and preferences of We The People whose government it is.

Raise taxes on the rich who can afford it--and stop waging war!