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Feb 15, 2014

Natal Planets show temperament of Gov Chris Christie and a scandal revealed

Thus Spake Chris Christie

A Personality Assessment by Jude Cowell

If you're wondering whether NJ Governor Chris Christie's blustering temperament is described in his horoscope via natal planets and their aspects, wonder no more for, “You can be quick on the trigger when it comes to verbal reactions to others--"...well, yes, Chris Christie's natal Mercury-Mars square shows itself to be hair-trigger quick and ready for intimidating expression as we've seen quite often in the several verbal confrontations recorded by the media in recent years. And personally I'm glad his finger has never been pointed in my face or this steel magnolia would probably bite it off due to my very close Mercury-Mars conjunction in Capricorn!

Read more concerning Gov. Christie's natal chart by expert astrologer Anthony Louis: "I Am Not a Bully" -- Chris Christie which includes images of his natal horoscope (sunrise--no birth time known) and his current Solar Return chart for it covers the time frame of the 'Bridge-Gate' fiasco which began on the morning of September 9, 2013--three days after the governor's 51st birthday on September 6, 2013.

Curiously, the transiting Saturn-North Node hook-up of 2013 is prominent in his Solar Return chart but that isn't the curious part. Reinhold Ebertin gives the combination of Saturn-North Node as "the mystery of the three days." I'm not certain that this is significant to the mystery of who, what, and why the apparent vengeful actions were taken against the people of New Jersey as proxies for the Christie administration's real targets but it seems peculiar all the same. But many things seem peculiar about the entire situation along with the odd perversity of such a man who has risen near the top of the political heap with such a determined sense of mission and zeal.

Now you may wish to check out Politico's current report on the Valentine Day trip of the governor relaxing at a resort in Puerto Rico. Or, why not search the assortment of Republican-drenched reports and some video from FOX News?

Let Astrology Paint a Portrait of the Governor

Having a Sun-Pluto conjunction in Mercury-ruled Virgo reveals a man with a powerful ego which is asserted at every opportunity. Governor Christie is an extremist who has great difficulty acting in moderation and this tendency affects his appetite for food as well. In fact, Sun-Pluto identifies him as one who uses pressure tactics against anyone who stands in his way (Pelletier) and this ruthless behavior most people would agree has become evident since his past treatment of others has been made public in the light of the 'Bridge-Gate' scandal.

Another personality facet to consider is Christie's natal Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Pisces (one end of the victim-savior axis--don't tread on his feelings or you'll get barked at, especially with wounded Chiron in the mix) is the zealous Seeker on a Quest to transform self or society (Nolle) which supports the above-mentioned personality indicators. Another feature which is mentioned in Anthony Louis' article (linked above) is a very touchy Mars in sensitive, self-protective Cancer which lends a bit of a Moon (emotions)--Mars (argumentative) flavor to his temperament with Mars being the planet of temper-ament. Quick retorts, often dripping with suppressed rage, are a specialty of the governor's chip-on-shoulder, how-dare-you behavior.

Plus, having the planet of lightening-quickness, Uranus, with its natal sign providing clues about an individual's behavioral patterns, here in Virgo, sign of The Critic, adds heated sarcasm to his peppery manner of reacting when challenged.

Now on September 9, 2013 and for a few days into the month as the George Washington Bridge traffic jam ground on and on, transiting Mars was in opposition to Christie's natal Saturn in Aquarius so he was on some level feeling restricted, frustrated, and/or inhibited by someone--a male someone (Mars.) However, as we've seen from the resulting legal and political investigations into the matter, this transit is a very bad time to take revenge for it tends to boomerang back at us if we indulge.

And it may be that another September 2013 transit in play provided too much enthusiasm for a man who has a boatload of it naturally--a sextile from transiting Jupiter, planet of expansion, hope, and zeal, to his natal Sun in Virgo (13+) which had so recently enjoyed a freshening of new plans and ideas via a New Moon @13Vir04, a New Moon trined by powerful Pluto in controlling, managing Capricorn. The New Moon, along with guru Chiron, was part of a Mystic Rectangle configuration formed in tandem with a Jupiter-Pluto opposition denoting 'large-scale projects' and 'wheeler-dealers' with grand plans.

Another major if background influence, and one which hints at the revelations of secrets that now result from the governor's political machinations in September 2013 and after ('the cover-up') is that his natal planet of secrets, obfuscations, deceptions, fraud, and falsehoods--Neptune @11Sco14, was uncovered, triggered, and/or stimulated into action on November 3, 2013 by a Solar Eclipse @11Sco15--a direct hit, we may say. Plus, Scorpio is well known as the sign of secrets and betrayals, as Christie has cited many times concerning his staffers who 'betrayed' and 'lied' to him.

And while all eclipses, both solar and lunar (the "wildcards of the universe" with unexpected, system-busting Uranian vibes) often have an effect of uncovering hidden things, motivations, and activities while revealing one's inconvenient secrets, the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 has been doing an especially good job of this for many people due to the unconscious/subconscious Uranus-Neptune content embedded within its Saros Series (click for more info.)

Now last but not least for Governor Christie and his hair-trigger temperament and fervent missionary zeal is the pattern or shape of his chart--a locomotive with the lead planet--you guessed it--Mars in Cancer speeding along at the front of the train. This pattern is great for the pursuit of success with Mars being the planet of motivation, action, energy, and courage but it is also a horoscope significator for The Bully who challenges every comer even while denying it to himself!

And that is how I see Governor Chris Christie through the lens of Astrology. You may agree or disagree but there it is and, as always, your on-topic comments or analyses are more than welcome at Stars Over Washington.


Chris Christie born September 6, 1962 in Newark, New Jersey; Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius; hour unknown. Chiron @8Pis13 Rx returned to natal position three times, his Chiron Return: April 14, 2012, August 11, 2012 (Rx), and February 10, 2013. More chart factors apply than I can get to in one post so please check out Anthony Louis' article linked above for more details.

Feb 11, 2014

JFK on Secrecy in a 'free and open' society--because Hillary 2016

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it...Without debate, without criticism, no administration, and no country can succeed, and no republic can survive.”

--President John F. Kennedy, in a speech titled, 'The President and the Press', in New York on April 27, 1961 (with this blogger's italics added.)

So in the spirit of opening one of many American cans of secret worms, I add here--particularly for those who may be considering voting for Hillary Clinton in 2016 if she runs for president--a link to The Vince Foster Stonewall. Think carefully, my friends.

Feb 10, 2014

Police confiscate priceless statue of Apollo, Obama still president

A Priceless Bronze Statue of Apollo has turned up in the Gaza Strip and has been confiscated by police.

So given America's 'cult of personality' presidential worship along with the fact that President Obama was likened to god Apollo, a sun god, in the 2008 campaign, it may be interesting to note where asteroid Apollo (#1862) now travels in the Zodiac since it isn't mentioned in the article (above) the precise date the fisherman says he rescued Apollo from the Neptunian sea!

fyi: Today, Monday February 10, 2014, Apollo clocks in at 13 Libra28 Rx, one degree from US natal Saturn. On the evening of August 28, 2008 (Mr. Obama's acceptance speech, video below), Apollo was at 9Vir46 between his natal Mars (22Vir34--conjunct US natal Neptune of hopes and dreams, our 'rock star' link and one of disappointment, as we now know) and his Pluto (6Vir58) in the 7th house of Relationships.

Here again, for old time's sake, is our media-touted 'Apollo' in 2008 speaking while asteroid Circe (where we seek rescue) conjoins the Moon (We the People):

Feb 8, 2014

"You Are the Solution" - Max Igan video

Max Igan continues his empowering Surviving the Matrix broadcasts with, You Are the Solution:

Note: The first known use of the term sui generis was in 1754. However, the concept was debuted in Biblical scripture depending on how you, a totally unique individual, looks at it!

Feb 6, 2014

Feb 7, 2014 US Debt Limit Reached as 2012 Eclipse Is Triggered

February 7, 2014: US Debt Limit Reached, Says Treasury Secretary Lew

by Jude Cowell

See US teeters towards debt default, cash could run dry by end of Feb for Treasury Secretary Lew's warning and his plea to Congress to act quickly to renew the legal $16.7 trillion debt cap so America can pay bills that Congress has already racked up.

Will Republicans listen to Lew's warning or does 'governing by crisis' remain their primary tactic for boycotting common sense and a reliable economy in favor of demonstrating their extreme disdain for a Demcratic president who dares to be half African American?

An interesting thing about Friday February 7, 2014 is that the Moon, often a trigger or stimulant in horoscopes, will conjoin at 1:44 pm est the degree of a certain Solar Eclipse which manifested on May 20, 2012--almost two years ago when 'fiscal cliffs' and the dire specter of being shoved over them were much touted in the news. So in a spirit of re-view of past events--for Mercury turns retrograde today at 4:43 pm est--I add below a previously published list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2012 in order to provide a fuller picture of the year but with emphasis on the Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 of May 20, 2012:

A Total of Four Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2012:

1. 14 South Saros Series: Solar Eclipse May 20 @00Gem21 conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone (potentials: mystical but judgmental; exiled; unlucky; something to cry about); (has a Mercury influence); 14S contains Mercury-Pluto (secrets; spying; control of communications; toxic transport) vibes and first manifested on August 29, 984, OS, @10Vir59: Sun-Moon = Mercury-Pluto; its themes include 'an obsessive idea finally accepted leads to Jupiter's promised success--a long-awaited breakthrough'--Brady; the horoscope is linked, below;

2. Lunar Eclipse June 4 (intros the rare Venus Transit June 5/6 in mid-Gemini) @14Sag conjunct US natal Ascendant (Sibly); Moon = We the People; (has a Jupiter influence);

3. 15 North Solar Eclipse November 13 @ 22Sco (sign of Big Business; Corporations; the Underworld; Endings; Regeneration and Healing (has a Mars-Pluto influence); conjoins two Fixed Stars: Unukalhai (Alpha Serpentis; potentials: achievement, then a fall; legal problems; accidents; success in Politics, war, writing; shipwrecks; forgeries; and Agena (potentials: honors; success with the masses; high status; scandal and gossip)--A. Louis;

4. Lunar Eclipse November 28 @7Gem conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55, and transiting Midas and Pan; Sun/Moon = Uranus: unusual twists of fate; sudden developments or conflicts; acting independently; the urge for freedom--Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin; (a Mercury influence aqain which may affect communications, planning, trade, commerce, and vote counts and re-counts).

And here's my original post concerning the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (horoscope shown set for DC) if you care to take a look.

Now if, like this southern blogger, you think all of Washington DC's financial Political Theater of stalemates, shut-downs, and defaults signal much larger issues than ruining the 'full faith and credit of the United States' and the debt limit brouhaha's use of the tiresome R vs D divide-and-conquer ploy, here's an interesting excerpt from a December 2008 article citing a Financial Times editorial (linked below):

{Gideon} Rachman writes that “global governance” could be introduced much sooner than many expect and that President elect Barack Obama has already expressed his desire to achieve that goal, making reference to Obama’s circle of advisors which includes Strobe Talbott, who in 1992 stated, “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

If this sounds like the projected results from current secret trade deals that dissolve our national sovereignty, 'FastTrack' presidential authority to sign them so that Congress can deny any responsibility--particularly the #TPP--you may wish to read on...

Is Congress allowing the president 'FastTrack authority' to sign away US workers' rights and what little national sovereignty remaining the promised Jupiterian 'breakthrough' from 2012? Well, Washington is obsessed with global government implementation, isn't it?

Ah, the anti-democratic things men (and women) must do in order to be selected by the power elite to play the role of 'President of the United States of America'!


Oh look! Here's a link to a video interview of Strobe Talbott in India talking about bilateral ties, how "democracy around the world" is under-performing, and whatnot on the 2014 road ahead.

Feb 4, 2014

Horoscope: Spring EQ 2014 (Aries Ingress) w Jupiter and Sirius Rising

As you see here, Spring Equinox 2014 (aka Aries Ingress 2014--Sun to 00Ari00:00) occurs on March 20, 2014 at 12:57:09 pm EDT when the horoscope is set for Washington DC, my former place of residence.

Please click image to enlarge and hopefully you can read a few factors penned upon the chart since not all notes will be mentioned in the following text.

Any year's Spring EQ chart works as a background for the astrological year: for comparing to other charts, watching transits, keeping up with planets hitting Angles, entering Houses, forming aspects, etc. And with President Obama's shout-out in his recent SOTU Address that 2014 be "a year of action", we may wish to keep a squinty eye on the transits of Mars, planet of action, motivation, energy, war, and activism. here, Mars @25Lib14 Rx is conjoining North Node, a point of encounter, so the results we may expect are meetings, cooperation, teamwork, and, negatively, males (soldiers, policemen, etc) to be swept along with the impassioned masses.

However, as you see in the chart, banker, guru, adventurer, broadcaster, politician and/or general Jupiter @10Can46 rises with Fixed Star Sirius close behind...'The Scorcher' denotes 'the mundane becomes sacred' and is the Dog Star of ancient Egypt. Plus, Jupiter, moving direct since March 6th, is again the handle of a bucket pattern and as such is the focal determinator of the planets opposite which represent a particular and uncompromising direction of effort for the nine actors (planets), plus Chiron (the Healer and Priest.)

In that sense, Jupiter-as-handle adjusts his efforts and alliances where they count most; on a positive level for 2014, he acts as the instructor and inspirer of others. Negatively, handle Jupiter--now amongst America's natal planets in Cancer--Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun (leader)--is the malcontent and agitator full of unrelenting zeal. There are many persons in the US which this can describe including broadcasters, reporters, economists, pundits--and maybe a few bloggers, too.

Yes, extravagant Jupiter is prominent in the Spring EQ 2014 horoscope and rules the 6th house (cusp 9Sag40 conjunct warring Antares--6th house = Military and Police Service, plus, Health, Work, and Daily Rounds); Jupiter also rules the 10th house of Public Status, the World Stage, and Career through its MC cusp @24Pis59 (along with deluded Neptune--inflation, conflation, speculation, fraud, grand plans? Jupiter rising has grand plans, too.)

Now the Sun @00Ari00:00 is in the 10th along with rebel and anarchist Uranus @11Ari45. Unexpected events may affect America's public standing during 2014 (not that it hasn't been affected a lot in the last several decades.) President Obama is scheduled to kiss the Pope's ring in Rome in March which may be one of the manifestations of this 10th house Sun. Reportedly, one topic they will discuss is The Poor of the World. Hmm. Will the scandal-plagued Vatican Bank help out?

Moon (We the People) in Scorpio, ruled by forceful Mars and Pluto

A chart factor which must always be considered is any major applying aspects formed by the chart-ruler to see how things will proceed--here, the Moon @17Sco21 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children. Since it's an Hour of the Moon, we may expect changes, fluctuations, and publicity concerning these departments of life and which relate closely to America with our natal Sun (13Can19) rising--our first natal planet to rise--and this supports the 10th house implications mentioned for the Aries Sun, above.

Well, the only applying aspect made by the Moon is a conjunction to status quo Saturn @23Sco02 Rx in the 5th house. The energies of this duo when blended denote depression and oppression--especially of women (the Moon)--but can also lead to ambition, strategy, and a more realistic direction, usually in business matters. Here there is a corporate tone as well since they are posited in the Big Business sign of Scorpio.

Of special interest is the dynamic Cardinal T-Squares that are formed due to the Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the ASC/DESC axis of Self-Others. the 'Others' are secretive Pluto of toxin fame and one link is to environmental issues such as the destruction of America's water tables through gas fracking, the Keystone XL Pipeline, other pipelines, and chemical spills from holding tanks and ponds, and from train 'accidents'.

As you see, Jupiter-Pluto point toward the 10th house Uranus yet a Grand Cross is formed if we include the US planet opposite Uranus (or soon will be again), natal Saturn @14Lib48. This supports what we don't need Astrology to tell us--that things are complex and issues difficult to solve--and that's assuming that everyone on Capitol Hill wants to solve them.

Banking Jupiter rising hints at more economic stalemates with US natal Saturn and investing Jupiter having different perspectives on how money should be spent or not spent. The old Guns v Butter paradigm comes to my mind though you may disagree, as you wish!

Meanwhile, in a contest of wills, transiting Pluto of the Underworld continues to challenge US natal Sun in a titanic power struggle of no-compromise proportions and it is immediately on the menu for Spring Equinox 2014 as We the People deal with austere Saturn and Venus (money, values, relationships) in 8th house of Credit, Debt, and Corporations, inconjuncts (150 degrees = adjustment) the Spring EQ 2014 Ascendant (13Can55) and US natal Sun (13:19) which denotes tendencies toward over-compromising, over-extension, and security and protection concerns in Finances and other 8th house matters. Coercive measures may be used due to a 'success at any cost' mentality.

Fortunately, Jupiter rising in self-protective Cancer really likes to provide protection and is part of a Water Grand Trine pattern with the Moon, Chiron, and Ascendant. Plus, a Water trine supports the protection implications and needs of the 2014 chart and season during which a more spiritual attitude (Chiron) will be most helpful (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) rather than enforcing a materialistic one.

As always, your on-topic queries and comments are welcome! However, please do not use this post or any other to link to your own advertisements. Thanks, jc

Feb 1, 2014

"How You Are Enslaved and Why You Don't Know It"-- Max Igan (video)

There's really only one law: Do no harm. Presenting, "How You Are Enslaved and Why you Don't Know It," by Max Igan:

And here's some unsurprising news as leaked by Edward Snowden which concerns more revelations of NSA spying on Americans if you're up for it.

Plutocracy and Pluto are part of the elusive matrix that gains power via our belief in it and as you know, transit Pluto has been traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (government, law, and business) for a few years now and we've seen government heads topple, and many institutions (Capricorn) dissolve, break down, or transform (Pluto.)

And one of the watershed moments in the modern history of the so-called 'new world order' that now threatens nation-state sovereignty across the globe is the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, planets of the Enlightenment (or, the Age of Reason.) What midpoint picture forms when transit Pluto enters the degree-range of their Great Conjunction/s which occurred 3x through 1993 and which give us an exact hour and date with which to set up a modern-day birth horoscope for the 'new world order'?

The degree-range is 18Cap33 (October 24, 1993, the natal chart I tend to use and the third conjunction of three), and 19Cap34 (February 2, 1993, the first of their conjunctions in the last 171 years.) Of course, it's typical to use a 5-degree orb, either side, for slower moving outer planets like Pluto of the Underworld--here, approximately 13 to 24 degrees of Cap.

Transit Pluto enters this range of influence upon the Uranus-Neptune pair with full intent on or about January 19, 2017 until February 27, 2018 using a one-degree orb though its insidiousness will be felt a year or two earlier by those sensitive to Pluto's underground frequencies and its desperate need for manipulation and control. When blended together, Uranus-Neptune denotes a variety of things such as: an awakened spiritual world, 'reason and faith shake hands', peculiar inclinations, new methods of subversion including drugs, underhandedness, and groups that exploit oil and chemical resources--just think of how many groups (corporations) are actively destroying water tables, oceans, and rivers already.

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto

If a majority of the global population choose to retain our unfortunate state of unawareness and are apathetic about preferring good over evil, the positive and negative potentials which can manifest and relate to the topic of the "paper-based matrix" and the perversion of natural law as mentioned in the video embedded above include: a 'big picture which demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl); 'inspirational ideas that can change the world; disagreement or rebellion causes extreme destruction' (Munkasey); 'those who are easily impressed by others; to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without trying to make a firm stand; abandoning resistance; the necessity to give in; great losses; calamities; catastrophes' (Ebertin.)

Now I only post this because I want you to know in case you hadn't gotten around to checking out the heavy-handed Uranus-Neptune = Pluto midpoint picture yet and naturally other transits and chart factors will apply. However, transit Pluto is and has been at 13Cap already so time's a-wastin' and if the 13 to 24 degree-range of Capricorn affects one or more of your natal planets or Angles, you may wish to pass on as many of Max Igan's enlightening presentations as you wish because 2014 is definitely Wake Up Time.

Jan 29, 2014

Jan 30, 2014 New Moon is a 'Lunar Transit' of the Sun

More info is now available on the January 30, 2014 New Moon @10AQ55 which is actually a 'Lunar Transit' of the Sun, a phenomenon that can only be seen from space:

Space Weather News for Jan. 29, 2014

LUNAR TRANSIT: The Moon is about to pass in front of the sun, producing an eclipse that can be seen only from space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory will record the 2.5-hour "lunar transit" beginning at 1331 UTC or 8:31 EST on Thursday, Jan. 30th.

Tune into for pictures during the event.

If you're curious, a few astrological notes may be found in a previous post concerning the New Moon of January 30th which is the second New Moon of January 2014 and that leaves February with only one lunation, the Valentine's Day Full Moon in romantic Leo!

Jan 28, 2014

Feb 14 2014 a Full 'Snow' Moon in Leo

Feb 14, 2014 Full Moon in Romantic Leo, Sign of the 'Natural Leader'

by Jude Cowell

Since in Georgia we're facing possibly a major snowstorm this afternoon, I'm looking at the Washington DC horoscope of the Full Moon on Valentine's Day February 14, 2014, what is traditionally called the 'Snow Moon' for obvious reasons.

Perfecting in DC at 6:53 pm est, this particular Full Moon is personalized for America by its degree of 26Leo12 with Sun @26AQ12 falling upon US natal Moon @27AQ10 (We the People). A Full Moon (fulfillment or culmination phase that relates to relationships, alliances, and full awareness) highlights the Leo-Aquarius axis of Self Will and there are romantic v humanitarian vibes going on with this Fire-Air blend.

Occurring during an Hour of the Sun, we find the horoscope showing several planetary patterns and one is a T-Square between Sun and Moon and Mercury and Moon--all pointing toward an apex Saturn @23Sco06 in 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, Siblings, and Primary Education. Midpoint pictures are formed and indicate potentials for addressing problems and issues, separations, weakened systems, and possible depression 'if the tide has turned' (Tyl.)

Apex Saturn, a karmic planet, in a Fixed T-Square describes those in executive positions who are extremely dedicated to their preferred causes which they focus upon with laser-like obsession, an indomitable will, stubbornness, and--as we might expect from the austerity lovers of Washington--with a deep need to control others. In fact, ambition is the main motivation in life and they are always on guard to make sure personal vulnerabilities are not exposed. So determined toward concrete goals are they that abusive tactics toward those who stand in their way are used whenever necessary. Character assassination and 'the power of the half-truth' comes to mind.

Sun and Moon are involved in a Hard Rectangle pattern as well along with the Jupiter-Pluto opposition and speedy Mercury Rx in 6th house of Work, Health, and Service. This pattern denotes a condition or situation in which the opposition's actors (here, Jupiter and Pluto) are under tremendous yet indirect pressure to reconcile their differences. Yet greater antagonism is also a potential due to the pattern's semi-squares and sesqui-squares. In other words, though cooperation and compromise are much needed in Washington, they continue to be dirty words for many of our politicians with axes to grind and major corporate supporters to obey.

The Uranus-Pluto Square Slings a Hammer of Thor at the American People

The midpoint of Uranus and Pluto, two generational planets squaring (blocking) one another (next exact square on April 21, 2014), form a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) configuration that points toward (conjuncts) the Sun (leader) which conjoins US natal Moon (We the People) and thereby affects the Full Moon @26Leo12. This difficult condition lies across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis of the 6th and 12th houses.

Midpoint pictures form from the Hammer pattern that include potentials for great tension, revolution or rebellion, indomitability, change through force, catastrophe, extreme dedication to goals (sounds like Saturn, above), and/or introducing unique ways to represent old methods into new explanations. Daring, ambition, and intuition may also be prominent by the light of Snow Moon 2014. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

So with a multiple-day power outage predicted, and snow now piling up on the ground outside my window north of Atlanta, I'll close with a *famous quote (below) and offer you a link to a Valentine's Day Full Moon article that has romance and relationships as its focus and not politics at all! See Full Moon on Valentine's Day: Your Emergency Preparedness Guide by Matthew Currie.

*Sharing the Sun AQ-Moon Leo blend natally is Frederick the Great who informs us that, "My people and I have come to an agreement...they are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please." Sounds to me like the current state of things in America!