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Oct 7, 2014

"Hong Kong Protests Carefully Crafted, Not Spontaneous" video

An Interview from Hong Kong

Here is interesting information from journalist Peter Lee concerning the Hong Kong protests which delves much deeper into events than what Western journalism has presented to the American public.

A certain irony has not been lost around Stars Over Washington that Hong Kong's massive "student" protest against their election candidates being selected by China's power elite (as we're told) is exactly how elections have been rigged in America for years and accounts in part for the US voting public's depressing 'lesser of two evils' feeling we often get as we enter voting booths to consider corporate-backed candidates who are only cogs in an anti-democratic Global Government wheel of oppression, pretending otherwise as they may:

My thanks to The Real News Network and to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up on this informative 13-minute video.

Oct 1, 2014

Constantine the Great's Conversion and "the New Rome" - video

Since Washington DC has been referred to as "the new Rome" and Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Turkey dubbing Constantinople as "the new Rome" it's always been interesting to me to delve into Constantine the Great's conversion to Christianity which contemporaries and historians since have not always accepted as genuine. This, of course, involves the Vision of the Lighted Cross he had on October 27, 312 just before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge where he defeated Maxentius, then entered Rome in triumph on October 29, 312. Rome's Arch of Constantine continues to commemorate his victory.

But as the following excerpted 4-min-32-sec video points out, Roman Emperor Constantine may have been seeking forgiveness for murdering his son and having his wife suffocated in a hot steam bath, two acts which might bother the conscience of almost any dictator of the global expansionist variety--and pagan priests had refused to pardon him for his crimes:

Come to think of it, I'm not certain the sin of murder bothers the consciences of our modern crop of imperial expansionists who would have to have consciences first. You've seen them: they read their Global Government scripts like dead-eyed robots.

Related: The Empire Never Ended.

Sep 28, 2014

Horoscopes: October 2014 Lunar and Solar Eclipses Washington DC

October 2014 Eclipses: Aries Lunar/Scorpio Solar

by Jude Cowell

Image 1: Lunar Eclipse @15Ari05 conjunct Uranus Rx October 8, 2014 6:50:35 am EDT in 7th house of Partnerships/Open Enemies; Washington DC; Hour of Mars (out-of-bounds):

Whether or not an outer planet can be said to be 'Lord' of an eclipse, the 'wild card' component of all eclipses is here intensified by its nearness to quirky Uranus so the typical 'expect the unexpected' caution is advised. Additionally unexpected and/or surprising events (negative and positive) occur early or later on into 2015 as spurred by this Uranian eclipse. Plus, as you know, planet Uranus, planetary emblem of freedom, independence, and revolt tends to be activated whenever America engages in war.

Besides the presence of Uranus intensifying worldwide implications of the Oct 8th Lunar Eclipse (with Moon ruling 10th house of Public Status and Wider World--and US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun snugged around the MC, The Goal Point), Uranus's Aquarian association with humanitarianism is another of its facets and the need for philanthropy becomes more dire as warring nations create millions more refugees and cause other forms of loss for their populations (Moon) such as for those considered by governments to be merely some of the statistical 'unintended consequences' of bombing and airstrikes, thanks to the folly of war and the depravity and corruption of governments.

We don't need Astrology to tell us that this is a no-win situation with Americans seeing brutality in her foreign enemies while they see brutality in ours. It's a major psychological projection with innocent people paying the price for psychotic behavior (the Moon's SN of 'past behavior that no longer applies to current conditions' will be conjoined soon by Uranus and sooner by the eclipse Moon @19Ari14.)

To see how things proceed, we consider the applying aspects (if any) of the horoscope's chart-ruler--here, Venus (ASC 10Lib10 with a double emphasis on degree (10 and 10) and ruler with Venus @10Lib42 rising.) That's goddess Venus of Beauty and Valuables, yes, but also of revenge and retaliation. 'She' makes two applications--one to Pluto and one to Uranus. In other words, the ongoing Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto (next exact square on Dec 15, 2015--#6 of 7) is triggered and a T-Square between the Venus-Uranus opposition forms a midpoint word picture with apex Pluto @11Cap03 conjunct the IC (The Drain; Endings; Separation.) The potentials are for exhibitionism (like videos of brutality), notoriety (Tyl), attacks, accusations, disruptions, and unusual obsessions (Munkasey.)

First, Venus squares Pluto (0A20) indicating that actions will receive more serious responses than expected; plans backfire and make matters even worse as rage, resentment, and passions from the past are aroused. (Whoever thought that stirring up the powder keg that is the Middle East was a good idea? 'Just say No' to ancient passions. Or, nyet, if you prefer.) And it isn't as if modern national boundaries weren't arbitrarily set up by the West, is it? It's galling is what it is--for decades.

The second applying aspect of Venus in diplomatic Libra (I wish!) is an opposition to Uranus, an aspect of break-ups and quarrels in most anyone's horoscope. On the mundane level we may expect such things as a clash of values along with prejudice and judgmental attitudes on all sides as an atmosphere of unfairness under girds the action, violence, and retaliation. The Venus-Uranus opposition is why I title this Lunar Eclipse as one of 'Clash of Values/Scapegoating' for misguided or misdirected actions are mainly what are taken and are part of the projection tendency mentioned above.

Should I mention that these planetary portents are also influencing Washington DC politicians right now? Will the American people vote the anti-government, anti-democratic usurpers and Uranian anarchists and zealots (Uranus in Aries) out of office on November 4, 2014? I hope we will. With astrological Moon ruling We the People, the Lunar Eclipse's separative, disruptive Venus-Uranus opposition may indicate such an outcome especially if women (Venus), young people, and minorities show up and vote on behalf of their best interests.

No, Democrats are far from perfect but we know what austerity and breach-of-trust behavior to expect in 2015 and beyond if Republicans gain the upper hand.

So a cosmic spotlight is here places upon an Hour of an OOBs Mars in religious quest-seeker Sagittarius so he's off on his own, away from the earthly plane--not cooperating with the other actors (planets), and 'doing his own thing'. That this may well include guns, bombs, executions, arson, destruction, and more is unfortunately expected by yours truly who would dearly love to be over-reading the situation. However, warrior Mars sits at the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto denoting violence, brutality, assaults, fanatical adherence to principles, and a need to fight for one's existence--and this describes the existential threat that Washington says the American people face as do the good people of the Middle East in our dead-end psychosis of West v East conflict.

Planetary Patterns October 8, 2014

We partially mentioned above the Sun-Moon-Pluto-MC configuration which becomes a Cardinal Grand Cross in the chart if MC is counted. But we don't have to count the MC (not a planet but a place for expression of energies) because we can replace this MC with US natal Sun (13:19) in Cancer if we dare. Then we have natal Sun (the leader)-Pluto = Moon, a picture of basic changes that effect the flow of events, fluctuations when appearing strong-willed, and/or efforts to bring aid to those in need. Pluto-MC = Moon also applies here and denotes a determination to overcomes decisiveness and to forge ahead with objectives though these may be subject to change (Uranus-ASC = MC.) Naturally, the ongoing opposition and its challenges to the President from powerful, super-wealthy Pluto is a major part of everyone's problems.

Additionally in the Lunar Eclipse chart is a Kite pattern (a modified Grand Trine) with its nose the Sun, its wings Leonine Jupiter (lead planet in a Locomotive pattern...our commander-in-chief?) and activist and soldier Mars 16Sag56, and its tail the intense, excitable Moon-Uranus conjunction. Kites add two sextiles of opportunity to the Trine along with an opposition--here, its the Full Moon Eclipse itself--though Uranus chimes in as discussed. The additional aspects within the Kite suggests that errors in judgment can be corrected since special skills are indicated. Note that the Cardinal Grand Trine is between Moon-Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter; the Sun (#POTUS) has the special skills to 'fly' this Kite of success. Unfortunately, the American public can no longer be certain just what the US government actually considers to be 'success'.

Image 2: Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 conjunct Venus October 23, 2014 5:56:39 pm EDT Washington DC; Hour of Mercury (Rx in 6th house):

Approximately two weeks later a Solar Eclipse occurs and hits the natal Suns of the UN and of the modern New World Order--both charts are for October 24th, the UN in 1945, the NWO in 1993, year of the 'Age of Reason' planets' Great Conjunction/s at or near '18Cap': POLITICAL POWER in the Sabian Symbols. Word Picture: "The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer." Take from that what you may for the symbol stands for SUPERVISION in the Marc Edmund Jones version with its negative (shadow side) expression: "smug or strong-armed paternalism." And this is what Britain and other Western nations used when forming arbitrary boundaries across the Middle East and now bomb it to smithereens, and also describes the draconian surveillance and oppression they use against their own people now.

It's a Mercury Hour with Mercury Rx in the 6th house of Military-Police Service as our troops return to duty and transport and communications may perhaps be somehow disrupted or delayed (Mercury Rx.) Yes, someone is being facile with facts and numbers yet there are glitches and possible discrepancies involved as well. At least the previous Cardinal Grand Cross of titanic struggles has somewhat lifted since October 8th but I wouldn't suggest celebrating just yet!

In closing, let's briefly consider a few factors such as Jupiter the General's condition and the applying aspects of chart-ruler Mars (ASC 23Ari35)--still OOBs and with rebel Uranus and SN rising which denotes conflict, quarrels, disruptions (including the technical kind), revolution, and war as noted above. Pluto in controlling, managing Capricorn sits at MC and I doubt this picture needs any explanation since power and control are obvious desires of Mr. Hades. And the Oct 23rd Solar Eclipse in Scorpio makes his creepy opportunism only more visible in the world (MC) even though eclipses in Scorpio provide mankind with chances to advance evolutionary karma--yet Pluto is an ancient foe of anyone who doesn't knuckle under his fist. What to expect once Mars 'catches up' with Pluto? We must consider that in another post (and of course searching the topic online will yield much info for you if needed.)

So what's the karmic potential of this eclipse? Forgiveness is the key to progress!

Jupiter in Nodal Degree: a Karmic or Fated Quality (Reaping What Was Sown in the Past)

Now Jupiter @19Leo26 in 5th house of Risk-Taking continues to lead the whole group of actors in a Locomotive pattern suggesting a high-powered executive with great leadership skills. "Get on board or get left behind" is his motto and a certain ruthlessness may be in evidence especially if you see the situation as I do--a world government struggling to be implemented by global operatives which include US officials, the Pentagon, and Eastern officials, too! With our guys, their oaths of allegiance have been secretly made to what they consider a much higher authority--not the US Constitution. In America this applies to both Republicans and Democrats--you know, the corporate sell-outs and infiltrators among us. Yes, NWO engineers want us to feel that this 'order out of chaos' is fated and cannot be avoided but I don't believe it is--at least, not yet.

So! The 9th house (Foreign Lands) chart-ruler Mars makes no applying major aspects to other planets in the eclipse chart of October 23rd which makes Mars' degree, sign, house position, and houses ruled important factors as we go forward. This spotlights the 8th house with 27Sco47 on its cusp (Pres. Obama's natal MC degree) and 8th house matters including transformation, death, Corporatism, Big Business, and the occult. These potential focuses are emphasized even more since the 8th house is Scorpio's natural house in Western Astrology. In fact, when the Oct 23rd chart is set for DC, all the eclipse houses have their natural signs on its cusps and the 1st-8th house possibilities include not just death but health implications as well.

Note that one of the power asteroids, Hidalgo, conjoins this non-applying, out-of-bounds Mars which may denote fortune-hunter and social climber vibes to the archetypal warrior's quest/s, plus a little company during his sojourn of isolation.

A full 7th house of Partnerships and Open enemies seems problematic for the US--is Washington depending too heavily on what other nations will do against ISIS-ISIL? We already know that Congress gave up its power to the White House and Pentagon (war declaring power), and to international bankers (money-printing power) years ago.

Now a Solar Eclipse in the Angular 7th house highlights compromise, cooperation, teamwork, and giving one's fair share as the prominent lessons for making progress and though we all think of global alliances formed in the fight against ISIS, it's not made easy with retaliation and revenge for old wounds in the picture. That's where forgiveness should come in but what are the chances of that especially with US political conflicts ruining all that can be ruined of a president's reputation in self-interested, chest-thumping attempts to win elections and influence people?

And this self-defeating tendency in US politics is regularly and profitably used against the American people by enemies open and hidden!

Okay, I'll hush for now and add this:

Update on the Autumn Equinox 2014 Horoscope: Uranus eclipsed on October 8, 2014

Below is the Autumn Equinox 2014 horoscope for purposes of comparison. As you see, the October 8th lunation 'eclipses' Equinox 2014 Uranus in Aries adding 'sudden events and unpredictable outcomes' to the Autumn picture; my scribbled notes have been added (click or tap image to enlarge.) Look for the house where 00Sco24 falls for the Oct 23rd Solar Eclipse influence to be strongest:

Sep 25, 2014

Mother Jones: What's the Matter with Sam Brownback?

Mother Jones asks,

What's the Matter With Sam Brownback?

Sam Brownback was born September 12, 1956 in Parker, Kansas, no hour known so noon is used: view his pages and horoscope if you wish: astro-databank (click natal chart link.) Mr. Brownback's Sun is in Virgo with Moon in either Sagittarius or Capricorn.

His authoritative, conservative Saturn @27Scorpio (money sign of Big Business and Corporatism) will soon experience a Saturn Return (today @20Scorpio), a 28-30-year cycle and a time when reality sets in and one must accept responsibility for past actions that have disrespected Taskmaster Saturn's imperatives of authenticity, honesty, and properly doing one's duty.

Obviously, when a person is in Politics being in breach of the public trust is not honest Saturn's idea of doing one's duty.

Natal Mars is Rx in murky Pisces so his actions may not always be clearly understood or motivated by higher standards. So what is the matter with Sam Brownback? A great question.

Sep 24, 2014

US ally Bahrain: August 14, 1971 with September 2014 influences

Now that Bahrain is reported to be one of five Arab nations partnering with the US in the fight against ISIS-ISIL-Islamic State (known in France as, Daesh) in Syria and Iraq, I shall post here the natal details for Bahrain (26N13 50E35) which was granted independence from Britain on August 14, 1971 at 10:00 am GMT Manama, Bahrain. The proclamation was broadcast over the radio by Shaykh Isa Bin Salmon Al Khalifeh.

On that date Iran radio reported that the proclamation was published during the afternoon while Kuwait radio broadcast the news at 10:00 am GMT, 2:00 pm Local Time. The chart details above uses the 10:00 am time of the Kuwaiti broadcast though I intend to set up two horoscopes for Bahrain including the 2:00 pm Local Time chart.

A glance at the 10:00 am GMT shows an out-of-sign conjunction between Jupiter (27Sco14) and Neptune (00Sag16), the planetary pair of speculators, spendthrifts, and inflation. Of course, religion or religious fanaticism may also be part of the Jupiter-Neptune archetype along with an oil and/or gas component. Considering current war alliances, perhaps I might mention that nebulous Neptune's rounded-up degree in Sabian Symbols is: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" (1Sag; Jones).

Opposite the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (rising at 10:00 am GMT) is a depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in early Gemini (3--6)--and curiously Bahrain's natal Moon @3Gem20 precisely conjoins President Obama's natal Moon @3:19! The energies of Moon-Saturn combined may denote ambition, direction, and strategy though Saturn's habits of control and restriction dampen the Mutable Moon (the people) and the lighter-hearted Jupiter opposite in the money sign of Scorpio. Neptune opposed by Saturn as well hints at difficult social conditions for the good people of Bahrain.

At Midheaven in the 10:00 am chart is Mercury @10Vir26, strong in one its two signs yet Rx which may indicate some lack of attention to detail within the wording of the proclamation. (You know the trickster Mercury deal: never sign agreements or contracts of any kind when glitchy Mercury is retrograde--or take Oaths of Office as in 2009.)

Leadership's Sun @20Leo56 conjoins Venus (17Leo18) so Bahrain has had a Venus Return not so long ago (Venus now approaching 24Vir) plus, a Jupiter Return (the 'reward cycle' as Noel Tyl calls it) is upcoming with generous Jupiter now just under 15Leo, the Lion Point. Is their war alliance expected by the Bahrain government to bring great gains as timed by a Jupiter Return? A Jupiter to natal Venus transit certainly adds a potential for benefits with a tendency toward overindulgence and luxury (as usual, I imagine!) yet since Venus can be vengeful, perhaps there's an expectation that a rival or two will be vanquished in the US-led fray.

Now as you know, sunny Leo is the sign of the natural leader and of monarchy and a Sun-Venus conjunction often indicates a chameleon-like ability to say or be what others want (on cue--a thespian), and/or an attractive yet self-satisfied attitude.

And since we're talking war--or more specifically, perpetual war--rebellious Uranus @10Lib50 is approximately 11 degrees from powerful Pluto @28Vir08, both in 10th house of Public Status in the 10:00 am horoscope (MC 11Vir18.) As you see, Bahrain's 'midlife crisis' has occurred when transiting Uranus in Aries (now @15Aries Rx) opposes natal Uranus, a time when something out of character may be done. Is participating in US airstrikes and military action in Syria that something? After all, the midpoint picture formed now is natal Uranus-Pluto = transiting Sun: great tension; revolution (Tyl.) Reinhold Ebertin adds: catastrophe and any war is definitely that.

So is this alliance of death from the air 'plutocrats united' in a 'march of the imperialists'? Well, Bahrain's late Virgo Pluto trines US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) and the just-stationed-direct @10Cap59 Pluto (September 22) will slowly creep toward a trine with Bahrain's natal Pluto which to me indicates easy opportunities to cooperate with global string pullers who are intent on forcing a 'new world order' upon the Middle East, a desired 'world domination' by the West which ignores the reality of the natural cycles of rise and fall that every civilization inherently expresses.

The US government insists that our nation remains in an expansion phase though reality might beg to differ with Washington especially on financial and societal levels. But such conditions are made more complex and cloudy by the massive amounts of undisclosed foreign funds that #SCOTUS allowed into our election cycles as of January 2010 with their faulty Citizens United decision.

A final Bahrain note is warrior Mars @15AQ55 opposing the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo. When Mars opposes the Sun we expect aggressiveness with quarrels and conflict easily aroused, even attracted. Partisan causes tend to be accessed only in black and white terms, and jealousy of rivals may be a prominent feature as well. A Venus-Mars opposition indicates great sensitivity in relationships, difficulties between the sexes (with Mars aggression and abuse problematic); plus, financial disagreements occur in personal and business partnerships.

Well, that's a brief view of Bahrain from where I type and you may certainly disagree as you may! However, my main purpose is accomplished: to place Bahrain's natal data conveniently within reach as the folly-of-war military conflict now in progress--which is now openly admitted by Washington to last years (for it's been planned for a long time, Syria being one of the West's dominoes to fall)--becomes out of control as it almost assuredly will.

Data source: historical record from The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion.

Sep 23, 2014

The Mountain Astrologer: Mars square Neptune (the 'fog of war')

America's natal Mars-Neptune square has been a continual fuss here at Stars Over Washington and President Obama's new cycle of war in Iraq and Syria is shaded by its deceptive and misguided tendencies easily with his natal Mars (the warrior) veiled by US natal Neptune in Virgo. There's much more than meets the public eye as Caliphate meets Christian soldiers (though Washington and the Pentagon attempt to obfuscate this bigger picture.)

For clarity astrologers appreciate TMA's Mary Plumb noting the transiting Mars-Neptune square of 9/21/14 and summing up neatly our 'new' war based on shaky Mars-Neptune foundations: 

Wonder how Jupiter the General--now lead planet in a Locomotive pattern ('get on board or get left behind, coalition partners!')--will behave once planet Jupiter stations retrograde on December 8, 2014...withdrawal, task completed? A regrouping of forces to plan anew? A General steps down and is replaced? Or perhaps a failure of a misguided, ill advised mission which promises at best 'fluctuating success'?