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Jul 29, 2016

A White-Clad Hillary Clinton Accepts the Democratic Nomination for the Presidency

Hillary Clinton Visualizes Helming the White House

by Jude Cowell

Last evening, July 28, 2016, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination of her party for the presidency of the United States while dressed all in white. The time stamp on my phone registered these times: introduced by daughter Chelsea @10:27 pm edt; Hillary begins speaking @10:30 pm edt; accepts @10:47 pm edt; ends speech @11:27 pm edt, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

For those who prefer an 8:02 pm CST natal chart for Hillary with its 29Pisces12 Moon, her acceptance speech began (10:30 pm edt) as this lunar position was precisely rising in Philadelphia with a 29Pis10 Ascendant. Not conclusive testimony for an 8:02 pm chart, yet in the constant search for her accurate, confirmed birth data (though most astrologers use the astrodatabank hour of 8:02 am, not pm, with Scorpio rising; view her chart here along with a second version set for 8:00 pm which gives her 29Gemini rising--yet I cannot see her with a nervous Gemini Ascendant and adding 2 minutes = 00Cancer rising). Yes, I have suggested here and elsewhere that the evening birth of 8:02 pm gives her World Point 00Cancer of fame and prominence on the Ascendant which describes her Moon-shaped face.

Plus, white, as you know, is a color of the sign Cancer and its ruler, the Moon, which relates to the White Goddess. Did the audience last evening infuse Hillary Rodham Clinton with applause, cheers, and adoration as if worshiping her?

For me, the proceedings favored a modern day idolization ceremony if not a (pagan) worship service though of course you are free to disagree as you wish. Even rock goddess and Isis stand-in Katy Perry performed just before Chelsea, then Hillary, took the stage. And no one can say that mother goddess Ceres was not well represented via verbal and imaged reminders of Hillary's care, concern, and sympathy for the ill, the weak, the young and old, the injured, and the victimized in our society. Plus, symbols of Ceres and Virgo, the goddess sign, are found sprinkled all over Washington DC architecture--do they on some level point to eventual matriarchal rule in America?

Well, as you've noticed, our Founders' Venus veneration is seen in statues such as Columba (the Dove) on the Capitol Dome, aka, Lady Freedom (not Pocahontas, they say.) Yes, evidence of early American paganism is hard to miss unless we try really hard! Especially since the gift of French Freemasons, the copper-clad Statue of Liberty, so obviously pays homage to goddess Venus whose metal is copper.

(See: Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City 1791.)

But Hillary as 'white goddess'? Seriously? Aiming for a matriarchal White House?

Well, perhaps it's just a feeling of mine. Though perhaps you're familiar with poet Robert Graves and his study of The White Goddess and matriarchal religion. Can anyone deny that a patriarchal to matriarchal shift is in store for America if Hillary Clinton is inaugurated on January 20, 2017? Paganism or not, her Methodism notwithstanding, and US secularism aside, this basic change cannot be ignored or denied if a Hillary coronation is held!

Now I wonder if the Sabian Symbols can provide information on this topic? Is there a symbol, a word picture, that applies to the lady and the situation? How about the symbol for '30 Pisces' if we round up for a 29 Pisces+ Moon and a 10:30 pm acceptance speech? Let's blend Dane Rudhyar's description of this degree with that of Marc Edmund Jones and see what we can come up with for Hillary in an all-white pantsuit while adoring fans shouted their praise and the goal of her life is nearly realized and fulfilled:

'30Pisces': "The Great Stone Face...Destiny is character. Keyword: DISCERNMENT; positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events; negative/unconscious/shadow side: wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization."

Actually, as far as Politics goes, on its surface I thought her acceptance speech was quite good and reasonably effective though not for her many detractors who are steeped in decades of her opponents' accusations and insults. Her Mercury-South Node conjunction (and Ascendant in the 8:02 am chart), plus, her Sun in Scorpio attracts or describes much of the blame and discredit, it seems--perhaps correctly so since Mars-ruled Scorpio is the sign of betrayal, subterfuge, vengeance, and/or crime--if one does not evolve to a higher plane. For Scorpio has a higher side, too, of the Eagle or even, the Phoenix, both of which are associated with the founding and the symbolism of our nation.

To '30 Pisces', Ruhyar adds notes on Nathaniel Hawthorne's story, "The Great Stone Face" in an "allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image." He goes on to speak of "God-like beings" (a White Goddess, perhaps?) starting "a new universe" (which could be the "new world order" the power elite have been implementing under our noses; whoever helms the White House has no option than to follow the global government 'new world order' script--or else; methods used are the only difference between Rs and Ds--if any since the end game is about to be won.)

Now echoing back to what I posted yesterday about the New Year's Eve ceremony when the Clintons 'seeded' the New Millennium, Dane Rudhyar adds, "Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency--unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure. This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.

Then there's stationing Rx planet, radical political Uranus, something of a Utopian, blind zealot, and anarchist when in Mars-ruled Aries. A catalyst of change and revolution, Uranus is rising in Hillary's speech, acceptance, and end-of-speech charts (actually conjunct Ascendant as she ended at 11:27 pm edt), the symbol for '25Aries' is quite relevant to our topic of hidden, subconscious messages delivered during a public event, as we saw last evening (Moon = Mercury-Neptune: subconscious pictures and ideas emerge--Ebertin.)

As you know, mundane Uranus is The Awakener and The Witness (that sense of self-observation and self-consciousness) and is active during times of illumination, shifts, and changes in society such as patriarchal to matriarchal rule, so let's close with a consideration of the symbol for '25Aries':

"A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning"...Keyword: SENSIBILITY; positive expression: a facility of adjustment by which everything in a given situation may be brought into the fullest co-operation with everything else; negative/unconscious/shadow side: compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships."

Let's hope for a positive expression even though the negative seems to hint at her lack of trust issues and/or a superficial agreement on the more progressive Democratic platform that Hillary Clinton's rigid, stubborn, Fixed Scorpio Mercury-South Node conjunction has been finagled into accepting. And a "lean to chicanery"? We'll all have to suffer through that even if it's if mainly due to constant accusations and threats of lawsuits that will be hurled at a President Hillary by her enemies who will again be sore losers if they can't finesse the White House in November!

Pundits React to Hillary's Speech.

Image: '30Pisces': Temple of the Great Stone Face on loan from my art gallery Secret Moon Art.


Please note that for further clarification, "unconscious/shadow side" has been added by yours truly to the negative expressions of the symbols found in the Jones version, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. I hope you don't mind. jc

Jul 28, 2016

Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order

For you, a 36-minute intellectual discussion on an important and timely question sans insults and schoolyard bullying:

July 28, 2016: "A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her"

As former senator Hillary Clinton delivers her history-making presidential nomination acceptance speech tonight at the DNC, yours truly will be wondering about many historical things such as the obverse (unconscious; feminine) side of America's Great Seal with its Eye of Horus (son of Isis!) and the 13-step pyramid of power. Another wonderment is the hidden meaning of our nation's long list of male presidents (covert side) which, unless there's a Republican coup of the Venusian Oval Office or a landslide for Trump (and there could be either or both), will soon flip over to a female Commander-in-Chief.

Political Pundits: Why Has It Taken the US So Long to Elect a Woman President?

The political class ask this with eyes wide as if they weren't in on the game! For it seems to me that this change was meant to be and its timing no accident. My assertion is that the 'breaking of the glass ceiling' imagery used in the DNC video to signify a woman breaking through to the top tier of power brings to fruition more symbolism than the American people are allowed to glimpse or understand--it's the nature of mysticism with secret motives to hide information in plain sight.

Actually, such esoteric topics as the Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus have turned up previously on Stars Over Washington.

For the curious, here is a 14-minute presentation on The Story of The Great Seal of the United States (part 1 of 2) which includes its history, the selection of mystical symbols on its covert and obverse sides, and how VP Henry Wallace (a 32nd-degree Freemason and occultist) brought the seal's obverse Illuminati-inspired symbols to the attention of President Franklin Roosevelt (also a 32nd-degree) who, with little if any public explanation, had the symbols placed on the back of the dollar bill, as the legend goes:

"A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her" is the Sabian Symbol for 1 Aries with 'the ocean' a well known symbol of the unconscious in dreams, and more universally of the Collective Unconscious in the Mundane Astrology lens through which I tend to view Politics here on SO'W. Obviously the symbol's 'seal' represents America's Great Seal, and the 'woman' is, as it turns out, Hillary Clinton who seeded the New Millennium at midnight on New Year's Eve with husband and President Bill Clinton as the calendar of a new century turned over and our national phallic symbol and Egyptian obelisk, the Washington Monument, was decked out in celebratory lights. Our then-First-Lady has waited through 8 years of the Obama presidency to reach this point in 2016--the year which was always part of the game plan, imho.

For it's possible that the significance of switching to a lady president is at the very Foundation of America via our natal horoscope if we use July 4, 1776 at 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA (where the DNC 2016 happens to be located) for this moment places a Cardinal World Point of 00Aries+ on the IC, the Basis of the nation's founding. Round up the degree to 1 Aries and we get the above pregnant-with-meaning symbol. Of course, a horoscope's IC Point also reveals hints about the Draining and the Ending of an endeavor but that's a fret for a distant day. jc

Jul 27, 2016

5 Stages of Grief: Bernie or Bust - Hillary Gets the Nomination - Randi Rhodes clip

July 27, 2016: As I return from one week of no Internet service, moseying around YouTube and political sites today has been interesting to say the least. Did I miss last week's RNC and this week's DNC? No, because I had other means of following the proceedings, the speeches, the booing, the cheers, the videos, and the nominations.

But since Stars Over Washington for the last year or so has given considerable space to the campaign and the common-good, progressive ideas of Senator Bernie Sanders, and since Hillary Clinton snagged the Democratic nomination in part via the collusion of an allegedly neutral DNC, I searched for a broadcast related to the principled divide within the Democratic Party and what I found is a progressive broadcaster previously unknown to me. Her name is Randi Rhodes and she seems to be a live wire sort of lady (perhaps born under a Fire-Air personality blend!?) who comes to us from Florida and has quite a lot to say about political matters.

Here is Randi Rhodes on the 5 Stages of Grief for Berners, and a few other observations:


As you've heard, tonight's DNC spectacular from Philadelphia will include President Barack Obama speaking on behalf of Hillary Clinton who remains for him, one assumes, "likable enough."

Jul 21, 2016

Video: Trump Failed Air Kiss Most Awkward Convention Moment?

Here's David Pakman with what may be the most awkward moment at the RNC so far. But wait! Donald Trump's acceptance speech is tonight and you never know with Trump whose quirky Uranus in Gemini leads all the rest of his planets:

Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star

Are you familiar with the Star Sapphire gem? Certainly you've seen the stone's 6-pointed star which appears when tilted in direct lighting. Actually, there's a fixed star in the heavens, Ras Alhague, that is sometimes called The Sapphire Star and it conjoins the natal Moon (21Sag12) of GOP nominee Donald Trump who is to deliver his acceptance speech tonight at the RNC (timed with a US Moon Return!) Naturally, a 6-pointed star evokes the recent controversy of Trump's anti-Hillary Twitter graphic featuring a red 6-pointed star of David (as some insisted it was) and a pile of money. Hillary's corruption was asserted.

As you know, the Clinton campaign labeled the graphic "blatantly anti-Semitic" but Trump's point was made, if retracted later.

Since Mr. Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, many astrologers have emphasized his brash but entertaining Leo Mars rising with royal star Regulus on a 29th degree Ascendant--and rightly so (note that 'sun god' Apollo also rises in his chart and psyche). We hear this huge cosmic punch in his bombastic rhetoric and his apparently overflowing self-confidence that only consults itself when making decisions. He's his own best adviser and has 'never' made a mistake! And if Mr. Trump ever thinks of a sin he's committed, he'll speak to God about it, don't worry.

Yet when the reigning need (Tyl) shown by Trump's natal Moon is considered, a picture of inferior feelings comes into focus. Well, this is typical of human beings, isn't it? The more bragging a person does, the less self-esteem is hidden underneath, right? Mr. Trump constantly projects bad traits onto others ("disgusting!") in an attempt to deflect such criticism from himself, another habit many of us may commmit in our private if not public moments.

Plus, both political parties attempt to project and deflect all the time--always have. Remember when Trump said, "these are bad bad people"...stressing the 'bad bad'. This occurred during a March 2016 Trump rally, the one where police arrested protesters outside and pepper sprayed them. Perhaps he thinks that no one is allowed to disrupt when Trump is speaking with royal Regulus rising along with his aggressive Mars! The free speech of others must take a backseat when he's pontificating, of course.

So what's the cosmic condition of Mr. Trump's emotional, intuitive Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Ras Alhague, the sapphire star? First we note a Jupiterian influence through the sign of the Moon, something we may observe in the natal charts of some politicians--the mother told me I can be president when I grow up! expectation of grandeur (ex: George W. Bush). And for Donald Trump, mother was a strong influence (unconsciously) since his Moon is in natal 4th house, the Moon's natural realm (Cancer) of Home, Psychological Home, Family, Domestic Scene, and one's native land. With Moon in 4th, a picture of tribalism also comes to mind as well and his public expressions of love of home and family are heard frequently.

(Yes, dad affects his opposite house, the 10th house of Career and Public Status, in Gemini for he was born just before a Full Moon; also in 10th are quirky, disruptive Uranus @17Gem53 and the North Node of destiny @20Gem48--that's North Node of the Moon so he has a Moon-South Node conjunction opposite a Sun-North Node conjunction and must feel he's living a fated life as eclipse-born folk tend to do. That his Moon (mother) conjoins the Saturnian SN denotes some separation issues from the mother (Saturn = father) or the nuturing parent but Sun and Moon on the Nodal axis details would require a post of their own.)

Now you know that starry Ras Alhague (Alpha Ophiuchi) has links to healing and attempts to create balance but in the sky it's located in the Head of the Snake Charmer and has Saturnian, Neptunian, and negative Venusian qualities. You've probably heard him referred to as a 'snake oil salesman' by detractors!

Some influences of Ras Alhague when connected to planets or points, or on angles of a natal chart, are: a proneness to infections, epidemics, or toxins (especially when conjoining the Moon as it does for Mr. Trump), assaults by rabid animals, a tendency toward medical or hallucinatory drugs (probably medical only), and/or overindulgence with food and drink (Ebertin-Hoffmann). To this, Brady adds: teaching, wounding, and repairing that which is damaged. The snake symbol of The Healer (Caduceus) lies underneath the meaning of this star but astrologically we know that the healing energy can go from or toward Mr. Trump for he may be the one who needs healing.

He's certainly promising restoration and regeneration for America and the US economy!

Symbols of the Moon

As for symbols of his Moon degree, we can round-up to 22Sag or use the actual degree of his Moon (21Sag) which denotes a point of karmic confrontation. Let's consider the Sabian Symbols as given by Marc Edmund Jones and then add Adriano Carelli's degrees:

21Sag: "A Child and a Dog with Borrowed Eye Glasses" (the way Trump squints I've wondered if he needs glasses but is too vain to wear them in public!)...EXAMINATION; positive expression: an exceptional skill in the analysis of personal opportunity throughout the many dimensions of experience; negative/unconscious: distorted vision and self-defeating prejudice.

22Sag: "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION; positive: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation; negative/unconscious: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority. There's much to say about this symbol since Mr. Trump has dealings with foreign countries like China, Russia, and Germany (huge Deustche Bank loans) and a potential implication of money laundering (perhaps drug trafficking via Ras Alhague? if so, he wouldn't be the first politician to profit from that, now would he?)

Now with excerpts from Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, things become really curious:

21Sag: "The six-pointed star, or David's seal"..."--picturing in the most dramatic way the endless dualism of matter against spirit." The degree "clearly attunes the contrasting forces of man's upper and lower being. Any balance may be dynamic or static..."; negatively, this influence "enhances the native's irresoluteness and renders him suspicious of all and everyone."

22Sag: "Two men engaged in a deadly fight..."Here is the perfect embodiment of stubborn and relentless dissension; should other aspects fail to soothe this inflluence, the native would be an unmitigated faultfinder. To listen to him, current public opinion is nonsense {}; the established order is unjust and absurd--nay, this is the worst possibly world {}: whatever idea is conceived by others can be but worthless trash, if for no other reason, because it crossed someone else's mind and must be condemned without trial. Here the native's spirit of wanton denial reaches the freakish height of its childish hideousness. At the bottom of all this there is an unavowed thirst for public applause {}...He will tirelessly throw stones at others, polemicize, heckle, and run down their works...he will be in for quarrels, brawls, squabbles, lawsuits for libel, well-deserved boxes on the ears and duels, which will be his daily task...{}...the politician."

Sound like anyone you know?

Well, I'm only passing along Carelli's words but you've probably heard pundits and comedians refer to punch-em-in-the-nose Donald Trump as a man child. And since emotional maturity or a lack of it can be investigated in a natal chart by studying the Moon's condition, this post is my attempt to do so. But I wish to add that yes, Mr. Trump does possess political talent (stationary Jupiter trine Uranus separating in his natal chart but applying to their trine now by progression) and he does wish to contribute to society (Moon inconjunct Saturn).

Yet it remains to be seen whether his emotions are steady enough (Mars rising) and his distorted thinking and tenuous relationship with facts (Mercury square Neptune) can be restrained and balanced by maturity so that a higher evolutionary road can be taken by this shrewd man who longs to crown his life by playing the archetypal role of plutocrat president just as his Solar Arc Pluto conjoins natal Jupiter @17Libra.


Related post: Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016 (that's besides our national Moon Return tonight.

Jul 20, 2016

July 21, 2016 Trump RNC Acceptance Speech under US Moon's Aquarian Rays

In Campaign 2016 Cosmic Synchronicity Abounds!

by Jude Cowell

Besides the fact that Election Day 2016 sports a US Moon Return to We the People's natal degree (27AQ09 5:09 pm LMT in 1776) we also have a Moon (or, Lunar) Return this Thursday evening (7/21/16) when newly coronated GOP nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver his big speech of acceptance with bluster and brag.

And as you know, last evening (7/19/16) when Mr. Trump was officially nominated to run for the presidency, a Full Moon over Cleveland, Ohio perfected upon US natal Pluto (27Capricorn). Fear, paranoia, propaganda, and contagion spread stealthily as creepy Pluto took control of the proceedings and military-style police stood at the ready inside and out in case Pluto inspired an act of violence to burst out.

Astrologically, Full Moon phases denote complete awareness, polarity in relationships, culmination, and/or fulfillment of something begun in the dark of the previous seedling New Moon. July's last New Moon @13Cancer conjoined US natal Sun (the president) on Independence Day 2016 indicating the beginning of a new cycle of activity. This New Moon's degree in Trump's Sun-NN-Uranus sign of Gemini (the Messenger, Trickster, Magician, and Deal-Maker) temporarily winked at bright Sirius, the Egyptian goddess star (aka, The Scorcher) and the dramatic scene plays under the patronage of the Political Theater now being acted onstage--this week in Cleveland, next week in Philadelphia, PA, where the New American Masonic project claims its roots on this continent.

Then of course, the spectacular Donald Trump Plays President production of promotion and big promises (that can't or won't be delivered) actually began on cue under a different New Moon (25Gemini) over a year ago on June 16, 2015 in NYC's Tower of Trump and since then I have typed aloud wondering if last evening's Pluto-infused Full Moon in Capricorn was on some mystic level a fulfillment of the June 2015 New Moon of Trump's announced intention to grab the presidency. Donald hankers for a new job to conquer, you see, a job where he has more...control of a plutocratic variety. Can he fill the power elite's bill? Or, if elected, will Trump only act as a less-than-four-year place holder for the guy the Bilderbergers and their hidden enablers the Rothschild bankers really want in the White House: VP Mike Pence, the theocrat?

Okay, maybe not. But if Mr. Trump does finagle a stint in the Oval Office it will be quite a bit of cosmic synchronicity for one hefty circus barker to carry upon his shoulders even though born with energetic Mars and royal Regulus rising. But I think that most people suspect that the skim-the-surface, superficial Mr. Trump primarily desires to possess the look and status of the US presidency rather than do any heavy lifting (that's what underlings are for.) Isn't Shortcut his middle name?

Yet we mustn't leave out Washington's traditional *pocket-lining from the job description! After all, the Trump campaign is said to be empty pockets heading into the General Election (ask his offspring where the money went) but the fellow does know a lucrative deal when he sees one. Plus, with the Oval Office position best described as America's mouthpiece (TR's bully pulpit), Mr. Trump the Mercurial, short-attention-span Gemini will do quite well at that as long as they let him make it up as he goes along, pay less than contracted, and stop all that fact-checking on his reality-distorting Mercury-Neptune square.

However, if the Selected One turns out to be neoconish Hillary Rodham Clinton, at least we'd get a deeper thinking, realistic if traditional, Mercury-Saturn square!

*'traditional pocket-lining' refers to the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Jupiter @6Cancer: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

Nation in between Trapeze Bars ~ The Collective Shift of Consciousness ~

Good news! Susan Herskowitz, The Uranian Astrologer, has sent me a heads-up on her latest presentation which concerns the Collective Shift of Consciousness we're all feeling as Neptune sails through her own sign of murky Pisces. As one example, you may recall events of 2009, the first year of Barack Obama's presidency, when transit Neptune melted all over US natal Moon in Aquarius, transit Jupiter joined in thereby increasing the nebulous, fraudulent effects, and a majority of the American public dreamed that the signs of 'rock star' Obama's Hope and Change were really really going to come true. But first, taxpayers had to bail out Big Banks and other corporate num-nums because they speculated with other people's money.

Okay, I'll hush for now about politics and theft! And I'll happily turn you over to Susan who provides an insightful overview of current unstable conditions within humanity's Collective Unconscious. Here is, Nation in between Trapeze Bars ~ The Collective Shift of Consciousness:

Jul 19, 2016

What's Happening At The Republican Convention? (w/ Guest: Nomi Kontz) - clip

Here's an eye witness account from Nomi Kontz speaking to Thom Hartmann and describing her experience at tonight's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio:

Long-Distance Observing RNC 2016 from Way Down in Georgia

Blaming Hillary for the American deaths during the 2012 Benghazi attack had a devastating affect on the convention attendees and I wonder how much coverage the news media will give a grieving mother's tearful presentation as the convention goes on this week. This could be an early example of plutonian vibes with the Underworld energies of fatality, fear, violence, and propaganda peaking tomorrow evening on some level as the Full Moon perfects while simultaneously spotlighting US natal Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by conservative Saturn, planet of accountability.

And since I'm typing out loud, I've often wondered if the job description of the US presidency includes Willingness to Commit Mass Murder. You know, like when an imperial power invades, occupies, and bombs another country and destroys the families who live there? Perhaps they tuck that inconvenient question under the category of Foreign Policy experience.

Jul 18, 2016

The Parting Shot w/ Bill Press - July 18, 2016 clip (helping elect Hillary!)

With his final remarks on today's broadcast, veteran journalist Bill Press sums up Donald Trump's choice of VP running mate Mike Pence (a conservative's conservative--look out, ladies!) in just a few words, what Bill calls his 'Parting Shot':

Jul 17, 2016

Be Careful Who You Follow - Surviving the Matrix ep 263

In his July 15, 2016 broadcast, Max Igan covers topics which include the recent Brexit vote in the UK and what will happen in British politics. This episode opens with a quote from Howard Zinn:

To support the work of Max Igan visit Patreon and for a variety of his broadcasts drop in at The Crowhouse as you may.

Update: here's an earlier broadcast from June 18, 2016 episode 260: Terrorism Comes from Government:

"Trumpified" Republican Platform: Less Porn More Wall - clip

You couldn't miss the news that tomorrow, July 19, 2016, the 2016 Republican National Convention opens in Cleveland, Ohio with the true face of the Republican Party revealed in part by the nomination of Donald Trump (the Klan takes the White House??) and the necessarily "Trumpified" Republican platform which is avoidable in order to continue scamming Trump supporters into voting for Nationalism in November:

One illogical discrepancy that keeps bothering me about Trump voters is that Trump wants more militarization of police, more authoritarianism, while many of his supporters keep weapons and ammo ready in case the government comes after them. These folks seem to think that a militarized police force is a good thing that will never be used against them! Am I missing something?