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Showing posts with label Dane Rudhyar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dane Rudhyar. Show all posts

Sep 16, 2021

When Chiron Returns to Discovery Degree @3Tau08

Hubble image of Chiron 2015; {public domain}: Chiron in tropical Pisces

'Rainbow Bridge' Chiron says, Be Here Now!

by Jude Cowell

September 16, 2021:

As you know, astronomer Charles T. Kowal (November 8, 1940--November 28, 2011) discovered Chiron @3Tau08 Rx on November 1, 1977 (10:00 am PST Mount Palomar Observatory) although the celestial body was later found on photographic plates as far back as 1895 with Chiron traveling through the sign of Libra the entire year. You also know that in Astrology, Chiron is associated with archetypes such as 'the wounded healer', 'the wound', 'the key', the 'blind spot', 'the catalyst', 'the hologram', 'the bridge' (between earthly Saturn and 'sky god' Uranus), and the Christ archetype which on a personal level is the most evocative of all (imho!).

And of course one facet for those who have faith in the Second Coming is that Christ is the key that opens the door to Eternal Life for all who prefer Life over death. Perhaps it's being born under a Jupiter-Saturn trine in practical Earth signs that gives me no problem with this at all for Jupiter represents the generous side of our Creator (the staff) while Saturn (the rod) signifies the disciplinary side. Happily no conflict here! Plus, way back in 1977 I greatly appreciated the healing boost for the Collective via Chiron's link to alternative medicine.

According to Dane Rudhyar

Now mention must be made of the rounded-up Sabian Symbol of Chiron's discovery degree of "4 Taurus" for its enlightenment: "The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow" with the rainbow symbolizing the Covenant of God with Noah (to never destroy the entire Earth by water again). In An Astrological Mandala (#ad), Dane Rudhyar adds, "In all mythologies it expresses, in one way or another, a linking process--or the bridge used by divine beings to communicate with mortals." He continues that the rainbow is, "the source of symbolic, universally valid wealth"; Keyword: "COMMUNION."

However, a caution: we must not assume that the Return/s of Chiron to discovery degree 3 times in the years 2027 and 2028 are heralds of the Second Coming of Christ for no man knows the hour of that long-awaited cosmic return. And that 'no one' includes TV evangelicals, false prophets, enders.

Yet a promise was given to humanity and "Faith in the validity of a promise" is required for karmic progress even in this highly skeptical world! Meanwhile, Rudhyar states that, "COMMUNION" involves "a transubstantiation of matter" and counsels us that, "Man need not be overawed by the celestial display of power, for it leads to a fruitful contact with beings of light." (Well, I can't quite agree with this since being overawed, even overwhelmed, by such a celestial happening seems a certainty to me. But please note that I am not a UFO-er.)

Now I've previously written about Chiron on my general astrology blog if you care to take a look for more details are there.

So after looking at all three Chiron Return horoscopes, it turns out that Pluto squares Chiron in each chart: June 8, 2027, October 7, 2027, and April 6, 2028. A bit of general information concerning this Fixed square follows for the Collective but please don't take it explicitly in reference to your own life unless the square from early Taurus to early Aquarius links to your natal or progressed planets, falls upon angles of your chart, and/or you know in which houses (departments of life) the early degrees of Taurus and Aquarius land, especially if the houses are angular (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th).

Of Pain, Wounds, and Regeneration

A Chiron-Pluto square contains extremely intense energies and indicates power and control issues, and/or an obsession over pain avoidance or relief. Yet with primal Pluto the planet of regeneration and transformation, the square forces us to face our deepest wounds and if appropriate, to atone for and correct any part we played in creating them. To clear our minds, hearts, and consciences of any wounds that we have purposefully or inadvertently caused others will be helpful along with ending denials of guilt. Escapism through the heavy use of drugs, some elicit, is tempting but is a negative possibility of the square as well as other forms of addiction, plus, a fascination with the occult or other types of Plutonian control will not lead anyone onto a positive path. Fortunately, the third return on April 6, 2028 contains a calming Moon-Chiron trine which will supply a sense of harmony and will promote a balance between "the emotions and the higher self in consciousness" (Clow).

Well, that's my admittedly Protestant take on things and as always, disagree if you please, dear reader. But if you do, perhaps you'll leave an on-topic comment concerning the matter with your name bravely attached. Be here now and don't be shy! jc

Image: my depiction of Chiron Returns 2027-2028; pencil on paper.

Apr 6, 2020

September 2020 Mars: "The Music Of The Spheres"

2020 Mars in the Cosmic Order of the Universe

by Jude Cowell

April 6, 2020: As my wait for delivery of fresh printer ink cartridges drags on into April, I've decided to take horoscope matters into my own paws and perpetrate a messily hand-drawn version of a chart for the Mars Station Direct on September 9, 2020 at 6:22:12 pm edt Washington DC, the moment in time that transit Mars pauses in order to turn retrograde (Rx). This significant event with warrior/pioneer/activist Mars strong in his own sign and stationing (which adds strength to any planet) suggests significant changes of direction in the affairs of Mars-ruled activities and events.

A close connection to male personages in general is also part of the Martian picture along with exploration, adventure, sports figures, military officers and troops. Additionally, police forces are involved as are negative possibilities such as blind zeal, destructive urges, impatience, quarrels and fights, ambitious projects, fevers, tummy upsets, headaches, and head injuries. Optimistically speaking, perhaps the pioneering spirit of Mars will lead to cures for what ails us during the Mars Rx period (September 9 to November 13, 2020), a time of review and reaction (exs: FDA approval; drug trials). Or perhaps the coronavirus contagion could go into a remission of sorts--at least during the Rx period of infectious Mars. And as you see in the chart below, the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior polarity is intercepted across the 1/7 axis (along with Virgo and Pisces placements) which suggests karmic issues that must be dealt with. But who needs Astrology to tell them this?

So once Mars reaches and moves past his 'shadow degree' of 28Ari08 (his September 9th Station Direct degree) on January 2, 2021 (see the Path of Mars listed, lower left on the chart, below) activities and projects begin forward movement with speedier outward and direct energy. For as you know, energetic Mars, planet of motivation, does prefer direct motion for all his activities and his focus is more easily channeled when moving direct.

Horoscope: Mars Station Direct @28Ari08 September 9, 2020; Disseminating; Hour of Mars; radical Uranus in earthy Taurus is unaspected (spurt-like behavior; separative or independent tendencies increase--Trump the Uranian?); both planets are posited in 2nd hou$e which is ruled by Mars as is the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Legal Affairs, Higher Education, and Philosophy; Sun @17Virgo, sign of health (7th house), Moon @12Gemini conjunct IC (The Public at Home) and Aldebaran (success through integrity); fighting Antares ('anti-Mars') conjunct Midheaven ('MC'); disbelieved prophetess Kassandra rises with Mirfak, a challenge-oriented star, while the Sun (vitality; ego) conjoins determined Sisyphus and health asteroid Panacea. See lower right for themes of the 4 North Solar Eclipse as restrictions within the Collective continue and strength and/or situations are misjudged by those in society who should know better and lead more effectively:

The rounded-up degree for Mars ('29Aries') has an interesting Sabian Symbol for our time in history (to me it seems late days although you're welcome to disagree). Here is Dane Rudhyar's interpretation:

"The Music of the Spheres": "Keynote: Attunement to the cosmic order.

The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. The individual advancing 'on the Path' should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind's evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe. The message to the seeker for meaning which is implied in this symbol is To Listen To The Inner Voice; to listen without personalizing this Voice in a glamour-producing manner. It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part--yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its ineradicable meaning."

This symbol speaks of "a new realm of possibilities of action" and the "harmonic principles operating in this realm."

One quite rare factor listed on the chart is an exact septile (51degr:27mins) between The People's Moon and 6th house Venus, money planet of perspective and evaluation. (Ex: the recent awareness that members of the elite class put money over people couldn't possibly be a wake-up call for anyone but apparently it has been. And master astrologer Robert Wilkinson has termed the septile aspect, "The Grand Irrationality." The septile's appearance in the chart underscores our Collective feeling that humanity is 'at the crossroads of destiny' which relates to the interception of the Virgo-Pisces polarity in the chart which has karmic opportunity embedded within.

As for the comic weather of September 9, 2020, Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini is an Earth-Air blend which can get swamped with details yet is reasonable, rational, moody, studious, intellectual, and a mixture of pragmatic and playful. Writer and diplomat John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuir) was born under these influences and once famously informed us that,

"An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Note: Obviously the above Sabian Symbol information reminds us all of Harmonics in Astrology!

Oct 2, 2019

Trump 2019 Mars Return and a Whistleblower Complaint!

Image: Mars from Hubble; NASA

The contentious, combative, hot-headed Mars rising of Donald Trump began a new 2-year cycle of activity for him recently when transit Mars returned to natal position (26Leo46) in Trump's birth horoscope (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY) on August 12, 2019. Curiously, August 12, 2019 is the very day the whistle blower complaint was submitted through the proper legal channels and an official impeachment inquiry was subsequently activated in the House of Representatives. As you know, Martian Trump, a master of resentment and revenge, depends on having enemies. And in similar fashion to America's habit, Big T will make them when and if there are none. And as we've seen, a cornered Trump is a dangerous Trump.

Plus, it's been reported that in March of this year, Trump proposed the craven idea of shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down when crossing the border, a tragically fitting expression of his Mars rising in its malevolent role with Mars the ruler of guns, snipers, knives and other weapons. This must be one of those 'be careful what you wish for' for other people because in one form or another, the natural law of karma (reaping what's been sown) will eventually boomerang it back on you.

So if you're curious, here's a previous post concerning the 2019 Mars Return of Donald Trump. And, rounding up his Mars degree to "27 Leo" here is a bit of Sabian Symbol info from Dane Rudhyar:

"The Luminescence of Dawn in the Eastern Sky"; Keynote: The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle. {} Keyword: ILLUMINATION."

Apr 30, 2018

A Portrait of Donald Trump's forceful Mars in Leo

Some of the books authored by the brilliant Dane Rudhyar languish upon my library shelves while others have yet to be captured. One yet to be captured volume is The Zodiac as The Universal Matrix--A Study of The Zodiac and of Planetary Activity (The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar) available in paperback or on Kindle.

From this book comes the following excerpt explaining the placement of Mars in Leo which Mr. Trump enjoys--and if his birth time is accurate--has rising at the moment of his birth on June 14, 1946. Plus, Trump's Mars is made more significant and event-producing by the warrior planet's conjunction with royal Regulus, the kingmaker star. Naturally his red face and brash, boastful aggression may be attributed to Mars in proud Leo and its rising position lends an Aries-style me-first quality to his character, thoughts, actions, and communications which often include insults and combative adolescent name-calling.

And as you know, astrological Mars rules arson and fire so even his famous if tiresome You're Fired! line may be placed on the doorstep of Mars rising which sparks his formidable sense of will power. Similar to a Sun-Mars conjunction, Mars rising types are interested in sports, the military, policing, and romance and tend to feel that anyone who disagrees with them is directly attacking their personal credibility and so they immediately counterattack. Having no real interest in compromising or in thinking before acting, it's always competition time in the Fantastic World of Trump.

We could even say that on many levels Donald Trump ~is~ Mars in Leo. So without further fuss, here's Dane Rudhyar on the topic:


"When the Leo-type of energies...are activated by the forceful and outgoing planet Mars, fireworks may be expected. This produces a colorful personality, or at least a strong will to dominate...There is an intense urge toward dramatic self-expression; and, when concrete materials for self-expression or for personal show are not available, the person is likely to use imaginary materials."

And those 'imaginary materials' are always on steroids due to Donald Trump's fantasy-prone, listen-to-no-one, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square of The Sneaky Mind (A.Oken)!

Above image: Donald Trump displaying his 'intense urge toward dramatic self-expression'...he's only acting, folks.

Dec 20, 2015

Interest Groups: Crash Course Government and Politics #42 - clip (w Venus)

An elucidating presentation! And now...this:

2016 Astrology and Politics: Valuable Venus Tells a Story

Our Bribery Capital, Washington DC (my former city of residence) has been called many things since 1776. Here's a post that is possibly related to the 'interest groups' topic above. Or maybe not:

Washington DC: a 'New Rome'? (includes two horoscopes: FDR's 1933 Inauguration--and his 1937 Inauguration after he switched the date from early March (Sun @13Pisces: "An Ancient Sword, Used in Many Battles, Is Displayed in a Museum") to January 20th (Sun @01AQ as it is now: "An Old Adobe Mission in California.") (Sabian Symbols: An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Of course so far, the presidential Oath of Office is marked on our national calendar every four years (twice in 8 years for two-termers) so obviously America's Inaugural schedule is based on the 8-year Venus Cycle. Of course, 5 and 40 are numbers of Venus as well (5 x 8 = 40) and they and other numbers hold deep significance within symbolism, esotericism, mysticism, numerology, Scriptures, mythology, astrology, kabbalah, Sacred Geometry, etc. Actually, speaking of government and politics, in a previous post on the Venus Cycle and US Presidential Election 2016, we discussed how sparkling Venus as Evening Star on November 8, 2016 provides clues to the identity of the next occupant of the White House (though there have been a couple of exceptions to the Evening Star rule over the years.)

And so it remains to be seen whether a lady like Hillary Clinton (rather than a man) or a Democratic Socialist such as Senator Bernie Sanders are different enough from the current White House occupant to fulfill 'the other' requirement of Venus in November 2016 or whether the goddess planet will graciously nod toward a rival political party--the Republicans--to satisfy her notion of an Oval Office mouthpiece, with 'Oval' a Venusian shape and the White House 'Rose' Garden a not-so-hidden nod to Venus whose favorite flower is the rose.

Oct 20, 2015

Oct 22, 2015: Astro-Notes on Clinton vs Gowdy

October 22, 2015 Re-Match: Gowdy 1964 vs Clinton 1947

by Jude Cowell

On September 3, 2015 I posted a video of Thom Hartmann discussing Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and his "political witch hunt" against Hillary Clinton, a 2016 candidate who is again scheduled to testify before a Gowdy-run Benghazi hearing on Thursday October 22, 2015.

Looking at a horoscope for Oct 22, 2015 set for Capitol Hill it looks like fairly smooth sailing for Hillary with negligence as the main charge against her if a rising Saturn @3Sag04 tells the legal tale (Moon-Jupiter = Saturn.) Check the 10th house of Career, Public Status, and Reputation and we find quite a fortuitous line up of planets: Venus (leader of a Locomotive pattern of success and executive power) @12Virgo, generous Jupiter @15Virgo, Mars @17Virgo, North Node @00Libra (conjunct US natal MC in the 'Sibly' chart), and testifying Mercury @12Libra, a critical degree, with Mercury also ruling hearings and such. And at 10:00 am edt, Venus precisely conjoins MC on Capitol Hill...

A rounding-up of lady Venus' degree to 13Sag gives a very appropriate Sabian Symbol (word picture): "A Powerful Statesman Overcomes a State of Political Hysteria" which Dane Rudhyar describes as "a personage endowed with CHARISMA, this elusive and mysterious power that comes from a man's or woman's openness to the power of planetary evolution."

Plus, considering recent news reports that undermine Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi Committee, it would save US tax payers time and money if this wastrel Republican partisan 'take-down' of a democratic candidate--their political nemesis--was canceled though of course you may disagree. And naturally Committee Chair Gowdy is defending Committee Efforts ahead of Clinton's appearance.

Yet there may be a fly in Hillary's Benghazi ointment and his name is Trey Gowdy.

Born on August 22, 1964 just prior to the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto (1965-1966), Gowdy's natal Pluto @13Virgo is also triggered these days by Venus denoting a period when strategy is necessary in order to manipulate outcomes and he attempts to take charge of every detail. Simultaneously, Pluto @13Cap now trines his natal Pluto, a generational influence denoting added power (or the demand for it.) Plus, Gowdy's natal Mercury @17Virgo Rx is activated on October 22 by transit Mars which shows a tremendous increase of ideas and plans, a faster pace of life, and which partially describes his insistent demands that others speak (testify) in combative group sessions (hearings.) Of course, when Mercury and Mars are linked there's a decided leaning toward Politics.

In addition, Gowdy's natal Uranus @9Virgo has recently been activated by the Virgo line-up mentioned above so unpredictability is part of the picture (ex: Kevin McCarthy's inconvenient revelation on the political nature of the Benghazi Committee to lower Hillary's poll numbers.) With quirky rebel Uranus involved, alliances breaking apart and/or unusual if temporary partnerships are possibilities for Mr. Gowdy.

Now it seems interesting to me that a natal midpoint picture in Gowdy's natal horoscope is now echoed or stimulated by a transiting Mercury-Uranus = Pluto T-Square which is in effect on October 22, 2015. Mercury-Uranus = Pluto: added slurs and vulgarities in speech (Munkasey); getting the biggest job done in a commanding way (Tyl); a hasty realization of plans; over-strained nerves (Ebertin.)

And after three long years of Benghazi hearings we may wish to note that Mr. Gowdy's natal Saturn (authority; responsibility; accountability; fear) @1Pis49 Rx has in recent years been touched by nebulous Neptune's fairy wand of delusion with Neptune a higher octave ruler of Pisces. This marks a time when one becomes even more idealistic than usual and misguided tendencies cast an obscuring veil over one's sense of Saturnian reality. Add to that Gowdy's natal Neptune @15Scorpio--conjunct Hillary Clinton's natal Venus @16Scorpio--and it is doubtful that her relationships and diplomatic efforts can ever be truly and clearly perceived by Benghazi Committee Chair Trey Gowdy whose natal Sun (ego) conjoins royal star of Persia, Regulus, the king.

Apr 14, 2012

Economic Tyranny -- Max Igan (video)

In 4 parts here is Max Igan's fascinating presentation, Economic Tyranny:


April 14, 2012 Sabbath, the Seventh Day of the Week:

Though the 'New Age' craze has long been co-opted by one-world-government operatives for false reality purposes, the 'Image for Integration' of today's Sun Aries-Moon Aquarius blend (shared natally by one of my favorite all-time astrologers, Dane Rudhyar) relates rather handily to Max Igan's online work on behalf of Collective Awareness!

"A gallant crusader turns his sword into a computer chip and broadcasts New Age philosophy."

(Image from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Enjoy the video presentation!


Art Note: you're cordially invited to have a peek at one of the pages in my Sketchbook Project 2012 Limited Edition (due in Brooklyn, NY by April 30, 2012!) if you wish!

Sep 27, 2011

New Moon at '4Lib' = "Unbeaten Paths Illumined" 9.27.11

Sept 27, 2011's New Moon @ 4Libra = "Unbeaten Paths Illumined"

by Jude Cowell

A new cycle of activity began today with a New Moon in balancing Libra and it perfected at 7:08:36 am edt, so you've probably seen the New Moon horoscope set for the White House, right?

Therefore, it is very timely to consider in mundane fashion the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon's emphasized degree which arose in the DC chart with Ascendant @ 4Lib51; then I'll include the next degree of '5Lib' for good measure since the 360 degrees of the Zodiac--the Circle of Life--represent evolutionary progress as one degree morphs into the next. Today I'm quoting only Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala because I'm without my usual library this week and am blogging at you from historic Acworth, Georgia (about a hour north of Atlanta.)

If you tend to ponder such topics such as one-world-government, New World Order, Illuminati, King of Jerusalem, Merovingian bloodline, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and/or the Global Power Elite, the following info on today's New Moon may be somewhat unsettling--yet such are the times in which we stew. So if you're faint of heart, dear reader, I suggest you cut and run now lest you soon realize the implications of this new cycle of activity and the degrees it emphasizes.

'4Lib' = "Around a Campfire a Group of Young People Sit in Spiritual Communion"...Keynote: The necessity to unite with kindred spirits as one enters unbeaten paths illuminated by the still-insecure light of a dawning intuition of new values.

As one partially visionary leader said a few years ago: "Beaten paths are for beaten men." The urge to create a new society and respond to new values leads the pioneer to the wilds, which represent the state of planetary possibility--i.e. the as-yet-uncultured, the virgin forest. Around the fire of a common dedication (or at least a common hope!) minds and bodies can commune, forming a "chalice" or Grail for the reception of creative inspiration.


If a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it (ex: Henry Kissinger, GHWB, other power elites and monarchic heads--jc) or perhaps have envisioned its outlines (Bilderbergers, CFR, IMF, Club of Rome, etc--jc), should commune. But communion is useless where no central "fire" burns, IN-SPIRITING the group.

Note: It seems the world is due for a mysterious scandal, crime--or death--as noted by the rather sinister Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37. if such a death occurs from Nov 2011 into 2012 and an 'eternal flame' is placed over the grave site of a notable individual or individuals, we may wish to consider its 'fire' to be a calling card of the Illuminati or the defunct group's biological and ideological descendants who now labor to institute, after years of planning, their psychotic recipe for a totalitarian world regime.

It gets worse...

'5Lib' = "A Man Revealing to His Students the Foundation of an Inner Knowledge Upon Which a "New World" Could Be Built"...Keynote: The necessity for the youthful spirits to learn from a Teacher who through his long experience has been able to reach solid and illuminating truths, i.e. "seed ideas."

An old saying is just as valid today as ever: When the pupil is ready, the Master appears. But he may appear in many disguises. What matters is not the Master, but the Mastery he "re-veals." It is veiled in his person. It has to be contacted through his person, rather than in his person. Devotion to a guru may be the way, but sooner or later it should be transmuted into reverence: the truth within the disciple saluting in true humility the truth in the Teacher.


What is evoked by the symbol is the essential, withal rather mysterious, process of TRANSMISSION. What is transmitted, if the situation is really adequate and understood (at least tentatively) by all participants, is not merely knowledge. It is actually "being-ness."

And naturally you thought of how New Moons lead two weeks later to Full Moons which mark the fulfillment or culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seeding phase of all new cycles.

And for a 'guru'? Perhaps you thought of Bavarian Illuminati founder and guru of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin Adam Weishaupt?


Too weighty for you? Rather forgeddaboudit? As you wish. Of course, I don't blame you in the least--maybe you'd rather mosey over for a view of some lunar-inspired artwork on display in one of my art gallery blogs, Secret Moon Art! jc

Feb 19, 2009

New Moon in Pisces 2.24.09

If you'd like to check out the chart of Feb 24, 2009's New Moon 6Pis35, please do so.

You'll find midpoint pictures and a few pertinent asteroids mentioned; plus, Uranian planet Cupido is Rx in Libra and rising in the chart which I have set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC.

Now here's the Sabian Symbol of Feb 24's New Moon - I'm rounding up to '7Pisces' and using Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala:

"Illumined by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea mist."

"Keynote: The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth."

Hopefully, with the dire conditions in our nation and the world today, the Rudhyar estate will pardon me for quoting the rest because we could all use its wisdom now, imho:

Men who do not depend upon collective values, traditions, or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion.

They are sustained only by the power within them, to which light above answers. The symbol tells us: 'Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an individual--a son of God.'

Happen what may, everyone!

Apr 16, 2008

Clinton vs Obama: the charade will be televised

As usual, they're calling it a debate which is always a debateable term to use for political performances. That grouse out of the way, let's consider the horoscope of tonight's event, chart set for Philadelphia, PA, 8:00 pm edt, April 16, 2008.

Rising 2Sco05 is Hillary's natal Sun! But rising along with it (and of late it's been bedeviling her off and on) is transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint...

Saturn/Pluto = Sun: threat of loss; hard work; enforced change; potential ill health (or mention of healthcare initiatives?); physical toil and over-exertionl; sparing no pians in one's work; renunciation; privation; a physical separation.

Saturn/Pluto = ASC: placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; mourning and bereavement; sadness. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

~~Midpoint pictures may manifest in an 'all, either, or none' fashion.~~

Of course, the combo of Saturn/Pluto relates to violent people, adepts, magicians, extremely self-disciplined people, fanatical adherence to one's principles, and martyrdom (Ebertin.)

Will Hillary-as-leader be martyred to the one world government she so wants to water with tender loving care? She's waited so long! If so, it's because someone else has been determined to be the one the masses will listen to the best--at least at first.

And once their chosen shill moves into the White House, it's become impossible to squeeze the varmint out, as we've seen.

At Mc, the Goal Point of the chart, is 7Leo55 with "8Leo" being the "A Bolshevik Propagandist" degree, or as Dane Rudhyar puts it in his 'An Astrological Mandala'..."A Communist Activist Spreading His Revolutionary Ideals." This is George Bush's natal Ascendant degree, as you know--so Jupiter/Neptune opposes his natal ASC...

Jupiter/Neptune = ASC: appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others; speculation.

(The Jupiter/Neptune combo has spiritual links--the Pope's visit; and to idealism, feeling special, and to tricky legalisms.) (Tyl.)

At Ic, the Foundation of the chart and of tonight's event, is the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune so we have...

Jupiter/Neptune = Mc: a visionary; a spendthrift, wastrel, or squanderer; a fortune-hunter; a speculator; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

Sounds like Bush, Cheney, and their war to me, and it's sure to be a topic tonight. But of course, members of Congress are invested in the war as well and making a...killing, one assumes, so little will be done on that score--it's too profitable for Washington and for the war's behind-the-scenes promoters.

Well, Mars is still out-of-bounds for a while longer at 18Can14, 9th house, and opposing Jupiter 21Cap36, so money for the Iraq Occupation must surely be on the Dems' topic menu along with US economic concerns (of The People--the elite ruling class is doing excellently, thanks.)

Chart-ruler Mars is applying to an inconjunct (or 'quincunx'--165 degrees = adjustment) to Chiron (2A08), a helpful trine to Uranus (2A32), and an opposition to Jupiter (3A20.)

According to Frances Sakoian, the Mars/Jupiter opposition is the soldier of fortune aspect and describes those who are extravagant--especially with other people's money. Ain't that just like a politician?!

Boasting, overestimation of abilities, and crusades which promote personal material interests are part of a Mars/Jupiter opposition, along with aggressive opinionation which can antagonize others. Speculation is not advised when Mars opposes Jupiter, natally or in transit.

An angry Hillary Clinton may be disappointed and disillusioned this evening as Mars makes his final applying aspect, a square to Lady Venus, but Barack Obama may induce "A Large and Disappointed Audience" for the Sun 27Ari22 and orator Mercury 28Ari08 are snugged around this degree's symbol.

Rudhyar: "Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained. The manner in which (the situation) is met determines the individual's future possibilites of development and achievement."

He goes on: "There is a need here to be more than 'possessed by potentialities'...mankind as a whole will be affected...(there should be a) sense of RESPONSIBILITY for what one's actions will produce in people who have been made to expect significant results."

Lowered expectations, America? Do you think the change a new president represents will bring practical improvements? Hope so, but it's difficult for me to agree because America is being turned into a totalitarian police state. Can one mere president--and a black one at that--go against such a high and mighty group agenda?

And yet this evening's 'debate' begins with a lovely Mystic Rectangle ('practical mysticism'--this pattern also relates to the Pope in-the-house tonight) between Moon, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus.

Another planetary pattern in play tonight is: Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto in a high-flying Kite pattern pointing to the Ascendant and thus to Hillary's natal Sun.

The Kite's 'tail' is Sun conj Mercury which I believe represents Senator Obama and indicates a tendency toward stark realism when blended with Saturn/Pluto. Let's see if Obama gives hints of such by mentioning 'realism' in some way.

Moon (a woman; the public; publicity) is in the sign of health and dedicated service at 18Vir28, in 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Group Associations. Rudhyar gives the Sabian Symbol for "19Vir" as:

"A Swimming Race"...keynote: The stimulation that comes from a group effort toward a spiritual goal.

...What is needed is EMULATION, not competition."

Hopefully, the Dems will quit giving the opposition--the Rs--ammunition. We'll see how Hillary and Barack compete tonight--if one assumes that the nom decision--and even the prez decision--aren't already in the bag. It should be an entertaining show at the least.

After all, the 'elites' are all on the same side against the masses--and working for the establishment of their vision of a one world government, so political performances are a necessary part of the charade...for now.

Yep, their vision is our nightmare and we may as well be realistic about it. So let tonight's public relations effort for White House top shill begin!