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Showing posts with label George Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Washington. Show all posts

Jan 15, 2009

Bush and Washington: Farewell Addresses

It's been 213 years since President Washington gave his buh-bye to the American people, and tonight we get another buh-bye from Washington...DC.
George Washington's Farewell Address of Sept 17, 1796 involves no tacos or other references to what his audience expects to have for lunch or dinner.

But Washington does mention that he's made mistakes.

The George of our time, however, gives his Farewell Address tonight, Jan 15, at 8:00 pm est, an hour which does not, as some have noted, interfere with tonight's episode of The Office.

Mention of Bush mistakes are optional. The entire list would be refreshing and healing.

And since such an address at the end of a US president's term is a "fare thee well" wish, I must wonder if Bush will bespeak to us more of a 'Good-Bye, Suckers Address'...much more appropriate when you consider the man and his administration's radical rearrangement of America.

With minimal blogging time this morning, I'm posting the chart set for Washington, DC, 8:00 pm est, assuming that things run reasonably on schedule. You see one of the Images for Integration for Sun Cap-Moon Libra is scribbled in the lower left corner.

Moon is conjunct America's natal Midheaven, so the public is watching (those who can stomach it.)

Bush's feisty natal Mars is his 'first planet to rise' in the chart, and added to other factors, he should be in a self-defensive mood...'putting one's foot down; making a point strongly; standing up for one's position'--> Mercury-Mars = Sun, the leader.

8:00 pm is a Jupiter Hour so we may expect more of the Airy 'freedom-democracy for the world - by force, if necessary' schtick from this neocon mouthpiece.

Chart-ruler Mercury is Rx so it's a review and revise exercise for Mr. Bush, whose backside will be larger in the rearview mirror than it now appears.

9:29 pm est: Quit Yammering!

Well, how interesting is this? Hope it doesn't mean Bush was shaking his sabre at the American people or at Barack Obama on his smarmy way out the door...

...Dubya hushed up at 8:14 pm est with Ic (the Foundation or Basis of the chart, aka The Drain; Ending) conjunct Inauguration 2009's Moon 29Sco45...Ic at 8:14 pm: 29Sco17.

"30Sco"..."A Halloween Jester."

And at the WHY? Point, Mc..."30Tau"..."A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn."

And yet, underneath the make-up he looked like a wax doll to me. Or maybe my TV screen could use a bit of a polish - I know tonight's address made me want to spit.

Apr 29, 2008

Time Links: 1781 with Jan 20, 2009

Just a quick heads-up on a Page published today on some links between the charts of Cornwallis' Surrender of Oct 19, 1781, and the planetary positions of America's Inauguration Day 2009, noon est, Capitol Building, Washington, DC.

The 1781 chart, aka the Yorktown Surrender chart, is yet another of several versions known of America's birth or natal chart.

Well, sheesh and more sheesh! it's as if our Masonic, Sacred Geometry-versed Founders were trying to hide our beginning, rather than reveal it!

Do you ever get that creepy feeling from those cheeky monkeys of old?

But that's where the Yorktown Surrender chart comes in--the ceremony's hour was chosen by Gen Washington himself, and voila!

America is Free!

And see? there's a Lady at the 29th 2009 as in 1781.

I Knowww!

Mar 3, 2008

Birth of the American Presidency

April 20, 1789 marks the birth of the US Presidency as George Washington, the Father of Our Country, took the first Oath of Office...and they've been doing it regularly ever since.

In fact, we have a few folks squabbling back'n'forth over who will take the next Oath in 2009. Wanting to join that exalted list, I imagine.

Talk about modern! Did you know that George Washington has a blog all his own?

Amazingly, it's very well done for such an old fella!

Feb 18, 2008

George Washington Feb 22, 1732

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

So said the Father of Our Country, the only US president never to have lived (or slept) in the White House.

Here you see Washington's natal chart (Rodden Rating AA from family Bible) in honor of today's being Presidents Day which Congress created in 1971 as the 3rd Monday in February in order to blend Abe Lincoln into the celebration.

The chart you see is set for Feb 22 although GW was born on Feb 11 and so the chart says, "NS" for New Style/Gregorian which adds 10 days from the Julian calendar.

Translating GW's 18th century birth data correctly contains other quirkiness such as the fact that Britain didn't adopt Jan 1 as the start of the new year until 1752, so often you will see Washington's birth year written 1731/32, and if you do a straight conversion to LMT from the 18th century's LAT, you actually get 10:14 am as his time of birth.

The chart published here is from Rodden's with Solar Fire software, and it's the chart I've used for his Solar Return 2008 which occurs Feb 22, 2008 at 8:48:50 am LMT, Wakefield, VA.

And there again--the Wakefield area was known as Popels Creek when Numero Uno first saw the light of day.

As we infer from the above quote, Washington's associations, which included Freemasonry membership, were important for social acendancy all through his life. And if you click to enlarge the chart you'll see five midpoint pictures which include the associative/joining point of the North Node (NN.)

Please pardon my usual chicken scratch and tiresome tendency to schmoosh a bunch of details onto a chart--to make amends I'll type out the pictures for you from the Tyl and Ebertin directories:

Sun/NN = Mc: becoming prominent through associations; friendship based on soul kinship; a spiritual attitude to associations.

Mars/Mc = NN: leadership qualities; success potential; imposing one's will upon others.

Mars/NN = Uranus: stirring up others; events that affect a great many people; upsets; active cooperation; an organizing activity; sudden experiences shared with others.

Pluto/NN = Mars: demonstrating violence in the presence of others; tyranny; desire to control others; exhibition of personal power; the misfortune to be placed in someone else's hand or power. (Pluto/NN = powerful groups, Mars = activity; initiation.--jc)

Jupiter/NN opposite ASC: harmony; friendliness. (Jupiter/NN = wealthy groups conj DESC = partnerships; marriage; other people--jc)

There are two more natal pictures to be considered:

Mercury/Venus = Sun: conceit; vanity; recognition (yes, he's known for modesty but either it was faked, or only the 'recognition' part of this picture was activated--his choice. There's also such a thing as unconscious conceit, something most people suffer from--politicians in particular.)

And not all midpoint pictures are applicable in any chart--some never play out at all. My suspicion here is that this one did--plus, we-the-people have had GW's character spruced up through the years by idol-makers to make him appear larger than life. What do you think?

(Perhaps George Washington didn't so much sleep here as spend quite a few restless nights.)

Plus: Saturn/Uranus = Mercury: ability to hit back hard under provocation; organizing resistance; making great demands upon one's nervous energy; separating oneself from others; making necessary changes.

There are two interesting pictures when you add America's natal Saturn and Pluto--the one made by GW's natal Mars/Saturn with America's natal Pluto...

Mars/Saturn: Pluto: anger; death of a great many people; Higher Power; brutality; the need to take control.

And the one made by America's n Saturn with GW's n Jupiter/Pluto (Jupiter/Pluto = plutocrats)...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: adjusting the big picture to meet with more convention; strategy becomes necessary; difficulties; separation.

Washington's natal (Water-Earth) Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn blend is instructive as well for it is humane, charitable, cautious, and discreetly ambitious. There is high moral integrity here, and a dutiful nature with a deep sense of justice. (Would that America can find such a one again!)

This is the "pillar of strength" combo--reservedly romantic with a philosophical sense of humor. Dependable with a talent for strategy and blessed with shrewd perceptive capacity, Washington was both practical and mystical simultaneously.

Negatively, there is a moralistic and judgmental approach to relationships, a proneness toward worry and pessimism, timidity, defensiveness, and a leaning toward secretiveness.

The claylike Water-Earth combination's shadow side traits are a tendency to get stuck in the mud, 'swamped' by the sense of duty, and to hold a subjective and narrow viewpoint.

Images for Integration: An old freighter chugs towards the port, bringing in the goods...A famous actress leaves her estate to the Actors' Pension Fund. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And in Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, master astrologer Noel Tyl gives a slightly different flavor to the Sun Pisces-Moon Cap blend, and I quote so as not to miss a drop:

"In this blend, sensitivity seasons ambitious administration. We have the "feeling businessman," if you will. The abstract and the concrete, the ideal and the practical, the visionary and the actual are all blended together to put the personality forward."

Tellingly, we see that with the Placidus House System, the Sabian Symbol for GW's n Mc (Midheaven= Aspirations; Goals) is "30Cap"...

"Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference" and its opposite degree, "30Can", the Basis or Foundation of GW's natal chart is:

"Daughter of the American Revolution."

His n Mars/Uranus midpoint is at "1Sag", the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree (Jones.)

The blend of Martian and Uranian energies bestows a self-willed urge for freedom, much courage and fighting spirit, and contains, of course, a dynamic explosive quality so prevalent during violent revolutions.

Mars/Uranus describes revolutionaries and freedom fighters, in fact (Ebertin) and is operative in the US natal chart by a wide conjunction in Gemini.

Washington's Solar Return 2008 has the Mars/Chiron (sacred warrior archetype) precisely on the SR ASC 22Ari34 (orb of 31 minutes.)

Jupiter 14Cap15 is at Mc 13Cap01, making the SR Ic the repository for the US and Bush natal Suns, with asteroid Apollo there as well...Apollo, the hero. Apollo is linked with the Sun as the life purpose, aka the hero's journey.

This is another indication of this time and this presidential election being an important make-or-break situation.

Within the hour (it's 2:35 pm est) on my "other blog", Jude's Threshold I am posting on the only planetary pattern in Washington's 2008 Solar Return chart--a YOD, or Finger of God pattern, the special task or crisis configuration which contains much spirtual opportunity within.

This continues my usual tendency to use national figure charts, their progressions, and Returns as indicators of current events in America, so do drop by in a few, if you can. And I'll update this SO'W post by perfecting the link to the new post asap.

UPDATE: Jude's Threshold now has the "talent" pattern which creates a midpoint picture which I neglected to include bad.

And here's the link to my article on Washington's 2008 Solar Return with its YOD pattern which may be affecting the 2008 campaign (as well as the People), and the transit of Saturn opposing GW's natal Sun, a difficult period now in progress.

Nov 1, 2007

Sen. Whitehouse and the Spanish Inquisition

In the news: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's statement on Mukasey's nomination.

Read Whitehouse's official bio here.

Born Oct 20, 1955 into a diplomatic family in NYC, Junior Senator from Rhode Island, Sheldon Whitehouse (D) may have the perfect Washingtonian can hear it, I know: President Whitehouse in the Whitehouse. Sounds fine to me!

Now Senator Whitehouse's natal Sun Libra/Moon Sagittarius blend has two Images for Integration:

"An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds...Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of thin air to help famine-stricken Africa."

Obviously, he shares this Sun-Moon blend with Geldof and also with: historian Bruce Catton, Sean Lennon, Dory Previn, Betty Boothroyd, and Art Buchwald who said, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me.""

This is an idealistic combo, generous, adventurous, witty, and enthusiastic with missionary zeal...there are persuasive powers with philosophical interests and a desire to help others. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chasles and Suzi Harvey.)

A flair for public speaking is demonstrated as well as an ability to see the larger picture (Sag.) Negatively there can be a tendency to overstretch, over-estimate one's capacities, and/or to hide personal problems with workaholism (who doesn't?).

And yet a lack of introspection may cause blindness to one's true motives, an inability to "see" oneself realistically, and a certain detachment and aloofness may be noticed. Perhaps this results from hearing a celestial choir.

Yes, having a sensitive, receptive Sun-Neptune conjunction, it's not always easy to make one's mark although humanitarian work would be perfect for nebulous, idealistic Neptune's melding with one's essence and leadership qualities (Sun.) He seems to prefer working behind the scenes.

This creative combo usually results in a lack of confidence when expressing oneself, and there's a veiled outlook on life which may lead to disappointments and unpleasantness--plus, personal responsibilities may be difficult to manage. (Maturity can help mitigate such nebulous issues.)

Yet a career based on the public's benefit would be fine as long as a trusted advisor is around to help face the tougher issues, for realities can be abrasive to a Sun-Neptune individual.

Whitehouse's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series is problematic--the 11 South Series which last manifested July 11, 1991. This is the Series in which a few things have occurred through history such as:

1. the murder of writer Danny Casolaro which took place the weekend of Aug 9/10, 1991 as he closed in on the PROMIS gang and its octopus tendencies;

2. the assassination of Marat (July 13, 1793);

3. George Washington takes command of the army (July 3, 1775);

4. PE of Enrico Fermi.

Brady's Predictive Astrology lists the themes of this Series as:

Old ideas or methods will suddenly fail and new systems are required to deal with events brought on by the Eclipse; there is a need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed.

Well, Danny Casalaro, his investigation, and his in-progress book about 'The Octopus' certainly were removed.

The 11S Series next occurs: July 22, 2009 (29Can27--"30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree.)

Well, there's a small cameo of the Senator from Rhode Island who seems to have been inspired this week to speak up on America's behalf. I only wish more of the varmints of Washington DC would do it--and mean it.

Aug 27, 2007

deja-vuing Alberto Gonzales

Here are some of the highlights from SO'W of past Gonzo posts for a look-back upon the already-been-seens:

Gonzo's high noon 7.31.07

midpoints affecting Al Gonzales

Gonzales: Bowling for Freedom with Saturn

Scroll just below for the latest entry on this morning's resignation. And check out my post A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power over at Jude's Threshold if you're interested in the Sabian Symbol for America's Mercury--active today when Gonzales made his diverting morning announcement of dramatic importance.

Jul 12, 2007

Miers and the fires

Did you miss Mr.A.Cat's rhyme concerning Harriet Miers and Sara Taylor?

Then slink on over to Lim's Limericks for a generous bowl that's much fuller than was subpoena-ignoring Harriet's chair on Capitol Hill today!

May 7, 2007

The 'New' Masons

Did you miss NPR's report over the weekend on the current state of Freemasonry?

New Masons Drawn by Brotherhood, Not by Myths asserts that the brotherhood teaches moral lessons bwo allegory and secret rituals.

It's the secret rituals part that opens the door to cult accusations...even by the Roman Catholic Church. Guess the vatican likes to keep the market cornered on the secret ritual stuff.

Then you've got the the craft moniker--use of that term stirs the pot with the general public since it sounds wiccan or something (stirs the pot--I so foony...must be my n Jupiter/Saturn trine!)

Yet the US had 50,000 lodges and 4 million members in the 40s and 50s--now approximately 1.8 million, and the membership's average age continues to lower as their WWII-era brothers are passing on at a rapid rate.

See: Why 'Stars Over Washington'? in which I defend the naming of this blog along with some info concerning the founding of America and our nation's early connections to Freemasonry, if you wish.

Mar 22, 2007

Alex Flint

Last February Alex Flint left his job as the staff director for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where he played a key role in directing billions of subsidy dollars to the nuclear industry, to become the chief lobbyist for the Nuclear Energy Institute. This blatant conflict of interest is currently completely legal--surely in cases like this we should be able to call foul.

We need lobbying rules on Capitol Hill to prevent special access and undue influence that favors powerful interests. You can help now by asking Speaker Pelosi to make sure the house introduces strong lobby reform legislation that stops the most blatant abuses.

To take action, click on the link below:


Mar 13, 2007

McGovern prefers Nixon to Bush-Cheney

Yes, it's true. The Nation has some measured words from George McGovern concerning Bush, Cheney, and the Constitution.

He evens gives a "looks awfully good" to a certain Dem candidate--although he's giving no official endorsement yet (natch)--you know this one's name oh yes you do!

Mar 6, 2007


Scooter Libby found guilty of all but one charge--perjury--lying to the FBI (and what politician hasn't done that?)--now facing up to 30 years in prison but federal guidelines recommend less.

His attorneys say they will ask for a new trial and will appeal if it's not granted.

You see here a chart for his to enlarge.

And while my heart goes out to Libby's family, I think perhaps families shouldn't let loved ones enter politics--or become toadies and sacrificial lambs for people like Dick Cheney.

Feb 23, 2007

Vilsack Ends '08 Bid

Former Iowa governor and Democrat, Tom Vilsack, the first offical candidate to announce his 2008 run back in November, will be announcing his un-run today.

A proponent of alternate energy sources such as biodiesel, ethanol, and wind power, Vilsack's as-if plan was to end US dependence on foreign oil but now the wind is out of his sails. He also called for Congress to cut funding to bring our troops home.

John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama were too much for his longshot campaign to weather and who couldn't have told him so last November?

Click title to read the AP article if you wish.

And read Granny Miller's interesting Comments at end of my post on George Washington's natal chart concerning an alternate birth time and chart details for him. (Tried the link I cite to his family Bible page last evening but it seems to be dead not alive. It's got to be online somewhere...anyone?)

Feb 22, 2007

George Washington Feb 22, 1732

Happy Birthday, Mr. President--we're exceedingly sorry about what we've done with the place.

George Washington (GW), Father of our Country, could not possibly be happy today if he had a say, could he?

Here you see his natal chart, accuracy rating AA (the highest) from so we can be certain that his Solar Return Chart for today is accurate as well. Click to enlarge for my usual chicken scratch notes around the outside along with his SR for 2007 (the inside chart is his natal chart.)

One thing we always notice off-the-bat with Solar Return Charts--which are in effect for one's personal year--is which natal house is rising--in GW's case for 2007 that would be his 8th house of: the occult; debt; legacies; insurance; credit; other people's money; dreams; transformation; and death, to name a few. America will obviously be dealing with these things for 2007 and beyond--thanks to the drunken sailors of Capitol Hill and the Bush-Cheney bottomless pit that is their war.

GW's n North Node, a point of destiny and encounters is conj the SR Ascendant, and there we see Pluto rising, planet of transformation and such. Jolly moneybags Jupiter, guru, professor, and General, has just entered GW's 8th house, an often tricky transit relating to money matters which may increase assets or deplete them through overextension, overestimation, and extravagance.

If we use GW's chart to represent the country, this describes our present difficulties quite well--plus, we have the added misfortune to recognize that tr Jupiter has recently opposed GW's natal Neptune, planet of loss, confusion, illusion, and deception. (Tr Saturn in his n 4th house may indicate more loss of miners and other industrial workers.)

Although GW didn't know he had a Neptune (or a Pluto, Uranus, or Chiron, for that matter) it is often instructive and fascinating to include the outer planets in an historical figure's chart, don't you think?

When Jupiter opposes n Neptune there are many dangers and illusions in one's environment, and keeping track of reality may be all but impossible.

Those who propose fantastic schemes should be avoided (too late--they've been throttling the White House for years) and guilt is often used as an excuse for overindulgence and extravagance (quick! send more billions to Iraq)...there are sure to be serious consequences to this out-of-bounds spending which is yet to be fully appreciated. Confidential matters are revealed (lookin' at you Cheney and "Scooter") or are completely distorted and thereby misunderstood.

Does any of this sound familiar to ya?

His Natal Chart:

GW's natal Sun-Moon phase is 3rd quarter, and it may be interesting to consider the 3rd quarter personality since he's 275 years old today...will modern astrological interpretation hold up for this fellow?

The 3rd quarter personality:

Here is the philosopher who questions everything. There are many tensions between personal ideolgies and beliefs and the realities of systems and facts. As a spokesman for the Collective, this personality may bite off more than it can chew (by his 1st presidential swearing-in, Washington had one tooth left in his head.)

This is the traditional values vs futuristic trends phase which can see the value in both and which results in a dilemma of conscience. Ideals are achieved through group associations, and groups may be improved to fit the ideals.

This personality can fit into the business world by day and an esoteric world by night, and is actually more comfortable in the esoteric world (GW was a Freemason who gained his Master Apprentice rank Nov 4, 1752, age 20.)

Negatively, this phase has a tendency toward pessimism when thwarted and there is an inflexibility to the character. The career is often crisis-ridden yet is born with a deep sense of vocation. The outer appearance is calm but there is much inner conflict (supported by an irritating semi-square between n Sun and Moon, in GW's case) which results in reactionary and revolutionary behavior.#

(Credit for this Moon phase personality info goes to, but I can't get the link to work here, so you may want to type it in yourself. Hopefully the site is still live.)

There's much more that can be said for the Father of our Country, but I'll close now with an Image for Integration for his charitable, cautious, and discreetly ambitious Sun Pisces/Moon Capricorn blend:

An old freighter chugs towards the port, bringing in the goods (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

And here's a bon mot from the great man himself which modern politicians would do well to take to heart--which I assume most of them still have:

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

May 12, 2006

Sun 2 Chiron + Chiron 2 Sun: Thomas Paine

On Saturday, May 13, a rather curious double transit transpires involving the natal chart of Thomas Paine: tr Sun to Chiron just when tr Chiron conjuncts natal Sun!

Amazingly, transit Sun 22Tau52 = natal Chiron 22Tau52, and tr Chiron 9AQ46 = natal Sun 9Aq43, 10th house of public reputation/honor (the wider world) while Sun to Chiron is in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma--where secret deals are made.

(Go forward in time: see this bi-wheel chart here.)

First we may wish to consider the significance of the Sun/Chiron combination:

Chiron connecting to any planet "Chiroticizes" it and pushes or forces the planet's energies to new levels of awareness of its destiny. The Sun is related to destiny and purpose, so this particular connection is very important in any chart.

The situation is quincunxial in nature: that is, it signifies a special life purpose which involves what is usually an impossible adjustment which must be made--the "square peg in the round hole" feeling with back-against-the-wall issues which are crisis-ridden and often dire.

And since America is in dire straits in so many ways, this double emphasis occurring in one of our Founding Fathers' charts may be instructive concerning our circumstances, I'm thinkin'. Let's see if that is so...

As Chiron relates to the synchronicity principle as an acausal state (it cannot be explained on the physical level) we'll check out the Sabian Symbols for the various affected degrees, and we'll note that natal Chiron is, in fact, spot-on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of May 28, 2000. This indicates that something about this double transit relates to that time and to the Jup-Sat cycle in general (now squaring off again--crisis stage), for be-here-now Chiron indicates an intersection of past with future...

And so Chiron transits point out when the archetypal nature of an experience can suddenly reveal itself. There is frequently an AHA! reaction--a peak experience described by the contact of Chiron to a natal planet with accompanying insights pertaining to the unfolding of a life-changing event--even "unfinished business from the past"!

Now I know Tom Paine died lonely and discredited because of his religious views (Age of Reason), but I think we in 2006 can forgive him that esp when you consider his invaluable work on behalf of American independence and his uplifting of the common good. And it is the common good which is in such short supply as the US military industrial complex continues its insidious coup of our formerly free nation and of our government.

The cycle of Chiron also relates to woundings, awakenings, and realizations of how our life commitments seek to manifest in the outer world--and with Old Tom being long-gone, it seems it is up to us to carry on his work on America's behalf. His wounds--which are also gifts--are on display, thanks to astrology.

Particularly, the contact of Chiron to Sun shows where there is a strong sense of destiny unfolding, and it seems obvious to me, if I have explained myself with any amount of clarity or tact here--that this relates to our nation this Very Day.

Using both the 9/10 AQ and the 22/23 Taurus degrees in the Jones version (MEJ), and in the Rudhyar (DR), with one interpretation amplifying the other:

(MEJ) Chiron-Sun "9AQ": "A flag turned into an eagle that crows"> DRAMATIZATION...
The loyalties of human beings are the foundation of any possible society, and any individual prospers as he springs to action in their defense.

Pos: accomplishment through utter self-dedication; Neg: vindictive pride.

(DR) "9AQ": Keynote> The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values.

All that is Implied here is the vitalization of a powerful symbol, and its embodiment in a living reality, i.e. in a person able to fly in consciousness to the highest spiritual realm. The archetype is given a living substance and wings. The Image has become Power.

To "see" the new archetype, to perceive the new standard of value with one's mind is not enough. The seer must become the doer. The impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision. >><<

(MEJ) "10AQ": "A popularity that proves ephemeral"> ...the swing of the pendulum between an endorsement and a repudiation of (an individual's) efforts by his social group....A courageous self-confidence and an unflagging faith are worthy of recognition, but only in their moment of significance. APPROBATION...

Pos: a gift for bringing the issues of life to a dramatic consummation at a time of crisis; Neg: prodigal opportunism.

(DR) "10AQ": "A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal"> Keynote: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal.

...the relationship between *mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate. The "Star" on the movie screen is not the actual person. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? It is Person vs Archetype...a critical need for SELF-EVALUATION.<<>>

MEJ: Sun-Chiron "22Tau": "White dove over troubled waters"> GUIDANCE...

Pos: a skillful reconciliation of difficulties in the light of over-all potentials;
Neg: an ineffectiveness of mind through habitual woolgathering.

DR: "22Tau": Keynote: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis. (Remember Paine's The Crisis--a series of articles written during the Revolution...from 1776-1783.)

This Symbol refers to the rhythm of a cosmic, God-ordained cycle that reveals a need to face crisis in the right spirit--in complete obedience to God's promptings--in
order to receive a new Dispensation.

MEJ: "23Tau": "A jewellery shop filled with valuable gems"> PRESERVATION...

Pos: a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends; Neg: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles.

DR: "23Tau": Keynote: The social confirmation of natural excellence.

With this Symbol we are concerned with the social process which brings about a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.<<>>

>And the midpoint picture created with Jupiter/Saturn = Sun: taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; becoming gripped by the status quo if no plans have been made, and having to make the best of it. <<>>

Well, just as Chiron travels between the inner (Saturn) and the outer (Uranus) realms and unites them, so birds travel between earth and heaven as they migrate across the skies.

And synchronistically enough, Saturday also happens to be International Migratory Bird Day!

With Thomas Paine's past loss of the public's good will due to his promotion of reason above spirit, is it time to re-evaluate the still-dripping wound caused by the Reason vs Religion Split from which mankind still suffers?

Is it possible this Split is a false argument? Shouldn't one support the other if rightly understood?

Many people believe this wound is the basis of our current ills (along with greed and avarice, of course...let's not forget Washington's favorite past times...and that of a few other people you and I could name.)

There is also tr Pluto (power) opposing natal Neptune (ideals; dreams) which indicates ruling powers being challenged by those who hold conflicting ideals. So if you haven't noticed that neocon war hawks are in process of undermining America's original ideals...hello? Anybody there?!

And if you consider Saturday's double transits of Sun to Chiron/Chiron to Sun for our Tom, it could be realization time that to reach higher realms is a possibility for those who make the honest effort and open themselves to the spiritual energies which are all around us like doves over troubled waters.

5.12.06 7:40 pm edt

Thomas Kindig's Left Justified is a fantastic resource for 'examining the roots of constitutional government'.