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Showing posts with label Moon-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon-Neptune. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2017

Ask Saturn: Rising Authoritarianism Can Be Defeated!

Have you noticed that soul-crushing, anti-democracy authoritarianism is on the rise across the globe? Donald Trump in the White House is America's primary symptom of its Saturnian paternalism as we find in the current picture of transit Pluto @18Capricorn hitting the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (1993) which times a certain midpoint picture--Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl)--and this, triggering the word picture for 18 Capricorn: POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism' (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones).

Of course, authoritarianism has been rising in America since before Trump entered the White House and one astrological timer I noticed years ago was the December 30, 1999 Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, one of the astrological pairs of plutocracy, oppression, racism, and various other -isms such as Authoritarianism, Communism, Socialism, Bolshevikism, Capitalism--all terms invented by man to promote one oppressive scheme or another---and to divide the populace against itself.

Thing is, the 1999 Pluto-Chiron conjunction occurred @12Sagittarius which is the Ascendant degree in America's 'Sibly' horoscopes (July 4, 1776 5:00 pm LMT or a few minutes later--I use 5:09 pm which places 00Libra at MC and Aries Point at IC). This oppressive conjunction of primal violence helped to usher in the New Millennium. (View the chart when the Trump-Clinton debate of October 19, 2016 was timed by a new two-year cycle of brutal Mars and Pluto melding their powers at the South Node of the New Millennium).

And yet there is good news! For there are ways of countering, even stopping (Saturn) authoritarianism in its hoof-shaped tracks as someone at The Guardian advises us:

Authoritarianism is making a comeback. Here's the time-tested way to defeat it. "Tyrants' tactics require the consent of large numbers of people. The first lesson, then, is not to obey in advance."

Another sign post of authoritarianism (and the tyranny of plutocracy) infecting America in 2017 is our national Saturn exalted in Libra (14:48 in 1776), sign of the Scales of Justice, which by progression, turned retrograde in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio (where our SP Saturn remains) in 1996 during the second presidential term of Bill Clinton whose tenure included impeachment and thus the undermining of the Executive Branch through the eager auspices of the Republican Party.

So now, in 2017, will the Democratic Party return the 'favor' and oppose the extreme authoritarianism of austerity-promoting Republicans and their mascot Donald Trump? Probably not with the nerve and verve needed (although they did stand up last night concerning the secret Trumpcare bill). But it requires We The People to defeat it by participating in this democracy (such as it is) using the peaceful tactics mentioned in the article linked above!

Now, in case you haven't seen it before, below is the horoscope of the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 30, 1999 (@11Sag22--two esoteric numbers x two!) with my study notes penned on (please enlarge). You'll want to consider that Pluto-Chiron = Moon-Neptune and several other planetary factors including the Mother of All Eclipses of August 11, 1999 @18Leo in the 1 North Saros Series in this chart's 8th house of Corporatism, Big Money, and the Occult--and 1 North repeats upon this chart's 9th cusp on August 21, 2017 @29Leo, a critical degree--The Great American Eclipse--and I assert that there continues to be some weird plutocratic timing going on and we can expect global government (aka, a new world order) to be termed 'necessary' to solve the world's problems (which international bankers and their handmaidens, the political elite, created):

The duration of the Pluto-Chiron cycle is approximately 60 years in length and relates to "mass currents of consciousness--the collective unconscious, the racial, cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels of reality. The beginning of the cycle...signals the up welling of an initially unconscious impetus seeking expression as a historically necessary transmutation." (Chiron, Richard Nolle). (My italics.)

Also note that, among other things, 'Moon-Neptune' = mass un-consciousness, or, the Collective Unconscious. And thus, globalists have many of us thinking on a subliminal level that authoritarian global government is inevitable. It is not.

Also in August a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ.

Jun 27, 2014

The First World War, Archduke Ferdinand and Sophie: a Wedding Anniversary 1914

With the outbreak of the First World War traditionally blamed upon the "spark" lighted by the June 28, 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife Sophie in Sarajevo, it is interesting to note that there are two planetary transits by conjunction to the Archduke's natal planets on this very day, the 100th anniversary of their double assassination.

They are transit Mars in Libra to natal Saturn (16Lib40 conjunct natal Midheaven 16Lib24) which spotlights obstacles (Saturn) in career and public status (MC) and describes the need to hurry (their driver took a wrong turn and when told he stopped the car--only once--next to the successful assassin--a coincidence? Apparently so.) The other current transit to the Archduke's natal chart is transit Saturn in Scorpio conjunct natal Jupiter 17Sco50 which denotes that the path he was taking was blocked--well, yes, assassination can certainly be described as a blockage, can't it? It hints that the Archduke should have been giving back some of the gifts and good fortune but perhaps he was hoarding them--or, at least there were those in need in society who would understandably feel it to be so. Divergence from tradition could have been part of the discontent as well with this transit (which I'm reading in the here-and-now as if it casts a light on circumstances of 100 years ago.) Whether the discontent was on the part of bankers isn't clear as of this writing but it could be since Jupiter's realms include banking, corporations, cabals, knighthood, ideology, religion, politics, the military, and other controversial fields in life.

Sun + Moon = Marriage

That momentous day in 1914 happened to be Franz and Sophie's 14th wedding anniversary and though this blogger is generally no huge fan of monarchies of any stripe, I feel the historically important couple deserves an expression of sadness here because few if any human beings should suffer such horror on what ought to be a happy day, or on any other day for that matter, political disagreements or not.

Now let's consider the Sun (male principle; husband) and Moon (feminine principle; wife) positions on their wedding day, June 28, 1900 to gain a small bit of insight into their partnership so tragically cut short. Though the hour of their nuptials is unknown, we find that the Moon during the 24 hours of that date remained in her own sign of Cancer with the Sun in Moon-ruled Cancer (5/6) as well--just as they are for today's New Moon @5Can30.

Immediately we sense that a double Cancer signature to their relationship denotes a family-oriented partnership full of nurturing, needs met, and contentment as kind hearts blend with romance yet with a streak of shrewdness mixed with clannishness.

The Water-Water nature of their marriage indicates lots of feelings, emotions, and creative imagination, even theatricality which would aid them with royal pageantry. Plus, a tendency is denoted to go misty with tears while 'drinking in life experiences'. However, reasoned objectivity may be sorely lacking and one may wish to speculate (one hundred years later!) that the ruling style of the Archduke could have used a portion of it rather than a boatload of emotional subjectivity. As for their marriage, perhaps they were sympatico and saw eye-to-eye to the point of never disagreeing with one another--is that possible? Since water tends to 'go with the flow', perhaps it is possible especially when The Family is placed upon the pedestal of both hearts.

Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer signifies a 'psychic sponge' tendency as well and on June 28, 1914, as they visited Sarajevo, the crowds appeared happy and perhaps elated to see the couple, as Sophie had remarked, and although those happy feelings the pair soaked up from the environment were genuine enough it didn't include several would-be assassins along the route taken by their car. With the Moon in critical Virgo that day, at least one man in particular, Gavrillo Princip, didn't share such happy feelings at all, in fact, for it was he who pulled the trigger shooting first Sophie, then the Archduke. This murderous act was subsequently used as justification for the outbreak of the First World War (WWI) to "end all war" and "make the world safe for democracy."

Yet few people in 2014 could fail to note that the absurd jingoistic slogans were only flimsy propaganda meant to lie populations into fighting what turned out to be a world war that led to World War II which then brought innocent people all over the world the horror of the 'abomination of desolation'--nuclear bombs.

And all so that wealthy old bald men could scam even more riches while viciously grasping the reins of regional, then global power. Their devilish plot continues...


For more info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Birth Data from church archives: Franz Ferdinand Habsburg December 18, 1863 @7:15 am LMT; ASC 18Sag56 ('18Sag' is traditionally known as a 'degree of royalty'--N. DeVore); Sun 25Sag53, Moon 5Ari38 ('a lust for power'; conjoins natal Neptune); Mercury 4Cap58; Venus 9Sco19; Mars 00Sag54 (conjunct natal 12th cusp of politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies); Jupiter 17Sco50 (as chart-ruler Jupiter makes no major applying aspects in the chart); Saturn 16Lib40 (conjunct natal MC--fall from grace, or a downfall); Uranus 22Gem55 Rx (conjunct natal Descendant of Partnership--a shocking separation; also conjoins US natal Mars); Neptune 3Ari18; Pluto 10Tau36 Rx; North Node of Destiny 26Sco10; Chiron 6Pis39; MC 16Lib24. Click the link in the first paragraph to read a brief bio; a view of his natal horoscope is linked there as well along with Sophie's general natal data; Princip's details are included.

Note that a Moon-Neptune pairing tends to support the above mentioned psychic ability and suggests that crises in life may be brought on by overindulgence and indolence (Ebertin.)

Apr 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher: iron Saturn rising

April 8, 2013 UK PM Margaret Thatcher Passes Away Peacefully

by Jude Cowell

Since former Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher passed away today I want to make note of the event on Stars Over Washington though a complete analysis of her natal horoscope has been published elsewhere many times over. You may wish to view her natal horoscope along with that of Meryl Streep who played her in the film at Solaris Astrology.

One basic way to describe the 'Iron Lady' is to point out key planetary contacts in her natal chart which I am about to do.

A-rated birth data: October 13, 1925 9:00 am GMT Grantham, England; Hour of Venus @2Sag04 in 1st house; ASC 15Sco16 (the Eagle Point which is shown clearly by her beakish nose--no disrespect intended); MC (The Goal) 3Vir51 with Moon 28Leo37 (conjunct Royal Star Regulus--she ended life as a Baroness) and Neptune 24Leo13 in 9th house. As my post title implies, Saturn 13Sco46 rises in 12th house of Politics and Karma giving harshness to her early life as the working class daughter of a grocer, but Saturn also supplied her with a conservative demeanor and steely self-discipline later on, building upon success one brick at a time.

Jupiter-Pluto (Plutocracy), Sun-Uranus (willfulness), and Moon-Neptune

A powerful Jupiter-Pluto opposition (0A15; 14Cap29-14Can44) across the 2/8 money axis indicates a deep determination toward material security and a tendency to challenge others by questioning their ideologies and asserting her own deeply held dogma. This opposition has a 'savior' quality to it which may use other people's finances or financial circumstances against them in order to gain victory and advantage.

However, using one's Jupiter-Pluto energies in an anarchistic rise to power only creates resentment and bitterness, and Lady Thatcher was, as you know, a deeply divisive figure within her own country at the height of her power and seems to be more revered in the US than at home particularly by American conservatives who sometimes include her in their idolatry of Ronald Reagan.

Actually, her natal Mars applies to a square of dynamic tension with moneybags Jupiter and powerful Pluto, so Jupiter-Pluto = Mars: leadership; a desire for great achievements; organising talent; publicity; application of controls to suit one's particular purposes. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Mars (energy, action, motivation) square Jupiter shows her as having a need for self-discipline in order to put tremendous physical and mental energies to best use. Time refined her goals and her ability to deal with them; a talent for public speaking is denoted by this aspect, as are feelings of impatience and of being threatened by competitors--yet much determination is given toward achievement. A certain accident-proneness is there and is echoed by her PE's theme (see below.)

And Mars square Pluto indicates a forceful nature, aggression when in pursuit of objectives, and a tendency to become abusive when denied or frustrated.

Now the closest applying aspect to natal Sun is what we want for describing her essence, isn't it? That would be a Sun-Uranus inconjunct (2A58)--but only because I'm counting the inconjunct (150 degrees) as a major aspect. Otherwise, there is no major applying aspect to natal Sun which highlights the Sun's natal house, sign, and degree of 19Lib30 in 11th house of Groups and Associations--good for collective endeavors such as Politics where she could shine. (Also in 11th house are Venus and Mars 9Lib27.)

Sun inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus denotes one who is susceptible to the 'you're the only one who can do it' guilt trip placed upon her by others--well, perhaps she was the 'only one' who could take over UK politics in 1979 with her isolated, controlling Saturn rising. In fact, being imposed upon and feeling challenged by others was part of her personality which is supported by Saturn, planet of responsibility, accountability, authority, and burdens, rising. Lady Thatcher was Saturn whose realm includes lead and other heavy metals such as iron and steel, as well as government, law, and business.

Another planetary pair to mention is her Moon-Neptune which supplied emotional sensitivity, imagination, and sometimes a tendency to daydream (!) A challenging professional life is a must with a Moon-Neptune conjunction in order to keep one productively busy, preferably in work that is publicly oriented and free from boring routines. When meeting new people she may have felt disoriented in some way so they were categorized according to her own manner of thinking. And perhaps she held an appreciation of poetry and art with her Moon-Neptune conjunction, and perhaps a liking for liquid refreshments.

Descriptively, Thatcher's 9th house Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (18North) now sets in her Secondary Progressed chart (SP) with SP Descendant @28Can20. 18N themes are: 'high stress levels, a taxing of strength, potential illness or accident, and obsessive thinking and worrying' (B. Brady.) During her lifetime, 18N also manifested in the years 1943, 1961, and 1997 (next in 2015.) Angular planets are often active at death, and in progressions, her SP Jupiter 00AQ39 is rising, thus angular, and her natal Venus 2Sag04 conjoins SP Midheaven signifying that her life will be popularly on display for the world to view and appreciate.

As for the most public angle of her natal horoscope, the Mercury-Pluto midpoint sits atop her natal chart thus relating to Career, Public Status, and guarding and/or dealing with important secrets as a goal--Mercury-Pluto = MC: leadership; great resourcefulness; deep perception of any situation; good coping ability; arranging matters well; prudence or circumspection; keen powers of judgment or discernment.

Let's close by considering potentials for one of the midpoint pictures from the initial solar eclipse of her PE Series (18N) which first manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34:

Mars-Saturn = Uranus (1Sag26): intense drive; breaking loose; accident; struggling to gain independence. (Mdpts pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

Well, today is the day that PM Margaret Thatcher finally broke loose as she gained independence from the earthly plane and now all her struggles are over. May the Iron Lady R.I.P.

Now here is today's Mother Jones article to burst the Thatcher bubble of lionization in the US of this divisive politician.

Dec 6, 2012

Is John Boehner's boozing legendary around Washington?

Political Corruption and the Bartender Blues

by Jude Cowell

A Judy's World article Why Boehner Needs to Go details some things said by Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe Wednesday (12/5) about the Speaker's reputation for drunkeness around town, remarks which I heard with my own ears.

Even from this distance in Georgia (and not being a resident of D.C. for many moons now), I've heard of Speaker Boehner's love of The Juice 'ere this but it seems his current 'fiscal cliff' stalemate performances on Capitol Hill are giving his Neptunian dependency on negative escapism a boost into the spotlight. One may perhaps wonder, Is he up to the task?

Well, maybe you've already checked out Mr. Boehner's natal horoscope with its Moon-Neptune contact, a possible conjunction indicating drinking if not alcohol dependency which often has a self-pitying, crying-in-beer vibe especially when things aren't going his way. (I once had an uncle with this conjunction and the resulting problem of emotional weakness so I know all too well--but who doesn't?)

So if you should hear that President Obama has Speaker Boehner 'over a barrel' it sadly may refer to more than the expiration of the Bush tax cuts at midnight on New Year's Eve 2012.

Nov 9, 2012

Horoscope: GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart

Delusional GOP Loses White House: SP Moon-Neptune Opposition

by Jude Cowell

My blogging time is brief today but I want to publish a copy of the Secondary Progressed (SP) Horoscope of the Republican Party set for November 6, 2012. Below you see that during Campaign 2012 their SP Moon was within orb of an opposition to SP Neptune with Neptune at '14Pisces' ("A Lady in Fox Fur" --Jones; that's FOX fur! --jc; Dr. Jones gives the negative expression of "14Pis" as: "amoral opportunism" which describes the GOP, FOX News, and Rupert Murdoch to me. Yet some say that Mr. Murdoch and FOX are happy Mr. Obama won because it means more profits for them! Who would they complain about and undermine with their ridiculously obvious 'echo chamber' of lies if Mitt had won?)

The following progressions issue from the natal chart of the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI:

Horoscope: GOP Progressions for Nov 6, 2012; Hour Venus; Mars out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and up to who knows what in governmental Capricorn; Sun conjunct Venus (self-satisfaction.)

Another factor is that the Nov 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 (theme: "joy through commitment"--Brady) conjoins GOP SP South Node of separation and loss; the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of their SP chart manifested on Nov 20, 1854, the horoscope of which contains a character-implicating midpoint picture involving wealthy 'Jupiter-Pluto' ('special achievers, big financiers, those who mount grand projects, religious leaders', etc)...

Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune (transit Neptune @13Pis10 Rx--in FOX fur!): deceiving, seducing, cheating others; loss through others without being aware of it (Ebertin.)

Now if you can, please click to enlarge the image and read a few more basic details scribbled around the chart. The 'my correction' refers to the mess I made when writing 'NN/AS = Saturn' in the midpoint pictures list, upper right.

As you see, the SP Moon on Election Night was in process of moving beyond an exact opposition of a few months' duration (Moon @14Vir39, Neptune 13Pis15) and since aspects are stronger as they apply (approach), the delusion and deception indicated by the Moon-Neptune opposition have begun to fade as the re-election of President Barack Obama gave the GOP a well deserved Wake Up Call (to which they remain as of yet, determined to ignore--when the president called Boehner and McConnell after the results were announced, Mr. Obama was told that both men "were asleep"--puh! another sour-grapes instance of GOP rudeness and disrespect shown toward the president.

Another factor I shall mention is the inconjunct (or, quincunx, 150 degr = adjustment, strain) between thinking-planning Mercury @00Sag03 in 6th house of Military Service (@"1Sag" = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire") and the SP Ascendant (the party itself) indicating that the Republicans won't discuss their shortcomings when they're brought up in conversation and they primarily deflect doing so by changing the subject to other topics.

Yet most realistic folk know that you can't repair problems unless you first admit they exist and correctly identify them! This week's constant stream by the GOP and party surrogates of blaming Hurricane Sandy disrupting Mitt Romney's imagined "momentum", Governor Chris Christie's appreciation of President Obama's aid and attention in New Jersey after Sandy hit, the Democrats' "supressing the vote" (they're joking on that one, right?!) is no way to fix the party's considerable problems which are platform-based and attitudinal.

Look at that SP Mercury--it's your harsh and antiquated ideas, stupid! And by SP Mercury's Sabian Symbol we may infer that war was/is a big part of their hoped-for strategy especially since the neocon Vulcans were set to ride in on Mitt's white horse and take over the White House and Pentagon if they'd won the presidency.

So with one of Neptune's realms being mass media--FOX News in particular, in this case--we can see that the people (Moon) were awash with the faulty propaganda and bubble-protected ideas of the Republican Party put out for those gullible enough to be swayed.

And though the Democratic Party has few members of a saintly nature, I'm glad the delusional GOP got beat on November 6th as heartily as they did. Now as the weeks go by, we'll see how disruptive Election Day 2012 Mercury's Retrograde period will be with lawsuits and threats of recounts already being announced. A good example is Rep. Allen West who sees "communists" lurking about the halls of Congress.

Which is amusing because I see Crazy Nutzoids lurking about the halls of the Republican Party...

Aug 1, 2012

The Competing Mercuries of Obama v Romney 2012

Obama v Romney 2012 = Proud Lion v Wiggly Fish!

by Jude Cowell

As you know, in Astrology the planet of plans, planning ability, thinking processes, communication styles, bargaining techniques, the senses, manual dexterity, and The Mind is quicksilver Mercury. With the presidential candidates of 2012 said to be running neck'n'neck (except in the 'swing states' where Mr. Obama is ahead), and no plans for 2013 and beyond are being offered up by either of them.

So let's act sassily and draw back a curtain on the natural born talents each man possesses as indicated by the signs in which their natal Mercuries are posited. Aspects to and from Mercury and its house (department of life) position will be included, as well as some info on their Secondary Progressed (SP) Mercuries in 2012 which will show under what influences their Mercuries currently function.

Obama's Natal Mercury in Leo: a Strong Will and Fixed Purposes

President Barack Obama 'BHO' (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii) first drew breath when speedy Mercury was traversing dramatic, royal Leo @2:19 in his 6th house of Health-Work-Service; Leo is the sign of The Lion and of the Prodigal Son (or, the Prodigal Father), and here, Mercury is ruled by the Sun (essence; ego.)

BHO's natal Mercury makes two separating (unconscious; talents and tendencies he was born with) aspects: a sextile to the Moon in Gemini (1S02) and an opposition to Jupiter @00AQ52 Rx (degree of US Inaugural Sun each January 20th.) However, Jupiter is 5 degrees 32 mins from n Saturn @25Cap20 Rx, strong in its own sign of Capricorn (government, law, and business) yet Saturn is weakened in a Water house (12th H of Politics with 19Cap01 on its cusp, though some say Saturn 'joys' in the 12th H of Sorrows!), is Rx (weak or absent father--'prodigal'), and as chart-ruler (ASC 18AQ03) must co-rule with his 7th H Uranus in Leo. Perhaps their orb is too wide to count a dissociate Mercury-Saturn opposition here though you may consider it if you wish.

When positively used, a Mercury-Moon sextile denotes one who has learned to be patient and listen to others, and who doesn't allow feelings to affect rational judgment. Engaging in new ways of thinking has brought him onto conflict with those who tend to think in terms of cliches and platitudes and who are too quarrelsome to feel compassion for others. This is an empathetic aspect (made stronger with n Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini) when thinking Mercury is balanced with the feeling Moon, yet a tendency to placate others may be noticed. Retreat from intellectual attack is used as a strategy so that a counterattack may be made from a different perspective. Decision-making based on accomodating others may be seen by opponents as a character weakness and decisions are often overruled by those he wishes to appease. Yet an up-side to this sextile is a pronounced talent for debating which naturally is helpful to President Obama in Politics.

Mercury opposite Jupiter gives much inspiration but practicality must be found elsewhere in the chart. Having Saturn in Capricorn suffices most of the time especially if dependable (and probably older) advisers give pragmatic advice! The road to success is presumed to be 'easy' by this opposition though others may be alienated along the way if a potential know-it-all attitude is allowed too much of an upper hand in the personality. Inconsistent statements and judgments which must later be reconsidered and 'walked back' are possible if details are overlooked, ignored, or not given their proper weight.

Yet inattention to detail is mitigated by having Mercury oriental (planet that rises last before the Sun), a condition which always dots the Is and crosses the Ts, and has a need "to conform to clearly defined expectations and procedures" (Tyl), a basic trait which clued me in back in November 2007 (when Saturn opposed Uranus, remember?) that Senator Obama would be at least as much of a status-quo Saturnian president in many areas rather than a purely radical Uranian. Mercury oriental may be considered inconclusive since it's often the case that Mercury rises before the Sun, yet the president has carried on many programs and practices--and cabinet members' tenures--from the Bush years which gives credence to the Saturnian theory in my view.

With a Mercury-Jupiter opposition, an insatiable appetite for knowledge is pronounced though sometimes fragments of information may be deemed 'enough' as the Mercural mind leaps forward; law, education, government, writing, and public relations are favored by this opposition (thinking v expansion brings astute awareness with Jupiter relating as a future-oriented Aquarian--Saturn is the traditional ruler of AQ) though legal entanglements may occur at key times.

President Obama's successful passage of the Affordable Health Care Act (which should be 'Health Insurance Act') out of the starting gate of his presidency in 2009/2010 may be in part attributable to his Mercury (plans, legislation, agreements) in the 6th H of Health along with the White House's focus on the American diet and the sorriness of it.

Another aid for his Mercury-Jupiter opposition is that both planets are part of a Mystic Rectangle pattern (practical idealism) long with Moon and Midheaven which gives his Mercury-Jupiter-Moon energies an Angular place in the broader world in which to operate (if you count an Angle as part of a planetary pattern, that is; MC = Career and Public Standing.) Charisma is indicated by this sparkly cosmic pattern as well and you may agree that he's favored with a sparkle which informs his showy Leonine style of rhetoric with its dramatically-timed pauses.

In BHO's natal chart, Mercury rules 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children (cusp in Gemini = two children!), and 8th H of Corporations, Big Business, Shared Resources, Transformation, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, and the Occult (cusp 25Vir55, sign of The Critic and closely associated with America's founding mystics.)

Now there is one natal midpoint picture in which n Mercury plays a role...

Mercury-Mars = NN: people with similar interests in expressing or teaching competitive practices; acquaintances with irritating styles of speech (ex: Romney's Tour des Gaffes? Boehner's tears for fears?); communicating with associates initiates their activities. (MM.)

The Current Condition of Obama's Secondary Progressed Mercury

When BHO's natal chart is progressed to August 2012 (approximately one degree per year), we find that SP Mercury has moved into balancing, diplomatic Libra (in SP 7th H of Partnerships--Libra is also a war sign.) After passing through most of Leo and 30 degrees of studious Virgo, SP Mercury is now snugged between SP Mars 25Lib33 and SP Neptune 9Sco39 and is now ruled by the Libran Venus. A midpoint picture slowly perfects as SP Mercury progresses nearer the middle degree of Mars-Neptune...any, all, or none may apply:

Mars-Neptune = Mercury: fast but angry encounters with holy people (or, holier-than-thou people?); showing adaptability when taking the power of dreams or visions to others; energetic aquisition of mystical or magical knowledge (Mystic Rectangle; Mercury rules 8th H. (Mdpt pic: M. Munkasey.)

Romney's Natal Mercury in Pisces: Swim Away, Swim Away!

As noted previously on this blog, Mitt Romney 'MR' (March 12, 1947 9:51 am EST Detroit, MI) was born when Mercury Rx, Mars, and Sun were in Pisces, sign of The Fish--or, more precisely, the Two Fish, so he thinks, acts, and is a Pisces. One of the two fish swims up, the other swims down...which way does Mitt swim in this old world? It's a choice upon which his life and ultimate destiny depend as he tries to avoid being caught in the net of accountability.

First, it's only fair to note that thinking Mercury in oceanic Pisces can be quite confused, vague, and even deceptive and its Rx condition only makes MR's flip-floppy reconsiderations of his reconsiderations more palpable and problematic--if one is trying to be clear. Well, after his recent Gaffe Tour of the UK, Israel, and Poland, he's given some of us cause to wonder if The Fish realizes that his remarks are caught on camera phones and on modern media recording devices--and that his flubs only make him look dumb, anachronistic, and/or deceptive when he says that he didn't say what we heard him say. Ah, Pisces, you are so easily confused! And often ensared within your own net of illusions. More info on this, below...

And yet...Mercury in Pisces has telepathic abilities, a vivid imagination (trouble separating fact from fiction?), and is vulnerable to subliminal suggestion. Is this how he 'studies' for political speeches, events, or interviews? Hmm...wonder who stands over the aquarium? Are they still of this world?

Now Mercury is 7 Degrees 41 minutes from an applying conjunction with feisty Mars which may account somewhat for MR's interest in Politics. Perhaps if they were closer he could express himself with sharper focus though I suppose that in his remarks there is evidence of a 'let the chips fall where they may' style to a certain degree along with a talent for debate. So he "misspeaks"? Let the chips fall where they may, for he's always self-satisfied!

Natal Mercury is involved in a midpoint picture...

Sun-Mars = Mercury: flexibility when meeting competitors; mental training for physical activities (MM.)

A closer applying aspect (5A35) by Mercury is a lovely trine with priestly Chiron denoting powerful healing and occult skills and a pleasurable sense of intuitive knowing--'a wise old soul' is he (Clow.) The Mercury-Chiron cycle relates to commerce as well as to communication and intellect (Nolle) and a trine between them shows MR to be a communicator (Reagan returns?) and role model or teacher for the masses (no thanks--financial murkiness is not a good role model to my way of Mercury-in-Capricorn thinking!) An aspect between Mercury-Chiron points to the importance of Mormonism in Mr. Romney's life and possibly his position as a priest.

In addition--and here lies one of the quirky facets of MR--there is a separating (unconscious; inherited from father and/or mother) square between Mercury and his 1st house Uranus @17Gem51. (Radical rebel Uranus also squares n Sun 21Pis11, see below.) All three Pisces planets are in 11th H of Groups and Associations (the secretive, cultish LDS Church?); his Mercury-Uranus square bestows eccentricity in his thinking and opinions which are usually at odds with the rest of society's prevailing beliefs. Obnoxiousness and belligerence (bullying) are indicated by a Mercury-Uranus square; a rude impatience with established facts--supporting Pisces' murky relationship with the truth--forces Mr. Romney to 'create whatever truths require the least commitment' from him--he 'refuses to accept responsibility for what he says'! (Pelletier.)

Projecting himself prematurely, as he did in the UK, Israel, and Poland, may lead to being discredited and progressives and liberals are having a jolly time of it from Stewart and Colbert to Stephanie Miller and others you can probably name! His inability to compromise--Mercury SQ Uranus--indicates much learning is ahead if Mr. Romney wishes to be thought of as a 'statesman' in spite of what his adviser Dan Senor said today in defense of Mr. Romney's (weirdly out-of-touch) statement on the Palestinian people.

Sun square Uranus adds more eccentricity and sometimes unprincipled behavior to the candidate's personality and supports his tendency to be at odds with society--here is an 'upstart' and a 'troublemaker' says this aspect. "Bush on steroids" may well describe the Uranian Romney, as did Vice President Biden recently.

Romney's natal chart is ruled by mutable Mercury as is his 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children; nebulous Neptune Rx in Libra is posited in 5th H. Whatever house has Gemini on its cusp (ASC = his nibs) is where multiplicity and/or duplicity constellates in the chart; Neptune is the planet of fraud and falsehood, and its sign of Pisces is associated with priestly functions.

The Current Condition of Romney's Secondary Progressed Mercury

Progressing Romney's natal horoscope to August 2012, we find SP Mercury in Taurus 25:36 conjunct SP Sun 25:16--both in SP 11th H and amongst the stars of Taurus the Bull (the mystical Pleiades of the Seven Weeping Sisters.) As you know, Alcyone is the major star of the Pleiades and was occulted and stimulated by the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse. Alcyone's key words are: something to cry about (Brady); in exile; unlucky (A. Louis.)

(Let's not mention here how intolerant, greedy, and stubborn Taurus can be, okay?)

Not Mercurial but of importance in Romney's SP chart because of his candidacy is his SP Moon @8Ari29 which is now reaching SP MC (The Goal; Aspirations) @10Ari48. '11Ari' = "The President of the Country" in Sabian Symbols so we clearly see his aspiration and goal on display, yet SP Moon exactly opposes SP Neptune (8Lib19 Rx) at the Foundation (IC) of the chart! This denotes his dreamy hopes, a mask worn for the public, and the unstable conditions created by his obfuscations and deceptions--his self-delusions and illusions of grandeur.

A Moon-Neptune opposition also brings in the public (Moon) and the media (Neptune) along with the propaganda and fakery the media always treats us to. It's a creative duo, yes, but can show his illusions about himself ('11Ari') which may not be based on solid ground--for watery Neptune may wash them down The Drain (IC.) Moon-Neptune also shows his overseas trip for publicity's sake--and to meet with fraud-perpetrating funders (ex: Libor bankers), plus, the confusion and disbelief surrounding his trip. A tendency to be victimized by parasites may also be a problem for Mr. Romney as long as SP Moon is within orb of veiling Neptune.

Now SP Mercury in Taurus shows that MR has developed a more rigid, fixed style of thinking than Pisces naturally provides him. No aspects are formed with or by SP Mercury so we must rely on the house of Mercury (11th) for info, plus, the houses SP Mercury rules, the 3rd H of Communications (cusp 10Vir45) and the 12th H of Politics (cusp 25Gem46) and Karma where much duplicity lurks behind the curtain and in secret deals...and within the waters of his unconscious mind...and this makes Mercurial gaffes all the easier to provide for our comedic relief!

On the topic of presidential plans and the lack of mentioning them, you may wish to check out Robert Reich's view on

The Terrible Economy and the Election of 2012.

My feeling is that neither candidate puts forth definite ideas about the economy while campaigning for a deeper reason than a wish not to provide a target for an opponent to lambast: because those who call the tune from behind the scenes will decide what's in store for the American people and for the US economy, and whichever mouthpiece inhabits the White House come January 21, 2013 must simply follow the globalist script or else. Very sorry to type it, but there it is. If you don't know this already, you may as well for demons must be faced and identified if they are ever to be vanquished.


Here are a few astro-notes on the colleague-convincing Rep. Paul Ryan whose society-busting Budget Plan has been deemd by Gov. Mitt Romney to be "marvelous." Fresh Air broadcasted an interview with Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker today concerning Mr. Lizza's article, Fussbudget: How Paul Ryan captured the GOP. The good news is that privatizing Social Security is no longer in the Ryan Budget but is cautious yet risk-taking Romney, the self-defensive Pisces, "subtly distancing himself" from Paul Ryan?

Listen, read, or download the podcast of the interview with Ryan Lizza at NPR.

Jun 10, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deadline Aug 2 2011: Jupiter-Neptune active

Fighting War on China's Dime: the August 2, 2011 Debt Ceiling Squeeze

by Jude Cowell

Well, the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, are activated by midpoint on August 2, 2011 which is the Obama-Geithner promoted deadline for raising the US debt ceiling or else America defaults and the globalists have the world financial collapse they've long planned for - have engineered and guided along, in fact.

Let's hope those who scr*w the world find themselves royally scr*wed before a total collapse affects the innocent even more than power elite thievery has already done.

On June 9, 2011, a headline on Huffington Post concerns the chairing of debt ceiling negotiations by VP Joe Biden, a chair choice that almost amuses me for its aptness: may-I-call-you-Joe is from the beautiful state of Delaware where so many credit banks have traditionally spawned, cavorted, and overcharged us with draconian fees and robbed us by falsehood and usury interest rates.

Anyway, what about the Jupiter-Neptune speculation duo of combined energies which also indicates wastrels, spendthrifts, and those with bubbly plans and imaginings beyond all reason and practicality?

Here's their midpoint picture sitting directly upon erratic, radical Uranus 4Ari20 Rx in 12th H of Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Deals, and Politics. Because of our financial topic and the pair's connection to wasted money and inflationary bubbles, I believe the Jupiter-Neptune-Uranus trio wields a direct influence which is stamped upon the August 2, 2011 deadline and the debt ceiling question. One question: shouldn't it be called raising our 'credit ceiling' since more credit is the alleged solution - and we know it's long been the problem?

(Any, all, or none may apply; sources: Munkasey and Ebertin; remarks in parentheses are added by yours truly.)

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus:

Disruptions by events having no real explanation (unless the mysterious explanation is a global financial collapse plan that no one in Washington honestly talks about because most of them are completely enthralled - and culpable - in the big ruse); basing decisions on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural (our Masonic Washington: is the Masons' Grand Plan for America on the verge of being fulfilled?); unaccustomed confusion; experiencing the contrast between imagination (fraud and lies, political theater) and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump (no more credit extension for you? default?); sudden recognition of a difficult situation (now? or perhaps it's the American people en masse realizing that our political brigands have sold us out even more than we previously suspected; or, perhaps the Tea Party rank and file will wake up to their own corporate zombiism. That could be helpful.)

Making matters more complex, there is a second midpoint of zealous Mars/Pluto, with Mars out-of-bounds - up to his own activities - at a critical-crisis degree: 29Gem51 in 2nd H) which spotlights the same degree as bubbly, over promising Jupiter/Neptune, so we have:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus: using whatever power or means available to reform, disrupt, stir-up, or otherwise alter conditions (mm-hmm); brutality; violence; cruelty; sudden catastrophes.

The Mars/Pluto combo also relates to military troops, powerful weapons, and the Pentagon, that bottomless money pit bleeding us dry these too-many years. And you know the Pentagon must think it's too big to fail. It isn't, and will have only itself to blame. Wonder how long the neocons think the financial craziness can go on?

Yet I have a difficult time thinking this wasn't all done on purpose on behalf of an over-arching plan in which we-the-people are un-included. We are usurped.

More on August 2, 2011 11:59 pm Washington DC

ASC 8Tau20 with rising Jupiter 9Tau09 in the Earth (practical) sign of Taurus and Taurus does love its comforts and luxuries, and tends toward greed, possessiveness, and intolerance; here it may describe the builder and architect. Neptune is happily floating in the seas of Pisces (00:03 Rx) yet soon will re-enter scientific Aquarius; wounded Chiron 4Pis08 Rx continues nearby reminding us of the water damages our nation and other regions of the world have sadly sustained.

(Water water everywhere but very little clean water to drink anywhere. Or, it's contaminated with radiation, fluoride, mercury, hormone disruptors, or __?__.)

Chart-ruler Venus 6Leo50 conjoins Sun 10Leo30, a pair indicating self-satisfaction, even pompousness, and wanting to be liked - they conjoin the Republican Party's natal Leonine Mercury, planet of negotiations, agreements, deals, trade and commerce; Mercury 1Vir12 is retrograde, so hopefully a deal may be reached before August 2nd especially since Mercury turns Rx only 9 minutes earlier (August 2, 2011) at 11:50 pm edt.

Therefore, deals and negotiations committed to based on the August 2nd deadline may soon reverse, be delayed, or be up for major review before things settle down and move forward. Earlier would be better.

Stationary (strengthened) Mercury here rules 2nd H of Earnings and Values and US natal Uranus 8Gem55 sits upon its cusp, along with transiting MIDAS and Pan (a trickster element whose name is the basis for words such as 'panic' and 'panacea' - raising the debt ceiling would be a panacea and not doing so would cause a panic.

Mercury also rules the 6th H where the Moon (we-the-people; the public) 26Vir18 reflects the several months of US Secondary Progressed Moon's visit to US natal Neptune 23Vir and Sec Neptune 26Vir. This is part of our ongoing water catastrophes and fraud-to-the-people scenarios along with the debilitating transit of fraudulent, deceptive Neptune to US n Moon: home foreclosures, thefts, refugees, exiles, a sense of inferiority, and feeling rootless.

My guess is that a majority of the public wants war occupations and bombings overseas to cease since We Cannot Afford Them with this 6th H Moon in serving Virgo, and US troops being brought home is alleged to be on the president's calendar for Summer 2011; fluctuations in the health care debate may also be shown though usually staid Saturn in 6th H is busy blowing soap bubbles (its Sabian Symbol for '13Libra'.)

Another interesting factor in the chart is a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism) pattern between Pluto and Chiron (sextile; this is the plutocracy duo of oppression and corporatism) trining a Mercury-Mars sextile (60 degrees). Their sextile indicates a challenge to consider alternative options before acting; the need to be 'right' be must avoided (on Capitol Hill?!), and articulating grievances clearly is a talent. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

If Not Now, Then When? US Mars Return 2011

If the pressure from China and others speeds up the process, or more important political considerations turn up, perhaps an agreement to raise the debt ceiling may be reached around the time of the US Mars Return (a new cycle of activity begins every two years) which occurs on July 21, 2011 with Mars semi square Jupiter 7Tau52 in 8th H.

US natal Mars 21Gem23 is in 9th house of the Return chart set for DC, and North Node (in the August 2nd chart and in US Mars Return chart) at '23Sag' has an "Immigrants Entering a New Country" vibe. Return Mars in 9th H denotes martian activities such as war in Foreign Lands (9th H), and this Return chart shows US natal Mars conjoining the transiting South Node, a separative point; Mars/SN is a marker for war, violence, and other disruptive conditions. Our past (SN) actions (Mars) are dogging us and yes, will probably be repeated.

(You'd think that our dire financial condition would stop the warring - raising the debt ceiling seems to be about grabbing more fake, inflated money to wage more war and build bombs. It's certainly not an increase of funds for the benefit of the American people, as their 'austerity measures' have made clear. Some would call this treason.)

Mars makes no other aspects in the July 21, 2011 Return chart; the applying semi square with Jupiter indicates minor irritations to be worked out.

Now back to August 2, 2011 and chart-ruler Venus, planet of relationships, attractions, evaluations, and valuable things. Venus is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) so dealing with things of value is on her work schedule. Any applying aspects tell how things will proceed.

From 4th H of Real Estate and Domestic Scene, Venus applies (2A20) only to a square with moneybags Jupiter (who may act as banker, judge, general, guru, hierophant, preacher, teacher, attorney, Republican, etc; Jupiter here rules the 8th cusp, the house that describes our topics of debt and credit); this frustrating aspect of blockage between two money planets denotes indulgence and being neglectful of one's duties and responsibilities; if there's generosity, it satisfies ulterior motives, and the offer to make adjustments is but an empty gesture.

Perhaps fickle Venus doesn't think she has to do anything she doesn't 'want' to do being conjunct the Sun and all. But does she hold all the cards on August 2nd? Perhaps not...

For in 6th H (Work, Health, Military and Police Service) is manager Saturn (also a stand-in for the Dems) now moving direct and approaching a rendezvous with US natal Saturn 14Lib48 on August 28, 2011 (#3 of 3), a time when US chickens will come home to roost if they haven't by August 2nd.

The August 2nd Saturn provides opportunity (sextile; 2A00) for the leader (Sun) in dramatic Leo, sign of the natural leader (and monarchy) in the house of Real Estate. Will something surface or improve concerning Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? It's difficult to imagine Real Estate in general suddenly improving before the end of 2011, isn't it?

Still, the Sun shines on the Homeland in this chart (4th H) with lucky Venus there, too, both in happy Leo, and our topic is the debt ceiling and its effects on the US economy and our hesitant off-again-on-again recovery which will subsequently impact the rest of the world.

Well, there's a quick overview of a date we're being inundated with in the news: August 2, 2011. Apparently they want it infused within the public consciousness and imagination along with the ongoing propaganda of failure they're serving 24/7 - morning, noon, and night.

Hey! Did you notice that this post contained nary a phrase about the GOP crashing the US economy so that President Obama would fail? As if I'd ever consider voting for them after watching them spend mega-bucks for 8 years under Bush-Cheney only to crash America and blame the Democrats for their handiwork - puh!

Well, I didn't think any of us looked that stupid, but of course I could be wrong...


Blog Note: SO'W is taking a family weekend off. Hope all goes well in your area of the world...see you soon! jc

May 18, 2008

Senator Ted Kennedy

Looking at the natal chart of Ted Kennedy and the 911 call for medical aid on May 17 (8:19 am edt from Cape Cod, Massachusetts) we see that the elder statesman's natal planets have been under some stress of late with more to come.

"Seizures" have replaced "possible stroke" as a cause of his emergency hospitalization and more tests will be done to determine the reason for his distress. But who is the primary planetary culprit here?

Having 23Leo40 on his 8th cusp of transformations and death, we might expect heart problems (Leo) to be in the picture, if not now, perhaps later on. Senator Kennedy turned 76 years old on his birthday (Feb 22, 1932, 3:58 am est) and his past years of indulgent drinking habits may be contributing to his weakness now.

We see this tendency toward over-indulgent drug (alcohol) use with a very close Moon-Neptune conjunction in 8th house.

This conjunction (Moon 6Vir25) and Neptune (6:44) has transiting Saturn (restriction, blockage, old age) in the neighborhood of the 8th house, a transit which I must file within SO'W's 'uh-oh department' and which portends chronic illness, depression, soul sickness, and/or feelings of frustration or paralysis.

With natal Mars 27AQ50, Mercury 28AQ49, and Sun 2Pis32 opposite, Saturn is bringing many lessons of restriction for Senator Kennedy and has been opposing these Aquarian planets for some time now--plus, Mercury is his 6th house (health, work, service) ruler and relates to the nervous system.

Mars rules his 3rd house, also indicated in health issues bwo thinking and mental state so with Mars 4Leo09 (8:19 am yesterday), the planet of aggravation is headed for natal Jupiter, planet of excess which is posited near 8th cusp at 15Leo44.

It's true that about 30 years ago, Saturn was bedeviling this area of his natal chart as well, but he was 30 years younger. So as Saturn opposes natal Sun (vitality) we find that overwork and stress may bring serious health problems--and Saturn to natal Moon is a time of feeling old, tired, and possibly depressed over one's organic conditions.

Saturn transits tend to uncover structural weaknesses wherever they exist and it seems that at age 76, they are. Plus, diabetes cannot be ruled out as a cause for his troubles (re-think over-consumption of alcoholic beverages while ye may, my children!)

Saturn to Moon (physical body; emotions) is a time when emotional turmoil increases one's vulnerability to illness which is expressed most often through the digestive system--and as mentioned, Kennedy's Moon-Neptune conj is in Virgo, sign of health, most esp the bowel area.

Then there's Mercury, 6th house ruler, 18Gem14 and soon to turn Rx at 26Gem31 within his 6th house, recross 6th cusp, and enter again during the first week of July. It's common for Mercury to 6th house transits to included visits to, or consultations with, medical advisors. This possibility is strengthened by Kennedy's 6th house being ruled by Mercury.

At the time of the 911 call, Moon 28Lib40 (Libra rules kidneys and lungs) was moving into a square with natal Saturn in 1st house (physical body; self) which is ruled by Saturn due to his natal ASC 10Cap49, giving that the above mentioned Saturn transits more clout.
Transiting Moon is only a timer, of course, but part of this picture as it describes the daily round of life.

And then there's dissolving Neptune 24AQ14, now approaching natal Mars and Mercury (and eventually natal Sun 2Pis32 but that's years away.) Neptune opposite n Mars is a time when physical efforts are undermined (Neptune) by illness which may be difficult to diagnose and may affect the head and raise a fever (Mars.)

Going back to the Moon-Neptune conj in 8th house, if we take tr Saturn, natal Neptune, and n Moon and moosh them into a midpoint picture by degree we get:

Saturn/Neptune = Moon: chronic illness or illness caused through emotional suffering.

Ebertin gives the Saturn/Neptune combo's biological correspondences as: weak, depressed, or ill people, and if we use the same mooshing method with tr Neptune, Mars, and Mercury, we see that the Senator's energy level (Mars) is being affected by the Mercury/Neptune combination, which Ebertin gives as: nerve weakness or paralysis of the nerves.

This planetary situation supports the seizure diagnosis, if that indeed is the case.

Well, being no medical astrologer, it's quite cheeky of me to attempt giving you any details at all concerning Ted Kennedy's current medical travails, but I wanted to do something...and I'm sending out warm wishes for the Senator's complete recovery and a hope that the underlying cause or causes of his distress may be quickly discovered and successfully treated.