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Showing posts with label Robert Mueller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Mueller. Show all posts

Feb 21, 2018

Authoritarianism - Wrong Only When the Other Party Is in Power?

Stars Over Washington is pleased to publish another in a series of posts by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes. The following originally appeared on Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog:

Authoritarianism - It's Wrong Only When The Other Party Is In Power?

by Kevin Estes

The US Government has never been more authoritarian and divisive than during the last 14 months, which is the amount of time the Trump Administration has resided in the White House. Some notable incidents from Trump and other GOP during these 14 months:

Trump firing James Comey, then attempting to fire Robert Mueller in an attempt to obstruct justice

Trump saying that NFL players who protest should be fired on the spot

Trump putting blame on counter protesters during the Charlottesville demonstrations

GOP lawmakers proposing legislation making it legal to run down protesters in the midst of the Keystone XL/Dakota Access Pipeline protests

Laura Ingraham saying that LeBron James should "shut up and dribble" after he criticized the Trump Administration

GOP Representative Clay Higgins saying that all Muslims should die

Courtland Sykes, a Republican running for congress, saying that he wants to come home to a cooked dinner every night, in a sexist remark

Jeff Sessions removing anti discrimination protections for transgender citizens, and Trump banning them from the military

Trump not approving release of the Democratic memo, indirectly incriminating himself and obstructing justice even further (if he was truly innocent, he would have no problem with it getting released!)

And there are many, many more that would take all day to name. The point is that the same people who were using their first amendment right during the Obama Administration, speaking out against Obamacare and Benghazi, are shockingly silent, during a time in which the reputation of their entire party is in complete jeopardy as a result of these divisive and immature actions, as well as the Mueller Investigation.

Or is it shocking?

Right now, we are in the midst of a paradigm shift, known as the transition to the Aquarian Age. In astrology, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, and it is known as one of the most progressive signs of the zodiac, if not THE most progressive. In an age ruled by this sign, many of the ideals embraced by the Republican party are quite frankly, incompatible with these energies. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and overall inequality will simply not be tolerated anymore, and deep down, they know this. So, many of these Republicans will simply lower their moral standards in order to gain power, when in reality, their party is in shambles. We are technically still in the Piscean Age, so the illusions are still in play.

It's In Their Astrology

In many examples on this blog and on my Pinterest account, it is proven that left and right wing politics are shown in people's astrology charts. Economic leftists have Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (those on the cultural right who have this pattern can also support tariffs, major military spending, and even fascism, as it's the dissolution, Neptune, of wealth from the poor to the rich), and cultural/social leftists have Moon, the 4th house and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house. Economic rightists have Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, and cultural/social rightists have the Moon, 4th house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 4th house, and the sign of Cancer.

Overall leftists have liberal impulses in both categories, while overall rightists have conservative impulses in one or both categories, and people with an equal number of indicators in a category for each side tend to lean to the right. Those with a mixed (partisan) or aggressive (authoritarian) pattern in regards to aspects with the asteroid Pallas are the most prone to the philosophy of "the end justifies the means". Aggressive Pallas indicators are Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter, and defensive (Libertarian) Pallas indicators are Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of our elected officials have either mixed Pallas or aggressive Pallas, including everybody in the Trump Administration that I have cast a chart for.

We Need To Know

If we only knew that our political views, among other things, are basically ingrained in our astrology charts, the country, as well as the entire world, would be a lot less divided because we'd know that our political viewpoints are like our personalities, in that there is no right and wrong, but just "is". If everybody had the exact same personality or exact same political views, things would get real boring, real fast, so all our different Sun signs, Moon signs, rising signs, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune generations, etc., as well as our different innate political viewpoints are likely in God's plan to keep things interesting for all of us rather than divide us. Our political views being astrological complexes makes a whole lot of sense when you realize that you typically can't bring someone to the other side, no matter how well thought out your argument is. And while people's parents and place they grew up in may be a factor, whose to say that these people weren't fated to be in that situation before incarnating? And if we knew the true reason for people's political views, as well as innate ethical nature, we could prevent something like the Trump/Russia fiasco from happening ever again, and find out if the politicians running for office actually have the viewpoints they're expressing, or are faking it in order to get elected. I do have pictures of all the rising sign appearances saved on my Pinterest.

To put it briefly, the calling out of one party's flaws, but refusing to do the same for the other party, is a major reason why the US is so divided, and is a major reason why our freedoms are disappearing more and more over time. Imagine how much progress we can make when we're willing to hold elected officials from our own parties accountable, as well as the other party? It's not like the laws they pass will only negatively effect those on the "other side". In other words, authoritarianism is never okay, even when it's your side in power.

Even though there haven't been many posts lately, I have still been active on Pinterest, mainly with the "astrological liberals" and "astrological conservatives" boards, as well as the "sports astrology" and "cool imagery" boards, the latter of which is to save higher vibration imagery in order to help with the current shift. If you're worried about the Trump Administration and are into psychics and tarot card readers, check out Kirsten Langston, Tarot Politics, Truth Warrior Tarot, and Lena Rodriguez on YouTube, as all have predicted Trump's downfall in the next few months, and the first three have extremely charismatic personalities as well! Just thought I'd give them all a recommendation as discovering these people has helped me get through the extreme anxiety I was under a few months ago. Keep up the good work!


Dec 1, 2017

Dec 1, 2017: Michael Flynn has been charged

December 1, 2017: Read the court filing against foreign agent Michael Flynn at CNN if you wish. The filed charges may actually be something of a (sour) birthday gift for former General Flynn who was born in December 1958, exact date unknown, and if you check out his Wikipedia page you'll spy a photo from December 2015 of Flynn and Jill Stein at a fancy dinner and sitting at Vladimir Putin's table.

Additional Blog Note: now that voting in SO'W's Trump sidebar poll has closed, the clear winner to the question: Can Donald Trump change his behavior? is...Not in this lifetime. Thanks for voting! jc

Nov 6, 2017

Jupiter in Virgo and The Ethics of Robert Mueller

In the Realms of Jupiter

Here is how a recent post concerning the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump began with an explanation of Jupiterian personalities such as Mr.Trump whose Libran Jupiter is quick to call out, "it's not fair!":

"We no longer live in religious times, but the human need for the numinous, for something greater, more perfect and more powerful than ourselves has not disappeared. It has, however, taken a perverse turn. Instead of aspiring to the Infinite, we make gods out of mortals. We create 'super-stars' of athletes and artisans. We inflate, glamorize and worship actors, sports people, and musicians. We exalt them in other words. This phenomenon of elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary is a quality of Jupiter and Sagittarius (not so much Pisces). It emerges at the behavorial level in two basic ways:

1. The mantle of hero or king seems to fall most easily on those strong in Jupiter or Sagittarius.

2. Equally, the Sagittarian-Jupiter type can have a more than average tendency to idolize and hero worship. - Paul Wright.

As you know, Robert Mueller enjoys a longstanding reputation for integrity and independence. Therefore, let's consider the moral and ethical implications of astrological Jupiter (a boundary-crossing freedom lover) and its sign in his natal chart. Mr. Mueller's natal Jupiter @2Virgo38 sextiles his natal Saturn (@5Can59--conjunct US natal Jupiter). With no accurate birth time for former FBI director Mueller I'm looking at a noon horoscope for August 7, 1944 NYC.

The Totem Animal of Pallas (aka, Minerva): The Wise Old Owl

But first here's an assessment by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes who analyzed Mr. Mueller's ethics via his natal Pallas (@27Cancer--in Cancer = a protector of home and family) which conjoins natal North Node, a point of public contact, publicity, and future direction:

"Libertarian - Pallas conjunct NN, ruler of Pallas Moon trine NN;

Authoritarian - nothing. This suggests very strong ethics which isn't a surprise considering his actions and how he's handling the attempts to discredit him by the right." Thanks Kevin!

This supports Mueller's placement of Jupiter in Mercury-ruled Virgo which denotes a man with an expanded ability to discriminate and an innate understanding of the appropriate use of such discrimination. Attention to minute detail and organizational ability are talents and in a practical Earth sign, Jupiter tends to take on responsibilities and possess a large quantity of physical energy. Steadiness, reliability and pragmatism are in evidence. Why a Virgoan Jupiter alone grants its holder ethical and moral values!

And when Jupiter sextiles Saturn (the two societal planets relating to balance, and in government, to 'checks and balances') we find a man for whom self-improvement and accomplishment are lifelong pursuits. This sextile suggests a modest and conservative fellow who prefers traditional philosophies and who solves problems with a pragmatic approach.

Slow and steady development (as political pundits have credited him with during the Russia-Gate investigation) is his modus operandi with Jupiter in Virgo yet he seeks recognition and at times may fail to recognize his own limitations. Therefore, proper guidelines must be followed because over extension often leads to failure and, in addition, budgets must be carefully managed by this magnetic, intense loner (Sun conjunct Pluto in royal Leo).

For more astro-notes on Special Counsel Robert Mueller you may wish to see The Prenatal Eclipse of Robert Mueller or a brief post on the current transits to his natal planets (natal horoscope shown sans birth time).

Recommended reading: Stephen Arroyo's Exploring Jupiter: Progress, Prosperity, and Potential (now available on Kindle!)

Above image: Owl of Minerva, a botanical drawing set in a mystical glen by yours truly.

Nov 1, 2017

Transits to the Natal Planets of Robert Mueller

Brief Astro-Notes on Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III

Born August 7, 1944 in Manhattan, NYC, New York, a basic biography of Robert Mueller is available at Wikipedia if you're curious. And if you check it out, get ready to read a long list of medals awarded him for his bravery during the Vietnam War!

Image: a speculative natal horoscope for Special Counsel Robert Mueller timed by Moon to Aries Point (AP):

Obviously Mr Mueller was born with Sun in Leo, a proud sign that encompasses lawyers as well as thespians, teachers, and 'natural leaders'. His natal Moon on that date ranges from 21Pis29 (secretive, compassionate Pisces) to 6Ari18 (Mars-ruled Aries, sign of the pioneer, fighter, and activist) for we do not know his birth time. Naturally, the Cardinal World Point of 00Aries00, the Aries Point, is within natal Luna's range and denotes public recognition, fame, fortune, publicity, and/or activity on the World Stage--thus, the speculative horoscope you see here.

Now on SO'W we have already discussed Robert Mueller's Prenatal Solar Eclipse so let's now consider a few major upcoming transits to Mr. Muller's natal planets:

Currently, transit Neptune in Pisces opposes natal Mercury (12Virgo) bringing misunderstandings, confusion, and a potential for error and deceit (or, can indicate his work with people of deceit). It's a period of difficulty for making sense of facts and figures, fanaticism and paranoia may be evident, goals are elusive, and people may disappear (Paul Manafort a flight risk?)

November 2017 also brings a square from transit Jupiter to natal Pluto, a 'goals thwarted' transit that has been afflicting the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald Trump as well. However, Mueller's Jupiter-square-Pluto transit is only one 'hit' on November 18th while Trump's has continued.

In December 2017, transit Jupiter squares Mueller's natal Sun in mid-Leo denoting a phase of 'going over the top' when chasing goals due in part to ego expansion; this is the first of three squares with December 21st the first target date.

January 2018 brings Mr. Mueller a Saturn-square-natal-Neptune (2Lib15) transit of confusion, lethargy, and possible depression; this is a 'once only' transit when withdrawal from the battle field is possible--will his 'Russia Gate' investigation be wrapped up by or around then? Transit North Node (public contact; future direction) conjoins natal Sun on or about January 18, 2018--a public announcement of some kind?

February 12, 2018 brings transit Saturn opposing natal Saturn (5Cancer--conjunct US natal Jupiter), a time when there may be regret over past actions and a demand to correct their consequences; any rewards result in more responsibility, and one reaps what's been sown (karma).

Then, beginning in June 2018, there are 5 'hits' that extend into 2020 from transit Neptune in Pisces (edit: opposing!) natal Mars (16Virgo--Mars conjunct natal Chiron, denoting the 'sacred warrior' archetype of the more bullheaded among us.) This is a difficult transit of unreasonable or misguided ideals and actions and he may be vulnerable to issues of mistrust, deception, and/or scandal. Legal and business transactions are not favored and relationships with males may suffer; energy depletion is a potential. Another possibility is loss of job, position, or status as an authority (April 2019 edit: Mr. Mueller submitted his report to AG Barr March 22, 2019). If Mr. Mueller can hang on to his reputation during this time period he'll be doing well under this difficult transit. The Neptune-opposing-natal-Mars dates (based on a speculative natal chart so the dates may be off by a day or so--this is a general guide) are:

1. June 13, 2018; 2. June 24, 2018; 3. March 15, 2019; 4. October 12, 2019; 5. January 10, 2020.

Please note that this particular transit list is only partial and does not include the more positive contacts from transiting planets to natal planets.

Oct 29, 2017

Oct 30, 2017: Will Mueller Indict Manafort?

On Friday October 28, 2017, news broke (or was leaked) that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would make public an indictment on Monday October 30th.

Meanwhile much teeth grinding is afoot in articles such as's speculation about the name/s on top of the indictment: Here's Who Could Receive Mueller's Indictment.

Of course, the easier thing for news hounds like you and me to do is simply to kick back and wait a few hours until tomorrow and see what happens, whether the name is Manafort or not, others' names, or not. This, I am quite prepared to do on this lazy overcast Sunday in Georgia. How about you?

Astrology-related posts include:

Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties to Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology) (contains astro-notes concerning Paul Manafort);

Astro-Notes: Trump Jr's Meeting with a Kremlin Lawyer;

Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull;

The Prenatal Eclipse of Special Counsel Robert Mueller;

And check out astrologer Karen Christino's post on the natal chart of Donald Trump Jr (his 'noon' horoscope is shown).

Looking Beyond 2017 Shadows: Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season and Jan 1, 2018: Cancer Full Moon (DC Horoscope shown).

May 18, 2017

The Prenatal Eclipse of Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As you've heard, yesterday (May 17) the former head of the FBI Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel (aka, Independent Counsel) to lead the FBI investigation into the Trump administration's Russia connections and improprieties.

Mr. Mueller's birth hour seems to be unknown but his birth date shows a dramatic Leo Sun and either Moon in the last decan of Pisces or in Aries. Luna's range on that day (August 7, 1944 NYC) is from 21Pis29 to 6Ari18; the Sun's range: 14Leo30 to 15Leo27. His Moon is ruled by either Jupiter (co-ruled by Neptune: secretive Pisces) or by activist Mars, ruler of pioneering Aries.

(Personally I'm leaning toward a Pisces Moon for several reasons, not the least of which is that the Sun Leo-Moon Pisces blend is that of a very famous spy born under its sway: Mata Hari! A Leo-Aries double Fire personality blend is a volatile combination and unless he's explosive in private, this doesn't seem to fit him, imho. On his day of birth, the Moon conjoined the Aries Point at 1:43:10 pm which gives him a good chance of a Pisces Moon--too compassionate to lead the Bureau? Perhaps. But oh so secretive!)

Now since a birth hour is unnecessary for determining Robert Mueller's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, we know that his 'cosmic blink' occurred on July 20, 1944 @27Cancer, a degree opposite US natal Pluto Rx, a powerful undercover/underworld planet often associated with spies, surveillance, stealth, manipulation, control, and extreme wealth.

In fact, Mr. Mueller's PE in the 19 North Saros Series has recently repeated--on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo and is the PE of both the November 8, 2016 Election and the 2017 Inauguration of Donald "Fake News" Trump with its themes of: realism, coming down to earth, becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is, and constructive truth tackling (Brady's Predictive Astrology). As you may have noticed, Mr. Trump makes up his own truths, lives in an imaginary world where he never makes mistakes (!), and where his Libran Jupiter often pouts that it "isn't fair" that people dare to criticize ("mistreat") him!

So even though yours truly is no fan of the Deep State and its political and media representatives now working 24/7 to undermine the Trump presidency, my hope for our nation's sake is that Special Counsel Mueller will be able to tackle the truth about the several compromising conditions America now faces thanks to the unsuitable, amateurish presidency of the dictator-loving, Mercury-Neptune-squared, indiscreet Mr. Trump, our very own Eclipse Baby whining and sulking in the Oval.


Coming Soon: June 9, 2017: Jupiter Stations Direct at the Sag Full Moon. Then on August 7, 2017 a Lunar Eclipse perfects @15AQ, as noted in opposition to Mr. Mueller's natal Sun in mid-Leo which may or may not be significant for him and/or for the investigation.

As we've previously discussed, 19 North is also the PE of Trump's adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner...and is the PE of the FBI! No wonder Robert Mueller remains popular at the agency--the Bureau and the former Director are cosmically in-sync.

If you wish to look ahead, here's a list of the 2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes.

May 17, 2017

DC Horoscope: US Mars Return May 22, 2017

Perpetual War Proceeds: please enlarge the horoscope to read my scribbled astro-notes concerning America's upcoming Mars Return which perfects on May 22, 2017 at 2:42:42 pm edt Washington DC (return chart based on natal chart: USA July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

As you see, warrior Mars conjoins Midheaven (MC) for all the world to see (Mr. Trump and his first overseas tour?) while transit Saturn @26Sag10 Rx conjoins the IC and has been opposing US natal Mars off and on since December 2016 and will do so again including a Direct Station @21Sag11 a few days after The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (hitting Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and royal Regulus and singeing his natal Mars @26Leo), a rare 'cosmic blink' event which will be visible from West Coast to East--and which can be seen here conjunct the 12th cusp of this return chart--the 12th house of karma, self-undoing, politics, large institutions, and backroom deals:

As for aspects to and from Mars (the star of this show) its only applying aspect is the opposition to Saturn, however, the Moon (the public) sextiles activist Mars (2A14) which denotes opportunities for self-reliance, discipline, but also compassion to be shown. Holding back or repressing feelings in order to conform is a possibility as is having the wisdom to avoid conflict. Others are accommodated until the sense of fairness is violated or some other provocation triggers a firm stand and battle is entered.

A very prominent aspect is Tr Saturn opposing natal Mars: resistance, frustration, gridlock. Chart-ruler Mercury @6Tau51 in 8th house of Corporatism makes no applying aspects (or any other) and is out-of-bounds; radical Utopian Uranus continues its lurch through Mars-ruled Aries where it is joined by Venus, the lady traveling with asteroids Isis and Toro, a power asteroid that hints at nuclear power. Bucket handle Jupiter @13Lib41 Rx rises in 1st house offering some measure of protection (as ruler of 4th house, Saturn, and 7th house) while conjoining US natal Saturn (a partial lifting of burdens).

Saturn and Uranus trine one another and, with North Node, form a Fire 'Grand Trine' of protection and connection which suggests those with many plans for the future but who may also demand loyalty from others. (If this sounds like Mr. Trump, it's meant to.) The aspect is a natal echo from America's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine (then in Air: Libra-Gemini) which is/was compatible with future generations of Americans who can/could easily identify with our original form of authority. Our government's current perpetual war stance? Not so much.

Now a few quick words about Venus @16Ari33 since she's traveling with asteroids Isis and with Toro, a power asteroid that hints of nuclear power potential--in the 7th house of Partners and Open Enemies. Those are the few quick words.

Conscious + Unconscious Energies

Air-Fire Sun Gemini-Moon Aries is a personality blend of a 'beguiling trickster, a natural leader, a great persuader and salesman', and 'an egotist who shows partiality and rides roughshod over others'. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). Here is a descriptive quote by Robert Morley who shares this as his natal Sun-Moon blend:

"Show me a man who enjoyed his schooldays and I'll show you a bully and a bore."

Considering the present conditions now embroiling the White House, 'nuff said.

Update 5.17.17: former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed Special Counsel in the Trump-Flynn-Russia situation.

Sep 8, 2008

Congress eyes FBI's Ivins case

It's Monday, Congress is back on Capitol Hill for 3 weeks and has sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller asking him nicely to show up in front of the House Judiciary Committee (probably on Sept 16 & 17) to answer a few outstanding questions about the case against Dr. Bruce Ivins.

The New York Times has this:

Seeking Details, Lawmakers Cite Anthrax Doubts in which we are reminded that the post-9/11 anthrax letters contained none of Bruce Ivins' DNA, which must surely be an inconvenient fact for Mueller who will be asked about how investigators eliminated the 100+ people who also had access to the culpable flasks of anthrax.

Bruce Ivins, as you know, committed suicide (we're told) the night of July 29, 2008, so Congress' questions to Mueller may be the only chance the American people have for any closure whatsoever concerning the terroristic anthrax letters of 2001 since the death of Dr. Ivins negates the possibility of a trial.

You remember that the FBI pursued the wrong man for years in this case, Dr. Steven J. Hatfield, who in June settled a lawsuit against the FBI for $4.6 million. Guess we taxpayers pay the piper, but good for Dr. Hatfield whose career was ruined by FBI scrutiny and innuendo.

Looking back at July 29, Saturn (law, authority, accountability) was in a quindecile aspect with nebulous, often obfuscating Neptune.

A quindecile aspect (165 degrees) gives a compulsive-obsessive flavor to the planets involved and you may wish to keep the FBI-Ivins case in mind as Congress applies itself to the case - or as the law-makers simply produce another matinee of political theater on Capitol Hill that goes nowhere and results in exactly nada.

Apr 24, 2008

CIA, FBI, and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 24, 2008

All items are here:LegitGov Breaking News

CIA Acknowledges it Has More Than 7000 Documents Relating to Secret Detention Program, Rendition, and Torture Apr 23, 2008:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must stop stonewalling congressional oversight committees and release vital documents related to the program of secret detentions, renditions, and torture, three prominent human rights groups said today. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA), the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the International Human Rights Clinic at NYU School of Law (NYU IHRC) reiterated their call for information, following the CIA's filing of a summary judgment motion this week to end a lawsuit and avoid turning over more than 7000 documents related to its secret "ghost" detention and extraordinary rendition program.

CIA Foresaw Interrogation Issues --Agency Considered Investigations 'Virtually Inevitable' Apr 24, 2008:

The CIA concluded that criminal, administrative or civil investigations stemming from harsh interrogation tactics were "virtually inevitable," leading the agency to seek legal support from the Justice Department, according to a CIA official's statement in court documents filed yesterday.

The CIA said it had identified more than 7000 pages of classified memos, e-mails and other records relating to its secret prison and interrogation program, but maintained that the materials cannot be released because they relate to, in part, communications between CIA and Justice Department attorneys or discussions with the White House.

FBI: We Warned About Torture of Detainees Apr 24, 2008:

FBI Director Robert Mueller on Wednesday recalled warning the Justice Department and the Pentagon that some US interrogation methods used against terrorists might be inappropriate, if not illegal. Mueller's comments came under pointed questioning by House Democrats demanding to know if the Federal Bureau of Investigation tried to stop interrogations in 2002 that critics define as torture.

Mueller said the FBI does not use coercive techniques when questioning suspects or witnesses, and he reportedly pulled his agents out of CIA or military interrogations several years ago to protect them from legal consequences.

FBI chief testifies he warned DOJ, DOD harsh interrogation tactics may be illegal Apr 23, 2008:

FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before the US House Judiciary Committee Wednesday that he had advised officials at the Departments of Justice and Defense that some interrogation tactics employed against terror suspects might be illegal.

Mueller said that the FBI had first raised concerns about the use of harsh interrogation methods in 2002, when CIA interrogators used waterboarding with several alleged 'al Qaeda' leaders, but declined to say how other agencies had reacted to FBI concerns.

Israelis Claim Secret Agreement With US Apr 24, 2008:

A letter that President [sic] Bush personally delivered to then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon four years ago has emerged as a significant obstacle to the president's efforts to forge a peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians during his last year in office. Ehud Olmert, the current Israeli prime minister, said this week that Bush's letter gave the Jewish state permission to expand the West Bank settlements that it hopes to retain in a final peace deal, even though Bush's peace plan officially calls for a freeze of Israeli settlements across Palestinian territories on the West Bank.#

Was the letter personally delivered by Bush a factor in Sharon's sudden health decline?

You know you can usually tell who wants peace by the way they don't bomb people. It's as if ants on the ground are simply objects--and the current Mars/Jupiter opposition has fallen within the 19 - 23 Can/Cap axis where the objectification of human beings often manifests.

Friday (4.25.08) at 7:50 am edt, at the White House, Moon conjoins Pluto 1Cap01. Mars 22Can30 opposes giant Jupiter 22Cap04 across the 3/9 axis. The Moon/Pluto conj occurs in 8th house, Mercury is chart-ruler 16Tau01 in 12th house.

Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, is at Mc 11AQ52, and Pan, a trickster element associated with Capricorn, is rising.

Abbas to the White House? This should be interesting.