With Globalization, What's Not to Like?
by Jude Cowell
If you're familiar with the writings of Chris Hedges, you know that what he says must be well considered before flippantly ignoring it - except that the time has come to an end when we can afford to be apathetic about the future - environmental, social, and financial - of this little blue planet some call, Gaia.
Gaia has her own hypothesis, you know. The globalists know it. The black hearts have been ignoring her sacredness by abusing the planet we all share every night and day for several decades now and piling up their considerable fortunes with a bwa ha ha and a mean cackle. Why, old J. P. Morgan was there, he knows how it all went down.
Yes, I hear ya: t'was Morgan and the other Robber Barons of the 1880s/90s who really got the plundering of Earth's resources and treasures up and running in a large scale way (speculators in groups as signified by combos such as Jupiter/Neptune, Jupiter/Pluto, Sun/Pluto, Pluto/Chiron, etc...joining forces to get big jobs done in commanding ways.)
As a class, add to their riches the oil-gas-steel-railroad titans' ill-gained wealth from accustomed profits bwo the slave and opium trades in centuries past unto this day, and you've got people like W's Grandpa Prescott Bush, his cronies and cousins. Queen Elizabeth is allegedly a 'cousin' of George W, as you know. Actually, a cousinship is not surprising for it would be just like them to favor one another in behavior, if not by beakish nose or flinty gaze.
Mr. Hedges' article starts out by reminding me of my grousings here on SO'W concerning our present and direst need: to face and identify our demons (our, meaning we-the-people and anyone else who has grown weary of the lies, fraud, and corruption embedded within every social institution) in order to vanquish them. Though these days, I'd settle for neutralization of all the psychopaths running about, would you?
For now Politics wags us by the tail just as we were taught to expect like good little puppies and we murmur nary a peep in case the American tranquility might be disturbed. This is a hopeless plan for our side's sake considering the freedoms they've targeted to delete from our lives - in some cases, Life itself.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Awareness and Concentration are secret keys and Timing remains all important toward our success at prying the global crime syndicate's fingers out of every pie and its lousy fat patootie out of our world's catbird seat.
And if you feel insulted by my last remark, then you must be a globalist. #
The Collapse of Globalization
By Chris Hedges
Until we awake from our collective self-delusion, until we carry out sustained acts of civil disobedience against the corporate state and sever ourselves from the liberal institutions that serve the corporate juggernaut--especially the Democratic Party--we will continue to be rocketed toward a global catastrophe.
PS: loud cicadas will be rising soon here in Northeast Georgia and several other states as well (click link for a list) for the next while or so. Boy, will they be disappointed with what we've done with the place these last 17 years.
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label environmental damage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environmental damage. Show all posts
Mar 28, 2011
Chris Hedges: The Collapse of Globalization; the Sacredness of Gaia
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
environmental damage,
globalist agenda,
mundane astrology,
political astrology
Mar 16, 2011
Is Japan targeted by HAARP? (video)
Well, it was only a matter of time before I had to mention HAARP by name in relation to the nuclear devastation in Japan. My last post covered much of my thoughts, my heart is broken, and there's too much more to say rather than less. Yet we must each watch our energy levels if we have them. Si?
My cordial thanks go to Crystal Pomeroy of one of online's premiere publications Daykeeper Journal for sending along a handy YouTube link. Crystal Pallas Pomeroy is one of three daughters of expert astrologer, author, and lecturer Maya Del Mar ~~ one of Astrology's past lights still shining ~~ and writes a regular column Crystal's Moon Meditations for our growth and renewal.
Thanks, Crystal!
(As you see, the HAARP video is published here in English since I don't speak Spanish. Wish I did. YouTube has it how you want to hear it though. jc)
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Crystal Pomeroy,
environmental damage,
Maya del Mar,
mundane astrology
Mar 15, 2011
Japan's Ripped Apart Water Molecules, Mysterious Bird Deaths, & Neptune to Pisces
A Nuclear Proposal and a Water Molecule Explodes in Japan
by Jude Cowell
Seems to me that nuclear radiation leaks in the global nuclear arsenal and aging power plant systems could have been leaking long 'ere this and could be part of the poisoning of wildlife in various regions: mysteriously dead birds falling from the sky en masse; fish kills washing up on global shores. Reactors are now 40 - 50 years old with what is now known as sub-standard containment provisions.
What say you to this idea, Anonymous commenter?
As you know, the world is in meltdown: the Japan Meltdown is ongoing with leaked radiation now wafting across the Pacific Ocean toward the West Coast of the US. Astrologically, transiting Neptune (planet of poisons, gases, oils, water, oceans, the masses, media, propaganda, lies, fraud, deception, disillusion, illusion, entertainment, art-music-acting, disappointment, and loss - let's see...does that uncover most everything about Neptunian veils and masks except the positive side: spirituality and The Divine Source?)
Cuing Mr. Hades, god of the Underworld and Primal Power
Pluto's plutonium is one of the distressing factors in the deteriorating situation; the 60 people left behind are sacrificing their lives in order to fight the meltdowns at at least three power plants where there is nuclear waste on top of the reactors, says *Thom Hartmann. I can hardly type of it anymore right now (feeling a little ill here at the thought of Science's hubris - they can meddle with natural laws but they can't equally repair what they irreparably ruin.
In this case, General Electric designed the plants with the nuclear waste just sitting on top in pools. If the refuse burns (and it has; there's no remedy for nuclear waste disposal given its long 'shelf life' and anyone who says they want more of it brought into the world is a psychopathic control freak to the nth dimension. They mean no good toward society, may be practicing massive population control, and should be deterred on behalf of the world's common good.)
Another sad factor here is highly combustible uranium, namesake of planet Uranus (Ouronos.) And as astrologers understand the myth, Ouronos the Sky God, represents creative genius and in the realm of nuclear and atomic energy, it's genius gone wild.
With our Frankensteinian, Uranian 'mad scientists' at work for decades (which implicates energies of the zodiacal sign Aquarius where Neptune now lingers at AQ's last degree, the crisis-critical degree of 29AQ), we see dire effects manifested of a Neptune gone wild and wafting its harmful way across the sea, aided by lab tech Uranus.
If nuclear meltdown and radiation poisoning, results of ripping water molecules apart, are the key event/s of the long-dreaded year 2011 (leading into the even more dreaded-for-mysterious-occurrences-2012), it's a hard lesson which the Mutual Reception between Uranus and Neptune has been teaching. My prayers go out for all mankind as we reap what the nuclear industry has sown (with our willing compliance through diversionary tactics), and it seems in Japan to point - for much if not all of the catastrophe's culpability - directly toward General Electric (along with Japan's national power company) in whichever of the corporation's guises apply. For like the Atomic Split which also broke a natural law, there's a no-turning-back-now tone to the whole sorry affair.
Then, with Weather as Weapon issues of 'natural' disaster proportions lurking around the edges of a concerned public consciousness (awareness = our "Great Awakening"?), we must respond kindly to the dire needs of the Japanese people who seem to be unfortunately ensnared within Science's seemingly limitless nuclear laboratory. (Please see sidebar, right, for a How to Help Japan link. And yes, I've seen TV ads for a new film, Limitless, a Pluto-inspired movie on all levels.)
For good info on the disturbing topic of weather manipulation and more, a must-see is the writing of independent scientist working on radiation issues, Leuren Moret who connects the dots across the globe in a scientific yet humane manner. The people of the world have a need to know so please pass along any Leuren Moren links you have without delay.
So is there perhaps a good reason why radiation carnage is happening once again in Japan where the doom-filled first atomic bombs were unleashed upon an innocent Japanese population by US President Harry Truman? It wasn't simply a way to 'end' WWII, as touted, oh no. It was a declaration of the over-arching power of America over the entire globe, even then. Imperial America has only grown in stature through the decades since, yet now the nation's mojo has been hijacked by global usurpers of the crime syndicate strain of lowlife amoeba, (aka, financial usury-rate-gougers/plutocrats. Yes, Pluto expressing himself through Saturnian Capricorn has become excessively busy, has he not? And now Mr. Hades lurks so near a ruthless Fixed Star, Facies @ 8Cap18, a star connected with earthquakes, as is cave-tunneling Pluto.)
Well, on March 11, 2011, a Fist of God planetary pattern formed between the Moon - adrift among the raging energies of nasty Fixed Stars Capulus and Algol - @ 28Tau43 (noon JST 3.11.11) - square crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ12; the Moon/Neptune SQ points toward manager-scientist-governmental-official Saturn 15Lib39 Rx, which implicates American involvement (General Electric? It's surely a multi-national corporation by now but one supposes it considers itself American still. In the normal scheme of things, corporations are meant to have built-in expiry dates - society needs to re-establish that helpful rule.)
A midpoint picture is formed by the Fist of God trio as well:
Moon/Neptune = Saturn: caution about neglecting important societal concerns (nuclear waste, an aging collection of reactors ill-designed and maintained); being strongly influenced by the prevailing yet temporary circumstances (temporary? hurrah! if only); a sense of suffering under the yoke; pessimism or despair; feeling frustrated or paralyzed; the suffering of the soul; hard work to restructure ambition. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)
(It's safe to say we may all feel the horror which takes 'the starch' out of anyone yet the good people of Japan feel it most keenly and are most directly in harm's way. My intuition, such as it is, says that these conditions may culminate around May 20, 2012 with the arrival of a Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about. More eclipse stuff later...)
Plus, resonating with tr Saturn, apex planet of the Moon/Neptune square, is the ongoing three-fer process of another US Saturn Return (@ 14Lib48, and a 28-year-cycle) which in 2011 adds to our governmental, legal, and commercial culpability for the nuclear events at hand. (The helm of America was coup'd decades ago by world class meddlers.)
And Saturn's current and apt Sabian Symbol? '16Lib' = "A Boat Landing Washed Away."
Feelin' d'Guinea Pig Blues Deep Down, Y'all
There's a Fixed Star in the belly of constellation Cetus, The Whale (Menkar, victim of the Unconscious) which echoes the story of Jonah who was swallowed by a great Whale (aka, the Great Collective Unconscious of Humanity, or Humanity's Ark; Leviathan) for three days until he got with God's common good program and warned the people as he was meant to do. And I can't seem to shake an impression that the recent conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by harsh Saturn) with tr North Node (NN, of the Moon) timed a 'mass destiny of a large number of people' vibe of shared fate which we now experience through the channel of the horrid Japan Meltdown, a catastrophe affecting the entire planet and our global environment. Pluto/NN also describes, powerful connections or encounters.
In response to all these plutonian considerations, here's a Wiki on the Anti-Nuclear cause if you wish to investigate alternate actions to sitting like a lump typing at a pc keyboard - oh, wait! That's me.
Remember Chernobyl 1986 for its fallout still haunts us and adversely affects the DNA of each individual and the very matrix, the mitochondrial DNA, of Mother Earth herself.
Image: Celestial Path and Beyond, imported from Secret Moon Art.
Recommended: Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron and its chapter on Chiron and the Bomb. If this research, pioneered by Bruce Cathe, is correct, there is a specific reason Why Japan Again? in 2011 and it concerns the fact that, to quote,
"--atomic war is a virtual impossibility on this planet because of the unbreakable laws of mathematics and geometry."
Now specifically that's bomb talk and in Japan now it's a slightly different tale of unfortunate disruption yet the catalytic actions are similar in their super-nature as natural laws go unheeded for the alleged sake of progress and new technologies. Besides, knowledge is power. And power is Pluto.
Check out the potential parameters of nuclear reactions occurring 'successfully', if you have the book (yes, there's a Kindle version for $9.99) which may indicate that Japan in March 2011 remains one of the particular spots on Earth where nuclear reaction can indeed take place. This need for timing in a precise location may show that human - shall we call it - "agency" - is more consciously at fault in Japan's catastrophe (earthquake at nuclear plants' locations causing tsunami conditions and death) than is clearly being seen with invisible Pluto, planet of fear and coping, pulling his usual strings of manipulation and control and sending ruinous particulates into our global atmosphere and water for soil, fowl, and fish to snarf up and pass on to us.
*Click the Thom Hartmann Show's link (aired March 15, 2011, above) to read or view his report on the Bush-appointed John Roberts Court and its increase of SCOTUS decisions which have sided with Big Corporations (asteroid Cupido in a mundane chart = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) against US citizens' best interests; the numbers are wa-a-y up since Roberts took over The Big Gavel.
Today Thom also plugged Senator Al Franklin's introduction of a bill for protecting Net Neutrality. We-the-people and the peoples of the world need this bill to pass, m'peops! Now I signed the petition. Will you?
In addition, my apology for not mentioning in this column Japan Meltdown's effect on global financial markets which was not my focus today even though world markets are currently wobbling or plummeting over such 'fears'. Supply-Demand routes will be interrupted as well yet we may assume from experience that wealthy Pluto will find himself in the best win-win situation from it all than any of the rest of us pawns and dupes.
And on another topic (or is it?), a re-airing of the excellent Orwell Rolls in His Grave will be shown on LINK TV beginning March 24, 2011, just so ya know. If the page still says there are 'no air dates' scheduled, ignore. Because they announced March 24 a little while ago. jc
by Jude Cowell
Seems to me that nuclear radiation leaks in the global nuclear arsenal and aging power plant systems could have been leaking long 'ere this and could be part of the poisoning of wildlife in various regions: mysteriously dead birds falling from the sky en masse; fish kills washing up on global shores. Reactors are now 40 - 50 years old with what is now known as sub-standard containment provisions.
What say you to this idea, Anonymous commenter?
As you know, the world is in meltdown: the Japan Meltdown is ongoing with leaked radiation now wafting across the Pacific Ocean toward the West Coast of the US. Astrologically, transiting Neptune (planet of poisons, gases, oils, water, oceans, the masses, media, propaganda, lies, fraud, deception, disillusion, illusion, entertainment, art-music-acting, disappointment, and loss - let's see...does that uncover most everything about Neptunian veils and masks except the positive side: spirituality and The Divine Source?)
Cuing Mr. Hades, god of the Underworld and Primal Power
Pluto's plutonium is one of the distressing factors in the deteriorating situation; the 60 people left behind are sacrificing their lives in order to fight the meltdowns at at least three power plants where there is nuclear waste on top of the reactors, says *Thom Hartmann. I can hardly type of it anymore right now (feeling a little ill here at the thought of Science's hubris - they can meddle with natural laws but they can't equally repair what they irreparably ruin.
In this case, General Electric designed the plants with the nuclear waste just sitting on top in pools. If the refuse burns (and it has; there's no remedy for nuclear waste disposal given its long 'shelf life' and anyone who says they want more of it brought into the world is a psychopathic control freak to the nth dimension. They mean no good toward society, may be practicing massive population control, and should be deterred on behalf of the world's common good.)
Another sad factor here is highly combustible uranium, namesake of planet Uranus (Ouronos.) And as astrologers understand the myth, Ouronos the Sky God, represents creative genius and in the realm of nuclear and atomic energy, it's genius gone wild.
With our Frankensteinian, Uranian 'mad scientists' at work for decades (which implicates energies of the zodiacal sign Aquarius where Neptune now lingers at AQ's last degree, the crisis-critical degree of 29AQ), we see dire effects manifested of a Neptune gone wild and wafting its harmful way across the sea, aided by lab tech Uranus.
If nuclear meltdown and radiation poisoning, results of ripping water molecules apart, are the key event/s of the long-dreaded year 2011 (leading into the even more dreaded-for-mysterious-occurrences-2012), it's a hard lesson which the Mutual Reception between Uranus and Neptune has been teaching. My prayers go out for all mankind as we reap what the nuclear industry has sown (with our willing compliance through diversionary tactics), and it seems in Japan to point - for much if not all of the catastrophe's culpability - directly toward General Electric (along with Japan's national power company) in whichever of the corporation's guises apply. For like the Atomic Split which also broke a natural law, there's a no-turning-back-now tone to the whole sorry affair.
Then, with Weather as Weapon issues of 'natural' disaster proportions lurking around the edges of a concerned public consciousness (awareness = our "Great Awakening"?), we must respond kindly to the dire needs of the Japanese people who seem to be unfortunately ensnared within Science's seemingly limitless nuclear laboratory. (Please see sidebar, right, for a How to Help Japan link. And yes, I've seen TV ads for a new film, Limitless, a Pluto-inspired movie on all levels.)
For good info on the disturbing topic of weather manipulation and more, a must-see is the writing of independent scientist working on radiation issues, Leuren Moret who connects the dots across the globe in a scientific yet humane manner. The people of the world have a need to know so please pass along any Leuren Moren links you have without delay.
So is there perhaps a good reason why radiation carnage is happening once again in Japan where the doom-filled first atomic bombs were unleashed upon an innocent Japanese population by US President Harry Truman? It wasn't simply a way to 'end' WWII, as touted, oh no. It was a declaration of the over-arching power of America over the entire globe, even then. Imperial America has only grown in stature through the decades since, yet now the nation's mojo has been hijacked by global usurpers of the crime syndicate strain of lowlife amoeba, (aka, financial usury-rate-gougers/plutocrats. Yes, Pluto expressing himself through Saturnian Capricorn has become excessively busy, has he not? And now Mr. Hades lurks so near a ruthless Fixed Star, Facies @ 8Cap18, a star connected with earthquakes, as is cave-tunneling Pluto.)
Well, on March 11, 2011, a Fist of God planetary pattern formed between the Moon - adrift among the raging energies of nasty Fixed Stars Capulus and Algol - @ 28Tau43 (noon JST 3.11.11) - square crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ12; the Moon/Neptune SQ points toward manager-scientist-governmental-official Saturn 15Lib39 Rx, which implicates American involvement (General Electric? It's surely a multi-national corporation by now but one supposes it considers itself American still. In the normal scheme of things, corporations are meant to have built-in expiry dates - society needs to re-establish that helpful rule.)
A midpoint picture is formed by the Fist of God trio as well:
Moon/Neptune = Saturn: caution about neglecting important societal concerns (nuclear waste, an aging collection of reactors ill-designed and maintained); being strongly influenced by the prevailing yet temporary circumstances (temporary? hurrah! if only); a sense of suffering under the yoke; pessimism or despair; feeling frustrated or paralyzed; the suffering of the soul; hard work to restructure ambition. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)
(It's safe to say we may all feel the horror which takes 'the starch' out of anyone yet the good people of Japan feel it most keenly and are most directly in harm's way. My intuition, such as it is, says that these conditions may culminate around May 20, 2012 with the arrival of a Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about. More eclipse stuff later...)
Plus, resonating with tr Saturn, apex planet of the Moon/Neptune square, is the ongoing three-fer process of another US Saturn Return (@ 14Lib48, and a 28-year-cycle) which in 2011 adds to our governmental, legal, and commercial culpability for the nuclear events at hand. (The helm of America was coup'd decades ago by world class meddlers.)
And Saturn's current and apt Sabian Symbol? '16Lib' = "A Boat Landing Washed Away."
Feelin' d'Guinea Pig Blues Deep Down, Y'all
There's a Fixed Star in the belly of constellation Cetus, The Whale (Menkar, victim of the Unconscious) which echoes the story of Jonah who was swallowed by a great Whale (aka, the Great Collective Unconscious of Humanity, or Humanity's Ark; Leviathan) for three days until he got with God's common good program and warned the people as he was meant to do. And I can't seem to shake an impression that the recent conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by harsh Saturn) with tr North Node (NN, of the Moon) timed a 'mass destiny of a large number of people' vibe of shared fate which we now experience through the channel of the horrid Japan Meltdown, a catastrophe affecting the entire planet and our global environment. Pluto/NN also describes, powerful connections or encounters.
In response to all these plutonian considerations, here's a Wiki on the Anti-Nuclear cause if you wish to investigate alternate actions to sitting like a lump typing at a pc keyboard - oh, wait! That's me.
Remember Chernobyl 1986 for its fallout still haunts us and adversely affects the DNA of each individual and the very matrix, the mitochondrial DNA, of Mother Earth herself.
Image: Celestial Path and Beyond, imported from Secret Moon Art.
Recommended: Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron and its chapter on Chiron and the Bomb. If this research, pioneered by Bruce Cathe, is correct, there is a specific reason Why Japan Again? in 2011 and it concerns the fact that, to quote,
"--atomic war is a virtual impossibility on this planet because of the unbreakable laws of mathematics and geometry."
Now specifically that's bomb talk and in Japan now it's a slightly different tale of unfortunate disruption yet the catalytic actions are similar in their super-nature as natural laws go unheeded for the alleged sake of progress and new technologies. Besides, knowledge is power. And power is Pluto.
Check out the potential parameters of nuclear reactions occurring 'successfully', if you have the book (yes, there's a Kindle version for $9.99) which may indicate that Japan in March 2011 remains one of the particular spots on Earth where nuclear reaction can indeed take place. This need for timing in a precise location may show that human - shall we call it - "agency" - is more consciously at fault in Japan's catastrophe (earthquake at nuclear plants' locations causing tsunami conditions and death) than is clearly being seen with invisible Pluto, planet of fear and coping, pulling his usual strings of manipulation and control and sending ruinous particulates into our global atmosphere and water for soil, fowl, and fish to snarf up and pass on to us.
*Click the Thom Hartmann Show's link (aired March 15, 2011, above) to read or view his report on the Bush-appointed John Roberts Court and its increase of SCOTUS decisions which have sided with Big Corporations (asteroid Cupido in a mundane chart = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) against US citizens' best interests; the numbers are wa-a-y up since Roberts took over The Big Gavel.
Today Thom also plugged Senator Al Franklin's introduction of a bill for protecting Net Neutrality. We-the-people and the peoples of the world need this bill to pass, m'peops! Now I signed the petition. Will you?
In addition, my apology for not mentioning in this column Japan Meltdown's effect on global financial markets which was not my focus today even though world markets are currently wobbling or plummeting over such 'fears'. Supply-Demand routes will be interrupted as well yet we may assume from experience that wealthy Pluto will find himself in the best win-win situation from it all than any of the rest of us pawns and dupes.
And on another topic (or is it?), a re-airing of the excellent Orwell Rolls in His Grave will be shown on LINK TV beginning March 24, 2011, just so ya know. If the page still says there are 'no air dates' scheduled, ignore. Because they announced March 24 a little while ago. jc
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Chiron in Pisces,
environmental damage,
mundane astrology,
nuclear fallout still evident from Chernobyl,
Pluto in Capricorn,
political astrology,
Thom Hartmann
Jan 24, 2011
Chomsky: Peak Oil, Climate Change, Tea Partisans (video)
For rational, realistic perspectives on Global Warming (aka, Climate Change) and Peak Oil, try this 20 minute 4 second video first broadcast on January 3, 2011 by The Nation magazine. For me, it's a birthday present I'm just now receiving! A Solar Eclipse for a birthday gift was nice, too. So far.
Anyway, Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, and others offer reasoned views on the important matters at hand - which are closer than they appear in the rear view mirror. You know - the problems the public sector continually diverts the private public's attention from and toward a brighter if frothy spotlight. Closer investigation can mean accountability for perpetrators being levied and of course they do not want that.
When slick legal eagles inserted into settlements the paying out while "not admitting guilt" clause into our legal process of crime and punishment, they let the crooks off the hooks while a big, fat, PR campaign was mounted and designed to ensure that criminals survive to make money another day. Racketeering. Gangsterism...nothing is too low to go if it nets fortunes.
Real World Busy Around My Mars Return (now)
Yet obviously, my traditional rule must still apply: wherever Washington politicians say to, Look! always look in an opposite direction to see what they're really concentrating their devious energies upon. And reveal it if you know it.
Free Bradley Manning
Astrology describes, "The desire to harm or damage others without their being aware of it" which is a base instinct running rampant across the globe, expressing loudly in all populations. It's a spirit, the devouring spirit, like a wolf lying in wait for the unwary. And the wolf's allegiance is his own. No compassion for humankind there...
Blogging transmission nearing end...if you haven't, please watch the video presentation above. When Saturn conjoined US natal Neptune recently, it gave we-the-people the authority to ask those in control the proper, to-the-point questions, and not just the diverting ones meant to lead public opinion astray to tastier matters. In Business and Politics, question "reframing" is a biggie these days as they attempt to keep certain topics out of their public appearances and thus out of public consciousness - from photo op and presser to official interview.
Propaganda notwithstanding, it behooves us all to consider Peak Oil and Climate Change issues now for Gaia is fading fast. Gardens For Our Children? Protect Mode required to maintain civilization though some changes will be unavoidable. Adaptability is invaluable.
Here's the Raw Story from whence I originally found the above video though you may have seen it elsewhere.
Politics Ugly
Professor Chomsky mentions some interesting things about the Republican Party and the Tea Partisans who won Congress in Nov 2010, a maverick bunch of out-of-towners who'll find DC morphing them into hideous shapes well before institutionalized capitalism + statism = fascism is polished into our Founders' Ideal (Uranus in Gemini) by little erstwhile them.
Yes, Astrology and Alchemy work simultaneously in both directions but my money is on the heavy-as*ed party leadership in DC, that which bows to the global elite's over-arching agenda.
Those vipers we nurture too well.
Inspires me to take another look at America's Scorpio rising chart which is good for high finance concerns, spying agencies, other underworld considerations, and the handed-down-through-the-generations Scorpio the Eagle (Altair) visions enjoyed and acted upon by the high fliers of Washington DC. Quite the actor, President Barack Obama's natal Neptune 8Sco+ conjoins the US Scorpio Ascendant.
In spite of the universal karmic principle of reaping what was sown and all common sense, should America let the eagle and the drone soar some more?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
environmental damage,
global warming,
mundane astrology,
peak oil,
political astrology,
Republican Party,
Saturn to US natal Neptune,
Tea Party,
Jan 15, 2011
Did climate change help collapse the Roman Empire?
Having mixed feelings about the report that climate change may have had a part in the Fall of the Roman Empire, I'm posting this link to see if any of my astute readers have an opinion on the matter.
Given today's environmental concerns and debates, one must hold back from typing "history repeats"...oops! It broke through anyway.
And if like me you're interested in Science's cloning of a woolly mammoth project and its possible repercussions upon society, you may wish to check out my freshly updated Woolly Mammoth Chronicles of Science News, links, videos, and poems of frets and misgivings.
How amusing that the Ice Age may be returning bwo of Climate Change - just in time for a mammoth to stomp the Earth again, no?
Given today's environmental concerns and debates, one must hold back from typing "history repeats"...oops! It broke through anyway.
And if like me you're interested in Science's cloning of a woolly mammoth project and its possible repercussions upon society, you may wish to check out my freshly updated Woolly Mammoth Chronicles of Science News, links, videos, and poems of frets and misgivings.
How amusing that the Ice Age may be returning bwo of Climate Change - just in time for a mammoth to stomp the Earth again, no?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
American empire,
Climate Change,
environmental damage,
New Scientist,
Roman Empire,
Woolly Mammoth Chronicles
Sep 7, 2010
BP doesn't want you to view this video
Ignore BP's and the government's assurances about the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout's environmental impact and damage to our Gulf Coast region and its victimized people - watch the video anyway.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
BP-Gulf Oil fiasco,
environmental damage,
Gulf Coast
Aug 13, 2010
Obama on Climate Change (April 3, 2006)
"All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster."
- Barack Obama, speech, Apr 3, 2006
If only the Republican Party hadn't traded in its traditional conservationism for the goals of a neocon-Zionist permanent war economy and global cop status for the US to the point where US tax monies are not for the people's use but for extravagant spending on militaristic colonialism and conquest.
F'only now-President Obama knew now what he read from the script then.
- Barack Obama, speech, Apr 3, 2006
If only the Republican Party hadn't traded in its traditional conservationism for the goals of a neocon-Zionist permanent war economy and global cop status for the US to the point where US tax monies are not for the people's use but for extravagant spending on militaristic colonialism and conquest.
F'only now-President Obama knew now what he read from the script then.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Barack Obama,
Climate Change,
environmental damage,
Manmade Weather Disasters,
Republican Party
Jul 28, 2010
Kalamazoo Oil Spill vs Lake Michigan July 2010
Over 800,000 gallons of oil spilled into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River on Sunday and Monday, July 25 and 26. Eight million gallons of oil traverse the area every day en route from Indiana to the major refinery town of Sarnia, Ontario. A Canadian company, Enbridge Inc, owns the pipeline.
The Kalamazoo Oil Spill disaster is sending 800k gallons of oil toward Lake Michigan.
You can find more details on Susan Casey-Lefkowitz's Blog.
My thanks to Alex D'Atria for the news tip.
Plus, adding insult to injury, there's now another oil fiasco going on in another part of the Gulf of Mexico (photo included.)
The Kalamazoo Oil Spill disaster is sending 800k gallons of oil toward Lake Michigan.
You can find more details on Susan Casey-Lefkowitz's Blog.
My thanks to Alex D'Atria for the news tip.
Plus, adding insult to injury, there's now another oil fiasco going on in another part of the Gulf of Mexico (photo included.)
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Alex D'Atria,
environmental damage,
Kalamazoo Oil Spill July 2010,
Lake Michigan,
oil industry,
Susan Casey-Lefkowitz
Jul 3, 2010
Chemtrails Over Washington
In honor of America's Independence Day 2010, here's a sadly enlightening video report concerning geoengineering and barium-laced chemtrails over America with my post title suggesting that the blame falls over Washington where the pentagram-shaped Pentagon slithers (and the brass insists the blame isn't theirs.)
From blocked sunlight to raised blood pressures, immune system damage, and other distressing health problems, barium seems to be the primary ingredient in the soup creating fake clouds known as 'chemtrails' so check out the brief video above which I found within a wide-ranging article containing much more info on the clouds that scientists are finally admitting are being caused by chemtrails.
You've seen them in your area of the sky, haven't you? The article shows a photo of a sky full, if you need to positively ID them. Human culprits are harder to find.
Yeah. Well, Happy Fourth of July 2010 to us knowing that Washington continues experimenting with new and exciting ways to commit covert and overt population control, part of the New World Order agenda to garner all resources for the use of a select few of the power elite, a group I would today call (in my current state of grumpiness after reading the article) - psychopathic inbreds.
It's through that much-bally-hooed and over bred (though well-spread) Merovingian bloodline and even further back into the mists of Time from whence our modern-day troubles issue.
You may also be interested in visiting The Dark History of the Vatican while we're on the subject of criminal behavior and ritual murders (ex: Princess Diana was assassinated inside the Pont d'Alma tunnel - 'bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess' Diana - a goddess which satanists of the bloodline are said to worship even now. Diana echoes the Egyptian goddess Isis), and pedophilic obsessions and sacrifices of Catholic Church priests and bishops with its rumored Jesuit (Illuminati) connection. ('Mary' is an Isis stand-in for some people!)
One thing that interests me is all the famous leaders, emperors, pharaohs, princes, kings, and queens involved in the Merovingian bloodline (and before) with one notable queen whose natal chart I recently located: Cleopatra (Jan 13, 69 BC, 2:08 am LMT, Alexandria.) Follow the link to see Noel Tyl's rectified natal chart of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who dubbed herself "the new Isis."
Placing Cleopatra's chart in my Solar Fire program, I find that she was born with Isis 4Lib40 Rx conjoined with Osiris 4Lib09 Rx - the mythic significance of the two I will allow you to discover for yourself if you aren't familiar with them.
Plus, Isis and Osiris conjunct Cleopatra's Pre-Natal Eclipse 3Lib53 yet Solar Fire isn't showing this Solar Eclipse on its Series list so I can't match it up with its modern-day time link (it isn't listed in my older version of the program. And no, I don't want any more bells and whistles, thanks! 'Nuff to do as it is.)
Born during a Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto (in late Taurus), 'the new Isis' was certainly a fascinating personality, a force active in her environment so perhaps I shall get around to posting more fully on the natal chart and life of Queen Cleopatra whose genes are apparently affecting today's events...maybe through the descendants of the twins she bore Marc Antony (who had his own connections to the bloodline) with her natal Moon 28Can53 giving us a Babylonian symbol to consider from the Sabian Symbol for '29Can'...
"A Greek Muse Weighs in Golden Scales Just Born Twins."
And her Sun @ critical degree 20Cap18? Her Sun arose with Fixed Star, Schedar (Alpha Cassiopeia), keyphrase: female sovereignity which Brady's Fixed Stars says gives 'the archetypal concept of the queen' along with 'a natural ability to command respect, endowed with wisdom, embodying a leadership style based on the feminine model that incorporates intuition and mysticism.'
Ms. Brady also notes that Britain's Princess Diana was born with Schedar culminating at natal Mc while her royal Jupiter set which magnified the influence of the star.
For Schedar, Vivian Robson mentions 'sorrows in love' and 'demonic power' and we know that Princess Diana experienced the first, as did Cleopatra. We might say that for both love led to death if you agree that Diana's relationship with Dodi had something to do with their murders.
And one may assume (given the bloodline/satanic info given above for your consideration) that 'the new Isis', the Queen of the Nile, probably possessed the latter.
Update 10:19 pm: just found a fascinating post on Quantum Spirit published July 3 as well. It concerns the possibility that the death of Cleopatra may have been a result of lethal poison rather than snake bite.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Barium-laced Chemtrails Over Washington,
Cleopatra natal chart,
environmental damage,
Independence Day 2010,
mundane astrology,
NWO agenda,
population control,
the Pentagon,
The Vatican
Jun 16, 2010
BP Oil spill: is a huge Gas Bubble about to explode?
It's being reported that sources inside BP and the US government are aware of a huge Gas Bubble 15 - 20 miles across and over 10 feet high which is now expanding near the oil well head.
An 'apocalyptic' explosion with tsunami following could result within weeks or months which would force hazardous materials inland.
If the nightmarish Gas Bubble threat is real, it sounds to me like an evacuation order is on the agenda for our Gulf Coast population especially with the Summer Solstice 2010 Moon (the people) at a 29th degree of crisis in 4th house (Home; Domestic Scene; Security) in the Solstice chart set for DC (because DC reps for the entire nation.)
Here's a handy image of the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope with details and you can see a Grand Trine between the besieged Moon, Sun in 12th house (Sun = Obama, with Mercury conjunct US natal Mars, hence his recent feisty rhetoric about BP), and oily Neptune in 8th house of Transformations where the gaseous giant sporting his Trident still knocks hearts with wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces. Also, we-the-people's Moon inconjuncts the usually fortunate Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 9th house of Foreigners.
But for the residents of the region, evacuation won't be easy for multiple reasons.
In the chart you'll also see the Cardinal Grand Cross which is the clincher in this difficult situation as stalemates abound, yet solutions must be found; involved are Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto...and Midheaven, where the drama is playing out for the all the world to see, appreciate, and for some, to gloat over.
Well, since the tragic blowout of April 20, 2010 occurred with its subsequent awfulness, I have a better idea what melancholy Orpheus conjunct Pluto in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope means as the season begins with its concurrent hurricane potential.
Time (and Astrology) do bring new perspectives, don't they?
An 'apocalyptic' explosion with tsunami following could result within weeks or months which would force hazardous materials inland.
If the nightmarish Gas Bubble threat is real, it sounds to me like an evacuation order is on the agenda for our Gulf Coast population especially with the Summer Solstice 2010 Moon (the people) at a 29th degree of crisis in 4th house (Home; Domestic Scene; Security) in the Solstice chart set for DC (because DC reps for the entire nation.)
Here's a handy image of the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope with details and you can see a Grand Trine between the besieged Moon, Sun in 12th house (Sun = Obama, with Mercury conjunct US natal Mars, hence his recent feisty rhetoric about BP), and oily Neptune in 8th house of Transformations where the gaseous giant sporting his Trident still knocks hearts with wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces. Also, we-the-people's Moon inconjuncts the usually fortunate Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 9th house of Foreigners.
But for the residents of the region, evacuation won't be easy for multiple reasons.
In the chart you'll also see the Cardinal Grand Cross which is the clincher in this difficult situation as stalemates abound, yet solutions must be found; involved are Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto...and Midheaven, where the drama is playing out for the all the world to see, appreciate, and for some, to gloat over.
Well, since the tragic blowout of April 20, 2010 occurred with its subsequent awfulness, I have a better idea what melancholy Orpheus conjunct Pluto in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope means as the season begins with its concurrent hurricane potential.
Time (and Astrology) do bring new perspectives, don't they?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
BP-Gulf Oil fiasco,
BP-Gulf Oil Gas Bubble,
Chart of Summer Solstice 2010,
environmental damage,
Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010,
mundane astrology,
political astrology
Jun 14, 2010
Obama to speak as Disturbed Pelicans rise 6.15.10
Perhaps you may want to read a brief article before you hear President Obama speak tomorrow night on TV (6.15.10 8 pm edt) concerning the BP-Gulf Oil Disaster of April 20 because it's worse than you think - now BP admits there's damage below the ocean floor.
Neptune/Chiron, you outdo yourselves with your 'wounded ocean' archetype - enough is too much already!
On the evening of June 15, 2010, @ 8:00 pm edt at the White House, 18Sag12 rises on the WHAT? Point of the chart, a degree with an interesting Sabian Symbol given the topic of the President's address...
'19Sag' = "Pelicans, Disturbed by People, Move Their Habitats"...how's that for a sad synchronicity?
Dane Rudhyar expands a little on this symbol's word picture:
"Pelicans Menaced by the Behavior and Refuse of Men Seek Safer Areas for Bringing Up Their Young"...'keynote: The need for people concerned with the future to discover a new way of living and more wholesome surroundings...SURVIVAL has become a matter of extreme importance. Whole animal species may be destroyed by our civilization, mankind itself is in danger. Going to distant planets is hardly the answer. A generation may have to sacrifice itself for the sake of its descendants.'
(An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)
Chart-ruler Jupiter 1Ari13, still engaged in his happy tango at World Point 00Ari00 with Uranus 00:26, makes applying squares:
1. Jupiter SQ Pluto (3A09; Pluto is also a ruler of oil, pipes, and tunnels in dark recesses; Neptune rules oil, gas, and water, and the Great Conjunction of the two marks the symbolic natal chart of the Generation of Materialism from the 1890s - the Robber Barons of resource-plundering fame whose progeny (biological or ideological) now drill our ocean floors in search of huge profits with little or no concern for pelicans or their spoiled feathers.)
2. Sun SQ Jupiter (6A26), an 'over-promising' aspect indicating manipulation; Sun 24Gem46 is in 7th house of Partnerships and Public Enemies (see the next paragraph.) Is the President being manipulated by over-promises of money from BP? And/or is Mr. Obama manipulating the public with his 'escrow account' idea?
So Jupiter and Uranus are apex planets in a double T-Square involving coping Pluto (in 1st house of the speech chart) and the Sun (the leader - here in 7th house which may indicate Mr. Obama's subordinating himself to others - Gemini is associated with London, Versailles, Belgium, and Egypt, among others; any or all of these places may apply considering US corporate governance.)
The T-SQ will be exact in about one week once the Sun gets to early degrees of Cancer. (Speaking of Sun to 00Can00, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010 with starry Gemini Twins Castor and Pollux, and the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, rising.)
Here are the pictures involving Jupiter and Uranus...
Sun/Pluto = Jupiter: successful striving for power; expansion of power base; international opportunities; urge to expand and acquire wealth.
Sun/Pluto = Uranus: sudden obsession to acquire more power and control; use of scientific methods to achieve progress or gain power; a surprising suspicion of basic power; new individual perspectives; rebellion; reform; sudden changes; carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; a need for better morals and ethics; sudden adjustments to new circumstances (arrest); laughter lightens perspectives.
The Jupiter/Uranus conj is ruled by Mars which is here posited in 9th house @ 4Vir38; Mars is focal planet in a repressive midpoint picture...
Moon/Saturn - Mars: having a sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground (or sea bed) except by careful, strategically planned exertion of energy; soul conflicts; the desire to overcome difficulties; illness of or separation from women.
So we have 'depressed people (Moon/Saturn) performing (Mars) dedicated work (Virgo)' in very frustrating, inhibiting circumstances.
Mercury 10Gem24, planet of speeches, announcements, negotiations, plans, trade, and commerce, is in Cadent 6th house of service (such as police, military, and the National Guard) - the only applying aspect Mercury makes here is an inconjunct (150 degr) with the North Node so Mr. Obama's speech may not succeed very well with most of the public (NN), or at the least, there will be adjustments to be made with this aspect appearing in the President's 'speech chart'.
But then Mercury also relates to reporters, journalists, and bloggers, so the input by some of them may not please the public concerning the issues the President mentions and the ongoing crisis being dealt with on the Gulf Coast.
And yes, the chart shows the Jupiter/Uranus/AP conj loosely opposed by Saturn with the old man still tarrying in Mutable Virgo, and obstacle-placing T-Squares are on display with the BP Oil situation, and with other difficulties affecting the collective (not just here in the US, of course, but my primary focus on this blog must usually be America, my favorite 'nag in the race'.)
Since Saturn is exalted in Libra and will soon reconnect with US natal MC 00Lib53; plus, Saturnian accountability is on the way with a US Saturn Return on our astro-menu) so perhaps the Cardinal quality of the transiting T-Squares will give impetus for finding successful solutions in the next few weeks when Saturn enters, and stays in, the Cardinal sign of Libra.
As you know, square configurations (90 degr) contain tremendous dynamic energies which can be well-employed, if one knows how.
For after all, you remember that the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ '19Can' (12 South Series which is America's PE from 1776) is soon upon us with its 'things at first seem worse, then improve with good outcomes' vibe.
Plus, the Sun/Moon midpoint of Mr. Obama's speech Tuesday night is 18Can27, Moon 12Leo08 conjoins the President's natal Sun, Venus conjoins his natal Mercury, and BP may just come up with new ideas or discover (Jupiter conj Uranus - discovery of new technology and exploring new realms of opportunity!) to figure out a workable, efficient solution to this harrowing puzzle of an environmental disaster.
If I had to guess from this chart whether BP will do what the Democrats say concerning the setting up of an escrow fund of $20 billion, I'd say that it's more probable than not with both Venus 1Leo54 and Moon in Leo in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Money, and Corporations. (As long as the escrow amount is not a long-range cap on damage payments!)
Yet a caveat must be added that may turn out to be a mere trifle yet it's angular and a mixed bag, so see what you think....
Neptune/Mc = ASC (8:00 pm edt): acting and pretending; pursuit of the wrong objectives; uncertainty; living in a world of illusion; a foggy realm; defenses against insecurity.
The *Neptune/Mc midpoint indicates a potential for 'scandals of a very large scope' so I hope America's tendency to settle for scandals rather than actual improvements won't interfere with finding solutions to the Gulf Coast fiasco. At this juncture, muddying political waters must be considered a self-serving, cynical blow against the pelicans and other species which are in danger of completely wiped out along with the livelihoods of their stewards, the good people of the Gulf Coast, who are doing such a great job cleaning oil off pelican feathers.
For America's sake, the political hackery and histrionics of the "anything to make Obama fail" campaign of top GOPers like Rush Limbaugh is precisely what our nation needs most to fail.
Timeline of Deepwater Horizon oil 'spill' @ Wiki.
*Neptune/Mc details: Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets; all midpoint pictures from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, and as always, 'any, all, or none' may apply.
Neptune/Chiron, you outdo yourselves with your 'wounded ocean' archetype - enough is too much already!
On the evening of June 15, 2010, @ 8:00 pm edt at the White House, 18Sag12 rises on the WHAT? Point of the chart, a degree with an interesting Sabian Symbol given the topic of the President's address...
'19Sag' = "Pelicans, Disturbed by People, Move Their Habitats"...how's that for a sad synchronicity?
Dane Rudhyar expands a little on this symbol's word picture:
"Pelicans Menaced by the Behavior and Refuse of Men Seek Safer Areas for Bringing Up Their Young"...'keynote: The need for people concerned with the future to discover a new way of living and more wholesome surroundings...SURVIVAL has become a matter of extreme importance. Whole animal species may be destroyed by our civilization, mankind itself is in danger. Going to distant planets is hardly the answer. A generation may have to sacrifice itself for the sake of its descendants.'
(An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)
Chart-ruler Jupiter 1Ari13, still engaged in his happy tango at World Point 00Ari00 with Uranus 00:26, makes applying squares:
1. Jupiter SQ Pluto (3A09; Pluto is also a ruler of oil, pipes, and tunnels in dark recesses; Neptune rules oil, gas, and water, and the Great Conjunction of the two marks the symbolic natal chart of the Generation of Materialism from the 1890s - the Robber Barons of resource-plundering fame whose progeny (biological or ideological) now drill our ocean floors in search of huge profits with little or no concern for pelicans or their spoiled feathers.)
2. Sun SQ Jupiter (6A26), an 'over-promising' aspect indicating manipulation; Sun 24Gem46 is in 7th house of Partnerships and Public Enemies (see the next paragraph.) Is the President being manipulated by over-promises of money from BP? And/or is Mr. Obama manipulating the public with his 'escrow account' idea?
So Jupiter and Uranus are apex planets in a double T-Square involving coping Pluto (in 1st house of the speech chart) and the Sun (the leader - here in 7th house which may indicate Mr. Obama's subordinating himself to others - Gemini is associated with London, Versailles, Belgium, and Egypt, among others; any or all of these places may apply considering US corporate governance.)
The T-SQ will be exact in about one week once the Sun gets to early degrees of Cancer. (Speaking of Sun to 00Can00, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010 with starry Gemini Twins Castor and Pollux, and the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, rising.)
Here are the pictures involving Jupiter and Uranus...
Sun/Pluto = Jupiter: successful striving for power; expansion of power base; international opportunities; urge to expand and acquire wealth.
Sun/Pluto = Uranus: sudden obsession to acquire more power and control; use of scientific methods to achieve progress or gain power; a surprising suspicion of basic power; new individual perspectives; rebellion; reform; sudden changes; carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; a need for better morals and ethics; sudden adjustments to new circumstances (arrest); laughter lightens perspectives.
The Jupiter/Uranus conj is ruled by Mars which is here posited in 9th house @ 4Vir38; Mars is focal planet in a repressive midpoint picture...
Moon/Saturn - Mars: having a sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground (or sea bed) except by careful, strategically planned exertion of energy; soul conflicts; the desire to overcome difficulties; illness of or separation from women.
So we have 'depressed people (Moon/Saturn) performing (Mars) dedicated work (Virgo)' in very frustrating, inhibiting circumstances.
Mercury 10Gem24, planet of speeches, announcements, negotiations, plans, trade, and commerce, is in Cadent 6th house of service (such as police, military, and the National Guard) - the only applying aspect Mercury makes here is an inconjunct (150 degr) with the North Node so Mr. Obama's speech may not succeed very well with most of the public (NN), or at the least, there will be adjustments to be made with this aspect appearing in the President's 'speech chart'.
But then Mercury also relates to reporters, journalists, and bloggers, so the input by some of them may not please the public concerning the issues the President mentions and the ongoing crisis being dealt with on the Gulf Coast.
And yes, the chart shows the Jupiter/Uranus/AP conj loosely opposed by Saturn with the old man still tarrying in Mutable Virgo, and obstacle-placing T-Squares are on display with the BP Oil situation, and with other difficulties affecting the collective (not just here in the US, of course, but my primary focus on this blog must usually be America, my favorite 'nag in the race'.)
Since Saturn is exalted in Libra and will soon reconnect with US natal MC 00Lib53; plus, Saturnian accountability is on the way with a US Saturn Return on our astro-menu) so perhaps the Cardinal quality of the transiting T-Squares will give impetus for finding successful solutions in the next few weeks when Saturn enters, and stays in, the Cardinal sign of Libra.
As you know, square configurations (90 degr) contain tremendous dynamic energies which can be well-employed, if one knows how.
For after all, you remember that the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ '19Can' (12 South Series which is America's PE from 1776) is soon upon us with its 'things at first seem worse, then improve with good outcomes' vibe.
Plus, the Sun/Moon midpoint of Mr. Obama's speech Tuesday night is 18Can27, Moon 12Leo08 conjoins the President's natal Sun, Venus conjoins his natal Mercury, and BP may just come up with new ideas or discover (Jupiter conj Uranus - discovery of new technology and exploring new realms of opportunity!) to figure out a workable, efficient solution to this harrowing puzzle of an environmental disaster.
If I had to guess from this chart whether BP will do what the Democrats say concerning the setting up of an escrow fund of $20 billion, I'd say that it's more probable than not with both Venus 1Leo54 and Moon in Leo in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Money, and Corporations. (As long as the escrow amount is not a long-range cap on damage payments!)
Yet a caveat must be added that may turn out to be a mere trifle yet it's angular and a mixed bag, so see what you think....
Neptune/Mc = ASC (8:00 pm edt): acting and pretending; pursuit of the wrong objectives; uncertainty; living in a world of illusion; a foggy realm; defenses against insecurity.
The *Neptune/Mc midpoint indicates a potential for 'scandals of a very large scope' so I hope America's tendency to settle for scandals rather than actual improvements won't interfere with finding solutions to the Gulf Coast fiasco. At this juncture, muddying political waters must be considered a self-serving, cynical blow against the pelicans and other species which are in danger of completely wiped out along with the livelihoods of their stewards, the good people of the Gulf Coast, who are doing such a great job cleaning oil off pelican feathers.
For America's sake, the political hackery and histrionics of the "anything to make Obama fail" campaign of top GOPers like Rush Limbaugh is precisely what our nation needs most to fail.
Timeline of Deepwater Horizon oil 'spill' @ Wiki.
*Neptune/Mc details: Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets; all midpoint pictures from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, and as always, 'any, all, or none' may apply.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
BP-Gulf Oil fiasco,
Disturbed Pelicans Move Their Habitats,
environmental damage,
mundane astrology,
Obama to speak on BP Oil Spill,
political astrology,
Summer Solstice 2010,
Timeline of BP oil spill
May 28, 2010
US Taxpayers to Bailout BP? Sign the petition!
A chance to sign a petition directed to the US Senate has arrived in my Inbox this morning from Fire Dog Lake - to hold BP completely accountable for the damage done to the Gulf Coast.
Please sign the petition before Congress gets its chance to lay the financial burden for oil damages on the backs of over-strapped US taxpayers.
You know, it seems to me that Washington and its corporate bosses are having to work awfully hard to totally destroy this nation. Does it ever seem that way to you?
Please sign the petition before Congress gets its chance to lay the financial burden for oil damages on the backs of over-strapped US taxpayers.
You know, it seems to me that Washington and its corporate bosses are having to work awfully hard to totally destroy this nation. Does it ever seem that way to you?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Deepwater Horizon,
environmental damage,
Fire Dog Lake,
Gulf Coast,
robbing the US taxpayer,
US taxpayers to bailout BP - sign the petition May 29 2010
Mar 6, 2009
Pollution Photo Gallery: China
Here's a small collection of 8 photos showing pollution in China which pains me to see no matter where on the globe it's allowed to harm the populace while enriching the greedy and powerful.
Particulate matter from a belching smokestack eventually affects us all!
Particulate matter from a belching smokestack eventually affects us all!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Der Spiegel,
environmental damage,
photo gallery of China,
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